xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
If something works for you, don’t let anyone else try to make you change it.
I was studying words for an English test and I used highlighters to separate the word from the definition because, without the color, it’s just a lot of words with no separation.
My stepdad asked why I got them out, and told me that I “didn’t need the colors”. He said I just need to learn the words, I don’t need to highlight it and do all that extra stuff.
Your brain works differently than other peoples’. If someone tries to tell you that what you’re doing to help you learn or finish a task is unnecessary, tell them to go fuck themselves. It might not help them, but obviously it helps you.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
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Your existence is important 🌈
img source: x
Please support me on kofi if you like my blog <3 https://ko-fi.com/samhannes
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
I may play this
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Very Little Nightmares is a mobile puzzle adventure game where the user takes the control of The Girl in The Yellow Raincoat, Six, during her spiraling escape from an odd mansion known as The Nest
Be smart, resourceful and ready for anything while exploring every nook and cranny of the place, for even the smallest error can lead to a fatal misstep.
Are you ready for some very little nightmares?
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
This is accurate!
NCT 127 as Drag Queen Gifs.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Hate me all you fuckers want, No one hates me more than I hate myself so if you’re trying to impact me, step your fucking game up😂
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Thank god my parents didnt have it. I would have been screwed big time
Teens are filling Tiktok with memes deploring #Life360, a parenting app that tracks teens
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Life360 is an app that lets you track a mobile phone user in fine-grained, realtime detail, with options to set alert for things like “is this person exceeding the speed limit?” It’s widely used by parents to track their teens, and this seems to be the summer where it comes into its own, with millions of families around the world relying on it to act as a kind of remote leash for their kids.
In response, teens have begun to fill the meme-heavy, kid-centric social app Tiktok (previously) with short videos deploring Life360, offering tips for evading it, and complaining about how their parents use it.
Life360 is an excellent example of how the most important thing about a tool isn’t what it does, but who it does it for and who it does it to. My family uses a similar tool (built into Android) sometimes when we’re at Disneyland: it means that if you want to split up and then rendezvous later, you don’t have to call your kid to find out where they are (which might be inside a ride, where they can’t answer the phone), and instead, you can just head over and meet them. Similarly, when my daughter first started walking home from school, we made an arrangement that she’d text us when she left and turn on the location-tracker until she got home, which reassured both her and us.
But expanding that into a system of fine-grained, continuous surveillance that comes complete with alerts that warn you to call your kids and give them hell if they go outside of a certain perimeter or are inside a moving vehicle that exceeds the posted limit by 1mph turns a convenience into a totalitarian nightmare.
And as with stalkerware, this kind of thing is a godsend to abusers, who can automate much of the labor that goes into being a creepy, violent, terrible person.
Meanwhile, Life360 makes a lot of its money by selling your kids’ private data to advertisers. And, ironically, Tiktok is also a surveillance-heavy app with ties to the Chinese state and military.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
hey this is your friendly reminder that if you think that it’s okay to use autistic slurs, you are not welcome on this blog!!!
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Little things you can do to feel better if you are trans and you can’t really transition right now
For guys
Baseball caps? Those are good.
Short haircuts. If anyone questions, say it’s for convenience.
For your neck: fang pendants (very badass). Or a dapper lil bowtie.
Big ass stompy boots.
Those cool belt buckles. You can get a basic one or something with a cool design (like a dragon!).
Don’t shave. Let your body hair grow. Unless you feel uncomfortable.
Buy some spicy-smelling perfumes or other cosmetics. Or if there is something that says “Forest” on it, this one is also good.
If you can, try some weightlifting. It will make your muscles better and release some of that sweet sweet testosterone. But remember, fat and skinny men are also very handsome, so if you can’t, don’t sweat it.
Eat plenty of protein for a testosterone boost. Also, zinc from seafood - like shrimp and salmon especially - will help that chemical magic. Leafy greens, pomegranate, coconuts, garlic also help. Watch out for soy and tofu! They raise estrogen. And raisins are great, but dried apricots are not.
Remember that no matter what you are 100% man (unless you are a demiguy/bigender, then you are 50% man or whatever it looks like for you, that is still very cool, and if you are genderfluid and currently a dude, that’s still very good and valid).
For gals
Kitten ear beanies are so pure and good (just like you).
Let your hair grow to a nice length. If anyone questions, say you found a new style.
For your neck: simple crystal pendants (very pretty). 
Crystal bracelets!
Lil ballet flats.
Shaving can make you feel a whole lot better. Remember - some cis girls also have to shave!
Just a little bit of lip balm goes a long way. Oh! And clear nail polish!
Sweet-smelling cosmetics are your best friend. You can probably get on eBay or in your local store a nice bottle of vanilla body mist.
Google some exercises for a bigger butt, if you want to try it. If you can’t, remeber less-curvy women are also beautiful.
Eat plenty of soy, flaxseed, sesame seed, dried apricots… I know that those give you a bit of extra estrogen. Apparently coffee can also do it? Getting estrogen from diet is harder. Just eat a lot of tasty fresh food. Remember to treat yourself.
Remember that no matter what you are 100% woman (unless you are a demigirl/bigender, then you are 50% woman or whatever it looks like for you, that is still very cool, and if you are genderfluid and currently a lady, that’s still very good and valid).
For nonbinary pals
Simple beanies.
Google “androgynous/unisex hairstyles”. Look how many cool options you have! You might tweak one to your needs, like make it longer, or shorter, or add some cool hair dye…
For your neck: scarves. They come in many colors and patterns, cover up your neck so you don’t get cold, also you can hide your neck bump or lack thereof.
Friendship bracelets!
Trainer shoes.
Baggy hoodies are really nice.
You can shave and don’t wear makeup. Or rock the beard and eyeshadow look. Or really, anything else.
Cosmetics? Citrus and lavender are considered unisex scents. You can also wikiHow to Make Perfume and mix some scents you like at home.
Exercise, if you are healthy enough to do it, is good. Try running and yoga. Remember, media sells us the myth that androgyny=thinness, but it’s bullcrap. Fat, curvy, muscular people can all be nonbinary and/or androgynous.
You can look up the guys and gals sections too. Maybe you will find something that helps you.
Remember that your identity is 100% valid and true, no matter what. Yes, any kind of identity. No matter if it’s a neutral void or a mix of everything, no matter if it’s stable or changes. It’s valid because you are valid.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Do NOT Support ‘Adam’ When The Film Comes Out
I’ve talked about this before on this blog but this is the most disgustingly transphobic and lesbophobic narrative I’ve ever come across. 
CWs: transphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia, corrective rape, voyeurism
The book Adam by Ariel Schrag is being turned into a movie which has been named as one of the most exciting LGBTQ films of the year. You should know before watching that the book is about a cis boy who pretends to be a trans man in order to persuade lesbians to sleep with him.
Yeah… you read that right.
Book plot summary: 
boy spies on his lesbian sister having sex
boy decides to pretend to be a trans man (gross)
i.e. pretends to have a vagina because he thinks lesbians will want him then (he literally wants to fuck lesbians because he watched his lesbian sister have sex wtf)
he does get a lesbian to sleep with him, he straps his penis down using ace bandages and uses a strap on.
all the actual trans dudes we meet identify as lesbians this basically implies that trans men are not real men (lesbians i.e. women)  
another time they have sex again only he uses his actual penis but tells her its a strap on. that’s literally rape, she didn’t consent to an actual penis.
he confesses that he’s been lying to her this whole time but she doesn’t break up with him. she even says its okay cause she fantasised about him being “a real boy"
that’s a direct quote. massive transphobia. huge. not to mention this is now the “lesbian is cured by dick trope” which is disgusting and that trope leads to real lesbians and bi women being raped to “fix” them. 
he leaves new york, they’re long distance. they get in an argument and he calls her a slut and a whore among other things and then she dumps him
eventually they get back in touch and she has a new cis boyfriend so yep, she’s been “cured” woo she’s actually straight and he helped her realise that yay (massive sarcasm)
It is deeply deeply transphobic. To imply that our identities are just costumes for other people to put on erases who we are as people. More than that, to imply it is done to trick people into sex is a dangerous lie that literally gets us killed.
It is also deeply lesbophobic. To fuel this narrative that lesbians can be “fixed” by having sex with a man leads to real corrective rapes happening. 
Here is a review of the book by a trans man. I have yet to find one by a lesbian but will edit this if I do.
This book gives out incredibly harmful notions about trans men and lesbians that are used to hurt them in real life. It’s so entrenched in the narrative that I don’t see how the film can possibly be any better.
I do not say any of this lightly. it’s very very rare for me to call out a piece of fiction or for me to decide that a story is unfixable. But this… there’s no excuse for the bigotry in this. 
I’d like to tell people to boycott it but I can’t tell you what to do. So instead I’m going to ask that you share this because it being named as an exciting new LGBTQ film is going to make LGBTQ teens want to see it. And they should know beforehand how hurtful it could be. They should be able to arm themselves with that knowledge.
Don’t make queer kids see this film believing it will represent them only to be exposed to this hatred of their identities. 
Please reblog.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Hopefully I can help in some way by sharing this
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short summary of the situation in Sudan
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
This explains why my brain feels mentally done with everything
Directed Attention Fatigue is something all ADHDers are familiar with; it’s when we get mentally drained after focusing on something (we find boring) for a period of time.
It is not specific to ADHD however, it’s incredibly relevant to us. It’s so straightforward that I’ll just quote wikipedia:
DAF … results from overuse of the brain’s inhibitory attention mechanisms, which handle incoming distractions while maintaining focus on a specific task. 
We pay attention mentally pushing away other distractions and stiumli (which ADHDer SUCK at; its why get easily distracted). You get DAF when your brain gets overworked after pushing away these distractions for too long/
If you read the symptoms of DAF, you’ll see how similar the symptoms are to ADHD (wikipedia even points it out).
This is why we get tired after active listening or working on something, as were asked by recent asks.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Preview For My Story: "Creatures Of The Unknown"
FINALLY I can post preview! I'm so excited that o finally get to post it and share it with you all. If you enjoy this and want more I will leave a note at the bottom explaining where you can find this story. I hope you all enjoy!
[Katie sat on a bench; she and the others who had crossed over were now in a better place. The peaceful breeze took a sharp turn becoming more hostile. Alarmed; Katie felt a tingle run down her spine, something evil. From a distance Peter was watching over her becoming alarmed himself as he saw the fear sweep over her]
Peter: “My sweet Katie, what is scaring you? We are safe now.”
Katie: [looks up with worry as she speaks] “We may be safe, but a group of friends are not.”
[Peter Sighs taking a seat by her as he places a gesturing hand on her shoulder]
Peter: “What’s wrong dear?”
Katie: “Jack is back. I don’t know what his plan is, but I feel him. I know you feel his presence as well.”
[There was no denying that Peter had felt Jack’s presence; however, he did not want to believe it. If he were back not only would it scare Katie and the others; more souls would be lost yet again]
Peter: “You may be right. We need to find out what he is up to and help whoever is meant to stop him.”
[In agreement the two nod. Fear was running through them both; though they still had hope that lingered within them. Hope that they could somehow help the people that are destined to stop him]
If you enjoyed this and want to read more you can go to A03
My name on there is: Lizzie_Luv96
Note: I am currently in the process of writing chapter one. A few injures have slowed me down but I hope to have chapter one up very soon.
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xlisislitx-blog · 5 years
Story Time!!!
I have two main ones I'm working on which are called "Creatures Of The Unknown" and "Changed" I will be posting previews of my stories and then adding where you can go if you want to read the whole story. I will be posting the preview for Creatures Of The Unknown later tonight! ^.^
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xlisislitx-blog · 6 years
I should not be given this power on the sims4:
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xlisislitx-blog · 6 years
I love you too @xkit-katx
No matter what I will always be here for you, you are my family and I will always be by your side💙🖤🧡❤💕💞💜💛💚💓💗💟💖💝❣
Important!!! Pronouns and Thank Yous!!!
Recently, I came out as Non Binary, Specifically; Agender/Demigirl
I’ve had alot of “friends” tell me that maybe i’m just confused, or that maybe this is some kind of phase… this is just like when people found out that I identified as Pansexual…and in spite of the lack of support from people I thought I could trust, I kept my pride strong and kept true to myself and who I am.
At first, my anxiety overchoosing pronouns was formed out of the fear that nobody would respect them, or they’d get annoyed,angry etc. So I told myself “She/They” and I would say “you can use either or.” Even then some still felt the need to say that i was being difficult or lol “an attention seeker” or that “its too difficult to remember ur pronouns or whatever, cant u just use she/her?”
But even using the combined ‘She/They’ pronouns didn’t feel…right… (and i don’t want this to come off like im bashing those who use she/they, i see you!!! and i adore you all!! and you’re valid no matter who!! says !!what!)
….I came to realize, very recently that i’ve grown to be more comfortable with They/Them and i’m sticking to it~ I need to stop being afraid of what others will think of my pronouns, it’s not up for anybody to debate and choose which pronouns they think fit me best.
I want to thank a few blogs for giving me hope and backing me up without judgement;
@peachseoda & @xlisislitx ; when i came out to you two, you were the two who didn’t think I was doing this for some kind of attention ploy, you stuck with me as I took the time to figure my label and what I was comfortable identifying as. I feel like I never got time to properly thank you for standing behind me this whole way through. I cannot thank you guys enough!! i love you both with all my heart and you two are valid, wonderful and both of you have a very special place as family in my heart!!
Next i’d like to thank; @pansexualshavemorefun , @agender-affirmations and @nonbinary-safe-haven for providing lots of helpful resources, information,positivity and a safe place on tumblr to go to when I need it. you all are helping so many with your blogs and the content you provide and your three of my favorite LGBTQIA+ blogs to look at and see on my dash. thank you for existing and making a positive impact for Pan/Nonbinary people!!!
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xlisislitx-blog · 6 years
What My Blog Is About:
- Reblogs
- Random Shit
- My Thoughts
- My Stories/Poems
- REQUESTS!!!! YES! If you want a scenario done I will write it. All you have to do is message me or ask me and tell me what you want done^.^
Other posts I will make that I will call segments include:
- Impractical Joker's Quotes
- Markiplier w/ Friends Quotes
~ Inspirational Quote Of The Day
With all this being said: I am attending college so if I am not on all the time it is because of my school, and school will always be put before my blog and writing.
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xlisislitx-blog · 6 years
FUCK Y E S!!!!!!
Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.
Can’t reblog fast enough
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