Hey, phone entity(ies)!
You’re valid as fuck :3
Have a nice day.
Aw you too anon entity(ies) ^w^
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Shout out to all my fellow radqueer, Transid weirdos.
Ya'll are valid as fuck.
Have a good night/morning/day/evening!
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They are such a cheap insult. Like come on if you want to insult me be more creative. plus like, maybe we shouldn't demonize people? idk novel idea i know.
people using pedophile/psychopath/narcissist/zoo as an insult gives me such an ick. like wtf
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Since Pride month started, lets address the "LOVE LOSES" sentiment and why it harms the overall LGBTQ+ community.
"Love Wins" was a sentiment that was spread throughout the legalization of gay marriage in the USA, stating love has finally won. But this sentiment does not just arise from the LGBTQ+ community.
It's also an anti-war sentiment. "Love wins" with not just romantic love, but platonic, familial, any kind of love that ISN'T sexual or romantic. A sense of comradery. To fight oppressive powers.
Love wins was not always about romantic love, and destroying that sentiment with "LOVE LOSES" just because YOU find love repulsive is harmful to the overall community. Hence, the alternatives here.
Love Can Win Without Me: For those who don't want to destroy the love sentiment, but also don't feel love, you are showing support for the LGBTQ+ community while stating you can't feel love and/or are romance/platonic/familial/etc repulsed.
Love Can Still Win Asshole: When you're feeling particularly aggressive, likely to be used by romance favorables, romoaros, arolovics, lovepunks, lovequeers, anyone who still likes romance in some way while still being Aro or AroAce (and on said spectrums)
We Win With Platonic Love: For Aros and AroAces who put an emphasis on platonic relationships and focus on those relationships or can't feel romantic love and enjoy QPRs or even if it just resonates with you.
Fun Fact: Two of these phrases (the first two) are from my other boyfriend, who, hilariously found out he's Arospec shortly after my post regarding exclusionism. He got really upset at the sentiment of LOVE LOSES, as he's always seen Love Wins as an anti-war sentiment and sees the importance of the sentiment for those that need it, so he wanted to come up with alternatives for us.
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Are you aware that some aroaces have exceptions and can still feel those things? It's not black and white, yes I like this or no I don't like this.
There is nuances to "Little to no attraction." Can we like stop with the fucking nit-picking of aroace people? Please? I'm so tired of having my identity shit on by other aroaces too because I am in those kinds of relationships and do enjoy those kinds of things with the few people who have made me feel genuine love or attraction.
My partner and I are Aro4Aro, we don't find shit for positivity or acceptance to who we are and instead find nothing but demeaning "love loses" crap everwhere.
Signed a sex and romance repulsed aroace.
"but aces and aros can be in relationships"
Yes, I know that, but do YOU know that aces and aros in relationships are still aces and aros? Do you internalize that? Are you aware that we don't just suddenly turn straight, or gay or anything else?
Yes, even demis
Are you aware that a sex repulsed asexual will still be sex repulsed even in a relationship, and so, might never fuck you?
Are you aware that a romance repulsed aro will still be romance repulsed even in a seemingly normative relationship and might not like doing typical romantic gestures and activities?
Are you aware that a sex neutral or positive asexual might not actually be sexually attracted to you at all even if they do fuck you?
Are you aware that a romance neutral or positive aro might not actually be romantically into you even if they are comfortable with typical romantic gestures?
Are you aware that our identities are just as permanent as yours?
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Could I request
TransShatterProgramming, when you feel like you should have Shatter Programming in the sense of RAMCOA
TransTwinProgramming, when you feel like you should have Twin Programming in the sense of RAMCOA
TransInsanityProgramming, when you feel like you should have Insanity Programming in the sense of RAMCOA
TransDenialProgramming, when you feel like you should have Denial Programming in the sense of RAMCOA
Pretty please?
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All in order!!
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✚ transbjd 。 𓎟𓎟
[pt: transbjd.]
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a transid / transspecies label for beings who feel as if / identify as being a balljointed doll despite not currently being one.
this may be due to kin reasons , psychosis , being an alter , or simply wanting to be a bjd.
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goodnight all remember - your identity is valid, no matter what
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Victims can be angry.
Victims can not want help for whatever reason.
Victims can be loud.
Victims can be aggressive.
Victims can be violent.
Victims can be emotional.
Victims can be stubborn.
This Hollywood perpetrated idea that victims can only be meek and silent and pitiful needs to be beaten to death with a hammer.
There is no such thing as the standard or typical victim. There is no such thing as a bad victim. Victimhood is not a one-size fits all.
If you believe victims shouldn't receive or are undeserving of compassion and help because they don't behave the way you think they should, you are no better than the person who made them a victim in the first place.
If you wish they died, or think they deserve what happened to them, or think they should have suffered more/should continue to suffer, you are no better than the person who made them a victim in the first place.
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"you can't just put trans in front of everything!" watch me
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Something I'll never understand is how people can be so fucking vile towards other people. Like it's really not that easy to "just get a diagnosis". You may have free resources where you are, but I DON'T. My pain is still real regardless of diagnosis or not. Which I personally do have but doctors refuse to treat because it's not severe enough or my insurance won't cover it and I can't afford it. I don't have the luxury of just going over to the next town for a second opinion or to see if someone else can treat for less. my area is DOMINATED BY A HEALTHCARE MONOPOLY! we literally have hospitals sitting empty because no one can compete with them here, and they can't buy those hospitals because they'd legally be a monopoly then. There are no small clinics that do free Health anything here, and that is the sad reality a lot of people live in. Anti rq, Anti transID people please please please open your damn eyes to situations outside your own, and understand a good amount rq/transid people are not trying to appropriate your resources but are trying to cope with their own situations.
I'm not lazy for not being able to get appropriate healthcare. I've tried, I've gone over an hour away for healthcare and never got help. I've been in constant pain since I was a child, and no one has cared enough to actually do anything. My parents tried their best, took me to places that claim to be the best, and I was still failed by healthcare places. I never lied about my pain or my health. I was failed by people who were supposed to help me and now I id as I do as my means of coping with that repeated let down. I am sure there are others out there like me. Antis stop being so close minded it only hurts other disabled folks you don't understand.
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A cute and spacey transmarried Stimboard for my sibby @ball-jointed-constellations
No DNI, just be nice!! Hate gets an instant block!!
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This, all of what Little-Candlelight Said here. This so called "safespace" sure likes to exclude aroaces who don't fit in their bubble and enjoy content they hate. Honestly OP Change your fucking name you hostile toxic asshole.
You lot really will just ship anything won’t you?
Ace allo character -> “they’re not aro tho and you can still be acespec!!”
Aro allo character-> “they’re not ace tho and you can still be arospec!!!”
Aroace character -> “aroace is a spectrum therefore I can ship them!!”
Romance repulsed aro and ace character -> “there’s always exceptions!!! You can still ship them they’re not sex repulsed!!”
Sex repulsed ace and aro character -> “there’s always exceptions!!! You can still ship them they’re not romance repulsed!!”
Sex and romance repulsed aroace character -> “there’s always exceptions!!“
Sex and romance repulsed aroace character who never will have a partner the author wrote and said that multiple times like it’s part of the plot that they don’t -> “there’s always exceptions!!“
But I bet y’all are real different when it comes to a lesbian or gay guy getting shipped with someone of the opposite gender
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Trans-Genitalia is where one has/wants different genitals. This can be human, monster or animal genitals.
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[ transharm-culture coining event day 1 ]
[ "take a transharm id and reverse it, make the flag of that! (or just take a transid you are and make the inverse of it)." ]
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. ִ ֗☁︎ transdeathangelvictim / transmdavictim - a transharmed/transtrauma term for one who feels as if they should be/should have been under the care of a "death angel"!
in this context, it means that the individual feels as if they should be/should have been taken care of by someone who is secretly killing them slowly, typically a doctor/nurse but it doesn't have to be!
[ transdeathangel/transmda was coined by @/madam-nurses and the original coining post can be found here! ]
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As a repulsed on both ends person, having exceptions to the rules happens. So yes, I personally would ship, and do ship to idk project my own aroace experiences on characters I like. Quit villainizing people who don't fit in your box of what a sex/romance repulsed aroace person should be. it's fucking isolating enough that theres a fucking so called safe space that doesn't fucking acknowledge or even give a flying fuck about people who aren't exactly like them.
You are being an asshole fucking quit it.
Let’s see
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A transID term which you wish you were a vision holder from genshin impact
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+ bonuses
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