crystal48891 · 2 months
It’s Been Awhile
It’s Been Awhile My mind is always on writing. I think about something to write almost every day. I jot my thoughts down but may not always share, as I’m not ready or need to think about what I wrote carefully before sharing. I’ve been also busy with moving, working and life in general.  Setting some goals and tackling some difficult and not so difficult life events.   My father passed early…
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crystal48891 · 3 years
Art by Jazimations
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crystal48891 · 3 years
Taking the pain away
I wrote this on my Facebook post in 2015 and thought I should not only remind myself of these words, but also share them and hopefully give someone hope. Use your small opportunities (sometimes you get the big ones), to really enjoy yourself. No one else will do it for you. You may have a small faction of people who are really into you for whatever reason. It could be they just get you, they…
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crystal48891 · 3 years
COVID-19 Vaccination - freedom of choice?
COVID-19 Vaccination – freedom of choice?
What is the point of showing you’ve been vaccinated on social media? I’m abit baffled. If I’m vaccinated(or not) why exactly is that anyone’s business? Why am I publishing it? Is it a low key pressure to those who are not? If you have a reasonable answer I want to hear you, otherwise please note, I don’t do well with rhetoric. These times we are in is no joke. We have to stop violating other…
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crystal48891 · 3 years
Black Love
Recently I’ve seen and heard so many definitions of what black love is. One of the most disturbing definitions alludes to black love regardless of whether the ship is going down or not. But isn’t that how love is suppose to be? Ride or die? On both sides at least. Black people have been told too often and too long, how to love . It’s time we decide ourselves. We typically do not marry for money…
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crystal48891 · 3 years
Check in
Good Evening, It’s been quite some time since I’ve actually posted. I do hope you are doing well and you have overcome all the adversities we’ve all been witnessing and experiencing during the last year and a half. Peace Too often social media was lit up with racial tensions and grave injustices. Black Lives Matter clashed with Blue Lives Matter amongst so many other clashes. I can’t even…
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crystal48891 · 4 years
Art of War
Good Morning.
Hope you are enjoying the start of your weekend. Happy Birthday to celebrants this weekend? Happy Anniversary and please stay safe to those of you at risk.
Plot Thickens
It occurred to me in just this moment as I am reviewing posts on IG and on WhatsApp that there is mass confusion in the air. It is deliberate and strategic. If you’ve ever read The Art of War, you would…
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crystal48891 · 4 years
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Happy Fathers Day I learned many years ago my life is what I make of it. Good, bad, and otherwise will happen - that’s just life.
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crystal48891 · 4 years
Mental health boost day
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Each day you wake up you strive for something. What is it? Is it happiness? Joy? peace? Normal?
I don’t believe in normal only because my normal yesterday is different from normal today.
But I do believe in happiness, joy, peace because these are things I can actively do for myself.
I actually can consciously choose to take step to make a difference each day about how I feel.…
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crystal48891 · 4 years
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Black Lives Matter Solidarity Friday beloved. I hope you are all being safe in spite of it all. Do not let this warfare steal your joy, your peace nor your humanity.
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crystal48891 · 4 years
Resilience-stay home stay safe 😷
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I’ve been pondering on what to write about and how to put into words how I’ve been feeling these last couple of months.
I’ll start by saying, I hope you are all ok, and have not been too impacted by loss.
I know it’s been trying times akin to warfare. But, like war we must fight to survive and combat the enemy until we emerge victorious. Nothing else is acceptable. So keep on your masks and…
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crystal48891 · 4 years
Please wear your masks
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Be safe out there. Let’s give the doctors and nurses and opportunity to work efficiently and effectively. They can’t do this if they are scuffling to get essential supplies.
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crystal48891 · 5 years
Tolerance is so important - Be Kind
Tolerance is so important – Be Kind
We are dealing with basic human kindness here, so let’s learn a little tolerance, tone the anger and superiority down please🙏🏽😉
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Kudos to our bus driver
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Oh well 😕🥴🤕🤨
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crystal48891 · 5 years
Stay in touch - small gestures
Stay in touch – small gestures
Make sure you reach out to all the people in your life and see how they are doing.
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You don’t have to do a person to person. A phone call will suffice and shows you care, especially in these days of mass hysteria.
Senior relations may need rations so enquirer without making them feel like they are a bother.
The infirmed May be locked in and unable to receive optimal care so check in.
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crystal48891 · 5 years
Relevant Message - Black Community
Relevant Message – Black Community
Black Man’s message to America 1960’s
Very powerful message.A must see if you want to
Understand some of the injustices black America snd the rest of the African diaspora suffers through.
We do not need handouts, we’ve never asked for handouts. Let’s begin by treating each other as equals, and giving us what’s due to us first in the form of reparations. Every other ethnic group had…
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crystal48891 · 5 years
My week in colour💜💜💜
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Brunch with my mom, neighbors and a few relatives last Friday
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Some of my daily devotions
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My immunity juice
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My afghan has begun Idea for immunity juice source When I get the baking bug Trinidad Coocoo dish – cooking is a passion My own special oatmeal recipe Afghan progress 💪🏾
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Watching CNN good nite
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crystal48891 · 5 years
Black History - East St. Louis, MO 1917
Black History – East St. Louis, MO 1917
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When you look at the damage inflicted on black America via media, politics, one should begin to have a clearer understanding why we are so adamant about doing our own thing. Every single attempt to integrate, normalize or be like every one else is met by violence. See for yourself :
These images clearly show black southern migrants being burnt, tortured, beaten and chased out of their homes.…
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