#howzer x y/n
l0nesome-dreams · 7 months
Am I excited for TBB S3 premier? Yes. Yes I am. But am I prepared for it mentally? No. Most definitely not.
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hugmekenobi · 4 months
S3: The Bad Batch (7)
Chapter Seven: Extraction
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Gif by @barissoffee
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: As the Empire closes in, you need all the help you can get to escape
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, protective Crosshair, brief injury description (mentions of blood), descriptions of near-drowning, limited (y/n) use, Plo Koon mention, light hurt/comfort (wound tending), Gregor being an instigator and flirt (but in a funny way), Hunter getting jealous (not toxic), light PDA (kissing, hugging and one small instance of innuendo), nicknames (sweetheart and beautiful)
Word Count: 4.3K
Author's notes: Managed to incorporate a bit of creative license but mostly just following the episode! Enjoy!
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Rex came to with a mildly pained grunt. “Thanks.” He said as Crosshair and Omega helped him to his feet. “We need to get moving before their reinforcements get here.”
“I can move the rubble, but I have a feeling we’d be worse off.” You said to Rex who nodded in agreement. “Is there another way off this spire?”
“There’s always another way.” Rex replied with a dry chuckle. He kicked a crate away to reveal a hole in the floor with a ladder built into it.
The group of you descended.
The tunnel led out into a level of the spiral staircase.
“Our leech vessel is docked ten levels down.” Rex said.
“Doesn’t have a hyperdrive though. We won’t get far.” Howzer reminded him.
“No, but we can use it to contact Echo.”
You all started to make your way down the levels.
The explosion and the resulting collapsed ceiling had been an unfortunate set back and CX-2 realised that clearing away the blockage to the room where the others had retreated in his injured state was a futile act.
He paused as he heard the sound of a ship approaching outside and he went to go greet the new arrivals.
Commander Wolffe and his teams ran out the ship to analyse the destruction and bodies that lay ahead.
“These are clones. They’re not insurgents.” Wolffe stated but a low, crackling voice disputed his point.
“They are both.”
Wolffe faced the black-armoured solider that limped towards them.
“I neutralised most of their rogue cell, but the rest are trapped inside with the targets.”
“What squadron are you with?”
“That’s classified.”
“Want to tell me why this spire is burning when our primary objective is to retrieve the targets unharmed?” Wolffe questioned, his aggravation at the situation was obvious.
“They are alive.” Came the simple reply.
“I’m now in charge of this operation. You answer to me. Is that clear?” Wolffe said definitively but the soldier did not reply, he had to rely on the fact that his tone had been firm enough. He spoke to the clone behind him, “Hilo, set blasters to stun and move in.”
Wolffe’s men had finally managed to expose the entrance and the escape tunnel had been brought to his attention. “They’re escaping through the middle of the spire. We’ll take team one and infiltrate this rock from the platform below. Set charges and seal this passage. We’ll pin them inside.” He instructed as he exited the room.
CX-2 jumped down the tunnel just as the stormtrooper left behind was setting the charges.
“Sir, the operative has gone after the target. Should I pursue?” The stormtrooper asked into his comm as he saw the figure travel down the ladder.
“Negative. Proceed with the plan. Seal off that access point.” Wolffe replied as he re-boarded the shuttle that would take them down to the next entrance to the spire.
“The ship’s docked just down this corridor.”
You felt that familiar sensation in your veins and you weren’t alone is slowing down- Crosshair did the same.
“Stop.” You said suddenly.
The rest of them halted.
“What is it?” Nemec asked.
You and Crosshair peered through one of the carved-out spaces to see more flashlights and you could now hear the ascending steps of another squad heading in your direction.
You closed your eyes and focused in on the Force around you as you felt for the source of the disturbance. It wasn’t just the danger of the Imperial troops; the intensity of the feeling told you that the threat was closer than that.
“They’re coming.” Crosshair alerted the rest of the group.
He’d only just finished saying that when you speedily ignited your lightsaber as the shot came at him, but you weren’t properly set and the redirected shot went wide.
You both pressed yourselves against either side of the wall.
“I’ll handle it.” Crosshair said firmly.
The rest of you started off at a run again.
With his hand the way it was, Crosshair knew he wouldn’t be able to best the operative in a shoot-out. So, instead, he attached an explosive to the end of his rifle and aimed it at the wall that the operative was rappelling down.
The explosion caused the operative to freefall down the spire, but he was able to take a hold of a window ledge.
Crosshair’s next round of shots missed, and the clone was able to retreat into the spire, but Crosshair couldn’t do anything about that now, he just had to catch up to the rest of you.
 You’d all successfully made into the vessel and Rex piloted it away from the cliffside.
However, it didn’t get very far before it shook violently, and an alarm blared around the vessel as it plummeted towards the ground.
“Remora-one, we’ve been compromised. Heading to marker 025 for an extraction.” Rex said hurriedly into the comm channel. “Repeat. Marker 025.” There was nothing he could do to stop what was about to happen and the jungle encroached ever closer. “We’re going down. Strap in!”
“Pinpoint the crash site.” Wolffe ordered Hilo before he stalked over to reprimand the clone that had been giving him a headache since he’d arrived here. “I said to use stun blasts only. You’ve jeopardised this mission.”
“I prevented the target’s escape.”
“By shooting down their ship? Our orders are to retrieve them alive and unharmed.”
“Their vessel crashed in the upper jungle region.” Hilo reported back.
“Get the shuttles in the air.” Wolffe directed before he addressed the clone again. “This isn’t over.”
CX-2 just slowly followed him into the shuttle.
“Still can’t convince you on the benefits of a helmet?” Hunter uttered quietly as he helped you out the downed ship and saw the gash above your eyebrow. He tilted your chin up as he wiped some blood away from your eyelid.
“It’s not deep. Plus, minor head wounds always bleed heavily anyways.” You said cheerily enough but the helmeted stare you received reeked of exasperation.  
“Great.” Hunter replied dryly as you both joined the rest of the group.
Whilst that had been happening, Crosshair had come to stand beside Omega whilst she stroked Batcher. “You good?” He asked her, a slight hesitance to his voice.
“Uh huh.” Omega replied, still slightly breathless from the stress of the crash landing.
“Got your crossbow?”
He saw the bag on her back, “Sure you can carry those supplies?”
“Yes.” Omega said irritably as she turned to face him.
“Stay close. It’s easy to get lost in this terrain.”
“You’re as bad as Hunter.” She remarked with an annoyed stare.
“Oh, I’m much worse.”
Howzer and Nemec shared a look. Between that interaction and the one between you and Hunter, it was clear this squad was far from typical, but whatever it was that bonded you all worked. The trust was there, and that trust extended to Crosshair.
“Echo should meet us at the extraction point. We’ll have to continue on foot.” Rex said, drawing his blaster.
“How far?” Hunter asked.
“Five klicks north.” Nemec informed you all.
Hunter didn’t immediately move out, he glanced behind him as he heard the tell-tale sound of a shuttle engine, “We’ve got attack shuttles inbound.”
“This way.” Rex ordered as he led the way into the jungle.
Crosshair felt Howzer approaching his side and he huffed out a sigh, this wasn’t the ideal time for him to here yet again how the clone felt about him. “What?”
“I’ve seen how you are with the kid.”
“Hmm? Your point?”
“Well…” Howzer sighed, “You’re different than you were on Ryloth.” He admitted. “So, what changed?”
They both paused and Crosshair turned to face him. “Loyalty meant something to me. But with the Empire, it didn’t go both ways. I realised how disposable I was.”
“You’re not the only one.”
The team inspected the wrecked vessel.
“There’s no sign of the insurgents.” A stormtrooper said.
“Get back to the shuttle and monitor comm channels.” Wolffe ordered. “They couldn’t have gone far.”
“We have a problem.”
Wolffe turned to face Hilo.
“The operative’s gone rogue.”
The news didn’t really come as a surprise. “I’ll deal with him later.”
Batcher let out a series of barks.
“I hear it too.” Hunter murmured just as a shuttle came to block their way through.
You all took cover behind an outcrop of rocks as the shuttle’s squad came down to the area.
“We have to know through their line to reach the extraction point.” Rex stated urgently.
“We’ve got these.” Omega opened the bag to reveal some of the smoke bombs she’d grabbed from the ship before it got shot down.
Hunter took some out and passed them over to Wrecker who immediately threw them ahead and behind you all to provide more cover.
“Stick by my side and stay down.” Crosshair ordered Omega as you all stealthily made your way through the fog.
“How much further to the landing zone?” You asked Rex as you Force pushed a stormtrooper that was reaching for his blaster into a rock. You wiped away more of the warm blood that had continued to dribble from the cut and encroach on your vision during this time.
“Just ahead. Almost there.”
Crosshair, Nemec, and Howzer had fallen behind the rest of you.
“What is it?” Howzer asked as he saw Crosshair abruptly stop and train his rifle behind them.
Right as Crosshair’s scope picked up the heat signature, a shot fired and Nemec took a fatal shot to the back.
“Nemec!” Howzer cried as he reached for the clone.
“Get down!” Crosshair shoved him away from the dead clone behind another rock.
At the sound of blaster fire, the rest of you turned and sprinted back in the direction of the commotion.
The onslaught of fire continued as the six of you came upon the scene. You deflected them with ease whilst the others dove to cover.
“Omega, smoke grenade.” Hunter hissed.
“We’re out.”
“I’ll draw his fire. Get to the rendezvous.” Crosshair said into comms.
“I don’t like that idea.” Omega replied uneasily.
“Yeah, that is a terrible plan.” You concurred.
“Too bad.” He quipped breezily before he signed off and headed towards the operative.
“Go now!” Rex shouted as he saw the opening you all needed.
Hunter grabbed Omega’s hand and tapped you on the shoulder to get you to move.
You deactivated your weapon with an aggrieved sigh and followed the rest of the group.
The fight between Crosshair and the operative had not gone entirely to plan.
Sure, Crosshair had managed to successfully disarm him but when he’d tracked his movements to the edge of the cliff that came out over the first waterfall, he hadn’t fully thought through the second phase of charging over the edge and into the rapids below... with the operative.
You all anxiously tracked their path through the river and watched in alarm as they tumbled over the waterfall and into the pool below.
Crosshair had barely any time to catch his breath before the operative starting swiping at him with a vibroblade.
“You had your chance to be one of us.”
Crosshair braced his forearm against the operative’s, and he managed to land a kick to his stomach to create some distance between them.
The distance didn’t last long. The operative was on him again and all Crosshair could do was retreat backwards through the water until he found himself backed up against a rock just as the operative aimed the blade for his neck.
“You chose the wrong side.”
Crosshair managed to elbow the blade out of his grasp but all that allowed the operative to do was smack his helmet into Crosshair’s unguarded face.
Dazed, Crosshair fell into the water, and he could do nothing but scratch at the armoured shoulders of the clone above him as he was held under the water. Each passing second, he felt his lungs burn in protest and water flooded his nose and mouth.
Howzer ran through the water and stunned the operative clone and watched his limp body float away and over the edge of the second waterfall.
Crosshair broke to the surface with a deep gasp, but he couldn’t get to his feet in time. The current started to take him away too and he scrambled for a hold of a boulder that just overlooked the top of the waterfall.
Howzer grabbed his forearm and pulled him to stand on the top of the rock.
Crosshair released a round of hoarse coughs before he took his rifle and helmet from Wrecker. “Thanks.” He said to Howzer with a final strained breath before he put his helmet back on.
Now reunited, you all ran to make it to the extraction point.
“This is the extraction marker.” Rex announced as you all came to a stop and waited for the sign of Echo’s ship but the one that approached wasn’t the one any of you were wanting to see.
Bright lights temporality blinded your vision but as you adjusted, you saw a squadron of troops exit the shuttle and advance towards you all.
Your hand hovered your lightsaber as the others took up position with their blasters.
“Drop your weapons. Now!” Wolffe commanded.
Rex took a couple paces forward. “Wolffe?”
As you stood between Omega and Hunter you were taken back in time- the name struck a chord of familiarity in you, but you couldn’t quite think of why.
“Rex?” Wolffe took half a step back in surprise.
Rex signalled to you all to relax your stances and he took off his helmet.
“I-” Wolffe exhaled sharply. “I thought you were dead.” Wolffe holstered his blasters and removed his own helmet. “Reports said you were killed in action. That you went down aboard an attack cruiser.”
“Oh, I did. I lost a lot of good men that day. And today.” Rex said with regret.
“What are you doing here, Rex? Don’t tell me you’re fighting against us.”
“No, not against you. Against the Empire. They’re imprisoning and experimenting on our brothers, killed others.”
Wolffe advanced closer to the clone captain. “The Empire wouldn’t do that to us.”
“She has seen it.” Rex gestured to Omega behind him.
“It’s true.” Omega said bravely. “That’s what’s happening on Tantiss.”
“We have to stop them.” Rex moved further away from the rest of you and closer to Wolffe. “You can help us. You can stand with us.”
But Wolffe couldn’t believe that. “I am a soldier of the Empire. I have my orders. Hand the girl and the Jedi traitor over, and I’ll make sure you’re given a fair trial.”
Wrecker and Hunter immediately formed ranks in front of you and Omega.
“Like Plo Koon got a fair trial?” You ignored Hunter’s look of warning as you stepped out from behind them. You tugged your hood and mask down, attached your lightsaber back on your belt and walked forward. You didn’t think getting into the technicalities of your past and situation would help much here but you had a different angle you could take now that you remembered why the name felt important.
Wolffe couldn’t stop the way his eyes widened in surprise. “You- you knew General Plo?”
“Not very well.” You admitted. “Our paths didn’t cross an awful lot but when they did, you were always mentioned. He had a lot of respect for you and your squad, Commander.” You said with sincerity. “ ‘Wolfpack’ was what you all went by, wasn’t it?”
Wolffe found himself being brought back to that time. A time where his general fought side by with him. It didn’t matter the battle or situation; he’d always been offered kindness and respect by the Jedi- something that he couldn’t say always happened now.
The team noticed the change on his face, even though he acted quickly to try and mask it.
Wolffe swallowed harshly. “I- no- he betrayed-” He inhaled and exhaled a quick breath and straightened his back. “He betrayed the Republic. You all did.” He went for conviction but still fell a little flat.
You released a solemn sigh and bowed your head in acknowledgment of his words, but you could also sense his regret. “I urge you to think about it, Commander.” You looked straight at him and kept your demeanour open and honest. “Do you honestly think the General you served with, the Jedi you went through battle after battle with and who backed you and your squad at every turn was really capable of the betrayal you were told?” You paused, “If you truly believe that, then you’re right to call me a traitor too and I’ll go with you now.”
Hunter ground his feet into the ground and forced himself to relax his grip on his blaster as he felt the metal dig in his skin through his gloves. It was taking every fibre of self-control to not pull you back, but he had to trust your plan in this process.
“But I’m also warning you, Commander, that you could take me, but you won’t get anywhere near the kid.” You finished with an unwavering look at the clone commander.
“Think about what you’re doing, Wolffe.” Rex implored as he saw the doubt that was starting to creep in. “I know you’ve been trained not to question orders but open your eyes. You’re hunting a child and someone who was part of something we fought loyally alongside for years. I know that’s not who you are.” Rex waited to let Wolffe consider his words before he carried on, “As your brother, I’m asking you to do the right thing.” Rex’s comm started to beep and he heard the sound of Echo’s ship drawing nearer.
Echo put the ship down to land but the scene that he and Gregor saw upon arriving did not fill them with comfort.
You all didn’t turn in the direction of the ship. All your eyes were on Wolffe and the squad ahead of you.
“Commander?” Hilo asked as he got ready to move in.
Wolffe held an arm out to stop him. “Stand down.”
Rex gave Wolffe a small nod of thanks and you all boarded the ship.
Wolffe watched the ship depart before he turned to Hilo. “Recover their fallen, and then we move out.”
“But… sir… they’re traitors.” Hilo reminded him, unsure as to how he could just let them get away.
“Perhaps.” Wolffe considered before adding, “But traveling with a Jedi already puts them at risk and they’re clones. We owe them that.”
CX-2 broke to the surface and dragged himself onto the rock with a pained and unforgiving set of coughs as he cleared the water from his system.
This wouldn’t be his last chance.
Hunter walked back down the hall of the ship to where Rex was standing. “I’m sorry about your men.” He rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Thanks. You know, I thought that the end of the war would mean an end to losing more of our brothers. But I was wrong.” Rex said with a dejected sigh.
“Rex, you can’t win this fight. The Empire is too strong.”
“I can’t just walk away. Not now.” Rex said, his voice rising before he took a second to control himself, “And neither can you. Not with the Empire being after those two.”
Hunter followed his stare to where you were talking to Gregor and to where Omega was sleeping up against Batcher. “We’ll protect them.”
“I heard what Omega said about her escape. I think she’s vital to whatever they’re doing on Tantiss. And if you want to keep her safe, you need to find out why she’s so important to them. (Y/N), it’s obvious why the Empire are after her, but you need to know more about Omega and this M-count.” Rex advised before he walked back to the cockpit.
Whilst that conversation with Rex was taking place, you were tending to the still oozing wound above your eyebrow.
You pulled a mirror out the medkit you were borrowing, grabbed a disinfectant wipe and cleaned up the mix of wet and dry blood on your skin. You analysed the wound to see a shallow cut amidst the congealed blood and it was nothing a bit of bacta couldn’t fix. You began rummaging through the box for said item.
“Still as beautiful as ever.”
You paused and angled your head up with a grin at the distinct but familiar playful and kind voice. “Hello, Gregor. It’s been a while.”
“Too long, beautiful. Gotta tell you, there aren’t many like you in this mess of a galaxy. Certainly, looking at my brothers every day isn’t much fun. You’re a breath of fresh air.”
“I’m sure.” You said with a humorous roll of your eyes.
“I’d never lie to you, beautiful.” He dropped the act for a moment as he crouched down to your height. “But seriously, are you alright? I’ve seen some pretty intense things about you out there. You stopped hiding?”
“I made some rather… impulsive decisions but I’m fine, thank you, Gregor.” You responded gratefully. “How about you?”
“Doing alright. Thrown myself into this work and gotten pretty good at cooking, have you had the pleasure of tasting one of my infamous recipes?”
“Haven’t had the opportunity unfortunately.” You said with an apologetic smile.
“Ah, well that just won’t do! You’ll have to stick around me this time and try some! You’ll never want to leave!”
“Sure, can he come too?” You nodded to the shape of a certain clone sergeant that was standing behind him.
Gregor got to his feet and jutted this thumb between the two of you. “This is still going on?” He asked with good-natured mockery.
“Yes.” Hunter said tightly.
“Mmhmm.” You replied, fighting back a smile as you saw the expression on Hunter’s face.
“Huh, guess I owe Echo some credits. Was sure this would be my chance.” He saw the way Hunter was reacting and he always enjoyed the chance to kid around with any of his brothers, it kept him sane during this rather stressful time and Hunter just happened to be an easy target in this particular instance. “Do you need some help with that wound, beautiful?”
“We’ve got it covered.” Hunter replied frostily, brushing past Gregor’s shoulder.
Gregor gave a nod of surrender, “Until I have the pleasure of seeing you again, beautiful.” He walked back to the cockpit to rejoin the others.
“Hunter…” You pretended to scold.
“Yes, it doesn’t make sense. Yes, I know it’s in good fun. And yes, I trust both of you but him flirting with you riles me up and he knows it. He does it deliberately.” Hunter said defensively as he knelt in front of you.
“Oh, so what he says isn’t true?” You teased.
Hunter huffed a short breath, “No- I- he- of course you are but-” He played the rest of the conversation out in his head and there was no winning outcome. He broke off with a defeated sigh. “Stop smiling at me like that.”
“It’s funny.” You said as you worked on holding back a laugh whilst you stroked the loose strand of his fringe back behind his bandana.
“Glad I still have ways to amuse you.” Hunter grumbled as he pressed a kiss into your gloved palm.
“I can do this myself; you know.” You pointed out as he then moved to grab the relevant supplies for your injury.
“Please just me do this before I act more inappropriately.” He muttered as he held the side of your face before he started to apply the bacta.
Hmm but that always winds up being fun for me. You chuckled softy as you saw the way he fumbled putting the bacta back in the box.
You put the kit back where you’d found and returned to your spot on the floor to see that Hunter had already removed part of his armour for you. You sat back down and rested your head on his shoulder and relaxed into him with a content sigh.
Hunter wrapped his arm around you and laid his head atop yours.
“You offered yourself up.” He whispered after a few minutes.
I had a plan.
“Doesn’t change the fact that that was the key part of it.”
It worked out. I’m still here.
He bent his head and tipped your chin up.
You complied with his actions and met his gaze.
Hunter didn’t say anything else; he just brought his lips to yours in a slow, soft kiss but one that had plenty of feeling behind it. It wasn’t just because of what Gregor had been doing- though there was definitely a degree of that- but he needed you to know that just because it worked out, it didn’t mean that he didn’t care about the other potential outcome.
You hummed happily into the kiss and twisted your hand in the front of his shirt.
“Point well made, Sergeant. You’re a lucky guy.” Gregor said as he passed the two of you to grab something for Rex. “Though I’m sure there’s still a better option out there.”
Hunter knew how lucky he was, but he couldn’t ignore the rest of comment. He parted from you, “It’s on purpose, I’m telling you.” He murmured into your hair as you let out a quiet laugh and laid your hand on his chest.
Breathe, Seargent. I’m all yours. You snuggled closer into his side and closed your eyes for the rest of the return journey.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @arctrooper69, @dominoeffectsworld, @andreaaxy, @notgonnaedit, @nightmonkeysstuff
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Clones X reader y/n incorrect quotes!!! Pt. 6
Because I still have a lot lol
Y/n and Crosshair: *arguing*
Tech: I don’t know if they will get married or kill each other
Echo: I put 50 credits on both
Fives: would you date me for 700 credits?
Y/n: I would date you for free, but I can’t say no to this deal…
Y/n: name five things you like about yourself.
Kix: uhhhhhh
Kix: the fact that you are holding my hand right now.
Y/n: awww
Y/n: what else?
Kix: oh that’s it.
Y/n, with a cup of caf: you must choose! Caf or me?
Fox, sighs: stop making my life even harder, cyare!
Thorn: just admit it, vod! We all know caf is not essential at all…
Y/n: can you turn the light on? Howzer: I don’t need to, cyare, you are the only light I need in my life.
Y/n: that’s so sweet but I can’t see.
I love y’all 💕💕💕
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happytroopers · 8 months
Lessons in Self Defense // Howzer x Reader
Summary: little blurb about how quickly a Captain’s self defense seminar can turn into something else, especially in Ryloth’s afternoon sun.
Warnings: suggestive implications nothing mentioned explicitly, not even pg13, mostly fluff
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"Ok, plant your foot- a little wider," Howzer paused to try to hide his grimace when your foot slid out a little too wide, which threw your balance off, "Not that wide, honey."
"Yeah, I gathered that." You snipped backed, cheeks puffing as you blew a piece of your hair out of your face before readjusting your feet. Howzer’s lip quirked up into a smirk at your sass, tapping your ankle with the toe of his boot to make you angle better.
"Better." He breathed, almost instantly dropping into a fighting position. When the captain did it, he looked graceful, powerful… dangerous. Standing across from him, trying to mirror it, you just felt… awkward, "Ok, now try to hit me."
Immediately, you dropped the stance, shaking your head, "Howzer, I’m not hitting you."
"(Y/N), the only way to learn is to practice." He reminded you for what seemed to be the hundredth time, not rising from him stance. Still, you shook your head defiantly.
"I don’t want to hurt you, Howz."
That was what made drop his stance, or at least half way as he laughed out right at you. Your cheeks flushed with heat as he laughed at you, fortunately the blistering Ryloth heat had already given you a permanent blush so he couldn’t outright read your embarrassment.
"I take it back. I’ll hit you now." You muttered as his laughter died down. As frustrated as you were with your lack of talent for fighting, it was nice to hear him laugh so loudly. Seeing your unamused deadpan, he tried to temper his amusement.
"And that’s very kind of you, honey, but I promise, you can’t hurt me." He promised you with a wink.
He seemed at ease here, in a secluded spot behind General Syndulla’s estate. Teaching, or at least attempting to teach you some basic self defense. Though you were fairly sure it was just another reason to sneak off together. His teal painted armor was piled up nearly a couple feet away, leaving him in only his blacks from the waist up. Had it been five degrees hotter, he would have discarded those too. But, you were already distracted enough as it was.
Seeing that you still weren’t crazy over the idea of actually hitting him, he sighed bemusedly, not for the first time wondering how someone like him lucked out with someone like you. This time, he back up a bit and held up both of his palms, as if expecting two high-fives.
"How about this?"
Behind his held up hands, his eyes were soft, hopeful. Howzer had always been hard to say no to. You sighed, dropping back into stance. His grin stretched, "Good girl."
You tried not to let your face betray what affect those words had on you as you held your fists up the way he showed you. Without further deliberation, you struck as he had taught you.
Right, left, right, while keeping whichever hand wasn’t striking close to guard your face.
"Just like that. Do it again, harder." He instructed. As he had said, the solid contact did feel good- made you feel powerful even if Howzer didn’t budge. He grinned at your excited smile.
So, you did it again, hurling your fist harder, and then again. He had wrapped your knuckles earlier, doing it painstakingly slowly with enough suggestive eye contact that you had almost forgot about training, but now you were glad he did. Even with the extra layer, your hands and wrists already ached- a dull throbbing shooting up your bones. But his encouragement kept you going until you were sweating.
When he could tell your hits were getting softer and shakier, he took a step back on purpose. Being so in the zone, you didn’t realize until your fist missed its mark and you had no choice but to follow it’s momentum. Straight into Howzer’s chest.
The captain, of course, caught you easily, twisting you around so your back pressed to his chest. His larger arms were wrapped around your midsection, hips flush to yours as his breathe fanned over your neck, "Now break this hold, just like a showed you."
Unfortunately, he had shown you that move right after taking off his armor. You had been throughly distracted by his blacks instead of paying attention. But you had other ideas- he might be a soldier, but he was also a man.
"What if I don’t want to?" You whispered back, leaning into the hold instead of fighting against it. You felt Howzer stiffen behind you as he processed what you said.
"Oh. Oh."
He cleared his throat, his grip adjusting so it was less tactile and more… fitting for the situation. "In that case, we can move on to…"
In that moment, you seized the opportunity to drop to the ground, breaking away from him before he could register. When you rose from the dusty ground and flashed him a victorious smile, his face went from flushed to unamused understanding.
"That was a dirty move, honey." He scolded you, taking a step forward with a look on his face that you knew all too well. Your victorious smiled turned to a cheeky grin, knowing exactly what the darkening, predatory look in his eyes meant for you. You took a couple of timid steps back, feeling the familiar twist in your stomach as he matched your movement.
"All’s fair in love and war?"
On a flight reading through old stuff on my notes app, most things are unfinished but I wrapped them up so I could post parts of things at least. Sorry I don’t write fr anymore maybe one day 🫣
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coffeeandbatboys · 3 months
Right Here Waiting Part 2
Part 1
Pairings: Wolffe x Fem!Reader
Howzer, Gregor, Rex, Cody and Echo make an appearance too. Howzer picks out reader’s wedding dress because I feel like he’d be good at that.
Warnings: tears. Lots of tears, angst and a lot of fluff. Wolffe and reader are head over heels for each other. Wedding fluffies. No use of y/n.
Tagging @high-ct5555 who requested the original and @alegendoftomorrow who seemed interested
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Your hands are shaking as your heart thumps wildly in your chest.
The love of your life is on the other side of that wall and you've never been more scared to face him.
You're not afraid of him, at least. Rather, you’re afraid of the differences that will come because of the chips and order 66.
You flinch as the door to the makeshift medbay slides open…and there's Wolffe, looking so broken. Maker, what happened to your Commander?
“I uh…guess we should probably talk, huh?” He says, absentmindedly rubbing the bacta patch covering the surgical incision.
You nod. You want nothing more than to throw yourself into his embrace; but not yet. You both need answers.
After sitting down in the storage room, he recounts everything that happened after he left. The battle, the order, the general. He starts to break down a little at that point. You lean forward to take his hand in yours. Something clinks on the dainty chain around your neck and Wolffe's mismatched eyes go wide when he sees the two alloy bands that you never got to exchange. His face twists into an expression of guilt and grief.
“Oh kark. I know…I screwed up—” he starts.
“Wolffe-” You try to stop him but he keeps talking.
“What kind of di'kut proposes to his girlfriend and then doesn't come home to her for a year?”
You've had enough, as hot tears roll down your cheeks.
“One who never had a choice!” You cry, gripping his hand to emphasize. “Who would have been killed if he'd refused. Who came back to me because I told him to. And who gets a kriffing second chance because I still love him.” You punctuate the last statement by gingerly cupping his face in your hands. His own tears slide down and meet your palm.
His voice cracks and his lip quivers.
“Will you still have me, cyar’ika?”
You smile sadly.
“I will always have you, Wolffe.”
He surges forward to catch your lips, a hand tangling in your hair and gently tugging you closer.
You all but curl up in his lap and cry for hours. Later, when Rex finds the two of you sleeping—though uncomfortably—he smiles and knows better than to tell.
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“Do you think they'll like it?” Rex asks nervously as he checks the makeshift decorations for the hundredth time.
“Relax, vod.” Gregor laughs, setting down a simple white cake with the words ‘just married’ written in dark icing. “Anyone would think that it’s your wedding with the way you keep fussing over everything.”
Rex rolls his eyes. “Well excuse me for wanting to make my adoptive batchmate’s wedding as nice as possible while we’re all fugitives of the Empire!”
Cody and Echo snicker at Rex’s outburst when Howzer strides into the room, a smug smile on his face.
“The bride looks stunning. Turns out the dress fits perfectly.”
Wolffe is the last to enter the room. He looks nervous as he seeks out Rex, hands shaking uncontrollably.
“Rex.” He mutters under his breath, eyes wide.
Rex frowns and takes his brother by the shoulders. “Hey, easy vod.”
“Do I look okay?”
Rex smiles reassuringly. “You look great, Wolffe.”
Everyone’s attention turns to the opening door where you stand, aglow in your white dress with a bouquet of wildflowers in hand.
Wolffe lets out a shaky breath and manages a smile. He doesn't think he’s ever seen anything more beautiful in his life and he can’t wrap his head around the fact that you chose him.
The others take their seats while Rex stands with you and your soon to be husband.
Through the whole preamble, all you can focus on is Wolffe. He’s barely holding his emotions in check. You just know that as soon as he begins his vows, he’ll break.
And break, he does. Tears are flowing before he even gets three words in.
“Cyare. I don’t know how I got so lucky with you. You’ve made my life better in so many ways and now with these uncharted waters that we’re in, I’ll still have you. I promise to respect you, to always have your back, and support you in everything that we may face.” he squeezes your hands gently. “I love you so much.”
Tears prick at your eyes as you clear your throat. “Wolffe. How can I put into words the love I’ve found with you? Or the warmth that I have in your arms. Or the hope that I see in your eyes. I’m so, so thankful for the second chance that we have. I can’t begin to imagine what my life would be like without you. I promise that whatever happens, my heart belongs to you, as does my trust. I love you more than words can describe.”
At some point, both of you began crying your eyes out, wiping each others tears with shaky hands.
Cody hands you Wolffe’s ring, and Wolffe your ring. The last of the ceremony goes by in a blur and before you know it, you’re sharing your first kiss with Wolffe as husband and wife.
His calloused hands gently cradle your face as his lips claim yours in a sweet and reverent kiss. When it breaks, he pulls you into his chest with a shaky breath.
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. Ner kar’ta.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics and reblog banners by @dystopicjumpsuit
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months
Fandom Friday: The Fanfiction Edition
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to Part 2 of Fandom Friday.
In my previous post linked here, I had come up with the new idea of having separate entries each for fanart and fanfiction, so...as the natural continuation of this idea, here are all the fanfictions I would like to recommend to you for this week. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
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The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @vodika-vibes:
Republic Commando Fanfiction--By @wanderinginksplot-writes:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @jedi-princess-kestis:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @winniethewife:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @baddest-batchers:
Jedi: Fallen Order Fanfiction--By @januaryembrs:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @beskarandblasters:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good afternoon, and good luck.
The No Pressure Tag List: @musicalselaw @gun-roswell @callsign-denmark @melymigo @saphiranishimurashan
@theosb0rnway @hastalavistabyebye @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @vincili @tlmtwelve
@bbtechsimp @thatflatfrog @algo-o-nada @ankossss @tazmbc1
@yeehawgeek @tech-aficionado @exquisitesarcasm @korribanarchive @msknight10
@sharpasanaro @that-gay-jedi @badbatchposts @quietgingerfangirl @sunshinechildskywalker
@universitysunflowers @littlefeatherr @riverside-of-neverland @pastasmoothie @cyberscorch
@ilovemedia @cinnamonsugar-pretzel @brownielocks69 @here-comes-the-moose @skellymom
@lilithastar @maxims-multifandom-corner @serinzatravel-blog @rott1ngbra1n @snap-my-kneecaps and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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flyiingsly · 11 months
The Jedi and the Captain
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Square : Jedi
Pairing : Howzer x f!jedi!reader
Warnings : Violence, a lot of angst, mention of the Order 66, implied PTSD, reader being strangled, this one is really dark and not fun at all
Wordcount : 3,3K
Summary : After rescuing Howzer and his men from the Empire's ship, you decided to pay them a visit to make sure that they are fine. But when he realizes what you are, the clone Captain suddenly turns into an unexpected menace for you.
A/N : Here is my sixth submission for the @clonexreaderbingo ! Well, I’ve broke my own heart writing this, but I’m happy about how it turned out. Since the beginning I was thinking about giving this fic a sequel, I’ll probably figure it out after submitting all of my CFB’s works. So don’t hesitate to tell me if you’re interested in reading more about what will happen next between these two ! 😊
Disclaimer : I'm still struggling to understand English grammar properly, English is not my native language and even if I have proofread my writtings several times, there is probably still typos in it. I'm very self conscious about it and I apologize for it in advance, but I'm doing my best to do better and I'm actively working at improving my writting skills !
So if you spot a typo, feel free to point it to me so I can correct it, it will be much appreciated :)
After addressing your report about the mission to Rex, you came back to the hangar to check on the men you had just rescued. When you arrived, you could see from afar that Echo and Senator Chuchi were already here, talking to one of them.
She was an old friend of yours who you became close to during the War. You’ve reconnected with her since you had joined Rex’s resistance network with Echo, for she was still sitting at the Senate and sharing the same concern as you about the fate of the clones, and was willing to defend their cause.
The men were sat in a corner, their backs against some containers, talking with Gregor and sharing a comforting cup of caf. They were looking exhausted and distraught. They had probably spent months trapped in a prison cell and the mercy of the Empire, wondering what was going to happen to them. It broke your heart to think about it. You stay here, staring at them for a few seconds before a call pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, (y/n) !” you turn your head at Gregor’s voice, who has get up from the container he was sat on to come to meet you, “Come here, we need to introduce you properly to our guests !”
You headed toward him, and as you get closer, you noticed that the man who the Senator was talking to was a familiar face. You had seen thousands and thousands of clones while fighting among them for the Republic, thousands and thousands of men sharing the same face, but you had always been able to tell them apart. Even without specifics tattoos or marks on their armor, they all had a unique force signature that helped you recognize each one of them. But him, despite his peculiar force signature, was easily identifiable by his haircut and scar on his left cheek.
“Captain, this is (y/n), one of Rex’s most valuable agent ! (y/n), I present to you Captain Howzer !” Gregor exclaims.
“Sir !” you saluted him respectfully, “I’m glad we finally have you and your men here all safe and sound, Sir.”
Of course, he was familiar … You had met him on Ryloth before, on another rescue mission that wasn’t supposed to be a rescue mission in the first place. Things didn’t go as planned this day, as often with the Batch, but neither you nor the other could resigned to let a child alone and frightened, desperately needing her parents back. You made the right choice that day, but unfortunately, your actions were the reason that led Howzer and his men to get arrested and imprisoned by the Empire. You were mostly responsible of their situation, and you knew it.
“Thank you so much for rescuing us” he lets out, looking at both Echo and you, “we owe you our lives, we’ll probably be dead by now if you hadn’t found us …”
Those profounds dark brown pupils were easily recognizable. You recalled coming across them right before you could escape from the Empire's prison. You had your helmet on, so he probably didn’t realize that you were looking at him right in the eyes back then, but still, you were.
It was at that moment that he decided to not stop you from escaping with prisoners. That moment he finally understood that what had been done with the Syndulla family wasn’t right, that it wasn’t what he was supposed to be here and to fight for. It was the very precise moment when he decided to regain his free will and step up against the Empire for the sake of what he used to believe in. His eyes were so clouded and solemn, they seemed to carry so much weight, so much guilt. He must have already understood what was coming for him after that.
You couldn’t help but replay those memories when his gaze met yours again. Except that this time, he could see your face.
“Actually, we already met each other before …” Echo speaks carefully, causing the Captain to look at him with curiosity, “On Ryloth.”
The connection was made pretty quickly in his head.
“Indeed, now that you say it”, he replies thoughtfully, “how could I forget, you were one of those who freed Sham Syndulla …”
You instantly started to feel bad about it, and you could tell that Echo was embarrassed too. Howzer noticed it, for he gave him a kind and reassuring smile.
“I know what you think about, but it’s okay, don’t worry. You had taken the right decision and choose the right path, something I should have done long before too … I was skeptical about the Empire methods for some time to be honest, but crossing your road definitely made me open my eyes … It was some hard times for all of us for sure, but it had to be done …”
He seemed lost in thought for a few moments, taking his time to process the situation. A strange silence fell over the fifth of you. Memories from Ryloth were still washing over your mind, not only from the last time you went there, but from your previous missions on the planet during the Clone Wars as well. Every of your missions with the Batch reminded you of another previous one from back in the days, and you couldn’t help it.
Then, suddenly, you started to feel something strange, some sort of great disturbance in the Force that you couldn’t explain. Something was wrong.
Like if some serious realization had just hit him, his glance landed on you, and he started to insistently staring at you, examining you meticulously. His brows furrowed, and he seemed surprised and confused.
“Wait, you were on Ryloth too, right ? I’ve recognized your armor, and your voice …” his words break the silence as his eyes locked with yours again, but more intensively than before.
“Yes, I was …” you answer hesitantly.
You could feel that something was off with him, something had abruptly changed in the way he was looking at you.
“But you’re not a clone …”
Your entire body began to tense as you could guess what words were coming next. You knew, by the way his eyes were starting to shimmer, that he will soon be coming at a conclusion about what you are. A shiver ran through your spine, his eyes had become darker, and his glare was piercing through you like arrows. He wasn’t himself anymore. You flinched, trying to anticipate his next move, hands ready to defend yourself.
“… I saw what you did earlier, when we were escaping the ship …”
He took a step toward you.
You started to internally panic, you could swear that his body was starting to shake. Echo and Gregor became tensed too, and you caught an expression of incomprehensibility and concern growing on the Senator’s face.  
Everyone around knew that him and his men still had their chips on. You were frightened. Since the incident with Wrecker on Bracca, no other clone had tried to attack you, even when they still had their chips on. You and Rex had started to think that maybe their effects were declining over time, and that maybe they weren’t really functioning anymore.
Rex had managed to come back to the junkyard planet to collect the scanner and surgical instruments from the abandoned medbay, so he’ll be able to free his men and recues from this awful burden, just in case it could still be active in some way. But even before the extraction, none of them had ever been violent or menacing toward you. You used to feel safe around them.
But right now, all you wanted to do was disappear, to step backward, to turn back and run away from that situation that seemed doomed to end badly. But you couldn’t move any of your limbs, you were completely petrified. Your heartbeat accelerated, and your breath became more ragged.
“… I know what you are …” he whispers aggressively.
He took another step toward you, silent. He was now just inches from your face, still looking at you right in the eyes. He was so close, he was so handsome. You had saw that face so many times that you knew every detail of it, but you still found it as attractive as the first encounter. It was like staring at every one of those you had loved, then lost. It was heart wrenching and beautiful at the same time.
“Howser, please, calm down …” you hear Gregor says as calmly as possible, but nervousness was still palpable in his intonation.
“It’s ok, don’t worry, I got this” you cut him with the same calm, trying to keep your own voice from stuttering.
Nobody around seemed able to move neither. Everyone seemed like crushed under the weight of the tension. You saw Gregor’s hand slowly reaching for his blaster at the corner of your eye, and Echo gesturing to the Senator to stay behind him. No, you thought, you didn’t want anyone else to get involved into this, you didn’t want more injuries, more suffering, more panic, you just wanted everyone to be safe in this place, like it had always been.
You wanted to escape, but you were too mesmerized by those eyes, and still tetanized by fear. You had already seen that expression before, that look of pure hate and anger, how could you forget … Flashbacks came back to your mind. Flashbacks from the moment when everything changed, flashbacks of the incomprehension, flashbacks of the terror and despair, flashbacks of the Order.
“You shouldn’t even still be alive, you’re a traitor !”
You felt his breaking point becoming closer as his body prepared to take his final step toward you, and then, in a flash, he was on you, reaching for your neck with both of his hands.
“No !” Echo screams, jumping toward you, while Gregor had grabbed his blaster, pointing it at Howzer.
No, you thought again, no more suffering, no more fight, no more brothers hurting each other, not again. What happened with Wrecker was still vivid in your mind, and you didn’t want to go through that again. It was between you and him now.
You pushed them back and disarmed Gregor with the force, keeping Howzer out of their reach, preventing anyone to get injured. His hands were like ferocious claws around your soft skin, squeezing it with all of his strength.
You didn’t even try to fight him, but placed your hands on both sides of his head, which he didn’t seemed to notice in his rage. You were suffocating, but did your best to remain focused. You always had that special ability to ease people’s minds when they were troubled, to influence and calm their emotions. It was a real gift on battlefields to soothe panicking injured soldiers. You wanted to use it on Wrecker, but you didn’t get the chance to, for he was too strong and impossible to control, you couldn’t get close enough from him. You had no idea if it was going to work, but you had to, at least, try.
You kept your eyes planted in his, energy flowing through the palms of your hands. You were absolutely frightened. You could feel the beating of your heart ringing through your ears. It was so loud you barely heard Echo yelling your name. Your vision started to blur and your limbs started to feel numb, your whole body was feeling weak and fragile.
This is it, you though, this is how it’s going to end, by the hands of one of those you considered as your family, trying to make him regain his mind. You instinctively gasp for oxygen, but it was pointless. You felt lost, and on the edge of fainting, but in a last rush of adrenaline, with a pleading look and what was left of air in your lungs, you managed to find enough strength to breath out a couple of last words.
“Please … You … don’t have to … follow orders anymore … you … are free now …”
To hear your voice again, even barely audible, worked like an electroshock on him. You saw the exact moment when his mind switched back to reality. You caught a flicker in his pupils, the light coming back to scare away the darkness.
You felt his sudden realization of what he had just done, and you heart broke when you noticed the tears slowly forming in his eyes. His grip around your neck slowly loosened up, allowing you to finally take a deep live-saving breath before collapsing on the ground, coughing and shaking, your legs unable to support you anymore.
“What have I done ?  I’m sorry ! I’m so sorry !” he screams, before falling to his knees right in front of you, sobbing uncontrollably.
Without even thinking about it, you were picking yourself up from the cold concrete to get closer to him, pulling him in a tight and comforting embrace, as Echo and Gregor were hurrying toward you, an alarmed expression on their faces.
“(y/n) ! Are you okay ?” the Arc Trooper asks you, in a complete state of panic.
“It’s ok, I’m ok …” you answered, giving him a nod and a reassuring look to let him know that you had the situation under control now. He immediately understood and stopped in his tracks, keeping Gregor from getting closer.
“I’m a monster …” you hear Howzer mutters between his clenched teeth. You felt so bad for him that you could barely retain your own tears anymore.
“Don’t say that, please” you whisper, trying to calm him down as violent shivers were washing over his body, and trying to prevent your voice from breaking, “it’s not your fault.”
He didn’t answered, unable to speak anymore. You were only wearing the bottom of your armor, and he had grabbed your shoulders by sliding his arms under yours, and was holding on to them so firmly that you thought that his fingers were going to pass through the fabric of your blacks.
There was a moment of hesitation when nobody in the hangar was moving or talking, not knowing what to do, stunned by what they had just witnessed. All you could catch was Senator Chuchi leaving the hangar, escorted by Pantoran guards, a devastated expression on her face, and a glimpse of Gregor and Echo’s muffled conversation.
“We need to bring him to the operating room, he needs to have his chip removed as soon as possible, he’s a danger …” Gregor lets out with concern in his voice.
“Can we at least let him a few moment to calm down ? He looks traumatized, he probably has no idea of what had just happened to him, we’ll need to explain it to him, but right now he’s not ready at all.”
A few second of silence passed over them, then the commando finally answered.
“You’re right, we’re gonna bring him to see a medic first, he’ll probably need a few sedatives after that ...”
A lump grew in your throat as you heard their steps coming toward you.
“(y/n) ?”
You raised your head to look at them, Echo’s gaze was heavy on you.
“You need to let him go, we’re gonna take him to the dispensary.”
“I know, just let us a few more seconds, please.”
He nodded, then turned his head toward two clones standing nearby, gesturing to them to come closer.
“Hey”, you whisper to Howzer, pulling him off of you softly so you can see his face. He looked at you with watery eyes and a desperate look, still attached to your shoulders as you settled your hands on his, gently stroking them.
“I know you’re frightened and confused, but you’re gonna be ok, we’re going to help you, I promise. You’re gonna be taken to the medbay, you need to be examinate, the medics will explain to you what had just happened and why it happened. But don’t be afraid, nobody will judge you for that, it wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m so sorry General …” he breathes out with a trembling voice. You could feel that he was starting to calm down as his hands slowly untightened from your shoulders and fell on his lap.
“You don’t have to, Captain, I’m not mad at you, and I don’t blame you for anything, I just want you to feel better, and you will, right ?”
“Right, General, thank you.”
“Let’s go then.”
You get up on your feet, offering him your hand to help him stand up. He took it, but he lost his balance, and you had to catch him to prevent him from falling back on the ground. He seemed exhausted, and soon, one of the men that Echo had previously called took your place to help support him.
“We need to go, Captain, I’ll come with you.” Gregor tells him.
“Yes sir …” he murmurs, before looking back at you, “General, will I … Will I see you again ?”
His voice was low and hesitant, like if he was ashamed of what he was asking, and afraid of the answer, but desperately needed to know at the same time. You weren’t expecting that, and it make your heart skipped a beat.
“Of course, as soon as the medics will allow me to visit you, don’t worry about that.” You answered with a soft smile.
“Thanks General.”
Then the two clones led him out of the hangar, closely followed by Gregor, who gave you another concerned look. You answered with a nod, meaning that you were fine, and keep watching them until they were out of sight. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even noticed Echo getting closer and nearly jumped when his hand settled on your shoulder.
“Sorry, I didn’t meant to scare you, are you okay ? You’re shaking …” he asks worryingly.
It took you a moment to be able to answer, you were still in shock and processing what had just happened. You absent mindlessly bring your hand to your throat, rubbing it to get rid of the persistent feeling of being strangled, eyes still riveted on the hangar door.
“Yeah, I think that I am, I’m just … I’m just worried about him … It’s the first time that this kind of thing happen since we’ve started the rescues. I was so sure that the effects of the chips had faded, I wasn’t expecting … That.”
“I know, none of us really were, I think … But don’t worry, he’ll be fine once his chip will be gone. He’s going to have a hard time accepting what he did, but I’m sure you’ll find the right words to help him. But for now you need to rest, our last mission was difficult and you need to take some time to recover, don’t you think ?”
You finally looked at him, meeting his gaze. He was sincerely worried about you, and you knew that the said last mission had exhausted him as much as you.
“Yeah, you’re right, and I think that you need some rest too.”
“I can’t deny it … I think that we both deserve a good nap now.” he chuckles.
You smiled at him, you were so glad to have him around in these hard times.
“We do, but I’ll take a shower first !”
As you were both heading toward your quarters, you couldn’t help but keep thinking about the desperate look Howzer gave you while being carried away, and you promised to yourself that you’ll be by his side when he’ll woke up from his surgery.
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knightprincess · 4 months
Scars (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader) Part 5
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Warning: Brotherly teasing, denial, drunken jokes Words: 2.2k Pronouns Used: She/Her - Use of Y/N A/N - I apologize for the long wait. I've been dealing with some mental health issues lately.
“What’s got your blaster in a twist?” commented Fox, his words directed to Wolffe across the booth from him. The gathering at 79’s was supposed to offer time to unwind and relax away from the responsibilities so many have thrust upon their shoulders. Yet still Wolffe had been distracted more than normal, so much so the commander of the 104th had zoned out several times, each time a blank look had appeared across his scarred face as he stared aimlessly off into space.
Fox’s words only served to draw attention to Wolffe. Those in the booth with them seemingly forgot their previous conversation and laughter, only to become curious about Wolffe and where his mind had wandered off to. Perhaps it was another flashback haunting him again, or maybe one of the many patrons of the club had gained his attention.
“Huh?” replied Wolffe, his mind allowing him to return to the present, only to be greeted with expressions of concern and curiosity. Rex and Gregor, on either side of him, had a mixture of both, while Fox seemed to be trying to hold back in amusement despite the smile that betrayed him. Thorn and Howzer appeared far more curious than anything as if they silently questioned what had gotten to Wolffe. After all, it wasn’t every day the battle-tested commander got distracted. Cody seemed concerned but knew eventually Wolffe would open up. After all, Wolffe wasn’t the type to keep quiet when something bothered him.
“Oh, I get it,” chuckled Fox, recalling the recent rants the Commander of the 104th had put him through. All of them centered around the Night Sister, who had risked her life to save his. “She’s really got under your skin hasn’t she,” added the Marshall Commander, recalling the few times Wolffe had allowed the nickname he’d bestowed her with to slip through. “(Y/N) Black.”
“The Night Sister?” questioned Cody, raising an eyebrow as he displayed his curiosity and shock. Wolffe hadn’t been quiet when it came to his almost hatred of the Night Sister clans, especially Ventress. So it had come as a shock to learn the battle-tested Commander would become so distracted by another, all be it one far kinder.
“Aye, she’s not so bad. Kept us Commandoes on our toes as of late. The new ones seemed to like her,” commented Gregor, a ring of laughter following his words. Her reputation of disregarding orders had proceeded her, as had her care for those under her command. Whereas the Commandoes had opted to ignore the Jedi Council and Senate before, they seemed more than happy to fall into line when it came to (Y/N). Maybe it was her effort to know them each as individuals that had done it, or perhaps her history with Jango Fett, the man who’d personally trained the majority of Commandoes.
“For what it’s worth, Wolffie, I hear she gets under the skin of others too,” voiced Howzer, recalling hearing Windu complain about her before. Wolffe’s only response was to growl, more than likely over the take on his name. Howzer responded by holding up his hands as if to surrender at least before reaching to grab his neon-colored drink from the sticky booth table.
“General Skywalker talks about her rather fondly; he mentioned the battle droids reminded him of her the other day,” spoke Rex, a chuckle escaping him as he remembered the comment and his subsequent confusion. Ahsoka had prodded her master to explain mere seconds later. To which Anakin had responded the sassiness of the B1 battle droids reminded him of (Y/N) growing up.
“That’s an odd comparison,” began Thorn, his brows sowing together as he tried to imagine what the Jedi Knight was like. There were so many Jedi coming and going it was difficult to tell them apart sometimes—especially the masters who all seemed to blend together with the emotionless beliefs and often lack of compassion for those outside the order. “But also one that sparks so much interest. Please do tell us more,” he added, reaching for his own blueberry drink and sipping it as he waited for more detail.
“Sarcastic and cleverly disguised insults,” called Wolffe before Rex had a chance to respond. Again, he was met with inquisitive expressions, as if those surrounding him were surprised he knew anything about the Jedi even when she’d been a constant figure on his mind since the cavern incident. “General Plo said her lack of subtlety was one of his greatest failures.”
“Ah, so that’s how you know so much about her,” laughed Cody, as if it suddenly hit him. Wolffe knew so much about the mysterious Night Sister because Plo had been her Jedi Master. The same way Cody himself knew so much about General Skywalker. “Wait, What are you doing?” questioned the Commander of the 212th, noticing Gregor pull out his communicator, a wicked grin of mischief spreading across his lips.
“Sending a message to my Commanding Jedi, of course,” chuckled Gregor, seeing the horror pass over Wolffe’s features before being replaced with a neutral expression. “I’m curious if she knows the effect she has on Commander Growls here,” he added, quickly pulling away when Wolffe reached to snatch the communication away. The two soon ended up in a scuffle for the device. Cody ended it by taking hold of it and throwing it somewhere behind him, a satisfied grin appearing seconds later.
“Quit it, you two, before I have to arrest you,” warned Fox, sighing at the thought of the paperwork that would go along with it. Not to mention the continued dispute between the pair as they spent the night in a shared detention cell.
“Honestly, I would pay to see that,” worded Howzer, if only to see the chaos that would cause, especially with the latest revelations. “At least Wolffe would get to see his Night Sister again,” he laughed, knowing the arrest would result in (Y/N) having to retrieve Gregor from detention now.
“She’s not my Night Sister,” growled Wolffe as he questioned why the comment seemed to repeat—First Warthog, now Howzer. There was nothing between him and said Jedi Knight; there couldn’t be; it was forbidden from both sides. She was a Jedi, a Knight of the Order, and he was a clone who had no rights as a living being; he was created for one purpose: war. Outside of that, he was just another clone, a product for someone else to decide the future of.
“You sure about that?” asked Thorn, noticing how agitated Wolffe got when it came to her. “Your actions a few days back say otherwise,” he replied, recalling the cryptographer who’d been rather crude with his comments towards several women apart of the Jedi Order. Many Clones had told him to shut up, and others had been tempted to do something, but it had been Wolffe who had roughly grabbed the civvi by the collar of his shirt. The words he spoke had been indecipherable.
“Would you have acted any differently?” replied Wolffe, seemingly calmer now. Sure, the comment about the Night Sister had broken the camel’s back, but all the crude comments about the women had got to him. “We clones are treated like products. We know how it feels to be objectified. I’d rather not listen to a brainless nerf herder objectifies women like their kriffing sex toys.”
“Honestly, I would have thrown the guy from the tallest skyscraper and classified it as an accident,” replied Fox, “Or an accidental weapon discharge,” he added, knowing there were more creative ways but also commending Wolffe on holding back as he’d done even more so when anyone else would have taken the opportunity to “teach” the civvi a lesson in respect.
“You’d do that for a certain senator too,” commented Thorn, knowing the not-so-secret secret love affair Fox had found himself in. Despite clones being forbidden, the basics most got the chance to experience didn’t stop many from wanting and desiring those very experiences. “You both have a rare opportunity. Grab it with both hands, and don’t let go. If you don’t, then you’ll live to regret it,” the Commander of the Coruscant Guard said. Opting to encourage his brothers to take a leap into the unknown, to grab the chance at something even if it was technically forbidden.
“Its forbid..” started Cody
“General Kenobi,” replied Fox just as quickly. Being greeted with Cody paling slightly and Rex’s loud bout of laughter.
“Told you it was obvious,” commented Rex, not failing to take the opportunity to say I told you so.
“I’ll be damned, Commander Cody, lost for words,” began Gregor in a teasing manner, his bronze eyes alight with mischief once more. “Has the galaxy gone mad, or is it just me?”
“Just you, old friend,” replied Wolffe, smacking a hand across the back of Gregor’s armored shoulder as both broke down into a round of chuckles. Chuckles and amusement were soon silenced by the appearance of (Y/N) Black, the Night Sister who’d been a previous subject of conversation.
“General,” greeted Howzer, the closest to the booth edge.
“Awkward,” commented Gregor, realizing his playful teasing had led to the visit. “The com must have connected,” he added, seeing the horror once again pass over the features of Wolffe and now Cody, who’d mindlessly thrown the communicator away.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it sounded like Gregor got into a scuffle when he called. Just wanted to ensure he was alright,” explained (Y/N), concern alight in her eyes, although relief soon flooded them upon realizing the captain in question was drunk but otherwise unharmed.
“Ha, I’m fine, General, just a brotherly dispute,” nervously responded Gregor, rubbing the back of his neck as the heat began to rise from the collar of his armor. “Cody ended it by throwing the communicator somewhere,” added the Commando, trying to explain without throwing Wolffe under the bus, even when the odds were against said Commander. (Y/N) likely already sensed his conflicted feelings and the tension he so often had when around her.
With a small nod (Y/N) accepted the answer, using her ability with the force to retrieve the lost communicator before returning it to his own. After a polite goodbye and a comment to have fun, the group of men were left to their own business again. Although it appeared now the fun had left with (Y/N).
“General Kenobi, huh,” started Howzer, turning his attention to Cody with an eyebrow raised and a smirk painting across his lips. “Here, I thought you would want a challenge. Perhaps Quinlan Vos,” he added with a chuckle passing his lips. Fox almost spat out his drink as he tried his hardest to hold back the comment threatening to slip.
“Nah, Quinlan Vos is more or less in the same boat as Wolffe; he prefers the Night Sisters,” laughter Thorn as if he could read Fox’s mind. The comment only served to draw laughter out of the others, with the exception of Wolffe and Cody. One merely rolled their golden eyes, and the other tried to hide their reddened cheeks.
“While we’re on the subject of wishful thinking. Rexy, who’s your mystery companion?” asked Howzer, ignoring the confusion to paint on Rex’s features, as if the captain was silently conveying he had no idea what Howzer referred to.
“Forget that. Cody has competition. The Dutchess of Mandalore,” spoke Thorn, recalling being on escort duty for the politician in question. The unmistakable affection flooding her voice when General Kenobi was mentioned at least gave hints there was a long history between the two. “She seems quite fond of him. Maybe the OG member of the Obi-Wan fan club.”
“Yeah, but that’s like saying Wolffe has competition,” stated Rex, ignoring the growls emanating from his left.
“He does,” worded Gregor from the opposite side of Wolffe, noticing the table go silent and feeling the heat of Wolffe’s glare burn into the side of his head. “The sergeant of the new unit. Hunter, I think his name is. He acts like Bly does with General Secura,” he added, “Close enough to be attached.”
“There’s no competition,” hissed Wolffe, once again denying there was anything there and reaffirming his stance. (Y/N) although beautiful was a Night Sister, a child of Dathomir, and a Jedi. There couldn’t be anything between them, not only was it forbidden, he refused to allow himself to fall for the enemy.
“Denial is more than just a river, brother,” spoke Cody, as if suggesting he, too, was floating down the otherworldly river. “We’re all floating down it at some point, even if it’s just wishful thinking.”
“I’m not in denial,” snapped Wolffe as anger began to take hold. “She’s a Child of Dathomir. Her kindness doesn’t change the fact she’s my enemy. Nothing will. Atop of that, I’m just a clone, a commander she took pity on,” ranted the commander of the 104th, reaching his limit with the teasing for the night. However, his words sounded more like he was scolding himself, rather than those in his company. Despite his denial, he couldn’t help but notice his own change in stance since she saved him, risked her own life to do so, and never asked for anything in return. Since then, she hadn’t pushed him or done anything to aggravate him further.
In fact, they’d only spoken once when Wolffe had confronted her about saving his life. Her words still rang through his mind, often sparking prangs of guilt, even more so after he’d practically scolded her as if she was a misbehaving child. I’m fine with you hating me, Commander. At least you're alive to do it.
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monako-jinn-stories · 2 years
Captain Howzer X Fem! Reader FanFic
Rebels on the Run
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Chapter Two
Chapter One
Ryloth is less than ideal of a place to be stranded, but you don’t exactly have any way off the planet. Your starfighter was destroyed when the men of your battalion fired at you, and ever since you narrowly escaped with your life, you’ve been hiding in the wild of the planet. That’s not to say you haven’t gone to the cities every so often, but you wore layers of cover when you did. Not only do you stick out as a human, you don’t want to be recognized as a Jedi.
It’s been months of hiding, and there’s been no variation in your weeks. Each day starts the same; scouting the perimeter of wherever you’re currently hiding before settling back down to make your meager breakfast. Certain days involve different activities after breakfast.
Primeday is when you would clean up your area, making sure everything is washed and put away, or neatly placed out of the way. Centaxday is when you go to the nearest city for food. Taungsday, you head to the farthest city for other supplies, like toiletries. Zhellday you sneak over to your lookout near the imperial base, spending the day listening in on what you can and observing the work of the empire. Benduday is when you allow yourself to relax, as much as possible given your state of being a fugitive. 
There was one recent Zhellday where some very interesting events went down. First, what appeared to be a batch of rogue clones attacked the imperial refinery, and then a guard was sent to guard Lessu. Imperial forces were deployed from the Capitol building, but another squad had set up a trap at one of the Capitol’s exits, seemingly for the rogue batch of clones. After some happenings inside of the building, one lone clone exited and stated his defiance to the Empire. Then, he was arrested and escorted inside the Capitol building.
Once you’d been sure that nothing else interesting or important was going to happen, you’d decided to head back to your current hiding spot. As you had walked, you’d thought about the events you’d witnessed and how it might change things for you. If there were insurgencies within the Empire, then perhaps you could get to some people who would help you escape without asking too many questions. Not that you could ever trust a clone trooper, not after what happened with your own. 
You can still remember the feeling of panic as your starfighter was shot down, the voices of your beloved friends ordering your death. And then the sound of your commander ordering his brothers to take his life, afterwards.
“Commander Sans, General Jinn’s ship has been shot down. It crashed and exploded on impact. There is no way that she could have survived,” Captain Hex had said over the comms, not knowing that you had in fact survived and could still hear.
“Our job is done then,” Sans replied. “Except, I have one more order for you and Major Steele.”
“Yes, sir. What is it, sir?” Steele asked.
“I have done what I was ordered to do, but I do not wish to live in a world without y/n. I know she was a traitor, yet my heart continues to betray me. My love for her will never overcome any other feeling I feel towards her. I could never hate her, and because of that, I will only ever hate myself for continuing to love her after taking her life.”
“What are you saying, sir?”
“I need you and Captain Hex to kill me.” The words had left Sans so effortlessly, almost matter-of-factly, as if this should have been the most obvious request.
“Sir?” Hex said, stepping closer to him. “I will not kill you, Sans.”
“Hex,” Sans said, and you heard his feet shuffle as he turned to face him, “I am ordering you and Steele to kill me. Shoot me and take my life, for I cannot live in this galaxy without y/n.”
“But Sans-”
“No, Steele. There is no argument. If you will not kill me, then I will take my own life.”
A silence followed these words, and you could only assume Hex and Steele had exchanged glances, a silent conversation playing between the two.
“Alright, Commander,” Hex said, “but we’re coming with you.”
“Then I will be waiting to march on with you,” Sans said before a brief silence followed by two blasters firing, and then both of those blasters firing again. And then endless silence on the comms. 
You still feel guilt for not saying something, for not revealing that you had survived. But you couldn’t, because you would have been hunted down and killed. As much as you wanted more than anything to save their lives, you knew, in the end, it would have only delayed the inevitable. And you perhaps might have condemned Sans to killing you as you faced him, which you’d much rather him not have to bear the weight of. The only consolation is knowing that Sans, Hex, Steele, Aid, Tie, and Bomber are now all together again.
A week had passed, and you’d returned to the imperial base. It had been busier, and you could only assume it was because of the defiant clone and the rogue clones. You had heard whispers in the cities that General Cham Syndulla and his wife Eleni, along with their daughter, had been rescued and taken off planet by the rogue clones. A bitter feeling flooded through you as you’d heard the news. Of course you weren’t lucky enough to also be saved by them. It’s what you get for remaining hidden in the shadows.
As you had watched, your mind kept drifting back to think about the defiant clone and the few followers he had raised. You wondered what the likelihood of him still being on planet is, and the likelihood of you being able to help-
No, you’d told yourself before you could finish the thought, you are not going to risk your life for a clone that will just end up killing you or betraying you.
And yet, a few weeks later, you weren’t given much of a choice in the matter.
It’s earlier than normal when you wake up today, and your body is rigid with tension. Something feels off, it’s what had awoken you early, and you can’t tell whether it’s danger or just cautionary. You don’t give yourself much time to debate it. You crawl out of your make-shift bed, which is in reality just a slab of stone, and put your bounty hunter mask on before grabbing your blaster and heading close to the entrance of your hiding spot. You keep hidden while you listen to their steps, trying to sense their location through the force. They seem to be curious about whether or not this area could provide shelter. 
“Huh, I wonder how easy it would be to carve out a living space in this rock,” the person says, and his voice sends a chill down your spine. “No doubt that it would be hard to find me out here.” Your grip on your blaster tightens, sensing him continuing to look around, getting closer to you. “That’s weird,” he mutters, and you can tell from his force signature that he’s found your secret path, the one that leads directly to your entrance. His footsteps echo down the short, hollowed out corridor, and you let out a steadying breath before you make your move.
In an instant, your blaster muzzle is pressing into the side of the clone trooper’s head, and he’s frozen in place, his hands up in surrender. A silence fills the room, and you fight every instinct that tells you to shoot him now, taking away his chance to shoot you.
“You’ve wandered a long way from your little imperial base,” you say, “what led you all the way out here?”
“I’m wanted by the Empire. I’m trying to escape the planet and join the clones who are rebelling.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Look at me,” he says, beginning to move his hand to gesture at himself. You grab his wrist, fearing him possibly reaching for his blaster. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. Besides, I have no reason to hide anything. If you just look at me, you’ll see proof that the Empire was holding me in prison and was trying to torture information from me.”
“Anyone might have tortured you. For all I know, you’re trying to make your way back to the Empire.”
“How can I prove to you that I’m being honest?” You think for a second, trying to decide what could possibly reveal to you that he’s not lying. There is one way, but it’s risky, especially given that he is a clone, but you take the risk anyway.
“Say it again.”
“Say what again? That I’m being honest?”
“No, your claim about fleeing the Empire.” Your grip tightens slightly on him, and your fingers wrap around to feel his pulse. 
“I’m wanted by the Empire. I’m trying to escape the planet and join the clones who are rebelling.” You close your eyes as he speaks and sense his words. Unsurprisingly, he’s telling the truth. You knew his voice had been eerily similar to the defiant clone, and this is all but a direct confirmation of his identity.
“I believe you,” you reply after a minute. You let go of his hand and lower your blaster, motioning for him to sit on your make-shift chair while you sit across from him on your make-shift bed.
“If I may ask,” he says, “how did you know you could trust me just by holding my wrist?”
“When people lie, their heart rate typically spikes. I felt your pulse, and it remained steady.” It isn’t exactly false, but it’s not quite the method you had used. But you also aren’t going to outright admit that you’re a Jedi when he could still kill you.
“Ah, I see,” he says, his hand subconsciously rubbing his other wrist. “Now I guess it’s my turn to ask who you are.”
“None of your business,” you reply simply, and he looks at you silently for a second before nodding.
“I understand you might not trust me completely-”
“The only thing I trust about you,” you begin, cutting him off, “is what you told me about your condition with the Empire.”
“I guess that’s fair,” he replies. “But, I can promise you that I’m not a threat.”
“Not a threat to who?”
“You. Anyone. Well, anyone except the Empire.”
“You’re a clone trooper.”
“You’re a threat to the Jedi. You’re a threat to citizens who do not want to align with the Empire, even if you’re not with them anymore. People will still see you and fear occupation.”
“The Jedi have all been wiped out,” he responds, “and it is not the clones that forced the occupation, it’s the imperials that order us around.”
“But they’re the sign of occupation, are they not?”
“I mean…I guess.”
“And how can you be certain all the Jedi have died? I’ve heard quite a few rumors about some surviving and in hiding.”
“Well, those are just rumors,” he counters.
“But if you knew there was a Jedi nearby, you’d kill them, right?”
“I-” he begins, but then his face scrunches in thought, almost as if he’s in pain. His hand goes up to his head, but then he shakes it, clearing his throat before looking back up. “Part of me believes that it is my duty to make sure all the Jedi are dead, but the other part of me believes that the Empire lied in order to take control.”
“How come you aren’t convinced of this like you’re convinced that the Empire is wrong?”
“Well…I don’t know,” he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s almost like…it’s natural for me to think the Jedi deserve to die.”
“But you fought alongside them for years, did you not?”
“Yes, I did.”
“And did they ever show signs of betrayal then?”
“So what makes you believe that they might have betrayed the Republic?”
“I…don’t know. Like I said, it just feels natural.”
“But there’s no evidence to support this natural feeling?”
“No, there’s not.”
“Then perhaps there is no reason to believe they betrayed the Republic. Perhaps the Empire lied about it.”
“Is that what you believe?”
“Yes,” you say simply. “From the moment he became Supreme Chancellor, I have never trusted Palpatine. Everything he said was always too vague, too…interpretive. I believe that he’s always been up to no good, and never truly liked the Jedi.”
“I guess that does explain some things that he did and said,” the clone responds. “I’m willing to change my opinion on the Jedi if I’m shown that they did not betray the Republic.”
“I’m afraid there is no concrete way to prove this. There is no evidence that the Empire betrayed the Jedi. All you can really do is take the word of those who knew and were close to Jedi.”
“Did you know a Jedi?”
“Yes…I did,” you reply. “He was like a father to me. He cared for me in ways that no one else ever had. And he always had the best interests of others on his mind. Especially my best interests. He taught me how to be the person I am today, how to treat and care for others, while always looking out for myself as well.”
“He sounds very important to you.”
“He was. And he never would have betrayed the Republic. He loved the men under his command as a father loves their sons. And the other Jedi that he introduced me to had equal love for their men. They were all pure of heart and just wanted to help others.”
“I see. I’m sorry that you lost so many people, especially the one who was like a father to you. What was his name? I might have fought under his command.”
You hesitate, not knowing whether or not revealing his name could reveal your own identity, but you decide to take the chance, because you hadn’t spoken his name since his death, other than in screams of despair and nightmares. “His name was Codo Daawa.”
“Codo Daawa? General Daawa?” the words are almost sad, regretful even. “He was a very kind person. I did fight under his command a few times. I looked up to him and how he always looked out for us and protected us. I’m sorry, again, for your loss.”
“Thank you,” you reply quietly. A few minutes of silence pass between the two of you, both of you in your own minds. You are again thinking about the feeling that you’d had when Codo had died, how you instantly felt a difference in the force. You’d known without a doubt that he was next to you, but within the force, and he wanted more than anything to comfort you, though it was impossible. 
“My name is Howzer, by the way,” he says, breaking the silence. “Formerly Captain Howzer, in case General Daawa ever mentioned me.”
“No, he didn’t,” you reply, and he nods understandingly.
“And your name?”
You bite your lip under your mask, a new wave of panic taking over. Do you dare reveal your real name? What are the chances that he knows who you are? Even if he’s heard of you, would he immediately assume you’re the same person as General Jinn?
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” he adds as you remain quiet, “I understand you still don’t trust me.”
“It’s better for both of our safety if you don’t know.”
“I see.”
“But,” you say, clenching your hands in your lap, “I won’t get anywhere in life if I never trust again.” He looks at you curiously, patiently waiting for you to continue with where you’re going. You let out a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You lift your head to gaze at him through your mask. And after closing your eyes and preparing for the worst, you open your mouth to speak.
“My name is y/n. Y/n Jinn.”
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(7DS) Diane x F!Reader
Guide: F/n - first name
L/n - last name
H/c - hair color
Your name is (f/n) (l/n), and you fell for a giant. Not just any giant, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Diane the Serpent Sin of Envy...and you hated it. She was friendly with you of course, but you hadn't been able to pick up on any feelings towards you from her. 
You were a citizen of Liones, and had lost your family during the war Hendrickson created, that the Sins stopped. It hurt still, since it was just a few days ago, but there was nothing you could do but try to move on. The city needed to be rebuilt, dozens of others were dead, and plenty other severely injured.
You gave a small sigh, pushing your (h/c) hair out of your face as you exited your house, shifting the basket on your hip that held lunch for the workers near by. They were working on rebuilding houses, and had finished yours just yesterday. You wanted to thank them..but as you approached, you heard a familiar voice, and noticed Diane was there, in her shrunken form, moving some bricks for them and doing heavy lifting for the group. They were all amazed, and you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face as she giggled and brushed off their compliments about her strength. She was humble when she wanted to be..and she wanted to be at the moment it seemed.
You came back to reality as her gaze turned towards you, and she let out a squeal and ran over to you, grabbing your hand, and doing a little twirl with you, causing laughter to bubble up from your chest
"Hi, Diane." You say through a smile. She giggled and took the basket from you as you nearly dropped it as she stopped twirling
"Hi, (y/n)!" She says, smiling as well, then looked to the basket
"What's this?" She asked with a tilt of her head, making your heart flutter. She's so cute!!
You hadn't noticed your cheeks had heated up as you stared at her, causing you to quickly shake your head to being you back to reality
"It's lunch for the workers, they fixed my house and are fixing houses for others, so I wanted to thank them." You say, causing Diane's smile to grow.
"You're so thoughtful (y/n)!" She says, grabbing your hand with her free hand and running over to the group of moslty men working on the houses.
Diane called to them, but for a moment, you heard nothing, your eyes focused on your joined hands as she pulled you towards the group. Her hands were rough, compared to your own hands. You were once again pulled back to reality as she looked to you, and you felt your heart pounding
"(Y/n) made food for everyone!" She says,  which made the group cheer and stop work to come gather.
You didn't like all the eyes on you, and simply gave a smile and a wave as she passed out food for each individual. In the end, there was none left, and Diane let out a whine
"Aw man! I wanted to try some of your cooking (y/n)!" She whined as she puffed out her cheeks a bit, looking at the basket disappointed. You couldn't help but let a small laugh slip out, only to notice Diane's cheeks turning a little pink. Or..did you imagine that? You had to of imagined it, right?
Diane turned to you, a hopeful look on her face, her cheeks burning
"(Y/n)?" She asks shyly, kicking a rock gently as she clasped her hands behind her back, holding your basket behind her. You couldn't help but want to squeal. She's so cute oh my gosh!
"Yes Diane?" You replied, your voice giving a small crack, your own cheeks heating up slightly.
"..will you cook lunch for me?" She asks hopefully, looking up at you, her head lowered in embarrassment.
"Of course, Diane, why wouldn't I?" You ask, puzzled as to why she was acting this way.
Could it be...? No. It couldn't..she liked someone else. Plus, she had plenty of options, King and Howzer liked her alot, and you weren't even sure Diane was into girls. Even if she was, why you? You're just an ordinary human, sure you liked to help out, and tried your best to help everyone during the battle by treating wounds, but that's all you could do.
Diane seemed to get more red, her face now matching the color of her cute dress, which made your heart soar.
"I don't mean...I...I mean.." she struggled to find the words, then looked up at you
"Just you and I." She says, her gaze flickering back to the ground.
"..what are you trying to get at, Diane?" You ask softly, taking a step towards her hesitantly as she looked like she wanted to cry.
"L-like...a date" she almost whispered, but you heard it. Clear as day. 'like a date'. You wanted to scream.
"A date???" You repeated, your brain trying to process everything.
Soon, your face was burning as well, and you couldn't help but smile wide
"Of course Diane. I would love to." You say, trying to remain confident in your words to reassure the girl. Her eyes lit up, and she let out a happy noise and jumped in the air, hugging you and nearly knocking you to the ground in an almost bone crushing hug. She was strong, but she was aware of her strength, and was very careful with you.
You let out a small laugh and hugged her back, your faces both bright red. You eventually parted the hug, and headed to your house and made her lunch, spending the entire day together, taking her shopping in the rebuilt part of the city. It was a wonderful day, and at the end of the night as you went to walk into your house, she stopped you and kisses your cheek, before running off, giggling.
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Clones X reader y/n incorrect quotes!!! Pt. 4
Aaaan… here we go again… lol I love making these so I will probably post some more later…
Rex: Have you seen my will to live? It has to be somewhere there…
Tup pointing at Y/n: I found it, captain!
Phee: I’m kinda cold…
Tech: here, have my jacket.
Y/n: I’m a bit cold too…
Crosshair: Well damn Y/n, I can’t control the weather!
Y/n whispering: I’m hungry
Howzer: It’s 3am! Try to sleep.
Y/n: But I want pancakes…
Howzer: I’m NOT making you pancakes! *gets up and goes to the kitchen to make pancakes*
Echo: Oh my force, I think I lost Y/n!
Fives: how did you lost her?!? Echo: to be honest she’s pretty small…
Rex, before explaining the strategy: for today, I have brought Y/n, so you will pay attention and stop being on your holopads!
You get an extra now bc I love ya!!!
Y/n’s padawan: …kriff…
Wolffe: who the kriff taught the child the kriff word?!?!?
Y/n: ooohh I have no clue…
I will probably upload those to wattpad later tho…
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Captain Howzer x Reader: Our Little Secret
(Author’s Note:  I STILL LOVE THE BAD BATCH, okay.  I’m sorry, I just have all these feelings for a captain we just met, so I needed an outlet.   Alrighty then, here we are.
Warnings: some kissy kissy
Word Count: 800)
   “As always, it has been a pleasure, Captain.”  You met his gaze, teeth grazing your own lip to bite back a smile as he looked your way.  Though his expression remained cool, professional, his eyes betrayed the affection he kept beneath the surface.
   “The pleasure is all mine, ma’am,” Howzer replied with a respectful nod.
   Your gazes lingered for just a fraction of a second before you nodded in return and excused yourself from the meeting room.
   General Syndulla and the other fighters would not have noticed.  They were still discussing the topic of the meeting, hoping to talk through some unanswered questions about this new Empire before some of its officials arrived.  It had everyone on edge.  There was restlessness among the people of Ryloth.  You had spent some time there and fought alongside the twi-leks during the Clone Wars, but with the arrival of more Imperial troops, it was uncertain whether you’d be permitted to remain.  You had been, after all, suspicious of what happened to the jedi.
   Extremely suspicious, actually.  You’d heard all sorts of strange rumors.
   It wasn’t until you were farther down the hall that you heard familiar footsteps gaining behind you.  You didn’t even have to glance over your shoulder for your pulse to race.  Still, you paused in front of a door to casually look down the hall to ensure there was no one else to see you slip into the supply closet.  At least, no one else except for one man in particular.
   Howzer caught your gaze as he walked, head high and posture straight.  To anyone passing by, there would be no indication of anything that was about to occur.  For some reason, that was thrilling in its own way.
   After you entered the supply closet, you waited for nearly a minute before the door slid open and Howzer stepped inside.  His gaze met yours again as the door shut behind him, and without taking his eyes off you, he stepped forward.  In the dim lighting of the closet, you were enveloped in his embrace, a hum of appreciation escaping your lips as you returned it.
   “I missed you,” you murmured against his cheek.  His scent was so soothing, so comforting, as you buried your face in his neck as best you could around his armor.
   He chuckled a little.  “We just saw each other.”
   “That was a meeting.”  You sighed blissfully as his arms tightened around you.  “Doesn’t count.”
   Howzer pulled away slightly to look at you.  You lifted a hand to trace along the scar near his jaw, and he let his eyes flutter shut at the contact.  He was a straight-laced man who was dedicated to his cause and rarely ever let his walls down beyond professional capacity.  And yet, he did around you.  The fact left you breathless at times.  You trailed your fingers up to touch the mane above his forehead before letting your hand run over his head to the cropped hair in the back.
   “Still taking some getting used to?” he asked.  His hand followed yours to the short length in the back, fingers brushing over the spot.
   “I like it.”  The cut was relatively new as he had just gotten it done after the end of the war.  You would love him no matter what, but you were pleased that after the initial surprise that you really did like it.  “Very handsome.” you smiled.  “It suits you.”
   “I’m glad you think so,” he said, voice lower.  He leaned in then, lips seeking yours for attention.  You considered placing a few teasing kisses along his cheek, but he wasn’t having any of that.  He grunted as he intercepted, lips capturing yours before they hit their mark.  The action made you smile into the kiss.
   Howzer pulled back to shake his head slightly in playful disapproval.  There was a tiny smirk on his face.  “You know better.”  A giggle spilled from you before he quieted you with his lips.  Both of you were able to spare the time for a few more kisses before you would have to go your separate ways for a little while.  They were slow, filled with love and longing.  Your heart fluttered each time like it was the first kiss.
   “I’ll see you,” you whispered finally.
   “Mm.”  He held your face in his hands as he planted one more kiss on your forehead.  “See you.”  Howzer released you, albeit a little reluctantly, and checked the door.  He seemed to go back into soldier mode, brows furrowing as he made sure no one was in the hall.  He stole a glance over his shoulder.  “I’ll go first.”
   “Alright, I’ll go after a minute or two.”
   He nodded and headed out, and you tried to steady your breathing as you waited for your turn to exit the supply room.
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
rampart: Leave the thinking to me captain.
Cpt Howzer: ...
y/n:*bursting through the doors* I'll leave you to think about how my foot feels up your ass!
Howzer: Y/n!!!!
rampart: ...
y/n: I got you boo. no one talks to u like that.
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thecoffeelorian · 2 days
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Chapter Title: The Proposal
Word Count: 1,185.
Brief Description: Captain Howzer x Female Reader, Captain Howzer x Chandrilan Reader (Singular Love Interest). As you return home under the watch of Commander Miles, you're expecting nothing less than the worst lecture of your life. However, the same force of nature that stopped your escape isn't quite done with you yet...
AO3: Link Here
Extra Notes: This was sitting in my drafts for a literal forever (maybe 3 months), but now it's here, so...I hope you all enjoy it, because all the good stuff is around the corner! ;)
Chapter Masterlist: Link Here
The No-Pressure Tag List:
@yoitsjay @gun-roswell @skellymom @masterjedilenaaa @littlefeatherr
@knightprincess @crosshair-lover @yeehawhijack @etod @ci-avmovies14 and anyone else interested in more stories about this Clone Captain!
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“Hello…? Is zis thing on?”
“Reading you loud and clear, Captain.  What’s your status?”
The comm between Commander Miles and Captain Howzer—the Trooper that you had the curious luck of meeting in the street not thirty minutes ago—is on full playback now, along with everything you just agreed to do in order to watch it.
And wouldn’t you know it, you’re trying your hardest not to stare too long at that smaller blue version of your Captain.
“I’ve just spoken with the master of ze ‘ouse, and I do believe we’ve come to a sort of, er…agreement.”
You wonder for a moment about what sort of agreement could ever be made between him and “Daddy”, considering he certainly wasn’t ever that negotiable with you.  Not since he’d found a way to keep both you and Briana single forever, whether either one of you liked it or not.
And if that’s not making you feel awkward enough...then being led back to your home like you’re some kind of escaped prisoner, with or without the vibrocuffs, has certainly put the stomp back into your step. Sure wish I could have made an agreement with him…not that he’ll listen.
In fact, there’s a flush of annoyance rising in your face as the Sergeant escorts you back through the streets of the Eastern District, the area of Chandrila where all of the once-active wartime industries can be found as well as your home territory.  These great producers of weapons, navigation devices, and other equipment will no doubt be shuttering their doors soon, thanks to that double surprise of Palpatine’s tragic accident and the gradual end of the war that followed…and so far, that’s not counting your family’s own business. Not yet.
“Is that so?”
“Yes. He’ll just need a certain lady back under ‘is roof in order to, er… finalize the plans.”
As for yourself, if the building storm within you is any indication of your own future—
“And in return?”
“We recover a lost asset.”
—Then your own smaller war is just beginning, and you start feeling the weight of it as soon as you’re standing back before your own front door, the Commander rapping upon the gilded knocker to get the attention of whomever may be listening.
“One moment…!”
A few parsecs later, that whomever turns out to be your housekeeper, an elder Twi’lek known as Orinna, who just happens to meet you and your escort the moment the door is opened. “Y/N Katherina Minola!” A small feeling of guilt pangs through your body as you take in her change of expression from pain to confusion, you having said what should have been your goodbyes not one hour earlier. “Just what are you doing with zis man?!” 
In fact, she must be properly furious at you for playing her for a fool, sneaking away without any protection, and putting the rest of the household into a panic—and that’s just without you also feeling a little angry at yourself for lying to her.
“…Well, um…it’s like this…” After all, since she gladly stepped in to give you some extra maternal support after the death of your mother, she certainly deserves better treatment than the kind you’re giving.
Nevertheless, the good Commander takes all of this drama in his stride, for he doesn’t think twice about removing his helmet and addressing her directly.
“Apologies, ma’am, but I was just escorting this nice young lady home to meet her future.”
Orinna’s mixed reaction soon turns to one better suggesting curiosity, a thing you can determine by the slight raising of her eyebrows.
“ ‘Er future…?  Whatever do you mean?”
“I believe Commander Miles was referring to me, ma’am.”
It’s not that long before you feel your own eyebrows go up as you hear that all-too-familiar voice speak up from behind her, and with it, the breath goes out of your body.
There he is.
Captain Howzer.
The man you saw in the street, over the comm system, and as soon as Orinna is careful to step aside to give him room…standing right inside your doorway.
“Welcome back, Miss Minola.”
Only this time, now he can also see your face plainly without the guise or protection of any hoods…and, quite unlike the “interested” young men you’ve spoken to before, this time, he’s actually not just speaking at you, but to you.
“I trust zat your journey back ‘ome was not a difficult one?”
Is it any wonder, then, that you feel your legs wobble ever so slightly at the sight of his smile…?  Is it all that mysterious that your heart rate has gone up a few notches solely because of one glance from his direction?  It must not be that surprising for someone with his looks, because he could look perfect standing in a mud puddle, and even worse—he knows it. What a clever, brazen bunch these Troopers must be!
“N…No, Captain,” you hear yourself say, almost whimpering out your reaction.  “I—I had help.”
Commander Miles takes this as his cue to join Howzer upon the steps, each of them gripping the other’s hand in an enthusiastic greeting.
“What d’you think, Cap?  Is she a keeper?”
Howzer looks back at you a second time, and with it, you feel your heart start to beat a little harder.  Does he see that smattering of acne scars left over from your teenage years, or are they no longer visible…?  What about that little scar upon your forehead from where you fell as a toddler?  Would he take both of these things as a part of you and accept them, or turn you away in disgust instead?
“The finest keeper in all of Coruscant!”
Oh, Force help you, he likes you.  Your face must be as hot as a sunrise on Mustafar by now, and you can barely keep yourself steady—and he likes you.   This feeling grows by degrees as he bravely takes your hand and raises it to his lips, thus proving himself to be the officer and gentleman both on this fated morning.
“I thank you for returning to us, Miss Minola.  Will you be staying ‘ere, then…?” In return, you’re just barely in control of yourself in time to start playing the lady, the rest of the people around you almost completely forgotten.
“As long as I’m able, er…Captain…but may I ask, if it’s not too out of the ordinary…why?”
“For the same reason any gentleman of Chandrila would wish to meet a lady.”
He uses this moment to release your hand; then, after withdrawing a few steps, raises both of his own with the palms up in an offering to you.
“Now that I have had ze ‘onor of meeting you face-to-face, I am therefore moved to ask for your hand in marriage.”
For a few blissful seconds, you’re staring into those sweet brown eyes, and finding yourself one breath away from accepting him as your future husband.
Then…you see your father walking out onto the front stoop with a look of wild glee upon his face, and reality strikes.
Parting Thoughts: ...If there is anyone who used to get regular notifications about this story, but suddenly is not...that's because I either didn't get any further reactions from you in my last update, or you missed my poll and interest check from yesterday morning.
So, if there are other readers out there who didn't make the tag list up above, then please PLEASE leave this emoji (👩‍🎤) in the reblogs/reblog tags, because it might be the only way for me to contact you, and I kinda want an accurate count of readers, too!
Thanks for your time, and have a great day!
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kamino-blues · 3 years
Howzer x Reader Affection Hc's <3
Hi I have also fallen in love with Howzer, so I wrote a little about him! I have only seen the newest episode once, but I really really wanted to write! I can't wait to see more of him in the show 🥺💖
Rating: Pg
Warnings: Pure fluff!!!!
Word Count: 487
Playlist: If you want something to listen to while reading, I listened to this playlist while writing this! It has a similar energy to how I imagine Howzer's energy to be
Howzer is extremely soft with you, meeting your gaze with small smiles and soft eyes
If he’s on duty, he wouldn’t be able to show much public affection
But he would make an effort to make eye contact with you as much as possible, keeping an eye on you to make sure that you are safe!
He made sure his helmet was never on in your presence (unless he was on duty & ordered to)
Usually wore Civvies or his blacks around you when off duty, wanting to make a disconnect between his work life and personal life
When off duty in public, he absolutely loves to hold hands with you, subconsciously tracing shapes with his thumb against your hand
Absolutely loves it when you lean against him, allowing him to throw his arm over your shoulders
Loves making contact with you <3
He is definitely a hug kind of guy!
Howzer is an initiator of hugs, usually greeting you with a huge one when you meet up with him
If you are ever feeling upset, he is able to ground you by wrapping you up in his arms, resting your head against his chest
Loves to kiss the top of your forehead
Honestly he has a habit of peppering your face with kisses, usually resulting in making you giggle
Howzer loves your laugh, and tries his best to get to hear it as much as he can
He seems like the type of person who would teasingly tickle you to get you to confess to something, resulting in lots of laughter coming from your exchanges
Avid enjoyer of Keldabe kisses! Loves resting his forehead against yours, basking in your presence
He enjoys cuddles so much!
He’s extremely versatile with cuddling, preferring whatever makes you most comfortable!
Howzer does enjoy being a little spoon from time to time (at the least), he enjoys being held in your arms
If he’s in bed reading a datapad and you come up and rest your head on his chest, curling up next to him, he will absolutely MELT
After an extremely long day at work, he likes to rest his head in your lap, letting you run your fingers through his hair
Finds it endearing when you trace his scar with your fingertips, shivering at the touch before leaning into it
When he’s on break from work, he comm’s you to see if you are free
If you are, you two would meet up, grabbing a cup of caf if Howzer was in a lot of stress
If it was a calmer day however, you would take walks around the area of Ryloth you were on
Hand in hand, talking about how the day had been so far
Sometimes you walked in silence, just being in each others presence was enough for the both of you
Howzer is absolutely infatuated by you, and just spending time with you makes him so happy
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knightprincess · 3 months
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) - Epilogue
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Words: 2.5k Warnings: Suggested injuries, paralyzation. Fluff, family. Pronouns Used: She/Her - Used of Y/N - Reader is nicknamed Snap.
Pabu was peaceful once more. With the return of those who’d gone off to Tantis came the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. The fight against the empire had just begun, and at the call of Echo, Rex, Gregor, and Howzer joined the group on the peaceful island. Each greeted with the news of (Y/N), the truth about the CX Troopers, and reunited with old friends many believed to have been lost. By far, Fives’s reappearance was the most shocking, especially for Rex, who’d been there the day he was supposedly killed.
Although the rebellion against the Empire grew, it was put on the back burner for a few months. With the scattered information (Y/N) had managed to give, Comet fully recovered, although he chose not to fight any longer. Instead, he settled for a quiet life on Pabu, helping to protect the people. By the time the battle of Yvain took place, Comet had become known as the “Old Uncle” who told the best stories.
Dogma, too, made a full recovery. Although he’d been unaware of what had occurred after his imprisonment during the war, he had been aware of Order 66. A once rule-abiding trooper, his heart almost broke to learn the Republic was no more, being replaced with the cold, unforgiving Empire. Wanting nothing more than forgiveness for his previous action, Dogma joined the Rebellion to fight for all the brothers lost during and after the war. He wrote the names of those he fought for on his armor, ensuring they would never be forgotten.
Among the names were Tup, Kix, and Jesse. He’d helped Rex with his rebellion until the Empire launched a crushing blow on Barton 4, the base of operations at the time. There, Dogma gave his life to protect what remained of his brothers and the innocent civilians hoping to escape for a better life. Among those he saved were Hera Syndulla and the former Jedi Caleb Dume.
Although Cody physically recovered from Tantis and the empire, his mind never did. Plagued with nightmares of the past, of guilt for what he’d helped bring about, and grief for all those needlessly lost. For a while, he stayed on Pabu, helping the rebellion every now and again. After a while, he decided to search for Obi-Wan. Unknown to Snap, she’d helped him. Her repeated word of “Tattooine” was all he needed.
Once he’d found Obi-Wan on Tattooine, he apologized for what happened and asked forgiveness, volunteering to do whatever was asked of him. Although hesitant initially, Obi-Wan eventually came around, asking Cody to bury his and Anakin’s lightsabers in the Dune Sea. Cody would leave Tattooine in 3BBY when Mon Mothma called for aid in her rebellion. He became a pilot and later an instructor for the Rebellion, helping to train those who bravely volunteered and prepare them for battle.
Fives, on the other hand, was a different matter altogether. Hemlock had taken an interest in the former Arc Trooper, claiming him as his personal project. After much research it was revealed Fives was supposed to be phase two of the CX troopers, aimed to be more like the Bad Batch members, enhanced physically and mentally. Because of that, his programming was far harder to reverse. Although thankful, he was able to recognize those he’d previously known.
Like with Dogma, he wasn’t aware of the Republic’s fall nor Order 66 and the destruction of the Jedi. All of it came as a cruel shock to the former Arc Trooper, even more so when it became clear all of it was a part of the plot he’d discovered before his believed death. It took several years to reverse what Hemlock had done, but it had come at a cost. With the removal of the implants, Fives was paralyzed from the waist down. However, that didn’t stop him from living a full life on Pabu, free from the war, both past and present. Fives would spend his time in the island's gardens and with (Y/N). His favorite time of day was sunset. The sight of the island lighting up never ceased to amaze him.
Gregor, Rex, and Howzer stayed on Pabu for a while after Tantis and joined the others. Howzer had taken a liking to Emerie, and thrust went on several assignments with her. The pair eventually reunited Jax, Eva, Baron, and Sami with their families. Like Cody, Howzer would join the Rebellion, being inspired by the words of the young Jedi Knight, Ezra Bridger. Sadly, Howzer and Emerie both perished at Scarif, helping Jyn Erso with her surprise attack and retrieval of the Death Star plans.
As everyone knows, Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor went into “retirement” briefly. But before that, they fought in many more battles, including Barton 4, The first failed Battle of Scarif, and The Battle of Anaxes. The latter resulted in the destruction of the planet due to the old volatile bomb Admiral Trent had once planted exploding.
All three great commanders would rejoin the fight many years later, likely many brothers they each joined the rebellion in varying degrees. Rex joined the Phoenix Squadron and later fought in the Battles of Lothal, Yvain 4, Hoth, and Endor. Rex would also be reunited with R2-D2, and told Luke stories of his father, Anakin Skywalker.
Gregor would fight and fall in the Battle of Lothal, finally being able to fight for a course he believed in and a battle of his own choosing. He’d later be laid to rest on Pabu, under the watchful eye of (Y/N)—the civvi medic who became family.
Wolffe was a different story. Although he fought in the Clone Uprising, he joined later than many of his brothers. Refusing to leave Snap until he was sure she’d be okay, the civvi medic all put throwing him on the ship, showing shades of her old self when she swore to bring hell if he didn’t keep in contact. Wolffe kept his promise throughout retirement and remained in contact with (Y/N), the Bad Batch members, and Comet.
Following the loss of Gregor and the battle of Lothal, Wolffe continued to fight, joining the Havoc Squadron, which was made up of Omega, Mox, Deke, and Stak. Many times, he commented they remained him of the boys, his wolf pack. When the Civil War ended, Wolffe retired once more, becoming a permanent Pabu resident. When returning, he took Omega and the rest of Havoc home.
What happened to the family of Clone Force 99, you may ask? Well, simply put, they retired. With all the jokes, antics, and family drama, one might expect. During the quieter moments, Omega’s training continued, with Deke, Mox, and Stak joining. Over the years, Fives, Comet, and (Y/N) were pulled into the family unit, ensuring none of them were alone. Wolffe would begrudgingly become a member of the makeshift family when the Civil War ended. Omega nicknamed him Gruffly Uncle Wolffe and occasionally Growls, depending on her mood.
Wrecker turned his love of fishing into a day job, joining the fishermen on the tides for days on end. Of course, he’d always come back with elaborate stories to tell and always greeted those who were part of his family with a bone-crushing hug. By the time the “kids” joined the war effort, Wrecker was confined to a wheelchair, but that didn’t stop him from playing games with the kids and being there to see Stak off the night he joined the Rebellion.
Believe it or not, Crosshair decided to open a little carnival of shooting games, everything from throwing things at targets to water guns. For the fun of it, he’d added hook-a-duck and give prizes. The former sniper also loved cooking and drawing, often experimenting in the kitchen and engaging in banter with Hunter and Wrecker. His artistic skills were something of a legend on Pabu, his keen eyes allowing him to capture the details others missed. Eventually Crosshair took up photography, capturing the beauty in both people and the simple things in life.
At some point, he “adopted” Deke, ensuring the former cadet had a family to rely on. He passed down all his skills as a sniper, unknowingly preparing him for the rebellion to come. Although reluctant to let Deke go, Crosshair would see his boy off the day he left Pabu and greeted him with a fatherly hug when he returned. The two were in constant contact through the war, with Deke never being afraid to pester his dad for advice, needing a confidence boost or a reminder of home.
Tech had quite the journey. At first he avoided almost everything to do with his life before Tantis and becoming a CX Trooper. Instead, focusing on helping (Y/N) recover and reversing the reconditioning each trooper, including himself, had been put through. For the most part, Tech recovered; although his mind remained the same, he could never steady his hands again. There were always tremors and spasms. Along the way, he’d also lost his confidence, becoming self-conscious about his scars and mismatched eyes.
Wolffe helped with the scars, while Phee and (Y/N) had worked together. Phee worked on the present and future, while Snap helped Tech process the past and became the project he wanted to fix. Eventually, Tech joined Phee on her adventures across the galaxy, reigniting their previous spark of romance. Tech and Phee would adopt Mox and eventually marry; although they’d go on all kinds of adventures, they’d always return with priceless artifacts from across the galaxy.
Sadly, Tech eventually lost his sight. No one knows for sure what happened. He’d woken up one day, and his normal golden eye was nothing but black. His cybernetic was damaged not long after, resulting in partial blurred vision. Despite losing vision, Tech still enjoyed the peaceful life on Pabu, becoming a flight instructor after retiring from going on adventures with Phee. Just like Wrecker, Crosshair, and Hunter, Tech was there to see Mox off when he joined the Rebellion, a proud smile knowing the next generation was ready to take over.
What happened to Echo and Y/N, I hear you ask?
Echo stayed on Pabu for a while, enjoying the peace and helping where possible. He was there for Cody when the reversal process started and Tech when the exceptionally minded clone allowed him to help. Likewise, when the struggles began with Fives and (Y/N), Echo was there to offer a hand.
The challenge with Snap truly started upon finding out how much she remembered. She did remember some things from the war, joining the efforts: Fox, Thorn and the Coruscant Guard, Master Plo, Wolffe, and the 104th. She remembered everything, right up to the day Fives had told her of Echo’s supposed death at the Citadel. Then nothing. Anyone she met after that point had to reintroduce themselves, hoping something, anything, would retrigger her memory of them.
Over time, other things came to light. At first, (Y/N) struggled to speak outside of a selected few repeated words: Tech, Help, Thank you, Love, Necklace, and Free. Eventually, she was able to speak almost perfectly, with a stutter and sometimes long pauses, as she took the time to allow her mind to catch up. Hunter took the time to help her speak with Tech and Wolffe's assistance.
Retrigging (Y/N)’s memory wasn’t easy. Certain words seemed to bring things back, as did actions and objects, but it didn’t always stick. Sometimes, it was as if her memory reset every night. As you can gather, Snap was never able to return to her previous role of Medic, her mind too broken to allow her to continue doing her previous job role. Although she did patch the boys up from time to time.
No one knows for sure what triggered her memory of Echo’s rescue. Every time she’d seen him before that, it was as if she didn’t know who he was. He’d introduce himself as if they were strangers. Then, one day, she recognized him. That day, her first words to him were simple enough: “You’re alive.”
Echo hadn’t smiled as much as he had done that day. To hear her utter those words, knowing she remembered something more, meant the galaxy to him. However their relationship never returned to what it was, mainly due to Echo’s guilt for what happened. He blamed himself even if no one else did, even if (Y/N) didn’t.
Instead, The pair built up a strong friendship; Snap would offer the encouragement needed to continue his fight against the empire while reminding him to stay safe; his family still needed him after all, even if he didn’t realize it.
The hardest part for Snap was relearning all she forgot, sometimes, many times over. Her family, the war ends, the fall of the republic, the Jedi purge, and even her own actions. The latter of which (Y/N) was determined to put right. Eventually succeeding, first with Cody, then Comet, Tech, after he finally deemed she was able to complete the necessary steps sufficiently, and finally Fives, with Tech assisting, and Rex along with Gregor to provide a helping hand when needed.
Of course, Wrecker kept to his word; he contacted Devika when the ship landed on Pabu. The young Senator visited at every chance, helping where she could and thanking with gifts and knowledge. When away, Devika would also call at every opportunity, updating those stowed away on the peaceful island on the goings-on of the wider galaxy.
As for retirement, Echo never really did retire; when the uprising failed, he helped Devika with her plans in the senate, eventually leading to a bigger rebellion. For the most part, the former Arc Trooper worked as an analyst and battle strategist. However, when the others retired, he remained in contact with the bad batch and the family on Pabu, along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe. Echo lived to see the empire fall, settling down on Coruscant when it all ended, along with Rex. However, he’d visit Pabu when able.
(Y/N) never left Pabu, instead settling on the island along with those who became her family. Although she could never aid as a medic again, she did train the next generation. And helped to raise the kids. At first, she lived with the Batch, mainly with Hunter and Tech, if only so they could keep an eye on her and help when needed. Eventually, though, she tried to live on her own, something that they all discovered was disastrous, even more so upon discovering (Y/N) no longer had the mental capacity to live alone.
By the time Mon Mothma called for the rebellion to unite, Snap was living with Fives and Comet, running a little stall at the island market, selling flowers from her little garden and handmade clothes, blankets, and trinkets. She never got tired of hearing the stories the others would tell, and although her memory never truly recovered, she still enjoyed listening to the others, whether it be about past adventures or about their day. They were her family, salvation, saviors, and rocks when she needed them most—her reason for continuing when she lost everything, including herself.
A/N - Thank you for coming on this little journey with me. May the force be with you, always x
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