crzredhead44 · 2 years
As much as I want to talk about Chenford…
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And, boy, do I want to talk about Chenford. Episode 1 was amazing and everything I could’ve imagined as a fan. Ugh, stupid Chris having to survive (sorry, lawyer boy, but you need to go). Fingers crossed we get more Chenford and they aren’t dicking around with the fans, like always. Seriously, stop with the baiting tactics. Give us something! It’s always a little piece of something in episode one of the season and then a big fat NOTHING for the remainder of the season. Season 5 should be Chenford’s season, finally.
On the other hand, NYLA *FREAKING* HARPER, man!!!! Talk about BADASS!!!! 😏🙌🏻
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“I’m in here giving life, but I will take yours if you even twitch.”
Yaaaassss!!! Detective Nyla Harper, ladies and gents!!!! OMG, I was clapping and yelling at my TV when Nyla came out of the water like that. It was beyond cool! I felt so proud, lol. Great idea and camera work; I definitely applaud this from the writers, hands down.
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
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Ugh, I just can’t! It’s so so SO glorious to finally see this, if only it were real Tim and Lucy and not Dim (Jake) and Juicy. Please, give our little Chenford hearts something to actually grasp and hold onto for these two knuckleheads, and I’m not talking about this undercover work (although appreciated).
When Tim said “what happens undercover stays undercover” I literally thought of Lucy thinking “so, you don’t want me to tell your stupid girlfriend that we made out?” 😏💥
This was legit my face! Mwahahahaha!
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
Me when Tim quickly kissed Lucy:
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Me when Lucy grabbed Tim’s face and kissed him:
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I would’ve been so mad if all we got was a quick little peck for the Chenford kiss after the “build up” promo. Our girl Lucy for the win, y’all! She was like “nope, the Chenford Army deserves this,” and gave us a little taste of what future Chenford kisses could be. 😏
Side note: was it just me or did anyone else think Bailey’s fight scene with the two bad guys was stupid? To me, she fought like crap. For the so called “badass” woman that has a bazillion jobs, and is even part of the military, her fighting was disappointing and embarrassing. I was laughing at my tv and rolling my eyes thinking “just stop already. Stop trying to make her a thing. This is stupid and cringy.” 😒🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, now we wait. Until next season ✌🏻
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
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Look how happy these two are!!! I don’t care what anybody says, that’s love in both Tim’s and Lucy’s eyes! ❤️
I’m incredibly happy that Chris, nor Ashley we’re in sight at this little reception. As much as I didn’t want them there, I do find it odd that neither Tim, nor Lucy brought their gf/bf to this little party. I thought I had hated Ashley’s character most, but after last week when Chris started humming that song and threw all those red flags, he’s surpassed that boring girl and made his way to the top of the list. Point being is Chris & Ashley need to go and let these two dance their way to happiness with each other. I can’t get over how happy they both look dancing with each other. Tim most definitely doesn’t look at Ashley like that, and Lucy didn’t look at Chris like that last week when they were leaving the office for dinner.
Also, last week didn’t make sense to me. I find it weird that Tim had no interaction with Lucy regarding Going to the DA’s office to deal with something about DOD. I really wish we got a scene where Tim found out about what Chris did. Oh man, I would’ve loved to be a fly on that wall if Tim confronted Chris about that insensitive crap that he pulled. I kept yelling at my tv “red flag, red flag, Lucy!” I just wish they didn’t brush past it. DOD was a big deal to us as fans and I’m sad that we’ve waited this long to get a mention of it regarding like the anniversary and that’s what they give us. Oh well, I guess.
However, as short as the dance scene was, I was content just seeing how stupidly happy these idiot lovebirds are. Hoping that someone at the reception noticed it too, so the whispers and bets start on Chenford!
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
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Umm, Tim and Lucy at the morgue!!! When Lucy had her gun raised ready to shoot anyone that could possibly harm Tim (or her). Once Tim stood back up from moving his body cam inside the room he totally moved Lucy (his hand either on her back or hip - make whatever assumption) to his right side near the wall. He got super close to her totally leaning in and asking her questions over her shoulder as they watched on his phone what was going on. Gah! I loved that sooo damn much! This was by far my favorite scene of theirs this episode! I loved the double date scene and sorta felt bad for Ashley and Chris, but not really - hope everyone liked Lucy and Tim’s first (not official) date! 😂
Here’s a few other things I’m going to rant about:
Ashley (to Tim): …and then you spent the whole night talking to Lucy…
Me *yelling at my tv*: yeah, because NOBODY LIKES YOU!!!! 😤👋🏻
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Another thing that bugged the shit out of me!
Ashley (to Tim): …life can’t be just watching Rams games on the couch…
Umm, yeah, they can!!! Especially for Tim! These two seriously have no common interests 🤦🏻‍♀️. I bet if he were with Lucy he’d absolutely LOVE to go to a stupid fancy restaurant or the beach. He really seems like he doesn’t like Ashley at all. Ashley is trying to change him into someone she wants. Literally I think she only likes him because he’s a “hot” cop. I mean, she’s not wrong, Tim is a hot cop, but c’mon! She’s an idiot. I don’t know why her nor Chris said anything to Tim or Lucy about how awkward that dinner date was. It seemed like Tim and Lucy were on a date and Ashley and Chris were the tag alongs. They have had to pick up on the Tim and Lucy closeness, they can’t be that dumb! I also feel like Tim was struggling to tell Ashley that he wants to “be that for you” like, what?! Lastly, when has Tim ever claimed that he’d call in “sick” to work for a girl?! Tim is such a career man and his job seems to come first. Ashley is going to pick some dumbass place for them to sneak off to, and he’ll absolutely HATE it but pretend to like it to appease her, yuck🤮! I noticed that he really struggles being in this relationship with Ashley. I feel like it would just flow with Lucy. Get your heads out of your asses, writers and Alexi! 😒 You people know how to make a successful tv show, but are purposely failing at it (and pissing off the fans). So freaking annoying!
Umm, can we also give it up for pregnant Harper in this episode! 👏🏻 she had me rolling!
Grey (to Harper): Seriously, how much longer are you going to be like this?? HAHAHAHAHA - I freaking love it! 😂
P.S. this is my first time ever making GIFs, so go easy on me if you think they suck - I really don’t know what I’m doing, lol 😊.
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
I am sooo annoyed with the character Ashley! Her character in general is lame. Don’t get me wrong, she seems like a nice girl and all, but there is just something about her that doesn’t sit right and doesn’t make sense. Tim really thinks that this chick is “the one”?!? C’mon, yeah freaking right. This chick is a 30 something year old with a chosen career path of being a Lifeguard? This isn’t summer camp, nor is it Baywatch, lets be real! Also, no hate on the real lifeguards (shoutout to all y’all). This just doesn’t make sense for hard-ass Police Sergeant, Tim Bradford to be dating a girl like this. At least Rachel was in Social Services - don’t want to say it, but THAT relationship made more sense. I get that Ashley’s dad (Jerry) was a police officer (and we don’t have a full backstory on her yet), but a part of me feels like she’s a BADGE BUNNY! I also understand that she has childhood trauma with dogs, but the whole Kojo thing made it seem like she wanted Tim to chose between her and the dog (which really pissed me off). She also had NO business calling Lucy to ask about it - isn’t that why you have a boyfriend - call HIM about your issues with his dog. She acts like a freaking teenager and last week’s episode made me feel like I was watching those three as high schoolers 🙄. Lastly, I feel that Tim doesn’t want to be mean to Ashley and act like himself because of who her father is. Tim you have really created a mess trying out this relationship, and Lucy, babe, stop trying to be so helpful and excited about everyone else’s relationships - worry about yourself.
You would think that I’d love the fact that there is a character on my favorite show named Ashley, because that’s my name, but I legit despise it. I hate hearing that name come out of Tim or Lucy’s mouths. I literally cringe every time it’s said. I’d rather Rachel come back for this love triangle thing that’s kinda going on. I’m hopeful that Tim finds a reason to kick Ashley to the curb - she’s not the one, bro! You would’ve thought that his girlfriend not liking his dog and questioning the breakfast thing was a red flag - wake the F up, Timothy!
Sorry for the rant! I’m very passionate when it comes to Tim & Lucy. To the fictional character(s) Gods, send help. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
Okay, hear me out….
“THIRD TIMES A CHARM” right?!?!?!!!!!!
Tim had Rachel, he unfortunately has Ashley right now *eye roll*, and he’ll soon figure out his feelings and endgame with LUCY.
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crzredhead44 · 2 years
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Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she want you too, there is one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl
I can’t be the only one that had the song “Kiss The Girl” immediately pop into my head when this happened!!! I can’t stop thinking about that HUG; it’s driving me nuts! Perfect song/lyrics for Chenford - Ugh, sweet torture, LOL! 🥰😂
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crzredhead44 · 3 years
This is my very first Tumblr post, so please be kind. My friend convinced me to watch The Rookie back in December, so I binged the first two seasons in a matter of about 4 days. To say that I was hooked is an understatement. I did my homework and searched around, I texted my friend and literally said “please tell me you’re a Chenford fan too” of course he said yes. I’m a little obsessed with Chenford and I scroll through Tumblr and any and every Fanfic possible. I’m so stoked for season 4! Let me tell you how obsessed with Chenford I am…I had an episode of Friends on like I do every night. The episode was when Rachel confesses her feelings to Ross and they end up kissing at Central Perk; it’s one of the most iconic moments in Friends history. Anyway, I gasped and scared my husband, because I shouted “oh man, that’s totally a Chenford thing! That could’ve totally been a conversation Lucy and Tim had!” My husband rolled his eyes, laughed, and said “only you would think that.” I had to find the script and put a Rookie spin on it, so here it goes with my edits. Let me know if you can see that happening how I imagined it.
-The Rookie Version-
...Tim pulls Lucy into an interrogation room
Tim: You had no right to tell me you ever had feelings for me.
Lucy: What?
Tim: [shouts] I was doing great with Rachel before I found out about you!
Lucy: Hey, I was doing great before I found out about you. You think it's easy for me to see you with Rachel?
Tim: Well then you should have said something before you set me up with her!
Lucy: I didn't know then! And how come you never said anything to me?
Tim: There was never a good time.
Lucy: Yeah right. You only had a year, we only rode together every shift.
Tim: Not, not, not... every shift.
Lucy is in the parking garage walking to her car...
Lucy: [Lucy told Tim she had feelings for him right before he went off to buy a dog with his girlfriend. Tim enters suddenly is standing at the back of his truck when Lucy walks by, making Lucy jump] Oh! Hi.
Tim: I didn't get a dog.
Lucy: Oh, that's... interesting...
Tim: No it's not interesting. It's very very not interesting. It's actually 100% the opposite of interesting, it's...
Lucy: OK, I got it Tim.
Tim: The point is that I don't need this right now. It's too late. I'm with somebody else, I'm happy. This ship has sailed!
Lucy: [angrily] So, you're just gonna, what, put away feelings or whatever the hell it was that you felt for me?
Tim: Hey, I've been doing it for over a year now, I've gotten pretty damn good at it!
Lucy: OK fine, you go ahead and you do that, all right Tim?
Tim: [turns to leave] OK, fine.
Lucy: Because I don't need your stupid ship.
[Lucy follows and calls out after him]
Lucy: And you know what? Now I got closure!
[Lucy gets in her car and slams the door and locks it but almost immediately dissolves into tears. Tim quietly goes to Lucy’s car and watches her through the driver’s side window. Lucy gathers herself together and looks up to her left. She sees Tim through the window and gasps. She tries to roll down the window but starts to struggle with the mechanism]
Tim: Just unlock the door.
[Lucy does. He opens the door and pulls her out of the car. They look at each other. Tim wordlessly pulls her into his arms and the two of them kiss - finally!]
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