Hey guys I wouldn’t be asking this if it wasn’t urgent. Applications for The University of Toronto close on the 10th. Its in the top 3 best universities in Canada and gets me away from my mother who has caused me more emotional and mental stress than I can describe. I have less than two dollars in my bank account and my parents won’t even think about it because they want me to go to the local college. (Which doesn’t have anything close to the program I want or transferable courses)
The application fee is $246.00 Canadian and more so with taxes. I’m almost sobbing because I’ve never asked money from anyone outside of family. I need to get out and as far away as possible from this toxic environment. Even if I don’t get excepted I need to try. Anything helps really, even pennies.
@onlyonecanbeking @ask-psychoanti If you guys could spread this I'd really appreciate it💕
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A discord server is in development for Darkiplier and Antisepticeye fans alike!
This link will be limited to the first 100 people that click it. Right now it is still in its baby steps of development but don't be shy to join me and the admins in creating this universe of hell (the good kind).
**Please read the #rules channel after joining before exploring the server**
Roleplaying of every style will be taking place once the roleplaying channel is fully functional. There are many other channels, however, to explore, chat and hangout with our main mods and admins in and out of character!
The main characters include: Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache (who is to be announced), Antisepticeye, Infelix, The Host and Peevils.
Any other canon characters are available but original characters are encouraged. (It makes things interesting)
((Please join. There is a meme channel))
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I love and appreciate you guys, so much.
Yep, that's it.
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I made a quick photo collage of what reminds me of peevils!! Sorry this sucks haha
~submitted by: ??? (Please DM so I can give credit)~ ((Oh my god!!! It’s so pretty!!!))
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Evil babe: for @ask-maliciouspeevils
*Reblog or like if you use/save!*
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Design Backflip!
So, as most of you know Amy has recently dyed her hair and it is super cute!
That means Peevils is due for a wardrobe update! That's where you guys come in! (Even just inspiration) I'm accepting any ideas, even a duck suit! Seriously, no idea is a bad idea. She will still be rocking her yellow eyes an her new pink hair but, her dark lips are opinional.
Honestly though please help.
Help. I am in pain. How can pink hair be intimidating?
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Hi, Peevils. I have a question for you: if you were to be going to a ball or any super formal event, what type of dress would you wear? (It's for art!)
"Well than would depend on the occasion." She switched the ankles she was crossing as she turned in her hipbones to face them. "For a simple formal event of cocktails, business and gaining the favour of more advanced figments, I'd wear a slimming black dress with no sleeves and split up one side; matching long, black gloves of course." She leaned forward tapping a finger to her dark lips. "With a ball, now that's entirely different. Darkiplier hosts them from time to time. I actually found myself in the middle of one when I first appeared." Peevils scoffed at the memory. She had once been so shy. "I do love deep purple and gold, as if the night sky were colored. My old dress was a simple ball gown that was a solid gold color on top but broke into freckled stars as it reach the bottom. The color of the skirt being a deep purple." She closed her eyes and once again, heard the music lifting into the air from a live orchestra, only it was between her hears. The night was gentle, full of dancing. The Masquerade had given her confidence to reveal herself from the shadows. She had remembered how her fear felt being surrounded by so many Markiplier figments. Nowadays, it was much, much different.Her lush lashes opened. "I believe that is all."
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((I made an aesthetic for my version of Peevils!))
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((THIS THIS THIS! LOOK! *continues to scream over absolutely anything involving Peevils*))
Edit by: utuskii
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((Um is this accurate?))
Peevils: *looks up from book with Abba blaring from headphones plugged into a walkman* “What?”
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“We’ll see who will be on the floor, Darky.” Her knuckles crack under the pressure of her other hand.
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((I made something))
“I am in agreement.”
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((Peevils being encouraging))
"It's not my fault people are too stupid to see how amazing they are!"
((Do you have to yell in their face, though?))
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Follow your dream
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Hi Peevils! I know you're not really into this whole affection thing but, I just wanted to remind you and the Admin, that you both are lovely and deserve happiness!
((*vibrates))"Stop it."((*vibrates harder*))"Stop it. No. Don't do that."((HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN))"Well, you've done it. You broke them."
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((art!! *slams table tops*))
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((This is not blog related but I wanted to pass this onto you guys. 💕))
If you are beginning your semester of school this upcoming week or sometime soon; I am wishing that you transition smoothly into your academic environment. I hope that you develop comfortable relationships with your professors and instructors. I pray that any financial burdens that have arisen be resolved timely and easily.
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So Peevils is celibate, or did she have Hanahaki Disease? That's all I can really think of, here. Am I right on either?
Peevils was sitting at a table, finishing up whatever she was writing, when she heard a new question. It was odd and she had to take a moment to understand what they had been referring too. After understanding she scoffed, standing and placing down her pen with a tap."I never loved or desired anyone, I was physically created without the emotion love." She stood like a teacher, hands behind her back, a trait she accidentally picked up from Dark. A knife cut smirk split across her face. "I am a figment, a created alter ego within Amy Nelson's mind. I am not human and my purpose does not need love. I am envy, want, greed, manipulation; anything that disgusted her." She leaned her torso and sly grin towards them, almost condescending. She paused."I am everything that no one wants to be."
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((I made something))
“I am in agreement.”
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