Fiery Christmas for Steve
Chapter 3:
Chicago Fire House 81 January 3rd 10am
            I was sitting behind my desk trying to work on my paperwork when I let my mind wander to the Clause brothers once again. This was crazy I needed to get my head clear and stop letting what happened that night distract me from work. This man was important to Christmas and the North Pole why would be drop any of that to came back and see me. Besides I kept telling myself I was not ready for a relationship. I kept saying that every time I went out with my friends. It had only been three months since my last terrible relationship ended with that cheating, backstabbing doctor; Wesley.          
            I was sitting rereading the same email about the new gear to be delivered when I heard a knock on my door. I looked up to see my best friend Erika walking into my office. She must have been on a break from working on a case since she was in her street clothes with her gun belt on. She works with my father in Chicago violent crimes division as a detective.
            “Your door is open. I am guessing it is safe to come in.” She just walked in without waiting for an answer and plopping down in one of the chairs in front of my desk. She looked around at the clutter in my office before smiling back at me. Most people thought she was intimidating since she is usually all serious and death glares. Only me and a few of our other friends get to see her smiles and the girly side of her that she tries to hide.
            “Well just make your self at home detective. Now how can I help you ma’am.” I tried hard not to laugh at her when she raised an eyebrow at me. There are very few serious moments between us other then when we are working a case together. She might as well by my sister; my dad moved her in with us when we were still in high school after he had helped her leave the gang life.
            “Oh, cut the shit. How have you been? Your dad says you seem like something has been on your mind. You were late to Christmas which is not you.”
            I sighed as I rubbed my hands over my face thinking about what to say next. I couldn’t tell her the truth and have her tell my dad, so they both can think I am crazy. “I have just been tired.” Which wasn’t a complete lie; I have not been sleeping well. I have been up thinking about a man I am never going to see again.
            “Is Wesley bothering you? If he is I can have his brother talk to him, you know Jason would do anything for you. Or has Casey rubbed off on you and your out with a different guy each night.”
            It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at her. “No Wesley isn’t bothering me, or I would have cut his dick off and taped it to his forehead like a limp dick unicorn.” We both laughed at that since I have already punched him in the junk once after I found out that he had been cheating on me almost our entire relationship. Before we could continue Jessy came running in asking what we were gossiping about.
            “No gossip. I am just trying to figure out what has been up with Sam here. You never did answer that last part of my question.”
            I laughed before answering her since she knows there is no way that is true. Right?  “No, I am not out prowling for men every night of the week.”
            “Then what is going on with you?” Erika asked clearly done with this beating around the bush conversation as she got up to close to door to give us some privacy.
            “Well…nothing really, just I have someone on my mind.” Both of their eyes light up. They have been trying to convince me to move on from my ex for a while practically shoving men at me every time we go out.
            “When? Where? Who?” Erika asked leaning forward on my desk.
            “Yeah? Who? Is he sexy? Cute? Handsome?” Jessy was jumping up and down spilling her coffee everywhere.
            I felt my face heat up at how they were so interested in what I was saying. “It doesn’t matter I am never going to see him again he doesn’t live around here, so I need to stop thinking about him. But yes, he was all those things. Something about him made me want to rip off that pin stirp fur lined Versace Santa suit and take him on my kitchen floor. I mean the size of him towering over me and how ridged he was. You know he has some stress that he could take out on me. Just that broadness of his chest you know he has got a jolly saint dick. Just the thought of his large hands gripping my waist while slamming into me on top of my kitchen table… urgh… I wouldn’t have even cared that his brother would have been watching as I screamed his name while he permanently added me to the naughty list.” I realized I had been rambling and I finally collected my self to look at them. They were both looking at me like I had officially lost it. I cannot believe I just said that to them. I mean it was all true, but why did I have to say that to them. I already knew what they were thinking; that I had just got a one-way ticket to crazy town.  
            “That is a nice dream and all, but I think you are just horny and need to get laid. What man or men are running around in Versace Santa suits that aren’t weirdos or pedophiles?” Erika said as Jessy picked up her cup she dropped out of her hand while listening to my rambling.
            “Chris’s one friend is single he isn’t too bad on the eyes, and he is real. I think you are just lonely. Or is it that you are just looking for a Daddy?” Jessy added as I turned around to hide my embarrassment. I knew they wouldn’t believe me I don’t even know why I said anything. I must tell them what happened that night and let them judge me, but I must let out everything I have been thinking about.
            “Well, if this had happened what did this man look like? I can try to find a real-life man who looks like him for you if you want?” Erin asked walking around the desk to rest a hand on my shoulder. I pulled away from her to sit back in my big chair behind my desk.
            “Erin, it is fine just drop it. I know you think I am crazy. I must be over working myself. Sorry I said anything.” I ducked my head and started going through my papers once again.
            “Oh no we want to hear more about this supposed man, but I think the Santa suit was a wet dream of yours. Now tell us what he looks like and his name. Please.” Jesse was perched on the edge of my desk waiting for more details. I mean I could tell them about him even if they don’t believe me about the Santa part and at least it seemed that Jessy somewhat believed me.
            “Yeah, sorry the Santa part was a dream I had.” I added to quickly make them not think I was crazy, “There is still no point he doesn’t live in Chicago. His name was Steve, and he was tall and very broad chested. His eyes were an icy blue that I could have gotten lost in, and his steely gray hair looked so soft. He was a little curt and short as far as his attitude, but when I had meet him, he was under a lot of stress. I don’t think he handles stress well.” I felt a weight lift off my shoulder when I told them about him. “Something about him was drawing me in. I had wanted to go to him and rub his shoulder to relax him and calm him down… Do you know what I mean or understand anything I am saying?” I looked to them for reassurance.
            “It sounds like love at first sight like from some kind of fairy tale.” Erin looked at me like she felt sorry for me and that she was going to be sick. She didn’t believe in love or cute mushy relationships. She believed that everyone was out only for themselves and would step on anyone to get what they wanted.
            “This so sweet! Do you think he felt the same or would come back to see you at all?” Jessy was bouncing with joy.
            “I doubt it. That is why I am just trying to forget the whole thing. He is important where he if from, and he wouldn’t drop everything to come see some nobody like me.”
Meanwhile, outside Sam’s office
Steve POV
            I put my back to the wall outside her office door trying to take in everything I had just overheard. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. Did I just hear her right? She loved me too. What was all of that about wanting me to take her on her kitchen table? I was sweeting bullets unsure what to say or do now. I was nerves before, but now I was terrified. Also, she said all of that to her friends out loud. What are they going to think about me?  
            A man started to walk down the hall toward me and stopped once he got to me. “You can knock. I think she is just in there talking to the other chicks of the fire house gossiping.” Before I could tell him not to worry about it, he knocked on the door.
            “Ozzy. What is it?” I heard her sweet voice ask the man who had knocked on the door once she opened it.
            “This man he been standing out her waiting to talk to you.” He points to me and as she leaned out of the doorway to look in my direction I started to panic. The moment she turned and looked at me her face turned a bright shade of red and somehow this made her even cuter. Her two friends pushed out the door to look at me too. The man who knocked started walking past me but stopped and thanked me for the cookies that everyone had took from me downstairs.
            “Steve what are you doing here?” She asked pulling herself together as her friends kept looking me up and down. I started to panic. Does she know that I heard everything she said? Did she mean me when she was talking just now; I mean Steve is a common enough name. Before I could send myself into a full panic attack her one friend walked toward me and start circling me like I was her prey. Her cold hazel eyes bore into me and showed no emotion or kindness; that was until she looked back to Sam, and they light up slightly.
            “If this is him, he isn’t impressive. He reminds me of the pedophile I arrested a couple of months ago.”  She shifted the weight to one foot and crossed her arms to just stare at me.
            “Erin it is fine you’re going to scare him. I for one think he is as sexy and handsome,” as the other one walked toward me and was on her tippy toes looking at me. I don’t think she knows about the definition of personal space. I took a couple steps back to give me some space.  Her and I both dropped our jaws at what they were saying.
            “How about you two get back to work and I will see you guys tonight at the bar. I will talk to Steve alone.” She stepped in to save me for there staring. They both walked past me to leave, but the excited one she called Jessy grabbed by ass and gave her the thumbs up. What is with these people why are they picking on me when I am obviously terrified. “Would you like to come in my office to talk? You look like you are about to have a heart attack.”
            I walked into her office and the first thing I noticed was all off the books stacked everywhere. I heard the door close behind me and I turned to face her and once again I had stopped walking just inside the door and when I turned around, I had her pinned between me and the door again. She was so close to me. I could smell her perfume which was a sweet lavender; I noticed her breath hitched as I was staring at her, and she was starting to blush. It felt like time had stopped. I almost wondered what she would if I leaned downed and kissed her right now. I stood there staring at her until she lifted her hand and placed it on my chest and the touch startled me pulling me out of my daydream which caused me to jump back making myself stumble and trip over a stack of books she had on the floor.
            “Oh my God are you ok? I am so sorry I know my office is cluttered.” She rushed to me offering her hand, but she ended up tripping over my boot causing her to fall on top of me. On instinct once she landed on top of me, I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from fall off me. She felt so warm in my arms. She leaned up, looking at me. Her face turned a dark shade of red; that cute face was all I needed to lose control of my actions. I ran a hand up through her hair cupping the side of her face. I looked to her lips as I noticed she was looking at mine.
            Stop this what if this isn’t what she wants! Oh my god her lips look so soft, and I want them locked with mine! My mind was racing as I lifted my head bringing my lips closer to hers, but not all the way in case she didn’t want this. I felt like I waited there forever before she licked her lips and started leaning forward to meet me. Suddenly there was a sharp ringing sound and a siren going off.
            “Company 81. Ambulance 18. Truck 81. Squad 8. Victim trapped on balcony of high rise. Police on scene.” She jumped off me and ripped open her door to run out of it but stopped and turned to me. “You can wait for me to get back. This call shouldn’t take long.” She smiled at me before leaving and I am pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. Before I could answer she was gone leaving me in her office; alone.
            I looked around her office noticing it filled with picture of her life and stacks of books on every and any topic. I noticed that she still had Christmas twinkle lights hung up in her office as well. Her office smelled like her perfume mixed with her morning coffee that was still sitting on her desk half drank. The cup was still warm; meaning this was probably he second cup of the day at least.
            The longer I was in here alone I started pacing and my nerves were on end. Every sound made me jump thinking it was her coming back. How was I going to tell her how I felt; I didn’t even have the balls to kiss her when she was on top of me. Do I ask her to dinner and tell her then? Wait, she had plans tonight she told her friends she was meeting them at the bar later. Do I just tell her when she comes back calmy and rationally? Yes, I think that will work. I kicked another pile of her books over in my pacing. I was in the middle of picking up the pile when I heard the door open. I turned quickly and saw her smiling coming back in from her call.  It was now or never I had to rack up the courage and tell her.
            “I love you!” Did I just say the out loud. I slapped my hand over my mouth. I started sweeting and waving my hands in front of me. I must apologize for just yelling it at her. She was just staring at me unblinking and unmoving. I took a step toward her trying to think of any way to make this better, but she took a step back. “I am sorry. I didn’t want to just blurt out how I feel. I am just so nervous. I have never felt like this about anyone before.” I took another step toward her, but this time she didn’t step back this time. I lifted my arm towards her to see if she would let me get even closer to her.
            “Why does it matter you won’t stay here in Chicago. I have a life here.” Streams of tears were running down her face. I reached up and wiped them away cupping her cheek gently. What changed? She seemed like she was ok with us almost kissing earlier, but now she seems upset that I like her. I thought she would be happy about me returning the feeling she had toward me.
            “You wouldn’t have to give up your life here. People have long distance relationships all the time. If you want, we can try working something out.” She started crying harder, but she stepped forward grabbing a hold of the front of my shirt burying her face in it. I wrapped my one arm around her and the other I cradled the back of her head. I was unsure what to do. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
            She stopped crying and she stepped back and looked up at me. She tugged on my shirt pulling me down to meet her. Once I was closer to her level, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. The kiss was sweet yet passionate and full of the same fire I had burning in me for her. I pulled her into me deepening the kiss. I didn’t want it to end.  She pulled away from the kiss just parting from me slightly. Her breathing was heavy and kept her grip on my shirt like she was holding on to me for dear life.
            “I am sorry for how I reacted. I have never had a good tract record of men I have liked. I was panicking thinking of all my terrible ex’s then I remembered that they are not you. That you could be different than them.” Her eyes were a light with a hope for a future with me. I was so happy that she loved me too that now I didn’t know what to do now. I was expecting her to not return how I felt or even hate me for my rudeness the first time we meet.  “What do we do now?” She finally let got of my shirt stepping back to compose herself.
            “Honestly, I am not sure I was expecting you to not return my feelings that I didn’t think that far ahead when I was thinking this through.” I rubbed the back of my head feeling embarrassed for my actions.
            “Well, I must finish my shift and I do have a meeting coming up with some top brass of the department. If you would like to you can go back to my place and wait for me to get off and we can discuss what is next for us over a drink and dinner tonight?” She started fishing through her desk drawers and pulled out what looked like a spare key to her house.
            “That sounds like a good place to start to me.” I pulled her back to me by her belt and kissed her again. The taste of her lips on mine was intoxicating and I was never going to get used to it. The sweetness of her taste and the softness of her lips; I still am not convinced that this is real. This amazing woman for the moment is mine and I am still not sure how I got her.
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Fiery Christmas for Steve
Chapter 2:
North Pole December 25th 7:00am
Steve POV
The Clause Dinning Room
            "So nice to have everyone together for Christmas. How was delivering presents Steven?" Mother asked as I was on my phone clearly trying to ignore everyone and wrap things up from tonight’s mission to start some much-needed time off in the next couple of days.
            "Techno Tommy is too busy on his calculator then to be bothered with his family," exclaimed Grand-santa throwing some food off his fork hitting me in the face with it.
            I looked up and glared at the old man over my phone. "It is a handheld operational and homing organizer- the HOHO 3000. It was fine. A few glitches with Arthur, but nothing I couldn't handle."
            Then, Arthur thought it was a good idea to give more details of the misshape that had taken place the evening before to ruin my calm manner. "Steve did great! I know Steve is a quick thinker, I had never seen him so fast to react as when he was trying to keep us from getting arrested. I mean he did great until we ran in to Samantha and she helped us even though Steve knocked her down in the snow. She let us stay at her house with her until the police left." I didn’t have to look up from my phone to know everyone’s expressions. Any minute now Grand-santa and Father would start laughing and Mother will get upset and worried.
            There was silence and all you heard was silver wear being dropped onto plates. Everyone exchanged a look of concern and then stared me down. This made my face turn a deep red color. Father and Grand-santa started laughing at the story, but Mother was not as amused. Called it; I know this family like the back of my hand.
            "Steven! Did he just say police and who is this, Samantha?" Mother’s voice sounded terrified at the whole thing. She was one reason why I wasn’t going to say what happened and worry her. She is worried any time any of us leaving the Pole. I don’t understand why she is so worried about us. We are adult for crying out load. Doesn’t she know we may want to leave sometime in the future. A future I had never thought about until last night.
            "She is nobody just a woman that helped Arthur and I." I stood instantly waving my hands in front of myself to get the laughing to stop and to get the look of panic off of my mother’s face.
            "Wow! Mr. Special got saved by a girl!" Grand-santa laughed even harder as he poked me with his cane.
            "She was very nice Mom. She was an adult who still believes. She also, liked Steve, a lot." Arthur chimed in making my face turn even redder than it already was which I didn’t think was possible. He never knew when to stop did he? He was making me the laughingstock of the dinner.
            "Oh, did she? Did you thank her for her help and hospitality?" Mrs. Clause asked giving me a side long glance.
            "I did, but Steve ran out as soon as the coast was clear without saying good-bye." Wow, way to throw me under the bus Arthur! I was thinking of all the ways I would like to teach him a lesson in keeping his mouth shut.
            I instantly stormed out before they could reply and headed to my living quarters to ignore all of them. Why would Arthur bring that up? She couldn’t possibly like someone like me. Right? I told him that once before and asked him to drop it. Was he just trying to get everyone to laugh at me or was he on to something. I finally got to my rooms and changed into something more comfortable and crawled into bed. I picked up my book to read, but I found that I couldn't focus. I had to get up out of bed to pace to help myself think. My mind kept circling back to what Arthur had said, that she liked me. Despite all my efforts to think of something else to calm my mind, I just keep seeing her flawless face. I wasn't sure if she really did like me other then what Arthur had said but, three things I did figure out,
She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen
I wished I had known more about her
I knew that I had to see her again somehow
            There was a knock at my door that broke my thought and stopped me in my tracks. I opened the door to find my mother on the other side holding an espresso and a tray of cookies. She could tell that something was bothering me, and we needed to talk.
            "Come in Mother." I stepped aside to allow her to come in. She walked over and sat on my bed and patted the spot next to her. I took a seat and took the espresso, which was the last thing I needed right, but I wasn't going to turn down something my mother had made since her cooking was so amazing.
            Mother just sat there looking at me waiting for me to break and to open up. Finally, I started talking, "I like her a lot and I may even love her." I had said to the floor rather than to her. I stood back up to pace again unable to contain myself anymore. "I am sorry, I wasn't that nice to her, but I was scared of her she was like a beautiful angel that I thought would disappear. I was trying to not seem weird and creepy which is exactly what I was to her. Everything I said to her was rough and mean sounding"
            Before she could reply I started rambling again and talking extremely fast. "Why is just one woman causing so many problems? Why me? Why now? My life was great I was running things flawlessly, now all I can do is just see her dazzling eyes. I mean I can't even read my book." I threw the book across the room, and I sunk to the floor holding my head in my hands. What was I to do I am all the way up here at the Pole and she has a life that didn’t seem to have room for me in it in Chicago.
            Mother walked over to stand in front of me, "Do you want to know what is wrong?" she asked as she leaned down to pull me up by the front of my shirt which was now untucked and hanging halfway open. I looked like a mess, which I always looked well put together to give off the false sense of me being in charge.
            "I have gone mental! I have never had a problem with being alone up here until tonight."
            "Steven! No, you have fallen in love with this woman. It is the magic of love at first sight. I had that with your father believe it or not."
            "Impossible, I barely I know her."
            "You do and with love at first sight you don’t have to. Your soul just knows that you need her that it won’t feel complete without hers right next to yours. You need to go tell her how you feel and also, thank her for helping Arthur and you. By the way I never want to hear you two are ever chased by the police again."
            I finally stood up and walked to the other side of the room to pick up the book I had thrown and let everything sink in that my mother had told me. "What should I do? What should I say?"
            "Go see her and tell her how you really feel." Mother looked overjoyed at me even asking her what I should do to try and decided if I was going to go see her or not.
            "Should I take her a present?" I started gripping my book harder to try and keep my emotions in check
            "I can make her some of my cookies. Go visit her at work that will make it more romantic; I would like grandchildren one day and you seem like the only one out of the two of you interested in woman." I looked over at her shocked at what she just said and turned red at realizing what she meant by that.
            I sobered. "What if she doesn't like me?"
            Mother walked over and pulled me down to her so she could kiss me on the check, "if she doesn't then she is stupid, and I will have to take care of her. No one hurts my boys."
            "Mother I am not a child anymore." She walked to the door to leave but, before she left for the night, she paused to look back at me. She looked at me like it was the first time she realized I was an adult and not a small child.
            "You will always be my little boy. Good-night Steven." She left closing the door behind her. I was left once again with my thoughts, but they did seem a little clearer after talking my mother.
            I knew I had to finish my wrap up work over the next couple of days, so I can visit her. At least it was after Christmas we weren't as busy, and I had some more time off. That night I feel asleep with a smile on my face that I couldn't get rid of. I have not felt that happy or have a smile like that in a long time. I was ready to talk to her and I just hoped she felt the same way I did. 
December 25th 9:30am
Chicago – Sam’s house
            I sat at the kitchen table already dressed for the breakfast I was supposed to be at now but had not found the energy to leave yet. I knew my nephew was probably taring open all his gifts by now with my dad, brother, and sister-in-law, but I didn’t sleep well, and this second cup of coffee hasn’t done anything. Had last night really happened or was I going crazy? I knew if I didn’t show up soon my father was going to come and drag me over.
            The front door opened and closed, and I didn’t have to turn around to know who came in. It was my room mate and best friend Casey. I knew it was him by the smell of cheap cologne and sex still lingering around him. “How was your date? I am guessing it went well since you didn’t come home last night.”
            “She had lots of Christmas cheer; if you know what I mean.” He winked at me; like I wasn’t going to know what he met.
            “Eww. Well, are you at least going to call this one back?” I asked swirling my coffee around. “There is fresh coffee in the pot.” He walked to the corner and poured him self a black cup of coffee before taking the seat across from me.
            “Why aren’t you at your dads? You look like something is on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?” He watched me as I just stared into my cup. He didn’t push for answers, which I wouldn’t even  know where to begin to explain what happened last night. I still haven’t worked out what happened last night.
            “I am just tired had a long shift last night.” I got up and put my cup in the sink and started to head toward the door. He followed be hind me placing a large hand on my shoulder giving it a firm squeeze before going up stairs. I am glad he stuck to the rules of our room mate code to not pry into each other affairs. “I will be back later after dinner with my family. You can come if you want.”
            “Maybe after I shower and change, I will be over.” I nodded my agreement and headed out to my truck and drove over to my dad’s. I drove in silence still letting my mind think of Steve from last night. Why was I sitting here daydreaming about a man I was never going to see again. I shock my head knocking some of my hair out of my messy bun to help clean my thoughts. Before I knew I was pulling in to my dads driveway and before I could get out of the car by nephew came running out in his elf PJ’s carrying what looked like a monster truck with him. I squatted down picking him up and tossing him over shoulder and headed in the house. Once inside I sat him down and he started talking a mile a minute.
            “Look what Santa brought me! It was the monster truck I asked for! It is so cool it even lights up and make noises!” Before I could answer he ran off again to play, but I couldn’t help but think of Steve and Arthur from last night. I hope they knew how much what they do means to these kids. My brother walked up to me hugging me and wishing me a happy Christmas and I used this moment to face palm myself. I had just convinced myself to stop thinking about that handsome man from last night.
            “Glad you could finally make it. We tried to get Mikey to wait till you got here, but as you can see that was a wait of breath.”
            “Oh no it is ok. Sorry I took so long work was a killer last night, so I slept pass my alarm.” Oh no I was sitting at my table trying to figure out if a handsome fictional character really was in my house. I though as I took my coat off and hung it up. It was Christmas and the only time of year I got to see my bother and nephew.
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Fiery Christmas for Steve
Chapter one:
Chicago December 24th 11:56PM
Steve Clause POV
            “Steve the alarm!” Arthur exclaimed as he jumped on to my arm.
            “I know. I hear it. How many times have I told you not to play with things that are not yours. We need to get out of here before they wake up and think we are burglars.” I tried to yank my arm back from Arthur as we worked on making our way to the front door. I rolled my eyes until I heard some footsteps on the stairs. I looked over to the stairs and there was a scared women holding a baseball bat.
            “I called the police they are on their way. Don’t move.” I grabbed Arthur’s hand and ran for it. I sprinted out the front door and off the porch dragging him behind me. I knew he couldn’t keep up with me, so I had to pull him along as I took back alleys trying to avoid the cops as I could see the reflections of the light in the store windows.  I couldn’t run fast enough the lights were getting closer and the sirens sounded right in my ear. This was terrible how was I going to explain to our parents we got arrested all because Arthur wanted to pet the damn cat and set off the alarm. I speed up and went around another corner hoping to buy us some time, when we bumped right into something knocking me back a step.
            I looked down to see what we had ran into and there she was bundled in her winter jacket and blue scarf with her long brown hair blowing in the breeze. I had knocked her down in the snow due to my size. I went to apologize when Arthur helped her up and I couldn’t help but panic the flashing lights were almost on us.
            “Hurry up and get in the house.” She was standing at the door holding it open to for us when I had looked back from searching for the cops. Arthur hooped up the steps without even thinking. I paused a second; why was she helping us? This was going terrible; two people had seen us. “If you want to get caught you can stay out there then.” She moved to close the door, but I took the steps two at a time to get the in door as she closed it. I turned to look out the window and as she closed the door, I saw a cop car round the corner. That was too close for comfort. I looked down to see her staring at me red faced as I noticed I was blocking her from coming in all the way. I had her pinned between my large chest and the door. The sweet smell of lavender filled my nose as I blushed and moved for her to continue in the house.
            Arthur had made his way to her kitchen, and she headed that way when I stepped aside to let her pass. She took off her coat placing it on the back of a car and Arthur copied her motions as if they were old friends. “Thank you for helping us Miss….”
            “Samantha, but please call me Sam. Would either of you like a drink?” She was grabbing wine glasses out of the cabinet and pouring while asking.
            “No thank you Miss Sam. I am Arthur and this is my older brother Steve.” Arthur replied as he motioned to us. This is when I realized I was staring at her like a stalker, and I had not spoken a single word.   I was still reeling over what had just happened. This woman was beautiful, and kind why was she willing to help us she was just a stranger. She had to have been able to tell we were running from the police by the panicked look I know I had on my face.
            “Why did you help us.” I finally asking and realized I asked it a little too roughly when she paused from pouring wine and turned to look us both up and down one more time. She turned back to the glasses and finally handed me one before she answered me.
            “Well, something about you had me wanting to help you. I don’t know if is the Christmas cheer coming off of him;” she pointed to Arthur; who was fiddling with his coat jacket. “That made be believe he was Santa Clause.”  There was a long pause and I know my jaw dropped open when she said the last part. An adult who still believe in Santa? Why?
            “But Why…Are you crazy?” Arthur gasped at me, and I was unsure where that even came from. All I knew was that she was making me nervous and her sent was washing over me causing me to lose my mind. I found myself having to control my body and not reach out and touch her. Why was I being so weird. I am normally all business and seriousness, but now I could barely talk correctly and not snap out.
            “No, I just think if no one can prove that something isn’t real then why stop believing in it. Well, I told you who I think he is, but who the Hell are you supposed to be in your.. what is that Versace...suit. You are too big to be an elf, so who are you?”
            I took a step closer to her without thinking before answering, "I am his brother and COO of North Pole operations. Why did you not stop believing?” I had to ball my hands into fits to stop myself from wanting to brush her hair off her shoulder. She probably thought I was angry. I knew I looked like it by my stern and taught face and even my poster. I was far from angry. I was trying to control myself, there was something about her I wanted to hold her and envelope myself in her sent and touch her skin which I imagined was soft and smooth.
            “Sorry about him he is stressed about tonight. We have some time why don’t you tells us about your self Sam.” Arthur interrupted me from my thoughts which helped. I turned my back to her and downed my glass of wine she gave us. It was sweet like candy, but a hint of cinnamon in it. I wondered if this was her favorite. What was I doing pull yourself together Steven!
            “I am firefighter at Fire House 81 most of them time, but I work part time at the Police department and fill in at the Chicago Memorial Hospital when they are short staffed. Which I haven’t picked up any shifts there lately due to a certain doctor that works there.”
            “That is so cool! You’re like a real-life hero!” Arthur was lighting up from how excited he was. I must admit that was amazing. Other than beautiful she was smart and strong.
            “Thanks. I hope you guys don’t get behind on your night because of this. You should be able to leave soon to continue the rest of your night.” I nodded at her unsure what to say, she probably thinks I am an ass. It doesn’t matter anyway it isn’t like I am going to see her again or that she even likes me.
“Are you going to be alone on Christmas?” Arthur had asked and I noticed no one else seemed to be home meaning she lived alone in this big house by herself.
            “Oh no, I am going to my dad’s house in the morning to see my brother and nephew. I just had to work a split shift tonight.” That was good I was glad she wasn’t going to be alone, but then I got a jealous like feeling in my gut because she wouldn’t be with me. What was happening to me why was am I being like this. I needed to get out of here before I do or say something stupid. 
            “The cost is probably clear. We should go Arthur before we get any further behind.” I sent my location to the S-1 to drop us a line before heading for the door. I took large strides to get out of there to breath. Once outside calmness washed over me. The calmness I am used to; well, that was until I turned and looked back to the house. Arthur was walking out saying good-bye to her and when I looked at her my stomach did a flip, and I could feel my face heating up. I grabbed on to the zip line disappearing into the sky looking down at her as I felt regret in not staying longer or being nice to her. Once back on the platform of the S-1 I knew I had to get my head back in the game if we wanted to finish on time.  
            “Steve! Wait!” Arthur clumsy chases after me as I headed to the bridge. “Why did you leave so quickly. She was nice and she asked me if you were single and told me she thinks you are handsome and should smile more. I think she liked you.”
            “Arthur enough. Why would a woman like that like someone like me? We don’t even live near here, so it doesn’t matter.” I rounded on him and snapped. Why did he have to tell me she liked me. I needed to focus on our job that was more important than what I felt for some stranger. I turned and stalked away leaving Arthur alone and my heart breaking knowing I was never going to see her again. I knew I made it seem like I didn’t care to Arthur, but I did. I was tired of being alone and she just felt right. I could tell just by being around her. I know it is stupid to say love at first sight, but I have seen stranger things and I would be a fool if I said magic didn’t exist.
            The rest of the night was a blur and my mind kept drifting back to seeing her standing there in the snow watching us disappear into the night sky.
            This is absurd I am Steven Clause COO of North Pole Operations. I am genius. I designed all of this and have been running everything while letting Arthur think he is in charge, and I have done this all by myself. I don’t need anyone… as I thought that I realized I had never noticed how alone I was until then. I didn’t know I needed or wanted anyone I wasn’t paying to be near me or had to be because they were family. What if I went back to see her? What if she didn’t like me and Arthur took what she said the wrong way.
**Thank you for reading. If you are a subscriber or have read this in the past. I know it is different. I went back and rewrote it better. Now that I am published author, I felt like I needed to fix my other writings. Please comment and leave reviews and subscribe for more changes to the other chapters.  
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