#who needs lots of coddling hahaha
nottapossum · 5 months
Great, now those anons have got me thinking about regressed Lute. I feel that she’d regress when she’s angry/overwhelmed and just fucking HATES the vulnerability and inconvenience involved with it. It causes this feedback loop of getting frustrated that she’s little, which makes her more upset and then makes it worse. Lute can wear herself out, but prefers Adam out of the options of who can comfort her. Adam has no emotional perception, so I doubt he’d realize that it was him specifically and think it was actions that he did to calm her down. Adam would be frustrated because if he can do it easily so can literally anyone else, but he’d still be like, “Yeah, I’m THE best caregiver >:) “ afterwards.
Hahaha 😆
"That's right! I'm the OG daddy!"
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Take that!
Lol 😆
Seriously though, I actually like Lute a lot, and I agree she would let herself get so overwhelmed until she just can't take it anymore. 😔 poor baby needs to learn to stop repressing and take some time for herself.
She'd hate regressing because of how inconvenient it is. She's a tough and brave exorcist. She doesn't need her blanky or to be coddled or to be told she's good...
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But, you know...
It wouldn't hurt to be told every now and then that she's doing a good job...
Tag: @todayimfour
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carpisuns · 3 years
The way Marinette throws Chat Noir in the trash very angrily in one moment and in the other is like, "omg!! 😍💖💗Adrien😍💖💗 is sad!!! my poor baby CAN'T be sad!!" just..... sends me, lmao. The IRONY.
I find it genuinely funny 😅 It reminds how in the New York Special she was, like, EXTREMELY flustered around Adrien and couldn't even let him touch her without turning into a tomato/making a teapot noise, and then when she sees Chat Noir she's like, "excuse me, bitch?? watcha doing here??" But the best example was in Desperada when Adrien and Chat tell exactly the same joke, and she giggles at Adrien's joke and rolls her eyes at Chat 😭😭
Like. I can't see a sudden reveal going smoothly at all. She'll absolutely FREAK OUT 😂 (To be fair, I think that the difference in treatment it's not only about her crush on Adrien. She sees Adrien as this very sensitive, sweet boy and Chat Noir as this super cocky, confident hero who needs no coddling, if it makes sense...?) Anyway, Chat will have A LOT of fuel to make fun of her........ Wax lips, three suns, buttercup.... Y'know.
haha same! glaciator 2 made me laugh so much, including the trash can bit, and it's always so funny to see how differently she reacts to adrien vs chat noir. i gotta think that she'll be embarrassed about how spazzy she was around adrien when he was really her goofy dork of a partner all along lol.
as much as i appreciate the humor/irony of it though, i totally get why the difference in treatment is frustrating for a lot of fans. i feel that too at times. i am always rooting for marinette to get to the point where she can just speak comfortably with adrien and not be so weird and nervous because that would really make their friendship blossom. like, imagine if she could hang out with adrien the way she did with chat in glaciator 2. aaaa 😭
i'm also really hoping that she learns to see chat noir differently too. i get the sense that as much as she cares about him, she does tend to see him as being a little immature, not taking the job seriously, getting into trouble, etc. i definitely agree that she seems to see chat noir as too cocky to need coddling. i feel like she thinks he's pretty unflappable—like, if he's down for a second, it's okay because he'll bounce right back. "he'll be fine; he's chat noir." but sometimes he isn't fine! and he doesn't let her see that often.
i think glaciator 1 was the first time she really saw how sensitive and genuine and gentle chat noir really is, so she knows that side of him, but not nearly as well as we do, as the audience. there's a lot she doesn't see. she doesn't know how hurt he is by the events going on, and she doesn't see how hard he's trying and how much pressure he puts on himself. like, how long was he out there cataclysming ladynoir posters 😭😭 she had no idea that he was doing that! so yeah, while i do find marinette's adrien/chat noir disconnect super interesting and entertaining, i hope we see some development where marinette starts to naturally merge them a bit in her mind. not necessarily figuring it out (although that would be cool!) but at least just expanding her view of chat noir and seeing/understanding him more clearly on an individual level before she finds out he was adrien all along.
i agree that a sudden reveal would probably not go smoothly at this point, and the shock of it could've been really funny/entertaining in previous seasons, but at this point i feel like a reveal would be more angsty than anything D: im really excited to see whatever is in store for us but i'm hoping we won't get the reveal quite yet bc i would love to see some development first!
hahaha yesssss the post-reveal shenanigans will be AMAZING. i very much enjoy the idea of adrien good-naturedly teasing marinette for all the embarrassing things she did lol
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
cuddling | headcanons
genre: fluff!!
characters: kuroo, bokuto, akaashi x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: idk how i feel about these but,,, inspired by conversations i had with some mutuals!! read under the cut for bokuto and akaashi! also sorry i got really soft for akaashi and ended up having a lot of dialogue hahaha,a,,
original request here
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kuroo tetsurō
i know most people see kuroo as a super tough charismatic dude but sometimes he just wants to be coddled like a baby don’t even try to change my mind on this
after a particularly rough day at work he comes home with a tiny grey cloud over his head : ( he gives you a quick hug and kiss but doesn’t stick around for long
you finish up whatever you’re doing grab a bag of chips or something from the pantry and run up to your shared bedroom to find your boyfriend laying in bed on his side, under the covers
you peel the covers off his body and dangle the chips in front of him
“baby, do you want me to feed you?”
he can’t help but smile at you, tugging on your arm gently to pull you onto the bed with him
you happily oblige, immediately climbing in and snuggling up against his back
you prop yourself up onto your elbow, your hand gently threading through his messy bed head and he lets out a content sigh
he leans his head to rest on the crook of your neck, while you have one arm slung lazily around his waist, occasionally feeding him a chip or two
you throw one leg over his hip, and automatically his fingertips finds your leg, mindlessly tracing patterns over the fabric of your pajamas
he’s holding his phone in one hand, randomly playing through cute cat videos that show up on his recommended
“y/n should we get a cat?”
“if you really want one but why do you need one when you have me?”
his body rumbles with laughter in response to your snarky comment
before you can get mad at him he turns his body to catch your lips in a kiss
he sits up, pulling you up and into his lap, your legs automatically straddle his hips, and arms encircling his neck
“are you feeling better now?”
“y/n i never have a bad day with you in my life”
bokuto kōtarō
bokuto is away for a game so you’re at your shared apartment all by yourself for the weekend
to help pass the time you start a new show and you end up getting really into it
hours pass and now you’re wrapped up in a big blanket, sitting on top of a bunch of pillows on the floor in front of your tv, so into the show you don’t even hear the front door open, or the approaching footsteps or even the booming voice of your boyfriend that’s been calling you since he left the elevator (sorry neighbours)
being the impatient, excitable man that he is when you don’t respond for the nth time he decides to try to get your attention a different way
just as the show is about to hit it’s climax, your body is shoved to the floor, face stuffed into the pillows and you completely miss the big reveal
when you try to get up, your body is held down by a heavy weight that is your beefy (<33) boyfriend
“bo get OFF before i hurt you”
“you already hurt me when you ignored me for the past 5 minutes”
“wait when did you get home?”
“exactly my point y/n”
you have nothing to say to that so you just let him lay on top of you, his head resting on top of yours, arms and legs sprawled out
you reach one arm out, slipping it under bo’s  and automatically his hand curls around yours
your other hand reaches behind you, gently curling and uncurling against the nape of his neck
while the two of you watch tv (mostly you because he has no idea what’s going on) he’s placing kisses all over your neck and on your cheek and jawline
“bo i’m trying to watch”
“pay attention to me :-(”
“the episode is almost over, i’ll pay attention to you after, okay?”
the episode comes to an end, and your half your body is asleep from being stuck in one position for so long and so you call out to your boyfriend to get him to move
when he doesn’t respond you notice how slow his breathing and how still his body is against yours in contrast to his usual energetic behind
then you realize he’s fallen asleep on top of you but you don’t mind because you know how hard he’s been working with his team
akaashi keiji
recently, akaashi’s been working late nights at the office so that he can meet deadlines so the two of you haven’t spent much time together
so when he gets home just after midnight he’s surprised when you come running to greet him at the front door but he immediately pulls you into his arms, and buries his face into the crook of your neck just drinking in your presence because he missed you that much
he knows he really should wash up and get ready for bed, but he can’t bear to leave your side so, still holding onto each other, the two you shuffle over to the living room, plopping onto the couch
you’re sitting between his legs, one of his hands intertwines with yours, the other holding one your favourite books, flipping to a random passage
his chin rests on your shoulder, whispering each line into your ear, occasionally pausing to place a chaste kiss on your cheek or temple
“i am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and i’ve led a common life. there are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. but in one respect i have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: i’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.”
his voice is so soothing, and you can feel yourself teetering between consciousness and sleep but you try your best to keep your eyes moment, not wanting morning to come where he’d have to leave you again
he shifts your positions, all while still holding your hand, so that the two of you are now laying down and this time your bodies are facing each other, legs tangled together
you hear a soft thunk as he places the book down on the coffee table, his now free hand making it’s way to rest on your back, tracing small patterns, mostly hearts to silently show you he loves you
his mouth is busy placing gentle kisses on the knuckles of your hand that’s still locked with his
“keiji, where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
he lets go of your hand, and you can’t help but feel sad at the sudden loss of warmth but the feeling quickly fades when both his arms hold you tight, your head meeting his chest
“here with you, just like this. only thing that’ll be different is that i’ll have put a gold band on your finger”
though he can’t see it, he can feel your lips part into a wide smile against his chest
the two of you lay there in your peaceful bliss, his steady heartbeat lulling you to sleep
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13eyond13 · 2 years
you're an absolute legend! you made me sooo happy with your replies :D i can't help but let myself send one more ask. hope you don't mind. if you do mind just let me know and i'll stop... ☕ L in love :3
Hahaha hmmm... I think developing genuine feelings for someone would definitely catch him off-guard and disrupt the flow of his life pretty dramatically, as I think up until the Kira investigation he really had mostly been living as a hermit and almost as though he was simply a crime-solving machine instead of a human being. And I think that this was both basically the only life he had ever known and also genuinely what he wanted to be doing all the time up until that point. I think that L's both confident and pretty shameless and also actually a bit proudly shy and awkward in some ways at the same time. He definitely strikes me as somebody who mostly wants to stick to only doing the stuff he's already really good at and that won't catch him really off-guard or leave him feeling embarrassingly out of his depth, like the more complicated and sensitive social dynamics and vulnerable anxiety that can come with attempting to initiate a real romantic relationship with somebody else. I think he really, really likes to be in control of all of the situations he is in, and that a lot of his bossy and stubborn and cryptic behaviour is due to him attempting to maintain the upper hand and preserve his pride and manipulate his environment and circumstances into being exactly what he wants. And I think that since he likely has spent the vast majority of his life only hanging out with Watari and being so secretive about himself that he probably had decided already he just wasn't the type of person who would ever want or need that sort of connection with anybody else. So I think he'd both be a bit shocked and annoyed to realize he was wrong about himself, and that he did have feelings like that for somebody at some point... but I think he's such a curious and oddly adaptable person at times too that the novelty of it would also pique his interest enough that he would still be tempted to experience something like romantic love firsthand, too. He'd probably attempt to basically keep his own life exactly the same while also bluntly slotting the romantic relationship into it, and he probably would absolutely suck at compromising or being super understanding of the other person if they had conflicting desires or needs. So he'd definitely need somebody who is good at standing up to him, and who naturally shares his interests, and who doesn't need a lot of sensitive coddling of their feelings and emotions to feel secure and appreciated and okay.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
For me Az only saw Elain as the idealization of a pure and perfect person.
And I don't think it's cool at all.
Elain for me doesn't want to be seen as fragile and pure and that needs to be protected.
I'm very concerned about the part of the fandom that romanticized the extra, as Elain was only the focus of Az's feelings of lust and his idealization in it.
I wouldn't want my favorite to be with someone who didn't really see her, no one there really saw Elain.
Az gave a generic gift, just because Elain Plant doesn't mean the rose necklace is unique, everyone knows that.
And Elain just thinks it's beautiful and nothing to see her reacting.
Yes, this is the other part of the equation that makes them not work, for me. It's not just that Azriel needs to work on the way that he sees certain people and himself. It's the other part as well - Elain.
Elain for me doesn't want to be seen as fragile and pure and that needs to be protected.
This is how she has been seen her whole life, and it needs to change. From the little we know about her, she is sick and tired of being treated this way because it means that people can just shove her aside. She is always quiet and nice and unassuming, and the fact that Azriel wants to keep her that way... I mentioned in another post that they enable each other's worst habits. This is how he would enable hers.
Elain needs someone who will challenge her, who won't let her keep being passive. Full stop. Someone who will tell her "oh fuck you" once in a while. When Nesta was confused at her laughter and Elain said "I think that's a good sign, isn't it?" and Nesta was still confused, I wanted to shake Nesta! That was an important moment!
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I interpret that as Elain saying it's a good sign because 1) Nesta isn't coddling Elain's feelings anymore, 2) maybe it's just me but a lot of Nesta's anger is so calculated, rather than genuine moments of expressing herself, so it was a genuine moment from Nesta, and 3) Nesta understands (or starts to understand) that Elain won't shrivel into a pile of sobs at being treated less gently than usual.
Elain Plant Archeron. You discovered her middle name! Hahaha
Edit: I just read the whole sentence and realized that’s not what you meant, I just saw Elain Plant and that’s where my mind went but I get it now. Sorry for being a dumbass.
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by-kilian · 3 years
I’m so mad rn it’s not even funny
Like- ok so I’m finna say hella spoilers
So my friend and I just got into a heated debate/argument about whether or not Gabi should be forgiven for killing Sasha and I’m like? Not only is she a literal child
But? Like you can’t blame her for being ignorant? She didn’t know anything other than what she was taught! And she literally learned from her mistake! It’s not like she killed Sasha and went “hahaha that bitch is dead and I’m going to refuse to see that I was wrong for killing her for all eternity”
My friend was like “well she shouldn’t have acted without all of the information” she thought she had all of the information! She couldn’t have known that the all of the people in paradis werent evil demons deserving to be viciously murdered! And I just-
I’m steaming like freaking broccoli right now!
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Dude, I feel you. I had a conversation with someone about this too (a guy), and it was so infuriating because he refused to see the parallels and kept blaming Gabi no matter what (in a very misogynistic manner I might add). 
I won’t lie. I initially hated her when I read the manga. But then I had to step back and assess myself, as I do cause I like being critical with all things, myself included. And I realized a lot of my hatred for her was simply because...she was a female character. There was nothing she did that can’t be compared to what Eren did, what Armin did, what REINER did. Let’s even put Levi & Erwin into the mix if we want to talk about flawed people who did “what they thought they had to do and were trained to do”. 
I think it is a really good question to ask ourselves when we’re hypercritical of female characters who are flawed and complex. Is it always misogyny? I don’t think so. But I do know I personally internalize a lot of that stuff because of how prevalent it is in our society, and I think people need to have honest conversations with themselves about that. This isn’t to say female characters aren’t written poorly or can’t be flat out Bad characters, but I do think it is VERY interesting how we are quick to critique and hate flawed, complex female characters but we laud and LOVE their male counterparts. 
Why do male characters who fuck up get coddled and defended over and over again while female characters who fuck up never get an OUNCE of that grace? It’s something for people to think about, and be honest about imo! 
The whole thing about AOT/SNK is realizing that people are very morally gray, and humanity--particularly WAR--is very fucked up. And it FUCKS you up. It makes you do things you regret and didn’t want to, just like real war does. No way does this excuse your actions, but it simply is what it is. 
I truly think 90% of the ~*discourse surrounding her is layered in misogyny simply based on how I see people talk about her. It is always this layered subtext of finding her to be a “dumb GIRL” blahblahblah. 
And I say this as someone who neither dislikes nor likes her. I just see her character for what it is. Flawed & complex. Like most AOT characters are.
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Hitmen AU! | Head Canons | 19+ [Haikyuu!!]
Here’s the second part to the head canons for Karasuno~~~ Once the main head canons and ideas for all of Karasuno are out I’ll start dropping more random little one-shots hehe
Again! Feel free to ask questions or request anything from this AU! (Once again, specify so that I know~!)
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««  
N̷i̷s̷h̷i̷n̷o̷y̷a̷ ̷Y̷u̷
Where to even begin with this boi 
He’s definitely one of the more chaotic members of the group that’s for sure
Always testing out new skills and tricks he’s learned from those around him 
and god forbid the internet 
There have been one too many times where one of his veteran members or even the rookies walk in on him doing something rather peculiar which has him more or less flustered and embarrassed
Out of all of the members, he’s one of the most rambunctious 
Always happily chatting away on any topic without a care in the world
Usually ends up in mock spars with Tanaka with Ennoshita reluctantly being the scorekeeper and 3rd man in just in case one of the two happens to go a little too far with getting a win
He seems to be the most normal at first, but when he began talking about various torture methods and the effectiveness of each with horrifying accuracy and knowledge says otherwise
He’s the inventor of the group, always testing his new discoveries in torture and information gathering 
is the “bad” cop when the victim they’ve captured hasn’t broken from Tsukkishima’s relentless psychological torture
Giddy and impatient, the shortest member of Karasuno surged forward with surprising silence as his sepia eyes practically glowed with unhinged insanity.
The victim began sweating profusely as the taller of the pair merely sighed at his senior before backing off. The blond refused to get caught up in another one of his senior’s hi jinks.
“Oh? Focusing on something other than me? You’re quite brave! I like that! That means we’re gonna have a nice long conversation!” 
A wicked grin spread along the energetic male’s face as the victim finally noticed the oddly shaped object in his hand.
“Oh this? I wanted to try out this new peeler...” 
The shiver that ran down the victim’s spine was one long overdue as the sudden pressure he felt from the man before him came barreling down in waves. His previous giddy attitude now replaced by utter silence as his umber eyes bore deeply into his soul.
Appearance wise, Noya has by far, the most tattoos out of the other members. Each one gained after successfully learning a new skill
he may be the shortest in their group, but he is one of the strongest 
normally, his hair would be in it’s signature slicked up state, but with how often he’s training and testing new skills it’s usually stuck in a half gel half bed head state
With his s/o he’s overly energetic and practically smitten
it’s a running joke that before he met his s/o he and Tanaka would be at Kiyoko’s heels trying to woo her
of course that all came to an abrupt end when he met his s/o
Despite being a busy bee, Noya tries his best to make time for them whenever he’s not assigned on info gathering assignments
He usually likes to koala cling to them when they’re in the vicinity
and has tried on many occasions to convince them to just live with them at their establishment
R̴y̴u̴n̴o̴s̴u̴k̴e̴ ̴T̴a̴n̴a̴k̴a̴
Another one of the chaotic members of the group 
loves to be called senpai by the rookies (Noya loves being called senpai too sksk)
one of the main chasers of the group
is also the designated driver when on larger group missions because of his, well, chaotic driving
In a sense, he’s kind of the delivery boy? Lol 
He once tried to be a part of the interrogation team but it was concluded that Noya and Tanaka together ended with the victims dead sooner than anticipated
Is the chaser, a.k.a. any assignments that think they can run away with Tanaka on their tail has another thing coming
Despite being loud and chaotic, is sometimes forgotten as he is the last resort for when targets manage to escape
“Oh ho ho~! Finally something to do besides watching Hinata get his ass handed to him!” An small ‘Hey!’ coming from the background as the male stood at the entrance of their base. Motorcycle helmet in hand as a sinister and wicked grin graced his features.
“Any sorta restrictions boss?” A glance over his shoulder at the figure leaning against the staircase pillar. The figure in question merely gave him a blank stare as Tanaka couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“No traces. Gotcha. Since I don’t have any restrictions....I’ll be filing my report late~.” 
With that, the excited male made his way out and onto his bike. A quick rev of the engine and a wave to the rookies the Chaser set out to catch his prey.
Like Noya, Tanaka is a ripped boi and covered in not only battle scars but tattoos of his accomplishments against hard enemies
He has a shaved head, with some tattoos on his scalp 
Hinata thought it was the coolest shit ever and wanted one too but Sugawara stopped him from shaving his own head
Likes the delinquent school look so tries to stick as close to it as he can
With his s/o he’s surprisingly gentle
treats them like royalty and grovels at their feet 
He spends most of the day with them unless the rookies really fuck up sksksk
loves having his hand in their back pocket or hooked around one of their belt loops
C̷h̷i̷k̷a̷r̷a̷ ̷E̷n̷n̷o̷s̷h̷i̷t̷a̷
plz help this boi 
is the unspoken boss for the second batch of recruitments
has to deal with Tanaka’s and Noya’s bullshit constantly
He’s part of the defense team in not only the technical side, but physical side if need be
is a whizz with the cyber end when customers purchase their services
is the one who runs the assignments by Daichi first before assigning and handing them out to the members
the rookies rely on him heavily and the recruitment gang during his time dote and love to try and help or... annoy the hell out of him (read, Tanaka and Noya)
“So this is the assignment for the week. If we’re successful it’ll be $50,000.” Stern, yet soft spoken the male handed the younger a manila envelope.
“You’ve trained hard for this. So we expect little to no fuck ups----” He began before a loud and the beginnings of a headache began to form as the younger male began to slowly back away. Promising to fulfill the assignment with no issues before scurrying off as shouts began in the common room.
Is lean like Sugawara
and like the rest of the members of Karasuno, he has at least one tattoo on his body
soft fluffy bed hair 25/8 because baby deals with all the bullshit that is rookies and tananoya antics
has dark circles, not super intense but can be seen close up
is fairly normal with his s/o
though he doesn’t get to see them as often
anytime he gets with his s/o is coddle time
he pulls out all the romantic shit in one sitting or it’ll be all the sexy shit in one sitting it’s never really one or the other
loves to lay his head on s/o’s lap
H̴i̴s̴a̴s̴h̴i̴ ̴K̴i̴n̴o̴s̴h̴i̴t̴a̴
one of the few quiet members of their squad
was actually very reluctant on joining the team initially, but persevered through and stuck with them
is one of the other inventors 
is more of the practical one and keeps noya from doing anything too out of hand
doesn’t mean he doesn’t start shit on his own though sksksk
likes to spar with Ennoshita (since he won’t have to worry about a surprise rolling thunder a.k.a rolling and shooting a powerful taser from yours truly)
“Kinoshita-san!” Pausing his work, the male in questioned glanced to the lab entryway as he cocked his head to the side at the sight of the rambunctious deviant duo before him.
“...Yes?” He asked hesitantly, already feeling a gnawing feeling in his gut that whatever was about to be asked was going to end up with him in the following situations
Wreaking havoc and being scolded by Ennoshita
Wreaking havoc and being scolded by Daichi
Wreaking havoc and being scolded by both Ennoshita and Daichi 
None of which sounded appealing to him as he mentally prepared himself to reject whatever demands the pair wanted. Though of course that didn’t come to pass as the scream of, “ROLLINGU....THUND....AAAAARRRR!!!!!!” echoed throughout the base as a thud resounded and the base. At this point, it was to no one’s surprise that Ennoshita was already on his way to give Nishinoya an earful as the two demons blinked slowly before backing away.
“N-Never mind!” 
Ah yes, the power of being able to deter chaotic activities. Kinoshita wished he had that ability as he resumed his work.
Despite being the second shortest, no one really messes with Kinoshita
His build is in between Ennoshita and Nishinoya 
again, like the rest he has a couple of tattoos
usually has a pair of goggles sitting atop his head as he doesn’t really leave the laboratory 
he wants to redeem himself for attempting to leave initially
with his s/o he can seem emotionally distant
but that’s mainly because he’s either sleep-deprived or distracted
Loves to just lay in bed with s/o whenever he has a free day
 K̴a̴z̴u̴h̴i̴t̴o̴ ̴N̴a̴r̴i̴t̴a̴
The friendliest member 
The rookies felt comfortable to talk to him upon first meeting him and is a reliable rock when need be
does a lot of work in the behind the scenes such as shadowing targets and helping with any sort of basic chores at the base
he’s a scouter for new areas of establishment or even a quick interrogation area in a pinch 
sometimes gets mistaken for Tanaka but doesn’t really mind
has the friendly carefree vibe that turns hella terrifying when it needs to be
“Narita, can you find us a place to interrogate these shit stains?” Looking up from his place by the car, the male in question nodded as he took a brief once over the entire area. Considering the situation and the amount of victims they had, it would be wise for a wide spaced area with a place to easily dispose of the bodies along with coming up with a reasonable excuse in case someone came along to ask questions.
“...hm...” Softly humming, he walked over to the desolate area, skimming it briefly before taking note of the cloaked figure. Raising a brow, he moved towards the figure to find that it was the last of the target’s help. Lightly laughing he couldn’t help but smile.
“Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare ya there but...you’re really not good at hide and seek are you?”
The friendly smile on his face twisting to that of horror as the male beckoned his teammates over after giving the all clear.
Like Tanaka, Narita has a shaved head but chooses not to have any tattoos on his scalp
instead, his tattoos range from his arms and back to his torso
he’s lean, similarly built to Tanaka if not only slightly smaller
is immensely loving to his s/o 
if he can he would try to be with them as much as he can to ensure his own humanity hasn’t gone away
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devintrinidad · 4 years
Kind of going off my other ask, 1146 is definitely the over comforter type. He’s bad w/words and awkward but he’ll try to do things for you that he thinks would be helpful (give tea) in some way to making you feel better. He’ll react with big emotions to your crisis and over tend to your feelings to let you know he’s understanding and sympathetic. We kind of see this several times later on in the series. Basically he’s the mother smother guy in his actions and thought processes. He’s way better at reacting to things. But he’s not great at being perceptive at how to tackled emotional problems of others he can’t directly fix for you. Again he’s usually reactive and often stumped at handling outbursts or characters having complicated emotional issues which leaves him silent or unable to say much. 
3803 is actually more pragmatic. She gives you exactly what you need/want and doesn’t smother you. She’s not always attentive to everyone around her or constantly trying to dote on you. Once you have her attention she gives you space and lets you say what you want. She knows what you need and gives it to you. Rod Cell would die without oxygen so she said the exact words needed to get him to want to do something for her since he didn’t want to do anything for himself. Sure she came off as insensitive but again, 3803 didn’t bother pampering him. She went straight to the first problem she could tackle and help him with. If she only cared about her job she would have left right away. But instead of that she followed Rod Cell to hear more about his problems (despite it not technically being her problem as a Red Blood Cell). She worried over Rod Cell and was upset for him (and the whole tragic thing going on for the body). But again she didn’t smother him because in her mind that’s not what he needed/wanted.
Rod Cell felt useless and alone. He didn’t regain some life/drive in him until the new cell motivated him that he could still do something good for the body before he died and that the new cell could help him personally with that.
Back to Red Blood Cell, as soon as Rod Cell gave her the task to carry a message to the Neurons for him. She accepted and bolted right out of the room. Again, despite this not being part of her job, technically. She knew this is what Rod Cell needed so she quickly did it for him.
I think it’s a very interesting contrast between 1146 and 3803. On the surface it looks like 1146 was the only sensitive one because he was reacting a lot more to Rod Cell’s despair and trying to comfort him a lot. However 1146 didn’t actually help Rod Cell at anything long term and his comforting sadly did not motivate Rod Cell out of his resign to die uselessly. If the scenes did anything it was to to show what a gentle and caring spirit 1146 has. However the New rod cell (I’ll just call him that) and 3803 were the ones who actually did the lifting and assisted Rod Cell in having agency again.
New Rod Cell motivated Rod Cell by promising he was someone Rod Cell could teach to improve the situation. He gave Rod Cell hope and a goal to focus on instead of wasting away alone.
3803 was sympathetic to Rod Cell’s situation. But she didn’t try to coddle him like 1146 did. She cut through his self pity to give him the oxygen in a way that made Rod Cell feel useful to her. She hung around to listen to him because he wanted her to. Rod Cell gave her the job to deliver his message to the Neurons and she did it lightning fast without hesitation because he asked her to do it and she cared about his problems.    
3803 gives compassion when she knows it will be useful to you. She always congratulates and shows gratitude for hard work because she knows cells like hearing that. She does tasks that may not even be part of her job if it helps someone else. She’ll comfort you in direct ways if you ask for it. 3803 gives compassion in useful ways she knows you want/need. I think that definitely comes from how she’s struggled a lot with her own problems and feelings of sadness, fear or worthlessness. She didn’t get coddled so she won’t coddle others. She’s perceptive at knowing when someone needs or doesn’t need something. If something is out of her depth, she waits until she knows what she can do before she acts.
1146 is kind of the opposite sort of (now). Maybe it’s because he’s a protector and he has this natural protective mindset/personality where he has to be doing something to help someone in trouble. He always pays attention to the platelets like giving them water or picking them up so they don’t get accidently crushed in a stampede. He sees a helpless lacti bacteria so he goes against protocol to return it home even though another WBC would kill it. He follows 3803 around to stop any obstacle from getting in her way. He tries to stop NK and Killer T from arguing too much. Ect, 1146 has to to step in to fix problems and gets pretty emotional when he can’t figure out how to help or fix things. Like Backward Cap feeling down about her abilities or Rod Cell venting about his depressing fate. 1146 might even over comfort to the point where it’s useless. He just has to always do something whether he’s actually being helpful or not. Like how he gives Rod Cell tea despite Rod Cell not asking for it and obviously it being a useless gesture because Rod Cell isn’t even shown acknowledging it or drinking it later.  
I guess 1146 is better then 3803 at jumping in faster to react or try to help someone. But 3803 can be wiser and better at reading other cells and figuring out what they really need/want and trying to do those things for them. At least when she opens her mouth she will be far more likely at knowing how to move a situation to a productive one and saying the right words to move someone forward out of their negativity (even briefly). We’ve seen that in 1146, 4201 and Rod Cell to various degrees. 
Basically if you’re feeling really negative and want someone super sensitive to comfort you with tea and smother you with sympathy: Get 1146. You want someone to read between the lines and show their care by motivating you - whether you know it or not - and performing the tasks you need to feel and do better to get past your problems all the while not smothering you about it: get 3803.
More or less that. ;P
It’s just funny because you’d think it’s the opposite. But 1146 is the smother friend who will fret over you. He most likely will not know how to talk to you about you emotional problems but he will hover around with concern and jump at any opportunity to be nice to you in ways he thinks would help (mostly ways he thinks help him if he doesn’t think of anything else. Man really loves his tea). On the other hand 3803 is the “get your working butt out there” friend who isn’t above being tough on you to help you want to help yourself. But when she’s not that she’s the silent/subtle support that waits until you let her know what you need/want from her and she’ll do it with 200% support energy. 
I think the main reason why 1146 wasn’t able to reach Rod Cell was because 3803 knew what it was like to feel useless or helpless. 1146 is a model white blood cell, so he can’t really relate and can only do his best via comforting in the only way he knows how. (Can you imagine him trying to calm down an emotional 4989 or 2626? Hahaha, there would be so much tea going around!)
Meanwhile, 3803 is definitely the more pragmatic of the two. I bet, before the whole hermorrhage incident, she would have been more anxious and not as willing to take charge in the situation, but wow... She’s like a born leader here. She took charge and took names while she was at it. XD
But, for the most part, I love your analysis and I can't wait to read more from you. Seriously, there was so much subtextual information in the chapter, I didn’t even realize it! Hahaha, I might incorporate some of the characterizations in future stories for CAW if I ever do.
Thanks for the submission and I hope that you have  wonderful day! :D
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pcnnywlse · 5 years
Hello!! I just wanna say that your writing is CRAZY GOOD. As a fellow writer, I know it’s hard to write when there’s not a ton of encouragement from the people who love your stories. So, keep doing what you do!!!💜💜💜 also, can I get some pennywise headcannons about what he does when his s/o has to have surgery? And the after effects? Gotta challenge you some😉 lots of love to ya 💚💚💚
WROW what a compliment!!! thank you so much for your kind words i’m 🥺 it’s true that there’s not a ton of encouragement BUT this is something i’ve been wanting to do for a while and as long as people are enjoying what i write then it’s all worth it 💕 & of course you can! i’m so sorry this has taken so long, i genuinely had a hard time thinking about what pen would do in this situation hahaha I HOPE U LIKE IT THO
When you inform him that you’ll have to go into surgery, he doesn’t think much of it at first. Humans are fragile, their bodies break and need to be fixed.
As the date of your surgery approached, however, you noticed he was growing more and more antsy. He had always been protective of you, but it seemed that he was even more so now than ever. Despite his ever-watchful behavior, he typically had enough respect for you to allow you to handle yourself.
But now, he’s taking every opportunity to carry you, feed you, dress you, coddle you. It’s sweet, if slightly overbearing.
On the day of the surgery, he is a COMPLETE mess. He’s growling all morning, which does nothing to soothe your nerves. You drive yourself to the hospital and he rides along, assuming his human form to escort you inside. As you undress and put your gown on in preparation for you surgery, he finally breaks down.
It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him cry and good god it breaks your heart. He’s drooling and sobbing and clinging onto you as if he’ll never see you again.
Though you’re nervous, you steel yourself and sit in his lap bridal style, reaching up to stroke his pretty face and murmur reassurances to him. You inform him that the surgery is typically successful and you’re in good hands; besides, you don’t really have a choice in the matter, it’s something you have to have done.
You clean him up as best as you can and smother him in kisses before taking his large hands into yours. “I’ll be strong, as long as you are, alright Pen?”
He nods and promises that he’ll be strong, as long as you make it through. He doesn’t disclose to you the hell that will be unleashed if you don’t... he can already smell your fear, he doesn’t want to make you feel any worse.
When you’re finally wheeled back and he’s made himself as comfortable as he possibly can in the waiting room, he can barely stay still. No silly magazine could take his mind away from you.
After three hours, the doctor comes out to greet him and cheerfully informs him that the surgery was a success! You’re awake but still whoozy. He wants to see you at once, and the doctor says he’ll fetch him as soon as that’s possible.
When he’s finally taken back to you, he cries and grasps your hands, running his thumb over your fingers as if you’re some delicate little thing.
You still feel the effects of the anasthesia, but you give him a dopey grin and grip onto him weakly. “Hey handsome,” you croak out, grimacing at the dry feeling in your throat.
When you’re home, he’s waiting on you hand and foot. For a clown that lives in the sewer and survives off of a diet of (almost) exclusively human flesh, he’s a surprisingly good cook.
If you’re feeling especially sore, he’ll caccoon you in a fluffy blanket and place you on top of him. His powerful purrs comfort your healing body.
He’s never been unkind to you, but he’s particular sweet now. No matter how hard he tries, the clown will always be a bit creepy, but you can tell he’s trying his best to tone it down while you recover.
He assures you countless times of exactly how much he loves you, treasures you, adores you and cares for you, and that he’ll always take care of you.
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Episode 3: Fear Response
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You know the drill. Thoughts with time stamps coming your way.
0:55 - Is Martin really that delusional? He killed people and he thinks his wife isn’t going to divorce him?!? 
1:23 - “A woman overlooks things.” No. I’m sorry. But Jessica’s mother sounds kind of awful. No one should have to overlook “things” in a marriage. Communicate people. Don’t settle. Compromise. Love. Forgive. Don’t overlook red flags.
1:47 - Lay down the law Jessica. That’s my girl. This is the moment I fell in love with Jessica. 
3:19 - Malcolm leaves his phone in another room when he sleeps? Good for him. My technology addicted ass could never do that. Plus it’s my alarm clock so you know - there’s that. 
3:30 - Jessica owns the building Malcolm lives in. This raises a lot of questions for me about Malcolm’s finances. He was clearly getting paid by the FBI. I assume the NYPD is also paying him. Does he have access to the family money? Is he paying rent for his loft? Or does he live rent free because it’s the “family building”?!? The finances of people who grew up rich is such a mystery to me. How does it work when your rich parents are still alive? 
3:49 - He flung himself out a window. He was having a nightmare and it caused him to fling himself out a window while he was still asleep. This. Boy. Needs. A. Hug. Also real sleep. And peace. 
4:48 - “I just watched you throw yourself out a window.” Did you see Malcolm’s facial expression after she said that. It was a look that says “I know I’m broken. I don’t like it. I’m sorry. I’m doing my best. I’m ashamed.”
5:10 -  He knows. He knows his mental health is a mess but he lies to his mother anyways. He wants to be brave for her. He doesn’t want her to worry about him. She’s suffered enough. She’s worried enough. He doesn’t want to be a burden. My heart breaks for Malcolm in this scene.
5:35 - Look I have personal issues with shrinks but I’m really happy Malcolm has someone to talk to. Also she’s such a cool therapist. She’s kind and respectful without being demeaning and coddling. 
7:00 - I LOVE that Malcolm is sitting with his legs folded. It’s super cute. Also it reinforces the idea that he’s in a vulnerable state.
7:22 - Does Malcolm have social anxiety? The way he approaches this crime scene it almost looks like he’s rehearsing what he’s going to do/say when he arrives. It’s a very common social anxiety habit. 
7:38 - He took enough lollipops to share. That might be the sweetest thing in the world. Gil looks so happy. Dani and JT look so confused. I wonder if Malcolm is sharing lollipops to subtly tell Gil that he’s seeing his therapist and he’s getting help. 
8:11 - Another awkward Edrisa and Bright interaction. I’m cringing. 
8:50 - Do you ever wonder what Mr.David’s job description is? I do. I mean does he just stand there watching Martin all day. Is he supposed to talk to Martin? Is he supposed to prevent Martin from hurting himself? I mean I love Mr.David but if Martin is alone in his room why does Mr.David need to be there? Martin is chained to the wall. 
10:10 - Oh hell no. That’s nasty. Also Malcolm looks way too excited about the brain removal. 
10:34 - Ok. So I don’t ship Maldrisa. BUT that little smile that Malcolm just gave Edrisa is warming my cold, dead heart. 
11:05 - The victim was scared to death. Malcolm is currently suffering from increased mental distress caused by his father and extreme night terrors. And now the victim has been scared to death. Irony? Foreshadowing?
12:03 - hahaha Gil’s face. He’s like “I can’t explain that boy’s behaviour.”.
12:07 - STOP. Right now. Does Malcolm really have his own desk?!? So he’s like officially employed right? This isn’t some irregular consultation gig that Gil has arranged. Our boy has a desk. Our boy is permanent. I am so happy. 
12:30 - Mr.David doesn’t deserve to have to bend to Martin’s will.  “Could you mute that please”. That man better be getting a pretty penny from this job. 
12:40 - How does Martin get this case info?!? I don’t see the newspapers/newscasts mentioning the incision on the side of the victim’s skull. 
13:30 - Oh and whose fault is that Martin? Ugh. I wish Martin just wouldn’t talk to Malcolm anymore. He really aggravates Malcolm’s anxiety.
14:33 - I am both touched and slightly creeped out that Gil has been staring at Malcolm through a window while he was on the phone. 
15:07 - Fanboy alert. It’s honestly so freaking sweet to see Malcolm this excited....but it’s really not the time. 
16:10 - What exactly does Jessica do all day? Does she just watch the news and keep tabs on her children? That’s kind of sad. For Jessica. I wish she were able to have more of a social life despite what Martin did.
17:12 - Ainsley, sweetheart, I love you. I see where you’re coming from. But your Mother did the right thing for you. You shouldn’t have to remember a monster. 
18:40 - Dang. Dani looks beautiful in that shade of blue. 
19:30 - Do you ever wonder why Malcolm doesn’t carry a gun with the NYPD? He’s qualified to carry a gun since he used to work for the FBI. Do you think he’s not allowed to carry one since he’s technically not a police officer with the NYPD? I prefer to believe that he refuses to carry a gun with the NYPD because he’s terrified of what he might do with a gun. To a suspect. To himself (presuming he stores it at home when he’s not working).
20:12 - Again. Malcolm is not a killer. Look at his concern for Dr. Brown in this scene.
21:21 - JT’s writing the report. Do they all have to make a report for every case or do they take turns writing a single report (like a group project) for every case? I’m very curious. 
21:23 - oooooohhhh Dad is angry. And concerned. 
21:50 - Do you ever wonder what classes Bright took in university? I do. He has a degree in psychology but he seems to know a lot about specific medications, medical conditions, and medicine in general. Is that because of Martin? Maybe? But a lot of his knowledge seems way beyond what a 10 year old could understand and retain. 
24:10 - I love this scene. It suggests that there was a point in time when Gil and Jessica talked frequently. Maybe they were even friends. It suggests that they bonded over how much they love Malcolm. Makes me wonder what kind of a relationship Gil has/had with Ainsley.
27:48 - This. This is how much Jessica loves Malcolm. Yes she oversteps boundaries and she can come across as cold and distant. BUT she is willing to see a man that terrifies her. Who caused her so much pain. A man that she hates. Simply because she wants to keep her son healthy and safe. That right there is a good mother. 
28:28 - This is my favourite running gag of the series. I genuinely want to know what JT stands for. If it’s not something ridiculous like “James Tiberius” or “Justin Timberlake” because JT’s parents were big nerds I will be so disappointed. 
29:00 - This conversation about trust and respect between JT and Malcolm is everything. It really solidifies their friendship. You can tell that from this point onward JT is much warmer toward Malcolm. I love this. So much. 
29:15 - What branch of the military was JT a part of? Marine? Air Force? Army? Navy?
30:08 - Malcolm’s list of diagnoses. Yikes. :( My heart is shattered.  
30:21 - The look in Malcolm’s eyes here. Just. No. Ouch. That hurts. This boy needs a hug. 
32:30 - I kind of don’t feel bad for this woman. She kind of sucks.
32:50 - I like to believe that JT is texting his wife in this scene. I like to believe he’s telling her about how he got stuck babysitting the weirdo who keeps guessing what his name stands for. 
32:52 - I’m sorry. What? What did JT see that caused him to get out of the car. Malcolm hasn’t called him yet and that house looks normal on the outside. 
34:14 - The fact that Malcolm can empathize with killers is beautiful and terrible. It’s a wonderful quality but it’s probably not great for his mental health.
34:55 - That’s a concussion.
36:15 - I get the feeling that half the time when Malcolm’s talking down a killer he’s really talking to himself. That breaks my heart.
36:38 - Malcolm’s manic guesses of JT name is very concerning. I’m worried for this boy. I really hope someone got him checked out for a concussion.
37:12 - Ugh. Don’t look at her like she’s a piece of meat. 
37:33 - The way Jessica and Martin interact really makes me question what their married relationship was like. Did they argue a lot? Did they show a lot of PDA? I have questions.
38:30 - The way Jessica insults Martin is my favourite thing. It’s freaking hilarious.
39:10 - If Martin is a psychopath he legitimately can’t feel pride for his children. Right? So he’s lying here?
40:40 - What was the whole story? What did Jessica do? Was it the alcoholism? Is that what he’s referring to?
42:00 - DUDE. Please don’t drug yourself. You are so desperate for answers that you’ve become self-destructive. I want you to be safe. 
I love this show. Ugh. If you read through any of this - thanks for hanging out. I hope to post my thoughts on the next episode soon. 
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Supegirl season 5 ep 2 review
Little late to the game with episode! But here goes!
Opening scene..... ugh they really are trying hard with the 'tech is bad' trope aren't they?
Nawww Alex made brekkie and now she's sad she might have killed Kelly! Am I the only one who wants Danvers Blueberry Pancakes?
Nawww Brainy made brekkie!! 😂😂 Nia is hilarious and adorable!
Sooo James is going to be a senator? Oh for RAOs sake! He's a photographer who allied himself with Anti Alien Nazi's and is a bloody vigilante!! Not an ex vigilante a CURRENT out and proud vigilante. Correct me if I'm wrong but vigilantes aren't usually wanted in politics right? Oh but we need to send James off on a high note, so let's give him the worst idea since making him CEO of Cat Co!
I quite like the twist that if a green Martian attacks his brother he gets pain to.
Oh so Kelly is ahead of her time with her tech! Kew waves! Go Kelly!!
Sooo... I know Kara is worried about Jonn by she knew she had a meeting to go to but is taking advantage again?
Oh that little girl is good at acting creepy!
Awww Lena is talking to Hope like this is her best friend, it's the way she gets excited, like when she used to talk to Kara! It's so sad 😥
Hmm... Lena talks about how humans and aliens lie but it's not their fault it's just how they are programmed. I almost thought this was a suttle way of Lena saying she doesn't blame Kara for lying , like She's making an excuse for her.
Lena's idea is actually a noble one, it's what everyone dreams of. A world where people can't hurt eachother, but it's not a plausible reality. The writers really are trying to make Lena unstable, which to be fair after everything she's been through she probably is.
It's soooo out of character for Lena to want to use or basically steal someone else's tech since people have been using her tech for nefarious purposes since day one! This isn't Lena, she's done a complete 180 that makes zero sense.
Oh so Kara decided to show up to work ? Hang on a sec, Nia called Kara to say Andrea was on the war path because she won't start the meeting without everyone there, but Nia waited until Kara got there to go into it? Is she trying to get on Andrea's bad side? Go to the meeting Nia!!
Kara can't stop looking her nose down at Andrea can she? Oh she was given an assignment but it's apparently below her?? Oh she's trying to get another great story thought someone else she knows.. ugh. Like I know it's good to use for resources but Kara has such unfair advantages. How about going after a story you haven't had handed to you on a silver platter?
Oh so now Kara has been told she can do both stories but Nadrwa wants hers done first (fair) and wants it done by noon (fair) but apparently Kara doesnt have time for this? No!! This is getting silly now, Kara this is YOUR job! You can't decide when you want to do it or decide when it's convenient. If kara can't do the job because of Supergirl she shouldn't be doing it. Kara needs to learn she isn't working for Cat, Lena or James anymore. This is the real world now, no more Molly coddling.
I'm loving Kelly this episode! She's only been around 5 minutes and is already way more interesting than James has ever been.
Lena is frighteningly calm right now. Lena can monitor Eve's brain and Eve is telling her that 'they' are controlling her but this doesn't interest Lena at all? NO!! Lena Luthor would be beyond interested in this!
Oh so now Kara is pissed she has to be 'stuck at work' instead of doing her super stuff. THIS.....IS.....YOUR.....JOB!! She's not even subtle with her muttering when she walks past William. When did Kara get like this?
😂😂 the sushi scene was hilarious!
Oh Alex and Brainy discussing relationships is adorable! Her voice went up and then she deepened it 😂
Aww Kelly is amazing helping our Jonn! Although those contacts are creepy as heck!
I love how Kelly was automatically accepted into the group but I wish Lena had been given the same courtesy.
Oh so now Kara is just sneaking out of Cat Co without even bothering with real excuses now?
Kara a isn't trapped in a Tower Alex! Kara is choosing to be there and making life difficult for herself because she refuses to even try and get on with Andrea.
So clearly something is up with Williams wife?
This show really likes it's white Martians.
Ohhh so Jonns brother is the reason the Green Martians downfall.
Oh wow, his brother just killed a teenage Martian and were those mass graves? Supergirl isn't pulling it's punches at the moment.
Oh so that's yet another white martian that was killed when it could have been captured. So that whole "we don't kill rule" really has been thrown out the window. Not that they ever stuck by it anyway.
Hahaha they all stink! Brainy is hilarious
Alex in tech gear on a bike gives me life.
Sooo Nia's job now is to call Kara whenever she's about to get into trouble? Kara you're putting on Nia now and it isn't fair!
So Kara is back at Cat Co and Andrea is miffed (rightly so) that Kara couldn't do the one thing she was asked to do. Kara thinks by saying 'i was about to file it' which she absolutely wasn't at all about to do then Andrea should shug it off. William did it ans Kara is pissed, well Kara maybe you should have done the one small job you were given to do. I get she has super duties, but that is Kara's choice.
Andrea tells her to do some copy exciting, Kara is surprised and put out by this I'm not a copy editor ' Well Kara, you were given your job to do but apparently couldn't do it.
Kara is so miffed she isn't being Molly coddled anymore by her bosses. William was actually right, Kara should be doing that.
Oh so Kara just had an actual tantrum and dropped the work she was given on Williams desk and told him to do it. Sooo.... Kara once again is above doing the one thing her boss asked her to so! Seriously Kara should be sacked!! I would have sacked her by now.
Ooh Andrea and Lena show down. Hold the bloody phone!! Lena's assistant is Andrea's best friends girlfriend?!! This is another betrayal!! That assistant let Andrea in, and Lena was surprised she's there! Sooo other than Jess, is Lena allowed a freaking assistant that isn't going to double cross her or go behind her back?! Enough writers! Enough with the God Damn betrayals it's getting so old!!
Again, Lena isn't the type to try and mess with someone sense tech and steal it!! No!! This isn't her!
Oh so Lena is addicted to the lenses, Andrea even said she was 'cut off' sooo.. This tech is basically a drug??
Brainy is cute with the food 😅 'my heart also burns! 😂 Nia telling Brainy she likes lots of things is going to bite her in this ass
Oh so Kara has abandoned work again!! To have a brew with Jonn at her loft? Even Jonn says 'shouldn't you be working?" Yes Jonn she should be! But Kara says he's a welcome distraction, erm... a distraction from what Kara? You haven't actually done any work or really even been at Cat Co all day!! You were given one job!
Oh so another reference to Williams wife? Intriguing 🤔
I love how it only took a touch from Alex to know that wasn't Kelly! Nawww!!
Hang on!! All the Super watches are connected? Shouldn't Lena's have gone off to? I don't remember Lena being in on any of this?
Ahh so Alex did in fact kill the White Martian.
James says 'we' have to go to Kelly? 'we?!!'
Ok so Alex V Kara is awesome!! Chyler bravo!
Holy shit! James actually brought along is civilian unarmed sister to a massive dangerous super fight? What the hell was he thinking?!!
Awww Alex knows it IS Kelly though a touch.
That fight was epic!!
Flying Chyler!!
Alex knew it was the real Kelly!
Oh look Kelly could have fallen to her death because d**khead James who wants to be a senator brought his unarmed sister to a dangerous fight where neither she NOR He should have been anywhere near!
Hang on, James is supposed to not be allowed to be Guardian anymore! That was the whole point of Lena trading info to stop him going to.jail.... but now it's suddenly OK? Do the people who called him about being a senator know about this?!! This is just stupid now!
Oh so now Kara is back at work and decided she has time to do her job.
😂 Kara is accusing William of sabotaging her when she's actually doing a fine job of doing that all on her own.
Nawww Alex and Kelly are the best!! She really frikken likes her! She called her 'my kelly".
😂😂😂 omg Brainy in Nia's apartment! I'm dying 🤣
Oh what Lena did Eve isn't OK, I love Lena but this is NOT ok. Lena is seriously needed up right now, but she knows she shouldn't be doing this, you can see the tears in her eyes. That slow Girls Wanna Have Fun is actually really fitting.
The writers have moved Lena here to quickly. The Lena we know would never have dine that. That's like making Nia suddenly evil! It makes no sense!
See Kara, Andrea is good when you actually do the job she asked ya to do.
Nawww William isn't so bad!
I don't trust Hope, having a body just marks her more human and capable.
Sooo over all a good episode! Best parts were the Non Alex/Kara show down and the Alex and Kelly parts! Worst bits? Totally OOC Lena that makes zero sense, and Kara's 'I'm above this and can't be bothered' attitude towards her job.
Or her good bits include Kelly and Jonn working together and ALL of Brainy!
Minor worst bit? Everything they did with James.
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Roky & Boon Dialogue
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(Roky concept art, DevStream 117)
The two major factions of the Ventkids are the Vent Pobbers, led by Roky, and the Kubrodons, led by Boon, although these groups seem to be based more on shared interests than contentious competition, seeing as Roky and Boon are amiable adoptive siblings. In their main clubhouse in the vents, Roky and Boon can be seen bantering, while other Ventkids lounge around, practise their K-drive skills in the air currents, or play their own music with improvised instruments – a genre they call "skeg".
Syndicate information
Roky is the main representative of the Ventkids in their dealings with the Tenno. The Ventkids are described thusly:
Hangin' with their logical fam in the ducts of Fortuna, the Ventkids get by stealing parts from the Corpus and running K-drive races out on the Vallis. At night, the ventways bang to the sound of skeg – to the chagrin of the locals.
The Ventkids offer components to build K-drives: the board, reactor, nose, and jets. They also offer K-drive mods, as well as craftable Operator apparel based on the clothes worn by the Ventkids. The Syndicate ranks, from least to most favoured, are:
Neutral: [no description]
Glinty: No dings, never taken a hit, wouldn't know ya ta look at ya. Have you ever ridden a K-drive?
Whozit: Nice enough; wouldn't last five minutes in a vent.
Proper Felon: Solid sorta mucker and you ride a K-drive like it's stolen. 'Cause it is.
Primo: Stand-up cove and vouched for, this one. Chek-chek?
Logical: Had no say in your biological fam, but this crew's your logical fam. Ventkids are logical; got no time for muckers who ain't.
Unlike the faction Syndicates, Standing with the Ventkids is earned by performing tricks on the K-drive, or completing the races on the Orb Vallis.
In Fortuna
The Ventkids are located in the vents of Fortuna, accessible through a grate on the second floor of Fortuna, above Legs' shop. This grate does not open prior to the completion of the Vox Solaris quest. The grate in question displays a graffito, while an unnamed Ventkid sits above it, occasionally calling out to the Tenno.
"Need a ride, glinty? K-drives by the load! Just through that vent there! Hahaha."
"Check the vents, glinty! Just here. A paying customer's always welcome."
Entering vents
Upon entering the vents, Roky and Boon can be heard speaking. Sometimes, Roky will address the Tenno; other times, the Tenno will interrupt a conversation between Roky and Boon.
Roky: "Psst! Glinty! Need a plank? Parts? Talkin' primo K-drive bits. Get you ridin', kick it terminal out on the Vallis. Cheap, too."
Roky: "Ventkids got no folks so ventkids look after themselves. We can sort you with a dog board, no worries."
Roky: "Checknah, glinty! All K-drive bits we got legit! Now, you want expert parts and service, or you suckin' wind?"
Boon: "Fancy. Whatcha doin'? Got biz?" Roky: (whisper) "Pump the brakes, bro. This one's a buyer. (normal voice) Need a ride, friend? The Kubrodons and Vent Pobbers are at your service!"
Boon: "Checknah, sis, glinty thinks his kickin' terminal. Nosegrab, bombed the landin', washed out hard and hit skin for a stretch. Came up livid! Hahaha!" Roky: "Hahahahaha! (whisper) Klokkit. We got a buyer. (normal voice) Howzit."
Roky: "Glinty mucker wants in. I tells him: 'Our family's logical, see? Your lot's biological. Mumsie. Dadsie. Luck a' the draw. All coddled and swaddled.' Mucker wouldn't last ten seconds in a vent." Boon: "Bah-bah." Roky: "Bah-bah beh-beh."
Roky: "Legs? All that rhymin'? You want that hangin' logical? How we get somethin' his size into a ventspace? With a mallet?" Boon: "He's gettin' by hard, same as us. Ain't no self-pity in there, neither. Just grit. Scope it clean and you'll klokkit."
Roky: "Vent Pobbers got new digs. Old filtration chamber they don't use no more. Movin' our racks and gear end of cycle." Boon: "Skeggin' it up?" Roky: "Yeah. It's square in the D-7 vent-tangle. Bang and bounce is dog. Keep the whole section up, we will."
Boon: "Problem is, see, people are too rich. Not enough to go 'round. That's why we're down this hole." Roky: "Know how you stop someone gettin' too rich?" Boon: "Drop 'em down a hole."
Roky: "Skill, bro. Every time." Boon: "You could bigflip off an Orb Mother, come down flair and smilin', but it's aaaaall idiot shivers for the crowd you dress bad, sis." Roky: "Win hard, and folks be dressin' bad by breakfast."
Roky: "Hit the rail, movin' terminal, klokkit? Grinded for a lifetime offa that taxi loader. Vapour trail! Couldn't touch Roky." Boon: "Skill don't mean nah lookin' like you dressed by mumsie. Get your crew decked, look the part. Ain't nobody respectin' a pack a fish-lookin' null units. Hahahahaha!"
Boon: "Word is Nef's gonna sweep the ducts, net up all the Ventkids. Sortin' merk-merks for the job. They's a special unit." Roky: "You're a special unit." Boon: "Gonna net us all up, make us work deep deep down, we ain't wily. Nef don't like no Ventkids and he don't like no skeg neither."
Greeting the Tenno
(if the Tenno is new to Fortuna) Roky: "We Ventkids. No Mumsie-Dadsie for us. No biological kin, just our logical kin. This here's me logical-bro, Boon. He runs the Kubrodons, scores the parts. I run the Vent Pobbers, we make the boards. You buyin'? Need a plank? Once a cycle I got somethin' dog. Best prices too, glinty. Mates' rates, chek?"
Roky: "Howzit, glinty. You lookin' or what?"
Roky: "Howzit, glinty. Got a need?"
Roky: "Howzit. Boards and bits, let you grind terminal. Check me wares."
Roky: "Look, we need dosh, you need a plank. You ride, we get fed, chekchek?"
(if the Tenno has just reached rank Logical) Roky: "Boon. Boon! Get over here! It's our Outworlder buddy. How ya doin', Outworlder-buddy?"
(if the Tenno is rank Logical) Roky: "Hey, erm… you klok Boon's keen on that Legs mucker? He says we should make Legs logical. Part of our fam. I tell him he won't fit in the vents. He says Legs could just take his head off and we could lug him 'round. [pause] Jealous? Nah! Boon's me logical! That'd be weird. I jus'… he's me most logical fam. I got no other."
(if the Tenno is rank Logical) Roky: "Hey, you know some old cove Smokefinger? Me and the crew bang skeg in the vents of a down-cycle, and he leaves us these, wedged in the grilles come up-cycle. Says it's 'sheet music'. What's a 'sonata'? Woss'e sayin'? Our clangin' ain't dog enough for his old receptors? Woss a 'Mandachord' anyway?"
(if the Tenno is rank Logical) Roky: "My kids don't go near that hunter-trapper Business cove. Not since Bobo. The Business moves in, starts talkin' cute and furry animals, Bobo thinks Biz is an easy mark. By the time Bobo's pulled his Kitgun, Biz is handin' it back to him without the clip. Dunno what that old cove told Bobo, but Bobo ain't touched a gun since. We got no idea who that Biz mucker really is, an' we don't wanna know."
(if the Tenno is rank Logical) Roky: "Zuud's a bit lateral, in'she? We get calls some down-cycles, wantin' parts. It's Zuud, 'cept it ain't always her voice. Some other lady. Imagine if that was yer Mumsie. That was your biological, an' you just had to live with that. Pfeh. That's why me and Boon and the kids hang logical. Choose the kind of crazy we live with."
(if the Tenno is rank Logical) Roky: "I scope you, Outworlder-buddy! Lookin' dog as always. What can the Vent Pobbers fit you with?"
(if the Tenno is rank Logical) Roky: "Hey, just in time. We were about to hit the Vallis, grind some off Nef's face. Ten points for the eyebrows. Need anything?"
Assembling K-drive
Roky: "Can't help ya, glinty. I need somethin' to work with."
Roky: "Gotta need some bits and pieces, glinty. We live in the vents, not a Relay."
Roky: "Want me to bolt two canisters to a piece of siding, charge you fifty so you can make broom-broom noises? Need parts, glinty. Parts."
Selecting a K-drive part
Roky: "Hmm. Intriguing."
Roky: "Ah, yeah. Okay. Sure."
Roky: "Couldn't have picked better meself."
Constructing K-drive
Roky: "Boon! Klokkit. This be terminal style, chek? Yeah? [pause] No?! Ah, go stick your head in one. This board'll make you a star, glinty. No mistake."
Roky: "Someday, glinty, the System's gonna know my name – and you'll be able to say: 'I bought one a' the first Rides by Roky.'"
Roky: "Dog. In'she dog? Come on! A little appreciation, glinty."
Daily special
Roky: "Boon's crew taxed the parts quiet-like, an' we Vent Pobbers bashed it together last cycle. Terminal ride. I'll gutterball the price n'all. Deal?"
Roky: "Boon's crew got air over a zap-fence to score this lot. Corpus maintenance crew's gonna be comin' up short next cycle, but hey – we Vent Pobbers pass the savings onto you."
Roky: "Parts freshly nicked by the Kubrodons – Boon's crew. Bashed this plank together meself, I did. One-of-a-kind, guaranteed."
Roky: "Fell off the back of a loader. Wanna bargain, today's it."
Naming K-drive
Roky: "Now get out there and give 'em hell. Tell 'em the Ventkids sent ya."
Roky: "Aw, pretty. Okay, all done."
Roky: "Nice. I don't get the reference, but that sounds real poetic."
Bidding farewell
Roky: "Boon's crew, the Kubrodons, gotta hand off a buncha live gear before they get burned. Planks, drives, could be anythin'. Scope me in a few, check-check?"
Roky: "Bah-bah, be-be."
Roky: "Bye bye, glinty."
Starting a K-drive race
Out on the Orb Vallis, there are 22 K-drive racing areas, although only 5 will be active on any given day. At these locations, the Tenno can find Boon, sitting on his hoverboard. Approaching him will cause a scoreboard to appear, showing the highest-scoring Tenno for that race. Interacting with Boon will cause the race markers to appear as pink rings on the terrain. The Tenno must pass through all the rings before the time runs out, although the timer does not start until they pass through the first ring. Passing through additional rings will add time to the clock. Dismounting the board or being thrown off it does not forfeit the race as long as the Tenno can get back on the board and pass through the next ring before time runs out, despite Boon's implication otherwise.
Some of the races are down slopes and across terrain; some go through Corpus bases, and some twist through the caverns. The 22 races are: Deathgrip, Sky-Eye, Roky's Roll, Pobber's Drop, Breakdown or Bust, Puffin' Pastures, The Hard Way, Mumsie Dadsie, Fortuna's Folley, Bomb the Spaceport, Meat and Greet, Frost Merchant, Lord of the Board, Dog Line, Kubrodon Twist, Catalyst, River Run, Skeggin' Out, Taxman's Curve, Shaving Nef, Anyo's Ointment, and Grinding the Void.
Boon: "Works like this: hit the marker, the timer starts. Vapour trail, chek? Ya bomb, and ya done. Ready?"
Boon: "Rules are simple: timer starts once you hit the first marker. Now, let's see what ya packin'."
Boon: "Arright, klokkit! I say go, ya floor it. Time kicks off once you hit the first marker. Ready?"
Hitting the first marker
Boon: "First marker gone. Bah-bah!"
Boon: "Boom!"
Boon: "Nice form. Let's see you keep it."
Failing a race
Boon: "Oof. Idiot shivers all 'round. Ya bombed that one, glinty."
Boon: "Put in the hours, glinty. You'll get there. Hahahaha!"
Boon: "Ha ha! Klokked it. Fish-lookin' null-unit."
Finishing a race
Boon: "Nothin' fancy, but got it done. Ya plank okay for a glinty mucker."
Boon: "Ya, don't get smug. You did fine, but chek no flair. You scored that one, but I'm still king."
Boon: "You's a lucky mucker an' no mistake. Skin a' ya teeth, glinty!"
Roky is mentioned in the Vox Solaris quest, and Boon has some dialogue during the Profit-Taker Orb Mother heist. The Ventkids are mentioned in the dialogue of Eudico, The Business, Rude Zuud, and Smokefinger, and Legs' lore fragments.
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Roky & Boon]
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What I want to hear more than anything is any and all of your thoughts involving Kushinada? Because I LIVE of them I need all of your ramblings about her and every AU she is currently apart of. You could type out thousands of words and I'd still want more.
since you did write about that hot fenrir X kushinada stuff in your latest fic (which was the most adorable thing btw omg) i figured i might provide a few scenarios for that (a few meaning 1000+ words of cute stuff oops! never mind it’s 2000+ hahaha fuck)
high school au
i know i said it in the dating sim route for fenrir but him giving his leather jacket to kushinada when they go out and it’s cold??? that’s one of my fav tropes omg
also kushinada accidentally comparing fenrir to a loyal dog when talking to aphro and light hel and him overhearing that and being all embarrassed about it bc he can’t deny that he’s literally a dog in human form
he has a very strong sense of smell, always noticing all the flower perfumes that kushinada wears and he always compliments her about how nice she smells even when she’s come back from her garden (he likes the smells of nature hehe)
also he’s very protective of her and gives people the nastiest stares if they say anything remotely negative about her. when kushinada opens up about having an unrequited crush on cu chu and her past with relationship with susano she has to drag away fenrir and get him to promise not to fight those two on sight
also it’s a lil nsfw but i think he’s totally into leaving hickeys around the place so when kushinada shows up at school on a super hot day with a scarf aphro is like “so things must be moving nicely between you and fenrir huh?” and kushinada is just a blushing mess and silently nods
oh, and him just resting his head on kushinada’s when she’s gardening and wrapping his arms around her UwU
so when they start dating i really like the idea of fenrir learning how to grow stuff with kushinada (and him actually having a decent green thumb after learning the basics)
also i couldn’t get the idea out of my idea about fenrir trying to grow kushinada roses/or forget-me-nots/camellias(they all mean love apparently?? that’s cute n sappy hehe) and trying to keep it a secret from her
so while he’s checking some plants during club time, fenrir just snatches a seed packet from her collection and takes her gardening equipment and other materials when he needs them
bc he’s just a beginner he fails pretty badly and goes around asking for help from tyr (as he’s been talking about kushinada w/ tyr who serves as a sorta personal confidant and a father figure who is more stern w/ fenrir than loki). tyr’s all for this as that’s how he wooed ullr over on their first date (and promptly got laid as well) so they both read a few gardening books and search the internet for info…
…unfortunately tyr’s pretty shit w/ gardening as well so they ask chiron for help and, although he’s got the knowledge, it somehow doesn’t work out either…
…so they ask for inari’s help which who suggests that they just hire a professional gardener or just buy some really expensive and rare flowers for her(which they’ll pay for; inari is all for fenrir trying to be romantic and trying to cater to kushinada’s interestseven if it doesn’t turn out)
fenrir eventually decides to come clean and presents her with what he’s got and kushinada kisses him for all his effort UwU. she really appreciates the effort even if she was aware that he was stealing from her the entire time (she’s gotta keep a tight budget with the club, the school only gives her a certain amount of money to run the place and it’s she may be forgetful at times but her equipment disappearing every time fenrir was around was a lil convenient)
also if we’re going full cheese then i want fenrir to confess his love to kushinada all anime-style w/ cherry blossoms and everything :’^)))))) like kushinada would be the first to say that she loves him but it’s really hard for him to say, like he’ll just say “i do too” and avoid saying “i love you”
also just in general they’d probs both like going out to parks, botanical garden or go hiking and have peaceful walks when kushinada points out all the plants while fenrir listens, he likes hearing her ramble on bc it’s cute seeing her so excited about something
so they’re at some botanical garden place and kushinada is really excited and basically dragging fenrir by the arm to point out all the different flower types but all he can think about is how much she’s changed him for the better, how he doesn’t deserve her at all. he’s just smitten with her, with how adorable she is when she’s ranting, even if he’s heard all the information before - he just wants to listen to her beautiful voice. and, wow, she looks so stunning amongst the blooming flowers and he thinks, no, he knows he’s in love with her and how he wants to marry her and that sorta mushy stuff hehe
kushinada snaps him out of his thoughts by asking if she’s boring him with her explanations and then he just blurts out that he loves her and it’s just silence between the two for a moment before kushinada, as the sappy bitch she is, starts crying tears of joy and leaps into his arms :’))))))) (yes i’m the world’s softest bitch, what about it)
mafia au
fenrir stumbles into kushinada’s bakery after a street fight with a rival gang, all bloody and bruised and telling her to not touch him before promptly passing out. kushinada tends to his injuries while he’s out and drags him into her beroom falling asleep beside the bed bc she was so exhausted from work + this incident
fenrir wakes up with a nasty headache, only made worse by him not knowing where he is - he’s still alive, probably due to the beautiful japanese woman uncomfortably lying on the side of the bed with bandages in her hands. he knows he could snap her neck with ease, but something in the back of his mind tells him not to - tyr’s words and actions ring in his ears
also on a side note i’m imagining that fenrir has a rough childhood bc of loki being involved in shady gang operations and that fenrir was preened by him to succeed him but fenrir was betrayed by the norse gang and left to get caught by the cops during a major heist. i imagine that tyr, a cop (duh), went onto the scene and tried to communicate with a scared and furious fenrir. fenrir probably lashed out at him, scarring tyr’s arm (and then it later being infected or something? i’m not here for arm severing lmao) and then breaking down in his arms while tyr comforted him.
fenrir spent some time in prison after that and got out due to tyr lobbying for him and he’s trying to separate himself from his family and old ties to his gang although it obviously catches up with him here :^)
the attack was probably bc in the past fenrir was an asshole and very cocky, brash and abusive to others and he made a lot of enemies bc he thought we was untouchable as one of the norse gang members with really high connections bc of his father
anyways fenrir explores the small apartment before hearing the ring of the bell downstairs (i imagine the bakery to underneath a small apartment like this). he walks to check that out, hiding on the stairs just in case the gang members have found where he ended up
fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) for him it’s not the gang members - it’s inari, wanting to get a pastry and tea from her favourite bakery. when they can’t see kushinada or smell anything being made that’s when they decide to check on her
fenrir makes a mad dash for kushinada’s room, pretending to sleep once again while kushinada is in the shower. she gets out and greets inari, trying to nicely introduce the topic of the strange and ruggedly handsome man resting in her room (it just hit me that this is essentially just that scene from tangled but inari isn’t an evil hag lmao)
inari is really annoyed - they don’t want kushinada to get further involved with any more gang acitivity than she already is and they know about fenrir’s past and what he’s done. they fight for a bit before inari relents, knowing that coddling kushinada and treating her like a defenceless child isn’t going to help her out any.
fenrir is shitting himself - he never expected to get so close to the elusive and destructive inari and it doesn’t help that inari ends the conversation with “if he does anything to hurt you i’ll make sure to put that mangy mutt down and make him regret ever stepping out of prison” before asking kushinada to have a cup of tea with her
after they’re done, kushinada comes up while fenrir pretends to wake up for the first time. she checks on his injuries and she asks about what happened to him but he shuts her down before she has to chance to speak and tries to leave - of course, in his injured state he just makes things worse and falls over. kushinada scolds him for trying to move in this state, and says that even if he won’t co-operate that she’s still going look after him just to prove inari that she can handle looking after herself when dealing with the mafia business.
she leaves for a bit and brings a breakfast tray for him. he wolves it down, reluctantly saying thanks and apologising for his manners - kushinada finds him kinda cute when he’s all blushing and red (although she won’t admit it). she tries to more subtly ask what happened to make him so ravenous but he brushes her off again. fenrir asks for some coffee instead of the tea she’s brought and she makes sure that he uses his manners this time.
she goes down again, leaving fenrir to his own devices. he eventually walks around the apartment for a bit, taking special notice of all the greenery around the place. she pops up behind him while he’s admiring some lillies. he asks how she gets the plants to look so nice - she says that you can gorw anything as long as the conditions are right
then their usual routine sets in - kushinada will get up before him and they’ll eat meals with each other while she runs the bakery downstairs, popping up whenever she has the time to see him.
when he can walk without major discomfort again then kushinada gets him to man the counter and when his arm heals she starts teaching him about how to bake to tend to her plants - he’s not half bad at either activity and when he’s polished his skills enough he makes breakfast for her UwU
of course y’all can imagine as many fluff moments as possible while they fall in love and that cute stuff like
fenrir talking about his tats and what they mean
talking about his past, maybe a lil bit of angst and comfort bc i’m a sucker for emotion support scenes
cute baking moments, fenrir licking the spoon and kushinada getting on his case about that
i’m sure you can think of a few dramatic situations to progress the plot but i’m just here for fluff hehe
or maybe something about fenrir running into some old gang members and them giving him shit about losing his edge and how pathetic he looks manning the bakery - he’s barely keeping himself together but he does for his and kushinada’s relationship together but he snaps when one of the group starts talking about kushinada and threatening to attack her to coax the old fenrir out. it probs gets into a bad back alley sprawl with the gang needing a large ambulance as a result of his anger (i like to imagine that inari was watching around the corner ready to back him up and they’re like “good job kid”)
and maybe fenrir’s family comes to see him?? at the very least i want light hel to work for kushinada at the bakery bc i want Dramatic™ family reunions yo and she’d fit the role p well
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blueplanettrash · 6 years
So I may or may not of had a wee little idea about the team finding a were wolf like planet but they age like elves so at first Lance is like super excited but once he tells them how old he is they all start treating him like a puppy and coddle him. He acts like he hates it but actually enjoys the attention and the team stays for their full moon which is like a huge deal for them. But instead of lance becoming his normal wolf form he becomes a cub- part 1
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If you liked the idea so much, you didn’t have to give it to me. Thank you so much though! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
For the first time in a long time, Allura was smiling when they met her on the bridge. She practically bouncing in place as she waited for everyone to file in.
“Uh… what’s up Allura?” Pidge decided to finally ask. Her head whipped over to stare at Pidge making the girl flinch in shock.
“I’m glad you asked Pidge,” Allura practically sang before turning to look more at Lance. “Planet Yupriupra contacted us, and express an interest in meeting you Lance,” she said. Lance’s eyebrow rose in surprise.
“Me?” He asked pointing at himself.
“Yes!” She cheered moving from her platform to stand in front of him. “There planet completely slipped my mind because we only visited it once when I was a child, but the Yupri are just like you!”
“What? Like me?”
“Yes! They transform into wolves and have a forced transformation during the full moon!”
“Holy crap!” He finally processed the information and grabbed Allura’s shoulders in excitement. “And we’re going there?”
“As soon as word spread about you, they contacted the Castle and wanted to meet with us, especially you,”
“Oh my god, it’s been so long since I’ve seen another wolf, now we’re going to a whole planet of them?” Lance marveled. The rest of the group watched him with amused smiles.
“When are we going?” He asked frantically. Allura laughed and pushed him back, not unkindly.
“We don’t have any missions we have to get to, so we’re going right now, or whenever all of you are ready,” she said, looking over to address the rest of the paladins. They all glanced up at Shiro who gave them a nod and a smile.
“Looks like we’re all ready to go,” he confirmed. Lance squealed and ran to his seat, ready to wormhole already. With loud laughed the rest of them followed suit; the paladins to their chairs and Allura and Coran returning to their stations. In his excitement, he let his ears and tail appear. His ears were perked high on his head and his tail was wagging excitedly behind him.
“Princess? When we get there is it specifically a visit? Or do we have to negotiate an alliance?” Shiro asked as they prepared to open a wormhole.
“It’s a visit, they assured us that they were already on Voltron’s side and needed no further negotiations to join the alliance,” she informed them. Already, this trip was sounding like a very good one. They didn’t have to go through days of meetings, they were already in the planet’s favour, and Lance got to see people of his kind again.
As they started through the wormhole, Coran started reading the lunar charts for the planet and happily turned to regard Lance.
“It looks like planet Yupriupra has a similar lunar cycle to Earth and the next full moon is going to be tomorrow,”
“Whoa, that’s a first,” he replied in amazement.
“It seems like we’re in for a good time then,” Keith commented, leaning back in his chair.
“Do you think they’re telling the truth too?” Hunk asked nervously.
“Of course! The Yupri are a very truthful species and very kind, even if Lance wasn’t a werewolf they would have eventually contacted us for a visit,” Coran said happily moving away from his console as soon as the wormhole was closed. “I have many friends living on Yupriupra, oh I can’t wait to see them again!”
The rest of them looked at him in confusion and a small bit of pity. If Coran had friends on the planet they were more then likely dead by now.
“I know! I can’t wait to see Refia again!” Allura added.
Okay. Now they were just confused.
“Not to sound mean or anything, but wouldn’t they be long gone by now?” Pidge asked meekly. She stared when the two of them started laughing maniacally.
“Hahaha, the Yupri, dying?” Coran gasped out between laughs. “Can you believe it Lance?”
“Um… I’m just as confused as they are?” He shrugged. Immediately their laughs stopped and they looked at him in shock.
“You aren’t immortal?” Allura asked baffled. Lance’s mouth dropped open and he started shaking his head and waving his arms around.
“What? No! Of course not!” He insisted. “The longest a werewolf has lived was maybe 108 or something,”
“How fascinating, although your species are quite similar, to think you have such a difference between you two,” Coran mused, his finger curling in his moustache.
“WAIT! ARE YOU SAYING THESE PEOPLE ARE IMMORTAL!?” Pidge sputtered, slamming her hands down on her console.
“LIKE WILL NEVER DIE IMMORTAL!?” Hunk added with a yelp. Coran and Allura jumped back in surprise.
“Yes?” she answered questioningly.
“Oh my god, we’re going to meet immortal werewolves,” Pidge grinned looking over at Keith who had a similar grin on his face.
“Hey, what makes them so different from me?” Lance pouted crossing his arms and sinking into his seat.
“They actually sound like the werewolves from legends,” Keith stated like it was obvious.
“You keep up this attitude and I’m not going to introduce you to Eustice when we get back to Earth,” pointing an accusing finger at Keith, who immediately scowled and sunk into his chair but didn’t say anything else.
“Eustice?” Shiro asked with a quirked brow.
“Mothman,” Lance said simply and with dead-eyes Shiro nodded and turned back in his seat.
“Prepare for landing paladins,” Allura announced before they started to descend through the atmosphere. He excitedly started bouncing in his seat, his eyes darted across what he could see of the horizon. It was getting close to dusk and it seemed like they wouldn’t be able to see a lot of this planet because of that. It looked surprisingly like Earth too and he couldn’t help the same amount of homesickness that crawled into his stomach. He tried to dull it down, in case these wolves could easily sense emotions like his family could. He took a deep breath in and out as the ship shook, finally landing on the ground.
“Are you ready my boy?” Coran asked laying his hand on his shoulder as he went to go to the lift.
“As I’ll ever be,” he grinned, letting Coran lead him to the lift. As they traveled down to the ground, Lance suddenly remembered.
“Guys, don’t be weirded out if they’re…affectionate,” he warned. They turned to him in confusion, except for Coran and Allura and rushed to explain.
“It’s something about humans and wolves both being social creatures so we’re kind of double social and just really like pretty much anyone we meet,” he explained sheepishly. “They’ll probably rub faces with you as a greeting,” he turned to look at Coran for confirmation and he nodded his head in agreement.
“Is anyone uncomfortable with that?” He asked. They glanced at each other before shaking their heads, making Lance let out a huge sigh of relief. The lift shuddered as it hit the ground and the doors barely opened before Allura and Coran were squeezing out between the doors.
“REFIA!” Allura cried running forward and jumping into the arms of one of the people waiting. She spun the Princess around happily before setting her back on the ground and moving to nuzzle the side of her face.
“Percival, so wonderful to see you again,” Coran stated warmly clasping hands with an older man, which didn’t really make sense to the paladins since they said that the wolves were immortal. Lance, however, could tell that this man was the alpha of the pack and much older than the rest of the wolves around them.
“You as well Coran,” he laughed dragging Coran forward wrapping his arms around him affectionately. He was much taller than Coran and was almost completely enveloping him in his arms. Over the top of his head, his eyes fell on the paladins.
“Welcome Paladins of Voltron!” He greeted cheerfully. At his booming voice, the rest of the wolves started forward to surround the paladins. There was an obvious twitch in Keith’s hands as he held himself back from grabbing his knife.
“Allow me to introduce them to you,” Allura said, pushing through the crowd to stand in front of the paladins.
“This is Shiro, the paladin of the Black Lion, he is Voltron’s leader,” she said pushing him towards the crowd. He startled slightly when hands gently grabbed him to pull him through the crowd. Once he was in the only thing that touched him were quick brushes across his cheeks, which made him laugh quietly.
“Keith is the paladin of the Red Lion,” before he could be pulled in, Allura sent him a hard look as if to say ‘if you pull that knife, I’ll give you something to cry about’
He pouted which quickly turned to surprise when he was lifted and brought into the crowd. He honestly thought that he would hate it but after months of forced Lance affection, it only felt familiar.
“Pidge is the paladin of the Green Lion, she is also very interested to learn more about the Yupri,” Allura said. Pidge yelped with a blush and gave Allura a betrayed look.
“We’d be happy to teach you,” one of the Yupri said, picking her up under the armpits and nuzzling the side of her face, displacing her glasses slightly.
“Oh, thank you,” she said before she was passed through the crowd.
“This is Hunk, the paladin of the Yellow Lion,” she barely got the words out before Hunk was rushing forward.
“You guys are so cool!” He said excitedly as he was eagerly accepted into the mass. Lance and Allura watched with amused smiles before Allura turned and gestured at Lance.
“And this is Lance, the paladin of the Blue Lion,” he gave them a sheepish wave in greeting. It was obvious that they realized that he was like them and they allowed Percival to step forward first. As the sight of the large man, he cowered slightly and crouched forward slowly. His ears were pressed tightly against the top of his head and his tail was curled between his legs. When he was close enough, Percival leaned over slightly and Lance timidly licked the underside of his chin. At that Percival’s tail started wagging slightly and he let out a little laugh. He scooped him up in his arms and squished his cheek against Lance. When his feet dropped back to the ground, he was swarmed by the rest of them.
He let out a little whine of happiness, and tears came to his eyes at the familiarity of the gestures.
“Now, who’s hungry?” Percival asked. A collective cheer rang out around them and they started guiding the team through the forests. The trees were lined with lanterns and softly glowed the further they walked in. They could see up ahead, the start of a clearing.
“It’s just like I remember,” Allura gasped quietly. Refia turned to her with an amused smile.
“It’s only been ten thousand years Allura,” she chuckled. Allura pouted and crossed her arms as Refia snickered beside her. The rest of the paladins looked around in amazement. Lights hung from the branches of trees and long tables were lined up beside each other. Food was laid gracefully on the tables and other Yupri were setting down even more dishes.
They were ushered to seats and they started shoveling food onto their plates.
“This all looks wonderful!” Coran commented appreciatively. He and Allura both sat further away with Refia and Percival, while the paladins sat further down the table beside each other. They were still within earshot of the Alteans if they needed to call out to them.
Halfway through the dinner, both Coran and Percival’s heads turned towards them and they glanced back curiously.
“Lance, Coran told me that on your planet, our kind is mortal?” He asked, his elbows resting on the tabletop. Lance nodded in affirmation with a smile as he swallowed the bite of food that was in his mouth.
“Oh, how old are you then?”
“I’m eighteen,” he responded quickly. The Yupri around them gasped in shock and looked at Lance with wide eyes.
“My goodness, you’re just a cub?” Percival exclaimed. Coran reached out, laying his hand on his arm.
“Not to worry, creatures from Earth grow much quicker, he is equivalent to the age of an adult here,” Coran explained to the worried alpha. Still, he looked at Lance with concern on his face.
“Yes, well…” he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s not bad is it?” Lance asked dropping his food back to the plate. Percival’s head whipped up.
“Oh no, not at all, we were all merely surprised,” he explained gesturing at the peering eyes surrounding them. Lance’s ears slumped against his head and he glumly looked down at his plate. He was surprised when arms wrapped around him and he was tugged into the arms of one of the women Yupri.
“Apologizes, we noticed that you smelled like our young cubs used to but we weren’t quite sure why,” she said stroking the top of his head comfortingly. Lance couldn’t help but sink into the sensation, it was similar to the way that his mother always hugged him. Obviously, it wasn’t the same but he would take what he could get.
“Princess Allura, I was wondering if you had any plans for Voltron in the near future,” Percival turned capturing Allura attention away from Refia.
“Unless we get an emergency transmission, no,” she said after a moment of thought.
“Perfect! We would like to invite you to stay for our full moon tomorrow night!” He beamed. “I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we would love to spend more time getting to know the new paladins better,”
“We would love to!” Allura announced after a glance at each one of her paladins. All around them, cheers rang out.
Lance was excited that he would be able to explore Yupriupra after all. As he laid in his bed, he couldn’t even decide where he would go first. It was the full moon that really had him excited though. It felt like it’s been years since he last transformed with other wolves and got to run with them. Now, he had an entire planet to keep him company.
Waking up the next day, he immediately noticed a change within the Yupri and it wasn’t a bad one per say. They just seemed more conscious of him. They would go up to him and greet him or affectionately nuzzle him before moving onto their duties.
He had an idea of what they were doing and he wasn’t exactly happy with it. He also wasn’t really upset either. They were acting much like his aunts and uncles did when he was around.
Whenever one of the Yupri had a spare moment they seemed to find Lance and coax him into playing chase with them. Every time, Lance would start without fuss. Even though he knew that they were much faster than him, they always seemed to lag enough that he was able to grasp onto their tail or another part of their body. He knew what they were doing but it didn’t stop him from having his fun. He even ignored Hunk and Pidge when they snickered at him after one such game.
“You really are a little kid,” Pidge giggled pointing up at him.
“It’s not my fault that they keep treating me like one,” he argued.
“Just admit that you like it,” Hunk smiled. Lance huffed and crossed his arms, turning away from them.
Even after his conversation with Hunk and Pidge, he didn’t turn away any of the Yupri. He let them take him aside and groom his ears and hair, then tug him up to go on a hunting lesson, and even let them curl around him for a nap.
He would admit that these little things weren’t just for his benefit either. He had seen every one of these people at the feast last night. There was not one cub there. The youngest looking one there was Refia and obviously, she was at least ten thousand years old and likely older than that. He didn’t know why there weren’t many cubs but if they wanted to spoil one for the first time in a long time, who was he to refuse?
Soon enough the sun started to set and it was almost time for the full moon. He and the rest of the team gathered at the now empty clearing they had visited the night before. Many of the Yupri were already there, most of them group together and talking amongst themselves.
“Let us all have a good night tonight!” Percival bellowed as a sort of farewell before the full moon began to rise in the sky. As Lance began to shift, he noticed that he didn’t feel any of the pain and sickness he usually felt when he shifted. He hadn’t felt that way since he was a cub.
“So what are we supposed to do tonight?” Pidge asked looking up at Allura and Coran.
“There are plenty of beautiful spots to visit,” Allura suggested.
“Or we can sit in the Castle,” Coran added.
“Where to Allura?” Shiro butted in before Pidge could make a decision. She was about to protest but was interrupted by a jolt to her leg. She looked down and squeaked at what she saw. At the noise, the other’s looked over as well.
“Lance?” Hunk asked in disbelief. The wolf cub looked up at him with wide blue eyes.
“What happened?” Keith asked looking at the Alteans. They could see the Yupri looking over at them curiously, already transformed and some having left already.
“I don’t know,” Allura breathed out in confusion before she transformed into her wolf form.
“Lance, are you alright? What happened?” She asked. Lance looked up at her in amazement.
“Wow! Your fur is so pretty!” He said excitedly, running around her.
“Um, thank you? Do you remember where we are?” She asked, putting her leg out to stop him in his tracks.
“Yeah! We’re on Yupriupra!” He said happily. She blinked and sat back, this was incredibly strange. Maybe it had something to do with the atmosphere? Well, it didn’t really matter, they would have to deal with it for now.
“Are you alright?” A concerned voice broke her thoughts and she found Lance standing in front of her.
“I should be asking you that,” she chuckled weakly.
“Good thing you already did then,” Lance replied cheekily. She huffed fondly and transformed back.
“It seems like he transformed back into a cub, mentally as well, although he does remember where we are,” she informed them.
“So what do we do?” Hunk asked.
“I believe the best course of action is for Coran and I to stay here with him, the rest of you can do whatever you want,”
“Sounds good to me,” Keith said immediately. The rest of the paladins looked at him but he only gave them a shrug in response.
“Well, alright then, I guess we’ll meet you back here at sunrise,” Shiro agreed. They watched Coran and Allura both transform and follow Lance further into the forest before turning to head back to the Castle.
Keeping track of Lance throughout the night was surprisingly not as nerve-wracking as they thought it would be. He would run around the large fields of the planet and whenever they came across someone else, Lance would run back and hide between Coran’s front legs.
So many wolves came up to interact with the boy, it seemed like they were waiting in line one after the other. Even though he would cower beneath Coran for a few minutes, he also summoned the courage to come out again. Without a second’s hesitation they would slam down to the ground in a playful stance, their tags wagging madly behind them. Lance instantly started bouncing around and shot like a bullet after the other wolf, trying in vain to catch up to them.
It wasn’t long before Lance was lying against Coran, snoozing softly into his fur. He watched Allura in the distance. They had found Refia and Percival after a few hours and had tagged along with them as they walked through the forest. He turned his attention to Lance and thought of everything that had happened that day and night. It broke his heart to see the Yupri so affected by the cub.
He remembered the last time that he was here. When the then alpha, not Percival, traded his species ability to have cubs in exchange for their immortality. After they got rid of him, they contacted every slightly magically species they could. To no avail obviously. Hopefully, it wouldn’t pain them much when it was time to say goodbye to Lance.
Lance could feel himself shifting back into his human form, and felt one of the Castle ship’s blankets being thrown around him. He blearily blinked open his eyes before wincing and shutting them again. He clutched the blanket tightly around his shoulder and swayed slightly.
“What happened?” He rasped pressing his hand into his eye.
“When you transformed, for some reason you transformed into a cub,” Coran explained quietly, trying not to cause more pain in his head.
“What?” he asked quietly in confusion.
“We’re not really sure what happened, we’re just glad that you went back to normal without any obvious problems,” Allura said softly.
“I’m really tired,” Lance admitted, his shoulders slumping slightly.
“Oh, well then let’s say our goodbyes and we’ll be on our way,” Coran said, putting his arm around Lance and steering him towards the Yupri.
“It’s time we left, thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” Allura smiled, bowing slightly.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice,” Percival said, returning the bow. He turned to Lance.
“Lance, it’s been an honour to meet you,” he once again fell into a bow, this time directed towards the blue paladin. Without hesitation, Lance bowed as well.
“The honour was all mine,” he stated honestly. He startled slightly when a hand landed on his shoulder and he looked up into Percival’s face. With a kind smile, he pulled Lance into a hug.
“If you ever find the need for another one, you can call Yupriupra home,” he said quietly. Lance smiled and wrapped his arms around him as well.
“I’ll keep that in mind,”
Part 1/2/3/4/5/6
Stories Masterlist
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the8gates · 3 years
i don't know if you're still doing the oc ask game, but if you are could you answer 1,8,15 for Atsuko or 1 ,8 for Reiko. love your writing so much, the shadow series and the bug collector are my confort fics!
Of course! And your COMFORT fics?? That's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten I will cry.
From this OC Ask Post!
And, again, these are long so... below the cut!
Atsuko Kamiyama:
1. List five basic facts about your OC. (there are already so many of these so I'm gonna throw in some stuff I never got to write)
- She's a Cancer/Leo cusp!
- Her first real love was Kiri, her teammate during their Genin years. Atsuko is bisexual and I didn't explore that as much as I would have liked to in the Shadow Series. In a rough outline of the story, she had a bit of a crush on Tsunade.
- Aside from Sasuke, her favorite of the kids was definitely Neji. It wasn't even a contest in her mind.
- She took a few baby/toddler pictures of Sasuke from his home and kept them in a keepsake box. After the Pain attack, she thought she'd lost them, along with everything else she saved over the years. But, when Kakashi escorted her to the new home he'd had built, there was a shoebox on their bed full of things he'd managed to save from the rubble. A single letter from Jiraiya that he'd sent during his years training Naruto, ripped down the middle but taped back together and still legible. A picture of Itachi and Sasuke from when they were children. And the final letter her mother had written her before she passed. Atsuko cried for an hour straight after seeing what was in the box.
- Once all of the girls (Sakura, Karin, Ino, Hinata, Temari) were old enough, Atsuko, Tsunade, Anko, Shizune, and Kurenai took all of them out on a wild girls night. Atsuko, Tsunade, and Anko were horrible influences and that night was the talk of the village for months afterwards. It became a yearly tradition. And even when everyone had grown up and moved on to have families of their own, they still get together once a year for a quiet night in. Sharing a few bottles of wine and talking about their children/partners/jobs <3 (no men allowed).
8. Describe one of your OC's bad habits
Oh god, just one? hahaha
Her worst habits all stem from her attachment issues.
One thing we see happen a lot with her character is a desperate need to care for and coddle others. Her mother was a good woman, but she wasn't particularly affectionate or doting. She also never really recognized the symptoms of mental illness that Atsuko displayed from a young age. Her mother didn't understand why Atsuko was so nervous and quiet and sad, at times. So, Atsuko unconsciously makes it her mission to give everyone else something she never had. I think that's why she gets so emotionally involved with people who may not have her best interest in mind. Obito and the Akatsuki members in general. She see's the part of them that's broken and wants to help fix it. Just like she wished someone would have done for her when she was young.
I think that's why she attracts people with such heavy trauma and heartbreak. Itachi, Kakashi, Sasuke, Neji, Obito. Really, she wants to provide everyone with a love and understanding she felt she never really received.
(Sorry maybe none of that makes sense. I get carried away talking about her motivations and connections!!)
15. Your OC is given the chance to go back in time. Where do they go and what do they do?
This one hurts so much, you did this on purpose didn't you??
There are so many things she wishes she could change and she would agonize over this decision. Ultimately, though, I think she would go back and stop the Uchiha Massacre if she could. It would mean that Sasuke was never placed in her care, but if he had the chance to be happy with his family, she would give all of their memories together up in an instant.
Though, putting an end to generations worth of strife and tension is a pretty tall order. So, if we're going just based off of things she could actually control with 100% certainty, meaning changing something she did herself... That's a tough one, because I believe she is the type of person who is appreciative of her personal growth and journey, once all is said and done. And there are so many things she could have done differently regarding Sasuke, but a lot of them may have put him in more danger. I would say, after a lot of thought on the question, she would probably end up going back and trying to convince Jiraiya to not go on that final mission. Maybe it's selfish, but I feel like that might actually be something she could change by herself.
Reiko Miki:
1. List five basic facts about your OC
- She's a Virgo!
- After she was kicked out of the Academy, she took up pick pocketing. Not because she desperately needed the money, but simply because she enjoyed doing it.
- She doesn't remember this night, but once when she was 19, she was invited to an event where higher ups from other villages were meant to rub elbows and get to know one another. She had way too much to drink and made a pass at Shikaku. He was very polite about the situation and escorted her home. He never told anyone. And even though she doesnt recall the event, her subconscious does. Hence the line from Shikaku in Chapter 6:
“Stop. You should quit drinking. We both know how you get when you drink too much.”
- She's incredibly judgmental. If Atsuko was understanding to the point that it hurt her, Reiko is the exact opposite. She is quick to make assumptions about people and write them off entirely. The list of people she dislikes is much longer than the list of people she does. She cannot stand Gai LMAO. Not that she hates him or doesnt respect him and his work ethic. She does. But she cannot be in a room with him for more than five minutes without getting a screaming headache.
- Honestly, she never really wanted the title of Jonin Commander. She just imprinted on Shikaku at a young age and did everything he told her to do. She respects the title and understands the weight it holds, but despite her propensity for strategy and planning, she wasn't built for the position. If she had been able to complete the Academy like she'd wanted, I believe she would have almost been better suited for a position with the Anbu. Cold, calculating, quiet, and stealthy. She works best behind the scenes.
8. Describe one of your OC's bad habits
Allowing things to bottle up. Denying the way she feels in favor of trying to place logic on everything. Her pride. It's her distance from others that keeps her so stagnant. She refuses to learn from other people, because learning would have to admit her faults. She spends so much time in her head that she can justify anything if she thinks long enough. It really boils down to a lack of an outlet. Where Atsuko exudes this caring, tenderness, to make up for what she lacked growing up, Reiko is (again) the exact opposite. She resented her mother for trying to 'hold her back' from her goals (when, really, Hana was just trying to keep her safe). So, she decided that no one would ever get close enough to hinder her from moving forward. I believe a part of her resents Shikaku as well. She loved him, but he stole her youth to satiate his own desire to imprint his wisdom upon someone else without ever giving her anything fulfilling in return. In her mind, love is a double edged sword. A blade with a handle wrapped in barbed wire. No love is without conditions. Yet...
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X1 Sympathy for the Devil
aight, lucifer's back, i got six episodes to catch up on(two weekends) AND YOU'VE BEEN THUNDERSTRUCKKKKK
yeah I see why tumblr likes it, it's the mainstream version of itself
not that that made sense, but IT'S SEASON 5 TIME!
oh this is a NICE lighting effect?
oo interesting transition?
ok so the beam kills the plane ?
why are they on the plane ?
ah yes the late 2000s sure were a Fun Time
no Sam's Totally not a Demon it's Fine
Cas? Dead?
boy you sure can try
oh good it's zach
"it's apocalypse now" feels like a reference to...apocalypse now heh
the vessel oho the planting and payoff
does...Dean know about Ruby
hey they said the roll credits
o Dean doesn't know about the voicemail
ASFPHSIHF i hate you people
ah Dean the "let's move on let's move on let's move on"
Oh ok the vessel
hoh that is a lot of blood
well this is a very nice portrayal of fans
jesus christ
i mean to be fair, there ARE some fans like this but still bad
what the actual HELL she's in the season premiere?
this is Strange
please god don't bring up the Fanfics
i do like the critique of their own show at least briefly
although it's being made fun of...?
"can you quit touching me?"
scene change scenE CHANGE
ah macguffin plot
Dean really wants to Not Think About it
B O B B Y ?
it's not Bobby, it's not, it can't be
look I get it they need support, but not being coddled is important
some middle ground ig
yep! not Bobby!
felt WAY too out of character
oo villain hero banter god I love having that
the flirting thing is weird ok fine do your fetish thing
B O B B Y ?
goddamn i love Meg
what the FUCK happened to exorcisms yall
aww the baby crying woke mina awwwwww
she's a protective fucker
oh the bloody crib imagery is FUCKED it's VERY nice
oh thank GOD they take him to a hospital
I thought castle said CASTIEL lol
also NICE imagery
ok lots of dead guys
"oh thank god the angels are here" pfftahaha
yeah Dean's the michael sword whoopsie
"wad of insecurity and self loathing" pfft
why didn't they just say vessel
oh the Bang and instant leg break is nice
"it is written" free will babyyyy
ah uses Bobby as leverage
altho angel power is INTENSE
"are we having fun yet" OH HELL
seriously hbo spn would be INTENSE body horror what do you mean no lungs
"no i carved it into your ribs" THE DELIVERY AHAHAHA
just doesn't answer ok then
~I'm an angel~
at least he flagged lucifer, I was hoping someone would
the angels rly do be "gaslight gatekeep girblossing"
i do find a lucifer plot line played straight interesting! who'd a thunk
ok seriously, it was TOO easy to find someone wronged by god
oo the don't lie thing, that's neat
jeez, they rly had the budget of Nothing
Bobby oh my God
"I got no idea, but I got a GED and a give em hell attitude, we'll figure it out" HAHAHA I L O V E H I M
look at least SOMEONE doesn't cut them off
"I deserve a medal for this" pffttt
hey they're framing Dean taller
"I don't think we can ever be what we were"
this feels Real and I HATE it
and they split up with a SHOT OF THE LAMP
god the glass is chewy tonight
1. God+Disillusionment. Ok here's the thing: the whole scene where Lucifer didn't even have to do much to convince Nick? I think? to go against God feels important. Like it feels as if God has abandoned us, and we want to get back at him. Absent Father narrative, mixed with a bit of ye old exceptionalism(you're all mighty and all powerful, why didn't you help me). It...obviously I don't know who's idea it was to go this way, or what lens they were viewing this through specifically, but that convincing(and what Nick believed so he could let himself be convinced) felt important both in the context(vague 2009, after the crash) and in the story. I feel like this theme will show up later.
2. clever Dean. Dean got like three clever moments this episode, and a good pep talk. And I really like the trade off! The "let's not think about it until it blows over I'm totally fine ahaha" fucks him up when it comes time to deal with his relationship with his brother, but this desire to move forward(and the actual intelligence to think ahead like damn) helped them actually get to places. and at the end, he does a pep talk! he's learned how people work a bit! like the nuance and the showing off his good skills makes me happy.
3. lucifer played straight. So I realize this came out like...a decade before the Lucifer show. but having a Lucifer that has quiet daddy issues and have them be played entirely straight wasn't something I thought would be as compelling as it was. The actress for Lucifer was very good, which probably helped, but to have Lucifer be Sincere(seeming) and actually believe in his point was interesting and a bit refreshing
also i liked that the name was recognized, feels more realistic
4. probably need a callout. Like I get it, they're the main heroes, they did their best, but they DEFINITELY needed a call out or at least a chat that wasn't the End of the episode. They did their best, I get not siding with the angels, but SOMETHING has to be done. You can't build the "everything is shit" narrative and say idk we're probably gonna fix it lol in the framing device you have set up. Where's ur power fantasy? what are you gonna do with him?
5. Bobby. Listen, I love Bobby. I can tell how you know it's just a Bit off. And while they did need a bit of chewing out, I do appreciate how Bobby's like "priority one, make sure they know I'm not gonna leave" like it makes him a good dad, if a not great hunter, and I really like that. I like how Bobby's weak spot is surrogate kids, that makes me happy.
7. the confrontation. Ok listen, I need that in there. The framing(like I said, they're framing Dean as a bit taller than they would in later seasons(possibly as writers shift their focus from Sam to Dean, a trend that seems to Keep Going)), it puts him a bit higher. The dialogue felt real, like to the point of, whether or not it was accurate to the story or not, it felt like two real family members talking. Like "I can't get rid of you, but we can't be what we were?" heartbreaking. I love glass. And yeah, that final shot of Dean walking away from Sam is pretty obvious HOWEVER Dean is shot with a lamp. It either means Cas or just the angels in general, and whether that's a "he's the michael sword and Sam's lucifer(invoked in this convo)" type thing or a "cas is on Dean's side, and as Cas is in the right so is Dean" type thing, it's Interesting to look at. And it's SUPER deliberate, this cANNOT have been done on accident.
8. Second Meg supremacy, first Ruby supremacy
ighty night night time to go pry the kitty off of me
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