anellope · 4 years
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this probably wasn’t a good time to get into this show sdfkjs
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anellope · 4 years
You know one think I liked a lot about the She Ra finale?
There is the same amount of same-sex canon relationship as the straight one, but there's a big difference.
The most important and explicit gay couple was between the protagonist of the serie and a co-protagonist. And we can clearly see that they cared about each other during the ENTIRE series, but in the last season they were explicit the whole time. HELL Catra said "Not like I want her" far before they kiss, and when they finally did it was undeniable. They love each other, they are canon.
The other gay couples where Spinnetossa, who were obvious during the ENTIRE series and they also kissed twice (in the english dub they are also married I think?), and Kyle and Rogelio whom we never saw togheter and get one line but that was "Kyle has a crush on him" so... this is also explicit.
Now... the straight couples.
First thing first, Searmista! My babies who flirted since season 2.
But they actually never said they were together, they never kissed, Mermista never admitted she loved him too. Also, they are the most important straight couple and are secondary characters.
Second: Glimbow. They confessed during the battle, but didn't kiss. The only time we saw them acting like a romantic couple was during Adora's dream sooo... yeah, you CAN see them that way but the series never EXPLICITELY SAID IT, hell, the confession was out of the blue even, nothing about their relationship until then couldn't be seen as mere friendship.
Isn't it funny?
Ohhh and we must not forget Hordak and Entrapta!! Again, you ship them? Good good, theh have chemistry and a good story but...aren't they just...lab partners, friends? It's what they keep talking about, how they are friends. You can obviously see them as lovers, see them falling in love but that happened on screen? Did they ever said they were in love?
Nope, they did not.
It was implied.
Shera swapped the couples, making explicit the relationship that nornally aren't and treating the straight ones as media normally treat lgbt+ couples and characters and i think that's so sexy of her.
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anellope · 4 years
"— a gentle shake of hands, confused because of that funny feeling coiling in the stomach" with reddie meeting as familiar strangers as adults !
Here we are maaate!
It took a single second to change everything.
He had felt his heart beat faster, the mind start racing, long forgotten the bad smell of cheap Chinese food or the chat of important people he still struggle to remember. As the sound of the gong grows all around the room Eddie felt his eyes on him and everything else disappeared completely.
Mike hugged all of them, kissed all their cheeks, crying a little bit in the way of it. And in a moment Richie Tozier was by his side, a warm grin on his face, as big as the sun itself.
“Eds…” he just said and Eddie felt his mouth open without warnings, his own voice speaking without him thinking.
“Don’t call me that, you know I… hate when you do that.”
And he was smiling like a fool at the gentle shake of hands, confused for the funny feeling coiling in the stomach.
“Oh, spaghetti, are you sure? I actually do remember differently.” he affirmed in amusement, a tender sight in his eyes, Eddie grinning like a kid on Christmas day
And it really was. That was his fucking 25th of December, surrounded by gifts and a huge tree with buns and colorful lights all over it; when his hands were still in Richie’s and all his friends were around him.
Well, almost everyone.
“C’mon Losers,” Mike said, hugging Big Bill from behind “let’s wait for Stan while eating something, should we?”
“After you.” Richie joked, showing off a clumsy bow, leaving Eddie stuck in a moment of familiar delight.
And he had so many things to say, too many things to mock him for. But inside him there still was that pouring feeling of lightness, that joyful laugh he had suppressed back then that was now so big, so unbearable, that he couldn’t do anything but smile again, voice as a whisper, like, after 27 years, there was still the risk of someone hearing him.
But she is dead, Eds. You can do it.
He raised his arm toward the other man, an hand out in a friendly way, no wait, not friendly, something more, something deeper, something scarier.
“I missed you, Trashmouth.”
He kind of liked using the nickname and a little giggle escaped his lips proving it.
And Richie finally broke in a breathless wheeze, a little laugh, a mix of the two, heart beating faster at each second. He grabbed Eddie’s hand and stood up again, a little closer than before, keeping the connection a little more than necessary, hoping no one would notice.
But his Eds.
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anellope · 4 years
This is soooo cute!
✒✒✒!!! M curious!!! (See? I spended like an asshole before🤙)
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Send me ✒️ and I’ll write your URL in my handwriting along with a little note about what I think of you!
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anellope · 4 years
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a really important thread
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anellope · 4 years
Nobody teached me this, nobody does ever. One day you just need to ajfiwndoandownxosh out of a situation and from then on it's like that.
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Bro I hate texting straight people
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anellope · 4 years
Book quoting?? Reddie and Bill?? In my house?? At the same time?? You son of a bitch, I'm in
“He tasted like honey,” Richie said quietly.
Bill paused. “Who?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. There could only ever be one answer when it came to Richie Tozier. Bill thought that maybe he’d always known that.
“Eds,” Richie said anyway. “He tasted like honey, and blood, a bit, too. We were seventeen and he’d just been punched in the face and the only thing he could do was laugh. It was just like... remember how he’d get? When he skinned his knee, or Bowers chased him, or the first time with the clown?”
“It scared me the first time,” Bill admitted. “When he hurt himself and all he could do was laugh and laugh and laugh. I thought maybe he was crazy.”
“Not crazy,” Richie said, shaking his head. “Just feeling something.” He paused, then added, “I thought he was crazy that time, though. Blood in his mouth, laughing, and he didn’t want anything to wipe it up with. I remember kneeling down, just... staring at him, god, I must have looked so desperate. All I remember was wanting him to laugh forever, to get up, anything, just... he had all this blood in his mouth and I just wished it was mine. Just so it didn’t have to be his, you know?”
Bill put his hand on Richie’s knee, and Richie didn’t move it. Long way from the kid who was scared to give his friends a hug in the street.
“He just laughed again, and looked at me, and said... ‘I feel so alive, Rich, so awake.’ And obviously I was like, ‘dude, you just got punched in the fucking face, are your teeth okay?’ But he just couldn’t stop grinning at me. ‘I think I could outrun this entire town,’ he said, and then.” Richie paused, and gave Bill a helpless glance. “And then he leaned forward and he kissed me. Like it was nothing. Like he wasn’t scared of anything. He tasted like honey and blood and something ferocious, and all I could do was let him. And then he pulled back and gave me that grin he always got, when he was so proud of himself for being the fastest, or jumping in first, or—or—”
Bill pulled Richie into a hug. “Eddie Kaspbrak, never knew you had it in you,” Bill murmured. Richie let out a choked up noise, half-laugh, half-sob. Bill released him, then pulled back so he could look Richie in the eyes better. “He’s always been a fighter, Rich,” Bill said clearly, then glanced into the hospital room they were waiting outside of. “And when he wakes up—and he will wake up—I bet he still tastes like honey.”
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anellope · 4 years
stephen king: lol no idea why people ship reddie
stephen king: richie canonically smacks eddie’s ass
stephen king: richie canonically kisses eddie’s cheek
stephen king: richie canonically calls eddie cute three times whilst pinching his cheek
stephen king: eddie canonically says ‘fuck germs’ so he can lick richie’s ice lolly
stephen king: eddie secretly loves richie’s dumb nicknames for him so much that it feels like a secret identity
stephen king: richie holds eddie as he dies
stephen king: eddie basically dies thinking about richie, touching his face before he dies
stephen king: “you know about fucking, don’t you, eds?” “sure,” eddie said. he hoped he wasn’t blushing
stephen king: “they know how cute you are, eds - just like me”
stephen king: “nothing lasts forever,” richie repeated. he looked up at bill and bill saw tears cut slowly through the dirt on richie’s cheeks. “except maybe for love,” ben said.
stephen king: “why’d you do that?” beverly asked. “I don’t know,” rchie said  but he knew well enough
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anellope · 5 years
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A new lil’ painting of Grey!
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anellope · 5 years
For all the people that leave a comment on ongoing fics: BLESS
For all the people that leave a comment on old/unfinished fics: BLESS
For all the people that leave a comment-
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anellope · 5 years
"There’s no way Richie will sleep in the living room, Ma!" Eddie blurted out, glaring at the woman and clenching his fists at his sides.
Sonia had tightened her lips in an angry grimace, glaring at Richie despite him having remained silent and still in his place, his suitcase still in his own hand.
If you stay still and silence, the T-Rex won't see you.
"It is inappropriate to argue in front of guests, Eddie." She murmured out and Richie could perfectly imagine the sharp teeth appearing from behind her broad pink-tinged lips and her little black eyes resting on him again, as if she was already deciding how to cook him for himself and her son that evening.
Think fast! Throw her water, Eds, maybe she's not a dinosaur, maybe she's the Wicked Witch of the West, make her melt before she turns fucking green!
"What is inappropriate," Eddie answered immediately, stiffening his shoulders and staring straight at her in the face, despite being even bigger than him "Is you having to treat my boyfriend as if he was the big troublemaker dog to keep in the garden." He said, air-quoting hsi own choice of words, making Richie gig.
"YOU invited us here!" he even snapped, calming instantly after, chaining expression completely.
"He'll sleep on a cot in my room, we won't do anything, but it's inconvenient to invite him for Christmas and make him sleep on the sofa, mommy."
His tone of voice was now sweeter... pleading. A tone that, yes, gave Richie goosebumps, but not just because of the sense of dread that the other man made him feel, being so kind and gentle for the first time in front of him.
Abort mission, I repeat, mayday, mayday, go back to thinking about dinosaurs before you get a boner in the center of the living room.
The fact was, Richie didn't really know how to move.
And it was normal; it didn't happen every day to find yourself at the childhood home of your crush from the first year of college as his boyfriend and having to watch his mother, twice as big and bad, affirm with fake grace “ The guest will sleep in the living room, here the ugliest and smallest blanket I found at home. Take it, take it, dear. "
Especially when your boyfriend couldn't stand you at all and hasn't had real interactions with you before the previous week.
Especially when you and your boyfriend are not even really together.
It all started one morning, when Richie was awakened by well-aimed shots at his door.
He didn't know what time it was, he didn't know what was happening, and his head hurt like hell.
Okay, first point, that was a hangover, ergo: the night before he had been drinking. And thinking this he struggled to his feet, rubbing his temples.
The night before he had gone to a party, so it made sense, and he didn't have to end up in such a so big mess if he woke up all by himself, still whole and dressed, right?
Point for Richard.
Now it was no use other than analyzing the situation and joining the missing pieces. Number one: he was in his room -good- and, number two, someone was pounding insistently on the door -less good-.
Number three.
Eddie Kaspbrak personally in front of him, straight and stiff, still in pajamas and fucking pissed.
Eddie Kaspbrak had entered his room closing the door behind him in a hurry -pretty confusing- and had pointed a finger at his chest in an angry way. -bad, but not unusual-
"What the fuck happened last night?!"
Richie looked at him lost, still raising the corners of his mouth in a happy smile "A pleasure for me as well to give you a good morning, Eds, how ya doing?"
Eddie glared at him "How I’m doing?? But at least you know what kind of trouble we are in?”
The problem arose when this was one of the first times in four years where Eddie actually addressed him without shouting at him first. "Excusez-moi?"
To the growing disfigurement and anger of the other, Richie sat down on the bed, trying to remember what had happened the night before. "Did I screw something up? Did I get in the middle of the drunken party-freaks?" He tried to guess, but the look of the other's growing fury made him understand he was far from the truth -or maybe he had come too close? Difficult to say.
"I'm a drunk gentleman, you know? When drunk I tend to run to the rescue even of strangers, I'm a gentledrunk.”
He laughed at his own joke, Richie, although he knew perfectly well the first rule of the comedian was precisely not to do it, it was inevitable. It was necessary because it was Eddie, and everything changed when he was there.
Crushes always make people stupid. Richie, who was already a moron of his own, could not help but fall even lower.
"WE were the drunken freaks from last night!" Eddie snapped then, gesturing in a way that would have immensely entertained Richie - and maybe even let him have started a good Italian accent with " Pizza, Pasta, Mamma mia, Edoardo!" - , if it hadn't been for the fact that he seemed totally out of his mind. And partially worried.
"Hey, what happened, did I throw up on you in front of everyone? I tend to do it if I let myself go too far... I didn't do it on purpose.” He tried again, however it was still another bust.
Eddie denied with the head, the expression that did not mask a certain disgust at the thought.
"Richie Tozier, I can assure you with extreme certainty and solemnity that if you had really thrown up on me last night, now you would not be here to recover from the hangover but at the foot of the fucking Purgatory mountain, did you hear me? Besides, weren't you a gentledrunk ?"
Richie just shrugged his shoulders in response, still smiling through clenched teeth to see that he had at least succeeded in smoothing out the other's nerves."See, I'm a complex being, my love, I'm a drunk who'd open for you a door, would take you home and, inadvertently, throw up on your shoes before kissing you goodbye."
And it was there for a brief second, Richie saw it, clutching and treasuring it, that grimace, the shadow of a little, inadvertently smile, but one that, as fast as it had appeared, it disappeared the next moment, when the boy got exactly what the raven had just said, bouncing and pointing back angrily.
“Focus, Richie! Do you really have no idea what happened? Aren't you kidding me just for fun? "
"Sorry Eds, I'd like to be kidding..." Richie murmured gravely, not being able to completely suppress the smile that still kept coming back "But my date at the last high school party would have a thing or two to say about it, so no, total emptiness, spill it.”
And Eddie seemed to deflate like a balloon, shrinking and going from red-rage to red-embarrassment , a color that, according to Richie, it really suited on him, a bit like any other color that has ever existed.
The point, however, was that he returned 5.4', khaki trousers and cute nose, as if he had towered above Richie by a few yards and now he had instantly shrunk back.
A little Eddie uncomfortable about having to tell something that Richie didn't know yet.
"Last night we were drunk and we... well... we kinda kissed, in front of everyone." He muttered out, looking at the floor instead of facing him.
Richie stiffened.
"W-what?" He chuckled out. "What are you talking about, I didn't even know you were at the party."
So Eddie snapped, looking up for a moment but lowering it towards his own shoes, joining his hands like antistress. "Listen, I don't remember anything yesterday either, but there's a picture, okay? Posted on the first page of the school blog, they saw it ALL and I woke up covered with notifications and calls, and I'm sure it's the same for you, only… you apparently didn't know it yet..."
Richie had unlocked the phone, entering the blog and ... there they were, on the front page under the "There are so many ways to have fun at a party at UCLA" -lame , it will be thrown down by the institute within a few hours, but it will already be too late, apparently everyone has already seen it.
Richie looked at the pic: it depicted the two crouching on one of the fraternity benches, Richie on top of Eddie, with the other's hands lost in his hair and Richie's hand hidden under the dark college's sweatshirt, so that Richie felt his own hand suddenly trembling at the idea that he had touched skin where even his eyes had never come before.
Eddie had been too delicate to call it "kiss", because what he had in front of him was clearly part of a real and own make-out, probably already at an advanced stage, too.
And he felt that bitterness in his mouth, that weight on his stomach… that feeling of emptiness, in finding that nothing seemed to come back to mind even while seeing it. To think that he was so close to the other, that he had come so far as to become a real PDA show, because that was what it was. Freak show. For everybody to see.
Were Eddie's lips soft? Were his hands pulling or did he have a gentle hold on his hair? How did they get to that point? How had they separated and returned each one safe and sound to their dormitory?
Richie didn't know, Richie didn't remember and this consideration, this boulder, was swirling over Richie's head waiting to crush him for good and not let him get up again.
"And I need a hand..." Eddie continued, still intent on playing with his own hands so as not to look into his eyes, unable to realize the roller coaster of emotions that had just passed in Richie in the last minute.
"My mother saw us... and I need you to come with me to Maine for Christmas... like my fake boyfriend."
At that moment Richie was certain that the boulder hanging over his head had just fallen down.
Turning Out
Chapter 1 is out!
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie TozierMinor + Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Sonia Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Original Characters, Minor Characters
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And he felt that bitterness in his mouth, that weight on his stomach… that feeling of emptiness, in finding that nothing seemed to come back to mind even while seeing it. To think that he was so close to the other, that he had come so far as to become a real PDA show, because that was what it was. Freak show. For everybody to see.
[In which Richie Tozier finally make out with his crush]
You can read the first chapter here or in the reblog I put.
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anellope · 5 years
Turning Out
Chapter 1 is out!
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie TozierMinor + Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Sonia Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Original Characters, Minor Characters
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And he felt that bitterness in his mouth, that weight on his stomach… that feeling of emptiness, in finding that nothing seemed to come back to mind even while seeing it. To think that he was so close to the other, that he had come so far as to become a real PDA show, because that was what it was. Freak show. For everybody to see.
[In which Richie Tozier finally make out with his crush]
You can read the first chapter here or in the reblog I put.
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal @kitty-cat791 @that-weird-girls-blog @purplepoisonedgem @gengdraws (ask if you want to be added!)
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anellope · 5 years
What about R + E with Eddie for the alphabet prompts? 1. I'm a sap 2. I think the two prompts fit togheter Grazie in anticipo, nel caso❤️🍒
Ahhh scusa il ritardo, ho avuto un periodo di blocco assurdo e ne sto uscendo a fatica, spero per lo meno che la storia ti piaccia!!
I’m sorry it's a little long, the fucking “more under the cut” doesn't work this lovely night.
''Richard Tozier, I told you to turn down the music!"
"Can't be done, Eds, they are The Apostles! Not listening to them on full volume is an act against nature!"
"You are the act against nature!"
"That doesn't even make sense!"
Stan couldn't stand it anymore and finally turned off the radio, dropping silence between the two quarrels.
"I drive, I decide the music." he stated, still looking at the road "And my favorite song is composed of 7 minutes of absolute silence. So both of you shut the fuck up."
Richie let himself fell down into his seat, bittered “Only Queen can have a 7 minute long song and look cool."
"Plus the car is not yours, it's your father's old one, and he lent it to you ‘cause Bev is the only female in the group and he’s happy we still wanna see her even if she lives 1 hour distant from us." Eddie commented from the back seat, lacing his arms to his chest.
"Mr. Uris fears I can attack you The Homo." Richie muttered, frowning, bringing his arms behind his head. Eddie, who wasn't out to the city against his own will like him, laid a hand on his shoulder, comforting and making him smile sweetly.
"Fucking whatever, guys. The 7 minutes haven't passed yet." Stan snorted, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the road and not lift them to the sky.
"These are the worst 7 minutes in heaven of histo-" the raven boy began to say when the car stopped abruptly.
"Oh Jesus Fucking Christ." Stan commented, his eyes wide with terror.
"Can you tell that, being Jewish?"
"Beep beep, Richie!"
"Why, I did everything right!" Stan complained, putting his hands in his hair. He tried to start it again by turning the keys, but the car, after a few terrifying mumbles, stopped again.
"Is this smell of burning?" Richie asked, looking at Eddie for confirmation, who in fact advised the other not to try again before he broke the car. Stan was about to scream. 
"I'm screwed, dead, my father will chop me when we get back. IF we come back since the fucking car doesn't start and we're stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere!"
Then, after some last scary sounds, Stan suddenly straightened up, observing Richie in the face as if awakened.
"Your father took you on a fast course, didn't he? One of those father and son things, right? "
Richie shrugged "Dude, I wasn't even paying attention most of the time, and this car is older than Eddie’s mom! I don't even know where the engine is!" He said, denying with his head.
"In the hood, retard." Eddie commented before Richie threw him an angry slap on his head, Eddie did the same.
Stan, on the other hand, was desperate "Please, try to take a look, you're the only one here who has a minimum of experience, please Rich..."
Richie looked at him for a few seconds, then sighed "I'll try, dude, but really, I wouldn't want to mess that thing more, I know how your father is." And, without another word, he opened the door, lifting the hood of the car, closely followed by Stan, who looked more and more like a little lost dog. Eddie instead headed for the trunk.
"Well?" Asked the Jew, hopefully.
"Well..." Richie commented, observing what was in front of him "The smell of burning comes from here... and... Uhm... I am pretty sure that this is the engine."
“So?“ he tried again, Richie looked at him with a silly smile “So we’re screwed.”
After a moment of silence, Stan put his hand to his face "I'm dead meat."
"It’s the radiator." Eddie said, approaching them and rummaging in his backpack.
"What?" Richie asked, watching the other boy open his canteen and approach the hood of the car.
Under the bewildered eyes of both of them, Eddie poured half of the canteen into one of the many tubes, Stan squeaked scared, leaping to stop him "Eddie what are you doing!?" 
Eddie looked at him in confusion "It's an old car. Sometimes old cars need water in the radiator and I know this is the case for the burning smell that it started to make when you started the engine again.” He finished, closing his canteen and crouching on the ground for put it back in his backpack.
Then he raised his nose to the other two, standing up to watch him "Well? Someone with a driver's license wants to go and turn it on or not?”
Stan ran towards the steering wheel as fast as he could, turning the keys and rejoicing when he saw that the car was starting “Thanks fuck!"
"Dude!" Richie exploded, with an adoring expression on his face, taking him by the shoulders “My boyfriend is a fucking mechanic! So good, so good!” He sang, leaving him a quick kiss on the cheek; Eddie smiled victorious, blushing just for the compliments he received.
"But how did you know?" Stan asked him, a broad smile on his face making it bright. Eddie shrugged his shoulders, still smiling proudly, sitting down and noting that Richie had followed him instead of going in the front like before "I like cars, I'm also subscribed to a magazine, but I get it from Bill, so my mom doesn't find out.”
Richie threw himself on him again, hugging him like a teddy bear and continuing to fill him with compliments while the two friends talked.
"A skilled mechanic, so smart!"
"He kicked my ass, he knows how to fix cars!"
"Even I didn't see that coming, luckily you were with us, dude." Stan commented, receiving a further embarrassed and proud smile in response.
"You’re so cool, Edieeeee"
"Beep beep, lovebird!"
"You're just jealous of my great, cute boyfriend, Stan the man!"
"I fucking hate you both, guys," Eddie commented, lovingly stroking Richie's hair.
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal @kitty-cat791 @that-weird-girls-blog @purplepoisonedgem
(ask if you want to be added!)
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anellope · 5 years
Reddie "in the rain" because of "love" pls 👀
@thundercatseddie also requested this.
“I dare you… to kiss Richie!” Bill said with a broad smile, making the whole group jump in surprise. Eddie watched him shocked, holding his breath and not daring to turn to face the friend on his left.
He frowned at the look of defiance that Bill gave him, though, quickly losing his temper.
The smile on Bill’s face disappeared, the others still hadn’t said a word.
“It’s a dare, Eddie, you can’t refuse-”
“And yet I’m doing it, dares are not intangible, like, if you ask me to throw myself under a car I would, of course, refuse to do it, even if it’s a dare!” The boy continued, deliberately continuing to look at each person in the circle other than the friend involved.
Your only chance Eddie. You’re wasting it. Big idiot.
“It’s just a kiss, Eddie… we are friends, why are you-?” Beverly tried to ask, not interested in having a fight in the group for a stupid truth or dare game, but she was interrupted before finishing.
“No! Fuck you Bev, and fuck you, Bill. I’m not going to kiss Richie, okay?!” he snapped then, surprising all the present. He distinctly felt Richie moves slightly, but he didn’t dare look at him now, didn’t want to know the face he had assumed.
“Eddie!” Bev was bleached, unable to understand what had happened “What the fuck?”
“I’m going to the bathroom.” he said with a growl, standing up and turning away without another word. He didn’t even close the door, a moment later Bill was behind him. He shut it up.
“….What the a-actual fuck, Eddie?” He snapped, crossing his arms, the bearing of a dad in front of his bratty son. The thought made the flame of anger re-ignite in Eddie like a big fire.
He threw himself on him, pushing him hard enough to make him collide with his back against the door -hard enough to take off his expression of disappointed mother. Bill let a little moan escape from his lips that made the other proud for a very second.
“Eddie, what are you doing!?”
“I told you not to interfere, Bill! I told you I just needed to tell someone and you, instead of letting me go to my fucking speed, decided to ruin everything!” Eddie burst out, clenching his fists at his sides and almost trembling with anger and despair.
Bill seemed almost offended at his words, as if Eddie hadn’t expressly asked him not to do what he had just done: expose him in front of everyone, in front of Richie.
“I was he-he-helping you out!” Bill said, his ears slowly turning to the same color as his hair.
“I didn’t ask you to!”
“Eddie are you ss-ssuh-serious?” Bill exploded, denying his head in disbelief. “I offered you an o-o-op-opportunity to kiss the guy you l-l-like and you do the fini- fin-, fuck, the little bitch and then attack me in the bathroom?”
“But I don’t want it to be like that!” Eddie snapped, stopping then, as he felt a sob forming in his throat; he lowered his head. Bill didn’t add anything, waiting.
“You made me feel like I needed to take advantage of this opportunity, like it’s unmissable, my… only chance to kiss him… but I don’t want our first kiss to be like this…it can’t be…”
It was embarrassing, so, so embarrassing, Eddie wanted to bury himself, to disappear from the face of the Earth, or at least from that bathroom, with Bill at his side and his friends - among with the person he was madly in love with- in the next room, where everyone surely thought he had become crazy.
“It wasn’t what… E-E-Eddie, that’s not what…” Bill murmured, taking a few steps to get close to his friend and put his hands on his shoulders to made him look at him. Eddie’s shoulders shook.
“I’m so-ss-sorry, it wasn’t the way I wuh-ww-wanted to make you feel, I just wanted to be a good…g-good friend, and help you.” Bill continued, biting his lip to stop himself from saying he wanted to be a good older brother… at least for someone. This would not have made Eddie happy either, he would have felt used.
“I really fucked up, didn’t I?” Eddie said murmured with a distressed smile, resting his head against his friend’s chest, apologetically. “I treated you badly… now all of them will hate me.”
Bill stroked his hair with a small smile “I’m ss-suh-re they’ll understand. …Richie tough…”
“What Richie?” Eddie asked worriedly, raising his face to his friend with a worried frown.
Bill looked at him in surprise “Didn’t you see the face he had? You must apologize to him, Eddie, I think you really did hurt him.”
Eddie’s eyes widened in horror “Fuck!”
When he came back into the living room, Bill behind him, four pairs of eyes looked at him as if he could burst from a moment to the other and blow them all up. The lack of the member of the group was obvious and pretty fucking heavy.
“Where’s Ruh-Richie?”
Bev answered, frowning, visibly ready to fight with Eddie seeing the furious glares she was throwing at him. “He got out to smoke, he didn’t want to be accompanied.”
“By no one.” Stan specified, watching the couple still standing with confusion mixed with bewilderment, as if trying to see what they had been talking about in the bathroom just from their faces.
Eddie headed for the door, making himself deaf to Bev yelling at him not to follow him and make it worse. He then took a deep breath.
Outside it was raining, not hard, more than anything it was drizzling. Eddie saw Richie’s car parked nearby, the owner sitting behind the wheel, window down, protected from the water by the roof. He was smoking his cigarette, just as he had said.
Eddie went to him, circling the car and trying to open the passenger door, but nothing, Richie had blocked it.
“Let me in, Rich, we need to talk…” he only said, but received no answer, the door remained locked.
“I’m getting wet from the rain, Trashmouth, you should get me in the car, I could get sick.” He tried again, but yet no answer, he sighed and retraced his steps. He lowered himself to Richie’s window, looking at his face.
“Hi…” He muttered, Richie was wet too, his hair still dripped water, the radio was on, but it was kept low, like when Richie needed company in addition to his thoughts. And at that moment they certainly weren’t the best for company.
“It’s cold out here, I don’t know how you’re doing it, I’m freezing my ass off.” He tried again, Richie at least turned to look at him, but still showed no sign of being willing to unlock that stupid door.
“Go back inside then.” he only said.
He had a hoarse voice, Eddie wondered if he had been crying, his voice made it sound like it could be, but from his face it was never clear: Richie had always been good at hiding tears.
But, like, a person doesn’t cry if your bro doesn’t want to kiss you, even if he says it rudely, like he did.
“I didn’t want to pull you in the middle, I was angry with Bill.” He decided then to explain himself, pretending not to feel the frozen drops making their way down his back. Internally he wondered if this would have caused him a fever the next day, and he felt sorry for himself. Not for a moment, though, he thought it wasn’t totally worth it.
“I told him a secret and when he asked me to kiss you, I-”
“Didn’t want me to get in the way?” Richie tried, sighing and turning off the cigarette knowing that his friend wouldn’t leave very quickly: Eddie didn’t like the smell of nicotine.
“I didn’t want him to get in the way.” Eddie corrected him with the surprise of both, he didn’t really know where he got so much courage.
Richie looked at him lost, not understanding if he was joking or not, if he had understood correctly. “What?”
And for the second time, Eddie, probably driven by the iron tremors that had made him braver, asked for something right.
“You wouldn’t have reacted this way if you were just a friend, right? If… if Bev had refused to kiss you… you wouldn’t have holed up in the car, would you? ”
The door was unlocked, after a moment of fear, Eddie went around the car again, sitting in the passenger seat. Richie pulled up the windows, raising the heater.
“With Bev you would have joked about it, wouldn’t you?” He asked again, after about a minute of silence, a minute that Eddie had allowed himself to let his numb muscles warm up.
“Please, answer me, I’m literally panicking here.” he added, with a slight smile of tension.
Richie didn’t look at his face, he just nodded with his head, as if expecting to be punished.
In reality he waited with pain that Eddie realized what this meant and left, probably forever. What else should you do when a friend is going after you like a maniac for the past 4 years?
“Last week I told Bill I’m in love with you.” Eddie said then.
They were both looking at each other now, at the distance the two seats allowed them. Eddie stood motionless, trying to keep a neutral face, when inside it was about to explode with anxiety.
Richie’s eyes were wide, he looked at his face as if he had just said the biggest bullshit in the universe.
“But… when he told you to kiss me, you…” he murmured in confusion, not allowing himself to believe what his ears had 300% heard.
“I didn’t want to, I mean…” Eddie tried to explain, turning his face red and glancing down. The wave of courage eroded.
“… Our first kiss to be in front of everyone, and for a stupid middle school game…”
Eddie didn’t have the heart to look in front of him until he heard Richie move by his side. He found it a few inches from his face, red on the cheeks too.
He was no longer looking him in the eyes.
He was looking lower.
Suddenly Eddie felt Richie’s cold hands cupping his face.
“So…” Richie said in a faint voice, licking his lips in tension and letting out new bursts of chills along the back of the other. “So now would be a nice time, right?”
Eddie had no way to answer. But he genuinely couldn’t care less, as he masterfully managed to forget that Richie still smelled of cigarettes, that he was cold because of the rain and that they were both still wet.
Richie had finally placed his lips against his’ and it was perfect.
He finally let himself go, stepping over the golfer between the seats that was preventing him from touching him for real and almost falling over him, being gladly welcomed by the other, who momentarily abandoned his lips to leave a few quick kisses on the temple, on the neck and then underneath an ear, a place that made Eddie grumble involuntarily, surprising both of them. Eddie felt the other’s grip tighten on his hips and almost let another one of those sound slip away, so he decided to silence himself long enough not to look embarrassing by taking back Richie’s lips, pushing his way and deepening the kiss. He settled himself better on the other’s knees, trying to be comfortable without hurting Richie, who in the meantime had raised his arms to the middle of his back, wrapping it and bringing their chests to touch.
Eddie finally took courage and slipped a hand under the other’s sweatshirt, feeling his warm belly contract slightly against the touch: probably his hands were cold too.
And yet there was something strange, beautiful, about passing his hand on Richie’s back and on his side, to feel him move away and immediately return back so as not to lose that skin-to-skin contact. Especially when in the meantime they were also busy making out. All that was…it was…
Suddenly Richie moaned, for real, not the small, awkward squeaks that Eddie had done before, something that weighed heavily on his stomach and that sounded fucking pretty.
And although neither of them was visibly willing to stop, Richie moved away slightly to talk, leaving a series of short and sweet kisses on the lips of the other boy.
“Eds, as much as I would give anything to stay here and kiss you forever, we have to stop right away if you don’t want our first time to happen in a car not far from the rest of the Losers.”
He was red in the face, but he had a broad smile that was impossible for Eddie not to emulate. “I think it’s a good idea…” he said, he felt out of breath.
He laid his head in the hollow of Richie’s neck with a long sigh, sniffing slowly the scent that, although almost completely gone, was still perceptible.
“What are you, a dog?” The other chuckled, wrapping his arms on his waist, gently stroking his hips. Touching them for the sake of it, without ulterior motives.
“I’m just happy.” Eddie grinned sweetly, moving away from his neck and smiling at his face. Richie couldn’t believe his eyes to see how beautiful he looked at that moment.
“I think I never felt so happy in my life, actually.” he continued, chaining his eyes with Richie’s, receiving an even bigger smile in return.
“You certainly know how to silence the Trashmouth, Eds, it has always been one thing of yours.” He murmured, before leaving another kiss on his smiling lips, Eddie brought his hands to stroke his hair and the base of his neck.
“Maybe it’s also part of the reason I’m in love with you.”
Eddie still cheered with joy, lingering on the other’s lips before starting a new kissing session himself, slower, quietly, sweetly. Just because they can now.
At one point, though, Richie burst out laughing out of nowhere, almost frightening the other, who looked at him in confusion.
“I just realized that now I can sing you Eddie my love without pretending I’m not serious!”
Eddie wrinkled his nose and denied rigorously. “Not that song again, you always pinch my cheeks when you start singing it. ”
“You adore it.” Richie rested his forehead against his, Eddie lowered his look, hiding his red cheeks “No, that’s not true.”
“It is.'' he murmured again, moving away slightly before taking a hand from Eddie and pretending to be dancing a kind of waltz.
“Eddie, my love, I love you so!” He intoned, Eddie had to restrain himself from giggling. “Richie please don’t do this to me.”
“How I wanted for you, you’ll never know!” “Can we start kissing again, please!”
Richie giggled, bringing Eddie’s hand to his lips and lightly kissing his knuckles. “I will make you regret having said these words, Eds, they will follow you to the grave!”
“Shut up and fucking kiss me, turd! And don’t call me that!”
“Please, Eddie, don’t make me wait too looong!”
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal @kitty-cat791 @that-weird-girls-blog (ask if you want to be added!)
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anellope · 5 years
‘In a vehicle’ ‘missing the other’
"I miss you." he only said, his hands still on the steering wheel. Richie looked at him confused, still unable to suppress a broad smile.
"I'm still here."
He really didn't know what to say: Eddie wasn't usually like these things, Richie was the one with great confessions and big gestures, Eddie was the one with the longest hugs when there was no one to see him, with the quick kisses stolen behind corners, with the sweet words whispered where no one could hear him. Eddie was the one who could make you understand what he felt without telling you, leaving the words in Richie's hands.
That’s why this situation was out of the norm even more than their own weird norm.
"I know, I'm not an idiot, I can understand very well what's in front of my nose, ri-tard."
Here he is his Eds.
"I'm just saying..." he continued, not looking at him but tapping his fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel to hold the tension: it was something he had learned to do from Richie.
"Since you told me about New York, Rich, I- I'm SO proud of you and the fact that it can't come to your first show is... I want to hit my boss, but if I want that damn promotion I have to stay here and take her place now that she's on maternity and... I mean, I don't think I can even hit a pregnant woman. ” he blubbered out at full speed, making Richie smile. He took his hand, stroking his knuckles lovingly. Eddie finally met his gaze, smiling back at him.
In a few seconds, however, his eyes went down again, the smile quickly disappeared from his face.
"This is all so stupid," he said, intent on bringing his hands back on the wheel, Richie wouldn't let him, holding them between his fingers. Eddie didn’t resist further.
"I should be a supportive boyfriend." He murmured disconsolately, and Richie was on the verge of arguing when he continued "You have a wonderful, unmissable opportunity, and not only won’t I be able to be there, but I feel as if you were already in New York, I have this stupid weight in my stupid chest and I feel my body so stupidly heavy and I’m always so stupidly sad and empty, even if you are here in front of me, being the perfect boyfriend, while I am not able to be at 100 % happy for your unparalleled goal and, really, I miss you, even if you're right next to me."
Richie was silent, his face was red, as was Eddie’s, but he really didn't know what to say. How... how did you respond to something like that? To such a statement?
"You think I'm a perfect boyfriend?"
Eddie narrowed his eyes, as if the other's doubt had offended him personally. "Obviously? You always give your best, set the table the way I tell you to do, and you make me happy. What did you expect?"
"I..." said Richie, observing him as lost "I don't know, I always thought you- Wait." He assumed a confused face, arching his eyebrows down. "Setting the table is part of the perfect boyfriend's homework?"
"Okay listen," Eddie said, as if it concerned him personally. "Coasters must always be there, but they also must not be fabric coasters because they get dirty easily and you can't wash them every single time, so it becomes a horrible agglomeration of germs. And the glass goes to the center, not to the side! Yes, maybe it's unlikely that you need to grab it with your hand with your weak hand, but put that you’re suffocating for a piece of bread, you might not have time to put down your fork, and then what you do? Die? Not under my roof. "
At that point Richie didn't answer, he just unbuckled his belt and stood up just enough he could stretch his long legs into his boyfriend's car, at least.
He lifted one foot, being careful not to hit Eddie, placing it in the leg space belonging to the other.
"What are you- Nonono, wait! Just let me...." Eddie complained, pulling back his seat, leaving room for Richie between the steering wheel and the other’s back.
"You're an idiot. Twenty-nine years old and still you sit on my lap, as tall as you are, too, at most we should do the opposite."
Richie grinned, showing all his teeth proudly, suppressing a laugh of pure and simple joy, like those you rarely feel.
"I love you." Eddie smiled at him, smoothing his nerves and placing his hands on his hips. He kissed him on the lips. "Me too, a lot."
"And I think you're the perfect boyfriend of the two, I've never stopped saying it, since high school. I really don't know how you can still bear me."
Eddie kissed him again, longer, his grip tightening, feeling that weight in his chest getting lighter and lighter " You clearly have no idea of the power you have on me, Richie Tozier. "
"Or maybe I know, maybe I'm controlling your mind to make you do what I want, Eds, maybe it's all a super evil plan that I'll only reveal when we're at the altar. What would you do then?”
Eddie decided not to about the rollercoaster trip his heart made at the mention of their hypothetical marriage, he brought both arms around his boyfriend's neck.
"I don't know, I will plan my absurd revenge, I presume. But for the moment..."
He went on towards his face, resting his lips against his’ again.
For the moment he liked exactly where he was.
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal (ask if you want to be added!)
Ask me more from this (too many kissings, time to change) or freely!
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anellope · 5 years
Need and in the snow for reddie?
This is...long. I don’t know why, there just a lot of Bill appreciation and Loser club love, sorry XD
It was a unanimous decision, a promise that had been made at the beginning of the last year of high school, taking away a fear that seemed to have been heavier than the college choice itself. 
Every year, for the Christmanukkah party (official name established by the creative and amazing Richie Wentworth Tozier) and for the summer holidays they would always find themselves having fun, drinking and spending some wonderful time all together back in Derry.
They were the Losers, after all, and they would never let even millions of kilometers separate them for too much to long.
Luckily there was not some strange demonic curse to make them forget about each other the moment they hung out of their hometown. Or something like that.
That end would have sucked after all.
Five years had passed since that promise, and many things had changed, but not the bond that united them, that had remained the same, strong, relationship which had always kept them together, and that had brought them, even that year, to meet up in Derry to exchange Christmannukkah's gifts. 
Well... not all of them.
Who most anxiously awaited the time for coming together every year was Bill Denbrough, the leader of the group. Everyone was looking forward to it, marking on their adults calendars the famous free week, but Bill's smiles were always the biggest, the hugs always the tightest. It was hard not to notice how bad it felt every time someone failed to make it, like the year before with Stanley, or the previous summer with both Bev and Eddie, and the young writer would go on until his own end with the awareness, never said aloud, that he never would have met in his life better friends than the one he had when he was 12.
And maybe that was the worst part for everyone when Mike got the call.
"I'm sorry guys, I... I had organized everything, as usual, but then the thing with the publisher happened, the possibility of going to a more focused school in Europe and all... I really would do anything but the costs are... the line and the apartment... my parents help me as much as they can but I can't ask them to anticipate me a flight to America, interrupting my studies already behind due to the sudden move, I... I am broke, friends of mine."
"Ohh c’mon! Don't whine like that Big Bill, you’ll make me cry!" Richie had said, leaping forward and putting himself in the foreground of the camera (hiding Bill from Eddie's sight, who snorted annoyed and pushed him for an answer, causing him to move and let him space to come to his side). "I'll keep your slice of Mike's pie safe!" He continued.
"You have a big change right there, Bill, it is right that you enjoy it, even last year I couldn’t come, but it's okay." murmured Stan, eyeing from the top of the arm of the sofa and gently smiling at him.
"It's right! You’d better be happy, eh! Or we all come to you on purpose to hit you!” Beverly stated with a bold sneer, then raising the glass of sparkling wine in his hand, as a toast. "Cheers!" The others raised their glasses too.
"You are wonderful guys, I miss you so much... I can't wait summer, there, the world  may even fall, but you will find me in front of Mike's door two weeks in advance!" Bill chuckled, with his improvised at the moment glass full of water, taking a theatrical sip, then making a face "It’s sparkling... yeeks."
They all laughed at his disgusted expression, then a female voice called him, making him turn as red as his hair.
"Ohhhh, Audra is there with you, big boy?" Richie scoffed "So maybe we should do more than a toast tonight! Do you understand Eds? He abandoned us here like dogs for his redhead! "
Eddie let his shoulder be surrounded by the other's arm, allowing without resistance him to be closer.
"Unforgivable" he grinned at the screen, watching as his friend sticked his tongue out to both.
"I have to go now, guys, it was nice to hear you... maybe we'll call each other again later, okay?"
"Okay, Big Bill, enjoy Europe and your British girl," Ben said with an amused smile.
"I'll do it," smiled Bill, watching them all with relief: he had done well to call them, although he now missed them maybe a little more than before. "And don't let Richie eat my piece of cake, Mike deserves it."
"Always too generous."
"Bye guys."
The call was interrupted and Mike put his phone away, still with that smiled smile in face.
The evening went on for the better and, between a laugh and a bottle -three- of liquor, it soon became very late.
The first to leave were Ben and Bev, strangely it was the third year in a row that they left Mike's farm together, but no one had the courage to have a finger in their romantic situation: the important thing was that they were happy, taking a way and a the time more appropriate to them, it was enough there was no cheat in between (but for that they trusted their friends).
Then also Stan decided it was time to go, hugging all the rest of them, almost like a goodbye, letting go in Mike's arms a little longer than Eddie and Richie, muttering a sleepy "Hi".
Stan was much more physical when he was drunk.
"Excuse me, what was that?" Eddie asked with an amused grin, sprawled on the couch with his head resting on Richie's legs.
"Nothing," Mike replied, too quickly to be taken seriously.
Richie, a hand playing with the hem of Eddie's sweater and the other one caressing his hair, giggled "And how was it nothing, did we miss some episodes of your TV show?"
"Noooo! But Bill and I share the monthly payment!" Eddie complained, making the other laugh, which for a second distracted the shortest from the entire situation.
"You are ridiculous, he has a girlfriend, Patty... beautiful, very kind, too good for this world? Does it say anything to you?" Mike murmured, not quite downcast by the direction he was suddenly taking the speech. Perhaps this is why they often found themselves talking about it only when alcohol was involved.
"Aaaand you all could have a threesome! Think about the benefits, Mikey! The benefits! "
" Okay, it's late, get the fuck out, clowns, we're all too drunk for this talk." Mike said, blushing and helping Eddie get up off his couch. He huffed in response but still let himself be pulled up like a cat. Richie followed him a few seconds, standing back to his side and lazily resting his head on the other’s shoulder. Eddie didn’t even flinch.
"And you even dare try to lecture me, Ben and Bev 2.0, unbelievable ..." Mike muttered as he accompanied them to the door, watching them put their jackets awkwardly.
"What did you say, Mikey?"
"Nothing important, goodnight guys, and don't get hit by some car, please!"
"Night, farmboy!"
But what Mike had said was important, because actually Beverly and Ben weren't the only story in which the rest of the Losers had decided not to poke their nose and "let go", but both boys were too caught up in each other to realize the looks they were given.
No coincidence at all was that even that evening they had spent it stuck, leaving nothing and no one could put themselves between them after months of just video calls, pretending that it was something totally normal for two dear friends in their group of dear friends.
But the others saw the looks, the light contacts, the words that they didn't have the courage to say, and they were rather scared they would never be able to reveal it, but maybe, maybe that was just the right evening. The chosen one.
"So ... here we are." Richie murmured, looking at the large house in front of him. As a child he had always liked the white walls and windows covered with colored curtains; despite Sonia the house had always seemed bright to him. But now he understood what had actually changed since then, what had made it distort, yellowed, saddened.
The difference, and Richie knew it well, was that Eddie no longer lived there, now Richie no longer climbed that window on the side, secretly spending the evening with his crush. And so there was nothing to call him back to that house: because his friend was already beside him, shoulder to shoulder, hands that had touched each other through all the way home. And Richie, for the first time, had hoped that house would never appear around the corner. Yet there it was.
"Yeah ..." Eddie just said, turning and looking at his face. He burst out laughing.
"What?" Richie asked, lost, the other denied his head with that big grin on his face.
"Oh nothing ... grandpa" and he laughed again, then he raised his arm towards his head, running a gloved hand through his hair, dropping a few flakes of snow that had settled on the uncovered curls. Richie missed his breath, Eddie was red in the face, but it was difficult to say why, he was still drunk, cold and... intent on combing it, in short.
Don't put your head up, you idiot, you should have moved on. A little voice said in his head, a little voice that Richie knew well, belonging to the very person who at that moment was touching every strand with surgical attention.
"Here, now you're 24 again." Eddie murmured, smiling happily at him.
"But look at you." Richie grinned in amusement "I don't say anything when you wear woolen gloves and then you tease me for the snow, the audacity."
He put his hand on his cheek, which without alcohol he would never have been able to do without the accompaniment of a stupid joke. Eddie winced.
"You have cold hands," he said, but did nothing to get away from the touch.
Fuck it, you didn't moved on.
Richie was about to move away, or at least lower his hands so as not to annoy his friend, when Eddie stopped him, taking both hands and bringing them to the sides of his face.
Eddie was burning.
"I told you you had to put on gloves too, jackass."
Eddie felt Richie's hands sink down to his neck, his slender fingers brushing it under the collar of his jacket.
"Ngh" ran away from his lips as he shivered with cold and something else down his back.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!
"Eds-" murmured Richie breathlessly "I need ... I mean, if you're not okay with this it’s better that you make me immediately get it because-"
He didn't even have time to finish.
Eddie had canceled the distances, quickly making room in Richie's mouth, kissing at least five soft kisses on his lower lip without fear or doubt. Not anymore.
He looked up, meeting Richie's, wide and darker than ever.
Neither of them said anything, there was no need for it after twenty years. They collided together again as if it was the only thing that mattered at the moment, Eddie brought his hands to the other's face, grunting in his inability to feels him. He took off his gloves in quick annoyed tugs, not even bothering to push his lips away from Richie’s in doing so.
"Take that smile off your face or I'll tear your tongue out with my teeth, Tozier!"
The other chuckled "Kinky."
"I'm trying to make out with you, shut the fuck up!" He admonished him again, fastening his arms to his neck and practically collapsing on him.
Richie simply laughed, starting to kiss him again, hugging him closer. It had not yet stopped snowing.
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal (ask if you want to be added!)
Ask me more from this (too many kissings, time to change) or freely! 
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anellope · 5 years
for the prompt- a reddie first kiss under the stars ?
"Trust me, Eds, you won't regret it."
Richie's broad and confident smile was not able to reassure his friend, and he contemplated for a moment the possibility that it was all the fault of his glasses, which, with the haze of dirt that covered the lenses, were momentarily all he could think of.
Perhaps, maybe it was for this reason if he had followed him limiting the questions he could do.
Why, why don't you clean your fucking glasses?
"I came here once with Bill and Stanley, but I wanted to be the first to let you see it!”
He gesticulating playfully, moving forward on the path among the trees.
"And it was necessary to come and wake me up at five in the morning, asshole? To take me through the woods and to the bugs?" The other snapped, hating the ten minutes younger self, the big idiot who had established it was a good idea to put on the first pants he had found - a pair of summer shorts - for the night that Richie had apparently arranged for him.
"But you didn't complain when I knocked on your window in the middle of the night, almost as if we were in a Shakespearean play, Eds." Richie grinned back.
"Of course I complained! It is from the beginning that I’m complaining!"
"And yet here you are!" He laughed, not even deigning to turn around to look at him, illuminating the road ahead with his flashlight.
"Yes, well ..." Eddie took his time, finding an intelligent answer to give to his friend, an explanation for why someone like him would be willing to follow him at night without any explanation.
Something different from the fact that Eddie was painfully sure his best friend was the love of his life and that he would follow him even to the end of the world.
"At least… at least I'm not doing the Indiana Jones of the situation like you. The sun is rising, what are you still doing with that torch?”
Okay, maybe he wasn't the best to beat around after all.
Richie jerked to a halt, suddenly turning to him, his eyes wide "Rich, what-"
He took his wrist quickly "We have to run."
"But what are you-"
"Run Eddie or we'll lose it!" hurried Richie, pulling his friend behind him, which was not very difficult given the fact that Eddie was actually faster than him.
They stopped after a climb, both resting on their knees to catch their breath.
"A climb, Rich? Do you want to kill us, is that why we're here?” Eddie complained, pulling out his inhaler and taking a big tip. "My spleen ..." he complained again.
"Nope!" He said Richie breathlessly, pointing ahead with his forefinger. "For that."
Eddie then raised his gaze to where the other indicated. He widened his eyes in amazement when he saw the sun emerge from the lake, mirroring in the water and creating in the sky an immense variety of colors, passing from orange of the sun itself to the black of the clearing night sky. You could still see the stars.
"This is ..." he muttered, but he seemed almost voiceless, he took a few steps forward, followed by the other who, when he saw him turn to look at him, put his hands in his pockets in embarrassment.
"Big Bill called this place the Barren." Richie murmured, not looking at his face.
"Last night I came here alone, you know, to get around a little and... I saw this," he continued, looking at the show in front of him.
"I thought, in mean, I found something beautiful in Derry. I thought it was normal to want you to see it, share it with you.”
Share it with him.
Eddie felt himself on fire and even Richie, seeing him with the corner of his eyes, became the same color as his hair.
"Yes, well, the Nobel Prize for this incredible discovery will be delivered to my house within a few days, -something beautiful in Derry, it's a big deal! - so... In the end, everyone will know about it and I will become very famous, I hope you will come to the ceremony, I could even give you some credit if you ask for it kindly!” He gave him a playful wink, and Eddie decided he could no longer wait.
He took his pink face in his hands, eyes chained to his’.
"Eds, what-"
"Can I kiss you?"
Richie didn't answer, just wrapped his arms around him, clearing the distance, smiling lips against lips just as happy to reciprocate.
"Maybe later we throw ourselves into the lake."
"Are you stupid, those will be at least 10 meters, we would realistically die!"
“...Tomorrow I’ll ask Bill.”
“Rich, no!”
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal (ask if you wanna be added!)
Request me something both from this or freely!
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