ashadowblushed · 3 months
A mind twisted
by an overwhelming amount of pain
A heart abandoned and desolated
This is how monsters are created
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ashadowblushed · 2 years
And all of a sudden
I’m stuck in this space again
The perfect suit, seeded in forbidden fruit
Love it, hate it…delightfully frustrated
Wicked thoughts I’m scheming
My insides screaming
All the while, I’m like a child
doing California dreaming…
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ashadowblushed · 3 years
I’m aware I may be coming
a victim to my drugs
but I don’t care
How else am I to survive 
no kisses no hugs
Being severely deprived with no love
skin frustrated completely out of touch
but at ease with provocative body rubs
so I indulge my vessel
infrared late night Asian specials
But please don’t judge
I’m saying, at the end of the day
I’m only human
but when the moon gets high
I’m something you can’t understand
Wrestling devils and suicidal thoughts
Yes I have several, but I was taught 
that’s the road to hell
But shit I’m already burning alive 
so I may as well try a spell
a change of fashion
I dwell with the insatiable flame of passion
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
Spirit sheds in tears
but is never torn away
And even angels grow horns
when halos become inverted
and broken in half
Immaculate imperfections
well-spoken tokens of afflictions past
Like a rose flourishes with thorns
but still has beauty that forever lasts...
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
I desire for you to be free
and I appreciate you
partaking a portion of your heart with me
Love isn’t possessive
Commitment is by choice
not by force
It isn’t a duty or condition with strings
Making a conscious decision
to be devoted to one another
is such a beautiful thing...
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
I want to disappear [STOP] I’m contemplating consequences for capricious decisions while building defenses to prevent muthafuckas who like to interfere [STOP] I’m abandoning all hope of a wholesome mind [STOP] I’m leaving every thing I learned to value safe behind [STOP] I’m feeling rejected still on my own [STOP] But shit [STOP] I’m destined to walk alone to align [STOP] So you bastards be sure to stay far behind the line [STOP] Don’t ask me how I’m doing [STOP] I’m doing fine [STOP] I’m feeling well [STOP] In reality I’m suffering but you didn’t ask out of concern or care [STOP] You asked because it’s customary courtesy [STOP] So go to hell [STOP] If I had a buck for every fuck people didn’t give [STOP] then I would have enough to bribe and change my circumstances to live [STOP] But I’m out of luck [STOP] So I may as well take my chances with the Devil and his advances [STOP] Besides [STOP] He may not enslave me [STOP] It’s a possibility he wants to save me [STOP] like in the beginning with the fruit that was forbidden on the tree
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
I should thank you for the experience,
but non verbally
because swinging swords with you
always led to bleeding and more surgery
We cut and dived too deep
and although we separated for goodness sake
I’m scarred
so you’re a permanent part of me
and I don’t regret it,
even though the pain from your poison
nearly drove me insane,
but that’s because I let it in
I love you
I meant that when I said it then and still do,
but if you try getting close to me again,
I won’t hesitate to kill you
You was the highlight in my life
Now excitement is what I lack
But I will never forget feeling your dagger
embedded in my back
It pierced my heart
Yeah that's the part I don’t miss
Although I know you know
I’m a sadomasochist
My spirit is so fragile
that I can’t risk suffering a whole lot of pain
for a minuscule bit of bliss...
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
I fear that once discovered,
your finish may be diminished orgone
A prodigy detected 
becomes dissected then exploited
like precious stone
And your sparkle is so bizarre
you eclipse the star diamond
from Sierra Leone...
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
Know What I Mean?
I need an emoji to reflect that fleeting sensation
of nostalgia tainted by an enlightened reflection
upon the inaccuracy of emotional recollection as
linked to specific individuals and their position
in my hierarchy of my egocentric life-narrative.
Send all submissions to: [email protected]
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
If I Had A
If I had a
that liked the things I do-
we would write
about each other
and be too shy to share them.
We’d have similar
in books that we like and laugh
at all the same quotes.
I would
leave messages in between her
favourite pages
that I’d think about all day
and I would tell all
of the other flowers
just how beautiful I think she is.
If I had a flower
that liked to read me,
we would be
before she reaches
the end of the book.
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
“i wasn’t looking for anything before i met you. but then you came like autumn, and i fell like leaves do.”
- asta
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
Astrology Musings
ARIES: I am the candle that brights up the room, soft & warm;  Quit playing with this fire coz I’ll leave you harmed. I say I don’t care yet all I do is to care, a little too much. Is this a blessing or a curse?
TAURUS: I don’t talk, I show; I don’t promise, I prove; I don’t like to rush things because I like it slow. I always take decisions but is it always right & true?
GEMINI: I’m always lost in this pile of details that I forget the bigger picture; Everything I touch is colored and beautiful yet the inside is a dark, void soul. There’s a duality within me that I never really show.
CANCER: I feel everything at once or I feel nothing at all. My moods alter like the phases of the moon; All I want to do is to listen to my head and not my damn heart.
LEO: Yes, I am proud; Yes, I like compliments; Yes, I deserve respect and I know my self worth; Yes, I am loyal, warm and kind. Yes, I give my everything and I expect nothing in return.
VIRGO: My mind is never quiet. Feeding on facts forever, yet unquenchable. Overthinking, Over analysing and pacing a million thoughts in my brain, but all you see is stillness.
LIBRA: Constantly trying to balance my yin and yang, nothing frustrates me more than the people who are forcing me to make my own mind.
SCORPIO: I imbibe everything and never let it go. Etched forever in my bones, I never let it cure.I crave for novelty but still I’m stuck in the past.
SAGITTARIUS: Seeking for truths in my journey of life. Looking at the bigger picture, I miss the small things in life. I hide my feelings so well with my humor and delight.
CAPRICORN: I’m hard on myself but I never let them know; I’m on a roller coaster of emotions and I never let them drown me. Those solitary times and hardships, I’ve thrived; Not scared of the monsters anymore, coz I’ve metamorphosed into one.
AQUARIUS: Stuck in this body, where the head’s revolting against my heart; I think what I feel, I feel what I think. I continually seem left out because these mortals never really get me.
PISCES: Everything is so fluid; Pulling and pushing away my fears and woes like waves. Not everything is as rose-colored as I dreamed and I’m frantically trying to escape; Wake me up when it’s over.
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ashadowblushed · 4 years
I feel like diving right off into the deep in
Invisible no body miss or hear me weepin'
"Hey baby are you dead, or just sleepin'?
Drowning dreams engulfed in sins
and some imaginary friends
piano keys and violins for safekeeping
Happiness becomes shortsighted
when getting too excited
disappointment come uninvited
forever creeping
What is suicide today
may be tomorrow's sweet grave getaway
No sorrows left
I just need to borrow death for this weekend...
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