bulletcup · 2 years
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11.11.2022 [😗]
🍋: 휴일 1일차
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bulletcup · 2 years
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11•11•22 // as much as I love going to coffee shops I also love studying at my desk 🌿
Getting through all the content for this exam and I am so ready to be done with these exams and almost halfway through my licensing exams!
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bulletcup · 2 years
daily reminder that a woman's place is in:
the lab
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bulletcup · 2 years
turning off your computer by clicking the digital shut down button = softly kissing it goodnight
turning off your computer by holding down the physical power button = strangling her to death
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bulletcup · 2 years
I know you’re tired bitch but keep fucking going
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bulletcup · 2 years
For a few years, depression made it really hard to do things. Like, it wasn't that I didn't want to; I felt like I physically couldn't do anything. It was really hard, but lately I've been on a good track towards healing, so I feel like I can answer this question.
My first tip is to like what you're getting up for. If you feel like the fundamental purpose of what you're doing isn't important to you, then maybe you just shouldn't do it; but if it's something you can't get out of, do the next tip.
Start small. Get up and do something mindless like cleaning or making your bed. Clean your desk, declutter your workspace. Make sure it's mindless so you can listen or watch something while doing it. Doing this can help you build momentum, because once you're up, you're more likely to think, "well, might as well start working while I'm here," instead of going back to not doing anything.
My next tip is to inject serotonin into everything you need to do. Like I said earlier, you can watch or listen to something while mindlessly cleaning to help you feel a positive emotion while doing something you don't necessarily want to do. Some people also like to work/study while watching streams or YT videos. If you're like me and you can't study if it's noisy, take breaks and watch/listen/do something enjoyable then. Animedoro is a nice way to do this.
Lastly (and this my favorite tip because it works wonders for me, but it might not for you), journal about how you feel about your motivation levels and your feelings on what you need to work on/study. Most of the time, my low motivation levels stem from anxiety or some other negative emotion, so facing them and processing them on paper helps me feel productive in that I'm tackling a part of what I need to do, even though it's just my own feelings.
BONUS: If you're a planner, part of this process can be planning how to go about what you need to do. Not only are you sitting down to do the first step of your work, you're also setting up to just follow whatever you told yourself to do--one less thing to think about!
Hope these tips help you like they help me every day 💖.
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Have you ever gone through unproductive periods in your life? Like you want to do shit and you can do them. But your mind just stays in this blank space and doesn't let you do anything. How do you deal with it?
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bulletcup · 2 years
evil loves to win
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bulletcup · 2 years
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day 8 of my autumn studying challenge!:
• what do you like to drink while you study? you can share the recipe if you want!
as my username says, a cuppa (caramel) cappuccino!
-> i was in the campus for seven hours today and had three classes. i have an almost three hours gap between my first and second class, so i used that time to study in a cafe. after finishing taking notes, i read for a while. i’m about to finish the two towers!
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bulletcup · 2 years
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11.08.2022 // Today was okay. I took my Logic class and did all my required assignments for it, which bent my freaking brain. I also had to film my first two TikToks today for my Nursing major, because my professor is a strange woman and likes to make TikToks school assignments 😔. She's the kind of person to do that and also complain about students making TikToks all day instead of studying 🤷‍♀️. Like I said, strange woman.
I'm currently cramming two anatomy lectures into my brain for a quiz tomorrow at 7 in the freaking morning. Wish me luck 🥹.
BONUS: Look how pretty the blood moon eclipse turned out to be! I looked at it for so long my eyes started to hurt HAHA
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bulletcup · 2 years
Anyways, this is fucking disgusting.
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^ Becky Albertalli author of Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda
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^ Dove Cameron
Listen, I understand being curious about celebrities' lives. If you see a celebrity doing a bunch of gay things you might think "hey, maybe that artist is queer" but that's as far as it should go. You should never harass, or threaten, or force anyone to come out. That is fucking disrespectful and wrong. Queerness is about including anyone who feels that they do not fit into normal society, there is no one way of being queer. It's not a box, it's free and open and that's the beauty of it, so how about we fucking stop forcing queer people to come out, or label themselves, it's none of your business.
This has become a pattern and it needs to STOP
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bulletcup · 2 years
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in the uncomfortable phase of essay writing where i still don’t really know what i’m talking about 🍂☕️🫡
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bulletcup · 2 years
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Living Fitness
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bulletcup · 2 years
why is it so hard to get back into the groove of studying after getting burnt out 😭 I was okay 2 days ago 😭😭😭
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bulletcup · 2 years
How I stay motivated ☘️
Don’t you always try to study but end up scrolling on your phone for the entire day? Yeah, me too. That’s why :
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I’m sharing with you how I stay motivated!
Find your motivation
Okay, I know this one’s a bit obvious, but so many people miss the importance of it. Finding your motivation helps you push forward, to endure all those struggles until you finally achieve your goal.
You want to be the top scorer? For what? What do you hope to achieve by being top scorer? How will it help you?
Because we don’t have specific goals, we don’t have enough conviction to finish what we want to.
Another thing that tons of people miss is the outcome. I haven’t seen anyone else talk about this, but visualising your ideal outcome gives you a great boost of motivation too.
💫[Here’s the formula to find your motivation] 💫
Have a specific goal.
(If you don’t have a vague goal yet.)
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
What will make you happy?
What do you like about life? How can you improve those things?
What do you dislike about life? How can you improve those things?
(For those who already have a goal in mind)
What do you want to do it for?
What do you hope to achieve by doing it?
How will doing this help you?
How will doing this make you happy?
What will you feel and do once you have accomplished this?
2. Visualise your desired outcome
Where will you be?
What will you be doing?
What do you see?
How do you feel?
How will people around you react?
3. Put it into action.
Once you have your goals and desired outcome in mind, motivation will come to you immediately. What you need to do is to act on it.
Ask yourself : how will I accomplish my goal?
And build an actionable plan around it.
Make time for it in your schedule
Prepare yourself for the sacrifices you will have to make
The end.
I hope this helped you! 📚 Feel free to ask for specific study tips!
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bulletcup · 2 years
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11.07.2022 // Honestly, today and the past few days have been terrible motivation-wise. I haven't been working as efficiently as I would like, and I know I have the capability for it, I just haven't found the strength.
I know I'll literally die tomorrow from how much backlog I really, really need to sort through. No choice but to keep going forward, though. I know I can do it, so from here on out I'll just try my best to look at things positively and have fun learning tomorrow. (Wow why did that declaration help 😭)
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bulletcup · 2 years
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meet me after school.
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bulletcup · 2 years
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friday night writing & editing my dissertation. i’m letting myself enjoy the process listening to music & using my typewriter keyboard sounds 🌷i’m trying to see my dissertation as a beautiful & fun time with my thoughts instead of an stressful and judgmental process
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