daydreamersday-blog · 6 years
Anamile is the second daughter of the Constantine noble family with her two sisters Anamarry the oldest and Anabelle the youngest. All seemed well until the time comes for them to finally turn into a woman and marry a man from a noble family. However, the conflict rose when hearts crashed to one another as Jonathan, the man of Anamile's dreams will marry her oldest sister. After all, the unspoken rule was that the oldest will get married first and not the second or third. Anamile was then arranged to be married to James who was the son of their father's close friend. But also that didn't go well for them, for betrayal and lust are something that sometimes cannot be controlled. All that have led Anamile to believe that she was not meant to love or get married. But fate said otherwise when she came across Ezra Pavo. The son of the ancient families who fought to protect the kingdom; exiled, thrown away, a slave to her family, and an excellent fighter, Anamile had turned to him when an unavoided party which hid a terrible incident was known to her but not to others. Secrets discovered, heartbroken, alone, and in need of a shield, Anamile was torn in a feeling of hating and loving two boys who would cross many lines for her. Both she knew she could never have.
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daydreamersday-blog · 6 years
I so cannot wait to read this!
last hours snippet
Will had been sitting on the floor, the rug bunched up under his feet, with his back against Tessa’s legs. He looked up when Jem came in, and Jem, in his Silent Brother robes, went over to Will and sat down beside him. He drew Will’s head against his shoulder, and Will held the front of Jem’s robes in his fists and he cried. It was the first time it had ever occurred to James that his father might cry about anything. — Chain of Gold, The Last Hours Book 1
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daydreamersday-blog · 6 years
You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (via suspend)
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daydreamersday-blog · 6 years
It makes me think of two kingdoms when I see this, it’s amazing!
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daydreamersday-blog · 6 years
Traces of the Butterfly - Wattpad Free Story
Dear Dream Boy,
 I’m so sorry that I made you worry about me. NO, I will not drink white paint to commit suicide; I know easier ways to do that. But don’t think that I asked that because I want to die, I asked because I watched the Simpsons on Youtube the other night when my family was all asleep. You know, if this helps, I don’t want to die yet, I still want to read your letters. Sometimes I think the only reason my life is worth living is not just because I still have a future, but because I have you. Whoever you are. It’s important for me that you don’t leave me too, because I’d hate it if I lose you.
Dream Boy, don’t you think it’s strange sometimes that the only reason someone is abandoned to their own demise is because no one wants to know? I mean, of course if they didn’t care it would have been bad but still, it makes me angry that they don’t want to know. Because, why don’t they want to know. And what do I have to do? I just don’t know. If you found someone hurt and alone, what would you do? And what if they don’t want your help after all? Wouldn’t that be embarrassing? I just have this dilemma where I just want to help someone but in the same time I’m scared if they’ll think I’m poking my nose where it’s not wanted. What do you think?
I know that song you mentioned. It’s such a sad song. I listen to it too sometimes, but only when I want to cry but I can’t. There’s just so much pain, sometimes I want to cry but I can’t and it makes me numb. Well, have you ever listened to Chiston? SOS Warning? I don’t know why but I just find that song haunting. I think when I listen to the ending of the song I just imagine myself calling out for help with that beeping sound. It’s kind of scary too sometimes, because you know, no one ever came to my SOS’s. Except for you. Well, I hope everything goes alright for you Dream Boy, I need to know that you’re okay. Lately it seems like I’m the only one rambling on and on about my troubles.
Kind regards,
Sunset Girl
Want to read more?
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
Only You
I finally found that key
That can undo the inner depths of me
And I know some part may say
That you are not the one to stay
But neither the day or the night
Can stop me from wanting you beside me
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
How to Make Ideas into Full Stories
You have to admit, getting ideas on a new story is the most exciting part of the journey. It's new, it's fresh, and well... you're not bored with it yet. You want to start writing as soon as possible and put everything on paper. Sometimes you even already know how the story would end. But then a moment of truth comes; you don't know exactly how the whole story goes.
   It comes when you just finished the first chapter and you think, it's not good enough, it's not exciting enough and you don't know what to write next afterward because you haven't thought about it through. I've been there and I hated it.
   So what do we have to do to make the fantastic idea in our mind into the fantastic novel we always dream of? It's simple!
1. Design the Flow
I have been writing since I was fourteen years old, whether it was at home for fun or a school essay, I learned one thing from long-term writing; it's easier when you know three things: The characters, the plot, and the theme.
a. The Character
Guys, guys, make sure you make up your mind about your characters before you write your stories. Now, I'm going to point out my own mistakes on writing as an example. From one of my fanfiction (Because I love writing fanfiction) Boruto and the Curse of the Black Chakra. And these are my mistakes (Which I have not fix yet :/ )
- We all know Boruto in the original story is just a kid, not a teenager. But in my version, the story begins when Boruto is around sixteen or seventeen. Meaning? He can kiss, he's stronger, he's more mature, and so on. But I fail to keep that in mind when I write my story. Instead, I wrote the beginning as if Boruto is still a child and it progressed as if he was seventeen. In one of the scenes where he had S* with Sarada in one of the caves, it was probably a shock for some of the readers because of they too; thought that Boruto was still a child.
- Is your character in the white, black, or gray area? Make up your mind Meydew! One of the characters that I love most in a story is one who had a bad childhood and grew to be the bad and evil guy we see today. He is traumatized and alone, being driven by the emotions of hatred towards others. Now, if we have a character like this we have to be cruel to him/her and set a certain path for him/her, 'Dude, I'm sorry, I like you but you just have to go down the drain,' or 'Okay, I like you so I'm just going to let you make good decisions in your life and be a good person.' Or 'You're just going to help each side because you're not really interested but you have contact with both sides.'
My point is make up your mind now whether he is going to be truly an antagonist or are you going to make him a protagonist. Because there are just some things that can never let an antagonist turn into a protagonist. For example? Rape. Child abuse. Killing a dog. (You also need to give some time to change your character ya, they don't just change with a click)
Decide now, because if you don't you'll end one of your characters like mine; Akeboshi. He started in the series as the bad and unforgivable character. He made Sarada and Boruto fight and purposefully hurt Sarada. But in the way, I changed my mind and left the half part of the story still holding on to BAD AKEBOSHI. And continued the second half with GOOD AKEBOSHI. In the worst case scenario, your character will be seen as unreal, because no one just changes with a click and when your readers don't see 'WHY' he changed, they'll lose heart for the character.
- Who is most important in your story?
I'm not going to lie. Sometimes I see some side characters are just more fun to write on just because (Maybe this is just me). In my story Boruto (Still talking about the same one) Some can notice that Mitsuki is left out of the story although he is one of the important characters in the trio. Instead of writing about his heartbreak because Sarada loves Boruto instead of him, I spent my time writing about Shizuka; the girl who loves Boruto. Damn it Meydew, prioritize!!!
b. The Plot
It's hard to write on sometimes when you don't have a hard ground to step on. Especially when you don't remember where you left off and just way too lazy to reread the whole damn thing (I don't blame you, I'm lazy too). SO what do we do to make the whole process easier? Well, you just have to make up your mind on HOW the story STARTS, PROGRESS, and FINISH.
- Starting a novel is sometimes tricky. We just don't think about how to make it exciting enough to make our readers keep on reading, but also we want to make it... well? Not cliché. You probably know what I mean; waking up like hearing the alarm, waking from a dream, false starter like a dream and so on...
Now I'm going to skip the HOW TO MAKE IT NOT CLICHÉ and let you use your innovative mind into action (I have faith in you and I'm looking forward to reading your story) to how to make it exciting!
First of all, let's just start this with things you'd like to avoid. One, too much action on the beginning (They don't care yet about our characters so why should they feel anything when our characters get hit or shot?), too much explanation on the landscape, economy state, politics, and culture (It's best to sprinkle all the detail in the conversation and events that shock the characters, like;
  "What are you doing!?" He pushed himself back from her, just to realize there was no space behind him to go.
Kida looked up, confused, "I am now your mate, of course, I'll give you a proper Ashikda greeting."
"Well in my world, girlfriends don't kiss their boyfriend's feet, they kiss us on the lips as a greeting." He said.
"But that is for marriage!" She insisted. "I need to respect you as a man."
"Kida, there's just better ways to respect me."
This can go with the explanation; so this was what it meant when he saw some girls kissing their husband on their feet. It was their culture. A very strange culture; he thought while gazing out the window.
It's better than just spilling everything on the first page. Our readers won't be able to take in the whole information. Besides, it's a novel not a history class.
Poke your reader's curiosity.
Have you ever read the story by Tim Bowler, Fire and Ice? It started with the main character, Dusty who received a call from a boy. He doesn't know where he got the number, he just does. He knows something about her brother though he had no connection, he just do. The character itself was a mystery and that was what made me buy the novel without a second thought (It was awesome by the way).
- PROGRESSING and FINISHING your novel takes time and parts. Let's just say the time you need to finish your novel depends on how hard headed you are on kicking your pages. It's either you're the, 'I'm not feeling like writing right now so I'm going to do it when I feel like it.' Or you're the 'I'm finishing this cus I'm as stubborn as a jackass.'
Progressing your novel doesn't start on the second chapter, it starts immediately on the first chapter and it has a lot to do with the end of the novel. That's why I'm writing this part together.
We know how we're going to link our scenes when we know how it would end. Now, I write a lot of stories that are not always published on wattpad, I keep them to myself whether it's short stories, some p*, fantasy, or romance, I already know already how the story will end.
  Why is this, such a big deal, Meydew?
Well, we all know the chain reaction theory. What we do now will cause a chain reaction that will have a certain end. For example, I'm writing a story about a boy that has to go to school in time. End story: He's late and punished by his teacher. So how will we progress the story so it will reach that end? That's the fun part. The boy set his alarm, but when it rang, he turned it off and went back to sleep. So he was late! Bang. That's how it goes.
c. The Theme
When you write a story, sometimes you don't always have a message hidden in them but you have a theme. Whether you believe it or not, this theme will keep you pumped with conversation. You'll always know what to say next because you know what kind of story you want to put down.
Some of the themes I'd like to show as examples come from my own writings such as the SISTERS FIRST RULE (Which is not polished and unfinished so don't bother) with the theme: Sisters love that are sometimes not strong enough when it is faced by jealousy. Or DARING FAITH (Which is not published on wattpad for some reasons) with the theme: What does love worth? Is it worth your life?
2.  Brainstorm (Listen to your favorite list of music!)
I always wonder if I'm the only one who imagines my great ideas in a movie version, or listening to an awesome song and play it along with a scene in my mind. Well, believe it or not, that's one of the fun ways on brainstorming. You don't just sit down and think, oh what do I do next? What's going to be fun? You just daydream yourself away and if you think to yourselves; 'I gotta write this shit down,' or 'This is freaking twisted,' and you're probably ashamed of yourself for thinking it; well there you have it. An idea to put in your novel.
When you have these ideas (And of course they're written down on a piece of paper or tissue) you take them as a list and decide, 'Which scene in this list will fit best with my story?' From here you can sew your ideas into a large plot you can use a base to write your novel. It doesn't have to be written exactly like this. Let your mind blow away its boundaries. But its always nice to avoid writers block :D
Well, there you have it! How to make your idea into a full story!
Remember it doesn't have to be perfect the first time, just kick those pages!
If you have a story you're writing and want me to read it, just tell me in the comments below!
You don't have an idea yet to start writing? Well, here's a writing chalange and some prompts  for you!
1. "There's a girl in my room." He looked back, "You understand my needs brother."
  "Can I have a word with you?"
2. "Who were you talking too?"
  "That boy, he always come to see me every week."
  "What boy?"
3. "I think we should start a diet, you never exercise. We need to burn calories."
  "Thinking is the most extreme calory burner. Did you know?"
 "Than why am I still fat?"
4. "Promise me, even if you see me bleeding to my death, you won't come to me."
  "How can you ask that from me?"
 "Doesn't it scare you what other people might think?  They don't know that you're the one one who can see me"
Moving out of her parents house is the best! She can do everything as she please even if her room is small but she gets to live in the best neighborhood. When she wakes up, she saw a mug flew from the table to a boys hands a few feet away. He looked at her in shock than ran back in his room. SOMETHING FISHI IS GOING ON HERE.
Good luck and see you next time!
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
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Robin and Starfire - The War Beyond Tamaran (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/3jmTDF7zUC Robin had fought great villains in his young age and no fear had ever torn him so viciously than the thought of Starfire leaving the Titans. After years of fighting crime together, his greatest fear had come true. When a group of three Tamaranian teenage boys came to take her home, she had given them nothing more than a 'Yes' and would soon go after she knew the king she chose to replace her had died in a sudden attack. Soon, Robin and the Titans find themselves finding their way to settle a war on a planet divided into two kingdoms. Bloody battles, betrayal, and a long line of heartbreaking history, Starfire found that this battle was hers alone to fight; While Robin and Vega would cross any line for her, Raven feeling the sensation of love for the first time, Beastboy in jealousy, and Cyborg with tempting promises; the team fought their greatest battle yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know the artist behind this Robin and Starfire background but all the credits to who made it!
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
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TID and TMI Random Fanfiction - Starters (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/n4A0RfrzUC This is just some random stories that came up about the TMI and TID series. There is still an outline story and from one story to another there is still a connection, so it comes in short stories. -------------------- The image belongs to Cassandra Jean and the characters to Cassandra Clare Enjoy!
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
James Carstairs and Tessa Gray Fan Fiction - After the War
The night in the middle of June was always cold. But it was the cold that you could enjoy while sitting on a balcony in La Della near the harbor; with the small fire burning near you, the yellow lights burning softly, small chattering from other guests in the restaurant, and the feeling of freedom was a pleasure he wouldn’t want to change for anything. He stared back at a pair of gray eyes in front of him, the smile on her face made his heart beat faster and heavier by the minute. It was the feeling of finally unleashing his suffocating feeling of missing her.    James Carstairs reached Tessa’s hands, sharing the warmth between them when the wind blew her hair, the lines of it added beauty to her features. He thought of how long he had spent as a silent brother and couldn’t think of any way of how he could possibly hold in so much pain; pain of loss, grieving over Will, missing him and in the same time knowing he couldn’t bare his own pain when he knew Tessa would be with Will. But since it was Will, he would give everything, given up anything; even his love. He thought he would forever think about Tessa in his dedication as a Silent Brother if it wasn’t for Jonathan Herondale he would probably still be trapped. But now that he was here, he couldn’t touch her without thinking of Will, the fact that Tessa was the widow of his Parabatai.    “What are you thinking about?” Tessa firmly held his hand, willing him to say. He shook his head a little, a smile playing on his lips.    “Will,” He said, realizing he was bringing pain to this lovely dinner. Magnus had put so much effort on making his friend open a table for him and Tessa, insisting they should spend a romantic night together after the war. After the waiting.    A flash of pain washed her face, her shoulder tense, “I miss him too.”    “I know that I asked you before if you still wanted to have me,” He began, “But I realize I’m asking so much of you and that you are Will’s wife. I, even if he is not here anymore, how could I? Knowing that you were with him and now that he is..” He took a sharp breath, “It is almost as if I waited for him to be gone,”    “Jem!” He looked up at her, surprised. He had expected her to agree, to say that she also thought the way he did and felt awkward no matter how much she loved him, but not this reaction. As if he had explained that there were two suns.    “You can’t think that Jem, not after all these years.”    “But it is true is it not?”    “You didn’t know how things would have gone. How can you think that I am here with you now because Will is not here anymore? I remembered I remember Will thinking he had taken me from you, but you left to be a Silent Brother for all of our sake. Because Will couldn’t imagine loosing you and neither can I.” She pulled her hand from his and he felt a tinge of regret. He should have never brought up the subject.    “Tessa, please, I am sorry if I have made you upset. It was not my attention, I only wanted to share this with you. My burdens...”    “Oh James,” She whispered, “I love you, so much. Loving you and Will, it's almost as if I ripped my heart in two. All of this years living away from my family, without Will nor my children anymore, away in the Spiral Labyrinth, each day I survived because of you. Because there is still a piece of my heart here, how can I take my own life?”    “Tessa!” Now it was his turn. Her words had made him tremble inside, but have she really thought of taking her own life? “You... have really... you cannot!”    She smiled gently, “I know what I am risking when you asked me If I wanted you, I would feel it all over again, and I would be alone one day. But this is my chance to be with you more and it is worth it. You are worth it, James Carstairs, I’ve waited a hundred years for you.” His eyes widened and he didn’t remember thinking as he stood to walk and step around the table, holding her head up to kiss her on her lips. And as he did, his body tensed with dark pleasure, the night when he kissed her the first time was relived. It was almost as if they were at that time again, with Will sleeping in his room, Charollete and Henry working on Mourtmain's case, and Sophie somewhere in the house. And then everything was gone.    He pulled her up and sat on the chair, Tessa sitting on his lap; her hands around his neck, clutching the back of his head, their breath touching. He didn’t remember her lips being so soft, the pleasure of it awakened something in him, something he thought had died when he joined the brotherhood. She gasped, holding on his wrist as he felt her leg, down from her knees to under her skirt. An image of their bed at home filled his mind. If only they were at home, he would rip these of her.    “James, stop,” Tessa whispered to his ear, “We are still in the restaurant,”    “On a private balcony,” He added, but stopped, still in a daze.”    “It doesn’t stop them, we have an audience,” He smiled, knowing thought Tessa asked him to stop, she still held on to him. Her hands in his hair, her body against his.    “I guess it wasn’t for nothing,” Another voice joined. James looked over Tessa and saw Magnus sitting, on the other hand, his hair was a colorful mess of electric blue and green, his eyes darkened with eye shadow. This time he was wearing a long dark purple coat and high black leather boots. “I swore I heard Micha said he would put rocks in your soup.”    “Actually we haven’t gotten to the soup part,” James mentioned with delight.    “Magnus, you still have the habit of catching me in a wrong time,”  Tessa laughed a little, but stepped away from him, sitting on the third chair between him and Magnus. Her face still looked blush even under the candle light.    “Same old me dear, never change,” Magnus said, but his voice was cracking. Above him, the moon shone brightly behind a mass of white clouds, pure white stars shining in the dark.    “What brings you here?” He asked, “Perhaps you would like to join our dinner?”    Magnus shook his head, “No, no, I just had dinner with Alec, actually I’m here more of... um... well I was hoping I could share this with you.” He took out a piece of paper from his coat; its surface was crumbly and yellow. He could recognize how old it was and took it, Tessa pulled her chair to sit closer to him.    Inside it was a picture of a large leaf shaped, “Diamond?”    “Not just any diamond,” Magnus took a deep breath, “I know it against the law to make someone mortal to immortal unless they are bitten by a vampire but because Alec doesn’t want to be a vampire than perhaps I could use another way.”    “With this?” Tessa asked, “Magnus, I don’t know what this has to do with making Alec an immortal.”    “Does Alec know?” James asked, looking down to the picture. There was no writing, no explanation, only a picture. A small diamond in the center.    “No,” Magnus stood, turning to lean on the balcony, his face half illuminated by the candle light. “He wanted to take my immortality away, by asking Camille.”    “Camille?” Tessa echoed, “I hope he wasn’t asking any romance advice,”    “I don’t really know Camille,” James added, “But I think I know a bad idea when I hear one.” Magnus burst out a short laugh. “She was my lover and yes it is a bad idea. She can’t love, that woman. She only knows of politics.”    “And what exactly are you asking? For us to help you find this object?”    “Yes,” Magus said flatly. “I can’t do it alone, and I won’t be able to do it if Alec would be suspicious of me, it is just that there is two. No wait.. three problems.” Magnus gestured with three fingers.    “And that is?” Tessa asked, leaning back on the chair.    “First, I don’t really know if this thing really does exist. Second, if it does exist I don’t know if Alec wants to be immortal, and three I don’t know if you would agree to help me.”    James blinked, “Why wouldn’t we? Of course, we would help you,”    “Yes,” Tessa agreed, “If there is anything we can do to help Magnus, we would gladly do it. But it's really important that Alec wants to be immortal. Otherwise finding this would be in vain.”    “And if he wants to be, he would be disappointed. We don’t know yet if this diamond really exists, but I think there is only one way to find out and that’s to go and find it. All I have to do is send you to Jawayne.” Magnus flicked his finger, a mirror of blue magic showed an image of a castle in the distance, a small city covering it. It was an old time, where cars weren’t invented yet.    “Where is that? It seems...” His words trailed off.    “Remote?” Tessa tried, there were no cars and the buildings were made from large stones and wood. Magnus bit his bottom lip, “This is in another world. Next to ours. Not a parallel one so this place might be completely different from ours. That was what I was wondering about if you would still agree.”    For a moment he thought of him and Tessa going to this unknown place with its dangers, monsters, demons, and perhaps there were no Shadowhunters there. Perhaps they would come there on the time where Shadowhunters haven’t existed yet. Where would they ask for shelter? Help?    “It sounds like an adventure,” Tessa snapped him back to reality.    “It certainly does,” James said, it hasn’t been four months since the dark war and here they were about to embark on another journey finding something they weren’t sure to get. He was always the practical type. Trying to find something that they weren’t sure really existed wasn’t compelling to him. But this was Magnus and they were had been friends for a long time. He was there for Tessa when he could not.    “You don’t look so sure,” Magnus watched him.    “I’m just curious about this other world.” James assured him, “When should we leave?” Tessa clapped her hand together, “I will pack the things we’ll need.”    “How about tomorrow?” Magnus asked, his face a mask of delight. “I have some things for your journey too, but I’ll give it to you tomorrow, now I have to go. I have an important appointment with Ragnor.”    “Please say our regards,” Tessa said.    “We would like to see him sometimes,” James added and saw the warlock disappear in the air. A swirl of blue light, like mist, was left behind; filling the empty space where the warlock had set just a few seconds ago.    “Should we go?” Tessa asked, the food on their plates were cold now and he didn’t feel much of an appetite anymore. He pulled out his pocket watch and frowned, “Time flies faster when Magnus is around,”    Tessa chuckled, “Let’s just go. I have warm tea at home and some biscuits if you want?” He let her pull him up and landed a kiss on his cheek. Quickly he kissed her on the mouth and lead her down the stairs, leaving the table empty with some cash that should be enough.    Their flat in London was a medium size flat with two bedrooms, with one room for them and the other as a storage and laundry room. The living room was divided into two space; one filled with a large sofa with a coffee table and a flat screen television, the windows covered with heavy Victorian curtains colored in dark red and embroiled with patterns of white flowers, the floor was covered with a large Persian carpet, and the second was the kitchen where they ate breakfast and drink tea in the morning. James hung their coats on the coat rack than reached out to Tessa. Whatever was holding him back the last few month was gone, he leaned down and their mouth met. There was nothing gentle with his kiss, he gave everything he had and their kiss intensifies as she gave a respond. A soft moan, followed by her clumsy attempt to pull off his shirt and jacket.    “Tessa,” He cried, and lifted her off the floor. Quickly walking them both to their room and gently laying her on the bed, careful so that their mouth wouldn’t part. Her legs had formed a cradle for him where he laid his body. He pulled away from her, taking off his shirt while Tessa opened his belt and unzipped his pants. As he kicked his jeans off, Tessa pulled off her shirt.    James moved behind her and undone the bra, reaching her breasts from behind and cupped them, his hands cold. Feeling the soft shape and curves of her chest, she raised her chest deeper into his hands. She leaned back to him, her head tilted with delight on his shoulder.    “James,” She gasped, “Please,”    When he didn’t stop; Tessa turned, kissed him again and pulled his body down to her, nothing between them but air. She gasped as he kissed her neck, down to her chest, and slowly up to the top of her breast. He kissed her there again and again and all he wanted was to please her to be the one to do this and make her scream his name.    “James! Please!” She cried. He moved up again and silenced her; his mouth slanting on hers. She cupped his cheeks, holding him to stay put.    But he moved away, burying his face in the slope of her neck as he lowered his hip. Feeling the warmth around him, the overheating bittersweet sensation that filled his body. Slowly he moved his hip, saying Tessa’s name again and again.    “Tessa...” He whispered, gasped, “Tessa...” He pushed himself deeper into her, sustaining his body with his elbow as he moved faster, he could hear their bed made sounds of protest every time he crashed into her with more force than the last, their body hitting with a sound only this can make.    “James!” She cried, her legs scissoring his hip as she tensed, reaching that last wave of pleasure. He moaned, letting go everything and pushed himself in for the last time, satisfied when he unloaded himself. Dropping his body on her, their breath filled the air.
To be continued...
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
TeenTitans Fan Fiction : Part Four
His jaw was a line that narrowed down to his chin; sometimes making his face looks so... there were no words. She moved her hands to dismiss his mask but stopped midair. Does she dare? He was so defenseless in his sleep, she thought until her heart ached. The urge to hold him and keep him safe from the world made her tongue felt dry. But this was Robin, the Boy Wonder. There was no keeping him safe from anything, not even from himself. If there was anything, anything that needed protecting was the world and Robin felt it was his duty to do so. The words echoed in her mind again, a familiar voice she had heard someone say once. She knew; if Robin put his mind he could accomplish anything. She swallowed. She lifted her hand one more time, reaching for his mask before she could change her mind. She gasped. A hand grabbed her wrist, so fast it was a blur to her sight. She stared at him, afraid of saying anything. Did he know? She thought in horror. What would he think if he knew she was about to take his mask when he was asleep? Robin pushed himself to sit, breathing hard. His lips twitched in pain, half holding her hand for support. "You should be resting." She said, still helping him up. Robin chuckled, a sound soft in the silent room. "I could say the same thing to you." "I am worried about you Robin. You may need some assistance and no one will be there to help you. I shall stay here and make sure you are alright." She announced as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed, looking up towards her. His lips curled into a soft smile, and there it was; the touch she always thought she had imagined. "Robin..." She began, the right words choking her throat. "You should be getting some rest." He said it so casually; as if he didn't just get shot and nearly bleed to death. Her heart beat louder under her skin, so loud she wondered if he could see it beat beneath the thin clothing she wore. "Robin I-" "You were trying to open my mask." Cutting her words. "Why?" He asked so calmly, but she had to move away from him. His demanding voice made her heart shrink somehow, in a way she would never have towards anyone else. "It was dirty." She said truthfully. It was, though it wasn't the main reason. At least she wasn't lying to him. He looked up from his hands beside his body, returning her gaze. Back then he would have darted out of the room demanding answers, not thinking about his health, just focusing on the villain who had run off. Now, he was just calm and she saw his mask as if it was a part of his face. "Don't ever do that again." He said. "Now go to sleep." "But why?" The question slipped out before she could stop it. "You know why. It's my identity, it's who I am." He said, not with anger. It was a rule he held up above any other besides the 'no killing rule'. She realized, he had a life outside the Titan Tower; a life that she would never be apart. "I imagined, now that we are together for so long already... that I could see what you look like. Who you are... I wish to know..." She touched both her index finger together nervously, a wave of warmth crossed her when he suddenly lifted his face and brushed their lips together. It was such a soft kiss, she nearly could not feel it, could not believe it had happened. How long has it been since they had kissed since that night at Tokyo? And that was just a small kiss as well. She stepped back when he stood, her head reached his nose now. She looked up. "You should rest Robin. I am afraid, you might reopen your wound and you will bleed to death." He smirked. "I won't Star. Raven used her healing spell on me. I'm fine." And with that he left the room, but turned to say, "Are you coming?" She followed him, admiring his tall body, broad back and shoulder. His hair had also gotten long; too long for them to stay up the way they did years ago. Now they fell down around his face; thick and black as the night. ----------- To be continued... ♡♡♡
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
TeenTitans FanFiction : Part Three
Robin's blood. She tossed to the side, hugging her teddy bear while her memories came flashing back like a wave of cold water. She laid him on the infirmary bed, weak and pale. Also there, his blood had puddled and dripped down from the edge of the metal bed. She ran as quickly as possible, hands shaking while digging for a towel, bandages, and cotton. She cried, eyes watering and she shook them off brutally. It was no time to cry, it was no time to shake like a child when Robin was laying there dying. "Get hot water." Suddenly Raven flew in still dirty from the battle outside. There was no sign of Cyborg or BeastBoy anywhere. Her face was steady and calm thought the gashing wound showed her his red meat still pouring out thick blood. She flew out, head filled with her one and only task; hot water. What if he died? What if this was it? And she never had a chance to see his face, to know his name, to know who he really was... The kitchen was dark with light coming from the town on the horizon. She could find her way through the kitchen without light, knowing her way automatically from days of trying to cook and make something, she admitted, Robin would like. She swallowed, realizing her tears had dropped down from her face to the floor. She opened one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out a silver basin. Her hands shook when it filled with hot water from the crane. "Robin!" She looked up, suddenly cold. But it was Cyborg calling for him from the distance, BeastBoy ran behind him when they passed the main sitting room; fast, just a silhouette before they disappeared again on the other side. Starfire sat up again, restless. She took her nightgown and walked out of her room, thinking of seeing Robin. The corridor at night was pitch black with cold gray walls that once had made her homesick. But then there was also where she had stood at night talking to Robin when she could not sleep. There was where she felt him touch the tips of her fingers as if he meant to hold her closer. Sometimes she could not help but think it was just her imagination, but she wanted it to be real. They were now seventeen and Robin grew taller than her. Body broadening, muscles thickening, and voice heavy, husky, and somehow soothing. She came to a halt on one of the flat doors. Resting her hands on a flat surface where it identified her, a sound of soft beeping noise opened the door for her, sliding to the left. There, on the bed was Robin still lying on his back. Head held by a white pillow, a heavy blanket covered almost his entire body, and his hands rested just under his chest. Rising and falling in a tempo. She sat beside him, enjoying the calm and in the same time breathtaking sensation she always had when she was alone with him. Though he was just an ordinary human, she once noticed, he could make her feel safe. He could lead them all, through danger, through doomsday; when Raven's father had come to pay them a 'visit', through Slade, through countless enemies, through Terra... her eyelid lowered, dimming her sight when the memories of the blond headed girl invaded her mind. She followed the lines of his face where half of his was covered with his black mask; she still thought he was handsome. He had a perfectly shaped nose, down to his full mouth where it slightly looked paler than it usually does. His jaw was a line that narrowed down to his chin; sometimes making his face looks so... there were no words. ---------------- To be continued... ♡♡♡
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
TeenTitans Fanfiction : Part Two
A red puddle widening under him, sweat at his temples. She never remembered him looking so pale at night. "Dude..." He said, shaking his head slightly. A wash of nausea covered him and he peeked over his head, eyes darting around; searching. She knew he wanted to call for Raven or Cyborg, but they were busy. "Starfire, take him back to the tower. We cover up here and we'll be right there." He said as clear under the sounds of explosive before dashing away; leaving her to protect them from a group of uniformed men. Their eyes were covered with masks of gray and silver. She opened her mouth, begging for anyone to come with her, to tell her what to do with such wound. But BeastBoy had already left her, Raven was throwing a bunch of them to the river, and Cyborg blasting them until their body crashed against the thick walls of the city. Ash has fallen around her, like small grey snowflakes that stuffed her lungs; her body half wet from sweat, the ground was hard and sharp under her touch. Robin still gave no sign of gaining consciousness when she slipped her hands under him. She braced herself, praying to the Gods and held him in her arms. He weighed nothing; she thought sadly and shot to the sky. The chilly wind of the night seemed to abandon her in her most time of need. Her body felt hot and heavy, she was afraid she would lose her power now. From everything that she felt, fear was something she had deal regularly, but none like this. "Oh please Robin, please be alright." She whispered. Starfire leaned back on her bed, the memory still made her shiver all over. The clothes she was wearing had been piled up just in front of her bathroom, soaked with dirt and blood. Robin's blood. She tossed to the side, hugging her teddy bear while her memories came flashing back like a wave of cold water. ------------- To be continued... ♡���♡
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
Magic and Rules
It may be extremely easy to just put magic into a story you’re creating, or explain away things with the excuse of “magic.”  But if that is how magic is handled in your world, readers are going to find major plot holes in your story.  Magic needs rules and guidelines, even in stories where it’s not in the foreground.  Without rules, magic could be the solution to all, or you end overpowering a character because he has no restrictions on how he can use his magic.
But where do you start when setting ground rules for how and when magic can be used?  My goal in this post is to give you some ideas while you map out your world of magic.
Who can learn magic? Is magic a thing that all people can learn, or certain people who have a knack for it?  Is magic something that can be learned at all?  Perhaps it’s only readily available for those who are born with it, such as the wizards in Harry Potter.  Or magic is contained in things, such as charms, amulets, or unicorn horns.  People may have to learn how to access the magic contained in these items, but they are solely reliant on items in order to use magic.  Perhaps magic can only be learned by certain races.
How is magic learned?  In Harry Potter, wizards go to school for seven years to learn how to use magic.  Other books wizards have apprentices they train.    Can magic be self-taught?  How does a person access magic?  Through emotion, thoughts, something else?  Perhaps learning magic requires a large sacrifice.
Does the magic need to be channeled?  Once again, using the example of Harry Potter, wizards need wands in order to use magic.  Other common themes involve wizards using staffs in order to use magic.  But there are stories where wizards don’t need an item to channel the magic, such as the wizards in the anime/manga series Fairy Tail.  Perhaps magic does need an item to be channeled through, but it doesn’t have to be the traditional wand or staff.
How often can a person use magic? Does magic use up a person’s energy, and therefore a person’s magic is limited to how much energy they have?  Perhaps they have a different “energy”, such as mana, that restricts how much magic they can use?  Maybe you want to go the Once Upon a Time route and magic isn’t used in excess because it comes with a price.  Perhaps how magic is used is why people don’t use it so often.  Maybe magic is used very often.
Does magic need incantations?  Harry Potter uses incantations, whether is it is verbal or non-verbal.  There does not seem to be an incantations in the magic that the Witch uses in the Chronicles of Narnia.  Incantations are used quite often in the Septimus Heap series.  And there no incantations in Lord of the Rings.  Or maybe incantations are reserved for the more powerful, older spells.  Perhaps incantations make a spell more stable. 
Can magic be invoked by using items?  Potions is one of the common ways this is used.  But sometimes certain spells can only be invoked by using ingredients, like in the show Charmed or the movie Practical Magic.  Perhaps it’s only used occasionally, such as some spells performed in the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch.  Maybe items are used in only certain branches, such as Divination in Harry Potter.
What cannot be done by magic?  With the Genie’s magic in Disney’s Aladdin, he could not make someone come back from the dead, fall in love, or grant more wishes.  Food cannot be created out of thin air according to the rules of magic in Harry Potter.  Actual love in Harry Potter can’t be created, but enchantments that cause the victim to have an obsessive type of love does exist.  Perhaps the dead can be raised, as evidenced by stories with necromancy, but it can’t actually bring back the person completely.  Something’s missing.  Perhaps only skeletons can be brought back, or the person comes back in a zombie like state.  Perhaps you would go so far as to say that magic cannot create permanent things out of nothing.
Does magic have categories/a way it is organized? Potions, Divination, Transifiguration, Charms, etc.  Or light, dark, chaos, order,  water, fire, etc.  Or human magic, dragon magic, unicorn magic, elf magic, etc.  And it doesn’t have to have only one way of organization.  It can have several levels, just like when science organizes living organisms. 
So these are few things to consider when creating magic.  The nature of your magic may not necessarily fit into all of these questions, and that’s fine.  But don’t be afraid to have long explanations for your magic.  You probably won’t fit it all in your story - in fact, you’ll want to be careful how you incorporate magic rules as you don’t want to infodump on your readers - but having the rules there will help you create your story and give you some answers to the why questions that might come up, such as, “why don’t they just magic themselves out?”
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
Its these things I have to think about >
Character Mannerisms
Here’s some considerations for the tiny little details that can add a lot to a character. Figuring out these mannerisms can do a lot for conveying character traits through their normal actions rather than just their thoughts, dialogue, etc.
How’s their posture? There are more options than just sitting up straight or slouching a lot. What’s their most comfortable sitting position? Do they have a consistent posture or does it change depending on situation / present company? 
How’s their etiquette? Do they hold the door for people behind them? How do they handle handshakes and other kinds of typical contact? Does their language change or become more formal when speaking to strangers? To their elders? To their superiors? 
In a crowded space, do they get out of people’s way, or do people get out of THEIR way? 
How do they point something out? Pointing their finger? Nodding their head? A flippant wave of the hand?
What are their comfort gestures or self-touch gestures? Common comfort gestures include rubbing the back of the neck or gripping their own arms. Can they suppress these gestures or do they do them often?
Also consider the character’s common reactions to common emotions. Do they whoop when they’re excited? Do they tremble when angry? 
What parts of the body are the most expressive? Do they shuffle and stomp their feet a lot when agitated or excited? Are they a hand talker? Do they have an impressive range of motion with their eyebrows?
How do they sound? Do their car keys jingle as they walk? Do they drag their feet? Do their heels clack resoundingly on hard floors? Do they breathe loudly? Do they fidget in ways that make a lot of noise?
How do they handle eye contact?
Any behaviors they reserve for moments when they’re alone? (Or possibly among family/friends that don’t care?) Do they pick their nose? Do they bite their toenails? Do they sniff their armpits? Or do they not care if people see behavior like this?
Apart from comfort gestures, what else do they do to comfort themselves in trying times? What’s their go-to self care? What’s their comfort food? Where’s their safe space?
What are they doing with themselves as they’re suppressing emotion? Lip biting, fist clenching, and avoiding eye contact are common methods of coping with strong emotions.
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
They say you were born meant for someone
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daydreamersday-blog · 7 years
Story Info
Hey guys, thanks for reading my fanfic I hope you enjoyed them! This is just a short notice about my posts, when and what. I have one story, The Moon Under the City. If you like that one, please tell me and Ill post some more about Danny and Sam. And then there is my FanFiction. I looove Robin and Starfire. But its rather a long story so its not as short as I claim it to be 😂😂😂 Ill be posting every so often because it is just a small part of the big thing 😄 And there is the Coming Soon about Thomas and Joanna, if you want me to take that story here on Tumblr just send me a message! All story posted here are already in store on wattpad, so if you dont want to wait... just go to wattpad and see S.MEYDEW! Thank you! And Happy Reading Daydreamers!
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