a-so-called-person · 14 hours
I could ship them if the reason she likes that gurl so much is very ambiguous til the very end i could ship them if neither of them werent that good at helping with eachothers trauma (but still very willing to) i could ship them if she has a husband she seems happy with i could ship them if they were keept apart from a weird rift in time I could ship them if it turned out that she was in fact just the girls hallucination i could ship them if it turned out that she was actually a genuine ghost i could ship them if after that vacation they never saw eachother again BUT HER BEING THE GIRL'S FU CKING GRANDMA???? HER FU CKING GRANDMA???????
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a-so-called-person · 20 hours
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vitya from the trailer
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a-so-called-person · 21 hours
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a-so-called-person · 2 days
Lead toxicity was so common in the 1900s that it became the one of the most widespread poisons to the human brain, second only to Ayn Rand herself.
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a-so-called-person · 2 days
Are LGBTQ labels confusing? Do you ever see a collection of words and think "aren't some of those antithetical or mutually exclusive?" Congratulations! You've run into a very interesting phenomenon that I'm about to break down to the best of my ability.
There's two major philosophies when it comes to labels, they don't have names to my knowledge so I'm gonna call them Reflective and Telegraph.
The Telegraph Label philosophy states that labels primarily function as a means of conveying useful information about one's self to others. It's telling others what pronouns, what parts and what genders that person has or is attracted to. This is usually pretty straightforward, the stuff someone interested in dating you would check before asking you out to avoid embarrassment.
The Reflective Label philosophy states that labels are primarily a tool for describing an internal experience. Putting words to feelings for the benefit of the self. This is how we get lables like stargender or autismgender. These aren't meaningfully useful labels that tell others what to expect physically or what pronouns to use. But that doesn’t mean they're useless. In the case of someone using autismgender, that label probably describes the internal experience of the ways a person's autism impacts their views on and performance of gender. Stargender likely explains not that they literally see themselves as a star but rather that their internal experience of their prefered gender performance makes them feel a way that reminds them of stars or stargazing.
And this applies to sexuality too. Boy lesbian might seem antithetical but ultimately that label isn't there to tell others anything. It's merely a comfort to have words to describe a mess of feelings and social dynamics.
And for clarification, anyone calling themselves a boy-lesbian probably isn't the cis male boogieman forcing lesbians who aren't interested in cis men to date them or else be labeled a bigot. That boogieman doesn't exist. A more likely explanation is that a nonbinary or trans person has a complex relationship with their changing gender that doesn't trigger a change in the way they see themselves in relationships and attraction thus causing them to keep or adopt the lesbian label despite the gender weirdness going on.
I see a lot of infighting about what people call themselves and whether or not certain combinations can even physically exist. And Y'know what? I don't think that's terribly productive. Neither philosophy is wrong. People are just using labels to address different root problems.
As aggravating as it might be for Telegraphers, you don't have to understand everything. Not everyone feels that they owe you the list of information you find useful, and their labels reflect that. And that's okay.
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a-so-called-person · 2 days
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a-so-called-person · 2 days
Just looked at a blog where the header description said 'sometimes I reblog posts I like so I don't forget them'.
And I feel like that, right there, explains so much about how the site has changed in the last few months.
People now think reblogging is an unusual behaviour, rather than a default.
Tumblr newbies, please, for the love of baby Jesus, reblog the posts you like. That is the whole reason the site exists - for you to collect all your shiny fandom objects in a single space. Which you can organize to your heart's content. Or not organize at all, if that's your jam.
Our blogs are intended to be collections of posts, not collections of likes.
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a-so-called-person · 2 days
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meme creds to MY insta meme page: @crumbsontheblanket
so follow my insta for more :•)
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a-so-called-person · 2 days
i will do my best to put this into action, myself in my own city, but i really want to see pride events that take place in months other than June. yes I understand the historical significance of these events taking place during the month of June, but the problem is summer time is not an accessible time of year for many disabled people. extreme heat and exposure to sunlight for long periods of time can cause many people to get sick or even need to be hospitalized.
psychotic people, people with heart conditions, people with autoimmune disorders, people with inflammatory bowel diseases, autistic people, schizophrenic people, people with fibromyalgia, people with POTS, people with ADHD, diabetic people, people with arthritis, and many, MANY other neurodivergent people and people with other chronic health issues struggle in hot weather. there are people who have seasonal affective depression that hit them the hardest during summer months. some people are taking medications that make them sensitive to heat and/or sunlight.
it becomes harder to navigate when you're hot and tired. for people who fatigue and exhaustion issues, they can become instantly drained of energy from sweating and standing in the hot sun. some people faint if they get too hot, some people vomit, some people need to be rushed to the hospital. there are a lot of health complications that can arise from someone overheating, or getting too much sunlight. dehydration becomes a massive risk during hot summer months, which can make anyone sick, but can be especially devastating for disabled people.
there usually aren't very many indoors events during pride month, due to the small amount of businesses which are willing to host such events on their property. while many queer businesses owners jump at the opportunity, and thankfully so, queer-owned businesses are far, far outshadowed by non-queer owned and operated businesses, which often leads us floundering to find safe places to hold events indoors during pride month.
i'm not suggesting replacing them, but rather fighting for events that take place outside of just june. this will benefit everyone for a multitude of reasons, but we especially owe it to disabled folks who can't celebrate outside or attend the parades like they want to. it's great to celebrate during the summer, when many people have plenty of time off to attend events. but for a lot of disabled, neurodivergent and chronically ill folks, summer is a very dangerous time of year. i understand the historical significance of when we celebrate these events.
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a-so-called-person · 3 days
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Just my 2 cents about this scene: Singed is not a trustworthy character, and I am more afraid for the Enforcers/ Wardens than him. He's not only a force to be reckoned with because he has Warwick in his backroom, but also because of his poison, and I wonder whether it's more potent than the masks of the Enforcers.
Also, he has a scalpel in his left hand, which he drops to the ground. Now, who was he operating on? Warwick is one possibility, Viktor is another. People say, that he completely augments himself, but I'm not so sure. I mean, he just got blasted by a whole damn rocket, which might not put you in the mood to operate on yourself. Which doctor does he go to? Yup, the mad one. His former mentor. It might be, that it's Singed, who does the first operations/ augmentations on Viktor. Another lead is one of Singed's lines: "You mustn't die yet; I have far too much to learn from your fragile anatomy.". Though that might apply to almost anyone in this part of Zaun. Nevertheless, he was one of the first to augment people (yet, the lore might still get changed because of Riot *argh*).
But, according to the lore, as it stands now, he also worked with Nexus (then to make his signature poison for their war against Ionia), and Noxus is in Piltover, sooo...🙃 And after making Warwick, he sought of ways to yield of death, now, who might be interested in this *coughviktorcoughcough*
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a-so-called-person · 3 days
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ANALYSIS TIME!! Part Two (Because My Battery Died, and I Need Glorious Evolution So I Can Power My Devices From My Wrist.. Or something.):
So we know this looks like Viktor. That’s his cane, and my boi has got some serious red lined cloaked edgy drip goin’ on there, which we also see in League of Legends, although it’s a bit more raggedy there. He’s also already wearing a mask by the looks of it. His face is probably scarred up from the explosion, and he’d prefer to be seen looking like an automaton. Also, maybe like Darth Vader, it serves as a breathing apparatus, because boi’s lungs aren’t any good anymore. The thing I’m prolly most looking forward to seeing in Season Two is the development of Glorious Evolution. I personally am a big advocate of this and I can’t wait to see his transformation from sickly, on-the-cusp-of-death adorkable nerd to brilliant, seemingly unstoppable Darth Vader Arc Cyborg Nerd who will stop at nothing to reach unlimited potential and power, ergo saving his people.
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Uh- anyway, to the shot- This seems to be the Undercity where he is surrounded by a few Shimmer addicts/ victims. The bright light appears to be emanating from Viktor’s hand as he passes it to the hooded figure next to him. This purple colour suggests he is weilding unstable or corrupted Hexcore technology, but not the Hexcore itself. It’s too small We know that in League he still uses it, so Jayce tooootally failed in destroying it. Major L, my dude.
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The place is a shambles- crates and tools are strewn all over the place. Is this just typical, run-down wear and tear of the Undercity, or did a fight recently break out? I feel like this will be in Episode 2 or 3 for some reason. Maybe we will get a relatively smaller time-skip than Season 1.
Also, can I just say broski has augmented himself some HEIGHT. What the Hell. Bro’s taller than Cait. Vastly taller than Jayce, even, if you’ve seen the Bridging the Rift reveal. I wanna see him and Jayce argue or duke it out while he towers over him like that. Quality entertainment, peeps.
Okay, that’s all I can get out of that shot. Sorry.
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I feel like this shot is overlooked. Like, there are no significant characters. No parallels, I think. What is its REAL purpose in the trailer? What’s that big purple smog? Weaponised Shimmer, or some other Chemtech ‘splosion? I thought Singed didn’t like people weaponising shimmer. There’s been speculation that part of the reason he created Warwick was to neutralise its effects with that green stuff and a blood transfusion.
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Also, this isn’t Viktor. That cloak is different. There’s a new setting, Jinx’s graffiti is visible on a wall behind like later on in the trailer. It’s not Jinx- the physique doesn’t seem right-, or the mysterious Mage that saved Jayce in his youth. I bet it’s a new character.
Also, no proof yet, but I predict Sevika will die.
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a-so-called-person · 3 days
Caitlyn's Objectives for Zaun are Vague and Terrible.
"Locate Jinx."
Plenty of people have already talked about this one, but there's a clear "and" missing to this statement. Caitlyn isn't going to just find Jinx say mission accomplished and go back to Piltover. She's left her intentions for Jinx ambiguous to her superiors (Ambessa) and subordinates alike, which leaves room for the situation to escalate.
"Dismantle shimmer."
I cannot overstate how bad of an idea it is. It seems simple in excution. Secure the refineries, detain Singed and other chemists that manufacture it, and destroy any existing supplies. But everything else that comes with it will turn the situation even worse.
I'm not even talking about the fact that Caitlyn is suggesting everyone in Zaun addicted to shimmer immediately go cold turkey without warning, preparation, or their consent. It's that fact that she's essentially destroying the only form of healthcare infrastructure that exists in Zaun.
For all the bad shimmer can do, it's still an effective medicine when used right. It's not a coincidence that once Silco took over and introduced shimmer there's suddenly people with visible disabilities and prosthetics on screen existing in Zaun. They exist because shimmer makes it possible. Even 5 out the 6 chembarons, the richest and most powerful people in Zaun, are disabled or use mobility aids. Chembarons like Smeech quite obviously use shimmer (his eyes are pink in every scene including his character sheet) to manage his prosthetics, he's had all four limbs replaced.
How many people live like Silco, with a chronic illness (probably a dangerous infection because Zaun is Piltover's human/industrial wastepit) that needs to be treated daily? How many people are practically dead and buried if the enforcers manage to destroy all remaining shimmer?
"Neutralize any agents still loyal to Silco."
What does that even mean? What does being loyal to Silco mean when he's dead? They're getting rid of all infrastructure related to shimmer production. The only thing that remains of Silco that anyone can be loyal to is the belief he left behind (and maybe Jinx but that's complicated).
Above all else (except Jinx), Silco wanted an independent Zaun. Will That's his whole thing, and shimmer was just the mechanism to make it happen. Will anyone who agrees that Zaun should be independent be considered a Silco loyalist? If so, then Caitlyn's mission isn't just about finding Jinx and getting shimmer off the streets, this is about crushing an independence movement AGAIN.
How will she characterize Silco's loyalists? Is she talking about chembarons that worked with Silco? Former members of his gang? People who worked in Silco's factories and liked the paycheck? Silco was the defacto leader of Zaun, most if not all figures in Zaun with influence were essentially complicit in his agenda.
Is there any real difference between anti-Piltovan sentiment and pro-Zaunite independence at this point?
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a-so-called-person · 4 days
Oh my god it looks like Vi and Jinx’s fight happens in an old temple to Janna.
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a-so-called-person · 4 days
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a-so-called-person · 5 days
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Goodbye, Lynn. Thank you for your constant support and encouragement since the day I started these comics. It has meant the world to me, and I wish I could have told you. We will remember you forever.
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a-so-called-person · 5 days
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PRE-ORDER: Only available until June 30, 2024! Shipping from the United States and Europe to: US 🇺🇸, EU 🇪🇺, UK 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, Australia 🇦🇺, and New Zealand 🇳🇿 Thank you everyone for voting on the polls and helping shape these pride dragon pins together. It is been so much fun making these! You can get yours here:
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a-so-called-person · 5 days
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"Hallucinating her loved ones screaming at her"
Jinx handing her psychosis over to Vi like:
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