cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Freeze Frenzy!
For the past few days, I have been working on creating a game in a game jam using ‘Local Multiplayer’ as the theme! So I eventually came up with a game known as Freeze Frenzy!
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Freeze Frenzy is a 2-4 player competitive arena where players play as one of four penguins and must fight each other using bombs which they will drop to the ground. as the bombs blow up, players will be knocked back across the ice in hopes of not falling into the ice cold water below. as the players walk around in their arena, which consists of ice blocks. The blocks get weaker and weaker before eventually collapsing, leaving the arena getting harder and harder to traverse.
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
World Building - Blizzard
Heres the second Work in Progress Post of my first World Building Exercise out of the three I have planned to do this year!
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The first screenshot is showcasing the model having been made in Maya. It was definitely a bit of a bumpy road, having to worry about messing around with the UVs and trying to get the scales of windows and doors right. 
There was also the roof of the lower section to worry about, that actually gave me a lot more hell than I thought...
Here is how it looks in Unity. Sadly enough not too much will happen in Maya while I’m trying to setup the Textures and fixing up the little loose ends in the model. But after that’s done it’ll be making it all look cool and awesome!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Second days, more Designing!
The Second day of my second year at AIE has arrived, and almost gone. It was a lot of fun creating some documents based on Behaviorism & Cognitive Psychology. I’ve definitely learned more about how these strategies are used to immerse the player in the game.
I also made a bit more headway on the first World Design Project! I hope you all look forward to seeing the in progress screenshot next week!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
World Building Exercises
With my university having just started today, I have decided to begin spending my time working on world building. I will be creating scenes that tell stories using different objects, lights, particles and sounds (if applicable.)
I will then post my intake of what the story is, and I’d absolutely love it if people were to say their own intake of what the scene is, before they read the story!
Without further ado, I will be doing in progress screenshots once a week about what the scene is currently at!
Just a note that I will not be explaining what the in-progress screenshots are, but I will talk a little about the production process so far.
Scene View:
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Game View:
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I’m really looking forward to doing this, and creating a narrative through these exercises!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Second Year Dragons!
After a long time off on holidays, Global Game Jam bringing lots of fun times and great experiences. It is time to begin the second year of study at AIE! I can’t wait to learn more about game design, and the more marketing sides. Then Create a game starting from halfway through the year!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Smashing, I’m sure!
So, back in early November, I decided I would spend my holidays creating a project I called “Smash your friends!” But then I was greeted with the fact that I had no internet connection for the entire duration of these holidays up until the 12th, and that had hindered my progress a lot more than I thought it would have. Because of this I sadly didn’t manage to get almost any project time in for it at all. But now I’ve gotten a connection and am now starting up the project and prototyping! Starting with the GDD. I can’t wait to work on this game!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Working in maya this morning to waist some time. I ended up making the tardis.
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Raise the Anchor, Set sail!
Today is the day. Rummy Robots is a completed game and is ready to set sail into the endless sea! It has a huge and rough journey to this point. And if I could do it over again, I’d be delighted to. To Celebrate, enjoy this gif of our Rummy Robots celebrating!
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Its been a long road. I can’t wait to see what comes next. Happy Golding!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Adding Variance Through Movement
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Last minute additions to make the most out of our scene. A little movement can go a long way to livening up a scene. Such as:
Scrolling clouds
Scrolling water stream
Bush movement (not shown in gif)
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Scheduled to Depart
With only a short amount of time remaining before we are Goldilocks (have reached our Gold Deadline), we’re still doing tests, making sure the build works, adding small updates to assets, and just making the game feel much more alive!
gifs to come later! for now, enjoy this screenshot.
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Gold Character UI!
With only the deadline for Rummy Robots upcoming on Wednesday, the 29th of November. Times are getting rather slim and its a final stretch before reaching our goal!
Today a lot of work was being spent making new UI Assets for the game and implementing them into the scene to look absolutely beautiful and wonderful!
A screenshot will be shown as soon as its ready! So look forward to seeing a wonderful change between the old UI and the new one!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Deadlines, Milestones & Relief!
Today is the day we submit a the beta build of our game Rummy Robots for assessment. It has definitely been a long road until now, but it is very relieving to have reached this point. And I can’t wait for Gold! 
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Rum, Robots And Menu Bugs!
With only a day and a half until the deadline to beta. Finishing this Menu is definitely becoming quite the job. We’re almost at the finish line, with just a few bits and pieces to scratch off the to-do-list! 
Heres a demonstration of the current Menu. From launch to character select!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Tissues Loaded, Shippy Building!
Sorry for the disappearance everybody! Being ill & bedridden isn’t exactly the best way to spend time, but sadly it happens and it can’t be avoided. But I’m back and working as hard as ever on Rummy Robots!
Sadly enough due to being absent from sickness, and having no internet due to recently moving, I wasn’t able to see anything that the other members of the project are working on so viciously. But now that I’m back I can easily see everything that’s been happening, and it just looks absolutely dazzling! I’m really proud of what they’ve done.
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I am looking forward to the future, ending beta and starting gold!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Setting sail from Alpha, Docking into Beta!
The day has finally come. Alpha Submitted and Our Core Game Loop Running!
It has definitely been a long and bumpy few week’s in alpha, But ultimately we definitely reached our goal of Having our game submitted and ready for Beta! I can’t wait to enjoy some gameplay!
Heres some Gifs of Alpha!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Raise the Anchor, Grab your First Mate and set Sail to Beta!
The road has been long from Pre-Production to Alpha. We’ve gone through a multitude of iterations, scoping up and down all for the sake of ensuring that our game Rummy Robots is ready to set sail! Ahead will be a bumpy road, but as long as we reach the ‘golden’ destination, I think we’ll do just fine!
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cappygamedev-blog · 7 years
Scope & Burndown remakes!
The week has been pretty crazy and full on, from presenting our game to the Teachers panel in class, and remaking our Burn down charts and making them look real pretty & accurate!
So today we had to take care of the task of remaking our burn-down charts and making them seem much more accurate when it came to keeping our project on track.
The total burn down chart currently looks like this:
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We’re pretty good in terms of being on the line! Woo!
The end of the week has come, and next week brings presenting our wonderful game; Rummy Robots to the industry panel, and hope they like it!
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