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Baby,how do you sit like this😆😍
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Castiel In 15x06 Golden Time
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It´s October, it´s SUPTOBER again!
Day 1: Harvest. 
Oh, yes, I already started with my silly ideas. Poor Dean! 
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day 3: rainbows
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Suptober day 3: Rainbows!
Taste the Rainbow! ^_~
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a question and an answer
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This is my fic. I only just now saw this post. Thank you so much for the promo, and the art. 😭 First time anyone's ever done something like that (quote w/art) for my writing. I'm so touched. 💚💚💚
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Of Dressing Gowns and Other Foibles by goingdownin221
Johnlock Love Letters #2030
When John finds out that his best friend is 36 and still a virgin, he makes it his mission to open Sherlock up to new experiences and possibilities and start dating new people.
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Dean Winchester.
click for more clarity.
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SPN deleted scenes → 10.14 - The Executioner’s Song ↳ Cas and Crowley talk about their boyfriend.
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Dean: What’s goin’ on, Sammy?
Sam: I am updatin’ my MOOSEBOOK, Dean.  I have been DEFAMED!
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Dean: Uh, what happened?
Dean: Uhhhh, “What happened?”
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Dean: Er, can I see?
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Sam: There you go!  I have cleverly HIDDEN the IDENTITY of the PERPETRATOR!!!!
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Cas: Hello Sam.
Sam: eep!
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Cas: Sam, I still say that WHITE CHOC’LIT is NOT CHOC’LIT!
Dean: Sammy, your MOOSEBOOK got a HIT!
Sam: Reallies?
Cas: Yep, it’s probs from my LAWYER.
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Tumblr is ADHD
so you know the rule in fairylands where you cant eat or drink anything or you’ll have to stay there forever? does like.. .eating out/sucking dick count
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I accidentally uninstalled tumblr nearly a year ago now but have finally gotten around to reinstalling it just in order to post the following:
Scene: My new laboratory, at a major research university that shall remain nameless.
Characters: ME, ornithologist currently studying whales; PEPPY GRAD STUDENT, a relentlessly optimistic and bright Brazilian PhD student; LINGUIST BOYFRIEND, the Peppy Grad Student’s linguist/musician highly educated Brazilian boyfriend.
I’m carefully pipetting a row of very rare whale samples and am at the very delicate stage where I’m trying not to get them all out of order. PEPPY GRAD STUDENT and BOYFRIEND suddenly poke their heads in the door.
PEPPY GRAD STUDENT: Hi! I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend! He just moved here from Brazil!
ME: [trying not to lose my place in the whale samples]  Pleased to meet you.
LINGUIST BOYFRIEND: Hi, I’m [something very like “Misha”, but not exactly].
ME: Sorry, what was that name again?
PEPPY GRAD STUDENT: My boyfriend has a very unusual name! His mother named all her sons after characters in The Brothers Karamazov! Isn’t that funny?! And in that book, there is a character named Dmitri! Who is nicknamed–
ME: Misha!
LINGUIST BOYFRIEND: That’s a common mistake, but Misha isn’t the nickname for Dmitri. It’s actually the nickname for Mikhail.
[brief tangent excised here about the names Mikhail, Alexander, Misha, Sasha, the dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and the ornithologist Sasha Kitaysky]
ME: [abandoning whale samples completely] Soooo then, what’s the nickname for Dmitri?
PEPPY GRAD STUDENT and LINGUIST BOYFRIEND in unison: [something very similar to Misha]!!
ME: Could you say that extremely slowly?
LINGUIST BOYFRIEND, speaking slowly: “Mit-ya.” M-I-T-I-A. Mitia. [pronounced right in between Mit-ya and Micha] It’s almost Misha but not exactly the same.
ME: So, I met this guy last year whose given name is Dmitri, but he goes by Misha. [thinking to self: A 5 second photo op totally counts as “meeting” someone, right?] 
LINGUIST BOYFRIEND, AKA MITIA: Well, he has the wrong name!! Ha ha! Tell him to get in touch with me and I’ll straighten him out!
I had to re-pipette everything later.
(for those keeping track: Peppy Grad Student is the same grad student who, a few weeks back, found and saved the letters from the real Knut Schmidt-Nielsen — who as we all know is the esteemed author of the classic, though possibly not-so-real, biology texbook The Physiology Of Angels.)
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My Jensen-Misha photo from jibcon8 this morning. I posted this already from the @fandomnatural account I was livetweeting from but thought I would stick it here too. As soon as I can scan a high res version I will do that too.
Background: All I said was, mostly speaking to Jensen, “Given the events of the finale, could you [JA] just give this guy [MC] a hug?” I added to clarify “Like you just got your best friend back.” I didn’t say anything about expressions or how to stand. I actually had been picturing more just a big ol’ happy smooshy hug w both of them smiling, but what they actually did blew me away. What was interesting was seeing them both silently settle on the pose & expression in almost slow motion, like they were both thinking about it. Jensen kept adjusting his face & head angle. That tragic sad frown appeared kinda like he clicked it on, and he then literally adjusted it twice, like “This frown? This one? No, this one,” and his head also started dropping down, and meanwhile Misha was like slowly tilting his head against Jensen’s (which I also had not asked for) and arranging his face into that incredibly touching mournful/resigned look. Misha kept looking at the camera but in Jensen’s final adjustment he dropped his eyes. (Good lord these guys are pros.)
So every nuance of expression & pose is from Jensen & Misha. I think this is Jensen’s real take on how Dean would look if he got to grab onto Cas again. (and I ended up with this weird certainty in my gut that Jensen had just given me a preview of S13)
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Fandom is such a weird place. Like I watched a tv show and thought “wow, these two nerds have a lot of chemistry and I’d like to dedicate a large chunk of my life to thinking about them” so I went in search of other people who also thought these two nerds had a lot of chemistry and then it turned out that a shit ton of people were talking about these two nerds having a lot of chemistry and now it’s 4 years later and we write each other porn on holidays.
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My Jensen & Misha photo from JIBCon 2017. The version that’s been circulating is a bad iphone photo of the pic - I finally had a chance to scan the pic itself. 
(yes, I’ve been traveling that much, ever since May, that I haven’t been able to scan it yet. Finally had to ask our fantastic lab manager to scan it at work: “It’s work related. Please don’t ask any questions.” She was like: “yeeeppppppp surrrrrre it’s work related, riiiiiiight” - she said, as she scanned it.  thanks DD, you’re the best!)
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