byebyebailey · 4 years
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I have begun my crafting journey making custom door Wreaths. Coming soon to an Etsy nearest you and a special request.
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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As a black woman in an unaccepting world I stand with my brothers and sisters throughout the world.
This photo speaks volumes when it comes to me. She is a voice.
It is a representation to how so many of us women of color feel. No matter what shade we are nor what size we are....we are targeted daily for our skin color. It's killing me to see all my fellow people of color to be gunned down for doing simple things.
We can't walk down the street, jog down the block, wear hoodies in a convenience store, and more importantly WE CAN'T BREATHE.
I'm outraged, I'm hurt, I'm sadden by how the "land of the free" CONSTANTLY shackles and restrains us.
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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Stand in solidarity with all of us out here that have been judged, faced oppression, and looked down upon because of the color of our skin. We must stand together or fall for anything. This is the day we step away from social media and take this time to educate ourselves. When they try to silence us, we MUST speak up. We have to save our children, little brothers and sister, nieces and nephews. We need to create an empowering and better place for our youth so they will grow up stronger, better and more educated.
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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Life is beautiful
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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So this is how my outer appearance has changed since keto. This journey hasn't always been the easiest but it's taught me resilience and what I can do when I put my mind to something.
It's not about the compliments, it's about me and my wanting to change my lifestyle for the better. I'm glad that I've noticed more changes(even when I can't see them).
I started January 13, 2019. I stuck with it for 5 months faithfully, took a week off but still didn't go overboard. Got back on and took another break for the holiday season because when you have a family the size of mine who loves to cook traditional holiday meals it's difficult. So on January 13, 2020 I got back on the wagon and I'm feeling good about it. Over the course of the past year I have even encouraged others to start and they've had amazing results as well. It's fun to have people around to trade recipes and stories with.
I've went down in sizes, went from 236 to under 200lbs in a very short time and despite the breaks that I took, I haven't gained the weight that I use to gain when I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.
Let's discuss your Keto and proud story. Let's trade recipes etc!
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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So I bought some Two Good yogurt at the store yesterday in blueberry and vanilla flavor. I just finished the blueberry flavor and I really enjoy it. It has 3g of carbs. I ate it for breakfast this morning
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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Any of my keto friends out there try these and like them? Just a keto friendly snack I'm trying
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byebyebailey · 4 years
So I have been trying the whole Apple Cider Vinegar for the past week and a half and I'm getting to the point where I dont hate the taste anymore. Anyone else try this?
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byebyebailey · 4 years
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I'm devastated by the loss of Kobe.
When I was 6, I fell in love with the game of basketball because of him. I watched every televised game, all the highlights my whole life. Every Christmas all I wanted was Kobe and Laker gifts and I lit up brighter than the sun when I got it. All my birthday cakes my whole life had the Laker purple and gold. I loved this man. He was so inspiring and talented. He created a wonderful family and legacy that the world will forever know. When I was 26 I hated to see him retire but enjoyed all the fun posts and interviews afterward of him smiling and being at peace at no longer being the player but the coach, the husband, the fan, the goat, and the father. This death is tragic.
Prayers to his wife, Vanessa and his surviving daughters Natalia, Bianka, and Capri..I hope they will never forgot their memories with Kobe and Gigi. To not only lose your husband/father but your daughter/sister is unimaginable and I have prayed for them.
Rest in peace also to the surviving family members of the others who perished in this horrific crash.
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byebyebailey · 5 years
Keto update..
In total I've lost 39lbs after another 2lb weight loss week.
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byebyebailey · 5 years
Keto diaries
Another week down. I'm going to keep this post short since I don't want to be repetitive.
Weight loss this week: 2 pounds
Weight loss since starting back: 6
Total weight loss thanks to ketogenic diet: 37lbs
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byebyebailey · 5 years
Another week down in the keto book
Another week has passed and I stuck with it. Got a bit more exercise than the previous week.
My goal was to lose three pounds this week but I lost two. Despite that small difference glad and happy with the progress. I think I'm going to start back with the apple cider vinegar two tablespoons.
Weight loss: down 4lbs since I started. Down 35lbs down since the beginning
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byebyebailey · 5 years
My new breakfast snack. Loving these Quest bars. I eat one in the morning.
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byebyebailey · 5 years
Back on track. Ketoful week return
So the first full week has came and gone. I survived it. The first week is always the hardest to get through then it's smooth sailing I hope just like last time.
I stayed doing well. I have started a new type of bars to eat in the mornings that I don't feel like cooking.
I lost 2lbs this past week to begin with. 3 pounds away from my mini goal weight. I would love to lose 3 lbs this week and hope I can do that at least.
Goals for this week is to stick with it, try one new recipe, double my water intake, and exercise more.
Have a great week keto fam! Keep pushing!
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byebyebailey · 5 years
So I went off the Keto Diet for 3 months and this is what happened....
So guys I've been off the ketogenic diet since May 31st 2019 after 5 1/2 months of being on it. It's now September 9th and I've been back in the keto swing of things for about 1 week now. But I decided to write about the off the diet experience for a second of your time before I spam you with posts about being on it again. Who knows maybe it'll help someone.
There's been a lot going on- which I'm not using as an excuse bc it was MY CHOICE 150% to take a break from the diet for a while. I went on vacation, lost a loved one, worked like crazy, did whatever I wanted. And I ate whatever I wanted too-belieeeeve me I did lol.
Feeling wise I didn't really feel much difference, still had energy, etc. I knew what my weight was the day I ended.
I did so well for 5+ months so I decided to get back on the diet bc no matter how hard it was, I loved it and
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