wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
“I ...can’t. I don’t know...”
The place I work at has a rewards system that you can look up a customer's information by one of a few ways; the rewards account number itself, an e-mail address, a phone number, or the name and zip code.
Two days ago, a lady with four disobedient children came through my lane. I wasn't too happy with her by the time she got to the register as while she was second in line, allowed her oldest boy to hang on one of our side arms on the side of shelving, and he pulled the whole thing off the shelf; effectively dumping more than half of the hanging packages of cupcake icing onto the floor. She called the boy to her, but didn't apologize for the mess or tell him to pick it up.
When I asked for her rewards card, she said yes and I asked for her name and zip (that's generally the easiest way to look up a customer as the phone numbers are optional and most don't give it to us). She gave me her first name, then said the last name so quickly I couldn't even tell you what letter it started with! I asked her to spell the last name.
So she replies: "A... G.... ? I... I can't. I don't know ..." and starts laughing about it. Are you kidding me? You don't know how to spell your own last name? Lady, you're almost twice my age with four kids... and you can't spell your own last name?!
I ended up finding her via her phone number, but her last name didn't even start with an A or a G... or with any letters that even sounded like A or G.
Sometimes I wonder how people manage to survive life for so long.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
I Don’t Want Your Germs!
A couple weeks ago, a customer walked in. I greeted her with a smile as I do all the customers I see come in, and instead of looking at me or greeting me or even flat-out ignoring me, she kept looking right ahead and muttered;
"F*** you. I don't want your germs!"
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
How Rude!
One day, there was a lady walking toward the front door to leave as another was coming into the store. I greeted the one coming in, and the one leaving very rudely went “hi” in a high school snobby type voice and walked out. Dafuq, lady, I greeted you when you came in earlier, too, don’t be rude!
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
I often worry that with the amount that I call rude customers bitches, that I may think it too loudly and they’ll hear me.
Granted I’m only telling the truth, but still. I like my job, I’d rather not lose it over some dumbass who doesn’t know what a zip code is or some other BS.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
You dumb blonde.
A lady came through my lane and said she didn't want a new rewards card because she just made a new e-mail address and didn't know the password yet... YOU make the password when you create the address account... How the hell do you not know what you put in?!
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
There's a light on for a reason.
A man walked all the way around where the "open register" light was on, too walk up to me where I'm blocked of at doing Mark downs on baby food to ask what register is open. There's a light on for a reason, dumbass. Learn to pay attention. Sad thing is, five minutes later someone else did a similar thing, but it was an old couple... "How do we get to you?" (He said this over the food racks blocking customers from walking through the closed lanes) "Down on the end by the light." I replied. Then he couldn't hear like anything I was saying. Pay fucking attention, dipshit, I can see you have hearing aids in. Once the order was done, I handed him his receipt, and he picked up one of two bags, which he watched me put on the counter in front of him, and asked "is this everything?" So I had to hand him the second bag, which was closer to him than the one he picked up! I hate people somedays.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Read the sign.
Our clearance signs are red. If you look at them, they will read something like: "clearance 50% off our already low prices Priced as marked" Plus there's sometimes a specific selection labeled on it like "select stationary and art supplies" or "all holiday candles". It really annoys me that people don't read the sign. No, it is not an ADDITIONAL 50% off. It's 50% off the ORIGINAL price. That's why it says priced as marked, moron. Learn to read.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Chip reader not activated.
I cannot tell you HOW many people do not listen when I tell them that the chip reader in our card machines do not work. It is so annoying. Especially when they don't listen when I tell them "the chip reader is not working." They still leave their card in the slot, expecting it to work. You are holding up my line by being a dumbass, just slideshow damn card so we can get a move on. Even more annoying, though, is the ones who get mad at me because the chip reader doesn't work. Like it is solely my fault it was never installed. Lots of places don't have it activated or installed yet, so just chill out, man.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Back Off Already
I’m so sick of guys hitting on me. First, there was that creepy stalker that works at the fast food joint near where I work, who’s FINALLY backed off. Now I’ve got this regular customer who comes in nearly twice a day. He’s taken to calling me “sweetie” and “baby” and omfg I’m so sick of it. The other day, he blew me a kiss as he walked past the front windows of the store! Gross! There’s a HUGE difference between being polite to a worker you see on a regular basis and being a fucking creeper. Don’t cross that line! Ugh.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Bitch It's Already In Your Hand
Okayy so just the other day I was checking out the lady she bought maybe like four things, I felt like there was something weird about her just how she was acting. But I get to the end of checking her out and when I go to give her the receipt she takes it and I let go and I go to turn and she ask me "can you put it in the bag"...... Wtf are you kidding me it's already in your hand you can't do it your damn self or put it in your damn pocket.! She's so lucky I have to be nice to do what the customer ask or I would of went off her like really bitch goodbye.!
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Bitch be trippin'
So tonight, I can't even begin to explain this bull shit. I can't remember all the details because I had to block it out to get through the rest of my shift. A couple came in, ignoring my getting them. When they eventually came up to check out, the guy was giving me dirty looks. I asked if they found everything and they didn't answer. I asked for their rewards card and they didn't answer. He did eventually say something, which was to bitch about the dog raw hide touching his food, which he put on the counter, so I dunno what his malfunction was. My co-worker was there explaining something, but now I can't remember what, and so I let the guy know his total and he just stares at me. I looked at him and he says a name to me very slowly like I'm mentally challenged or something. It took me a moment to realize that he wanted me to look up his rewards card. Coulda said something when I asked earlier, buddy. Anyway, I put the info in while he rants on about not listening to him and how it's not like he's over here buying stuff. Tip for all the customers out there: speak the fuck up. We can't hear when you mumble, whisper, or turn away when talking to us! I switched on super nice mode knowing he'll walk out pissed regardless, so why not show him how much his attitude DOESN'T bother me? While he's sliding his card, he's going on mumbling something about gong outside to talk. I gave them a winning smile and wished them a WONDERFUL evening. --- I wish that were the end of it, but it's not. A short while later, the woman came back in though I didn't see her come in. She called to me from behind and I politely helped her. Too bad she wasn't polite. She wanted to know where the aspirin was. Now, our aisles are not numbered, and there are few "department" signs. In order to properly explain where they were to her, I'd be breaking three rules set by corporate. 1. Never point a customer to their destination. 2. Walk a customer to their destination. 3. If you're on register, call a co-worker to walk them to their destination. I explained that it is hard for me to explain but that I can have a co-worker show her right where they're at. I turn to page my co-worker up front. While I do, she walks away. So when my co-worker comes up, I have to explain that she walked away. In doing so, the lady emerges from the aisle shouting about how I shouldn't have called her and how it's stupid that I couldn't just tell her what aisle it was in. We both tried explaining that it's difficult to explain, and easier to just show, and she's going on about how I'm stupid because it was "so easy" and I should have just told her. However, it wasn't until I asked for her rewards card that I realized it was her. OMG, I'm so glad my co-worker was up there with me because I had begun shaking at this point. --- Thank God for my co-worker! I wouldn't have made it through that alone. Don't be mean to cashiers. We're usually doing our best. At least most of us.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
You Got a Little Something On Your Face...
Last week this middle-aged woman came through my lane, and she had a thick 5 o’clock shadow going on on the chin and upper lip. So gross.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
You Selfish Asshole
Our store recently started a foundation to help a Children’s hospital. So now at the register we have to ask the customer if they’d like to donate to the children’s hospital.
What pisses me off is the people who come in spending hundreds of dollars on themselves and say they “can’t afford” to donate one dollar to the children who need help to be treated. You selfish asshole. How about you give up one of those starbucks drinks you’re buying five of to help a child receive a life-saving treatment?
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Speaking of Domestic...
A pair of dudes (coworkers, I believe, not sure if brothers, father-son, or partners) came in the other day to get some stuff. Everything was fine until they got in line 2 people behind the person I was ringing up. Suddenly, the slightly older looking one very loudly says to the other one “You’re going to buy it for me and you’re going to fucking enjoy it. It’s $1.49. So go get it for me.” It wouldn’t have been a big deal, except the way he said it was VERY controlling and condescending. He kept ranting about it, and telling the other guy how he was going to buy whatever it was (turned out to be a Monster) The woman I was helping gave me a worried look and hurried out after I finished the transaction. The second guy walked off to get the drink while I started the next person’s transaction. I couldn’t call for back up as the only other people working at the time was the big boss who was out back loading furniture for someone, and the new guy who was on break. The other guy returns with the drink, and I didn’t even look up at them because I was already uneasy about mister-mouthy.
While doing the transaction before it was their turn, mister-mouthy starts up again. “I don’t even want it anymore. YOU buy it and YOU drink it now.” I’m thinking “who are you to tell him how to spend his money?” but I was mostly trying to just ignore the loud-mouthed asshole by this point. By the time I finished the transaction before him, he’d sent the other guy YET AGAIN off to look for something. The other guy took two steps, turned back, snatched up the Monster, and then walked off again. I didn’t make eye contact or even try to look at the guy’s face while I rung up his stuff. I am not comfortable around men in general, but even more so when they are violent or verbally abusive as this man was.
I swear, it was like fate was against me, because then the boss showed up with some kind of drink that I guess mister-mouthy was looking for and then mentioned some other kind that was in the back, and so the guy wanted one of those as well. So wouldn’t you know, I had to stand there all awkward like with mister-mouthy while we waited for the boss to return with the other drink. He could NOT return fast enough for my comfort.
After I was done with his transaction, he was STILL ranting and raving about “I bought you a $1.50...” ...whatever it was, I don’t even remember. But he was STILL raging about the stupid Monster drink. He didn’t even want it, but forced the guy to buy it still. I could not get the other guy rung up fast enough to get them the hell out of there.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Great. You're racist. That's lovely to know.
Negative, sweetheart. No idea what made you think that, but none of us on here are racist.
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
Common Decency
Also, to the complete IDIOTS who were smoking vapor cigarettes, kicking their feet up on the chair in front of them, and chatting throughout the entire movie. I'm so sorry that your parents failed to raise you to have common decency. My teeth are brighter than your future, and I hope to god you at least get my McDonald's orders right.
(not retail, but felt that my friend’s encounter belonged here)
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wtfretaillife-blog · 9 years
A couple middle-aged ladies yesterday got upset that it was only select back-to-school things on sale this week instead of everything. Hey, I told you it was select items before you walked back there. Not my fault if you have select hearing.
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