Me, a closeted bisexual, pointing fingers at my parents:
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Me: *is sad*
Me: *makes myself even sadder by listening to Stay Alive (Reprise)*
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Am I the only one who was confused when the name Roonil Wazlib was written in Harry‘s book just because it sounds like a really fucked up version of Ron‘s name???
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Look at dis. Am very proud of disabled dragon and his cat friend 😊😊
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My brain: We need a significant other, I bet we‘d feel more validated and loved if we were in a relationship.
Really amazing person I have a crush on: *goes on dates with me, buys me food, compliments me*
My brain: This must be a conspiracy. They don‘t really like us. They are probably laughing about our naivity behind our back with their friends. Nobody will ever love us. Love doesn‘t exist. This is all an illusion.
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I was looking for a book in our school library today, when I heard somebody yell “IDJITS” behind me; assuming it was one of my friends who also watches Supernatural, I turned around and yelled “IDJITS” back only to see two girls I had never met before. So we’re just staring at each other for a few seconds until I say “Supernatural?” And they laugh and say “Supernatural.” And I guess I just made new friends. This is family, people.
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I am convinced that every time you hear a ringing noise in your ears which only you seem to notice, it's because you've accidentally tuned into the angel radio
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"Just come inside already, Cas." "But Dean, the sign says –" "I DON’T CARE WHAT THE SIGN SAYS, yoU CaN’t bE WEariNG tHe SamE ShIrT FoR oveR Two YeARs, GODDAMMIT!!!!!"
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Ok so we’re currently learning about the educational system in the US at school and there was a question that went something along the lines of “Sam, 17, has just been accepted at a university, at what age will he get his bachelor degree?” So I took the opportunity and wrote “He won’t. His brother will come and say `Dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days‘” under it. 
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The Twerking Angels
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Is It True...
Is it really true that the supernatural fandom can hijack any post?
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