bizarretrev · 3 years
I'd like to remind people of the FASP theory. Freud and one particular thing, Augustine and many things, a mathematical theory(A ghost gave me the page of the book with the connection! Provable by math knowledge.), and Plato.... and it all spawned from "the idea"... and it's very complex. Very intense for a 2.99 blog. Think Freud expounded, Aristotle and Plato as the devil and angel, Augustine as the "forever" wise(Christians love), and many more things. And these aren't just simple points, but more complex ways of truthfully presenting these in cool ways. Don't not subscribe because it doesn't sound great.
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bizarretrev · 3 years
Darwin's atheism wasn't dependent on evolution, it was dependent on pain.
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bizarretrev · 3 years
Aristotle looked at man and seen a pie of emotions, but with thermodynamics, would have seen the infinite finite pause of the cosmos.
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bizarretrev · 3 years
The Agnostics took philosophy and made it less present, less understood, and less realistic by taking death and giving it the end.
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bizarretrev · 3 years
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This is a Christian image I made in 5 minutes, just to prove I can really roll when I want to. Changing Christ to "Truth" here shortly. Christ, Allah, Jew God.... what text is right? And COULD they be? I think I can put a pretty cool spin on the knowable source of good being "religious"... please subscribe, so I can feel like I've accomplished something. Remember: all of my writings from here on are taken to a blogger to format. And yes, is it Allah? Is it The Christ? Are the Jews more wise than any people on Earth? Who is right? Could it be scientology? Mormonism? Any defined good with the fabric made of good qualities could "be" it... but what text "perfects" the "religious form"?
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bizarretrev · 3 years
1.99$ USD a month includes.. -FASP theory and all discussion. A blogger is reformatting every blog to present "the perfectness of the blog form." -Art being worked on. Very good art for a beginner. Very interesting "collage" presentation. Abrahamic monthly art. Maybe just a presentation of each Faith, or a more "driven" approach. And there will be monthly "mythology/ancient history" art. It's very good, actually. I'll post a Christian art image I made in 10 minutes. I wouldn't call myself righteous, but on a "God-given journey"... for me and you all. -My movie scripts as they get crafted. Proven soon that I have 150k+ in USD in movie/cartoon worlds in my hands, AT WORSE. -The story of my life expounded on. The bizarreness of the entire thing. My unbelievable life, with unbelievable bizarreness. My memoir, a summed up form, is a few weeks away. You'll be shocked. Malpractice destroying 13 years, what appears to be "the cosmos" involved in me coming out... all kinds of bizarre things. And I soon post my criminal record, proving every claim! The truth is capable of being known here! And it's insane! -Poker tips and writings posted as I create my course for the interweb poker players. -I can think of great quotes for any mind-set. Random Stoic, Hellenist, Christian, Jewish, etc.. quotes. All very good. -Themed discussion on philosophy once a month, with several writers and their insights paid for. A blogger paid to format it all together. -Going up to the higher payment per month in one month to two. Remember: The entire point of this entire thing is to prove "A Good Source" being possibly religious... and that's through this theory. The mathematical theory the cosmos gave me the EXACT page of the book helps prove several Abrahamic theories. Very crazy that the "ghosts" that possessed me gave me 200k+ USD in ideas, again, AT WORSE. That's being "painted" in my memoir, and fleshed out in a separate autobiography. A memoir and autobiography are sort of needed here for you to grasp the situation. Why you'll be glad to pay 1.99$ a month for this insane world. ... I have one "forms" blog posted. Not the actual blog, but more of a "summed" up of the blog for the blogger to flesh out. Here is a taste of the next... "The idea of the repulsion of knowing right from wrong couldn’t hold much esteem with Aristotle. To be ignorant, or disguised in desires, was a more rational instinct to the esteemed philosopher. He saw the chaos of the individual and couldn’t grasp “a law-giver” given to odds and the playable chance. But, the truth? Plato always knew the plausibility of the cosmos and our given allocation of time." ....soon to come. ...and instead of "proving" philosophy, or attempting to "religious" the source, I'll use actual PHILOSOPHY to make "thought guesses." The political version is my main weapon in these blogs. The political war philosophy. ... The other one is found here. And remember, this isn't an actual blog but just the "ball" for the blogger to work on. Maybe even two to three blogs in here. Maybe not, since it's just "putting everything in place." https://bizarretrev.tumblr.com/post/673859752750710784/fasp-theory-plato-augustine-freud-the-idea Coming soon: The death of atheism series. Even against every "strong" Atheist case, I perfect "goodness." If you don't believe me, pay the 2.99$.. I can present a case that defeats their "unknowing" view point 10x over. And that's the point of the whole blog, to prove "The Goodness Perfected!".. and we know the source is good. And another series soon coming.. The merits of Apostolic Succession.... but how do we "define" the Church? Does "The Bible" lay the ground from the schism? Or to... and then from? And trying to explain my miracles as different from the cosmos experiences I explain here in detail, in my memoir, and in my autobiography. Does knowledge exist without Faith? Does faith exist without knowledge? The eternal perplexing universe... but I swear, I got miracles from Christ that "the unknowable" isn't the end result of any of this.
Abrahamic followers, I do not present "philosophy equal to God".. I try teaching how "getting to philosophy" takes jumping over Faith. And Faith, what is it? I think I know well enough to show like an Abrahamic scholar in FASP theory terms. And to put it in layman terms, "Faith is goodness. The top of the forms."
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bizarretrev · 3 years
Search the cosmos over, and you'll locate the will of man and the fall of men.
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bizarretrev · 3 years
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Hello, would you like my card?
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bizarretrev · 3 years
The opening to my image art store... .....чемпион искусства ...ART OF TREV DOT SI EH..-جمال الفن وتريف...  "THE ΦΑΡΜΑΚΑ DESTROYED THE BRAIN! THE ΣΧΙΖΟΦΡΕΝΗΣ MEDICATION!!! AND MY MIND WAS RESTORED BY CHRISTUS CAELI GLORIAE, RESPONSA, TRIBUTUM, ET VERITAS!!!"------ΣΧΙΖΟ ΠΡΟΦΗΤΗΣ/чемпион искусства/HEALED ARTIST   "мрачное техно", French, "Le poème français.. j'ai écrit seul... froid à l'amour de la femme.. la femme n'aime pas cet homme... j'écris des poèmes de bonheur, de beauté et de l'esprit de leur âme... et je aimer la femme." Definition: The love of a wife...  "кубинская принцесса", Spanish, "el fuego de la tentación es de la prueba que vence la voluntad del hombre, pero nuestra muerte nunca es la predicha o evidente.".. Definition: evidence isn't "death", but life...
"африканская королева", Afrikaans, "Die heilige van Katolieke wesens is een wat bestem is vir liefde, om te leer van die hel wat ons almal kan omvat ... die waarheid van die Bybel ... die Augustinus tot die Eucharistie." Definition: Augustine of Plato.   “The art of Trevor!"... the beginning to a journey of "prosperity" and prospect.”... пение искусства и песни и танцы и магия и любовь и честь и МОЗГИ.... "Norwegian Art", "Trevor er fra norge.. 130 år siden.. en rekke av kunnskap, en verdsettelse av kunst."... Song, "I won't be gone for a while."
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bizarretrev · 3 years
FASP theory: Plato, Augustine, Freud, THE IDEA, and a European mathematics theory.
Very interesting world coming. 9.99 a month. January 19, 2022
The Theory of Forms is the center of all known philosophy spawning from Plato, the definer of the thoughts, and the outcome of the debate between God and agnosticism. You must see, the forms are the idea that there is an ideal form. A perfect way of grasping certain things, by certain things making up that very definition. Beauty, horses, art, and all those pretty things. It’s very simple. For every good, there is a build-up of things that make that “very good” “goodness perfected.” For that goodness perfected lifted of under-forms. It’s a way of saying, hey, we grasp this, that, and then. We know the good, we know the forms, we know reality. The definition of agnosticism: The eternal question. Plato: the worldly answer. The idea that we know, we fathom, and have true paths has defied science since eternity was defined clearly by thermodynamics. Since Plato’s Theory of Forms had "eternity" articulated poorly those years ago, we see beyond the sculpture of Philosophy as intended by the cosmos to teach. We see a God cause come to life, but really, the center of philosophy lacks cause for anything but the forms as taught in Catholicism. Is there the proving of the inevitably bizarre thought: Would Plato have evolved to Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Any religion? I think so... If you grasp the forms and "the make-up" being personal, but evidence of the extraordinary, you realize the extraordinary could have happened with Plato. He believed in no radical change after child-hood, all kinds of.... away from Abraham beliefs. An easy connection of dots to make. Plato pretty much summed up evil as existing "by itself" "away from God." He paints it more in a painting of separation from God. A more theological divinity make-up of the situation of right and wrong. He would have grasped more than just that if he had the same awakening as another man. A man so big in the religious scope, he put together today, yesterday, tomorrow, and forever, as far as the creation of the west from east. We must fathom that one philosopher perfected Plato, and Plato's entire career perfected him. What would happen today with theocratic Plato? What is today? Who is PLATO? What is Platonic theory? What is neo-Plantonic thinking? More to this blog than meets the eyes... a very interesting trip down the meadows of time and space. To the plains of fields, scoping the cattle... drawing the pastures.. outlining BIZARRE. ...the incoming part two: Why Plato's view of evil dwarfed the proof of Aristotle... especially with today's thinkers. Even with thermodynamics not being the absolute code. And much more on the forms. Tune in! And remember, there is an absolute ton more for Augustine/Plato. We haven't even dipped our toes. God bless! "The gain of the wit begets the slain weaklings." "How will we know the answer to time if we are slaves to chance and odds." "Passing by the drunkard reflected through the humor of his days." "How will we know the end, when we can’t even know our evidence for faith." "The time has come to pass away into night for temptation’s sake." "Forever held firm in the Church, the Gospel of The Christ."
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