zalexia-love · 3 years
came on here to say, sorry i haven't been on in like 6 months ? i really do apologize if you enjoyed the crumbs of content i provided you guys.
anyways, i think it's safe to say that i'm not really interested in zalex anymore, like at all. i would also like to clarify that i don't use the name Jec anymore, nor do i use all pronouns.
it's pretty unlikely that i ever post again to anyone that cares, but i just want anyone who was wondering where i went to know
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zalexia-love · 4 years
me: men and women are stupid, i hate people. the thought of having to put effort into a relationship right now sounds legitimately repulsive and exhausting.
the weasley twins wearing those yellow striped shirts and 12 grimmuald place, listening to harry talk: existing
me: alright nvm ig.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
what i headcanon for the main squad's sexuality:
clay: bisexual. was obviously in love with hannah, but also had a crush on both justin and tony. he leans a little more towards girls though.
justin: bisexual as well. he didn't obviously enjoy doing what he did for money on the streets, but he didn't absolutely hate it either. he always sorta loved jess though.
jess: bicurious. loved all her boyfriends, but also wanted to kiss hannah just to see what it would be like.
hannah: straight, but if she gets drunk enough, turns bi. mainly just for courtney, but no nonetheless.
courtney: lesbian. walking past victoria's secret at a young age was DEFINITELY her gay awakining.
tony: gay! very canon and he had a crush on clay in season 1 for sure.
sheri: pansexual. sees beauty in everybody, and had a relationship with courtney later on in her life!
alex: gay as well. after the day in the locker room, he knew he wasn't into girls at all.
zach: demisexual. he can fall for anyone once he loves them, platonically or not. is in a relationship with alex and has a domestic life with him. i also feel the need to say that he is verse, but tops for alex only.
charlie: gay as well, falls in love with a cute boy he meets in college.
tyler: straight, to everybody's surprise. he has the look, but always claimed that god forgot the last switch. super big ally to all his lgbtqia friends though!
ani: straight, and is "that girl" who asks every girl if they have a crush on her.
jeff: bicurious. had a large crush on scott, and even if he never really dated a guy, he was also a huge ally :)
scott: was essentially the same as jeff, in fact he was pining over him as well. he would never actually date a guy in high school though, for fear of bryce and monty.
monty: bisexual. whether he truly admitted it to himself, he really liked winston. just had a ton of internalized homophobia
winston: also gay, we love having gay canon characters even if he did sort of use alex just for information. claimed that he didn't truly liked monty, but we all know that monty the first person he loved.
bryce: straight, but contrary to popular belief, isn't homophobic and supports lgbtqia people from afar. we still don't stan him though.
hey! sorry for not posting for a bit, just haven't been motivated about posting, but i'll try to more! i hope you like this!
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zalexia-love · 4 years
zalex headcanons? even though nobody asked:
zach always thought he was being homophobic towards alex once he told him that he was gay, but as soon as alex kissed him he realized that he didn't have a problem with alex kissing boys, as long as that boy was him. they got together practically immediately after that.
alex is actually very good at drawing, so whenever he and zach are together and zach isn't paying attention alex will try to draw him. zach loves and keeps all of them, even if they are a bit shaky.
zach asks alex when the moment he thought that he had fallen in love with him was, and alex told him the moment when zach taught him how to slow dance. they try to recreate the moment just for old times sake too.
zach has a thing for holding hands, but the only person he ever got to do it with was hannah. so when he got with alex, any moment that he can get, he holds alex's hand. he's the type of guy who will rub his thumb over your knuckles too, and alex absolutely loves it when he squeezes the morse code for "i love you" into his hand.
zach's mom thought it would be a good idea to leave after zach went downhill senior year, but alex makes him go to aa meetings, and convinces his mother to let him stay. zach is very lucky to have such a charming boyfriend.
zach goes to UCLA and studies marine biology, whilst alex go to berkeley to study education. as much as alex hates people his age, he has a soft spot for kindergarten age children. his dream is to become a teacher for people with disabilities.
zach is actually very good at cooking, in fact, whenever zach stays overnight, he makes alex pancakes the next morning. mr and mrs. standall think they're great as well. he knows just the way alex likes them too, with whipped cream and plenty of strawberries on top.
when alex gets a little bit stronger, he started playing guitar again. his favourite thing to do with it is serenade zach with old sappy love songs.
while zach has a thing for holding hands, alex has a thing for running his hands through hair. alex is the ONLY person who is allowed to touch zachs perfect hair, but according to alex, it looks much better all tussled and sweaty. and zach's gotta admit it's pretty turning on.
although they don't like to admit it, they have a show. on friday nights they watch shameless, and obviously their favourite couple is gallavich.
and finally, the majority of people tell them that they act like an old married couple. still completely in love, and alex can never leave zach's sight without a kiss on the cheek. alex would never complain though, he thinks it's adorable.
yeah sorry these aren't the best but i wanted to get something out since i haven't posted good zalex content in a bit ! :D
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zalexia-love · 4 years
saying that lgbtqia+ people go against your religion is like saying that someone else cannot have a slice of cake because YOUR'E on a diet.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
zalex because im bored:
(in this au charlie and winston dont exist lmao)
•after pining over zach for like an entire year alex worked up the nerve to kiss zach
and he was obviously very disappointed to get rejected, yet he wasn't that surprised
and he thought that zach would think it was just "heat of the moment" and never think or mention it again
(but he was very wrong lol)
and zach, well, he never stopped thinking about the moment
and zach, after going over it, decided that he was gonna kiss alex and see what he truly felt
so they're at alex's house play like cod or something, and alex thinks that he might bring up the kiss one more time to just try and get a different answer
but right when he's gonna speak...
zach. launches. himself. onto. alex's. lips.
and alex is in full shock mode for like 7 seconds, but then he starts to kiss back
and everything is feverish and hot and exciting for both boys
zach decides that "hey, maybe kissing boys isn't that bad, when it's alex i'm kissing"
so when they finally pull apart
alex is just in full panic mode thinking that zach is drunk and he really doesn't want anything, he's probably just horny or something
but zach catches his breath and slightly mumbles "you know, i could be gay for you all the time. especially if it's always gonna be like this"
so alex decides to kiss him again, which turns into a full on make out sesh.
and after that, when they both have caught thief breath and regained sight of the real world, alex laces his fingers through zachs.
and zach turns around and smiles at him, so alex knows he sober
zach kisses alex's hand, and softly said to him "be mine, like i always get to kiss you?"
obviously alex says yes, and kisses him once again
"thought you weren't into guys?" alex asks him
"well guys didn't exist until 2 days after you kissed me" zach tells him back
they're both giggling and alex is finally happy he got his crush, even if he'll have to face challenges later on, he'll have zach by his side to support him.
hope u enjoyed, cause i didn't ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ i'm not good at this :(
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zalexia-love · 4 years
sheri: alex, would you date a girl taller than you ?
alex: no .
sheri: wow, that's pretty shallow .
alex: sheri , i'm ✨ g a y ✨ .
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zalexia-love · 4 years
i recently changed my username because i wanna be more of a zalex account now, but i have so many other ships that if i'm really feelin it i will post those too, as well as the other few fandoms things ! :) ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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zalexia-love · 4 years
okay so i just rewatched 13rw the other day and i remembered how hardcore i shipped zalex.
•ZACH leaned into that kiss
•ZACH did not pull away first, ALEX did
•ZACH said it was a nice kiss, and that he didn't mind it
•did anyone else notice how long it took for zach to say he wasn't into guys ?? like i know initial shock but i feel like if you really weren't into that you would quickly say that you weren't
•also the fact that zach was still extra touchy/feely with him afterwards shows the fact to me that he probably wasn't initially into it, but it made him conflicted so he thought about it and eventually decided he liked it?? idk that's what i think
there are many more however this is only about that singular kiss
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zalexia-love · 4 years
heh i'm sorry but i wanna rb this because everyone should get to see it !
IT fic recs!
okay, so, often I’ll see fic recs on my dash - sometimes I’ll be included and I’m always so flattered each time, so I thought it was about time I made one myself, because as a fic writer, there’s no better feeling than seeing someone love your stories so much that they took the time to bring it up and introduce it to others for them to enjoy as well! 
so just know that I and many others appreciate all that you fic writers do for us, and personally I am inspired by many of you to never stop writing! I admire you all so very much and love being able to share these creations with you!
so below the cut I have listed some of my favourite one-shot and multi-chaptered fics in the IT fandom, including multiple pairings to help spread the love!
strap in, there’s a lot to get through! 
all links go to Ao3!
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zalexia-love · 4 years
anyone else fall asleep to like, the same exact scenario, every single night ?? and i'm talking about word for word, replay of the same scene every single night whenever i'm trying to fall asleep.
sometimes if i think of a really nice addition that firs well and seems obvious, i add it on too. and from that time on it's always there.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
okay theory time :
(someone might have already done this but idk imma do it too :) )
so we all know that the 80s was the absolute height of the aids epidemic right?
what if eddie kasbrak was not only a germaphobe because of how his mother's actions impacted him, but he also realized that he liked richie? aids meant you were sick, and sick to eddie probably meant dirty. he was afraid of touching the leper because he didn't want to get sick from its dirtiness. he thought if he touched richie (i'm talking about touching his heart or brushing his hand) he would catch "queer" and become dirty. so he made it his mission to stay as clean as possible.
even though we all know he would never feel clean until he stopped wanting richie.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
draco malfoy is such a gay disastrous mood. my man sucked at flirting ( so it just seemed like he was constantly being rude) , couldn't get a boys attention so he decided to yell at him , and literally complained about the very same boy being "pErFeCt" to his father. there is no doubt that draco literally tried to confess about 48 times during his 5th year, but wasn't very subtle or smooth at it so harry just assumed it was mockery.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
Dean is bisexual. Reblog if you agree.
It doesn’t matter which Dean. Just reblog if you agree that someone named Dean is bisexual.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
but sir, that’s my emotional support unachievable dream scenario that I came up with in my head
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zalexia-love · 4 years
Why I no longer think Mike is bi, but gay (deep-dive analysis)
I guess, I’ve been putting this off for a long time, because I was afraid of the backlash- since so many toxic-milevens send me hate despite the fact I never cross tag. But honestly, I’m so used to it now, it’s honestly become humorous. But, I think the main reason I didn’t want to discuss this was because so many people happily head-cannon Mike as bi/pan. Which is rare in a fandom, since even when a character is confirmed/heavily implied to be bi, people erase their sexuality and pretend they’re gay/lesbian. Which I find incredibly problematic, given how common bi-erasure is in real-life. And how it makes it seem like other gay people refuse to see themselves in a bi character- so they erase their sexuality instead. But, honestly, as someone who has head cannoned Mike as bi since s1ep2, it’s hard for me to see him as anything but gay now! This is because the evidence in s3, re-contextualized everything in the first two seasons.  And him being gay (rather than bi) explains all of his out of character behavior. So, lets begin. Warning this is going to be long! XD
In the Montauk pitch (later named Stranger things) they describe the Mike and El dynamic by saying “ If Mike is the Eliot of our show,Eleven is our Et.” (AKA they’re from different planets)
And In s2 , Erica  is forcing He-man and barbie to make out. Lucas angrily separates the two. And then this discussion happens.
Erica: “Hey , They’re in love!”
Lucas (livid- and standing right next to a rainbow): “No, actually,  they’re not. They don’t even exist on the same planet.”
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Mike (like Elliot) loves El (ET) and is deeply sad when she disappears but contrary to Mike’s confusion on the matter it was never romantic. We see El compared to Et on multiple occasions (the bike scene, reese’s pieces vs eggos, the makeover, etc).  And then there’s the  old euphemism of “girls come from Venus, and boys come from Mars”. So El telling mike he should ‘stick with his own species’ (aka boys). And And the Duffers saying mileven isn’t in love cause they’re “not from the same planet” -is just them telling us Mike is gay. Further reiterated when  Will tells Mike “welcome to my world (Planet)”
Similarly Dustin (like Lucas) is used as a narrative-device to foreshadow Mileven’s fate and give us insight about how the writers are actually portraying mileven.
While climbing up the hill, Dustin talks about Romeo & Juliet (while mileven is out of frame). R&J is all about the dangers of not knowing the difference between love and infatuation. R&J were teenagers who claimed that they were in love with each other after knowing each for a few days and deciding to get married…sabotaging the closest relationships they had with their friends/family (all in the name of ‘true love’) . Similarly Mileven thought they were in love after only a week of knowing each other, and the second they are reunited they start dating and spend all their time with each other, becoming apathetic to the people they care about. Also,  after Romeo (El ) is banished , Juliet (Mike) just complains about how in love/sad she is, but never pursues looking for him (sound familiar)? So the fact that after this R&J reference, Dustin describes mileven, saying “IT’S BULLSHIT!” Should raise a few alarm bells, because when was the last time someone used that line to describe a romantic relationship?!
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Well, it was what Nancy (Mike’s sister) said about her first real relationship.Insert Murray’s conversation (with Nancy): “ Afraid that if you’d accept yourself for who you really are (cough queer-subtext), and retreated back to… name, name? Steve. Steve! we like Steve (El) but we don’t love Steve (El).”
And to put the nail in the coffin, a few months before s3 of stranger things came out the ST account posted this.
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zalexia-love · 4 years
i have lovey dovey bitch syndrome & its incurable
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