𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
Story Summary: In Series Masterlist
Chatper Warnings: Age-Gap. Pining. Fluff. Bloody Dean. Language. Sam near Death (literally). Possessed Sam.
A/N: Sorry for the wait! I've been super busy but here's the second chapter. Hope you all enjoy. Check out Chapter 1 if you missed it!
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Maricela's POV
Dean strides into the room but not with Crowley. A tall man follows behind him, eyeing me as he enters. The older Winchester stops at the foot of Sam's bed as the stranger walks to the opposite end, giving his full attention to the unconscious man.
"Who's this?" I ask, my defensiveness prominent.
"Ezekiel. He's an angel," Dean introduces. "You were right about one thing: Some ain't here to help. Another angel tried taking me out, but this one here stopped him."
I nod before inquiring, "And Crowley?"
"Still in the trunk, alive." Ezekiel places a hand on Sam's chest. Dean crosses his arms, looking skeptical of the angel. "You still able to cure things after the fall?"
"Yes, I should be, but... he's so weak."
The sound of Dean's phone ringing sparks my curiosity. He uncrosses his arms, reaching his slender fingers into his jeans pocket to retrieve the device. His brows draw together as he stares at the screen.
Without wasting another beat, he brings the phone to his ear and warily asks, "Who is this?"
I watch as Dean visibly perks at their answer. "Who is it?"
In a fleeting moment, his eyes meet mine, wordlessly mouthing 'Cas.' Relief and excitement surge through my heart, quickening its speed. He moves towards the door to take the call outside. As much as I wanted to follow and hear from my dear friend, I didn't trust the stranger enough to leave Sam alone.
"So," I break the silence once the door shuts. "Will you heal him?"
"If only it were that simple. Your friend is not doing well." He patiently spoke as if I was receiving the news for the first time.
"Yeah, I know that. That's why you're here." I respond harshly as my anxiety begins to climb. "Use the powers God literally gave you!"
"The fall has left me weak, and entangling with my brother back there did me no favors. But what strength I have left, I offer to help Sam." He pauses, taking his eyes off the youngest Winchester to look at me. "You know, others like me still believe in Castiel. There's no need to fear me."
"Oh buddy, I don't fear you. I don't trust you. There's a difference."
Before he could reply, the building began to shake. Ezekiel yanks his hand away from Sam, and a glimpse of terror emerges on his face. Though, just as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. He scrambles to peek outside the large window as loud, frightened, and indistinct muffles erupt in the hallway. Had I not been familiar with what an angel searching for a vessel consisted of, I, too, would've believed it was an earthquake. Just then, Dean rushes back into the room.
"One of yours?" He asks.
Ezekiel turns before addressing Dean, "Trying to secure a vessel. We need to move."
"No, no. If we move him, he dies." I highlight.
"If we stay, we could all die." The angel counters.
Dean looks at Sam's unconscious body before turning towards the wall across from the bed. His eyes land on the dry-erase markers underneath the whiteboard. He grabs the black marker before tossing the red one to me. We quickly draw angel-warding symbols on each wall, including the door, to keep out unwanted celestial visitors.
"Long as these are up, no angels are coming in," Dean informs Ezekiel, tossing the marker to the ground. "No one's coming out. You gonna be okay with these?"
"I'll manage." He answers.
Dean nods before studying Ezekiel's alertness. "What?"
"They're here."
At that moment, a high-pitched ring seeps into our ears, almost drowning out the distant screams that echo through the hospital's halls.
"Okay, do not open this door for anybody but me." Dean points to himself. His right hand grabs the doorknob before pointing a firm finger at his brother. "Save him, you hear me?"
Without waiting for an answer, he leaves the room. People screamed in fear as the glass began to shatter. The fire alarm sounds before Dean shouts from afar.
"Everybody out! Now! Get out!"
I stare at the door, debating whether or not I should help the man I love save people or stay and ensure the angel heals my best friend. I groan, knowing what Dean would want me to do. Suddenly, an unmistakable beeping jolts me out of my thoughts. My head snaps towards the monitor, searching for the cause of the horrific sound. His heart rate, oxygen saturation, and respiration levels spike significantly higher than what they should be. Uncertainty gripped me as I stood motionless, paralyzed by fear and unsure of how to help. Meanwhile, Ezekiel remained calm, observing my distress without making any move to offer Sam assistance.
"What are you doing? Help him!" I cry.
The angel lays his hand on Sammy's chest again. His eyes glow with light, showcasing the use of his power, but it quickly fades before he stumbles back. He sits on the nearby chair, clutching his side.
"No, no, no! Get up, he's dying!"
"There's nothing I can do." He croaks out.
"What do you mean? You're an angel. Please, help my best friend." I beg as tears flood my eyes.
"I'm afraid I'm too weak."
I groan in agony, hating that I couldn't help Sam. "Fuck it. I'm gonna go find a doctor."
I open the door to see glass shards coating every inch of the hallway floor. Coming from the left, a man and the counselor from earlier drag Dean towards the room. I mutter a few choice words before slamming the door shut behind me. Bracing for a fight, I grab Sam's angel blade from his belongings. An axe strikes the wooden door straight through the warding, causing it to disarm. I stand guard at Sam's bedside, ready to protect him at all costs. My hand tightens around the blade's handle as the tension builds, waiting for the angels to burst in.
Instead, a white light shines through the axe-shaped hole as the angels wail in anguish. Dean then barges in with his face covered in blood. His eyes follow where the only sound in the room comes from to see the red 'ALERT' warning flashing on the monitor.
"What the hell's happening?" He questions.
"This just started. And the warding. I'm afraid I'm weaker than I thought," Dean grabs a nearby marker and begins to cross lines in the nearby wardings, disabling them. "I am sorry, Dean."
Dean stops marking the symbols and rushes towards Ezekiel. "No. No, no, no. No, we had a deal, okay? I fight. You save."
"And would that I could. I'm just afraid it's too late." The angel delivers the bad news.
"Are you kidding me?" Dean asks breathlessly. "Are you saying there's no way to save my brother's life?"
"No good ways, I'm afraid," says Ezekiel.
"Well, what are the bad ones?" I frantically inquire.
When he hesitates to answer, Dean jumps in, yelling impatiently. "We're out of options here, man. Good or bad, let us hear them."
"I cannot promise, but there is a chance I can fix your brother. From the inside."
"From the inside? So, what, you gonna open him up?" Dean asks, confusion laced in his words.
The angel shakes his head, making him quickly realize his implication. "What, possession? You want to possess Sam?"
"I told you," Ezekiel whispers.
"No way," says Dean.
"Understood. It's your call."
"No, it's Sam's call. There's no way in Hell he'd say yes to being possessed by anything." I tell them.
The room falls silent as the dreadful reality sinks in: we're out of options. I pocket the angel blade and take Sam's hand in mine. My heart physically aches, knowing this could be the end of the road for my best friend. The watchful eye of the angel shifts from me to the injured man beside me.
"He would rather die." He says aloud, finding the conclusion to our silence.
Dean nods in sorrow as he stares at his little brother. Ezekiel pushes himself off the chair, trying to hide his discomfort. Painfully sighing, he angles his body towards the monitor next to him. With a swipe of his hand, he shuts it off, ending the activity.
"I'll leave you three alone, then."
My heart races as I turn to Dean for answers. His eyes dart with a sense of urgency, almost as if he was scanning through all the possible options to find a solution to heal Sam. His gaze fixed on his brother's frail body, brows furrowed with concern as he contemplated the best course of action. Panic washes over me as I see our only hope of saving Sam reach the door.
"Wait," Dean utters, getting the angel to stop. He slowly turns towards the angel. "If I consider this—and I mean just consider it—I need something, man. You got to prove to me how bad he is."
Ezekiel looks at the pained Winchester with sympathy. Without saying a word, he walks towards us. I move out of the way and behind Dean, giving them space. The angel places his right hand on Sam's forehead before instructing Dean.
"Close your eyes."
The hunter's eyes flutter shut as Ezekiel places his free hand on Dean's bloody forehead. My gaze shifts between the three men, unsure of what the hell was happening. A few moments pass before Dean returns in a state of panic, his eyes wide with terror.
"What are you doing, Sam?" He whispers to his little brother.
"As you can see, there's not much time." The angel tries reasoning.
"I know. Damn it, I know."
"What? What is it?" I solicit, my attention shifting between them.
Dean reveals that Sam is currently engaged in a conversation with Death. Sam seems to be seeking assurance from Death that if he decides to depart with Him, there wouldn't be an option for his return. I curse under my breath, not surprised Sam wants out. I remain quiet, not dumb enough to go against Dean. Instead, I listen as the men hash it out.
"How will it work?" Dean inquires.
"Mutual benefit, I suppose. I heal Sam while healing myself." Ezekiel confesses.
"And when he's healed?"
"I leave." He tries convincing. "It's the best of a bad situation, Dean."
"Even if I said yes, it doesn't mean squat. Sam will never say yes—not to you."
"But he would say yes to you," Ezekiel persuades.
Dean hesitates but nods, wanting his brother back. Ezekiel shuts his eyes and goes to work, Dean along with him. I finished crossing out every symbol so the angel could switch hosts effortlessly. After Dean returns, the room begins to shake as Ezekiel goes from one vessel to the next. We turn away to shield ourselves from the bright, angelic light. Once in the clear, we turn to the angel in Sam's body, sitting upwards in the hospital bed. He pulls the breathing tube and other wires out of his vessel before standing. I grab the plastic bag and hand him Sam's clothes.
"We'll leave you to change," Dean and I step into the hallway before I shut the door. My eyes meet his. "C'mon, I'll clean you up."
"No, it's fine. I can handle it." He passes.
"I'm not asking," I fixed a stern gaze on him, conveying my message with unwavering determination.
Realizing there was no use in arguing, he nods. I take his hand and wander to the closest family restroom. Once found, I ushered Dean inside, quickly checking for any onlookers who could witness us entering together. Confident it was clear, I closed the door behind us. The sound of the bolt locking into place bounces off the small bathroom walls.
I grab a handful of paper towels from the dispenser near the sink. The running water fills the silence as I wet a few napkins. Dean's figure catches my eye through the mirror above the sink, ceasing my movements. He stands beside the door, hesitant and shy. I turn around and tease him lightly.
"Well, get over here. I don't bite."
A deep chuckle leaves his throat as he slowly approaches. "I know you, Maricela, and you certainly do bite."
I fight a smile but quickly lose when I catch sight of his wicked grin. "Maybe... but not now. I promise."
He stops a few inches away from me. The faint scents of whiskey, sweat, and his favorite cologne fill my nostrils. I slowly and discreetly take a deep inhale, welcoming the aromas. My eyes meet his forest-green ones, and time stops. Even covered in blood, he still looks handsome. How? I thought. How is that possible?
Before allowing myself to drown in his pleasantness anymore, I quickly ask, "Ready?"
Dean nods before watching me raise a wet paper towel to his blood-stained face. Careful not to press too hard, I gently wipe the blood away. Thoughts of trepidation cloud my mind: Sam's situation, how Dean's handling it, an army of angels after Castiel, how we'll get them all back to Heaven. I bite my lip, hoping to hide my worrisome expression as I concentrate on cleaning his crimson-coated, angelic face instead. My height disadvantage forces me on my tippy-toes once I begin to wipe his forehead. He stifles a laugh, prompting me to stop my actions.
He shakes his head but doesn't attempt to hide his wide grin.
"Nothing, nothing." I squint at him, silently coaxing his answer forth. "You just look cute, having to stand on your toes."
I roll my eyes and switch to a clean paper towel, trying my hardest not to blush at his comment. Despite my efforts, the hot flush painted my cheeks red.
"I'm glad my struggle is so amusing to you." I joke, battling the smirk he's responsible for.
"Here, let me help you," Without wasting another beat, he pulled my body against his.
With one hand on the small of my back, his other hand runs down to my thigh before pulling it towards his hip. I'm so enamored with his touch that I don't question when he advises me to jump. I wrap my arms around his neck and hop, straddling his hips. His hands land under the base of my ass before sliding me onto the counter with a thrust. An audible gasp left my lips, stunned to have felt the front of his jeans shove against my core.
I bowed my head, letting my hair fall around my face to shield the color it wore. My eyes landed between my thighs, and as if on cue, he took a few steps back. I clear my throat before holding up the clean napkin, silently asking if I should continue. With a nod, he permits me to start again. I lean off the counter to tend to his wounds but quickly struggle with the distance he set between us.
"Dean," I straighten myself before urging, "I need you closer."
"Huh?" He inquired, taken aback, with a glint of panic in his eyes.
As he stands still, showing no signs of movement, I reach out and firmly grasp the fabric of his jacket. With a gentle but insistent pull, I guide him toward me. His lips, coated with dried blood, slowly parted as his eyes carefully studied the details of my face. I try my best to ignore his attention as I dab the blood off of them.
"Oh, right..." Dean spoke as the wet paper towel rubbed against his lips. "Sorry."
"Don't sweat it," I reassured in a hushed tone.
A stack of power towels piled on the counter after cleaning blood that had trickled down his face, neck, around, and even inside his ear. I focus on the clump of blood that had collected in his hair before feeling his hands rest above my knees. Tingling sensations run up my thighs as he slowly rubs higher, applying light pressure. My breath becomes uneven, having never been touched by him like this before. So many intimate thoughts race through my mind. He steps closer, grazing the front of his jeans between my legs. My hand begins to tremble as I take a shaky breath.
I soon regret looking into his majestic green orbs. His eyes hold me hostage as he stares into my soul. If he searched hard enough, he would find my unwavering love for him. Maybe if he found it, I could grab his cheeks and pull him into a kiss. I could show him how much I love him. I could show him how good we can be together. I could give him what he couldn't find in any other girl. If only he could see that eyes really are windows to the soul, then maybe it could be different. My disappointment reminds me of the harsh reality of 'never gonna happen.' I tuck my hair behind my ears along with my hopes and dreams.
I toss the bloody napkin with the rest before murmuring, "All done."
He takes a few steps backward before extending his hands, offering to assist me off the counter. I hesitate but place my hands in his before jumping down. Without intent, I stumble into his stiff body. I mutter a quick apology before straightening myself and standing independently.
"We should go."
"Yeah, yeah." He clears his throat before distancing himself. His heavy boots clatter against the tile floor as he walks towards the door. Holding it open, he says, "After you."
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Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist here!
Jensen tags: @ladysparkles78
Left A Mark tags: @k-slla, @angelbabyyy99, @yvonneeeee, @mohrkaya-blog
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This was amazing Raven! Thank you so much for sharing this great story 🤍
Dream Warriors Chapter 10
Title: Dream Warriors Chapter 10
Summary: Can our Dream Warriors make it out alive?
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, other original characters
Word Count: 3,112
Warnings: Canon typical violence and peril
Author’s Note: The grand finale!! I can't believe it's really over. This series has taken me a long time to finally get completely posted. I'm pretty proud of it. I hope you've enjoyed the ride. Let's see how it all ends...
Read Chapter 9 here.
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Still laying in Dean’s arms, you let out another scream. Dean glares up at the witch as she continues to smirk at the two of you in the floor. 
“I’ll kill you. If you take over her body, I will kill you,” he threatens. 
“See, I don’t think you’ll be able to. I know how she feels about you and, from her memories, I’m pretty sure you feel the same way,” she says as she walks over and kneels down next to the two of you. “It’s so cliché. The two best friends who are so madly in love but too afraid to cross that line. I’ve seen that movie a hundred times. I think I’ll change the ending.” She rises to her feet and moves over to the refrigerator in the room. Pulling the door open, she looks in and grabs a bottle of water. “Maybe I’ll get the guy.” You grit your teeth and lay your head back against Dean’s shoulder, another pain hitting. 
“If I don’t make it, you better rip her apart,” you tell him. He presses a kiss to your temple and shakes his head. 
“You’re gonna make it, Sweetheart,” he says before moving to prop you up against the counter. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze before rising to his feet. The witch looks over and smiles widely.
“Oh, you wanna fight?” She asks, setting the bottle on the counter. “How adorable. The knight in shining armor, willing to die for his love.” You let out another scream and watch in horror as Dean charges at the witch. She merely laughs and with a flick of her wrist, sends him flying into the opposite wall. “Dean, Dean, Dean…” She says as she walks over towards him. “I’ve got the power here. I am in complete control.” He forces himself up and swings at her, knocking her back, stunned. “Why you little…” She snaps her fingers and Dean screams out in pain. 
“Stop!!” You scream out, watching as he twists in agony on the floor. “Stop!! I’ll give up!!” She looks at you and raises an eyebrow. You swallow thickly, fighting tears. “Let him go, let him wake up, and I’ll give up. I’ll stop fighting.” 
“Y/N, no!!” Dean calls out through gritted teeth. 
“Please,” you beg. The witch watches you for a moment before snapping her fingers once again. Dean stops screaming and sits back, leaning against the wall behind himself. “Send him back,” you tell her. 
“I will. Calm down. How did you get here though?” She asks, looking back at Dean. He sets his jaw, staring her down. With a smirk, she raises a hand towards you and Dean’s eyes widen. 
“A different spell,” he tells her in a rush. The witch nods her head slowly as she thinks this over. 
“Like a backdoor…fascinating,” she says mostly to herself. You watch her and frown. 
“Send him back,” you say once again. She glances at you and with a wave of her hand, Dean disappears. You let out a sigh and lay your head back against the counter. “Can we at least stop this charade?” You ask. She waves her hand once again and the pain fades away along with your overgrown stomach. Closing your eyes, you can feel the life slipping away from you. It wouldn’t be long now. 
“So many regrets,” the witch says, watching you. You glance at her and frown. 
“Please stop reading my mind,” you tell her. She laughs lightly and crosses her arms. 
“All those different scenarios…all those different plays…this was your favorite,” she says. You sigh and close your eyes again, trying to ignore her. “A normal, happy life. Completely domestic. Married and a baby on the way. You two could have really been happy.” 
“I’m just gonna picture Dean killing you now, if that’s okay,” you tell her. She laughs as she sits in one of the chairs at the table. 
“I don’t get it. You’re so obviously in love with him, enough to die for him now, but you never said anything. Never made a move,” she says. You groan and shake your head. 
“This is not how I pictured the end,” you mumble. She watches you for a moment before waving her hand once again. The kitchen scene disappears and is replaced with a more familiar one. “This isn’t my room,” you comment. You were now resting in Dean’s bed in the bunker. She smiles from her chair across the room. 
“You’d rather be in here and we both know it,” she says. You lean back against the headboard with a sigh and close your eyes, thinking about the last time you were really in here. Dean had been beaten up pretty bad on a hunt and you’d stayed the night with him, watching over him and taking care of his wounds. “This is getting sickening.” 
“Well it’s still my mind for a few more minutes. I’ll think about whatever I want,” you tell her. 
“You could at least picture him naked,” she mumbles causing you to actually laugh out loud. The laugh dies out quickly as you grimace, squeezing your eyes closed a little tighter. As you lose yourself in different memories, one flashes through your mind and you quickly tuck it away before she has a chance to see it too. It wasn’t a happy one. Dean was a demon, hunting you and Sam in the bunker. You’d taken refuge here in his bedroom, a place you knew was stocked with hidden weapons. 
“Why didn’t you just kill me?” You ask, forcing yourself to sit up. She glances over at you and rolls her eyes. 
“Loophole in the spell. I can inflict pain. I can cause injury but I have to drain the life from you slowly,” she explains as she checks her nails. You nod slightly and swing your legs over the side of the bed. “What are you doing?” 
“I just want to stretch my legs,” you tell her. You knew your legs were too weak to support your weight and that’s what you were counting on at this point. “Spell seems complicated. Have you done it before?” You ask, trying to keep her talking so she wouldn’t be as focused on you. She sighs and lays her head back. 
“Hundreds of times. I’ve been jumping bodies for centuries now. I’d lost my book in the last jump when I landed in this…child. Kaylee,” she sneers the name with disgust. You glance at her and frown. 
“Not a fan of the name?”
“Much too modern,” she says, looking at her nails casually.
“And what do you prefer? Eve?” You question, earning a laugh. She glances over at you, smirking.
“Hardly.” She eyes you for a moment as you continue to gauge your strength. “Morcant was my given name. Of course, you people have modernized it. Morgan.”
“If you’ve done this so many times, why did you need the book?” You ask, standing up carefully. Your legs wobble beneath you. She sighs now, seemingly exasperated by your continued questioning.
“If you must know, it’s the source of my power. Without the book, I’ve got nothing,” she says. It’s only a moment before your legs give out, as you’d expected, and you collapse to the floor with a crash. The witch looks at you and starts to laugh, rising from her seat. “Not as strong as you’d thought, hmmm?” She taunts, dropping down next to you. Your hand slips under the bed and immediately comes into contact with something cold and metallic. You look up at her and smirk. 
“No. But I’m strong enough,” you say before pulling the angel blade from under the bed. You drive the spike into her stomach and she screams out in agony. 
“You bitch!!” She spits through gritted teeth. Something flashes in her eyes briefly before she smirks. She waves a hand and… 
You sit up suddenly with a gasp and take in your surroundings. Six eyes are watching you closely, all shocked. Sam. Cas. Rowena. The pain surges through you suddenly and you let out an unearthly scream as you fall back into the pillows. You’re immediately aware of the body next to you. Despite the pain coursing through you, you realize that Dean is next to you, still unconscious. 
“No,” you mumble, trying to reach for him. You hadn’t noticed Sam had left the room until he comes back. 
“What’s that?” Cas asks. Sam uncaps the syringe and grabs your arm. 
“Morphine. I took it from the hospital,” he tells him before stabbing it into your arm. It acts quickly, numbing the pain. You feel the pull to go back under and reach out for Sam, to ask him about Dean. He takes your hand in his but the drug takes its full effect before you can get the words out. 
You come to some time later, groggy and confused. You aren’t in the bedroom anymore. Now, you’re in the dungeon, strapped to the chair in the center of the room. The pain is still very much present but it isn’t as bad as before, the morphine still working. The door to the dungeon opens and Sam steps into the room. 
“Sam! Where’s Dean?” You ask. He watches you for a moment then looks down the hall. 
“Rowena, she’s awake,” he calls out before stepping into the room fully. 
“Did Dean wake up?” You ask, trying to pull against the restraints. The younger Winchester ignores your pleas, arms crossed over his chest. Rowena steps into the room now and walks over. She blows a fistful of powder into your face, causing you to cough. “The hell??” You gasp, triggering the pain in your side. 
“Truth spell,” Sam explains. You stare at him for a moment before you nod, understanding. 
“Please, hurry,” you beg. Sam waits for a moment, allowing the spell to take full effect. You groan in agony, hanging your head. “Sam, please.” Rowena looks at him and nods once. 
“What’s your name?” Sam asks. Something rushes through you, a tingling sensation, as the spell works. 
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you tell him quickly. You can visibly see the relief wash over him. 
“What happened?” He asks as he rushes over to untie your wrists. 
“Got an angel blade from under Dean’s bed and stabbed her,” you explain. He frowns and nods. “Where’s Dean?” 
“He hasn’t woken up yet,” he says. His words wash over you. That wasn’t possible. 
“No. No, she was supposed to send him back,” you tell him. He looks at you and shakes his head slightly. 
“What?” He asks. 
“I made a deal with her. I’d give up if she sent him back. He…he disappeared,” you say, looking up at Rowena. Her brow furrows as she thinks this over. 
“Did you see her die?” She asks. Sam gets you free from the chair and you move to stand quickly. Too quickly. You fall into Sam immediately and he wraps an arm around your waist to support you. 
“No. I just…woke up,” you tell them. You begin to pale and Sam frowns. 
“Alright, let’s get you back in bed,” he says, scooping you up into his arms quickly. You shake your head. 
“No!! We have to get Dean back!!” You protest. Sam starts down the hall and glances back at Rowena. 
“What do we do?” He asks. You groan and lay your head back, closing your eyes. The pain was coming back with a vengeance. 
“This is tricky,” she says, shaking her head. Sam carries you back into the bedroom where Cas is examining Dean. The angel looks up from Dean’s still body and manages a small smile. 
“It’s Y/N?” He asks. You look over at him and nod quickly before your eyes fall to Dean. 
“Rowena, what happened?” You ask as Sam lays you on the bed once again. 
“Could she have jumped to Dean? Could she control two bodies at once like that?” Sam asks, looking at the witch. You force yourself up onto your elbows to watch them. 
“That would take…decades of practice,” she says, shaking her head. 
“She has it!!” You tell them. They all look at you. “She said she’s been doing this for centuries. Jumping from body to body.” You gasp suddenly, remembering. “The book!!” You attempt to force yourself up from the bed but Sam reaches over, stopping you. 
“What about it?” 
“She said it’s the source of her power. Without it, she has nothing,” you explain as you try to sit up. Cas brings Sam another syringe of morphine and you frown at him. “No!! I have to help Dean!!” 
“We’ll figure it out. You can’t even stand right now. Rest,” he tells you, but you shake your head defiantly.  
“Send me back,” you say, looking at Rowena. “You sent Dean in. Now send me.” 
“That’s too risky,” Cas says, frowning.  
“I don’t care about the damn risk!! I have to get Dean back!!” You protest. Sam nods slightly.  
“Okay. Yea. We’ll send you back. Just lay down. Let Rowena get the spell ready,” he says. You watch him for a moment before laying back against the bed once more. Your eyes land on Dean, next to you on the bed. He looks like he’s peacefully sleeping but you can only imagine what she’s doing to him. The slightest pinch in your arm draws your attention quickly. Sam empties the syringe into your arm as you stare in disbelief. 
“You lied.” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he says, rising to his full height. Tears flood your eyes as you feel the drugs taking over once again. “We’ll destroy the book and you’ll both be fine.” 
“I love him, Sam,” you cry. 
“I know,” he says, brushing your hair from your face. “And you can tell him that as soon as you wake up.” He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead as the morphine pulls you under once again.  
Some time later, you come to once again, just as confused as the last time. This time you hadn’t been moved. You’re still lying in Dean’s bed only now you have a blanket draped over you and you’re completely alone. Sam, Cas, and Rowena were nowhere to be seen and Dean was no longer next to you. Carefully, you rise to an upright position, wincing only slightly at the pain in your side. A gunshot wound and broken ribs were not a good combination. Forcing your stiff limbs to move, you get your legs over the edge of the bed just as the bedroom door opens. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Dean asks. You break into a wide smile, and if you could, you’d run and tackle him. 
“You’re okay!!” You proclaim. He laughs as he walks over. 
“I’m always okay. You need to lay back down,” he tells you. Shaking your head quickly, you hold a hand out for him. He takes your hand in his and sits down next to you on the bed. “You need more medicine?” He asks as you lay your head on his shoulder. 
“I don’t want to go back to sleep right now. I’ve been out for long enough,” you say. He laughs lightly and nods before dropping a kiss to the top of your head. 
“It’s good to see you awake,” he says, his voice soft. 
“Could say the same for you,” you tell him. He lets out a small laugh drawing you to look up at him now. “What was it?” 
“She did pretty good. Had me think I woke up just before she finished you off. Guess she wanted to see if I actually could kill you,” he says, his eyes set on some far off point. Taking his face in your hands gently, you pull him back to look at you. 
“Hey. Whatever happened, whatever you did, it wasn’t real, okay? I’m fine,” you tell him, but he shakes his head quickly. 
“I couldn’t do it,” he confesses. “I thought if I knew it wasn’t you, if I knew you were gone, I’d be able to put my feelings aside but…” He trails off and you bite at your lip. “We need to have a talk about that will of yours too because that is too much pressure.” 
“Will?” You ask, eyes widening. Oh God. “You mean…” 
“Arnold showed up. Gave me your letter,” he tells you. Staring at him, your mind races. He read the letter. The letter you’d written at a very dark time, spilling your heart onto paper just for him. 
“You really weren’t supposed to see that,” you mumble. Dean laughs lightly and presses his lips to your forehead. 
“Then maybe you should be a little more careful about what spells you get put under,” he teases. You laugh at this and shake your head. 
“She’s dead, right?” You ask. He nods quickly. 
“Burst into flames right in front of me,” he says. “They burned the book out here, so she…” He makes an exploding motion with his hands, complete with sound effects. You nod your head slightly. “You don’t seem as excited about that as I thought you would?” 
“Nothing feels different. I was hoping I’d be able to feel that this was real, to know she was gone, but…” You’re cut off abruptly by Dean’s lips against yours. It’s a gentle and chaste kiss only lasting long enough to shut you up. 
“That feel real?” He asks. You swallow thickly and nod, unable to speak. That kiss was different from the ones in your dreams. His lips were more chapped than they had been in your mind. There was whiskey on his breath.
“That letter…” You say, trying to refocus your mind from the kiss. “I was in a pretty dark place and…”
“You’re the best part of my life too,” he interjects. “You’re…everything to me.” Your heart swells at his words. It wasn’t much but it was all you needed to hear. You immediately pull him back into another kiss.
This time, neither of you hold back, allowing every ounce of your repressed feelings to come to the surface. Your dreams couldn’t even begin to compare to the way his touch set your skin on fire as his fingers grazed just below your shirt. He leans in closer, an attempt to lay you back on the bed. You let out a soft, pained gasp as you pull away from him.
“Easy,” you mutter, trying to catch your breath. His eyes widen immediately.
“I’m so sorry,” he says. You laugh lightly and shake your head.
“Give me a few weeks to heal up, then you can get carried away,” you tease. He smiles widely before resting his forehead against yours. 
“I’ll hold you to that,” he says. You press your lips to his once again, softly. Despite the pain emanating from various places on your body, you’d call this moment perfect. You’d even go as far as to say it was…a dream come true.
The End
Thank you so much to everyone who has enjoyed the story!! I hope the ending was satisfying!! A special thanks to everyone below…
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
Dream Warriors: @aylacavebear @winharry @djs8891 @suckitands33 @rickgrimeswifeu @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @foxyjwls007 @alisyacsa @lailawinchesterr @urinternetmom @justrealizedimmascifygurl @kr804573 @thej2report @just-levyy @snowayumi @deans-baby-momma @demons-eats-pie-too @brightlilith @kazsrm67 @onlyangel444
52 notes · View notes
This man—oh my goshhhh 😩🤤
He has no business being that hot at that age.
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Jensen Ackles | Columbus (Ohio), Convention | June 9, 2024 [x]
921 notes · View notes
This Drabble 🥵
This man, this man be doing things to me. Eight months pregnant and it feels like I wanna fuck shit up. I blame the hormones.
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𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘 → is as merciless in bed as he is out on the field, a beast incarnate that revels at the sight of you, his little hummingbird, pliant and obedient beneath him, taking what he gives without little complaint, fingernails digging into the taut muscles of his shoulders as he continues to pound his thick cock in your sopping cunt, pain and pleasure pulsing through his entire being, “I just fucking had it with that smart mouth of yours, princess. Should learn some fucking respect.”
He offers you no reprieve, even as you teeter towards the edge of no return once more, “I ain't even close to being done with you, thinking you can prance about,” hips pounding, balls slapping against the curve of your buttocks, he feels the need to devour you whole, because who the fuck did you think you were? “Wearing that fucking dress, knowing it fucking pisses me off when Noir thinks he can paw at you,” he is relentless in his pursuit to educate you on who it is exactly you belong to, pushing his weight further down upon you, eyes glinting like a feral predator starved and beaten, “—knowing I'm standing right there, ready to fucking blast him till kingdome come. You're mine, princess.”
You never wore that dress again.
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୧ 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐄 → 2024 ୨
91 notes · View notes
Can we stop and talk about how Jared is as big as the dinosaur 😭❤️
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4K notes · View notes
This was amazing! Can’t wait for the last chapter 😆😆
Dream Warriors Chapter 9
Title: Dream Warriors Chapter 9
Summary: A plan is devised and set in motion to bring the reader back.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, other original characters
Word Count: 3,170
Warnings: Canon typical violence and peril
Author’s Note: The penultimate chapter!!
Read Chapter 8 here.
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Dean leads Rowena up to Y/N’s room. He stops at the door and looks at her. The others weren’t going to be on board with this at all. He sighs and holds a hand up for her before going in by himself. Sam looks up and smiles at him, sadly. 
“Hey. You made your decision?” He asks. Dean pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“I want to try one more thing and if it doesn’t work then…” He trails off, unable to actually say it. 
“Try what?” Cas asks. Dean sighs and reaches back, pulling the door open. Rowena smiles as she steps into the room. 
“Hello, Boys,” she says. Sam shakes his head quickly. 
“No. Hell no,” he says. Dean runs his hands over his face and looks back at his brother, pleading. 
“Let’s just see what she knows. Hear her out. She says she owes Y/N and that’s why she’s here,” he tells him. Sam watches as Rowena walks over to your body and examines it. Dean looks over and frowns. “Don’t touch her.” Rowena rolls her eyes before walking over to the book on the table. 
“What happened?” She asks, picking it up and opening it. Sam looks at Dean before sighing and looking at her. 
“We were on a case. A witch. She put some spell on Y/N and disappeared,” he says. Rowena nods slightly. 
“Did you hear the spell?” She asks. Dean shakes his head. 
“No. There was too much happening,” he tells her. She nods as she flips through the pages casually. 
“Did the witch disappear or run away?” 
“Pretty sure she disappeared,” Dean says. Rowena closes the book and holds it close to her chest. 
“Has she been inexplicably injured?” She asks. Dean looks at her and nods, crossing his arms. 
“Yea. She got a burn randomly and then…a lot worse,” he says. She smiles and nods. 
“Somnium clipeum. It’s the Dream Shield,” she says.  
“Dream Shield?” He asks. She nods, setting the book back on the table. 
“It’s very complicated but a perfect escape route,” she says. The others wait expectantly as she walks back over to you. “The victim falls into a very deep sleep and the caster takes refuge in their subconscious.” The three men all stare at her. 
“You’re saying the witch is actually…inside Y/N?�� Sam asks. Rowena nods once. 
“That’s impossible,” Cas says. The witch snorts a laugh. 
“Says the graceless angel,” she says. Dean shakes his head quickly. 
“How does this work?” He asks. “What’s happening in her head?” 
“Whatever the witch wants. If she’s smart, she’s just hiding in some fantasy world created to keep Y/N asleep,” she explains. “However, since she’s been injured, I’d guess she’s toying with her instead.” 
“What’s the point though? What happens if Y/N dies?” Sam asks. Rowena shrugs her shoulder. 
“Your witch can take control,” she says. Dean frowns quickly. 
“She’s trying to take Y/N’s body?” He asks. Rowena nods and Dean runs his hands over his face. “What can we do?” 
“Nothing. There’s no reversal spell. No true love’s kiss,” she teases, earning a glare from Dean. “Y/N has to kill the witch in order to regain control,” Dean frowns and looks over at your body. 
“Y/N’s smart. She’ll figure it out,” Sam says. Dean shakes his head. 
“So, we just sit and wait?” He asks. Sam frowns and Rowena glances between them. 
“Smart as Y/N is, the witch gains more control every minute she’s there. Killing her will be incredibly difficult,” she tells them. 
“Is there anything we can do? Anything at all to help her?” Dean asks. Rowena walks over to the window as she thinks. 
“There may something but it’s incredibly risky,” she says. 
“What?” Dean questions. 
“I could try to send her a message,” she tells him. Dean nods and looks at Sam who shrugs. 
“A message how?” The younger brother asks. She turns back to look at them. 
“I change the spell a little and I can send someone else in,” she says. Dean nods. 
“I’ll do it,” he says. Sam sighs and glances at him. 
“What’s the catch? The risk?” He asks. 
“If Y/N dies, Dean will be lost as well. If Dean dies in the dream, he dies in real life,” she says. Dean shrugs his shoulders. 
“I’ll do it,” he says again. Sam shakes his head and turns to his older brother, but Dean cuts him off before he can speak. “You aren’t talking me out of this. I can’t lose her, Sam. I can’t. She’s…everything.” His voice breaks and Sam sighs. He knew how important you were to Dean. He’d known long before Dean did. 
“What do we do?” He asks, looking back at Rowena. 
“I’ll need to gather ingredients and I won’t be able to do it here,” she says. Dean frowns and looks over at your body. 
“How do we get her out of here?” He asks. 
“I can help with that,” Arnold says, raising his hand in his seat. They all look over, having forgotten he was even in the room. Dean smiles a little and nods. 
“Alright. Arnold and I will get her to the bunker. You three go get the stuff for the spell,” he says, looking at Sam. 
Rowena gets a list of ingredients together. Sam splits it between himself and Cas before the three leave to get everything. Dean looks over at Arnold. 
“What’s the plan?” He asks. Arnold stands and straightens out his tie.
“Let me do the talking. You sit there and look heartbroken for your dying wife,” he tells him. Dean nods and falls into the seat next to your bed. Arnold presses the call button and a nurse answers over the speaker. He asks to speak with the doctor. A few minutes later, the doctor comes into the room. 
“Is everything okay?” She asks Dean, glancing at Arnold. He nods slightly and Arnold clears his throat, pulling a business card from his suit pocket. 
“Good evening, Doctor. My name is Arnold Freidman, attorney,” he says, handing her his card. She takes it and looks at it before looking back at him. “I represent the Winchesters.” 
“Okay,” she says, nodding. 
“Mrs. Winchester doesn’t have long left, correct?” He asks. The doctor frowns and nods. 
“Off the ventilator, she’d probably only have two maybe three hours,” she tells him. Arnold nods and sticks his hands in his pockets. 
“Mr. Winchester has made a decision. He’d like to take his wife home so she can be comfortable and surrounded by family,” he tells her. She looks down at Dean to find he’s grasping your hand in his.  
“Very well. I’m sorry we couldn’t do more to help,” she apologizes. Dean nods slightly and she looks back at Arnold.  
“The family has gone on to get things ready and make sure everyone has a chance to get there to say goodbye. We’ll need a few hours,” he says. She nods and leaves the room. Dean lets out a breath and looks at Arnold.  
“That was easy,” he says. Arnold smiles a little and moves back to his seat. “Now we just wait for the word that they’re ready.” 
The two stay at the hospital and Dean finishes up your paperwork with Arnold’s help. Sam eventually calls Dean and tells him they have all the ingredients and Rowena has begun to work. Arnold informs the doctor that they’re ready and she releases your body to them. Dean lays you in the back seat much to the doctor’s dismay and thanks Arnold for all his help.  
Dean drives back as fast as he can, constantly glancing back at you in the back seat to make sure you’re still breathing. As he approaches the bunker, you begin to thrash around once again. He looks back to find your side is bleeding. 
“Dammit,” he roars, punching the gas a little harder. He whips the car into the garage and jumps out as Sam comes in. “Something happened,” he calls to his brother. Sam runs back out the door as Dean pulls you from the backseat. He carries you all the way to your bedroom where the others are waiting before laying you on the bed. Ripping your shirt open, they all stare in horror at the wound in your side. 
“That’s a gunshot wound,” Sam says. Dean rolls your shirt up and presses it against the wound as Cas rushes from the room. He comes back a minute later with some supplies, alcohol, a needle, and thread. 
“We don’t have much time,” Rowena points out. Dean frowns and looks at Sam then back at the witch. 
“Can he stitch her up while you do the spell? Will that work?” He asks. Rowena nods and Cas takes Dean’s place, pressing against the wound. “What do I need to do?” 
“Drink this,” she tells him, holding up a glass. It’s filled with a thick, dark substance almost resembling cough syrup. Dean takes it and downs it quickly, no hesitation. “Lie down and close your eyes,” she instructs. Dean glances over at Sam who has just begun to clean your wound. He lies down next to you on the bed and takes your hand in his. 
“Be careful,” Sam tells him, looking up from his work. Dean nods once before closing his eyes. Rowena holds her hands above his body as she begins to chant in Latin. Cas watches her as Sam works, stitching up your side. She drops her hands then sits in a nearby chair. 
“Did it work?” Sam asks, rising to his feet as he wipes his hands off on a towel. She looks at him, insulted. 
“Of course it worked,” she says. Sam nods and looks at the bodies of two of the people who mean the most to him. 
“What do we do now?” He asks. 
“We wait,” she tells him. He frowns and shakes his head. 
“I need a drink,” he mumbles before leaving the bedroom. 
Dean opens his eyes and sits up, looking around. He’s on the ground outside a bar that seems vaguely familiar. He rises to his feet and brushes himself off before pushing the door open. Music greets him instantly, your favorite song blaring from the jukebox. He looks around and only spots you sitting at the bar, a bottle of whiskey and a glass sat in front of you. You look over and frown. 
“Great,” you mumble, looking back at your glass. You down it quickly and stand up. “So, who are you supposed to be this time?” 
“What?” Dean asks. You shrug your shoulders and cross your arms. 
“Best friend? Husband? Boyfriend? High school sweetheart who went away to the war?” You ask, mostly to yourself. Dean stares at you and shakes his head. 
“It’s me, Y/N. You’re under a…” 
“A spell. I know,” you tell him. He nods and starts to walk over. 
“Okay. You remember the spell and the witch?” He asks. You roll your eyes and turn back to the bar. 
“I don’t like this one. Can we hit fast forward?” You ask no one in particular. Dean reaches you and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“Y/N, I’m here. You’re dying out there. Rowena showed up, said she owes you for something. She sent me in to help,” he says. You turn on your barstool before downing another glass of whiskey. Looking him over, you start to laugh. 
“This is the most convincing one yet. Although, you’ve never shown up here before. She only puts me here when she’s resting so I’m always alone,” you say, reaching up and touching his cheek. He turns into your hand and puts his own over yours. 
“You have to believe me, Y/N. We’ve got to kill her or she’ll take over your body,” he tries to convince you. It almost works but you know it’s too good to be true. You shake your head and lean back against the bar behind you.  
“You know I’ve tried to kill her. It never works. She knows what I’m thinking before I do,” you say with a shrug of your shoulders. The music on the jukebox stops and you sigh, looking over. “Last call.” 
“What?” Dean asks, glancing over at it. 
“She’s got a new one ready to go. The music only plays when, ugh…I’m on hold,” you laugh. Dean looks at you and frowns.  
“Y/N,” he says. You put a finger over his lips and look around.  
“You remember this place?” You ask. He looks around the bar and shakes his head slightly.  
“I recognize it but I can’t place it,” he says. Your arms wrap around his neck and he looks at you suddenly, taken aback at your affectionate gesture. 
“This is where we celebrated my first successful hunt,” you tell him. He looks back around and nods, remembering.  
“Right. We got so drunk that night,” he says. You laugh and nod before yawning.  
“Here it comes,” you mumble, slumping against his chest. He frowns as he looks down at you.  
“Y/N??” He calls trying to wake you up. The room grows dark and he feels your weight slip from his arms. “Y/N??” 
Light begins to grow around him slowly and he realize he’s in a different room now. He’s standing just inside the front door of a house. Footsteps approach from the top of the stairs in front of him and he frowns, peeking up. You come down towards him, a big smile on your face and a hand resting on your suddenly very pregnant belly.  
“You’re home early. Everything okay?” You ask stopping in front of him. He stares down at your stomach. “Dean? What’s wrong?” You ask, reaching up and touching his cheek. Dean meets your eyes now and you smile. “Babe, you okay?” You ask.  
“You’re pregnant,” he says, voice shaky. You laugh and nod.  
“Yea. Congrats, it’s yours,” you say before standing up and kissing him. His eyes widen quickly when your lips meet for the briefest of moments. “I’m gonna go start dinner.” He stares after you as you go into the kitchen before shaking his head.  
“This isn’t real. Calm down,” he tells himself before following you quickly. “Y/N, we need to talk.” You glance over at him as you start to chop some green peppers.  
“What is it?” You ask. He takes a deep breath. 
“This is gonna sound crazy but…this isn’t real. You’re under a spell. It’s got you in a coma, dreaming like this. It’s gonna kill you if we don’t act fast,” he says. You stare at him for a moment, shocked, hands starting to shake.  
“What?” You ask, your voice trembling. Dean walks over and takes the knife from your hands carefully.  
“You have to believe me. We have to go kill this witch or you’re gonna die,” he says. Your eyes fill with tears as you look up at him.  
“Are you…are you really here?” You asks. He nods quickly.  
“I am. Rowena cast another spell so I could help you,” he explains. The tears slip over as a sob breaks through your chest.  
“Oh my God,” You cry, throwing your arms around his neck. He sighs and wraps you up in a tight hug. 
“You believe me?” He asks, rubbing your back soothingly. You nod your head as your cry. 
“You’re either really here or this is more elaborate than her normal dreams,” you tell him, wiping at your eyes. He looks down at you and his eyes fall to your stomach again.  
“This is weird,” he says. You look at him then down and run a hand across the significant bump. 
“You’re telling me,” you say. “I usually play along with the dreams now. It’s the easiest way to get to her.” He nods and reaches a hand out, hesitating.  
“So this…this is supposed to…supposed to be mine?” He asks. You laugh lightly and nod, allowing him to touch your stomach. 
“Our little miracle baby apparently,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow at you. “I have my own memories and the ones that she plants. Several miscarriages and years of fertility treatments led to this little guy. Any day now,” He nods, eyes still glued to his hand on your stomach. 
“How, ugh…how do we find her?” He asks.  
“She always makes herself known. She’s never not been in one of these. Bit of a drama queen,” you say. Dean nods slightly and you reach up, lifting his chin to meet his eyes. “You can stop panicking. This isn’t real.” 
“I’m not panicking,” he says. You smile and shake your head. 
“So, what’s been going on out there?” You ask him. He sighs and his hands come to rest on your waist. 
“We got you to the hospital and they didn’t have a clue. It got even weirder when you started getting hurt randomly. Whatever happens here, happens to you for real. A burn, broken ribs…just before I got here, you ended up with a gunshot wound or something,” he says. You frown and nod. 
“Yea, that was a weird one. Very…Bonnie and Clyde,” you tell him. He nods slightly. 
“We don’t have a lot of time. She’s draining your body. You were on a ventilator, but we had to get you back to the bunker for the spell. We have an hour, maybe,” he says. You frown and shake your head, as you think. 
“I don’t know what to do, Dean. I’ve tried to kill her, I have. But she…” 
“Knows what you’re thinking before you do. Right,” he says, nodding. You sigh and runs your hands over your face. 
“Okay. Best way to find her is to play her game. So, we just…go about our business,” you tell him, taking a step back. “Dinner.” You turn back to your cutting board and pick the knife up before a pain shoots through your side causing you to scream out. Dean rushes to your side and wraps an arm around your waist. 
“What is it??” He asks. You shake your head, cradling your stomach. 
“Something’s wrong,” you say, dropping to your knees. Dean goes down with you, holding you close. 
“I’ll say so,” another voice says from the other side of the room. You both look up to find the witch standing in the entrance to the kitchen. “You aren’t the Dean I created.”  You scream out again and grab at your stomach. 
“Stop this!!” Dean tells her. The witch smirks and crosses her arms. 
“It’s only a matter of time now,” she says. 
Rowena’s sitting in the chair still, the spell book open in her lap. Sam and Cas are both standing in the room, waiting.
“This book,” Rowena starts, flipping pages delicately. “It’s…ancient.”
Your body begins to thrash in the bed and they exchange looks before rushing to your side. Cas tries to hold you steady as Sam checks your pulse. 
“She’s fading fast,” he says, frowning up at Cas. 
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
Dream Warriors: @aylacavebear @winharry @djs8891 @suckitands33 @rickgrimeswifeu @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @foxyjwls007 @alisyacsa @lailawinchesterr @urinternetmom @justrealizedimmascifygurl @kr804573 @thej2report @just-levyy @snowayumi @deans-baby-momma @demons-eats-pie-too @brightlilith @kazsmr67 @onlyangel444
73 notes · View notes
I completely agree with this 👆🏽 thank you so much @zepskies for your talented and inspiring stories.
hiii! :) i just wanted to say, it’s been a really rough year for me so far but I came across break me down a few months ago and it is the perrrrrfect hurt/comfort series imo. it’s helped me so much emotionally, if that makes sense :’) then it led me to the rest of your page and all of your phenomenal writing!🤍🤍 you’re such an amazing writer and a very kind person. thank you for sharing your stories with everyone! <33
Hi there, lovely!
First off, I'm sorry to hear that you've had a tough year. 💙
We've all been there, but I hope things get easier for you. I've been having a tough few weeks myself, so your message really perked me up tonight. I'm so glad to hear that Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x F. Reader) has been a comfort story for you! 🥹 I love that storyverse very much, and I'm amazed to hear that it's actually given you some emotional comfort. 💞
When I write, I do so with the hope that it doesn't just entertain people. That in some small way, it could possibly touch them in the way BMD did for you.
So thank you for reading my stories, and for letting me know what you thought of BMD! 💗💚💗
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12 notes · View notes
Damn, that’s one beautiful man 😍🤤
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Director Jensen Ackles| SPN, 10x03 Soul Survivor
1K notes · View notes
I loved this so much ❤️❤️❤️
A new addiction - Part 5  
Jensen Ackles x F/reader (Y/N)   
Warning: 18+, smut, age difference, Open relationship   
Side note: English isn’t my first language.   
Let's make it very clear I don't want to denigrate, break up or talk bad about Danneel, their relationship or family. I love them and wish both all the happiness.   
This story is pure fiction. Have fun!   
-- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -- 
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Story:  recap 
Jensen and Danneel are going through a difficult time in their relationship. After being together for so long and married for 14 years the excitement and sexual tension is gone. After going to marriage counselling Danneel had the idea of trying a semi-open relationship.  
But is Jensen capable to just physical needs or will he fall for Y/N? 
As the night descended upon the local venue, the air buzzed with anticipation, the stage illuminated by colourful lights. Jensen, stood backstage, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves. Y/N stood in the crowed he had asked her to come with him, as a friend.  
The last few weeks had been weird. He had stayed with Y/N while Danneel was at her mother's house. She had called him last night asking to talk. He agreed to meet her in two days, in their house in Austin. Jensen had given Y/N her space, knowing if he chose her, she would take him in with open arms.  
If he chose Danneel, his wife for 14 years, they would stay friends in ways possible. 
As Jensen stepped into the spotlight, the crowd erupted into cheers, their voices mingling with the electric hum of anticipation. Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she watched him, his presence commanding the stage with a confidence that only he gets away with.  
But as he began to sing, his voice filling the air with raw emotion, Y/N felt something shift within her, something she couldn't quite put into words. It was as if his music reached into the depths of her soul, stirring feelings that had long been dormant, awakening a longing she had long tried to ignore. 
With each note, each lyric that spilled from Jensen's lips, Y/N felt herself drawn closer to him, her heart beating in time with the rhythm of the music. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him, couldn't shake the feeling that he was singing directly to her, baring his soul for her and her alone. 
And as the final chords faded into the night, leaving nothing but the echo of their music hanging in the air, Y/N knew that she could no longer deny the truth that lay within her heart. She loved Jensen not just as a friend, but as something more, something deeper and more profound. Even though she would try to hide that. 
Her backstage pass made it possible to sneak in while Jensen greeted his fans. As Jensen stepped offstage, a triumphant smile on his face, Y/N made her way to him, her heart pounding with a courage she hadn't known she possessed. "That was amazing!” she hugged him, feeling his hands tight around her back.  
“You liked it?” He asked pulling her away to look at her eyes. “Liked it? Jay, I knew you could sing but this... wow!” He smiled softly. “What’s wrong? - “I'm nervous facing Danneel, but I also don’t want to leave you, now we finally are past the awkwardness.” Y/N listened to his words. “I’m afraid I’m going to lose you as a friend, Y/N.”  
“Don’t try to overthink it, Jay.” Feeling the warmth of Y/N's hand on his arm, Jensen's heart swelled with gratitude and affection. Her touch was like a gentle caress, a soothing balm for his nerves and troubled thoughts. “We will stay friends no matter what.” 
As he looked into her eyes, he felt as if he could face anything even the daunting prospect of talking to Danneel. "Thank you, Y/N," Jensen said softly, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your support means the world to me." 
Y/N smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with understanding and compassion. "You don't have to thank me." She replied, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I'll always be here for you." She took a deep breath, “no matter who you choose.”  
As the night moved on and the after party started, Jensen and Y/N found themselves caught up in the revelry, the music pulsing through the air, the laughter of their friends ringing in their ears. They drank a little too much, their inhibitions fading away with each passing moment. 
Lost in the moment, they found themselves drawn to each other, their laughter mingling with the intimacy of the night. And as they danced together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, they couldn't deny the spark of attraction that crackled between them. 
As the party began to wind down, Jensen and Y/N found themselves alone together, as Jensen and Y/N walked back to their hotel, an undeniable tension hung in the air between them, thickening with each step they took. The weight of their unspoken emotions pressed down on them like a heavy burden, casting a shadow over the night. 
Jensen couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at his insides. He wanted to reach out to Y/N, to break through the wall of silence that had formed between them, but he didn't know where to begin. Y/N, too, felt the weight of the silence pressing down on her, the ache of uncertainty twisting in her chest like a knot.  
As they reached the entrance to the hotel, Jensen paused, his heart pounding in his chest as he turned to face Y/N. "Y/N," he began, his voice hesitant. She looked at him. But his sentence never continued. He walked her to her room, his just a few doors down the hall.  
Jensen hesitated for a moment, when he turned to her, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked into Y/N's eyes, searching for any sign. Without a word, she reached out to him, her hand brushing against his cheek with a tenderness that took his breath away. 
Jensen leaned into her touch, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms, to lose himself in the warmth of her embrace, but he knew that he had to be carefully, to respect her boundaries and her wishes. 
With a soft sigh, Y/N gave in, she closed the distance between them, her lips meeting his in a gentle kiss that sent shivers down his spine. All that mattered was the here and now, the connection they shared, the love that bound them together despite the obstacles that stood in their way. 
As they broke apart, their breath mingling in the cool night air, with a whisper he promises to see her in the morning, Y/N watched as Jensen walked to his room, her heart soaring.  
“Jay...” He turned mid hall to her. “Please stay with me... tonight at least.” "I'd like that," he whispered softly, his voice filled with emotion. She led him inside, Jensen following close.  
As Y/N disappeared into the bathroom to change, Jensen couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation coursing through his veins. He knew he shouldn't invade her privacy, but the thought of seeing her in such an intimate moment sent his heart racing. He couldn't shake the feeling of desire that burned within him, the longing to be close to her, to feel her skin against his own. 
But as he waited, a sense of guilt began to gnaw at him, the realization sinking in that he was betraying Y/N's trust by even entertaining such thoughts. With a heavy sigh, he ran a hand through his hair, berating himself for his foolishness. 
Just then, the sound of the bathroom door opening pulled him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Y/N standing before him, her eyes filled with a mixture of uncertainty and vulnerability. She was wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts, her hair falling in loose waves on her shoulders. 
For a moment, Jensen's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of her, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her beauty. But as their eyes met, he could see the hesitation in her gaze, the unspoken question lingering between them. 
In the privacy of their hotel room, they found themselves unable to resist the pull of desire that simmered between them. As Y/N's straddling his lap with a newfound confidence, Jensen's breath caught in his throat once again. His heart raced with a mixture of desire and uncertainty, his hands instinctively finding their place on her hips as he gazed up at her, his eyes filled with longing. 
Their closeness ignited a spark between them, the air crackling with electricity as their eyes locked in a silent exchange of desire and longing. Jensen could feel the heat of her body radiating against his skin, sending shivers down his spine as he struggled to control himself.  
With a sense of urgency, Jensen pulled her closer, grinding over his lap, his hands roaming over her body with a hunger that bordered on desperation. He could feel the heat of her skin beneath his fingertips, the softness of her curves driving him wild with desire. 
As their lips met in a passionate kiss, Jensen moves their bodies he couldn't resist the urge to be closer to her. With a tender smile, he gently climbed onto the bed, positioning himself above her, his hands resting on either side of her body. 
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise and anticipation. She could feel the heat of his body radiating against her skin, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through her veins. 
With a soft sigh, Jensen lowered himself down, his lips hovering just inches above hers. He could feel the rhythm of her heartbeat echoing in the silence of the room, matching his own in its intensity. 
He slowly undressed her, fingers caressing her skin. Tracing the contours of her curves. Hands kneading at her thighs while his lips moved over her neck and shoulders. “I’m going to show you how much I missed you.” He whispers in her ear.  
His head disappeared in between her legs, he felt how her fingers tangled in his hair. While his tongue and lips moved to her sweet core, he heard a prayer leaving her mouth. Pulling him closer as she arched her back, a soft moan escaping her lips at the sensation of his touch.  
He placed her legs higher over his shoulder, looking her, mesmerised by the sight of her. His hands moved her shirt higher, feeling her bare breasts under his fingertips. Kneading her flesh, rolling her nipples between his fingers.  
“Fuck... Jay.” She breathed out. “I need you...” He moved back up over her, she pulled him in for a kiss. The tasted of herself lingering on his lips. Y/N’s legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer, feeling how hard he was.  
“I need you now...” she repeated. “Please... Jay. Don't keep me waiting any longer." With a groan of longing, Jensen surrendered to her, their bodies becoming one in a passionate embrace. Y/N helped him taking off the last pieces of clothing.  
As Jensen's movements synced with Y/N's, a symphony of sensation washed over them both. Each slow, deliberate thrust sent ripples of pleasure coursing through their bodies, a fire that burned with an intensity all its own. 
Y/N arched into Jensen's touch, her breath hitching with every exquisite movement. Her fingers found purchase in the soft fabric of the sheets, clutching desperately as waves of pleasure crashed over her again and again. 
Jensen's pace was unhurried, each movement calculated to draw out the pleasure they shared. With every deep thrust, he felt the connection between them strengthen. 
Their bodies moved as one, a perfect union of desire and longing. In the dim light of their shared sanctuary, they surrendered themselves completely to the passion that consumed them, lost in the ecstasy of their love. 
Feeling the fullness of Jensen's size, a moan escaping her lips as she surrendered to the intensity of their passion. Her nails dug into his skin, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she clung to him, lost in the blissful haze of desire. 
"God, you feel so good, Y/N," Jensen growled, his voice low and husky with desire. "You're so tight around me, driving me insane." Y/N moaned in response, her body arching into his with every thrust. The sensation of him filling her completely sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins, her senses alight with ecstasy. 
"You like that, baby?" Jensen murmured, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered dirty promises. "You like it when I take you like this, when I make you mine?" 
Y/N whimpered, unable to form coherent words as pleasure consumed her entirely. She could only nod in response, her fingers gripping the sheets as she surrendered to the delicious torment of their passion. 
Jensen's movements grew more relentless, his pace quickening as he drove her to the brink of ecstasy. Each thrust was a symphony of desire, a primal dance of two souls bound together in passion. 
"Tell me you want it, Y/N," Jensen demanded, his voice rough with need. "Tell me you need me to fuck you harder, deeper." - "Yes, Jay," Y/N moaned, her voice a breathless plea. "Please, I need you. I need you to fuck me harder, deeper. I need all of you." 
With every thrust, Jensen drove her to the brink of ecstasy, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, a dance of raw passion and unbridled longing that left them both trembling with pleasure. 
With a guttural groan, Jensen complied, giving himself over completely to the primal rhythm of their bodies. Together, they soared to heights of pleasure they had never known, their love transcending the physical realm as they became one in mind, body, and soul.  
With a gasp and a shudder, Jensen and Y/N found release in each other's arms, their bodies trembling with the intensity of their pleasure. 
Jensen dropped himself besides her, with a gentle tug, he drew her closer into his arms, their bodies fitting together like two pieces of a perfect puzzle. Y/N melted into his embrace, her heart beating in sync with his. 
Wrapped in the warmth of their shared embrace, Jensen pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead, enjoying the sweetness of the moment. He whispered words of adoration against her skin, his breath mingling with hers in the stillness of the night. 
In that intimate embrace, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the beauty of their love. Jensen held Y/N as if she were the most precious thing in the world, and in that moment, she truly was. 
They lay together in silence, in that fleeting moment of bliss, as they drifted off to sleep, entwined in each other's arms. 
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.  
@mayafatimakhan @anundyingfidelity
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I will give you all my time, Jensen 😭❤️
A new addiction - Part 3 
Jensen Ackles x F/reader (Y/N) 
Warning: 18+, nothing too graphic but still, age difference, Open relationship 
Side note: English isn’t my first language. 
Let's make it very clear I don't want to denigrate, break up or talk bad about Danneel, their relationship or family. I love them and wish both all the happiness. 
This story is pure fiction. Have fun! 
-> A new addiction masterlist <-
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Story:  recap
Jensen and Danneel are going through a difficult time in their relationship. After being together for so long and married for 14 years the excitement and sexual tension is gone. After going to marriage counselling Danneel had the idea of trying a semi-open relationship. 
 And guess who is on Jensen's list… 
Jensen stood amidst the lively chatter of his birthday party, a sense of anticipation tingling through him as he awaited the arrival of his co-star and lover, Y/N. His relationship with Y/N had added a layer of excitement to his life, one that he had embraced fully, yet discreetly. Jensen and his wife, Danneel, had an open relationship, even though it was her idea. Her insecurity grew.  
Neither had told who their extra partner was, but the way Jensen looked at Y/N at the press tour and red carpet said enough for Danneel. She knew him and the look he gave her was more than professional admiring. When she asked about her, he wisely bend the conversation, adding another suspicion on top. 
As guests mingled and laughter filled the air, Danneel watched Jensen closely, her gaze betraying the unease that simmered beneath the surface. She had invited Y/N to the party with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, wanting to confront the woman who had captured her husband's attention.  
When Y/N arrived, Jensen's heart skipped a beat. Despite the complications of their affair, he couldn't deny the thrill of seeing Y/N, the one who ignited a fire within him that he couldn't extinguish. 
Danneel greeted Y/N with a forced smile. She couldn't shake the feeling of insecurity that gnawed at her, knowing that Y/N held a special place in Jensen's heart that she couldn't compete with. 
Throughout the evening, Danneel watched the interactions between Jensen and Y/N with a mixture of envy and resignation.  
She admired the connection they shared, even as it stirred up unwanted feelings within her. But beneath her jealousy, there was a glimmer of curiosity, a desire to understand what it was about Y/N that drew Jensen to her so strongly. Besides her beauty and youth, there had to be more. Women threw them at his feet for years. Why her? 
Danneel found herself drawn into conversation with Y/N, Jensen wrestled with his conflicting emotions, torn between his love for Danneel and his passion for Y/N. Seeing both women talk to each other made him nervous. But looking at how Y/N reacted made him feel safe that Danneel didn’t know anything. That was their agreement. Don’t tell who you’re seeing.  
Danneel approached Jensen, her steps hesitant yet resolute. She could no longer ignore the truth that loomed between them. She wanted to tell him she knew he felt more than just physical need for her. But instead, she said, "Jensen," her voice trembling with emotion as she reached out to touch his arm gently.  
Jensen turned to face her, “Y/N... she's beautiful, Jensen. I can see why you're drawn to her. Why you, chose her." Jensen's breath caught in his throat at Danneel's words, the weight of her acceptance lifting a burden from his shoulders that he hadn't realized he'd been carrying. “How do you know?” - “It’s clear as day when you look at her.”  
Danneel thought for a second. “Do you want me to share mine?” He shook his head. “No not really.” “Jay, is there anything more than just physical?” she asked after a short break he shook his head again. “Ok, good.” she kissed his lips soft before disappearing inside. Noticing Y/N watching them before looking back at her hands holding her drink.  
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she watched from across the room, her eyes widening in shock as she witnessed the intimate moment between Jensen and Danneel. It was a fleeting glance, a brief touch of their lips that spoke volumes of the love and history they shared. 
For months, Y/N had been entangled in a passionate affair with Jensen. But in that moment, as she watched the tenderness between Jensen and Danneel, a pang of guilt washed over her, mingling with the desire that still burned fiercely in her heart. 
She had known from the beginning that Jensen was married, that his relationship with Danneel was complicated, yet she had allowed herself to be swept away by the intensity of their connection. But now, faced with the reality of Jensen's marriage, Y/N couldn't ignore the truth any longer.  
She had always known that she was playing with fire, but seeing Jensen and Danneel together was a reminder why she initially didn’t want to give in to the lust she felt for him. As Y/N turned away, her heart heavy with regret, she made a silent vow to herself, to end things with Jensen, to walk away before she caused any more damage. She couldn't continue to be the other woman. 
With a heavy heart, Y/N slipped out of the party, the weight of her decision pressing down on her like a leaden cloak. She knew that walking away from Jensen would be painful, that it would leave a void in her heart that would never fully heal, but she also knew that it was the right thing to do. 
Jensen's heart raced as he watched Y/N slip away into the night. He knew he couldn't let her go. Racing out into the cool night air, he spotted her car just pulling out of the driveway. Without a second thought, he dashed to his own car and followed her, his headlights casting long shadows on the empty road ahead. 
Finally catching up to her, he flashed his lights, signalling for her to pull over. Y/N hesitated for a moment before complying, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty as Jensen approached her car. Rolling down her window, Y/N met Jensen's gaze, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. 
"Jensen, what are you doing here?" she asked getting out of the car, her voice trembling with emotion. Jensen took a deep breath, his mind racing as he searched for the right words to say. "I couldn't let you leave without talking to you," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.  
"I need you to know that if I hurt you in any way, it was never my intent.” Y/N's breath caught in her throat at Jensen's words, the weight of his apology washing over her like a wave. ”It’s my own fault Jay. I told you I would... ” Her words faded. "I know," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Jensen shook his head, his expression pained as he reached out to gently cup Y/N's cheek." And I love you too, Y/N," he said earnestly, his voice filled with conviction. "But I also love Danneel. And I know that I've made a mess of things, but I can't bear to lose either of you." 
"I can't continue to be the other woman. I can't keep hurting her, hurting myself." Jensen nodded, his heart heavy with regret as he pulled Y/N into his arms, holding her tightly against him. "I understand," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. 
And as they stood together in the quiet of the night, the weight of their emotions hung heavy in the air, Jensen's heart pounded in his chest, overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings for Y/N. Without a word, he closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a desperate kiss filled with longing and passion. 
Y/N gasped in surprise at first, her body instinctively responding to the raw intensity of Jensen's kiss. But as the heat of the moment consumed them, she found herself melting into his embrace, her hands tangling in his hair as she returned his kiss with equal passion. 
Their lips moved together in a fiery dance, each kiss igniting a spark of desire that burned brighter with each passing moment. They clung to each other as if their lives depended on it, the world falling away around them as they surrendered to the intoxicating pull of their shared passion. 
For a timeless moment, there was only the two of them, locked in an embrace that transcended time and space. And as they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed with desire, they knew that their love was a force to be reckoned with.  
They locked eyes, feeling the urge of their desire, Jensen and Y/N knew they couldn't resist each other any longer. With a silent understanding, they broke away from their embrace, their eyes locking in a shared moment of longing and anticipation. 
Without a word, Jensen took Y/N's hand and led her to the backseat of his car, the cool leather seats offering a welcome sanctuary from the outside world. As they settled into the intimate space, their breaths mingled in the air, heavy with the promise of what was to come. The windows fogging up around them as they surrendered to the heat of their desire. 
With trembling hands, Jensen gently cupped Y/N's face, his touch sending shivers down her spine as he leaned in to capture her lips in another searing kiss. Y/N responded eagerly, her body melting into Jensen's embrace as their passion ignited like wildfire. 
Their tongues tangled together in a dance of desire, each kiss growing more fervent and urgent than the last as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. With a low growl of desire, Jensen pulled Y/N closer. 
Their hands roamed feverishly over each other's bodies, each touch sparking a surge of electricity that pulsed between them. Clothes were shed in a frenzy of desire, discarded in a tangled heap on the floor of the car as they surrendered themselves completely to the heat of their passion. 
In the dim light of the car, they became lost in each other, their bodies moving together in a primal rhythm that echoed the thundering beat of their hearts. Time seemed to stand still as they soared to new heights of ecstasy, the intensity of their connection leaving them breathless and spent. 
Y/N moaned softly against his lips, her nails digging into his skin as she arched into his touch, her body aching for more. 
The car rocked with their movements as they surrendered to the passion that consumed them, the backseat becoming their own private sanctuary where time stood still and nothing else mattered but the intoxicating pull of their desire. 
In that moment, there was only the two of them, lost in a whirlwind of sensation and ecstasy as they chased the ultimate release that awaited them just beyond the reach of their fingertips. And as they finally tumbled over the edge together, their cries of pleasure echoing into the night. 
As they lay entwined in each other's arms, the air thick with the scent of their lovemaking, "Please don't go," Jensen pleaded. Y/N's heart ached at the vulnerability in Jensen's voice, the sincerity in his eyes melting away the walls she wanted to build around her heart.  
With a trembling sigh, she allowed herself to be drawn back into his embrace, her body moulding against his as she buried her face in his chest. "I don't know if I can do this, Jay," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to hold back her tears. "I don't know if I can stay and watch you go back to her, knowing that I'll never be enough." 
Feeling the weight of Y/N's pain and her need for reassurance, Jensen reached out, his touch tentative yet filled with an unspoken promise. He gently cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing away the tears that stained her cheeks. 
"You are more than enough, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity as he gazed into her eyes.  
"You're beautiful, inside and out, and you deserve so much more than I've been able to give you." Y/N's breath caught in her throat at Jensen's words, the warmth of his touch soothing the ache in her heart. She leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed as she allowed herself to bask in the comfort he offered. 
"Jensen," she whispered, "I want to believe you, but..." Jensen silenced her with a tender kiss, his lips soft against hers as he poured all of his love and devotion into the gentle press of his mouth.  
When they finally pulled away, Jensen met Y/N's gaze with a fierce determination, his hands still cradling her face. "Let me show you," he said earnestly, his voice filled with conviction. "Let me prove to you just how much you mean to me. Just give some time." 
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.
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This! 👆🏽amazing!!
A new addiction - Part 2
Jensen Ackles x F/reader (Y/N)
Warning: 18+, nothing too graphic but still, age difference, Open relationship
Side note: English isn’t my first language.
Let's make it very clear I don't want to denigrate, break up or talk bad about Danneel, their relationship or family. I love them and wish both all the happiness. 
This story is pure fiction. Have fun!
-> A new addiction masterlist <-
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Story: Recap.
Jensen and Danneel are going through a difficult time in their relationship. After being together for so long and married for 14 years the excitement and sexual tension is gone. 
After going to marriage counseling Danneel had the idea of trying a semi-open relationship, each choosing 3 persons they are allowed to experiment with. 
And guess who is on Jensen's list…
Morning After  
The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Y/N stirred, her eyelids heavy with sleep. As she blinked away the remnants of dreams, memories of the previous night flooded back. She glanced beside her to find Jensen, still asleep, his features softened by the morning light.  
Their clothes lay scattered across the floor, a silent testament to the passion shared just hours before. Y/N couldn't help but smile, tracing the contours of Jensen's face with her eyes. The events of the night replayed in her mind like scenes from a movie. They had been drawn together by an undeniable chemistry. Building up for weeks, months on end.  
Their conversations flowed effortlessly, laughter always filling the air. Leaving each other longing for more without being able to say it. But now, in the quiet of the morning, a different kind of intimacy enveloped them. Y/N reached out to gently brush a lock of hair from his forehead, marvelling at the vulnerability that sleep brought. She felt a surge of affection for this man lying beside her, a feeling she couldn't quite put into words.  
As Jensen began to stir, his eyes fluttering open, her heart skipped a beat. He smiled sleepily, his gaze meeting hers with warmth and tenderness. In that moment, everything felt right. They lingered in bed just a little longer before they finally rose to greet the day, facing the reality. Y/N knew that the memories of this night would stay with her forever, a reminder of the magic found in unexpected moments of connection.  
Troubled with guilt she took a quick shower after Jensen had already freshened up. Seeing how he was already dressed, waiting for her to say goodbye. Y/N walked out of the shower with a towel covering her body. Jensen's eyes carried the same guilt like her.  
“How are you feeling?” She asked. “I'm not sure… I enjoyed it, but…” He didn't finish his sentence. “I know, I feel the same.” He didn't understand why she would feel guilt. “Why would you?” - “I think as a woman, you need to have a code. Like don't sleep with a married man.” Jensen took a deep breath.  
“Well, we have an open relationship… so guess that makes up for it… right?” Y/N didn't answer that “Jay… if you don't want this, if you regret it, if it makes you feel bad. Tell Danneel.” Y/N took a seat next to him in the bed. “You tell her you need monogamy, find a way to spice things up between the two of you. If that is what you need.” His green eyes looked in hers before saying “I don't know what I need. We tried so many things.” He sighs before continuing.” I thought I would feel terrible after, but I don't. I don't regret it, that is the problem.”  
He took her hands in his “I want more nights like this. But you said you don't want that afraid of falling in love and I understand, you want stability relationship, but I can't give you any of that. Neither do I want to give this up.” “I just don't want to be a plan B or booty call or something Jay.” He nodded. “Can you promise me this… If you do ever change your mind, or you need a booty call.” They laughed softly “Call me please.” She kissed his lips in response. “Promise” 
Jensen's footsteps echoed in the empty hallway as he approached the door to the living room. Danneel was sitting on the couch, a book in her hands, her expression one of quiet contentment. She looked up as Jensen entered, a smile lighting up her face. "Hey, you're home early," she said, her voice warm with affection.  
Jensen felt a lump form in his throat as he met her gaze, unable to bear the innocence in her eyes. How could he face her knowing what he had done hours ago. He forced himself to smile, to feign normalcy, but the guilt threatened to consume him from within. Unnecessary since they had the deal but still, feeling guilty.  
As the evening wore on, Jensen found himself drowning between regret and wanting more of Y/N. He longed to tell Danneel what happened. But scared she would have some stories to tell herself. By the end of the night, while the kids were in bed he found the courage to ask her. “So eh, did you… find someone?” He asked eyes still on the tv screen. “I did. Didn't meet up yet. You?” His heart stopped for a second. 
“Yeah, she eh, she agreed. Does he live close?” Danneel pauses the screen. “I thought you didn't want to know.” - ”You're right. I'm sorry.” He kissed his wife's head before leaving for the kitchen. Breaking the awkwardness between them.  
Jensen lays in bed, the weight of his actions pressing down on him like a lead blanket. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, but one face kept surfacing amidst the turmoil – Y/N's. Her image lingered in his thoughts, her laughter echoing in his ears like a haunting melody. As he stared up at the ceiling, Jensen couldn't shake the memory of their night together. The intimacy they shared, the passion that had ignited between them.  
It was a stark contrast to the love he had for Danneel, yet in that moment, it had felt so right. Weeks went on. Jensen focused on being a dad before leaving again on press tours. He knew he would see Y/N again. Part of him wanted to see her, part of him felt bad leaving his kids again. Danneel noticed the strange behaviour in her husband but didn't think much of it.  
Press tour  
Jensen's heart pounded as he stepped onto the stage for the press tour, his mind still haunted by memories of Y/N. He had tried to push thoughts of her aside, to focus on his career and his marriage, but her presence lingered like a ghost in the back of his mind. As he settled into his seat, Jensen forced himself to focus on the task at hand.  
But when Y/N walked onto the stage, his breath caught in his throat. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, her smile lighting up the room in a way that made his heart ache. For a moment, their eyes met, there was no anger in Y/N's eyes, no resentment or bitterness. Instead, there was a flicker of something else – kindness, caring, understanding maybe even lust? No, he had to misinterpret it. 
As they began their interviews, Jensen found himself drawn to Y/N's presence, her easy laughter and quick wit a stark contrast to the tension that hung between them. They fell into a rhythm, exchanging banter and anecdotes as if no time had passed at all. But beneath the surface, there was an unspoken tension, a silent acknowledgment of the secrets they both carried. And as the press tour continued, Jensen couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to cross once more. 
In the quiet moments between interviews, when they were alone backstage, Jensen found himself drawn to Y/N's side. They talked of trivial things – movies, music, anything to fill the silence that hung between them – but underneath it all, there was an undeniable connection that neither could ignore.  
“Are you doing the red-carpet thing tomorrow?” He asked her. “Yes, actually.” -” How about… would you like to accompany me?” That question stunned Y/N. “Danneel not going?” -”No, she's staying with the kids.” “Sure, why not.” She answered, Jensen felt his heart jump.  
Jensen and Y/N stepped onto the red carpet, the flash of cameras illuminating the night sky like bursts of fireworks. As they posed for the photographers, their bodies almost touching but never quite meeting. Jensen couldn't help but feel the heat of Y/N's presence like a physical force. Her nearness sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a fire deep within him that he struggled to contain. 
 Their fingers brushed as they walked, sending electric shocks racing through his veins. He longed to reach out and touch her, to pull her close and lose himself in the warmth of her embrace. But he knew he couldn't, not here, not now, with the world watching their every move.  
“Jensen hold her please!”  
“Y/N can you turn closer to Jensen!”  
“Jensen, Y/N over here! Closer. Please”  
“Give him a kiss on his cheek!” 
They were asking for it. The temptation was too strong to resist. Jensen found himself turning to Y/N, his heart pounding in his chest while his hand wrapped around her waist. Her hand on his shoulders while the other brushed over his. And as they reached the end of the red carpet he could feel his hand slip even a little lower.  
Touching the curve of her behind, kneading soft. He looked into her eyes. Seeing how they had darkened softly bit her lip. Jensen pulled her in, his lips to her ear. "Would you like to get out of here?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Y/N's lips curved into a smile, a knowing glint in her eyes. "I'd like that," she replied, her voice low and husky.  
And with that, they slipped away from the chaos of the red carpet, disappearing into a back room of the theatre, their lips melted together desperately needing to free the passion that had been building between them for so long. And as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment, Jensen knew that no matter what the future held, he would always crave the touch of Y/N's skin against his own. “I missed you.” He said under his breath while he unzipped Y/N's dress before turning her back around and placing her on a table.  
Legs spread while he lowered his pants. He kissed her hard and fast. The slow burning passion they had on their first night had spread into an open fire. His fingers dipped down to her core. Feeling how wet she was made him moan. “I don't think I'm able to go slow today sweetheart.” She bit his lip. “Then don't… take fast and hard.”  
The table hit the wall with every thrust. Deep breathing became moans and prayers. They way Y/N begged him to fuck her could get him over the edge. Just by hearing her sweet voice. His thrust became uneven. She pushed him away so she could kneel in front of him. Taking him in her mouth.  
“Fuck Y/N…” Jensen's head fell back. Holding her close, guiding her with his large hand. “Good girl. That's it…” He breathed, repeating when he hit the back of her throat. After their quick adventure they dressed back up and got back to the party.
Hearing Karl yell. “There you are! They want one with the cast, come on!”  
The paparazzi needed on last shot before they could enjoy the party. Jensen stood slightly behind Y/N, his hand wrapped again around her waist. Pressing her close to his body. While whispering in her ear. “I'm not done with you yet.” Kneading her while she looked back at him, smiling mischievous.  
Danneel sat at home, her heart heavy as she watched the footage of Jensen and Y/N on TV. The red carpet event played out before her eyes, each frame a painful reminder of the distance that had grown between her and her husband. She saw the way Jensen looked at Y/N, the longing in his eyes impossible to ignore.  
She had known something was wrong, she had felt the distance between them growing with each passing day, knowing there was something on her husband's mind. But seeing it play out so publicly was a wound that cut straight to the core. She knew it was her idea to experiment but seeing how Jensen looked at Y/N reminded her of how he used to look at her. 
And as the footage continued, Danneel couldn't help but wonder where it had all gone wrong. Had she been blind to the signs, too wrapped up in her own life to see the cracks forming in their relationship? Or had Jensen's heart already begun to stray long before she realized?  
Maybe not even he fully realized. And did she just give him a push in the direction of a younger woman? Allowing him to feed the love he felt for another? 
I really feel inspired writing this story. Might make a few more parts, let's see how their relationship evolves.
Please, let me know what you think! Feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.
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*What are you looking at?.... * 🫣❤️
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@k-slla It’s definitely the hair! Thanks hon, I love your feedback always 🤍
𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
Story Summary: In Series Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: Age-Gap. Pining. Fluff. Angry Dean. Injured Sam.
A/N: Check out the Teaser and Prologue if you haven't already. This chapter is more filler but every story has to start off somewhere, and this one starts at the beginning of season 9. Here we go!
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Maricela's POV
I nearly dropped my phone at Dean's words. "It's Sam... He's in the hospital."
"What?! Is he okay? What happened?" I pour out my questions in panic.
"He's not doing so good," Dean's voice faintly but audibly cracks. "They're running tests now."
"Where are you?" I jump in my car, ready to have the open road fly underneath my wheels.
"No, Mari, you don't need to come—" He begins, but I quickly reject his effort to be left alone.
"I'm coming whether you like it or not, so you can either tell me now or there's gonna be hell to pay after I track you down."
"You're stubborn, you know that?" He asks rhetorically before caving in. "We're at Linwood Memorial Hospital in Randolph, New York. I'll tell you more when you get here."
"Okay. I'll take a plane out there," I put the pedal to the metal, making my tires squeal as I drove off. "Be there as soon as I can."
"Be careful," Dean mutters.
I can't help but smile at his concern. "Always am."
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Dean texted me the room number just shortly after I landed. Once I arrived at the hospital, I raced to the room where the Winchester brothers resided. I stop in front of the open doorway to see Dean, back facing me, sitting beside Sam's unconscious body that lay hooked up to various machines.
Dean peeked over his shoulder, and as soon as our eyes met, he stood from the chair. After shutting the door behind me, I walk into the arms of the older Winchester. I hold on to his jacket like my life depended on it, never wanting to let go. My eyes shut to prevent the tears from spilling as he pulls my body closer. His warmth envelops me with comfort as I nuzzle into his chest. A sigh of relief escapes my lungs, feeling safe for the first time in months.
My serenity gets interrupted when his lips suddenly press against the top of my head. I gaze upwards, stunned at the tiny gesture, only to see how close our faces are. With his large, calloused hand, he gently brushed the hair that concealed my face away. His fingers lightly comb through my hair, triggering a brain orgasm and rendering me useless beneath his touch. I get so lost in his eyes that I barely hear his whisper.
"It's good to see you, Mari."
"You too, Dean," I respond as his hand travels to my neck. His thumb softly strokes my throat. "I've missed you."
He blesses me with a slow, small smile. "I've missed you more, princess."
With his rare affection and added pet name, I'm thankful his arm's secured around my waist, or I would've toppled over already. With detestation, I use every ounce of willpower to pull away from his embrace. With a pained heart, I move around Dean and see my best friend lying unconscious. The monitor announces his steady heartbeat while I take his left hand into mine and use my thumb to caress the back of his palm. Leaning over him, I place a kiss against his stubbled cheek, ignoring the short hairs prickling my chin. Without letting go of his hand, I sit on the edge of his bed.
"Did they tell you a diagnosis yet?" I ask, studying Sam's face.
Dark shadows cast around his eyes while a horizontal cut ran across his right cheekbone. He looked as though the life had been drained from his body.
"No, not yet." Dean settles into the chair he had been sitting in before.
I shift my gaze towards him. "What happened? I thought once he finished the trials, he was going to get better."
He shakes his head. "We were wrong." After quickly glancing at the ground, he meets my eyes again.
"Cas and I... We were retrieving a cupid's bow for the second trial to restore Heaven while Sam prepped Crowley for the final trial to shut the gates of Hell. Metatron and Cas had already killed a Nephilim for the first trial, so I called Kevin for the third. He said he found the angel trials in the tablet, but they weren't anything like Metatron had told. Then, Noami shows up, saying he's been lying. He wasn't trying to fix Heaven—he was trying to destroy it. Cast all angels to earth as revenge for driving him away.
"Then she—she said if Sam completed the trials, he would die. 'The Ultimate Sacrifice.' Castiel took me to Sam before going upstairs to straighten it out. I had walked into the church just before he cured the evil son of a bitch. 'Told Sam the truth, that if he continued, he'd die. But you know Sammy, he didn't care. He wanted to end it, ban the world of demons. Hell, I don't blame him... but when he confessed that his greatest sin was constantly letting me down—thinking I would choose—"
His voice cuts abruptly, attempting to swallow the tears that formed away. His expression tightens, forcing all the muscles in his face to keep its composure as he refuses to give in to his emotions. Seeing him in this rare form tugged at my heart. I let go of Sam and quickly kneel in front of Dean, pulling his body into mine.
"Hey, hey. It's okay." I assure him, rubbing circles on his back. His breathing becomes shallow as I hug his stiff body. "He doesn't think that."
He grabs my arms before pushing himself out of my hold. "But he does. He would've rather die than have to face me for the rest of his life, thinking that he wasn't enough. That I can't trust him, that I would choose anyone or anything, past or present, over him."
Dean shakes his head at the foolish thoughts his brother had believed. "Luckily, I talked him off the edge. We thought the power from the trials had vanished from his body, along with his will to end them. But instead, he hurled over in pain, collapsing to the ground. I practically dragged him to the car while calling out to Cas, but he didn't answer. And that's when it happened; Angels began falling from the sky."
Worried, I inquire, "Have you been able to get a hold of Castiel?" He shook his head, his frustration evident due to our angel friend's silence.
Just then, a knock sounded at the door. Immediately, I stand and add distance between us. I walk to the opposite side of the bed just as the doctor enters the room. He introduces himself while displaying Sam's MRI scans against the X-ray Illuminator. Dean walks over and examines the scans while the doctor finally reads the diagnosis listed on his clipboard.
"The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs. Oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived." Dean uncrosses his arms as he begins to make his way towards me. "The coma is the result of the body doing everything in its limited power to protect itself from further harm."
He walks around me and stands on my left, closest to Sam. He stares at his brother before breathing out, "This wasn't supposed to happen."
"If your brother continues on this trajectory, the machines might keep him alive, but—"
Dean interrupts, "He'll be dead."
The doctor nods. "Technically, yes. I'm afraid so."
"So, there's—there's no recovery? I mean, there's no bounce back. There's no nothing."
"I'm afraid that's in God's hands now." I look up at Dean and watch his head tilt ever so slightly, taken aback by the doctor's remark.
"You're a doctor. You're a medical professional." Oh boy, here we go. "You're trying to tell me that my brother's life is in God's hands? What, is that supposed to be a-a comfort?" Dean questions.
My left arm curls around his bicep while my right hand rests on his forearm for support, a reminder that I was with him in this. When he doesn't seem to have noticed, I gently whisper, "Dean," moving my right hand in his own, wishing to be a calming presence in this nightmare.
"Mr. Dougherty—" the doctor tries speaking, but Dean ignores us both.
"No, God has nothing to do with this equation at all," He shakes with anger as each word becomes louder than the next.
"I didn't mean—" the physician tries again, with no luck. If he only knew the real reason behind Dean's anger.
"That's not good enough!" He shouts, no doubt striking fear into Sam's doctor.
"Hey," I tug on him, forcing Dean to tear his attention away from the man and stare at me. "Why don't we go take a breather?"
His dark eyes search my pleading ones before offering a tiny, unamused nod. I lead him around the bed towards the hallway, thanking the doctor on the way out. Once we were out of the room, I let him go. Dean's face instantly changes from anger to fear as the news sinks in. Just like Sam would, I step up to reassure the older Winchester.
"We'll figure something out, okay? We always do. Everything will be fine—" I begin, but he cuts me off.
"Stop. Not now. I just—I need time to think." He tiredly states before turning away. He stares into the distance, something catching his eye. I follow his gaze and see the sign that caught his attention; 'Chapel.'
"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask softly but get a head shake.
"Just stay with Sam. I'll be back." With that, he heads toward the hospital's safe haven.
I walked back into the room, quietly shutting the door behind the doctor so it was just us two. Planting myself in the chair beside Sam's bed, my eyes grow hot, tears welling up far quicker now that I was alone. With Dean gone, I allow the tears to tumble down my cheek, unbothered to wipe the sorrow away. Hot tears splatter against my jeans while a few run past my chin, finding refuge beneath my shirt. My throat painfully fights the words I force out.
"Please, Sam, stay with us. We'll do whatever we can, but we need you to fight. Please."
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I sat up straight, my head no longer resting beside Sam's hand, once I heard the door open. Looking over my shoulder, Dean closes it before making his way around the other side of the bed. I quickly wiped my tear-stained cheeks dry before he could notice.
"I figured out a way to help Sammy." He says, leaning against the cabinets.
I immediately perk up. "What—How?"
"When I was in the chapel, I prayed to Castiel. When I realized he wasn't going to answer, I..." He trails off.
"You what?" I ask warily.
"I decided to make a house call to any angel out there who's willing to help Sam for a favor in return." I tilt my head with dismay, knowing it wasn't the smartest idea but a desperate one. "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but that doesn't matter now. Sammy needs healing."
"Do you honestly think someone will show up to help? It hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows, so what makes this time any different? They want us dead, Dean. And you just put an A.P.B out on our heads. We can't even move Sam! We're literally sitting ducks." I could tell he didn't like my input, but it didn't matter. It needed to be said.
"Well, if anyone tries something other than fixing my brother, I'll take care of it." He answers.
"We." I correct. "We'll take care of it."
We lock eyes, and he nods in agreement. Now, to wait and see if any angel will show.
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After a while, silence fell between us, and hope diminished with each passing minute. Dean was leaning against the ash wood cabinets, lost in thought, when the door softly opened. An unfamiliar lady walks in, offering a small smile. Dean uncrosses his arms before pushing himself off the counter. He walked near Sam's bed as I stood from my chair, turning to face her.
"Hi," he says eagerly. "I'm just gonna break the ice. Are you an angel?"
She nervously chuckles at his remark. "Sometimes I wish I were. My name is Kim Schortz, and I'm a grief counselor here at the hospital."
"Right. Uh, uh..." He gazes downward in disappointment as he struggles to find an excuse for his direct question. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired."
She flashes him an understanding smile.
"Well, all due respect, but, uh, I'm not grieving—not yet at least, so—" I hear the sadness in his lowered voice, wondering why no angel has come to help.
"I'm afraid as hard as this may be, this might be a good time to talk..." She looks past me and down at Sam before finishing. "About the inevitable."
"Look, I'm sure you're a nice person and that you mean well, but 'inevitable'—that's a fighting word where we come from. There's always a way." I interject.
"And I am a prayerful woman who believes in miracles as much as the next, but I also know how to read an E.E.G. And unless you're telling me you guys have a direct line to those angels that you were looking for—"
"Yeah, no, I uh... guess we don't." Dean interrupts, anguish taking over his features before the realization dawns on him. "But I might have something better."
He chuckles before the first genuine smile displays on his exhausted face. "I got the King of Hell in my trunk."
My eyes widen. "Crowley?" I ask in shock that he hadn't mentioned it before.
He happily strides out of the room. A surge of excitement courses through my body, knowing there could still be a chance, other than angels, to heal Sam.
"Uh, is—is that... I'm sorry. Is that a metaphor?" The confused counselor inquires.
"Sure, sweetie." I pat her shoulder and begin guiding the woman towards the hall.
"We appreciate you stopping by. Please, don't come back. It'd be a shame to waste more of each other's time. Thanks for understanding." I say in the most polite way—given the situation—before closing the door behind her.
I skip over to Sam and pet his hair, smiling at his beautiful, still face. "Don't worry, Sammy. You'll be back soon enough."
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Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist here!
tags: @k-slla @angelbabyyy99 @yvonneeeee @ladysparkles78
(If I missed anyone I'm sorry, please remind me if I did!)
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𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
Story Summary: In Series Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: Age-Gap. Pining. Fluff. Angry Dean. Injured Sam.
A/N: Check out the Teaser and Prologue if you haven't already. This chapter is more filler but every story has to start off somewhere, and this one starts at the beginning of season 9. Here we go!
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Maricela's POV
I nearly dropped my phone at Dean's words. "It's Sam... He's in the hospital."
"What?! Is he okay? What happened?" I pour out my questions in panic.
"He's not doing so good," Dean's voice faintly but audibly cracks. "They're running tests now."
"Where are you?" I jump in my car, ready to have the open road fly underneath my wheels.
"No, Mari, you don't need to come—" He begins, but I quickly reject his effort to be left alone.
"I'm coming whether you like it or not, so you can either tell me now or there's gonna be hell to pay after I track you down."
"You're stubborn, you know that?" He asks rhetorically before caving in. "We're at Linwood Memorial Hospital in Randolph, New York. I'll tell you more when you get here."
"Okay. I'll take a plane out there," I put the pedal to the metal, making my tires squeal as I drove off. "Be there as soon as I can."
"Be careful," Dean mutters.
I can't help but smile at his concern. "Always am."
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Dean texted me the room number just shortly after I landed. Once I arrived at the hospital, I raced to the room where the Winchester brothers resided. I stop in front of the open doorway to see Dean, back facing me, sitting beside Sam's unconscious body that lay hooked up to various machines.
Dean peeked over his shoulder, and as soon as our eyes met, he stood from the chair. After shutting the door behind me, I walk into the arms of the older Winchester. I hold on to his jacket like my life depended on it, never wanting to let go. My eyes shut to prevent the tears from spilling as he pulls my body closer. His warmth envelops me with comfort as I nuzzle into his chest. A sigh of relief escapes my lungs, feeling safe for the first time in months.
My serenity gets interrupted when his lips suddenly press against the top of my head. I gaze upwards, stunned at the tiny gesture, only to see how close our faces are. With his large, calloused hand, he gently brushed the hair that concealed my face away. His fingers lightly comb through my hair, triggering a brain orgasm and rendering me useless beneath his touch. I get so lost in his eyes that I barely hear his whisper.
"It's good to see you, Mari."
"You too, Dean," I respond as his hand travels to my neck. His thumb softly strokes my throat. "I've missed you."
He blesses me with a slow, small smile. "I've missed you more, princess."
With his rare affection and added pet name, I'm thankful his arm's secured around my waist, or I would've toppled over already. With detestation, I use every ounce of willpower to pull away from his embrace. With a pained heart, I move around Dean and see my best friend lying unconscious. The monitor announces his steady heartbeat while I take his left hand into mine and use my thumb to caress the back of his palm. Leaning over him, I place a kiss against his stubbled cheek, ignoring the short hairs prickling my chin. Without letting go of his hand, I sit on the edge of his bed.
"Did they tell you a diagnosis yet?" I ask, studying Sam's face.
Dark shadows cast around his eyes while a horizontal cut ran across his right cheekbone. He looked as though the life had been drained from his body.
"No, not yet." Dean settles into the chair he had been sitting in before.
I shift my gaze towards him. "What happened? I thought once he finished the trials, he was going to get better."
He shakes his head. "We were wrong." After quickly glancing at the ground, he meets my eyes again.
"Cas and I... We were retrieving a cupid's bow for the second trial to restore Heaven while Sam prepped Crowley for the final trial to shut the gates of Hell. Metatron and Cas had already killed a Nephilim for the first trial, so I called Kevin for the third. He said he found the angel trials in the tablet, but they weren't anything like Metatron had told. Then, Naomi shows up, saying he's been lying. He wasn't trying to fix Heaven—he was trying to destroy it. Cast all angels to earth as revenge for driving him away.
"Then she—she said if Sam completed the trials, he would die. 'The Ultimate Sacrifice.' Castiel took me to Sam before going upstairs to straighten it out. I had walked into the church just before he cured the evil son of a bitch. 'Told Sam the truth, that if he continued, he'd die. But you know Sammy, he didn't care. He wanted to end it, ban the world of demons. Hell, I don't blame him... but when he confessed that his greatest sin was constantly letting me down—thinking I would choose—"
His voice cuts abruptly, attempting to swallow the tears that formed away. His expression tightens, forcing all the muscles in his face to keep its composure as he refuses to give in to his emotions. Seeing him in this rare form tugged at my heart. I let go of Sam and quickly kneel in front of Dean, pulling his body into mine.
"Hey, hey. It's okay." I assure him, rubbing circles on his back. His breathing becomes shallow as I hug his stiff body. "He doesn't think that."
He grabs my arms before pushing himself out of my hold. "But he does. He would've rather die than have to face me for the rest of his life, thinking that he wasn't enough. That I can't trust him, that I would choose anyone or anything, past or present, over him."
Dean shakes his head at the foolish thoughts his brother had believed. "Luckily, I talked him off the edge. We thought the power from the trials had vanished from his body, along with his will to end them. But instead, he hurled over in pain, collapsing to the ground. I practically dragged him to the car while calling out to Cas, but he didn't answer. And that's when it happened; Angels began falling from the sky."
Worried, I inquire, "Have you been able to get a hold of Castiel?" He shook his head, his frustration evident due to our angel friend's silence.
Just then, a knock sounded at the door. Immediately, I stand and add distance between us. I walk to the opposite side of the bed just as the doctor enters the room. He introduces himself while displaying Sam's MRI scans against the X-ray Illuminator. Dean walks over and examines the scans while the doctor finally reads the diagnosis listed on his clipboard.
"The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs. Oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived." Dean uncrosses his arms as he begins to make his way towards me. "The coma is the result of the body doing everything in its limited power to protect itself from further harm."
He walks around me and stands on my left, closest to Sam. He stares at his brother before breathing out, "This wasn't supposed to happen."
"If your brother continues on this trajectory, the machines might keep him alive, but—"
Dean interrupts, "He'll be dead."
The doctor nods. "Technically, yes. I'm afraid so."
"So, there's—there's no recovery? I mean, there's no bounce back. There's no nothing."
"I'm afraid that's in God's hands now." I look up at Dean and watch his head tilt ever so slightly, taken aback by the doctor's remark.
"You're a doctor. You're a medical professional." Oh boy, here we go. "You're trying to tell me that my brother's life is in God's hands? What, is that supposed to be a-a comfort?" Dean questions.
My left arm curls around his bicep while my right hand rests on his forearm for support, a reminder that I was with him in this. When he doesn't seem to have noticed, I gently whisper, "Dean," moving my right hand in his own, wishing to be a calming presence in this nightmare.
"Mr. Dougherty—" the doctor tries speaking, but Dean ignores us both.
"No, God has nothing to do with this equation at all," He shakes with anger as each word becomes louder than the next.
"I didn't mean—" the physician tries again, with no luck. If he only knew the real reason behind Dean's anger.
"That's not good enough!" He shouts, no doubt striking fear into Sam's doctor.
"Hey," I tug on him, forcing Dean to tear his attention away from the man and stare at me. "Why don't we go take a breather?"
His dark eyes search my pleading ones before offering a tiny, unamused nod. I lead him around the bed towards the hallway, thanking the doctor on the way out. Once we were out of the room, I let him go. Dean's face instantly changes from anger to fear as the news sinks in. Just like Sam would, I step up to reassure the older Winchester.
"We'll figure something out, okay? We always do. Everything will be fine—" I begin, but he cuts me off.
"Stop. Not now. I just—I need time to think." He tiredly states before turning away. He stares into the distance, something catching his eye. I follow his gaze and see the sign that caught his attention; 'Chapel.'
"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask softly but get a head shake.
"Just stay with Sam. I'll be back." With that, he heads toward the hospital's safe haven.
I walked back into the room, quietly shutting the door behind the doctor so it was just us two. Planting myself in the chair beside Sam's bed, my eyes grow hot, tears welling up far quicker now that I was alone. With Dean gone, I allow the tears to tumble down my cheek, unbothered to wipe the sorrow away. Hot tears splatter against my jeans while a few run past my chin, finding refuge beneath my shirt. My throat painfully fights the words I force out.
"Please, Sam, stay with us. We'll do whatever we can, but we need you to fight. Please."
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I sat up straight, my head no longer resting beside Sam's hand, once I heard the door open. Looking over my shoulder, Dean closes it before making his way around the other side of the bed. I quickly wiped my tear-stained cheeks dry before he could notice.
"I figured out a way to help Sammy." He says, leaning against the cabinets.
I immediately perk up. "What—How?"
"When I was in the chapel, I prayed to Castiel. When I realized he wasn't going to answer, I..." He trails off.
"You what?" I ask warily.
"I decided to make a house call to any angel out there who's willing to help Sam for a favor in return." I tilt my head with dismay, knowing it wasn't the smartest idea but a desperate one. "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but that doesn't matter now. Sammy needs healing."
"Do you honestly think someone will show up to help? It hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows, so what makes this time any different? They want us dead, Dean. And you just put an A.P.B out on our heads. We can't even move Sam! We're literally sitting ducks." I could tell he didn't like my input, but it didn't matter. It needed to be said.
"Well, if anyone tries something other than fixing my brother, I'll take care of it." He answers.
"We." I correct. "We'll take care of it."
We lock eyes, and he nods in agreement. Now, to wait and see if any angel will show.
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After a while, silence fell between us, and hope diminished with each passing minute. Dean was leaning against the ash wood cabinets, lost in thought, when the door softly opened. An unfamiliar lady walks in, offering a small smile. Dean uncrosses his arms before pushing himself off the counter. He walked near Sam's bed as I stood from my chair, turning to face her.
"Hi," he says eagerly. "I'm just gonna break the ice. Are you an angel?"
She nervously chuckles at his remark. "Sometimes I wish I were. My name is Kim Schortz, and I'm a grief counselor here at the hospital."
"Right. Uh, uh..." He gazes downward in disappointment as he struggles to find an excuse for his direct question. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired."
She flashes him an understanding smile.
"Well, all due respect, but, uh, I'm not grieving—not yet at least, so—" I hear the sadness in his lowered voice, wondering why no angel has come to help.
"I'm afraid as hard as this may be, this might be a good time to talk..." She looks past me and down at Sam before finishing. "About the inevitable."
"Look, I'm sure you're a nice person and that you mean well, but 'inevitable'—that's a fighting word where we come from. There's always a way." I interject.
"And I am a prayerful woman who believes in miracles as much as the next, but I also know how to read an E.E.G. And unless you're telling me you guys have a direct line to those angels that you were looking for—"
"Yeah, no, I uh... guess we don't." Dean interrupts, anguish taking over his features before the realization dawns on him. "But I might have something better."
He chuckles before the first genuine smile displays on his exhausted face. "I got the King of Hell in my trunk."
My eyes widen. "Crowley?" I ask in shock that he hadn't mentioned it before.
He happily strides out of the room. A surge of excitement courses through my body, knowing there could still be a chance, other than angels, to heal Sam.
"Uh, is—is that... I'm sorry. Is that a metaphor?" The confused counselor inquires.
"Sure, sweetie." I pat her shoulder and begin guiding the woman towards the hall.
"We appreciate you stopping by. Please, don't come back. It'd be a shame to waste more of each other's time. Thanks for understanding." I say in the most polite way—given the situation—before closing the door behind her.
I skip over to Sam and pet his hair, smiling at his beautiful, still face. "Don't worry, Sammy. You'll be back soon enough."
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Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist here!
tags: @k-slla @angelbabyyy99 @yvonneeeee @ladysparkles78
(If I missed anyone I'm sorry, please remind me if I did!)
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𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
Summary: Maricela is a hunter who's been in love with Dean Winchester for years. Given the age gap, he's made it clear he only sees her as his little sister. When she officially joins Team Free Will after the angels fall, Dean begins to see she isn't a kid anymore. With Abaddon on the rise, Dean takes on the only weapon that could kill her: The Mark of Cain. Sam, Mari, and Cas watch as Dean suffers the effects of The Mark. After Metatron kills Dean, what's left of Team Free Will does everything to find and save the beloved Winchester. With the news of Dean becoming the very thing he killed for a living, Sam and Mari set out to bring him home. Once Dean's back in the bunker, they begin the Demon Curing Ritual, hoping for success. When Demon Dean gets loose and finds Maricela alone, he does what Dean could never do. Before he could kill, they finished the ritual, curing Dean. Though the eldest Winchester was no longer a Knight of Hell, the curse remained, only worsening the effects from before. As they desperately search for a way to remove it, Maricela deals with the marks Dean gave her and the aftermath that goes with it.
Warnings: Mature Content. Pining. Age-Gap. Angst. Fluff. Smut. Violence. Murder. Death. Alcohol Use. Depictions of Torture. Graphic Scenes. Sexual Abuse. Mental Abuse. Verbal Abuse. Physical Abuse. Corruption. Degregation.
Each chapter will have it's own warning. I would include more but I don't wanna give anything away!
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𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝…
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Dream Warriors Chapter 8
Title: Dream Warriors Chapter 8
Summary: Sam and Dean continue to work as the reader's condition worsens but help may come from an unexpected source.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, other SPN characters, other original characters
Word Count: 2,807
Warnings: Canon typical violence, discussions of life support
Read Chapter 7 here.
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Sam manages to find the book and brings it back to the hospital only to discover it’s written in some strange language. He calls Cas who agrees to get there as quick as he can, a couple days drive without his grace. The two brothers stay at the hospital with you, both refusing to go back to the bunker.  
They’re sitting in the room, Dean next to your bed, and Sam across the room. He has the book and his laptop open on the table in front of him. Dean’s phone starts to ring and he picks it up, putting it to his ear. 
“Dean,” he says, voice flat. “Hey Jody. – No, nothing new. She’s still out. – We’re holding up. Sammy’s still trying to crack the book. – Yea, thanks. You too,” he says before hanging up. “Just checking in,” he tells Sam. Suddenly, your heart rate sky rockets. Dean and Sam both look at you as a nurse comes running in. 
“Did something happen?” She asks. Dean shakes his head, rising to his feet. 
“No. We were just sitting here,” he tells her. She nods and starts to check the various machines before you. She pulls your sleeve back and frowns. Going to the edge of the bed quickly, she grabs the chart and flips through it. “What is it?” Dean asks. She runs to the door. 
“Doctor!” She calls out. Another woman comes to the door quickly and the nurse leads her over. “Her heart rate spiked, and I was just checking her. Look,” she says, pulling your hand up to reveal a fresh burn. The doctor stares at it then looks at Dean. 
“Any idea how she got that?” She asks. Dean shakes his head. 
“We were just sitting here,” he says. She frowns and looks back at the hand before checking your other, a similar wound on it.  
“That doesn’t just happen, Mr. Winchester,” she says. Dean frowns. 
“Are you implying I burned her on purpose?” He asks. She watches him for a moment before turning to the nurse. 
“Dress them, mark it in her chart,” she tells her before leaving the room. Dean sits back in his chair and watches as the nurse quickly dresses the wounds on your hands. She leaves and Sam looks up at his older brother. 
“That’s not normal,” he says. 
“The spell?” Sam asks. Dean nods once. 
“Makes sense. You got anything?” He asks. Sam sighs and shakes his head. 
“I’m having to translate each spell individually. It’s just gonna be luck at this point,” he tells him. Dean nods again and leans forward. 
“Work fast. Who knows what’s going on inside her right now,” he says. 
The rest of the afternoon and night pass uneventfully following the burn. Dean insists that Sam get a few hours of sleep, fresh eyes making the work a little easier in the morning. The younger brother argues but eventually relents and dozes off in his chair. Dean sits, watching you breathe the entire night.  
The doctor comes in the next morning and frowns as she looks at Dean.  
“If you don’t get some sleep, we’ll end up having to admit you too,” she tells him as she checks your chart. He shrugs his shoulders.  
Once again, your heart rate spikes, higher than last time, and your body thrashes in the bed. Sam jolts awake and rushes over as Dean jumps to his feet.  
“What’s going on?!” He asks, frantic. 
“Nurse!!” The doctor calls out, attempting to restrain you. The thrashing stops as soon as it started and your body returns to its limp state. Dean reaches out and grasps your hand in his own. 
“Y/N?” He asks. Sam watches and frowns quickly. 
“She’s bleeding!!” He points to your head as blood inexplicably flows down your temple.  
“What the hell?” The doctor mumbles as the nurse rushes into the room. “We need to get her down for an MRI and x-rays. Now.” Disconnecting a few of the wires and tubes, they roll you from the room quickly, leaving Dean and Sam behind, stunned.  
After a couple of hours of various testing, they bring you back up and reconnect you to the machines. The nurses refuse to say anything and Dean storms from the room, down the hall. He finds the doctor as she comes out of another patient’s room. She frowns when she sees him. 
“The hell is going on with my wife?!” Dean demands. A security guard takes a step towards him but the doctor waves him off quickly. 
“I don’t know,” she tells him. Dean stares at her and shakes his head slowly. 
“You have to have something.” 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Winchester but…” She pauses, trying to come up with the right words. “It’s like she was hit by a car. She has a concussion, some broken ribs, and there’s a significant cut on her leg. There is absolutely nothing that can cause that sort of damage, both internal and external, while she’s lying in a bed, unconscious. I…I have no idea what to tell you.” Dean runs his hands over his face. “We’ve stabilized her, taken care of those injuries, and that’s the best we can do. There’s no way to predict what’s going to happen next.” 
“Is that all?” He asks. She sighs and pulls him out of the main hallway and into an empty room. 
“Have a seat,” she tells him. He frowns and shakes his head. 
“What is it?” He asks, crossing his arms as he stands firmly. 
A little bit later, Dean steps back into your room. Sam looks up from the book and watches as his older brother falls back into the chair, running his hands over his face. 
“Dean,” Sam says. He looks over. “She’s on a ventilator now.” Dean nods slightly. 
“She, ummm…she’s struggling to breathe on her own now. Doc said that it was…like she got hit by a car. Concussion, broken ribs…” He trails off and Sam looks away. 
“She’s dying,” he says. Dean nods once again. 
“Asked if she had a living will or if we had discussed what she would want,” he says. Sam looks back at him quickly.  
“Dean, you aren’t really her husband. You two aren’t even a thing. You don’t have that authority,” he says. Dean shakes his head and sighs heavily. 
“I know that, Sam. But you and me, we’re the only family she’s got,” he tells him. Sam frowns and looks at your body.  
“So, we have to decide if she stays on life support or not,” Sam says. Dean shakes his head. 
“There’s nothing to decide. We’re gonna crack the spell and she’ll be fine,” he says. Sam looks at his brother in disbelief. 
“You know, Dean, I’m working as fast as I can but…this book is huge. It takes me hours to figure out one spell and we don’t even remember what the one she used was. The longer we sit around waiting, the worse she gets. Next time, it may not be her ribs,” he says. Dean looks at him and frowns. 
“Are you saying we let her die?!” He asks. 
“This isn’t living, Dean,” he says, pointing to your lifeless body. “She’s just…a shell.” 
“She’s still in there. I know she is and she’s fighting whatever this is,” he tells him. Sam sighs and looks back at the book. “We keep working.” 
A few more days pass, and Dean remains steady by your side. Cas arrives and starts to help Sam with the translation. The doctor checks on you constantly, examining your body for new injuries. A few scrapes and bruises show up but nothing too serious; however, your breathing continues to deteriorate.  
One evening, the three are all together in the room. Dean is in the chair next to you where he always sits. Sam has his laptop in front of him and Cas is flipping through the spell book. A knock on the door draws their attention. Dean rises and walks over, pulling it open to find a man in a suit with a briefcase standing there. 
“Can I help you?” Dean asks. The man glances into the room and sees you in the bed before looking back at Dean. 
“Are you Sam or Dean?” He asks. Dean stares at him and the man smiles. “My name is Arnold Freidman, I’m Y/N’s attorney.” 
“Attor…she has a lawyer?” Dean asks. Arnold nods and holds his hand out. Dean glances at it and reaches to shake it. “I’m Dean. That’s Sam, Cas.” He points to each of them as he takes a step from the door. Arnold steps into the room and smiles over at them, nodding a greeting. He walks over to your bedside and sets his briefcase down before touching your arm gently. 
“I hoped this day would never come,” he says, mournful. Dean, Sam, and Cas all exchange curious looks before Dean walks over to the lawyer. 
“What day?” He asks. Arnold looks at Dean and sighs. 
“There’s a lot to explain. Can we sit?” He asks. Dean nods and returns to his seat next to your bed. Arnold moves to the other side of the room and sits as well. He pulls his briefcase into his lap and folds his hands over it. “Y/N and I met about six years ago. She saved my family from a vampire. It was all a bit of a shock as I’m sure you can imagine.” Dean nods slightly. “As a thank you, I offered her my services.” 
“What did Y/N need a lawyer for?” He asks. He smiles fondly.  
“She assured me she didn’t. But after we talked, there was something she said she may need someday,” he says as he opens his briefcase. He pulls a file folder out and sets the case aside. “This is her living will. Her requests if something were to incapacitate her to the point where she wouldn’t be able to make her own choices.” Dean stares at him before looking at Sam. The younger brother shakes his head slightly.  
“Wait, how did you even find her?” He asks. Arnold smiles at him, patiently.  
“She checks in with me once a week. Every Wednesday evening she calls to check on my family and to let me know she’s still alive. When I didn’t hear from her, I started checking hospitals for her name and her aliases. Y/N Winchester was the first on that list,” he says. Dean shakes his head. 
“She’s never used that name,” he says. Arnold lets out a small laugh. He pulls out a sheet of paper from the file and hands it out for Dean. Taking it, he looks over it quickly. About twenty different names are scrawled out across it in your handwriting and sure enough Y/N Winchester was at the top. 
“So, what does her will say?” Sam asks. Dean frowns as he looks back up. Arnold folds his hands over the file and looks at Dean. 
“She puts her life in your hands,” he says. Dean stares at him.  
“What?” He asks. Arnold nods and opens the file, shifting some papers. 
“She trusts you completely and totally to make the right call,” he tells him. “Ahhh! Here it is.” The lawyer holds an envelope out.  
“What is that?” Dean asks.  
“A letter she wrote you,” he says. Dean takes it with a shaking hand. “You’ll probably want to read it on your own.” 
“You read it?” Dean asks, raising an eyebrow. Arnold shakes his head.  
“No. But she cried writing it,” he tells him. Dean frowns and looks at the envelop in his hands. He turns it over and runs a thumb along the seal, contemplating, but shakes his head and slips it into his pocket.  
“Ummm…so it’s my call how long she stays on life support?” He asks. Arnold nods his head once. “The, ugh, the doctor thinks it is already.” 
“Husband?” He asks. Dean runs a hand over the back of his neck and nods. “She said you would probably do that. There’s a lot more in here but it will depend on your decision.” 
“This is a lot,” Dean says. Arnold nods, understanding. 
“Take your time,” he tells him. Dean takes a deep breath as he looks back at your body. 
“Need some air,” he mumbles, rising to his feet quickly. He leaves the room and Sam and Cas exchange looks. Sam leaves the room and finds his brother outside in a small courtyard, running his hands over his face. 
“Dean,” he says. Dean looks up and shakes his head. 
“Ya know when we were just talking about what to do, it was easier. Now, knowing she actually trusts me with this…” He trails off and Sam nods, frowning. 
“It’s real,” he says. Dean nods. “She picked you for a reason, Dean. You’ll make the right call for Y/N.” Dean reaches into his pocket and pulls the envelope back out. He runs his fingers over his name across the front written in your easily recognizable handwriting. 
“I’m gonna…” He stops and holds it up. Sam nods and pats his brother’s shoulder before going back into the hospital. Sighing heavily, Dean falls onto a nearby bench. He carefully unseals the envelope and pulls out a folded piece of paper. Hesitating for a brief moment, he unfolds the letter. 
If you’re reading this then things are bad for me. I’m either already dead or pretty damn close. You’ve met Arnold by now and know what I’m asking of you. If you have to make the choice, there’s a few things I want to say to you first. 
Trust Arnold. He’s a good man with a great family. He knows what he’s doing and will get everything handled as quickly as possible. 
I know this isn’t going to be an easy choice for you. It wouldn’t be easy for me if the roles were reversed. I’ll make this as straightforward as I can even though there’s no such thing as straightforward in our lives. 
If I’m not coming back as me, I don’t want to come back. If me coming back means someone else has to die, I don’t want to come back. If I’m being kept alive by machines, let me go. That’s not the “life” I want, Dean.  
He squeezes his eyes closed, forcing the tears away. After calming himself, he continues to read. 
If any of those apply or if I’m already dead, then give me the usual. Salt and burn. Have a few drinks with the family. You can spread my ashes off that pier where we sat and watched the sunrise after spending the night clearing that vamp nest.  
Whatever happened, don’t beat yourself up about it. I’m sure you’ll try and make it your fault but we both know I’m too damn stubborn for that to be true.
I can’t put into words what you mean to me. I’ve tried. This is the third time I’ve tried to write this letter. Thank you for taking me in all those years ago and nursing me back to health. Thank you for teaching me everything you know and saving my ass more times than I can count. You’ve been the best part of my life since my family died. 
Tell Sam and Cas that I love them. Give Jody and the girls a big hug for me. 
Keep fighting.
I love you, Dean.
Dean wipes at his eyes quickly before folding the letter back up. He pockets it and leans forward, resting on his knees and squeezing his eyes closed. He knew what he had to do, what you wanted him to do.
Pull the plug. 
“Ya know, some women like it when a man cries. I don’t see it though,” a Scottish-accented voice says from the entrance to the courtyard. Dean rises quickly and glares over at the red-headed witch. 
“The hell are you doing here, Rowena?” He asks. She smiles at him as she walks over. 
“A little birdie told me a certain someone wasn’t feeling very well. I came to help,” she says. Dean shakes his head as he watches her. 
“What do you want? The book?” He asks. She rolls her eyes. 
“Simpleton,” she mumbles. “Actually, I owe Y/N a favor. And I always pay my debts.” 
“You owe her?” He asks. She nods her head once but doesn’t offer any explanations. Dean hesitates for a moment. He didn’t trust Rowena. Any time they’d tried to before, she’d screwed them over. But he was willing to try anything to get you back. Besides, your letter didn’t say anything about seeking a little extra help. “If you screw us…” 
“Oh, I know. Same old story. Come on,” she says, turning for the entrance to the hospital. 
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
Dream Warriors: @aylacavebear @winharry @djs8891 @suckitands33 @rickgrimeswifeu @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @foxyjwls007 @alisyacsa @lailawinchesterr @urinternetmom @justrealizedimmascifygurl @kr804573 @thej2report @just-levyy @snowayumi @deans-baby-momma @demons-eats-pie-too @brightlilith @kazsrm67 @onlyangel444
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I need Tumblr to create a ‘Saved’ section.
There are so many posts I can’t read right away and because I don’t want to lose the chance to never see them again, I like it for future use. But the posts I liked just to save, get drowned and lost in my liked section and I have way too many posts to sift through, just to find what I haven’t read yet.
Tumblr, I need something to be done!
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