andreanadrea · 4 years
what is love? , they ask me.
does it feel like a summer breeze,
how does it get you falling on your knees?
is it soft as the clouds seem
or is it wilder than your wildest dream?
my mind is full but empty
memories stayed but feelings left me.
touch feels so distant
what is even the purpose of existence?
i don't know what love is
everything i once knew is gone
but what can u do, life goes on.
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andreanadrea · 4 years
Be gentle, be kind
You are one of a kind.
A flower blooming despite the drought
A human choosing his right.
Cracked procelain skin losing the fight.
Be patient for what you will find,
You truly are a one of a kind.
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andreanadrea · 4 years
Dark sky surrounds me, it's about to rain again
I'm still hearing your voice saying my name.
The warmth from your hug is gone,
I think everything is saying I need to move on.
Maybe I am not worthy of love,
Maybe the time has come,
For me to accept that one day I will be someones number one.
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andreanadrea · 5 years
Maybe the person right next to you is your ray of sunshine while there is a storm inside of you. Let yourself free and let some sunshine in your life.
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andreanadrea · 5 years
Not everyone is born happy you know.
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andreanadrea · 6 years
Tumblr media
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andreanadrea · 6 years
"Ne moraš dopustiti da ta jedna stvar bude ono što te definira."
Nakon tebe , Jojo Moyes
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