yourkrishlove · 7 years
Women’s Power (Naari Shakti)!
I wanted to write about this topic since few days but didn’t get a chance. I did touch base about this topic in brief on Women’s day. To start off, i would to thank all the amazing ladies who have been backbone of their families including my mother, sister and awesome wife. A lady is backbone of the family and can multi-task to such a extent that she can help/serve her husband, son/daughter, brother/sister, parents and still can concentrate on her art/work. To all the MEN - if you feel this is incorrect, try to run the house alone for one day or even try to multi-task to your wife or mother’s level for few hours and you will understand what i am trying to prove. I read an article in which it was mentioned a stay home mom work at home can be valued at salary of $140k. This is eye opening figure :)  She has amazing God Gift that she would never panic in any situation if she has love and support from the family. She undergoes lots of pain during pregnancy just for her child. She can do anything/fight against anyone for he child until she is alive even though her child is an adult. She has such a compassion that she will forget all her pain to help others. She is the best teacher a child can have! We have amazing examples of Swami Vivekananda’s mother, Maharaj Shivaji’s mother, great scientist Albert Einstein's mother or even Maya Angelou and many other great women leaders.  I would like all the men to think about seriously and think about the topics (too many incidents are being reported in news nowadays) as to why women has to fight for their equality while they are much superior than us; why they have to fight against men’s abuse while they should be deserving respect; why they have to fight against violence while we should understand the only reason they are withstanding our physical torture because they care about us. A person who doesn't have power to accept, adapt and bear pain only gets angry or try to be offensive. Think about your actions and respect women’s power. With that i would take a leave.  Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate and respect women! - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 7 years
Surround right people!
Read a good comment from a superstar - Once you start succeeding or growing you will be surrounded with many people who will be your “yes man”. These people are around you to just say yest even if you are doing totally wrong things. You should have your best friend/family member or critic who will always guide you in right direction no matter what heights you have reached.  I was surprised to see Sachin Tendulkar used to consult his elder brother till last day of his professional career (of almost 25 yrs). He also consulted him his major personal decisions too. That is real friend / mentor / critic and hats off to Sachin who never forgot his roots when we was so successful. This takes me to one of the blog i mentioned about not forgetting your roots. Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate and don’t forget your friend/family/mentor/critic when you are very successful :) - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 7 years
Learning / Advice!
I got couple amazing advice or learning while discussing about small things about lifestyle with my brother-in-law.  He was trying to explain me how his parents should change/adapt to new lifestyle and should not think about money as priority, as the Great GOD has given us enough financially. While discussing, he mentioned these 2 points which has struck me very deep and is so true in our society. 1) One should not leave money savings for the next generation, or rather use the money you have for your better lifestyle you can enjoy and afford. If you leave behind after your death, the next generation will either enjoy it lavishly or will fight among their siblings to get more share out of it. This is so true, which reminds me of very good statement given by Ramesh bhai Oza (Bhaishri) - All the money sitting in your savings account when one dies, is the extra time you spent earning but did not have time to spend/enjoy/utilize it. So better utilize your time and energy instead of Money! 2) The second point is even better - A wife, who is backbone of one’s life is the most affected for any lifestyle one chooses. So better accept better lifestyle if you can afford as it will be betterment of your wife.  So think about any lifestyle change for the whole family instead of thinking from one man’s perspective. Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, choose right lifestyle and think deeply about these two points above. - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Catching two rabbits!
Robin Sharma always says a person who tires to catch two rabbits catches none. Also, one has not be jack of all instead be MASTER at one. One should try to master one art, hobby, business, work to be Best in World (BIW). I am currently in two rabbits catching situation where in I am trying to do multiple things together at a time. I know this is not right and we are not going in right direction but luckily i am surrounded with couple good business partners who are taking care of business strategy which we have to implement. I have jump in with lots of efforts to streamline at times but hopefully i will be able to put focused effort to catch only one rabbit :) This is actually needed to serve my long term for catching or working with concentration for catching one rabbit. Hope for the best and prepare/hard-work for the worst! Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate and try to work on your ONE art! - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Action pack day!
Had a action pack day with couple of important long calls with partner and prospect of M&A for company. Lots of thought process but not sure if i am doing things right, as its new experience. As Robin Sharma, once you keep reaching new heights that becomes your new normal. Lets hope many more M&A in future :) He also says “Ideation without execution is illusion”, which is so true! Amazing discussion at length of various topics at board meeting of non-profit which i volunteer. Lots of ideas brainstormed and lots of variety of people to look at same things from different perspective. Again, its all about discussion with to execute it at a NGO is a challenge in itself.  With that i will take a leave. 
Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, and be in action.  - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Life & Death!
Attended a baby shower of a very good friend of ours. Wishing them a very healthy and happy parenthood of their new coming baby into this world. They are so excited and with all rights to be but read about Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s father demise. 
Life is so valuable and important. With each day we are approaching the death, the inevitable but we ignore the fact and run away from it. Life a day in life as if it was last day of your life.  With these topics to think - Life & Death, i will take a leave. Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, and dont forget the inevitable.  - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Work in Progress!
Always try to be better version than yesterday of yourself, so one can say that i am work in progress (WIP). In Hindu culture, it said that we all are Atma (Soul) is part of the Param-Atma (the ultimate soul, the great GOD, THE PERFECT), so we are not perfect and should always work on trying to be better version 2.0 :) Albert Einstein (the great genius) mentioned that his knowledge is equivalent to a pinch of sand as against the the whole universe knowledge is equivalent to a the beach & ocean. The great genius like him believes in such philosophy then how can we have ego of our knowledge or ideology. Think about it? Robin Sharma always mentions to include following topic in daily journaling habit.  - 5 Small wins for the day : This gives you chance to summarize the day and think about your wins and improvement areas.  - Gratitude: Try to think about people who helped you in the entire day and spend time to thank them. I read beautiful quote “ Laughter is the best medicine. But gratitude is the best cure.” which is so true. These points leads me to think about compassion topic which we discussed in yesterday’s blog.  Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, Work in progress! - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
This is most important, integral and essential element for any human. Hearing the book “The art of Happiness”, the author critic the Dalai Lama that he is successful, happy with family and believes in logical/intellect and doesn’t get the notion of compassion into his personal life.  The Dalai Lama explained him that his current state of mind is either due to Money, Position or success he is holding but once any of them is gone the importance of compassion will be understood.  Here are few quotes from the Dalai Lama and Morari Bapu who does katha on Ramcharit Manas also believes in philosophy of Satya, Prem & Karuna (Truth, Love & Compassion)!
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I heard an interview of Sudha Murthy about her dedication for non-profit organization for which she mentioned, that no person can perform philanthropy act unless he/she has compassion within themselves. With that note on compassion, i will take a leave.
Be Kind, Humble, Gracious and Compassionate! - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Women’s day!
Happy belated Women’s day to all the amazing young daughters, sisters, daughter-in-law, mother, grand & great grand mothers, teachers and aunty’s! I would like to talk about importance of women, which could be mother, grand & great grand mother, sister, wife or daughter in anyone’s life. A mother (and/or grand & great grand mother) plays a very important part towards anyone upbringing. It is said that mother is the first and best teacher in any kids life.  When the kid become older, the importance of sister comes into play. A kid (boy or girl) has always support of sister as mentor or friend as and when required. The sister’s role is very crucial in one’s upbringing. When a man gets married the importance of wife (daughter-in-law for the family) comes into play. The women in form of wife / daughter-in-law plays a very important role to unite the family and her maturity is the one which takes the family towards growth. The wife / daughter-in-law is considered “Ghar ki Lakshmi” (Goddess Lakshmi of home) in Hindu culture, as her maturity brings prosperity within family. The daughter is another major achievement to have one’s life. Its said, that very lucky families are blessed with daughter. I am blessed one and I feel that i have been a very different person since then.  There is whole lot to write about Nari shaki (Women Power) but will continue this topic in future too. Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate and hats off to all the amazing ladies on Women’s day! - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
India finally managed to win the 2nd test match with amazing performance by Captain Kohli, Ashwin & bowling unit. Also, awesome display of self-discipline by Rahul, Rahane, Pujara and tail too.  The team lost almost whole Day 1 with Australia dominating. The team had the right spirits and enthusiasm was always there. They were pretty much playing positive cricket from Day 2 and started applying pressure on Australians batsman. Even after trailing by just under 100 runs they had positive intent and enthusiasm to keep on improving. By the end of the test match, it never felt that Australia had won the first test match so convincingly. That’s the impact of positive attitude and Enthusiasm :) I heard about good story of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in TV serial called “Peshwa Bajirao” on Sony TV as to how he escaped from Mogals emperor after 3 months due to his enthusiasm to always keep on thinking of new ways to get out of. If one has an enthusiasm towards the goal then he/she will never feel anything boring or tired of any work.  As its always said that accomplishment of work actually gives satisfaction, so one cannot be tired or bored if the work is related to one’s goal. With that i will take a leave. 
Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, have POSITIVE ATTITUDE and ENTHUSIASM for your ultimate goal. - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
I would say one should always remember once every day as to what roots they come from? It could be as simple as reminder what Steve Jobs used to have “What if today is last day of my life?” I have heard or read many people are more happy or rather enjoy the life in better way when they know about some major illness (limited days of life). They start to value smallest little thing which we forget about over period of life.  I feel that one should daily think about the struggle, hard work and bad times where in someone had helped and how they are better off today. If one is going thru bad times then should recollect that nothing is forever and its just matter of time and everything will be fine once again.  Don’t forget the roots which you come from. Always help someone whom you see around you. It could be help by gentle smile and pat on back to motivate a person! Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, don’t forget your roots and always be content with what you have, and help others. - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Humans - What we really want?
I have been talking and listening to stories about many friends and family around and try to understand what we human being really want? The relationship value or importance of person, values and ethics is fading. A man is running after ways to make money by any means and/or tries to take help to satisfy his personal interest. A person who tries to work his duties is questioned about his/her commitment even though the one is questioning never wants to work on his/her duties. One should live life to fight for others right and fulfill their duties but nowadays its becoming other way round. Not sure what we are heading into?? I am not trying to be negative about it but i recollect few years back, friends and family used to have empathy towards others situation and will come up with pro-active solutions for help. Instead nowadays, one has to literally ask for help from so called friends and family with most of the time help rendered (if any) is reactive and done just for the sake of doing it. Is this nothing but Kalyug? What do we really want as human being? Is our education really worth if this is the direction we want lead our life? Being human being, it is our duty to help others to get basic necessity in life: Food, Shelter and Clothes. Educate the poor kids to build bright future of our country and world. To give and thanking others is the biggest gift one should think about giving back the society! Think about it and write your views. Looking forward for your response.  Be Kinds, Humble, Compassionate and be HUMAN. - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
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50 posts! Many more to go :) Hopefully its useful to someone but i enjoy it for myself!
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Upsets continued!
Rafael Nadal lost in second consecutive finals against Sam Querry. I think Nadal is again playing his best tennis and with inclusion of Carlos Moya in his team he is rejuvenated but still not able to break the hard-court title jinx which he hasn’t won since Qatar of 2014.  I think he is ready for amazing summer of 2017 with couple hard court masters tournament, clay court swing & couple GS to follow. Given that he is fit and doesn’t hit any injury.Good luck champ & GOAT! Indian cricket team has forgot to bat, bowl, field and also using reviews in DRS system since Australian team is playing in India. Before their tour, everything was going like dream for Indian team and now everything seems to be shattered. Lets see how they cope up the challenge in next couple days. Good luck team and show the spirits of awesome team even if you can’t win the test match convincingly! With the couple sports column of upsets, i would take a leave. Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, and work hard to create upsets/unexpected results in your art :) - With Love, Krish
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
Early to bed, early to rise!
I have heard advice from my grand father, read many articles, habits of successful people and also in autobiography that one has to be ready before the Sun arises or even the competition is awake. If one has to shine like a Sun then be ready before Sun rise. My grand father used to live such life and now i see my father following same foot steps. When i was a kid, i understood and liked to wake up early but eventually forgot the importance of it as i had to be follow friends lifestyle, be with them and its not easy to be up at 5 am everyday. Now, when i feel the importance of it from bottom of my heart, i feel that i wasted past decade not doing it. As Robin Sharma has always mentioned the importance of 5 AM club. One should be ready with day’s routine planned before their competition is actually awake and running to work. I would emphasize the importance of setting up a habit of it so its wired in the brain. I read amazing article about that successful people do not need motivation instead they have habits. This is very simple but very powerful thing to implement in one’s life. Here is the sleep schedule of successful people. Just mind boggling! 
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They are working on their art when rest of the world is either sleeping, having fun with friends & family or partying. I read about few successful actors who has routine to perform intense 1 hr exercise atleast 3-4 hours before their shooting. This way dopamine is released in their brain and their expression as character is just perfect. Same thing goes for sport or any art.  With that i will take a leave. Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate and join 5 AM club. - With Love, Krish
Ref: http://www.lifehack.org/539209/highly-motivated-people-seldom-boost-their-motivation-they-have-these-habit-instead http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/06/be-wise-early-rise/
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
The art of Happiness!
I am currently reading “The art of Happiness” by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. 
Here are few quotes by The Dalai Lama:
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With that i will take a leave. Be Humble, Kind, Compassionate, Love everyone and be HAPPY - With Love, Krish
https://www.amazon.com/Art-Happiness-Handbook-Living/dp/0743506308 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Art_of_Happiness
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yourkrishlove · 8 years
What Money can buy?
I read very good article about a lady saved over $20k with change in lifestyle of not dinning out every day, not taking bus/train, not having coffee everyday or not just keep on shopping instead cook own meals, prepare own coffee, take bike or walk to work and only shop when its required.  She had understanding that spending money (or shopping) will make her happy which she realized wasn’t true after her lifestyle change. Instead she figured out that  “spending money didn’t always equal happiness.” She learnt quite a few things during this change: cooking, enjoying time walking, biking, meeting new people and nature.  I was thinking about it deep further and had question: Does earning more money gives happiness? or spending more money on your hobbies or your learning gives happiness? The answer to all the question is subjective but to summarize: Money cannot give happiness. If having money meant happiness then why the millionaires or billionaires would look to eternal peace from spiritual leaders or would have to take sleeping pills daily? There is basic misconception in the society that a person who earns or spends more is happy!  I have seen people around me who spends money to attend any skill development class to learn new things but would never put in time when alone to work on that skills. It might be simple act of singing Raaga when alone or doing beautiful sketch while playing with kids.  This is happening because we all are running a rat race and have comparison or competition in back of the mind. If this is cleared out then one would realize that money is definitely required but cannot get you happiness. With that i would take a leave but think about it: What Money (earning or spending) can really get you? Be Kind, Humble, Compassionate, don’t run into rat race and be HAPPY! - With Love, Krish
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