bethanyaah · 3 years
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Vultures are holy creatures.
Tending the dead.
Bowing low.
Bared head.
Whispers to cold flesh,
“Your old name is not your king.
I rename you ‘Everything.’”
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bethanyaah · 3 years
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Was I discovered or invented? asks the zero./ Feels like I’ve always been here. I put a line around his border/ but he still wasn’t there. A hole in the world. A failure./ I turned away. You start counting at one, not zero,/ which is wrong, says the moon. Thing or nothing,// Where or nowhere. Measure yourself against the truth and/ not the other way round, says the ghost. Man, moon,/ ghost, zero— naming rounds off. Perfect and/ completely dead. Your math is crazy, says the moon./ You can count to eight with the space between your // fingers, says the ghost. Richard Siken “War of the Foxes”
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bethanyaah · 3 years
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Remember, kids: Hozier would want you to walk away from that exhausting online interaction and go peer into the soothing, dark waters of the nearest bog instead.
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bethanyaah · 3 years
Every writing advice thing ever: Don’t get bogged down in details on your first draft. Just write! ☺️
Me: How I begin this scene hinges on whether cheese sandwiches were served with mayo in the 50’s.
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bethanyaah · 3 years
I always think I hear your voice nearby How sweet a love it is to stick in time like cane syrup holding together two planes of life and I can no longer tell which one is mine
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bethanyaah · 3 years
They never did understand us and our love that reached far beyond you and I, too broad to be so loud.
Silent Adoration
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bethanyaah · 3 years
Writing things is just blacking out, spilling your guts, then looking at it later like “Wow I don’t remember writing that” (derogatory) or “WOW I don’t remember writing THAT” (complementary)
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bethanyaah · 3 years
You'll sip your life-giving elixir and love, again, the way it stains your teeth.
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bethanyaah · 3 years
Let us both abandon sight, Temporarily, peacefully, lose our minds.
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bethanyaah · 3 years
ocs are great you just make up a guy and do whatever you want with them and it’s free and nobody can stop you
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bethanyaah · 3 years
Could I fill a capsule with my heart to swallow whole when I’m feeling empty of me?
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bethanyaah · 3 years
I’d felt a ripping, pulling at my seams I surrendered to the massacre of myself I came undone and was born anew
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bethanyaah · 3 years
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bethanyaah · 3 years
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poem for globsters
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bethanyaah · 3 years
I literally wrote a vampire novel for NaNoWriMo last year. For fun. And I’m editing it. ~for fun~. Then, I’ll post it on Wattpad probably? for fun. 
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bethanyaah · 3 years
“I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering.”
— Robert Frost
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bethanyaah · 4 years
You are quite multitalented for a fictional electric rodent
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