#menstrual huts
butch-reidentified · 4 months
nobody has ever been forced to stay in a menstrual hut because they had a cramp and got moody. because that's not a period. die.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Historically, menstrual huts were used by the Tohono O’odham (Native American people), the Cheyenne (Native American people), the Ifaluk islanders, the Dahomey in present-day Benin, the Tiv people (West Africa), the Madia Gonds (Chandrapur, India), the Southern Paiute (Native American people), and the Ashanti in West Africa. And Huaulu women in Seram, Indonesia were still being banished to a hut and forbidden from eating certain types of meats until the 1980s.  The 1974 research also explores various origin myths of menstruation within these cultures and found that many of these cultures believed menstruation was caused by the moon, with the exception of the Madia Gond, who believed the vulva once had teeth that were pulled out and menstruation results from a wound that never healed, and the Arunta of Australia, who ‘attribute the flow to demons who scratch the walls of vaginas with their fingernails and make them bleed’.
A Curious History of Sex (Kate Lister)
... attribute the flow to demons who scratch the walls of vaginas with their fingernails and make them bleed ...
Well, it sure as hell often feels that way.
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sapphsorrows · 1 year
regarding the tags on my last post: if you say something dumb like "oh you clearly don't know about indigenous 'genders'"
1. I do, nearly all of them refer to homosexuals
and 2. I don't know how to tell you this, but european colonialism did not invent biological sex. Literally every ethnic group has oppressed women in some way, even before colonization.
I know y'all have this idea that before the evil europeans arrived, every other culture was holding hands and singing kumbaya and everyone lived in peace and equality, but no. you're wrong. take a history class. read a book.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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rayassecretlife · 1 year
Pain reliever
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Pairing: Aged up!Neteyam Sully (19) x Fem!human!Reader (18)
Summary: Your on your first day of your period and when Neteyam catches on to your painful suffering, he doesn’t stop until he finds out a way to make you feel better.
Warning(s): Mature language, Period!unprotected!p in v, blood, unprotected p in v, Slight praise kink, best friends!Angst!smut
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Most people would think being a human on Pandora would be interesting, and they were right… except when you have human needs and problems that the Na’vi don’t know how to handle. Sometimes it was food, or when you need ibuprofen, but this time it was your menstrual cycle.
Your period came once a month and usually you’d go to the lab for everything you needed like medicine and pads, but even medicine wasn’t helping these cramps. Your father had recommended you some things but you had already tried everything; exercise, heating pads, medicine, etc. nothing was helping. So here you were, laid curled up in a ball inside your bed.
You prayed to eywa they stopped. You had a dinner not too long from now with the sully family and your father that you did not want to miss. Though, You didn’t know if you could hold your painful cries any longer.
“Y/N?” The sudden knock at your wooden hut’s door makes you jump, releasing your legs from the curled ball you had put yourself in. You hoped it had been your father but to your surprise, a different large Na’vi male voice was easy to recognize and you quickly shuffled around so he wouldn’t see anything when he walked in, but you had little time till he entered your room.
“Neteyam! What are you, uh… what are you doing here?” You can feel your stomach cramping horribly but you fought it off, giving the boy a straight face as he approached you.
“Wanted to make sure you were coming tonight. My mother is making your favorite” His deep, accented voice informs you, sitting down on your floor to which now he was only two inches shorter then you when you were on your bed. “Are you alright? You look pale” He goes to reach for your head but you quickly shake him off, telling him you were fine.
“I’m just tired, That’s all” Hmm, he doesn’t believe you not one bit. He’s staring you down like he’s studying your frame, trying to find the source of injury. He could smell your pain, and something else he couldn’t quite make out. “What are you-“ He shushes you as he stands up, sitting next to you on your bed that surprising didn’t break due to his large figure. He finally could smell it.
“You are bleeding, Y/N! Where! I will take you to the lab or grandmother and-“
“No!” You cover his mouth, ceasing his worried words. The boy looks at your with wide eyes, batting his ears down as you remove your hand with a sigh. “I’m… you know how Na’vi woman have heats?” He nods his head in confusion, eyes still scattering your body to find the source of your bleeding. “Woman who are human have something like that too, except it doesn’t work the same way a heat does”
“What are you saying? A heat doesn’t make you bleed-“
“Let me finish, Tey” He sighs and nods once again, showing you his full attention. “It’s called a period and it’s… it’s basically a menstrual cycle that makes us bleed but it comes from inside, nobody hurt me” You reassure the boy but he’s still confused, he can feel your pain and definitely smell your blood, so how were you not hurt?
“But you are in pain. I-I can feel it! Don’t lie to me”
“Yes because periods also cause cramping in your stomach, and it hurts. I’ve been trying for hours to make them go away but nothing is working” Your hand is clasp around your stomach and Neteyam doesn’t miss the way your face contorts with a hiss. It was clear you were in pain.
“How can I help? I do not want you to be in pain” His voice is full of worry as he scoots closer to you, ignoring your protests as he lays his large hand on your stomach. Neteyam was so clueless when it came to human biology and it was the cutest thing ever, but right now you didn’t feel like explaining it.
“There’s nothing you can do, Tey. I’ve done all I know, I think I just need a long bath before dinner” You sigh defeatedly but he refuses to let up, shaking his head at your answer.
“There is a way, I know there is—I just have to-“
“That’s sweet, Neteyam, but I-“
“Let me help you, Y/N” His eyes are soft as they stare into your own and in that moment, you knew he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He hated when you were in pain and if there was one thing Neteyam stood by, it was that there was always a way to relieve it. “Go take a bath, I’ll um… I’ll go get some of your favorite fruits! Yeah, and some of that calming essential oil my grandmother has” His words were adorable, the way his tail swung when you smiled, and how determined he was to make you feel better.
“Okay, Tey” you finally give in making him smile, standing to his feet and he grabbed hold of your hand, helping you to stand up which made you laugh. “I don’t need—actually” A small smirk appeared on your lips before looking up at the Na’vi boy. If he was going to do this, you might as well play along, right? “Carry me to the pond?” You ask with confidence but slight hesitation. You and Neteyam had never been so close before but you found it nice that someone was taking care of you, especially him.
Who knows? Maybe this could be fun.
“Norm! My man, I need your help with something” The avatar’s and humans were shocked to see Neteyam none the less, he never came to the lab. It was known that neteyam did not like humans, and you had been the only one he truly never despised. Your father appeared out of one of the rooms almost instantly to tend to the oldest sully boy, removing his ear piece.
“That you, Neteyam? I must be dreaming” He grabs his hand, pulling him into a firm but quick hug, both of them pulling away with a laugh. “What did you need? You never come here” like I said, it wasn’t a secret Neteyam didn’t like humans, that’s the exact reason he never came to the lab. He was just like his mother after all.
“Could I use one of your computers? I just need to look up a few things” Norm furrowed his eyebrows at the question but brushed it off due to Neteyam’s straight expression, not wanting to explain the situation to him.
“Follow me” The two make their way to one of the rooms that had been filled with computers, an empty and quiet room since others would get suspicious if they saw him on the monitors. “Don’t mess with anything. They’ll kick my ass if you break something” Norm informs the oldest sully boy and they both laugh, neteyam watching as the avatar left the room before opening the computer.
“Alright, let’s see…” He opens the browser, searching for what helps with a period cycle. It would have made other men laugh but Neteyam was rather intrigued, reading all the symptoms you could have. He felt horrible that you were experiencing so much pain, his heart felt for you. “Exercise, medicine, heating pads… she’s tried all of these!” He groans, clicking on the link, but it was then, he saw the only other thing he would be able to do. “Intercourse…”
He was taken aback by the sudden change in topic, would that even be possible? Neteyam wanted to help you so horribly that he was questioning whether or not it was even safe. You were human and he was Na’vi, would it even work? He was much more bigger then you, your body was so small compared to his own, wouldn’t he break you?
Would you even… want to do that with him? It would just be a friend helping a friend… right?
He wanted to ask norm, truth be told—but he knew he couldn’t ask him that, especially about his own daughter. You were an innocent girl and Neteyam was on the fence about ruining that. He didn’t want to corrupt you in any way, he just wanted to help relieve your pain.
Don’t be mistaken, Neteyam has had the biggest crush on you for as long as he could remember but you were human—or at least half. You were the first child that was mixed with Na’vi and human through reproduction, and most of the clan didn’t even know what to call you. Neteyam always struggled with this fact because even though you could breath their air and had some of their skills, your body was still human, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to mate with you, or even be accepted by his clan. Your love was forbidden.
But he always wanted to know if you felt the same way, or how far he’d go to show you how he felt.
That’s exactly what he planned to do, that was the only thing he could do. “Y/N?” His voice is soft but questioning as he knocks on the door to your hut, not hearing a response from the inside. He could smell your scent so closely though, almost as if you had been right behind him—but when he heard your soft hums behind the hut, he knew exactly where you were.
The splashing sound of the water fall slightly covered your hums, but he could make out your figure from behind the water, laughing to himself as he watched you dance. You were standing behind the waterfall, inside the cave that was also filled with water like a private jacuzzi. For you, the water had been at your shoulders but for Neteyam, it only sat level with his waist.
His ears are too busy listening to your voice to notice he had been walking into the water, making his way toward you like a fisherman under a sirens call. What he was about to ask scared him so much, but he also could stop himself. Maybe it was time he came clean.
He entered the cave without alerting you, watching as your bare back flexed when you ran your hands over your body. Your back was turned to him with your long hair flowing down it, voice echoing through the cave like a beautiful song. He could make out the outline of your chest and it almost made him choke, he felt so wrong for walking in on you but how could he stop himself? You were so irresistible.
“Y/N” you gasp and quickly lower yourself into the water, turning toward the tall boy with hesitancy. How long had he been standing there? Did he see anything? “Sorry for scaring you I, uh… I was looking for you and-“
“It’s okay, Teyam. What’s wrong? You look nervous?” Your eyes are big looking up at him, genuinely worried but he only found it attractive, as if your eyes could talk. His bioluminescent freckles are slowly peaking through their glow which makes your heart thump; he always looked so pretty like this. You watch as he lowers himself in the water to his knees, making his way over to you. His face was only a few inches taller then your own now, but he had been so close to you, you knew if he reached up he would touch your bare body in an instant. “Nete…?”
He wasn’t scaring you, but he was definitely making your nervous. His eyes scanned every detail of your face, and you worried he might’ve been mad at you or something with his lack of expression.
“I went to the lab” He finally spoke, clearly his throat with a sigh. “I found out another way you could feel better…” You cock your head slightly but smile realizing how nervous he had been. He went to the lab for you? “I know I should’ve asked you first but I just want to help you, Y/N. I… I don’t want you to be in pain”
You smile, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear before shaking your head. “No, no. I think it’s cute, You know. That you went there for me and all. I know you don’t like humans” He scoffs out a chuckle making both of you laugh, nodding his head. “What did you find out?” You question but only watch how his body tenses up, almost as if he had been afraid to tell you. “Oh come on, you didn’t go for nothing”
You don’t fail to notice how his face softens to you, and how his eyes move from one of your eyes to the other. You could feel his tail brushing against your leg, and his small freckles glowed in the slightly dimmed cave. His lips part slowly and you watch as he lets out a small breath before straightening his back.
“Can i…” His ears bat down as you raise your eyebrows slightly, listening to his words. “Can i kiss you?” The question rings in your head for maybe 10 seconds before you even begin to breathe again. Did Neteyam Sully just ask if he could kiss you? Your best friend? A Na’vi….? You felt as if your legs could give out under you, but you just continue to look at him, trying to study if he had been joking. He lets out a small breath and chuckles awkwardly, shaking his head. “Sorry I… I didn’t mean to-“
“You want to kiss me?” Your voice is just above a whisper when you speak, and your eyes are searching his for the right answer. He nods his head with a small smile.
“Only if you’ll let me?” He takes a small step closer and you don’t even try to move, he could hear your heart beating horribly fast, and could see the look in your eyes as your cheeks grew hot from his words. I made her blush! Great mother she’s blushing! Neteyam held back his smile as he watches you look away from him, his tail swaying under the water.
You finally look up to him and nod your head, your smile so big your cheeks hurt from it. He only chuckles, cupping your small face in his large hand before he leans down to press his lips against your own, and in that moment you didn’t even care you were naked under the water.
You move closer to him, allowing your breasts to press against his chest. You could feel his heartbeat with your hand against his body, it was racing just like yours. His arm was so strong around your waist, and his kiss was delicate like a small passionate peck. You always imagined your first kiss, especially with Neteyam.
Neteyam couldn’t get enough of your scent; your sweet, vanilla and coconut scent. You smelled like heaven, and even though you weren’t Na’vi, it was like you had pheromones that sent butterflies to his stomach. He felt this claim over you, like you were meant to be his, like you were his mate.
The two of you pull away slowly, still only inches away from each other. Neteyam was more confident to ask now, to tell you what he found on the internet.
“I read that, uh… that…” Maybe he wasn’t ready, but your reassuring hand on his arm made it all come out at once. “I read that having sex could help a lot” Your mind went blank when he said that. Did you hear him correctly? Sex? With Neteyam? That couldn’t be possible… right? A human with a Na’vi…
But you hated the fact this thought had crossed your mind so many times. The thought of Neteyam being your first and last, the thought of him being your first everything… it was an image you thought of a lot.
“I just… I just wanna help you, Y’know? Just wanna make you feel better” If he couldn’t see you, you would’ve been biting on your nails right now but instead your just staring at him, almost unresponsive as you fight the thoughts in your head. Could you even do this? You wanted to… but could you?
“I… but I’m bleeding” You point out with a slight sadness in your voice, and Neteyam’s hands grab your waist gently to pull you even closer to him then before. He didn’t care and you saw that, he just wanted to help you no matter what it was that you needed. Your mouth opened but almost insanely shut again due to your lack of response, and you couldn’t help yourself from pulling his face back into your own.
Your lips move perfectly in synch as soon as they lock, and in no time he has your legs wrapped around his large waist, kissing you passionately under this waterfall. A soft moan escapes your lips when he pushes his tongue against your own, and sets you on a ledge on the waterfall so he could stand up and be level with you. You don’t even realize your state until the air hits your skin, causing you to pull back from him to look down between you.
“I… Neteyam” You catch your bottom lip between your teeth as you notice your naked bodies. Though neteyam didn’t even realize your words when his eyes roam your body, fingertips tracing every curve until they reached your thighs. Your nipples were perked high, and you could already feel the pool form between your legs. Then there was his body; His very large body that was fully bare, his cock pressing against your calf. “Will this work…? Will it-“
“You ask too many questions, Tanhì” He trails, allowing his hands to move to your hardened breasts. You watch lustfully as he leans down to your neck, kissing your skin hungrily as if you were his last meal. Part of you was nervous, but the other part of you was curious. You wanted to feel him—touch him.
“Mmm…” You lay your head back against the stone behind you, laying a hand on the back of his head as he begins to trail kisses down from your neck. His large hands knead your breasts tenderly until his mouth is hovering just above one of them, tongue flicking against your nipple. “Neteyam…” Great mother how badly he’s always wanted to hear that… his name slip through your lips.
You let out a shack breath when his tongue pressed harder against and around your nipple, his other hand rolling your free nipple between his fingers. Neteyam couldn’t keep his eyes off your pretty yellows, noticing what made you moan even louder for him to keep going. He payed close attention to your body language as you grind yourself against him the best you could, feeling his hardening cock press even higher up your thigh.
“Tey, I… could you…” Neteyam watches you struggle through your words, your breath taken the moment his lips kissed your soft skin. You wanted to speak, but staring into his eyes as he completely worshiped your human body, was so fucking attractive and made you hot to his touch. “Touch me” You say in a breathless demand which makes him smirk and pull away from your nipple, placing more and more kisses back up your body till he reached your neck.
“I thought you were nervous?“ He points out in a cocky tone, one of his large hands laying on your thigh as it creeps up against his body. He’s practically trapped between your legs now and you love every second of it, your soft hands combing thorough his braids the more his lips moved up your neck. He was right, you were nervous but there was just something about him… something you couldn’t turn away from.
You let out a small gasp when you feel the head of his cock press against your inner thigh, just inches away from your core. Your body felt so needy for his, like he had flicked a switch as soon as he kissed you and you were suddenly all his to toy with. “Kiss me?” You ask while his head is still between your neck, nails scratching his skin gently as he pulls back up.
It felt surreal. It felt like just yesterday you were pulling his tail and now you were under him, begging him to make you feel better. When his lips touched yours, you felt those familiar butterflies in your stomach along with the tingling feeling between your legs—almost as if his touch had set your skin ablaze.
His lips were soft against yours with a hint of hunger, one of his hands snaking to the side of your face to pull you closer. You wanted to kiss him forever, you wanted to soak up as much as you could of him because you knew this was merely only to help you, but only Eywa knows you wanted more then that.
Ever since you were a little girl you always loved Neteyam. You father was Norm after all, which meant you were born very close to the sully family from the start. You watched Neteyam grow since as long as you could remember, sticking by his side whenever times got tough with his father. You were there for his first Ikran ride, and you cheered him on when he completed his rite of passage. Neteyam was going to be a strong Olo’Eyktan, that was for sure, but you always hated the fact he would have to mate with someone and forget about you.
It wasn’t hard to fall for the chiefs son, much less Neteyam. He was pretty in every way, and his way with words was always so beautiful.
“Mawey, Tahnì. We’ve got time” The boy mumbled against your lips, leaning his forehead against yours to slow you a down a bit. You blush out of embarrassment, you didn’t mean to rush, you were too caught up in the moment—too caught up in him. Neteyam watches as your cheeks burn a gentle pink which makes a smile pull his lips, and he can’t help but lean down to kiss your cheek. “It’s okay, I’m getting a little impatient too”
His words are just above a whisper when your eyes meet, his big yellows staring into your beautiful blue’s. He always got so lost in them, they were different from everyone else’s. You could feel his heart beating against his chest with how close you had been, how his tail brushed your thigh. Great mother, it was impossible to stay away from him.
Your hand, which already had been wandering his skin, is now just above his pelvis, threatening to touch him where he hurt the most. “You don’t have to suffer for me” You breath out gentle against him, and you watch as his lips part with a slight shudder when your fingertips graze the head of his cock.
“Y/N…” He warns barely audible as you small hand tries its best to wrap around him, but he was far too big and it was merely impossible. His lips reattach to yours before you could say anything else, and his hand slowly pulls yours away from him, beginning to trail passionate kisses down your body.
Neteyam knew you were a virgin, you didn’t even have to tell him. He remembered when you’d stay up for hours when norm and Jake had been away, talking about what you two wanted for the future or stupid things like when your first kiss would be.
Neteyam wasn’t a virgin. Hell, he was the chiefs son.
He had his fair share of girls since he was 17, but they were never really his priority. Most of the time he slept with girls to get his mind off of you, and how he couldn’t have you. Your father had seen the connection between the two of you at your very young age, always whispering to Jake whenever you’d braid Neteyam’s hair or fall asleep on top of each other somehow.
He was perfect for you in your dads eyes.
“This okay?” The boy softly asks when he presses the pad of his thumb against your clit, and you nod releasing a shaky breath. Your scent was far too strong, like a drug almost. His eyes are fallen to your bare body, stuck on the curves against your skin.
“It’s not nice to stare, Teyam” Your words lift his gaze back to your own, allowing him to notice your nervous eyes. You were afraid he wouldn’t find you attractive enough. Given you didn’t have a na’vi body and definitely not what he was used to, but if anything, Neteyam was more attracted to you then he’d ever been with anyone before.
“You have no idea how beautiful you are” The boy’s words come out gentle and soft, like a bandaid you lay atop an open wound to make it stop bleeding. Your cheeks are flush red as you sit up, laying your hands on the back of his neck. He watches closely as your eyes slowly flutter shut at the tingling feeling between your legs, the feeling he sent you with just his finger. You looked so beautiful like this, and you were so wet already. “Feel good?”
“Mhmmm… always feel so good when your around, Tey” His ears perk high at your words and he could feel his heart jump, glancing down at how his fingers played at your forbidden area. “Mm!” Your hand comes clasping around his wrist to stop his movements, feeling the pressure become a little too much to handle.
Neteyam can’t help but chuckle as he cups the side of your face with his free hand, pressing your bottom lip down with his thumb. “I’ve got you, Tanhì. Give yourself to me, let me make you feel better” his words ring in your ears as he reattaches his lips to your neck, rubbing faster circles against your clit right when you let go of his wrist. Give yourself to him?
“Neteyam…Neteyam” You repeat breathlessly and grab onto his shoulders, allowing your moans to fall from your lips so gentle you didn’t even notice you had been rambling. Neteyam’s cock was growing painfully hard now. He couldn’t take much more of the waiting, he couldn’t listen to your moans anymore without grunting in the pain he suffered.
“Need you to come for me, pretty girl. Can you do that for me?” You hum with a tense body, grip tightening around Neteyam’s arm as he chased your high. Whimpers are slipping from your lips without warning, and you could feel the growing tension in the pit of your stomach.
“Tey—Neteyam..!” Your words are shuttered by a gasp when you press your legs against his body, and push your head back against the stone under you, feeling yourself come undone. The boy above you whispers praising words in your ear as his finger slows against your clit, easing you out of your very intense high. Your chest was already heaving and you barely even started, and the way Neteyam’s eyes glued to your own made your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment.
“That’s it… good girl” His words make a shiver run down your spine, almost as if he’d reached in your body and touched your soul itself. He chuckles at your state, glancing down between you as he pulls his finger from your wet cunt, watching as your slick ran down his blue skin. You watch closely as he slips his thumb in his mouth, the sweet taste of you splurging against his tongue. You were sweet, tasted like one of the forest fruits he always loved to eat.
“Wait” you stop him from pulling your legs farther apart, slightly sitting up to look down at the unfamiliar part of him that had been pressing against you for so long. “Can i… touch you?” Neteyam’s eyes soften at your request, noticing how your eyes scanned his painfully hard cock. “It’s only fair, Right?”
After being hesitant for a second, the boy couldn’t help but smirk in the moment, cupping the side of your face. “What kind of best friend would I be if I said no?” Best friend… great mother, how were you going to survive? Neteyam had thought you only meant touching him, but to his surprise, you lowered yourself back into the water, now standing just as tall as his mid stomach.
As soon as you wrapped your small fingers around his cock, you felt how it pulsed against them, and you could hear the shaky breath that left your best friends mouth in that moment. God, even his cock had been pretty. He was long in length, somewhat thick but not to the point you found it impossible. The base of his cock was a darker blue like his skin tone, while it got lighter as you moved up, and his tip stood out in a lighter red/soft pink tone.
“You don’t have to-“
“I always knew you were pretty, but I never expected this” You mumble but his hearing is far too good to ignore it, which your words sent heat through his cheeks. Your hand is barely able to wrap around him, but your eyes stare up at him confidently as you stroke his length gently. “A pretty cock for a pretty boy” You smile, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. Neteyam lets out a deep breath when he reaches his hand down to your face, cupping your cheek with his large hand.
“A gorgeous girl deserves that, doesn’t she?” He hums, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. With another glance down, your able to see the slightly blue-tinted pre that leaks from his tip, practically begging you for your tongue. Neteyam’s hand is still against your face but slowly moves to your head, noticing your hesitation.
You move your head down with his soft guidance against it, stopping when your lips were just a few inches from his leaking tip. You wanted to taste it, to discover the secrets your best friend had kept from you for so long. It was truly a dream you’ve had many times, but you were sure they wouldn’t compare to the real thing.
“Just the tip, Tanhì. Don’t want you getting hurt, do we?” Neteyam taunts above you, sucking in a sharp breath once you finally press your tongue against his skin. Your eyes close when the sweet taste hits your tongue, and you can’t help but hum around his cock approvingly. “Kalweyaveng… just like that, Y/N” He breathes, the warmth of your small mouth taking the head of his cock with a nice welcome. Your hand is still stroking the rest of him, helped by the water so his cock had been wet from the start.
You pull back slightly after awhile to run your tongue along the side of it, flicking it over his sensitive spots. “Like this?” Neteyam groans, his fingers slowly starting to grip your hair. The bioluminescent freckles against his cock begin to glow brighter, alerting you of his arousal which makes you blush. The Na’vi was holding his pretty sounds from you, trying his hardest to hold it together.
“Just like that” his words are extremely faint as he looks back down to you, watching as you place him back in the warmth of your mouth. You knew he was getting frustrated when more and more pre leaked onto your tongue, begging for something much more then your mouth. Which is exactly why he pulled your head off of him and reached down, pulling you back up to sit on the ledge.
You frown, “was I not good-“
“You were fucking perfect, Y/N. I just—fuck, I need you” He lays you back against the stone once again, his large hands roaming your bare skin. “Great mother” You laugh as he cursed himself, head dropping down to capture the skin of your neck between his lips. You let out a soft moan as your hands traveled his body, indulging in the amazing feeling of him against you. It felt like his hands were everywhere—touching you, kissing you… he was practically apart of you. You could feel every emotion that coarse through his body, every loving feeling of his heart thumping against his chest. “N-Need you, Y/N”
You smile at his whimpers, this didn’t feel like just sex; this felt so much deeper, so much more sensual and it was doing so much to the both of you. Even through the pain and need for his body against your own, your mind still fogged with fear, reaching down to feel where his cock pressed against your thigh. “Neteyam” He let out a shaky breath once your fingers graze him, your hand clasping around his length in curiosity. You both looked between you at your movements, and you could no longer tell which side to listen to—your body or your fear. “Neteyam…” you repeat, tired of fighting with your mind and he looked to you with concern, realizing the slight panic in your voice.
He noticed your face twist in resistance and quickly cupped your cheek, stopping your hand from exploring the forbidden part of his body. “Y/N, Look at me” He didn’t need the bond to feel your fear inside and out, almost instantly rushing to sooth your frantic mind. You wanted this, you did—it was just so scary. “We don’t have to do this, okay? There’s other ways I can take care of you” His accent is soothing against your ear but you shake your head, wrapping your hand around his wrist gently.
You and him both knew your anxiety was off the charts some times, but you definitely wanted to do this with him. You were in love with him, and you wanted nothing more then to show him how much you loved him. “I want to do it, I do i just-“ Your rambling is cut by his lips, softly pressing into yours sweetly. He heard you, he saw you and he definitely understood you. “Slow?” He chuckles, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Always” He kisses the palm of your hand and you feel your heart fall flush with love, that smile he so desperately loved reappearing across your lips. “Tell me if it’s too much, yes?” You nod, kissing the bridge of his nose before he stood back up, pulling your body closer to the edge so it pressed against his. Your top half felt empty without him there but you held out, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch his every move.
He took his painfully hard manhood in his hand, gently running it along your dripping wet slit. You both could’ve got off just by this motion, just off the sight of one another like this. The first time was always painful, Neteyam knew that. He wanted nothing more then to make it the most comfortable and loving experience you could’ve imagined. He didn’t want to have sex, he wanted to make love to you—make you feel all his love that’s been pent up all these years.
“I’m gonna go real slow, okay? I won’t hurt you” You smile at his soft words, knowing how afraid he was of actually hurting you in any way, shape or form. You reassure him as he slowly pushes himself past your entrance, only the tip of him steadying inside you. You bite your lips, already feeling the slight burning sensation between you. He was so big compared to you, and you knew there was much worse pain to come. “This is the hardest part, Ma’Tìyawn”
You didn’t care, you just wanted him close to you and he saw that. He saw your nervous eyes almost instantly and leaned his body down to your own so he could hover over you. “It’s okay, Teyam” You whisper and feel your breath reflect off his face onto yours, faces only inches apart. He dips his head down to your neck, pulling the skin between his lips as he pushed a further depth inside you. The pain grew immensely and your nails dug into his back, grunts escaping his mouth.
“I know, I know” He soothes beside your ear, trying his hardest to keep his composure. You felt so good around him, like your body had been made to fit with his. “Your doing so good, Baby. It’ll get better, just relax for me” Your needs are telling you to take all of it at once but you know in your mind you’ll get hurt, or at least be horribly sore in the morning. You let out a gasp when he pushes further, pushing your hand against his chest with a cry. “Good girl” He praises, glad you had told him instead of hiding your pain.
“It hurts, Tey…” He shushes you, wiping your cheek off with the gentle pad of his thumb. You still wanted this more then ever and he knew that, but he’d be lying if he said it wouldn’t be hard. Neteyam must’ve waited forever until you gave him the okay, making sure he didn’t push you over your edge. He wanted to take care of you, he needed to make you feel better.
“There you go, That’s it” His coaching words help your body relax and he takes his time pushing into you all the way, earning a louder moan from your lips when he buried himself inside you.
“I—you—fuck” He chuckles at your stuttering voice and pulls your ear between his teeth, watching them perk at his sweet voice. “So big…” Now it’s his ears perking at your praise, and you can feel his hands tighten around your body. Even through the pain you smirk, placing a kiss against his shoulder. A praise kink, huh? What else was there to him? You thought to yourself, pulling his head up in front of your own. “Just give me a second, okay?”
Neteyam smiles, planting a soft kiss against your lips before mumbling against them, “take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere, Tanhì” His big eyes stare into yours with patience, and his hand slips between you to find your sensitive bud. Your cheeks flush a dark red at his words, and it almost makes you want to utter the forbidden words you’ve always wanted to say.
I love you. The words flood your mind while your fingers touch gently along his face, moaning at the sensation he had been giving you in every way.
He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, glancing between you nervously but you quickly pull his gaze back to you, nodding your head. He was so cute like this, so afraid of hurting you. He nods his head before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, gently moving his hips against your own. You felt so full of him, so full you felt like you could break in half. Your cramps were slowly starting to go away with every small thrust, your moans growing louder as he buries his head in your neck.
“Y/N your… shit—so tight” He breaths against you and you let out a soft moan, his ears perking at the sweet sounds you made. “Doing so good… fuck, you take me so well” Oh how the butterflies in your stomach made you giggle, crashing your lips against his again. His hands were gentle against your body but his pace slowly increased with time, and every moan and gasp you let out would only encourage him more.
“Teyam…” The sound of his name rolling off your tongue made him almost feral, and he could only watch as your eyes roll back and your legs squeeze his body. Now, all your pain had gone away. Your cunt was soaked from the mix of your slick and blood, making it such an easy access to the boy above you. You held his face, eyes never leaving his even with every shock of pleasure he sent you. His forehead was soon covered in sweat and so was yours, all that could be heard in the forest were your loud moans that covered his small whimpers. “More, Tey. Please” Your body speaks for you and he instantly grants your wish, pulling both of your legs up to lay against his shoulders.
Your mouth fell open as his tip kissed your cervix, reaching a depth you didn’t even know he could go. This is exactly what you needed, and it made it almost impossible to stay quiet. “Your the only girl I want saying my name. My gorgeous girl… great mother, Ma’Y/N. You are so beautiful, you know that?” He moves closer and you whimper at the stretching of your legs, massaging his arm as your head fell back against the grass.
“Your the gorgeous one, Tey” You tease through a moan and he only chuckles, leaning down to kiss your jaw. This boy was your life in one person and you weren’t ready to lose him—not to a Na’vi or anyone else.
His teeth pull your ear and you giggle, nails digging into his back so hard you knew you left a scratch. That feeling is back, the one you got before that sat in the pit of your stomach. Neteyam could feel you pulsing around him, and this only made him slow down, taking his time to make every stroke deep enough to the point you could feel every inch of him.
“Neteyam… I’m…” Your words are shortened by your shaky breath but he sees right through you, and he’s quick to hold your thigh, picking up his pace just a bit to draw you to your edge. He wanted you to scream it—to tell the whole forest how only he could’ve helped you. Neteyam was so set on it. After this, there was no turning his feelings away anymore.
“Scream my name, pretty girl. You deserve it” It felt so forbidden the way he slipped inside you with ease now, how something so much larger then you was welcomed by your body like you were it’s home. He applies more pressure, both inside and outside of you, holding your leg firmly against his shoulder.
“Neteyam. Oh, my god” you moan his name louder, nails digging deeper against his large shoulders. You’re completely lost in him, and you’d didn’t care. You didn’t care about someone hearing, or what this would mean afterwards, you just needed him with you—right now.
“I’ve waiting too long for this” He grunts against your ear making your stomach flip, and you can’t help but question through a moan.
But he dips his head back down to kiss you, driving his hips back against yours in a passionate thrust. He ignored your question purposely, he wasn’t going to ruin the moment the two of you were sharing. Of course you didn’t understand his comment. Hell, Neteyam knew better then to believe you loved him. You always saw him as your family, like a brother.
But that was far from true.
“Neteyam” He was far too caught up in the blissful feeling between you, and you watch closely as his bioluminescent freckles glow brighter, another kiss planting against your lips. Then there it was again; that pit in your stomach.
That pit that cried to your body for a release, that pit that built the worst pressure against your abdomen, and that pit that neteyam had put there.
But he had been pulsing inside you too, and you felt every last bit of it. Every beat, and heard every grunt that left his mouth. He was eager, just as you.
“I’m… oh, fuck! I’m coming, Tey..!” You warn against his lips. Neteyam’s answering moan vibrates all around your lips, sending a shockwave to your stomach when you’re just barely tipping over the edge.
“Come for me, Tanhì. My perfect girl, come just for me” You grow dizzy and you can do nothing but submit to him, unapologetic when you moan his name the loudest you could. He’s pushing harder and faster, just the way you needed and somehow, someway, this became much more than just sex.
He was making love to you, and you noticed it as soon as he caressed your face.
“Neteyam!” You scream, biting down on your lip to stifle any louder moans that could’ve gotten you caught. Your body feels it—the crashing of your orgasm, the tightening of your stomach, and the slick that poured from your sopping cunt. Your legs tighten around the boy just as your walls around him do, and you leave Neteyam a grunting mess above you.
“That’s it—fuck, good… good girl” The heat between you is more intense now then ever, all that could be heard was the sound of your heavy breathing and moans mixed together. “Fuck, Y/N” His body trembles and his thrust become sloppy, shoving himself against you one last time before he’s just over his edge.
He pulls himself from you with a grunt, and a long moan is heard from the both of you when his light blue release spills onto your stomach, coating you in it. His body jerks into his hand and your head falls back against the stone under you, chest still heaving with pure exhaustion.
It’s a good two minutes before either of you were able to move, but even then, you chose to stay in the position you had been in, except now you were rolled over—head laying against his large chest.
“That was…” You mutter under your breath, unable to finish.
“Unbelievable” He replies, making you look up at him with the a small laugh, except this time it was more innocent. The boy looks down at you and it’s clear he can’t hide it anymore, he can’t keep acting like his feelings for you don’t exist. “Feel better?” Neteyam asks with a gentle stroke to your arm, comforting your tired body against his.
“So much better” You hum with a smile, laying your head in the crook of his neck. “Thank you, Tey” His face falls at your words, replying with a simple anytime. He wasn’t ready to leave you, to go home without you by his side. This could be the only night you’d ever be this close, and he knew this would be the only time to admit his feelings for you, but he just couldn’t. “I’m happy with this, you know”
His forehead creases at your words, “what do you mean?” He’s nervous, you could hear his heartbeat against his chest, and it was quickening by the second. The soft pads of Neteyam’s fingers brush your hair away from your face, just in time for you to look up at him with a smile.
“This, us, you…” us? Did you mean to say that? “I’m glad it was you” And there it was, the realization between both of you. You were no longer in the dark and mist of each other, but you now saw each other clearer than day itself, and it made you wonder.
Was this ever just a pain reliever?
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Ughhh I kind of hate this… feels so rushed :/
My writers block is terrible but I’m trying to write day by day, hopefully I’ll have another Jake sully smut out soon!
Taglist: @doggyteam2028 @luvagirlsworld @mashiromochi @angelsamor @neytirishottie @lu-the-ghost-reader @viajaeger @jakescumdump @myh3artttt @rinizitos @luz15sstuff @lalamac125 @countryandsweetbabygirl @queenmizuki @sunnysolhaze
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loser-tomboy · 11 days
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So when women were banned from voting it was because they felt like women? Before a woman is denied an abortion, do they ask if they feel like a woman first? When little girls are banished to suffer in menstrual huts, it's because they felt "warm and brave"?
Of course the word has no answers to you, because it was something you never were and never will be. You will die your father's son
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museumofferedophelia · 10 months
Think of all the little girls in African and middle eastern countries who are pinned down while their genitals are horrifically cut open and mutilated without any sort of pain killer. Were they mutilated because they liked painting their nails and wearing dresses?
Think of all the little girls in developing nations who are told that they are being sent to work as a maid, only to find out that their parents were tricked, and they are now being prostituted at a brothel. Were they sentenced to a life of sexual abuse because they liked wearing makeup and having long hair?
Think of all the girls and women in Nepal and India who are forced into menstrual huts when they have their periods. Think of the girls who are left exposed in these huts and are raped by strange men, or else die from exposure to extreme heat, cold and flooding. Did they die because “skirt go spinny,” or because they liked playing the female avatar in video games?
Think of all the little girls in Africa who have just started developing breast buds, and their panicked mothers, aunts, and grandmothers feeling as though they must flatten their breasts with an iron in order to prevent them from being raped or married off as child brides. Were their bodies stunted because they liked playing with dolls rather than trucks?
Think of all the girls and women who become pregnant through rape, or else are impoverished, homeless, disabled, or not physically or mentally healthy enough to have a child. Are they denied control over their bodies because they look or act a certain way? Or was it by virtue of having a female body and genitalia?
Think of all the girls and women in countries ruled by Sharia law and militant Islam, who are denied an education, and routinely killed for trying to go to school. Were they murdered for opting into womanhood as some indefinable, mysterious, unknowable essence? 
This is why I vehemently disagree with the notion of "centring transwomen" in discussions of the systemic abuse that women suffer, both presently and historically. The majority of violence, abuse and oppression inflicted upon women on a global scale is SEX BASED, not gender based. It isn’t because they’ve chosen to present as a woman, it is because they ARE women. And if people would step outside of their privilege and view things on an international scale, they would clearly see that.
Being a woman isn’t a costume, it’s a life sentence. Trans rights should be discussed separate to women's rights.
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piqued-curiosity · 1 year
Why are you so fucking obsessed with menstruation? It's fucking disgusting. It's highly unsanitary to the point where it's a fucking biohazard. It's literally just humans going into heat.
There's nothing beautiful or admirable about an organ that caused external bleeding, incapacitating agony, and expels putrid chunks of dead organ.
Because of this attitude.
Women and girls are taught to be ashamed of menstruation and to see it as gross. In some places, they’re sent to menstrual huts and left to die. In some cultures, women aren’t allowed to be in the kitchen because they’re “too dirty” while menstruating and are therefore restricted from little but important freedoms like getting a snack.
So myself and many other women have decided to turn it around and purposely see the beauty in menstruation, instead of the ugly that the world has tried to convince us to see. I would encourage you to do the same, unless you’re content with contributing to the ongoing shame and ostracisation regarding menstruation.
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menalez · 8 months
Why do you guys hold periods in such reverence? They're just body functions like pooping and farting. Nothing special
because period stigma exists and there’s women in the world being shamed and treated as if they’re dirty and lesser and even put in menstrual huts for menstruating.
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carbonemissionshater · 10 months
Reading about Camp Trans and lesbian dating events both being protested by TIMs is so infuriating. Women were not allowed in court rooms, workplaces, voting stations, schools for literally centuries. In some parts of the world, they still can’t. Girls in Nepal have to sit in menstrual huts. Women in rural India have no safe public restrooms. Women are and have been relinquished to the home for centuries, not to be seen in public. And in any of these cases there was no question who was a woman: it was adult human females.
Now that women have gotten a SLIVER of power and freedom, males are demanding our spaces. Demanding to be in our locker rooms, prisons, bathrooms, sports, rape shelters, lesbian events, women’s festivals. Everything. Suddenly, it’s not clear who’s a woman. Suddenly, anyone can be a woman.
Idc if they feel left out or have dysphoria, women should have the right to gather without males. Women shouldn’t have to relinquish female only spaces to accommodate males. TIMs maintain the right to exist anywhere else (some places they can’t wear their girl costumes but the right for males to wear dresses/makeup is not the same as women’s rights) and they do, in congress, on television, on magazines, at work, etc.
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
Fuck every single one of you bringing your own cultural wars whenever a grave issue about my country's women is brought up.
The number of times I have seen this happen. Menstrual huts....sex selective abortions/female infanticide or whatever. You all have to insert your gender wars there.
You are not interested in knowing the societal and economic conditions that lead to these issues. And what is done and could be done to stop them.You just wanna own the trans people in your Western politics.
If there's one thing Western TRAs and radfems both share is their racism. How they view woc as nothing but pawns in their agenda.
White extinction button right now.
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butch-reidentified · 4 months
unsurprisingly, OP has blocked without saying a word and has deleted all yalls comments as well
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headshotheaven · 5 months
the gossip in the menstrual hut mustve gone crazyyyy when u and ur bestie were synced up
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sexisdisgusting · 3 months
Any time Dylan Mulvaney or some other trans moid talks about how the hardest part of being a girl is “tee hee, finding out what to wear and crushing on boys, am I right, girls??” it makes me want to show them documentaries about child brides, FGM, menstrual huts, CSA, human trafficking and prostitution of women and girls etc.
Not that they have empathy in their brains to understand any of that but I wanna do it anyway
oh my god i know mootina i feel the exact same way, how they boil down 'being a woman' to such misogynistic, patronizing things and its hailed as progressive makes me realize the world has gone crazy
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theradicalbutch · 4 months
Holy shit I’m losing my mind right now.
Just saw a Canadian woman on TikTok going on about how much she wishes they would “bring back” menstrual huts. And the entire comment section was a bunch of other (mostly) white women agreeing with her; saying how “cozy” it would be. The level of ignorance in that none of them seem to be aware of the fact that menstrual huts are very much still a thing in many places, and the fact that these huts aren’t an “UWU girl vacation” is astounding.
It’s honestly just very sad how uniformed a lot of women are in regard to the history of and current existence of the brutal oppression against women. Menstrual huts do not exist for women’s benefit, and “bringing them back” to western countries would only lead to more oppression and dehumanization.
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revengebian · 3 months
some people: trans women are women! :)
other people: that may be the case, but trans women and cis women have differences that logically must be acknowledged.
some people: hm...you're right........trans woman are MORE OPPRESSED than cis women :)
other people: what? no! i meant trans girls growing up aren't forced to undergo fgm, aren't subliminally socialized as "females" under a patriarchal environment, aren't arranged to be brides before they're adults, are never sent to menstrual huts, and have access to education in every country due to their sex assigned from birth!
some people: wait, are you a terf? cuz that sounded terfy :/
some people: well, no, but i've recently been looking into their beliefs and-
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