Greetings there!
I hope that something good happened in your day. If not, then I hope that tomorrow will be better.
I would like to alert all of you that I remade my blog for the sake of organization. I wanted to merge my kin blog with my main blog. The content will most likely remain the same, except with more personal posts and kin stuff. However, those will be tagged appropriately.
The blog URL is @carrotsmatsu, if you are interested!
Please take care, and be safe!
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Hello sweeties! Sometimes we need our days off, whether it’s a cold or a burnout. But as someone with anxiety, there were moments I was worried too much about the work i’d have to catch up, instead of using the day to relax. Now I can finally be calm when I’m absent, so here are my tips ♥
Contact your teacher: When I had to be away from school because of anything other than sickness, I always made sure to send an email to my teacher. Especially when I knew it was a busy week. This can get you ahead of work and show you’re responsible. 
Talk to your classmates: Call or text a responsible friend or the class representative (if you have one) so they can tell you what you’ve missed, what homework teachers have left, etc. Ask about class, tips, presentations, dates, exams, handouts or anything else that could’ve been mentioned.
Back in school: If by any reason you can’t contact your teacher or your friends, make sure to ask your teacher to give you any material she handed out while you were away, and borrow a friend’s notes. This is important because teachers usually repeat (in the lecture) or write down (on the board) what will be on the test. 
Catch up as soon as possible:  When you have everything you need, start work right away. Don’t procrastinate, especially now because work will start to pile up and we don’t want that now do we? 
Getting back on track: here’s a vid that could help you: getting your life together. This is the time to get your post-its, planner, calendars and everything organization so you don’t miss anything. 
Check your priorities: There’s a few teachers that didn’t tell me to catch up on practice work or things we’ll keep doing throughout the month. Talk to them and maybe they’ll give you more time or duplicate a grade from your next text, especially if you’re good at the subject. 
Don’t forget new assignments : Is your new assignment for tomorrow and your catch-up work for next week? you know which one to do first. Make yourself a schedule, grab a snack, and work slowly but steadily.
*I wrote each one of these personally, so please don’t repost. I hope this helps you, and remember being absent doesn’t have to mean anxiety! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate on messaging me ^_^ © freepic icon
Love, Yumi 💛
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Greetings there!
I hope that something good happened in your day. If not, then I hope that tomorrow will be better.
I would like to alert all of you that I remade my blog for the sake of organization. I wanted to merge my kin blog with my main blog. The content will most likely remain the same, except with more personal posts and kin stuff. However, those will be tagged appropriately.
The blog URL is @carrotsmatsu, if you are interested!
Please take care, and be safe!
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when your world is falling apart around you, know that you can always create a new one.
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Shoutout to autistics who experience emotions intensely
To the autistics who cry over “little things”
To the autistics who get so happy they flap and bounce and squee
To the autistics who have to work so hard to control their anger or who can’t
To the autistics who don’t know what they’re feeling but feel it strongly
To the autistics who have panic attacks easily
To the autistics who are “over emotional”, “too sensitive”, “weird”, or “irrational”
You experience the world intensely and the ways you react to that are valid. There’s nothing wrong with reacting to emotions as long as you don’t hurt others. You are not too sensitive or too emotional, you are exactly as you should be and that is valid and that is good.
Live authentically
Live radically
Live autisticly
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Villain Lady: wouldn't it be totally romantic and cool if someone blasted a giant heart into the moon for someone they loved
Heroine: that would be horrible, it could affect the tides and send debris raining down on the Earth, damaging the ecosystem and threatening lives.
Heroine: Anyways what did you want to do for our anniver- where are you going?
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I wonder if, in superhero universes, the villains ever get contacted by those “Make a Wish Foundation” and similar people.
I mean, the heroes do, of course they do, kids who want to meet Spiderman or Superman or get to be carried by the Flash as he runs through Central City for just thirty seconds.
But surely there are also the kids, who - because they are kids and sometimes kids are just weird - decide that what they really, really want is to meet a supervillain. Because he’s scary or she’s awesome or that freeze ray is just really, really cool, you know?
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Okay, I want a superhero story in which the superhero is one of those ‘normal kid gets superpowers through freak accident’ and goes out and fights crime, and of course runs into the supervillain at some point and tries to take them down. And the villain, a couple minutes into the fight, realizes they’re fighting a literal child and just has an internal freak-out about this new development. Because, fine, I’ve got plans to steal all of the world’s largest gems and I’m generally not a nice person, but holy fuck there’s a kid coming at me. This is a kid. I can’t with this.
So the supervillain instead of trying to kill/hurt their nemesis goes through all these complicated plans to trap them or put them to sleep or stick them in a large tank or something so they can go ahead with it. Sometimes it works and the supervillain spends a harried half hour lecturing the superhero about maybe going to school and being safe instead of doing this, that would be nice. 
The supervillain staying up at night occasionally wondering if the tiny superhero is out there trying to get themselves killed right this moment. The supervillain sending supervillain henchmen ninjas out to tail the superhero and help out if it ever looks like the superhero is going to get killed. The supervillain takes to pacing around and muttering to themselves occasionally about PARENTING and RESPONSIBILITY and how they never signed up for this shit. Actually petitioning their version of the Justice League to have someone step in and do something about this, that kid has to be like twelve and what is everyone thinking???? Bonus points if the kid has no parents and the villain finds this out and spends a night internally screaming about it.
Basically I want a supervillain unwittingly becomes the super worried parent of the kid who is actively trying to foil their every plan and topple their evil regime.
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It is our duty as feminists to protect and respect women in Hijabs
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childhood daemon headcanons
children asking their daemons to become very small, hiding them in their pockets, and trying to scare the other children by pretending they don’t have daemons at all
children and their daemons staying up reading far after their parents have put them to bed, their daemons becoming fireflies to light up the pages of their books
daemons playing “guess which animal I am,” asking their human to shut their eyes, turning into different animals, and having their human touch them and try to guess what animal they’ve become
nerdy children reading about an exotic animal and school, and asking their daemon to become that animal so they can study it better
kids and their daemons trying to scare each other, kids making crazy faces while their daemons transform into tarantulas and bats
children trick-or-treating with their daemons, making sure that the daemons form matches their costume perfectly
daemons turning in to fishes when their human counterparts don’t want to take a bath, trying to coax their humans into the water and show them that it isn’t scary
the daemons of children who don’t have coats and blankets turning into big bears to keep them warm in the winter
children taking care of their daemons. daemons taking care of their children.
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Wow 💯👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 it looks so real.
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You know when you listen to a song and the combination of lyrics and chords subject you to a specific feeling or scenery? When writing a story, specifically when it’s long, how can you achieve that same effect using just words? For example, I want my story to send people to some quiet, mysterious countryside city. How should I make that reflect on the characters? How to spread that sensation through the whole story? Thanks xx
Remember, music comes from a very different place, and you can’t write your stories thinking they will be exactly like music (or movies, for that matter). Your salvation will be in mood and tone, your description of the setting and the character’s surroundings, how the weather reflects the character’s mood, how the weather opposes the character’s mood (a rain-soaked funeral may reflect your character’s mood, but a funeral on a bright cheery day will take their pain and stab it in deep).
You’re painting a picture with words, and just like Bob Ross, you don’t have to be in a hurry to get it right. Read your favorite books and note down what’s happening around the characters, how their setting and description guides the story along. It won’t be a song, but it’s not meant to be. It’s still beautiful and important, even if it takes a lot of hard work.
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[Image Description: A navy blue userbox with an icon of heavy rain. In white text, it reads, “this user loves rainy nights”. End image description.]
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“ I want to live peacefully with my family.” Karamatsu said…
I love that.
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Stop comparing where you’re at with where everyone else is. It doesn’t move you farther ahead, improve your situation, or help you find peace. It just feeds your shame, fuels your feelings of inadequacy, and ultimately, it keeps you stuck. The reality is that there is no one correct path in life. Everyone has their own unique journey.
Daniell Koepke (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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