askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Ooh hello tiny cats ! How does mister Dazai feel about stray dogs that wander by ?
“A lot that wander by are big, drooly, stupid, and bark a lot. I really really really don’t like them.”
He avoids them whenever possible but since he’s the biggest cat he’s the one who drives them off... By any means necessary. 
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Also welcome @universe-4-dazai as our newest artist to help us draw the Bungou cats!! Mod Sunny and I are super excited to welcome him to our little team!!!! 
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Where did the hatted-cats get the hats from?
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All the cats get their different accessories from their owners for the most part! This includes all the hatted cats.
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
chuuya cat, i love you, i'm here with armfuls of high-end cat food and cat treats, of course i have some for your alleymates too but you, you get the loot, i want to pet your fur, maybe even give you a kith, i love you chuuya cat
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“Ah oh, thank you for all the food anon... Feel free to pet me anytime!”
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Does sushi cat and Aku cat like cuddles
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Aku doesn’t really let people touch him and for Sushi it depends on the person, although sometimes Sushi will try to cuddle with Aku because even he can’t resist the fluff
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
How the kittys doing?
All the cats are doing well!
Sorry for the lack of updates, we’ve been having scheduling issues with both me and our artist starting back up with schooling and stuff. That being said, we might be looking for another artist or two to help us out! So, if anyone would be interested then let us know! Of course, this blog is just for fun so you won’t get any sort of compensation from it. 
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
More Fanart!
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A drawing of our Funky Lad Chuuya-cat by @tsukuru-u​
Go check her out!
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
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Hi everyone! We missed the 100 mark because of the hiatus but wow, we were not expecting to grow this fast. You guys are amazing! Thank y'all so much! 
Sorry for being inactive for a little bit, but we should start coming back within the next couple of days, because as you can probably tell all tech issues have been resolved. We look forward for you guys to get to know the cats more~
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Well, I know we’ve only been up for like 2 days? 3 days? But I have a little bit of bad news. In a string of unlucky events last night, Mod Sunny’s laptop is effectively broken and we spent hours trying to fix it last night with our wifi out as well. Our wifi is back now so I thought I’d let everyone know that until further notice we’ll be on hiatus until we can either fix the laptop or get a replacement since Sunny is the one who draws the actual art. (I’m in charge of the responses, managing drafts, and creating the concept art.) However, if there are asks you have that you don’t mind being answered with just a textpost or headcanons for cats that we haven’t shown or cats that we have shown that you’d like to share with us then go ahead.
Thanks so much for your patience and I’m sorry that we have to keep the amazing people who jumped to support us and sent in asks waiting ;-;
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Hey cats what's upppppppppp 😮
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
:o hello cats, u all are very cutee, what would be their reactions to getting petted, i imagine some of them would hate getting petted tho lol, i have a bag of cat treats if you would like them though :) * hands u them then runs away*
I’m going to answer this with the cats we have revealed so far,
Chuuya: He loves being pet, will never turn down a chance to be pet. Pet him all you like, he’s a tiny baby.
Dazai: Dazai is more hesitant to be pet and as he’s a really big cat he’s had people be intimidated by him before. But if you get the chance to pet him then he’ll let you from then on.
Akutagawa: Don’t touch him or his Rashomon plushie, he may be very fluffy but he does not like being pet.
Atsushi: He’s a pretty shy cat, you have to give him some food and be patient so he’ll know you’re not a threat before you can pet him.
Ranpo: 50/50 sometimes you can pet, sometimes you cannot pet. Treats increase your chances of petting though.
Fyodor: He might let you pet him at first, but only certain ways. If you pet him in a way he doesn’t like, don’t expect to ever be able to pet him again.
Lovecraft: ...... You want to pet the octopus?
As for the treats:
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Dazai shared them with everyone but Chuuya
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
How did lovecraft-notcat end up here if he's an octopus?
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“I would tell you but... I’m very tired”
Long story short, getting bored of his aquarium one day Lovecraft escaped and ended up in the sewers. He was lost there for a while before making his way back to the surface. Lovecraft ended up near the alleyway where he made the trashcan his home. The cats showed up, found him there one day, and decided to let him stay.
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Does Ranpo-Cat like treats?
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“Of course I do. Are you going to give me some more?”
Ranpo loves treats, he never takes a trip to the alley without some.
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Who’s the friendliest cat? Like the one most likely to always recognize someone who’s pet them before and if they see that person they’ll go greet them.
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“I am of course!”
Even though Chuuya gets agitated at the other cats easily, especially Dazai, he loves people and will always accept pets
Kenji, Kyouka, Gin, Louisa, and Lucy are also all extremely friendly cats.
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
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As you’re walking down the street, you see a strange gleam in an alleyway. Intrigued, you approach to see what it is. 
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You walk into the alleyway and see an array of cats scattered throughout the alley. 
Asks are open!
Welcome to Bungou Stray Cats!
Welcome to Bungou Stray Cats! An askblog where all your favorite BSD characters are cats! Except Lovecraft, he’s an octopus. 
Here are some rules for it:
M!As are accepted
Mod Zek isn’t caught up with the manga and Mod Sunny hasn’t read it, but we are fine with spoilers, just know there might be some accuracy issues.
We will eventually have all the characters so feel free to ask about characters not in this post!
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
Fyodor Cat
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Look I know I said I wouldn’t post anymore refs or anything unless they were asked for buuuuut progress has been slow, so to prove we’re not dead take Fyodor Cat fresh off the art program so we have content
He’s our last one before the starting post
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
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Some amazing art of our Dazai and Chuuya cat by dreamyfawn on deviantart! Go check her out!
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askbungoustraycats · 4 years
There has been a delay on the starting post on this blog. We will still try to get it up as soon as possible, but know it may not be for another few weeks. We thank you for your patience and we’re very excited for when we can finally get this askblog up and running!
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