#death wishes cw
just-antithings · 8 months
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Proship propaganda💀
This person writes rape smut
This person wrote a rape smut fic about a creepypasta character that is a canon a pedo
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rolling the dice giving death the middle finger forcing oxygen into my damned lungs young child, sickly asthmatic thing developed allergy to a frequent, favorite food nearly lost my life that night push pop treat from the er doc and i’m a cheater when my head was held under that water managing to escape that grasp or when i sunk in the water that other day indescribable fear, peace.. death didn’t get me then either i didn’t tumble down that mountain caught myself last second avoid the bushes that could kill me now he doesn’t answer my calls so promptly and sometimes it hurts the most he tried to steal me away once random dizziness unlike any other almost bashed my head into the counter gritted my teeth and said no thanks wasn’t the first attempt, nor the last different flavors other times he just leaves me on read he takes away my loved ones yet never granted my wish strange partnerships with death maybe- sometimes I think I’m the good old reaper myself thus why it all is a big mess
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lunehowls · 2 years
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oh yeah also im crazy for the wolf from puss in boots
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sad-leon · 8 months
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That feeling when the passage of time clings to you and drags you down with it
Inspired by @remedyturtles's Death Wish fic that I've been rereading <3
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le-poofe · 2 years
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scribbyizhere · 6 months
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does anybody feel Zesty abt ldr Sun?? oh hey yeah not me pffft nah. spirals
love death and rollerskates by @spadillelicious
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But not green.
You know the song Mr. Jones? Yeah.
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rbtlvr · 1 year
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(text from this post, fic is little kid with a big death wish by @remedyturtles)
i'm genuinely not sure where to start here - ig first of all this fic is absolutely incredible and if you somehow haven't read it yet you absolutely should!
okay. man. rem, this fic means so so much to me and i'm so glad i got to be here for it. i think this is one of those fics that'll stick with me years down the line even if one day i'm not into tmnt anymore, one i'll come back to over and over again
your writing has touched so so many people myself very much included, and i just. want to thank you so much for writing this fic and thank you for sharing it. you're an amazing writer and an amazing person and i'm lucky to know you. i can't wait to see what you do next
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dandylionmeadow · 11 months
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Death seeking creator with Zhongli idea
Whenever Zhongli remembers that it was their that the creator was hurt to this degree, he felt like he should go through the painfullest of deaths but he can't... Not right now, not while leaving the creator in such a state. So, he retired from the Funeral Palor and spend his days caring for the creator.
Today, too, Zhongli walked into the tranquil adobe of the creator as he carried the tea he personally brewed to offer the creator. The tea contained the calming effects that is very much needed for the creator's tired mind.
Maybe because of his relentless efforts or because of the effects of all the tea and medicine, the creator is becoming a bit more stable these days, meaning they are not asking him to squish them with the meteor he summon.
Relishing in the small change of the creator, Zhongli stood in front of the creator's room and asked, "Your grace, may I come in?"
What came back to him was the answer "Yes, you may," accompanied by the small giggles of the creator.
Zhongli opened the door and looked for the creator's form wondering what could make them so amused. And there they were, wearing white silk gown, sitting in the middle of the silk bed Ninggaung had presented to them. Their face bloomed into a full smile as they locked eyes with him.
The smile was so radiant that Zhongli would have liked to bath in all of its glory
if not for the gold, gold, gold everywhere invading all of his five senses.
The gold was staining the silk bed sheet, the white gown, the marble floor and the creator's arms, and legs and face.
In their hand was a hair pin Zhongli had presented to them a week ago, contented in the fact that they stopped asking him to kill them.
Sitting in the pool of their own blood, the creator said, "Surprise!", like a child whose prank was successful.
"You...r.... Your.... Grace.... What have you done?"
Zhongli asked as he dropped the tea pot tray in his hands to run to your side.
"Hehe, I... surprised you right!" They asked as they coughed up blood.
"I got the idea... from Kaeya. The best way to disappoint someone is by making them hope and breaking that hope."
That was their last words before they disappeared into thin air and left nothing but ash.
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bandtrees · 7 months
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such an awful memory, will i ever sleep again?
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just-antithings · 1 year
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e-turn · 8 months
cw sibling death
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They all sung it to him. Baby Casey in a laundry basket crib, rocked by an attentive Mikey. Little Case cuddling with April after bad dreams. Casey Junior with fever flushed cheeks, dozing on Raph's lap. CJ in a loose piggy back as Cassandra carried him on a long trek. Casey holding Donnie's hand in the med bay, asleep against the lip of the mattress. And Sensei singing this song, stroking his hair, carrying him through the death of everyone they loved.
@remedyturtles you are so cool and also I blame you for my shattered heart
highly recommend everyone to go read death wish series
Главы перевода с 12 по 22 уже на ао3!
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princess-ibri · 10 months
King Magnifico Backstory : Part One
Ok! Here goes part one for my ideas for Magnifico’s backstory with the DisneyVerse! I based it on the fairytale “The Carnation/ The Pink” as recorded by the Brothers Grimm, the tale of a young man who’s every wish comes true…
Link to the fairytale I’ve based this on here
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Once upon a time, a lonely, childless queen wished upon a star, and the star answered. The Fairy of the star said that for the Queen’s great kindness and pure heart, the child would be blessed with beauty, charm and that he would have the power to grant the wishes of his people, in order to bless the kingdom he would one day inherit.
(This is me justifying that “Mirrors love my face/got these genes from outer space” line xD)
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The queen was overjoyed with her son, and marveled at the magic he already displayed. She intended to keep his gift secret from the kingdom until he was older, in order to protect him, but it was too late. Word of his gift had leaked out, and one day the child was kidnapped.
He grew up under the watchful eye of his “parents”, granting them whatever they desired, wish after wish, day after day. Gowns and jewels, a manor house on the kingdom’s border, a fleet of fine hunting hounds to tear up the countryside. A covering of protection from any who might try and discover their whereabouts.
The child gave it all to them, for he felt the power of Love inside him when he used the gift that was meant to bless, and thought the love came from them.
They told him to never be selfish and wish for himself, though this was only to keep him from one day wishing in anyway that might undermine them. They lived in luxury and he in loneliness, for they of course allowed none to get to close to their prize lest another steal their good fortune.
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Finally though, when the boy had become a youth, his loneliness became too great, and he wished deep in his heart for companionship. And the wish was granted. A beautiful young woman stood before him, shocked to be suddenly in a strange place before a strange man. But the youth was so comely, and spoke to her kindly and with assurances she would be safe with him, that soon she lost her fear. She still wished to return home, but the youth persuaded her to remain with him a while longer.
(He’s not evil yet obviously, but he’s always been a smooth guy and now he’s got a taste of having something he wants he’s loath to let it go. Which is understandable but can and will of course turn darker…)
For a time the youth hide the girl within the hallow of the pink rose bush in the center of the garden, and their loved bloomed with the roses they both found sanctuary in.
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But eventually they were discovered by the youth’s “Father”. The boy confessed he had wished for a companion, and the man feigned acceptance. He asked the girl her name and origin, and she told him she was called Amaya, and that she hailed from the Kingdom of Córdoba. Upon further questioning, the man realized his stolen ‘son’s wish had pulled a woman to him from a completely different world.
Realizing the youth’s power would soon grow out of any control they could exact over him, the man and his wife determined to cut their losses and finally do away with him, lest their treachery be uncovered. Unbeknownst to them, the youth had overheard their plot, and began to plot his vengeance against the people he had believed to have been his parents.
Meanwhile, the leacherous man had taken a fancy to the girl, Amaya. He told her that if she aided him in getting rid of the youth he would aide her in returning back to her own world. Amaya had no interest in either the foul man nor in betraying the youth she had come to love, but she knew if she did not do as the man asked both she and her lover would be killed. So she took the heart of one of the man’s beloved hounds and brought it to him, claiming it to be the heart of the youth.
She rejected the man’s advances though, refusing him vehemently and reminding him their bargain was for him to help her to return home. Pretending to accept her rejection, the man waited until night to steal into her rooms within the manor, with a dagger drawn to plunge into the sleeping girl.
But he was met with the livid face of his erstwhile ‘son’ instead.
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“So, ‘Father’, at last you show your true face. Your heart is a coal of envy, your wishes are cruel and selfish, you would take and kill with no more thought then your beloved hunting dogs do. So I wish that your outward self might reflect the beast within you!”
And with those words, the man’s bones shook and snapped, his hair darkened and spread, and soon enough a great beast spawns tearing around the manner, fire pouring from its insides as it burned all the ill gotten gains in the manor, and itself along with it.
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The youth attempted to return to his true mother, but tragedy has struck while he grew up ignorant of his heritage. The King, furious that the son he had waited so long for had been stolen, blamed the Queen for the tragedy, and locked her within a doorless tower. A bird came twice a day to bring her food, but her heart was broken, and she eventually wasted away. The people, who had loved the kind queen, rose up against the cruel king, and the kingdom was left broken and destroyed.
The youth had no wish to stay in this place, full of the memories of all the good that had been destroyed by two greedy thieves. The youth, a man now, innocence scorched from him, kept a part of the banner that once hung in the grand hall to remind himself the folly of granting the wishes of the undeserving
He was ready however to grant the wish of the one who had not betrayed him, his beloved Amaya. Her wish brought them a ship that would carry them across the waves of sea and space, and together they sailed off into another world…
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Edit: Part 2
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sad-leon · 7 months
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3 AM
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hmtaxidermy · 4 months
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