writteninmyshadows · 6 years
When I Was Young
When I was young
I never imagined I’d have to grow up constantly fighting for my life
I could never have imagined the amount of pain I would feel just by existing
And I especially never would have dreamed that I would be my own disease
That the sickness inside me would be that of my own soul
That my greatest enemy would be the depths of my own mind
I never would have imagined that when I grew up I would see death as a gift
A friend, a savior
Not a terrifying and inevitable end
When I was young, I didn’t know of the scars I would have to bear through my life
I didn’t know how excruciating and unbearable the act of living would be
I didn’t know of the unfathomable self-loathing my heart would one day possess
I didn’t know that I would live to be trapped within the confines of my own invisible illnesses
Nothing could have prepared me for the sorrow, for the loneliness, for the longing
No words of wisdom could have spared me this
No amount of prayer or good will
I was given this burden to bear- but why?
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writteninmyshadows · 7 years
Unholy Storm
There is a wind deep beneath my skin
Roaring against my bones,
Sweeping through my veins.
It beats fiercely at the walls of my rib cage,
Daring my lungs to void themselves of air
And demanding that my heart beat faster, faster, faster.
See, my body is a beautiful countryside, 
And my soul fills it with life and light.
But anxiety is the storm that ravages it.
My nerves are trees uprooted in the storm,
Blasted through my skin
Leaving me raw and vulnerable.
Blackberry vines thrash against my arms from within,
Tearing my flesh,
Shredding it to pieces until it is unrecognizable,
Drawing blood that is only visible to me,
Though in the right light, some may see my older scars.
Depression is the rain that beats down at the walls of the greenhouse I’ve built inside my head,
The place where I do my growing.
The place where my most intimate thoughts seek shelter,
like animals seeking warmth and comfort.
The rain floods, and spills over and out through my eyes.
The wind screams louder. 
It is angry. 
It is hungry. 
It is out for blood.
It shatters the ceiling of my greenhouse,
And glass cuts the walls of my mind,
Mutilating what was once sacred.
The animals living within seek new shelter in my chest, but once inside they see that there is wind hiding inside my lungs. 
Some try to flee, try to gnaw their way out. 
Some try to fight the storm. 
Both kinds are innocent. 
But both will die. 
Some are blown away, obliterated into nothingness by the wind, which is sharp like a blade. 
Some drown. 
All die.
Swallowed whole by my inner demons,
Because the storm, it feeds on them.
It’s all so much. It’s all so fast. I would do anything, anything to make it stop.
The storm goes on for ages, destroying everything in its path.
But, eventually, it has to stop.
What goes up must come down.
And once it finally does, I must face the devastation the storm has caused. 
I must rebuild, I must regrow.
I must mend my greenhouse,
Using stronger glass, harder to break through.
I must dig ditches, to help with future flooding.
I must nurture new thoughts, new animals to inhabit the land.
I must rest, and let the sun heal me and give life to new things.
But most importantly, 
I must burrow deep tunnels for the new animals to hide in,
Even when there is no storm,
Because you never know how fast the next one will come.
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writteninmyshadows · 7 years
I don’t know if I’m gunna make it
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writteninmyshadows · 7 years
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The Traveler
When I travel anywhere, it really hits me
Just how monotonous our lives can be
Driving through small, anonymous towns
Seeing all of the small, anonymous dwellers within
So wrapped up in their individual lives
So unaware of all that is beyond their little bubble
I drive past the small, run-down gas stations
The crappy fast-food chain stops
Trailer houses with dirty, chipping paint and rusted roofs
Empty streets, with wandering passerby who I hope don’t notice me
Peeking at them from the safe haven of my car, driving down the
Ill-attended roads worn down from the bad weather of the past
I wonder, how could these people be happy?
How does one find joy in this dull, isolated place?
I know they say humans are creatures of habit
We don’t know what we don't know-
That is, we don’t know what we’re missing
We lie to ourselves and say we are happy where we’re at
Though our hearts scream at us otherwise
Only some of us truly understand the gravity of our dissatisfaction with life
Only some of us understand the plight of our imperfect human existence
We aren’t truly happy with this endless life of routine and stability
How could we be? We want so much more.
Why else would we daydream? Why else would we write stories, or make art?
We want to escape, and we all have varying levels of consciousness about it
We all have some amount of wanderlust- we all want to live, to truly live
To explore, to face challenges, to experience all the beauty that the world has to offer
Each of us, in our own way, feel this pull
But here, as I pass through these sad, dull little towns 
I see no beauty
I see no happiness
Maybe I’m not looking hard enough
Maybe this is all just me
Maybe this is just the depression talking
But it’s how I feel, and it’s how I see things
So bleak and colorless
How do the people who live here keep going?
More importantly, how do I keep going?
It’s safe to say, I don’t like traveling very often.
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writteninmyshadows · 7 years
I want to die
I want to die. I don’t say that without understanding it’s gravity. I understand what it means, for me and for everyone around me. I want to die. I want to die more than I want to survive. The thought of death gives me hope more than the thought of life does.
I can’t even talk to my best friend about it, because right now he is really trying to survive with his own issues and I can’t bother him with my own. But what I do know is that if I kill myself that he has promised he will kill himself, and I just can’t live with that. Or, well, die with that. (Haha, morbid, horrible humor.)
My entire world has come crashing down around me, and I can finally say that I have no one. I am completely and utterly alone. My best and only friend is living hours away, and has his own life. My parents are trying to take care of me, but my mom won’t stop crying because she is so worried about me and that makes me feel even worse and more guilty for wasting their time trying to make me better.
I have tried over 20 medications. I have tried almost every therapeutic practice available that my parents could afford. I have tried diet and exercise changes, I’ve gone to therapy since I was 13. Nothing has helped. In fact, everything has gotten worse.
When I tried to kill myself when I was thirteen, it was the most peaceful thing I had ever done. I just remember this feeling of complete serenity washing over me, and I felt like I could finally just let go of the pain. And then my mom rescued me, and I went to the hospital and rehab and started this whole journey of medication and therapy, and I have never felt that serenity again. Nothing has even come close.
I want to cut. But I can’t. I want to drink. But I can’t. I want to leave. But I can’t. I am stuck. I am stuck in purgatory. I am stuck in the most unimaginable pain I have ever felt. There is no way out. I want to leave, but there is no way fucking out. I want to scream. I want to hurt everyone who ever hurt me. I want to scream at them that this is all their fault.
I don't know how much longer I can do this. I don’t know what to do. I want to leave. I want to fade away. The doctors don’t know anything, no one knows how to help me, and I certainly don’t know how to help myself. No amount of “self care” baths or teas can take away this incomprehensible pain inside me. 
I want to try and write. I want to try and write something good. Maybe a horror story? Maybe a book of poems... but I’m too afraid of sounding pretentious. I’m too exhausted to do any more photography. I’m stuck.
If you have somehow wandered upon this post, forgive me if I’ve made things worse for you. 
Suicide isn’t an option for me, but neither is anything else. I’m stuck. I’m lost. I’m so fucking tired of trying. I need help, but institutionalization won’t help me. Doctors aren’t helping me. Medications aren’t helping me. No one is fucking helping me. I don’t have the energy to continue, but I don’t have the option not to. 
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writteninmyshadows · 7 years
I don’t think of you anymore
I don’t think of you anymore
When I want to play a board game, but have too few friends
Or when I hear a funny joke, that makes everyone nearby laugh
The way you used to, because you could find humor in anything
I don’t think of you anymore
When I smell that certain smell
Of a campfire on a warm summer’s night
Or when I hear the creak of a hammock in the breeze
Or see a black lab running down the street
I don’t think of you anymore
When I pass that diner downtown
Or see a small red car parked outside a house
Or watch drunken friends play a lousy game of pool
I don’t think of you anymore
When I hear our favorite band play
That song that got me through my hardest times
Or when I watch kids playing frisbee in the park
Or swing on the swing set, so care-free
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see a group of friends walking down the street
Laughing so hard they can barely breathe
At a joke unknown to me, but I smile anyways
I don’t think of you anymore 
When I see that movie we used to watch
By that director you used to love
I always thought he was just okay
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see someone drinking iced coffee
Which was all you drank, hot coffee is inferior
A large iced coffee before school always kept you going
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see the golf team’s progress
We used to have so much fun
Though we were rotten players, we had a great time
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see the pictures of someone’s camping trip
Or when I see a Peter Pan tee shirt
That I just know you would love
I don’t feel the urge to buy it for you anymore
I don’t think of you anymore
When my heart aches so bad
That I just want it to stop beating
Or when my head feels like it’s going to explode
With all of my darkest thoughts swimming around
Looking for a warm, safe place to lay their eggs
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see someone alone, reading a book
The way you were when we first met
Though we didn’t really meet just then
We didn’t speak for a year, actually
I don’t think of you anymore 
When I hear a comedian tell jokes
Or try a new flavor of ice cream
Or see some guys eating cotton candy at the fair
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see a kid with an afro of dark curls
Or an old Bucky’s tee shirt
Or French fries that someone spilled on the ground
I don’t think of you anymore
When I see with a birthmark on someone’s arm
Or watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Or better yet, the Perks of Being A Wallflower
We used to say you were my Patrick, my Sam, my Mary Elizabeth
It turns out you were my Craig
You never cared that much after all
I don’t think of you anymore
When I go to Powell’s to find a new book
Or have a movie night, alone
Or eat Chipotle
Which you loved, but I think tastes like shit
Or when I drink a Burgerville milkshake
Or get a pedicure, now with my mom
Or eat lasagna, the normal kind
I don’t think of you anymore
When I want to hurt myself late at night
Because the loneliness just eats me up inside
And I can’t seem to stop it from eating me whole
I don’t think of you anymore
Instead, I think of the details
The small things I remember about you
Your faces are all blurry now, 
But I remember your hair
Sometimes your eyes
Maybe a hand, or lips, or the earrings you wore
I don’t think of you anymore
Because you aren’t you anymore
You are all stuck in time, in my mind, forever trapped in the past
Because you ruined our chance of a future
And you ruined my chance at feeling like a human being who is loved 
Who belongs
Who is happy
We are all different people now
The way I remember you, is no longer you, and I accept it
Which is why I don’t think of you anymore
I promise
I don’t think of you anymore.
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writteninmyshadows · 7 years
The earth is a sphere in which life once thrived
Until it was infected with the disease that is humanity
Likewise, my mind was once that of a dreamer
But now it’s infected with the sickness that is depression
And though I’m given many antidotes, my ailment never falters.
The earth could be saved, some say
By love, and peace, and kindness
That’s bullshit.
Because love can’t obliterate pollution, 
Peace can’t penetrate our inevitable corruption,
And kindness will never survive the hostility of war.
Similarly, these sentiments will not cure me.
Love cannot fix what’s left of me
My scars cannot be healed with sympathy and good intentions
I cannot be relieved of my pain, because I was bred to bear it.
And as the darkness closes in on us
And our breath is captured by death and despair
I will cease to exist never knowing what it’s like to be free.
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