angelliyo · 2 years
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updated! requests and matchups
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I. I don't accept yandere and smut since I'm reaaally uncomfortable with that kinda stuff😭
II. I will leave out most of your requests unless you don't leave a name or emoji- like this; "may I request for --? Call me 💫🪐! "
III. I usually take 2-4 days to take a small break, so hopefully you won't mind!
IV. My requests are full at the moment, so I might be slower😭😭 I'm soso sorry about that!
V. Please state which fandom you want, and you can requests things other than pjsk, twst, or obey me! You can requests stuff from.. Ex; genshin impact. Though I don't really play genshin anymore since I quit, but I occasionally play with my lover.
VI. I need a lil time to do your requests since I'm slow ay eff😢
VII. I might not be able to write on weekends and stuff since I usually go shopping with friends, though I try!!
I'm very very cool and cute and adorable so request from me🥰😍😘
(PS when I ask you to be my friend in those extra little notes I mean it,,I AM DESPERATE.)
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+ reintroduction so I can convince you that I'm cool and deserve to be ur friend
Hi hi I'm an aroace female that uses any pronouns but prefers he/him or they/them! Uhhh I'm half Filipino half Mexican-American (pretty sure) but ppl here in ph think I'm as white as a ghost💀 /hj
Shoving that to the side- I'm interested in astronomy, astrology, tarot reading, history, lolita fashion(sweet and Gothic) , gyaru (agejo and hime), etc!
i love love looove deep conversations!! Especially if it's about one of my interests!! I'm actually willing to kill for a friend that shares the same interests as me and let's me rant about things I'm passionate about🥲🥲
I usually type in caps since I'm excited to talk! I'm rarely ever in a bad mood! I always let people vent to me whenever they need to! You can always go to me if you wanna talk or do something fun!!
I forgot to mention I'm an esfp (kind of an enfp since I got enfp and esfp on multiple different tests so im kinda just a mix) I'm also a scorpio!
I also love play fighting with friends! I usually insult ppl as a joke but I can back off when they want me to stop!
That's all about me since I don't wanna waste anyone's time ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
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angelliyo · 2 years
i just slept for about 3 days wgat I thought I just slept for like 12 hours or smth huh
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angelliyo · 2 years
MATCHUP FOR @ ayson 🍂🌾
I match you with..
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I sorta see it.. Maybe you like him maybe you don't,, but I do see him being your type! He's loyal, definitely trustworthy. He would always welcome you with open arms, and let you vent/rant!
The first time you both met was definitely awkward (for you at least.) Kind of an awkward silence but he decides to speak up, lessening the tension of the situation. He'd try getting you to open up a little more, though at your preferred pace.
Once you two become friends it's waaay better!!
He contrasts your personality, he always tries to help you with social situations if you seem like you need help. Since you're more awkward- he tries to help!
He'd also calm you down whenever you over think, reassures you that whatever you're over thinking about won't happen, technically just comfort you! And it's the same thing when you get insecure, he'd always reassure you that you're already perfect, and that he'll love you forever.. That stuff.. Cliche romantic stuff... (That I want)
Would be so against you hiding your feelings, and shoving them deep down.. He doesn't judge you for it, though he is really worried about you.. You could always talk to him about it, you know! You're not a burden🤍🤍
he matches your aesthetic! You guys are pretty much the dark academia couple. He'd always indulge in your interests,, oh? You wanna go to this old, run down, haunted house? Let him go with you! You wanna stare at the ocean? Ooo.. That's fun! He'll join in too! And he would honestly watch horror videos on yt with you at 3 am😭😭 he seems like the type tbh-
Would definitely stargaze with you if you're up to it! He'd point out random stars he knows the name of.. Whatever to make him look cool and hip!
Would give you more ideas for different stories. He'd love to read your stories and give more advice on how to make it better, or whatever- he's probably an expert at everything because of his ancient age 😓
Would probably eat the vegetables you dont wanna eat(?) Idk but if you offer to give him some since you don't want it, I guess he'll eat it-
Would also get you to a more quiet, secluded area whenever it gets too loud! He's so nice isn't he? 😍😍😘😘🥰🥰
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JACK HOWL - runner up
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Maybe you can just say "you have no idea for the runner up" yeah yeah..BUT U GUYS WOULD PROBS BE A CUTE COUPLE IDK😣😣
Both of you are good listeners, who'd take each others words to heart. Y'all are very loyal to each other, would make me jealous tbh.. He'd always let you vent or rand whenever, and he'd listen to every word😭🤍
but your first interaction would be REALLY awkward with you both- I don't even have an idea for what would happen then😭😭 but he'd (maybe) speak up first? You guys would sound forced, but eventually get more comfortable in each other's presence.
He'd mostly listen to you talk so- would probably just throw in some sentences here and there.
He'd be interested in your hobbies! He'd want to read some of your work, and he'd also ask you more about it and stuff!
Would genuinely want to know more, even if he doesn't know all that much about your hobbies. If you ever explore some creepy, old, maybe haunted house with him, he'd definitely wanna protect you! He's physically strong so-
He probably sleeps early so he won't be able to pitch in any ideas for when you're planning about stuff to write😢
He's also the type of guy to help you whenever you over think, maybe panic internally a little, but tries to help! He'd reassure you about whatever, and try comforting you! Pretty much the same thing whenever you get insecure.
Like Lilia, he worries whenever you shove your feelings down your throat. He'll ask you if you ever need to vent, or if you want anything!
Would also try to get you to a more quiet area whenever it gets too loud.
Pretty much best bf ever
(Honestly don't know that much about him so I AM SOREY IF I GOT HIS PERSONALITY WRONG😣😣)
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Edit: maybe someday? But maybe not
Xtra note to ayson: HONESTLY YOU'RE SO COOL LIKE- be my friend please😞😇 we actually have some of the same interests so I think it's really cool!! Thank you am for requesting, though your request may have been a little late...
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angelliyo · 2 years
my biggest fear is mixing someone up (ESPECIALLY IF THAT SOMEONE REQUESTED FOR SOMETHING BUT I GOT THE WRONG PERSON) I need glasses but refuse to get them so I just have to suffer in fear of mixing someone up😔😔
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angelliyo · 2 years
@ ezekiel , your match is..
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Honestly, I had a bit of trouble finding a good match for you..but I do hope akito's good enough😭 idk that much about akito but I'll try making this good😔‼️
The first few moments when you both just met were pretty awkward.. It was probably Akito who first spoke, and made it more comfortable to speak with his extraverted nature. Once you both get to know each other, you both pretty much become chaos tornadoes😭
You both (lovingly and jokingly) insult each other and definitely play fight with each other! You guys are pretty much the cool best friends (or lovers?) dynamic-
You both sorta contrast each others personality (?)
Both of you would have those long gaming sessions whenever you both are free‼️ he'd also be pretty competitive with it so like-😭
You stated that you we're interested in writing stuff,, akito would definitely want to read your work!
And you also mentioned that you liked singing, well how about you both sing a duet? Though he could get pretty competitive whenever it comes to that..!
And he'd totally wanna taste your cooking‼️‼️
(I have absolutely no idea for him because of my airhead ass-)
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RUI KAMISHIRO - runner up
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he would probably weird you out a bit, but once you get to know him it'll be a bit better!!!
Chaos tornadoes #2
Same case as akito tbh- awkward at first until rui spoke up!
Would also insult you (in the same loving way) and probably play fight with you..i would honestly be jealous of this kind of relationship😭😭
Very very long gaming sessions,, y'all would probably stay up until one of you fall asleep.
Would definitely wanna write with you! And would also wanna read your work n stuff- praises u abt it probably
Whenever eating your food he would savor EVERYTHING. "Yumyumymmy thank you!" Would shower you in praises after tasting your food
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More runner ups!
Mizuki (?)
Maybe Emu
(Maybe the other runner ups aren't as good of a match)
Edited: NO
Xtra note 2 ezekiel: u're honestly so cool omg😭😭 I pretty much wanna befriend everyone who asks for a matchup (INCLUDING YOU) y'all r too cool to ask me for a matchup😔😔😔😢 also took longer since school grgrgr👿
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angelliyo · 2 years
MATCHUP FOR @ kitten anon !
I match you with..
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Honestlyy hmmmmmm unsure about this one... I mean I could write different characters if you want but I'm feeling lazy rn maybe you'll be alright with one or two characters😭
Despite your glaring differences, this pairing of opposites can work together as a team and perhaps build a successful romantic relationship!
With your short attention span, he helps reminding you of the things that need to be done, and help ground you down. He'd also help you with anything you have trouble with, and tries to remove any distractions!
And he would always help with your clumsiness and bad health! If you ever feel like you're gonna pass out, he'd always be there to catch you. And if you feel like you can't walk anymore, he's willing to help!! He'd also try to prevent you from bumping into stuff/people, and prevents you from falling! (Prince Charming... Lucky you.. 😔)
He's definitely chill about you liking girls, he doesn't mind it at all! He won't intervene.
would be a little interested in you style, he likes it! I mean it's cute af!!
Would dance with you if you like cliche romantic stuff. Yesyesyesyes.
And he'd also love to see your designs! He could even buy you some fabric or stuff if you really wanna make it! And since you see stuff he'd totes wanna see your work!!(why did I use 'totes'? Idk)
you both r very loyal to eachother, might as well just die for each other at this point😭 y'all r too wholesome for this world😞🤍
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Runner ups;
Malleus draconia
Riddle rosehearts (?)
Lilia Vanrouge
Edited : maybe when I get some sleep because I haven't slept in like 2 days😭😭
Xtra note to kitten anon: U'RE HONESTLY SO COOL.. U ALSO DRESS IN GYARU AND LOLITA CLOTHING??? please be my friend already because I am practically begging you rn..
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angelliyo · 2 years
shit post - twst characters as dumb stuff I did (I'm supposed to be finishing the match ups but I feel like crap.. 😔)
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Put their phone inside the fridge for an hour then went to get some snacks and found it after whining about not being able to find their phone
-cater diamond, idia shroud, ace trapolla, chenya
Threw their phone out of rage and broke it, then got it fixed, then threw it and broke it again
-riddle rosehearts(probably wasn't allowed to use a phone but let's pretend) , floyd leech, sebek zigvolt, leona kingscholar, rollo flamm (?)
Drank a carton of expired milk(didn't know it was expired) and had the worst stomachache ever, felt like throwing up
-idia shroud, kalim al-asim
Followed a man that looked like their brother only to find out he wasn't, and ended up lost
-kalim al-asim, ortho shroud, cheka kingscholar
fell asleep in class then fell of the chair with the teacher screaming in their ear
-ace trapolla, leona kingscholar (?), grim
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idk why I made this
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angelliyo · 2 years
MATCHUP FOR @ Danielle
i match you with..
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Listen.. SHE WOULD DEFINITELY TRY THOSE CLICHE ROMANTIC STUFF ON YOU! And she would also share your interests!
You said that you we're into astronomy, and astrology, she is too! I honestly hc that she's into that kinda stuff, and she would rant to you about it, and the stuff about it she just learned! If you do the same to her she'd listen too, maybe she'll learn something new from you!
I don't really think she'd be into tarot all that much. though when or if you talk about it, she'll try looking into it to understand more about it, or maybe ask you more about it! If you don't exactly want to explain it to her, she'll understand and try studying more about it on her own!
She'd also love to play games with you, even if she doesn't get all of it since she prefers to play outside. But if it's ok with you, she'd love for you to teach her about the game!
She'd also love, love, loveeee to watch anime with you! She'd get so interested in it, and would always talk to you about the anime you guys watched!
Oh! And relating to tarot, if you ever read her she gets so ecstatic! Even if she doesn't understand anything, she'd love for you to read her.
You guys talk daily, and your dynamic is so, so silly. (In a good way)
You guys would definitely be like, the married cliche romantic couple.
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MIZUKI AKIYAMA - runner up
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honestly the both of you would be the best duo!
They'd love to watch anime with you, and they would always recommend you THE BEST anime and manga to watch/read.
I feel like they would have a small interest in astrology/astronomy. not that big, but they'd want to learn more about it with you!
And like Emu, they'd be so happy if you read them! They'd love to hear more about tarot, and stuff, and if you ever talk about it with them, they'd listen intently as you explain it to them.
You both would probably use cliche romantic stuff on each other😭 you guys are the cliche romantic couple🤍
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Edited : not yet edited
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angelliyo · 2 years
i match you with...
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maybe you dont see it but I do
i cant choose between asmo and beel but I mean- hopefully beel’s enough 😞
this man loves you with all his heart, and is super patient with you!! (i love him omg)
finding out that you know how to cook is just- !^#&%@&$&^%&^%!&*!^&@ 
he gobbles that stuff up, eaten in one piece, YET HE SAVORS EVERY FLAVOR!
he’d compliment you about your cooking all the time, and looks up to you cooking more!
^ and hes definitely gonna be the first to eat it before any of the brothers.
and you play sports? he wants to join in on your activities! that is if you let him..? (please anon)
and you too play sports? let him join!! he would love to play with you! :DD
^ probably gonna try going easy on you since hes gonna obliterate you at sports /jj
^ if you win, he suggest eating some place to celebrate your victory! even something as small as that deserves a small celebration. (maybe it was just to eat some food, or for me to imagine that happening myself /j)
when you first break down in front of him, he’s panicking internally. “what do I do?” “should I get them some food?” he ends up comforting you by hugging you! it goes on like that for a while until you break the hug. 
^ He’d offer you something, water, food, just anything you’d like! and he’d let you talk about your problems, listening intently, and trying to comfort you.
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She feels something weird about you..
It’s the same thing with Mafuyu, she feels that there is something wrong with her. She senses whether people’s feelings are sincere or not.. So she finds you out.
She’s willing to wait for you to open up! She would never force anyone to do anything that they’re uncomfortable doing!
but if you do tell her about your true feelings.. expect lots of hugs and cuddles and words of affirmation! She’d be so happy when you open up to her! she’s so proud!!
oh? you cook?! woahh!!
she’d definitely want to help in the kitchen, though it might become sort of a chaotic mess.. so she watches you cook instead!
and she’d also love to taste your food! probably licks the plate after eating it /hj
and you play sports! she wants to join! with her energy, she might as well be unstoppable..!
but she definitely cheers you on, holding a banner that says: “ GO! GO! ANON~!” /hj
^ ur biggest fan
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Runner ups: 
Mafuyu asahina 
 When it was finished : 11/17/23 3:17 AM
 Edited : not yet 
 Xtra note to 🐼 : u better pay 4 my food since I haven't eaten yet and I'm too broke to order something (and all I can cook is a hotdog I'm afraid)😔😔 but thank you for requesting something for me! I'm afraid that I can't write something from twisted wonderland at the moment, though I can edit it tomorrow! Maybe-?
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angelliyo · 2 years
MATCHUP FOR @ littlelilbun
I match you with..
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i don't know, but I think you both would be a nice couple! He sorta seems to be your type, and I mean who doesn't like Diavolo?
He's gonna be quite protective over you. He wants to keep you safe, knowing that there are many bad people here..! He's also a tall figure, I mean- pretty much everyone in devildom is😭
He would definitely cuddle you whenever he gets the chance. He's a busy man,,always having to write all those papers n stuff.. But he can always make time for you! Whenever you ask to cuddle, I mean ok he can spare some time for you.. Just as long as barbatos doesn't see and scolds him about ignoring his work..!
And he is very attentive, especially when it comes to you! Whenever you talk about something, he would take that to heart and pretty much note down everything you said in his mind.
and whenever you're feeling down, he instantly stops what he's doing and goes to you, asking if you wanna talk about it or maybe you want some affection? (Hugs, cuddles, kisses, whatever you want he'll give it to you)
You also said that you we're interested in make up, he would definitely be open to you trying it out on him! It would make him so happy if you do so!!
And you also said that you liked music.. well lucky for you, he's letting you borrow the music room! He'll let you in anytime you want, and he'd definitely listen to music with you.
Oh! You also like bunnies? He can buy you one (or multiple) if you want!! Too much? How about some bunny plushies? Cute right!! Just like you and Diavolo's relationship, wholesome and cute! He'd definitely buy you all the cute things you wanted, clothes, accessories, makeup, etc.
And he would also find it really cool you speak so many languages..though he might get confused when you talk in a language he doesn't understand, but he'll pretend to understand it..aha..
And whenever you feel anxious, he's there! He'll help you with whatever you're anxious about.
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SIMEON - runner up
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Tbh I can kinda see it. He seems like your type! Definitely willing to cuddle whenever, and is very attentive of your feelings. You stated that you liked them talk, and he's quite tall too!
He'd cuddle you in bed right after writing a piece from a new book series he was planning to publish, he's quite physically affectionate too! Even though his love language would probably be acts of service or quality time, he would love to cuddle with you.
he's also a bit protective of you. he's not really the type to get jealous too much, but if someone gets too touchy he'll intervene.
whenever you feel upset, he gets you some of Luke's pastries and asks what's wrong. Would also give you hugs and kisses whenever you're sad.
He would also take a small interest in makeup, you could test it on him whenever you'd like! He'd be a bit curious about it but would be delighted for you to test out your skills on him.
I'm pretty sure this guy knows how to play at least one instrument- so perhaps he could play you a song if you'd like! He would be happy to do so.
He's gonna be surprised to find out you know like 6 different languages. maybe you could teach him more about the languages you speak, if you have time for him of course! He just wants to know more about you, and spend more time together!
He'd also love going shopping with you for clothes, accessories, makeup, and other stuff you like. And he would always gift you some bunny themed accessories or a bunny plushie whenever he could. he loves rabbits, and bunnies, and little animals like you! Maybe he'd buy something for himself too.
If you ever feel anxious, he tries to take care of the situation like Diavolo, and at the same time help you with your anxiousness!
You and Simeon are pretty much gonna be Luke's parents now-
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Other runner ups:
Solomon (?)
edited : nope. don't rlly plan on editing
Xtra note for her : I would definitely love to have you as an older sister omg ૧(ꂹ���ωꂹີૂ) I bet you're really pretty, and have a really really cute fashion sense.. And I was so surprised when I found out you knew how to speak in 6 languages😭
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angelliyo · 2 years
MATCHUP FOR @ armin-ocean-eyes !
I match you with..
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SATAN - feels weird typing his name😭
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He didn't mind you at first, 'people come and go' he said, you'd go away eventually anyway.
Though you did mention reading books.. Maybe you aren't all that bad for him, he'd definitely want to read with you! He'd love to exchange book recommendations, and would let you read a book from his room if you wanted! Though you'd have to be a bit closer to him if you really want that.
If I remember, you mentioned that you liked gardening, correct? He'd offer to help out! Watering the plants, fertilizing some.. Man I don't know anything about gardening, but yk! 😭
But yes, he'd love to help you out with them! He'd even offer some books on devildom plants if you want to learn about the ones growing there! He's definitely read a book about gardening or smth.. I mean that guys smart af.
You also said you played the violin.. I'm sure Satan would love to listen to you play! You've been playing for so long, you must be an expert. He would love to listen to your music.
You stated that you we're quite short, definitely much shorter than the demons here in devildom! You must have trouble reaching up high places.. So you're lucky you have Satan! At least he can reach some book you wanted that was on the top of the shelf☺
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BARBATOS - runner up
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honestly you and barbatos would probably be a better couple than you and Satan💀 but him and Satan sorta have a tied score.
He appreciates your good manners, and was delighted learning about the exchange human. You also play the violin? Oh him too.. You like to garden? Oh! So does he..!
He knows practically anything tbh😭 and you two would make a talented pair! Devil Dom's most elegant couple! The both of you are probably gonna be popular at RAD, with one being the butler of the soon-to-be demon king, and the exchange human who's really talented-
You two spend lots of time together,,but it's only when barbatos had time really. He's a busy demon, but if you we're willing.. You could help him out with work! At least you get to spend time with him.. Though he appreciates it if you're willing to help out.
He'd definitely go out gardening with you, since you did say that you like to do so! (Right-)
And you also said you like to go roller and ice skating! He'd be delighted to come with you,, only if Diavolo allows him.. And he'd totally wanna hear you play the violin, perhaps he could play with you as well?
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More runner ups:
Diavolo (?)
Edited : not yet, maybe in a bit
Xtra note 4 her : YOU'RE REALLY COOL! honestly you're so talented, I was just shocked.. Why are so many cool ppl requesting stuff from me😧 (please more cool, talented people request from me so I can remain shocked)
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angelliyo · 2 years
🎃🎸 here!! Spot on since Shiho is one of my faves and Rui I can definitely see ♡ Haha I'm honoured to know you think I'm cool, you seem very sweet yourself! Thank you for doing my request!! Once again spot on and you write really good ♡♡
I couldn't help but reply!! I'm so happy that you think that my writing's good! I would honestly love to chat since you seem so nice🤍🤍 thank you once again!! This honestly made me smile🤍
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angelliyo · 2 years
MATCH UP FOR @ anon 🎃🎸
I match you with..
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I don't know much about shiho since I mostly read about the other groups, though I feel the both of you would easily connect!
She finds it so cool that you're in a band like her, and that the both of you are the guitarists! You both are very much alike, so there are many thinks that you could do with her, such as; duets, playing the guitar, etc.
She'd definitely love to hear you play. And shiho's the type to listen to metal songs, so she probably would've been a fan of your band before she even met you😭
Watches horror movies with you. definitely. And she would be delighted finding out you write about horror stuff! She'd also love to give it a read.
(Shiho's was shorter since I don't know much abt her😭😭)
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RUI KAMISHIRO - runner up
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Just hear me out- he'd love to attend your concerts, and listen to your bands songs! I also think that he'd get into metal for you, and kinda end up being a lowkey, hardcore fan of it!
He'd also love to help you out with writing scripts, and would help out with robotics n stuff if you asked him!!😇
He'd want to listen to you practice, though he gets it if you want some privacy!
He'd also take the lead in a conversation where you're feeling too anxious to talk, and he tries helping you loosen up a little more!
And you also write horror stuff? He would love to read it! I hc he has an interest in the horror genre, and occasionally reads or watches something horror-ish, so he'd be delighted if you were to let him read, even if it's just a bit!
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More runner ups :
Emu Otori
Shizuku Hinomori
Mizuki Akiyama
(unsure whether these characters would actually be a good match though)
edited : haven't edited yet, though I might make some stuff longer or make it simpler, just not when I'm tired😣 and there's still stuff I have to finish.. 😢😢
Finished at,, 2:52 AM (god help me I already have terrible dark eye bags)
Xtra note for 🎃🎸 : YOURE SO COOL!! you actually remind me of a friend I have! And it's really cool how you're in a band, and that you like horror!! I would also love to be their friend omg. Thank you lots 4 requesting!
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angelliyo · 2 years
I match you with..
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I overall think you both would be great together! not only do I think you both would be amazing together, you both are sorta alike!
When you and Mizuki first met, you both instantly clicked (well not instantly since there was an awkward silence 4 a bit but.. yk what i mean.). BFFs in an instant! you both enjoy shopping together, and the same mbti! (kinda?)
I also feel like Mizuki would be your type, and Mizuki would definitely love you lots!
They always tag along whenever you go shopping, and they would always help you pick between something whenever you’re feeling indecisive!
And you’re also learning the ukelele? Mizuki may not know all that much about that, but they’d definitely want to hear you play! whenever you get the chance, please let them hear you play they’re desperate..
And since you’re also learning how to cook.. Mizuki tries to help! And they’re always your taste tester.
you mentioned you cried at movies,, Mizuki would panic internally then calm themself down and get you to stop crying. 
since you cry easily, Mizuki always helps you let it all out and calm you down! Mizuki’s always quick to comfort you whenever you cry, always giving you a shoulder to cry on.. lowk jealous of you anon /hj
and you say that you’re busy with school?? here comes Mizuki trying to help with school work! They want to spend more time with you, this could be the perfect excuse for them.
oh! and you said you made photo edits, yes? perhaps Mizuki could see them? They just wanna know what ya been up to!
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edited; not yet, might edit in a few days.
date and time this was finished:1/16/23 11:15 PM
xtra note to 🧸🌙 : you’re actually really cool!!
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angelliyo · 2 years
hiii! i saw in your post that you’re accepting matchups— i was wondering how those work? i’d like to submit one but i wanted to see if there were any guidelines or rules first
Hello! I'm deeply sorry that I forgot to include the matchups😭 this post will be about the matchups now! Since I'm forgetful af I'm writing it now😇
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the matchups are simple really. There's only a few rules, some being from my introduction!
I. I accept pjsk, twisted wonderland, and obey me! If you want, you could request another game/movie/series.
II. If you want to request something from another game/movie/series that I do not know, it might take way longer and I may misinterpret the characters personalities and stuff.
III. DON'T ASK FOR YANDERE OR SMUT I BEG OF YOU.. That stuff makes me uncomfortable😣
IV. If you want your request to be left out, I will be tagging you. It'll be something like this: matchup for @__!
V. If you want your request to be left out and you want to stay anonymous, please add in your name so that you know it's yours!
VI. Just add your mbti, zodiac, hobbies, personality, and your type! You could always add extra stuff tho, it would be a lot better!!
Pretty sure that's it! You're free to request anything now (≧∇≦)/
(Reqs still open as always)
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angelliyo · 2 years
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Greetings! I am Cupid. the following info may be useless, though you can read it if you'd like!
I'm a demiromantic/sexual, lesbian female who uses any pronouns, though I prefer if you use he/him or they/them on me as it brings me more comfort!
I'm not exactly the best at english, since it's not my first language. So if I accidentally make a spelling mistake, please correct me! And sorry in advance.
I'm into gyaru (rokku and himegal) fashion, and also lolita (Gothic) fashion!
I listen to a bunch of kpop and jrock! My favorite group/soloist is definitely enhypen, chuu, babymetal, and yousei teikoku!
I often type in caps to express my excitement, if I ever type in caps please don't think that I'm angry or anything!
I also use emojis ironically, and use some emojis like; (≧∇≦)/ to make myself look cute ⊃ο<*
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I'd like to write stuff for twisted wonderland and obey me, even though I'm not the best writer..
I accept matchups! (will be talking about those in another time)
And also accept headcanons, imagines, character x character, x reader, that stuff!
here are some common rules !
I. I refuse to write any nsfw. I'm uncomfortable writing that, though I can make posts hinting yk- just plz don't request smut😭
II. All ortho/luke x (someone) posts are strictly platonic, as they are children. And so are brother x brother posts.
III. PLEASE DON'T REQUEST YANDERE FICS😭😭😭 I honestly hate that stuff.. So if you want a yandere fic, ya got the wrong place😔🤚
IV. I'm probably gonna write more satan/asmo/barbatos/solomon/lilia fics because I love them sosososoosps much😍😍
V. I'm a slow writer so just gimme like a few weeks then you got ur request🥺 /jjj but srsly- I am pretty slow, so it might take a while to make them. (Plz be patient with me😢)
Requests are.. Open! But might take slower to write since there's still school and there's a hard ass exam coming up- 😭😭 might fail so pray for me /hj
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That's it for my (not so) little introduction! Thank you lots for reading, may luck be with youu! 😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😘
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