a-nonymousgirl · 3 years
Way overdue update
Kinda forgot I had a tumblr if I’m being completely honest and I’ve been the absolute worst at updating it due to that. For those of you who I’ve noticed have followed me recently(ish) little life update. I graduated from college in May, just quit my shitty as hell job and just started a new position at a hospital. I’m absolutely in love with my new job and couldn’t be more ready to get into the full swing of it.
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a-nonymousgirl · 5 years
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I got these super cute journals and I’m thinking about picking up journaling but on my own terms. I’m just not sure what I want to write in them at the moment. It feels like a lot has happened recently but it’s calmed down so there isn’t as much to say.
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a-nonymousgirl · 5 years
a big sister’s college tips
wait until after syllabus week to buy your textbooks. they might not be required. it’ll save you money 
prioritize your classes by number of credit hours. more credit hours = bigger impact on your GPA. sometimes there’s not enough study time to go around  
if you wanna dress up for class, dress up for class. if you wanna pull up in the sweatshirt you wore yesterday, that’s okay too 
locate your classes before they start, so you don’t get lost on the first day. check and see if your college has an app of some sort with a campus map! 
old exams are more valuable than life itself  
set your class schedule as your home screen until you’ve got it down 
Chegg.com. you’re welcome 
carry a sweatshirt. it may be 100 degrees outside but chances are it’s 30 degrees in your lecture hall  
keep your syllabi  
write things down!! planner, phone, laptop, etc.  
sit in the front. go up and introduce yourself to your professor after the first day, say you’re looking forward to the class. build a relationship! Professors do not round grades for students they don’t at least recognize 
bring your chargers with you everywhere 
sometimes it’s easier to wake up early and study for an exam than stay up late the night before  
shower shoes. have you ever heard of toe fungus 
the dorms are bad BUT you will get through it (and make friends while doing it) 
there’s no such thing as a condom that doesn’t fit    
every time you skip class it costs you money. go to class. (unless you are dying or have no other time to finish something for another class)
your mental health is important. college can be overwhelming. know your limits. seek help if you need it. 
sometimes if you go to your professor’s office hours and ask questions a day or two before an exam they will steer you towards information that will be covered 
find your study space. the library is your friend  
parking is a bitch and a half 
it’s okay to miss your parents. call them. (they miss you too) 
talk to your advisor!!! let them advise you!!!
don’t study yourself into the ground. after college you’re a real life adult - enjoy college while it lasts. go out, make friends, if you drink, do so responsibly. uber exists for this very reason 
keep an eye on your drink at all times 
don’t feel pressured to go out and drink because college. it’s not for everybody  
on a related note: pedialyte is your friend  
don’t be afraid to drop a class that doesn’t fit you, but talk to your advisor first 
chances are you’re paying a lot of money to be where you are. party if you wanna, but do not let it interfere with your grades.  
you’re gonna get a lot of free stuff. take advantage 
if you can handle it with your class load, get a job. it’s a good way to make friends. 
it’s okay to change your major. really! 
first semester is easier if you get involved with something!!   
there will be weeks when you have nothing due, and then there will be weeks when you have 5 exams 14 assignments and 2 papers due all at once. take advantage of down time. work ahead!! make life easier for your future self  
carry a water bottle  
exercise will not only help avoid the freshman 15 but also make you feel better  
it’s okay if you’re not best friends with your roommate 
communicate if they are doing something that annoys you  
keep your dorm clean. the only thing worse than a tiny space is a messy one 
buy an umbrella
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a-nonymousgirl · 5 years
The library is honestly my favorite place to study, I’ve found this little nook on the top floor with a to die for view and for the most part I usually have the floor almost completely to myself
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If you’re anything like me, you go to the library with the best intentions then inevitably get distracted and wind up finishing none of the tasks you set out to do. Here’s a handy guide to how to get more done when you go to the library!
Planning your study session
Know what you’re doing ahead of time. Not only does this mean you can plan out your time to keep you on task, but you can also pare down which books and notes you need to bring.
Try and choose subjects that you need to be in the library for. For instance, if you need books to write an essay, read them in the library so you don’t have to drag them home. It’s better for your back, and more motivating when your time is limited!
Make a plan! Whether it’s just a to-do list or chunking your work into ten minute blocks, have goals to accomplish and keep yourself on task.
Don’t expect to be fully focused the whole time you’re there. No one can concentrate for 4 hours straight, so work some breaks into your plan and cut yourself some slack.
What to bring
A water bottle. You’re better off staying hydrated with water than sugary drinks from the vending machine, and bringing your own bottle is the best way to do that because you can keep it right at your desk.
Your chargers! Nothing cuts a study session short like your computer dying, so be prepared and make sure you’ve got your laptop/phone/tablet charger on hand.
A jacket. At least at my university, the library is almost always freezing. Even if yours isn’t, bring a jacket to keep you warm because sitting still for ages is a surefire way to cool you down!
Healthy snacks. Bringing your own food means you won’t be spending money, and you have a reason to stay at your desk and away from the vending machine. It also means no noisy crisp packets! Here’s a guide to library-friendly quiet snacks.
Headphones. Sometimes, even the library can be a bit noisy. Whether you’d prefer silence or some light music, having headphones can help you out.
Study essentials. Don’t depend on the library having copies of your required textbook, so bring your own from home, alongside essentials like pens & paper!
Making the most of the library
Don’t sit on the ground floor. It’s the loudest and busiest, and the place where you’re most likely to run into friends or get distracted, so avoid it off the bat. Similarly, stay away from high traffic areas like the loos, printers, and cafe.
Use the resources available! The library offers so much more than books: research databases, primary sources, librarians, and even audio resources if you’re a languages student like me. Make the most of all that’s on offer!
Get there early. Especially in exam season, the library fills up pretty fast and that can prevent you from sitting where you would usually. If you want a prime spot, your best bet is to get there when the library opens.
Try booking a study room. They can be great for working on group projects or if you want to snag a one person room and work with even fewer distractions.
Remember that the library doesn’t guarantee productivity. You still need to be prepared and focused, regardless of the location! Try and ditch the rest of the day’s worries at the door and just concentrate on work.
Other tips & tricks
How To Effectively Study In A Library from The Happy Arkansan
Library Study Session Tips & Essentials from Bookish & Bright
How to have a Productive Library Study Session from Macarons & Mascara
Packing List for Studying in the Library from Life As A Dare
How to Study Efficiently and Effectively
Home vs. Library: Finding a Study Spot from Survive Law
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a-nonymousgirl · 5 years
Not too long ago I was feeling a bit adventurous and thought it would be kind of fun to reach out and talk someone who lived in a completely different county. I’ve always kind of liked the idea of a pen pal I was just nervous about it and never really was that sure about it, but I ended up going for it. I met this super nice girl from Germany and I’ve never hit it off with someone like I did with her. We got a long super well and I felt like she got me in a way that most people don’t. Even though I think she decided penpaling wasn’t for her, I have to say it was such a great experience and I really recommend it to anyone to just try and see how it goes.
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a-nonymousgirl · 5 years
Thanks for everyone who has put up with my super inconsistent posting, I really appreciate you. I hope to start being more active in the near future, until then if there’s any specific post you’d like send me a message or an ask.
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
I wish it would get easier
I knew from a young age that life was never going to be picture perfect, and I accepted that. I learned to alter my view of the world to be more realistic early on, as to avoid disappointment. I got good at taking care of myself at a young age and I got even better at watching others and reading them to see how they were doing. I felt like things were finally settling into a rhythm, things were looking a little up for a while there. And then it feels like it all hit again, except this time it wasn’t a slow trickle it feels more like a tsunami thats attempting to sweep my feet out from underneath me. Being on my toes has never been an issue, I watched my abusive dad leave my life when I wasn’t even fully aware that this wasn’t how most families are, I watched my mom lose a child, I was there for all my grandmothers hospital visits as she slowly died of liver failure,I watched as the only grandfather figure I had left because it was all too much, and so much more that it felt like it had to all be behind me, how could there be more.
Then a few months ago my mom started getting sick. Some thought it was just the flu, then maybe metapause. After two or so months she had lost over 60 pounds and we found out it was a stomach ulcer and a kidney infection. She started antibotics and all should have been fine. Except these discovers seemed to lead to more symptoms, at first we thought maybe they were just side effects of the medicines she was on. We waited and hoped this was the answer, because it was the easiest one to solve. Unfortunately life is never that easy, instead her doctors believe she is in the beginning stages of multiple sclerosis. which for those who don’t know is a disorder where the immune system eats away at the covering of the nerves and doesn’t have a cure. Its a life sentence of pain with treatments that can help manage some of the pain, but none that make it better. With that everything shattered. She got fired from her job because of medical time she had taken off and I had to deliver the news. That was probably one of the hardest calls Ive had to have. WIth finally knowing what is wrong with our loved ones, there is usually this relief that washes over us. I think this caused the opposite, I knew this meant I would have to be the one to be there for everyone else and hold everything together. That job has become harder than ever, I am trying to hold myself together, all the while I am a full time student, who works most of the weekend and comes home to care for my family. Its been hard to not want to just sit and cry sometimes because Ive been up for 18 hours and now I have to make sure everyone has eatten, that my sister has finished her homework and then help her get ready for bed, while ensuring my mom has her new icepacks and she stays on her schedule for medications. 
The hardest part is always feeling alone, like this is a one person battle. I know I have friends that are there for me, but I feel bad enough when I neglect them for weeks because 17 credit hours is enough to juggle with working 20 hours a week. I feel like I can’t let people in either, this is my problem really not thiers. I don’t want to bring someone into this, then have it be the reason they leave.. because its all too much and its not thier issue. Most of my friends don’t know that my mom is sick, most wouldn’t know anything wrong and sometimes I think thats almost easier than to let someone in only for them to leave. -A
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
This is so fricken cool, imagine creating this elaborately beautiful window and then being like yeah guys it generates power too...
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Just imagine a world full of beautiful stained glass windows which also generate electricity…
[Oxford Photovoltaics]
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
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I’m really feeling all the fall vibes while studying
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
An open letter to you
When I was small my grandma was one of the biggest parts of my life, she seemed to always be there when I needed her. My mom used to tell me this story about how when she found out I was going to be a girl my mom didn’t hear from her for a few hours, later that day she showed up with bags of baby clothes beyond ecstatic with the thought of a granddaughter. I used to laugh about it because my grandma reminded me all the time how special I was to her, so it wasn’t much of a surprise. I have a letter from her from 2004 where she tells me how I was the one to bring a smile to her face and a twinkle in her eye. She wrote how much she loved me being in her life and how I seemed to be growing so fast. She ended by saying she loved me the mostest, our secret little inside phrase. 
At the time I don’t think I truly appreciated the letter, or time I got to spend with her. Little did I know I would only have a few more years with her when this letter was written. When my grandma got sick I loved her but I had a bit of anger and I didn’t always fully appreciate the time I had with her because on the inside I was angry with her in some ways. I didn’t understand how someone who meant this much to me could do this to themselves, and I knew things were going to change. I don’t like to talk about her to other people much, so many people outside of my close friend group do not know much about her. I felt like sharing her would taint things, that people would twist my memory of her to this version where she was just an alcoholic who paid the price. With that said, I’ve been asked if I still miss her. The answer? In short, yes. 
It used to be a constant pain, a gut wrenching pain I didn’t want to share with anyone. With being just 4 months short of the 8 year anniversary, I still feel it sometimes. I think it haunts me less now than it used to, but i still find myself on the floor crying sometimes at the little things that remind me of her. Today was one of those days I made a stupid mistake and left my necklace at home when I was at work. As i began to fill with panic at the realization, I realized how much she still meant to me. Part of me with always love her and will always wish she could have been there for those big moments in my life because I can just image her smile. She would have been there for ever milestone, no matter how small I thought it was at the time and would have insisted on taking more pictures than probably necessary, so I didn’t miss a moment. It was hard that first year without her, and it was just as hard not having her there for homecoming, my first boyfriend, my first break up, prom, making it into my schools varsity show choir, all my dance recitals, my honor groups and graduation. Most importantly, she wasn’t there to share in the love of my life. My little sister who came to me at a dark time just two years after I lost my grandma. She is a spiting image of my grandma and she manages to bring me so much joy its almost unimaginable. I think I miss her most not for me, but for my sister, the one who never got to meet her. I feel like I have to keep her memory live so she can get a picture of what her grandmother was like. It gets harder around Christmas for me still however, its the season she loved the most, but its also the season of her birthday and shortly after, her death. On days like this I feel regret for not missing her all the time, I feel like she is slowly slipping away while still being such an important force in my life. On days like this, I wish I could tell her how much I loved her, how much I still love her. I want to tell her I forgive her, and I want to tell her about everything she has missed. I want her to know we do still miss her, but we are okay, that in a way she has made me stronger. -A
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
First week
This honestly was the first week of school from hell. I had assignments that were due before school even started and then I got slammed with hours worth of homework for each night. On top of that I’m still working over 20 hours a week so I have barely slept to keep up with everything. Last night after work I completely lost it and had a full on emotional break down in the shower because I had to save time since I was going to be up till atleast 12 as it was. I’ve managed to push my self so hard I got sick on the second day and have felt like absolute crap every day
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
College update
Today was my first day of the fall semester and I’m absolutely wiped already. I had several assignments due before school even started so that set it off not so great. Then today I had to get up at 7 to get to campus so I could study for like two hours before class then after all my classes got done at 2:30 I had to take the bus home and quickly get ready for work, work a 5 hour shift and then come home to study. I feel like I really didn’t get much accomplished because I was already tired and I need to go to bed soon in order to get up on time to go to my 8am class. I still have to find time to read like 6 chapters worth of content before Wednesday’s classes😒
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
School tips
 Everyone reaches some point in the school year when they realize they have over extended themselves, feel overly stressed, and just want to give up on themselves. I know I am guilty of this, especially over extending myself and then trying to cram as much into a day as possible. I get overly excited about all the options I have or under estimate how much time some of my commitments take up. There were times this year in college where I was up till two or three in the morning finishing up assignments after working almost ten hours straight.  It seems almost impossible to balance between being over extended and bored out of our mind. So here are some ways I help myself keep sane and organized during the year.
Before I begin I want to ask something I ask myself every year. What in your schedule can you not live without? These are the crucial tasks that absolutely must be done today. Think of how much time each of these takes up and be realistic, don’t give yourself five hours to sleep when really you need seven or eight(i’m guilty of this but try best to avoid it). Think of how to best organize these requirements so you don’t end up overlapping and find yourself stressed.
1) Use a planner/calendar
Having a easy to see lay out of the month really helps keep me on track. I like my planners to have a monthly and a weekly view. I put all deadlines, tests/quizzes, school events, siblings events, birthdays, work schedule ect here. It helps me to be able to see everything and plan out how early I need to start homework or studying for tests so I can get the best grade(In college there is a 2 week rule my friends and I use to study for tests). In the weekly Ill put a little tid bit of what was covered in class and any specifics about an assignment that gets assigned.  I know a lot of my friends have had success with using a calendar on their phone, another uses sticky notes and writes the essentials, and another uses a wall calendar. Find what works best for you and stick with that.
2) Study early
What I mean by this is start an assignment when you get it, even if its months away so the info is still fresh in your mind. It also means start studying for a test early so that you can start with studying for 30-40 minutes and work your way up to a three or four hour study session a few days before the test.
3) Find time for you
This seems like it wouldn’t have a lot to do with school and your success but stress cause people to shut down. Taking small 10-15 minute breaks after studying for two-three hours helps prevent burning out and getting overly stressed. Find a few things that make you happy and set aside some time for them. They don’t have to 
4) Read the content before its covered in class
This helps with comprehension but also allows you to ask questions about the content while it is being covered
5) Make friends
This helps out a lot when there are class projects or a big test coming up. I have a short list of people I talk to all the time about almost everything we do in class. It helps a lot knowing if you miss a class they can help cover you some and its super helpful having a few people you can depend on to study together with
6) Highlight
don’t be afraid to highlight terms, important information or key concepts in your notes. This helps give a focus to the notes and gives a little reminder of what might be important to focus on when the test comes up
7) talking to your teacher/ use professors office hours
This goes for students of all ages, don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek out help. This can be in class or outside of class, for college students this is during office hours. Usually professors have few students coming in and truly want to help if they can. Meeting with the teacher can help establish a relationship which helps with grading later on and can help with finding the best way you learn.
8) record the lectures if you are allowed
This helps if you miss a section of lecture and can help you study in times where you can’t pull out a notebook or textbook.
9) sit in the front if possible
This helps the teachers remember who you are(helps when you go in to ask for help, they are often more friendly) and gives you the least amount of distractions. My chem teacher took a poll of where people sat in class and their average test scores, even those who did not participate much in class but sat in the front did better than those who sat in the back.
10) Have snacks
I have studied with many people who have skipped meals(guilty) or didn’t bring snacks. This can make studying less productive because there isn’t as much focus on the material. The snack can also be used as a reward for reaching a certain point. I liked to bring some brain foods(help memory and brain development) mixed nuts, granola bars, pumpkin seeds, etc and then a cheat snack like cheez its that I would swap out.
11) Eat brain foods
On important days treat your brain, especially those long studying days. A few great options are eggs, blueberries, tea, dark chocolate, avocado, oatmeal, nuts, etc. These foods can really help with concentration and give a little boost.
12) Don’t pull all nighters all the time
This is hard especially when it comes to college but staying up all night for many nights in a row throws your body off, slows you down and can make it harder to remember content from class. Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night to keep from burning out and to ensure you get the most of your day. This is hard to do(trust me I know) but it is beneficial in the long run.
13) Color code
Color coding can help your brain associate terms together and help terms stay longer.
14) Use practice exams
If your professor/teacher post practice tests use them to your advantage. Try going through them in the amount of time you would be given without any study tools. See how well you did after and then focus on the areas you did poorly on. Often at least 4-5 questions from the practices are on the test in some form whether it be the same set up or the same kind of question.
15) Move around
Research has shown moving study spots can help with memory. moving around causes our brain to form new associations with the same information so it becomes a stronger memory.
16) Write it out 
If possible try to write out notes as you are more likely to remember material written than you are if its typed. For college this is harder to do with lecture, often I type out my notes then go back and review them and possibly write them out later that night.
17) learn what works best
This sounds like common sense but figure out what learning style works best for you. Personally I have to read the material and take notes over the content at the same time for me to really soak up the information. One of my best friends is more auditory and likes to watch videos and listen to videos to help her study. In college you can sometimes choose whether you would like an online text book only or a package that has an online book as well as a paper copy. I find it better to have a paper copy, but some people I study with love the online version.
18) Find your weaknesses
Through out covering the material find sections that you are not as confident on or don’t fully understand. Make a list of them as they appear then try to focus on those sections when studying.
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
Study tips post
I have been super busy and i feel super bad about not posting those study tips.......but I think I can have them up in about an hour I am just putting a few more tips that help me in.
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
I’m hoping to get that post about school tips up tomorrow. I was going to try to get it up tonight but there was some drama at work today that made me just want to crash when I got home. Sorry about the wait.
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
hey, friend! Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. Have a good week :)
Aww thank you, you are so sweet!! I’ve been doing pretty good, just super busy with work. I usually work 6 days a week and then I picked up an extra few hours this next week. I hope you are doing good as well! 😊
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a-nonymousgirl · 6 years
2018 School Supplies
I have decided to create a generalized list of  supplies with how I use them that can be used in all the way from middle school to college.I will put in some tips that will be more helpful for college student than others, but I hope you all enjoy. Feel free to message me with any questions or for further explanations :)
I will try to have the tips section up by tomorrow, the original intention was to have the supplies and tips together, but many of the tips go hand in hand with the time management post I was asked to make. As such, I have decided to combine them.
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School Supplies; Pencils;
I have tried quite a few types over the years but my favorite ended up being the Bic sparkly mechanical pencils, they weren’t overly thick and they lasted me a long time.
Not really a pencil, but I was unsure of where else to put this. I am huge fan of having clic erasers compared to those on the back of mechanical pencils or the square ones.
I use quite a few types of pens, each one I have a favorite use for. I like to use the Bic pens for everyday things, note cards and for writing in the monthly view of my planner. I like how smooth these pens write as well as how they are not overly expensive and easier to find.
The product I swear by are Staedtler pens. I got my first pack my sophomore year and I fell in love. I still use some of the markers from my first pack to this day and I am in college. They have a vibrant pigment that never leaves you struggling to read notes later and come in a variety of packs that make it easy to get as many(or few) as you wish. I use these for almost everything, especially notes.
I am a big fan of the paper mate flair pens. I like how nicely they write as well as the quality of pigment they have. I use these for note headers, writing in the weekly section of my planner and other small things. I borrowed one of my sisters pens my eighth grade year and have used them for school since.
Last but not least, I like expos brand of thin tip dry erase markers. I like the variety of colors and how long they can last me. I get these for a little bit of an unusual use, I don’t usually use them on an actual whiteboard, but more often on sheet protectors(or my dorm room window) I keep in the back of my chemistry binder for solving problems and drawing out structures when I can’t find a free whiteboard or don’t want to waste paper. These were a lifesaver last year and I used them almost everyday.
I cannot emphasize how important having a planner is. I take my syllabus given in the first week of class and write every date in my planner as soon as possible. I also write due dates, important dates,appointments, school events, my work schedule, study dates, important items to bring to class on certain days, and little reminders. A planner helps you stay so much more organized and helps ensure little forgetful mishaps don’t lead to a zero on an assignment or a missed appointment.
Note cards;
I don’t have a specific brand of note card I recommend as all are about the same. I do recommend starting with a white pack and if you like using them then trying a colored pack to help organize. I used colored note cards in my medical terminology class to separate suffixes, prefixes, terms and drawings. If you are a heavily visual person using this system can help memorization using color association.
This is one of those products where any brand works, the pack you get simply depends on the use and how many colors you desire. I have used simple packs in the past with the four basic colors and it worked well for me. I got the zebra brand this year after a friend recommended them to me as I use them for highlighting notes, highlighting important information in my planner, and as part of color coding. I haven’t gotten to use them much, but I highly recommend them for those who want multiple colors in a thin size as regular.
I have a love for five stars plastic folders. I have used them since my freshman year of high school and never went back. They last me a lot longer than paper ones or other brands. I use these for loose papers from my classes as well as a special one that holds my tests for review. I usually match them to a notebook with a different color for each subject. I am trying something different this year with a more patterned notebook however.
With my classes I don’t have a huge need for multiple binders and I really don't want to carry them around campus either. With that said I get an inch binder to hold chemistry and biology notes. I like to use binder dividers with little pockets in them to keep the subjects separate and it has worked well so far. For subjects that require their own binder, i use the tabs to divide general class papers, handouts, notes, assignments and blank paper from each other. It makes finding papers much easier and the pockets hold papers which can’t be hole punched.
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