balisonqs · 1 year
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if youre cold hes cold. let him in.
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balisonqs · 1 year
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balisonqs · 2 years
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is it cold in the water?
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balisonqs · 2 years
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maison+various lure clothes
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balisonqs · 2 years
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balisonqs · 2 years
hell hath no fury like someone on the internet being asked to self-reflect on whether or not their behavior contributes to larger and harmful cultural trends
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balisonqs · 2 years
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daya 'diabolical' betty
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balisonqs · 2 years
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balisonqs · 2 years
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siempre soy amigo del cartel
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balisonqs · 2 years
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saul goodman revived cringe culture
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balisonqs · 2 years
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balisonqs · 2 years
nobody else doin it like lilia vanrouge
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balisonqs · 2 years
the ratman thing wasnt even intentional and so is the nevada shirt?? Also what's the big deal with saing a slur 9 years ago lmao like i bet every third white person used to say it in like 2010 were human beings we mirror the people around us and use the terms they use just bc they created sth u like doesn't mean they don't make fucking mistakes.i might not recive the same racism as poc in amarica but as a romani person living in eastern Europe I've gotten called racial slurs my whole life.ppl aound me who got to know me and in the past used to be raging racists are now completely different people.theive matured and so did captain.and i forgive that
Since you wanna act like an idiot in my inbox, do it here instead
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balisonqs · 2 years
srry for dumping this here, feel free to ignore— but literally regardless of how i might’ve felt abt captain’s actions (and it’s despicable), the fandom’s reactions to it have made me sworn off it forever lmao. like, artists realize we can see them liking those stupid ass racist defence posts, right??? and even see one of them comparing it to the BLM MOVEMENT (which they called “riots”???) its so sickening and im sorry theyre even arguing with you god
No worries bro. People’s true colors will show when they are tested in stressful situations where you can’t play middle ground. I don’t want to be in a community which wouldn’t see me as a person either.
What makes me upset as well is that people are dumping this on russians, and while it is a majority of russians who are indeed acting ignorant, their behavior is actually harming minorities in russia (black russians, EA/SEA russians, jewish russians). They’re hurting their own communities and people are beginning to generalize against them as a result.
People who argue against those affected are privileged enough to look the other way on behalf of others. That’s all there is to it: willful ignorance.
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balisonqs · 2 years
Again, not your place to be speaking. You keep overextending yourself to be accepting apologies and playing defense against the directly affected parties and yet, you don’t listen. Even when directed, you can’t do the right thing. Crazy how that works 🤨
I hate the ranfren community so much i knew this day would come bc yall are all 14 year olds who get offended at everything and offended for other people bc u want internet points. Cant just let an artist live their life and make cute comics bc yall are gonna try and dig up shit on them. How can you think your doing the world justice when your trying to ruin someones life who wasnt doing anything to anyone. All of this happened so long ago and they havnt done anything recently so obviously they have changed, so that just shows how performative yall are. Why dont yall go do something that is worth your time if you actually wanted to make a difference instead of harrassing a stranger online. And most of yall already made up your minds on them so its not like an apology will help itll just dig them deeper by giving into this collective tantrum. I used to be like yall and would stop supporting people when they got called out until i realised that instead of doing that i could simply have empathy and compassion and give them the benefit of the doubt because what they did was so long ago and people can change, this is something i learned with age because i have matured and realised that cancelling people is stupid and creates uneeded negativity.
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balisonqs · 2 years
If you aren’t apart of the groups affected, then you have no right to be speaking on how someone feels, and policing how angry someone is about this is nothing but tone policing.
The ratmen, and nyen’s unchanged nevada-tan design, the elliot rodgers manifesto are all still up today. Those are recent. You can’t say it was long ago, because there’s proof that extends from the past into the present.
You just want an excuse to play this off with.
I hate the ranfren community so much i knew this day would come bc yall are all 14 year olds who get offended at everything and offended for other people bc u want internet points. Cant just let an artist live their life and make cute comics bc yall are gonna try and dig up shit on them. How can you think your doing the world justice when your trying to ruin someones life who wasnt doing anything to anyone. All of this happened so long ago and they havnt done anything recently so obviously they have changed, so that just shows how performative yall are. Why dont yall go do something that is worth your time if you actually wanted to make a difference instead of harrassing a stranger online. And most of yall already made up your minds on them so its not like an apology will help itll just dig them deeper by giving into this collective tantrum. I used to be like yall and would stop supporting people when they got called out until i realised that instead of doing that i could simply have empathy and compassion and give them the benefit of the doubt because what they did was so long ago and people can change, this is something i learned with age because i have matured and realised that cancelling people is stupid and creates uneeded negativity.
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balisonqs · 2 years
Then say you don’t appreciate the edits, the jokes, about a serious situation that impacts real people like me. Encourage people to listen to minorities, people who need to be supported especially after supporting someone who they didn’t expect to turn around like this. But don’t pretend like Howdie is innocent, etc etc.
Don’t say “this happened so many years ago!”, because even old racism still hurts. Is it wrong for people to expect someone to have common decency? You would be more upset if we expected Howdie to be a horrible person all along. You need to support people directly affected instead of saying “there’s no point in being angry.”
I hate the ranfren community so much i knew this day would come bc yall are all 14 year olds who get offended at everything and offended for other people bc u want internet points. Cant just let an artist live their life and make cute comics bc yall are gonna try and dig up shit on them. How can you think your doing the world justice when your trying to ruin someones life who wasnt doing anything to anyone. All of this happened so long ago and they havnt done anything recently so obviously they have changed, so that just shows how performative yall are. Why dont yall go do something that is worth your time if you actually wanted to make a difference instead of harrassing a stranger online. And most of yall already made up your minds on them so its not like an apology will help itll just dig them deeper by giving into this collective tantrum. I used to be like yall and would stop supporting people when they got called out until i realised that instead of doing that i could simply have empathy and compassion and give them the benefit of the doubt because what they did was so long ago and people can change, this is something i learned with age because i have matured and realised that cancelling people is stupid and creates uneeded negativity.
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