desirexwolf · 11 months
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my roman empire
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desirexwolf · 3 years
Dutch: We need to get past this locked door. Quick, Arthur, give me your money.
Arthur, handing him the money: Here.
Dutch, pocketing the money: Great now Charles, kick the door down.
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desirexwolf · 4 years
Honest question here, not wanting to start an argument or anything: besides the canon age gap, I've seen no other objections against the Tony/Peter ship. For personal reasons I... really get this objection, and I guess I wondered if an AU where they're the same age would be acceptable, or if there were other issues I haven't sussed out. (I had what I thought was a cute AU idea, but if there's more work to be done than just matching ages...)
Okay.  So this is a topic I feel very strongly about.  This will not be brief, but I hope it will answer your question fully.
I think that shipping Tony/Peter is problematic and very, very gross.  And as you’ve said, it is because of the canon age difference.  But this isn’t really an ‘only’ situation, as in, it’s ‘only’ the age difference.  The age difference is huge.  It’s everything.  And it includes more than the fact that Tony Stark is older than Peter Parker.  That, in and of itself, is not a reason not to have a ship.  There is also the issue of power dynamics, of consent, and of roles in canon.  And these are all related but very important.  
First, the power dynamic.  Tony Stark is a billionaire.  He is very, very wealthy.  He is a grown man who grew up as a billionaire and who is a super hero who holds a lot of power in his world.  A lot.  He’s dealing with power on a government level, and he’s part of a super hero team that includes a god and other enhanced people.  He can basically get away with anything and has unlimited resources.
Peter Parker is, at the beginning of their canon relationship in Civil War in the MCU, a fourteen-year-old boy trying to be a vigilante who has lost 3 adult parent figures in his life (Assuming that he lost his uncle...it’s not really addressed but we all know the story.)  He looks up to Tony Stark a lot.  He borderline worships him.  He considers him a celebrity and willingly goes to a foreign country with him in order to participate in a fight he knows very little about (Don’t @ me I don’t think Tony is a bad person for recruiting Peter….I’m just saying that it took a lot of trust and hero-worship for Peter to willingly go along.)   
Peter is always trying to prove himself to Tony Stark.  So in this relationship, Tony holds all the power.  Not that he abuses it.  (That’s not the discussion here).  The point is, for a relationship between two people to be healthy, one person cannot hold all the power.  It’s why student/teacher and boss/employee relationships are most often forbidden.  It’s about the power one person holds over the other.  It can be seen as the one with more power coercing the other into doing things.  It’s also about consent.  Someone who doesn’t have the option to say no, like an employee who is asked by their boss to have sex with them or they might lose their job, isn’t really consenting to a relationship.  They’re being coerced.  
Now for consent.  Peter Parker is 14 at the start of his relationship with Tony Stark.  Teenagers cannot consent to sexual or romantic relationships with adults.  Legally, Peter cannot consent to a sexual or romantic relationship with an adult.  He can’t emotionally consent either.  Especially since he is always so desperate to prove himself to Tony, especially in the beginning.  This gets into the power dynamic again.  A teenager being seduced (ie preyed upon) by an adult, especially one in a position of power over them, and who serves as a mentor, is being coerced into a relationship.  An adult that does this is a predator.  I don’t see this as in character for Tony Stark.  I also don’t see it as something that you can responsibly portray in fiction.  
And some people say, but it’s just for fun!  It’s fiction!  It’s not real!  But the truth is, when we write, and when we share our fiction and art with the world, I do believe that we have some level of responsibility.  And yes, there’s tons of kink and bdsm and other such content out there, and things that children should not be reading.  And no, I don’t think authors should be forced to write only things that children are safe to read.  Kink and BDSM can both exist in a consenting adult relationship.  
But I do think that writing a healthy, romantic relationship between an adult and a child, especially where there is a preexisting relationship such as mentor/mentee or teacher/student, is dangerous.  It’s dangerous for the child or teen that reads that, and thinks that it is okay, because in the fic, it is shown to be healthy.  It’s dangerous for the child or teen that is groomed by an adult in their life, and thinks that they are entering into a romantic relationship when really, what’s happening, is that they are being groomed and, possibly, sexually assaulted.  It’s dangerous when, as a society, we start to think that these sort of relationships can be acceptable and even romantic.  The more we read and write these things, the more we start to normalize them.  
And I think that supporting that kind of ship shows that you, as a writer, agree on some level that this sort of healthy relationship can exist, and that you’re okay with writing it and sharing it.  I feel like that belief and those actions are not just icky, but that it is also irresponsible and dangerous.  
Finally, and possibly most important in this situation considering your question, are their roles in canon.  You ask why you can’t just age Peter up, or Tony down, so that they are the same age, and in that case, put them into a relationship.  It’s because of their roles.  In the MCU, Peter Parker and Tony Stark have a father/son relationship.  It’s been said by actors and writers, etc, and you can see it in the films.  Both Tom Holland and RDJ have said that Peter and Tony are like father and son.  So when you say why not just age Peter up, or Tony down, you could also ask, why not age Morgan up and have her in a relationship with Tony? 
Because of their roles.  Because Morgan is Tony’s daughter, and that would be incest.  (Also, disgusting and unfortunately a ship that exists.)  Because Peter is like Tony’s son.  That’s why the ship is wrong.  That’s why the age gap isn’t the only issue.  And that’s why I sincerely hope you don’t start publishing content for the Peter/Tony fandom because what you’re sharing is the idea that it’s perfectly fine for a grown man to have sex with a child that not only a boy that he mentors and teachers, but who is also his son.  Because what you’re doing is looking at relationship between a pseudo father and a son and thinking, I want them to be romantic/have sex so I’ll just make them the same age.  I hope this answers your questions.  
(St*rkers, don’t start with me.  All rude questions will be deleted.)
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desirexwolf · 4 years
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Tony Stark is superior. I said what I said.
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desirexwolf · 4 years
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Since I’m never going to finish this and I like to keep my Instagram clean most of the time, I’ll just throw this on here. Happy late birthday, Mr. Stark.
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desirexwolf · 4 years
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“It wasn’t worth it.”
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desirexwolf · 5 years
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#james rhodes appreciation life
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desirexwolf · 5 years
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Jake Peralta: A Mood
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desirexwolf · 5 years
Night Before Christmas
Summary: Christmas had always been a quiet affair for the Parkers and when Peter met Tony Stark, he didn't think anything would change about that. Tony proves him wrong.
Word count: 2951
This is my entry for @irondadsecretsanta! I wrote this for the amazing @whumphoarder, happy holidays. <33
Winter had always been Peter's favorite time of the year. Ever since he could remember, December was the time of fairy lights, hot chocolate and May's burnt Christmas cookies. Ben would take Peter to pick out a Christmas tree and all three of them would decorate it afterwards. His uncle always picked Peter up to put the star on top even when Peter was already a teenager.
And then it was just May and Peter.
They spent their first Christmas after Ben's death in a diner down the street after May burnt the turkey, both of them silently wiping away tears. Neither of them really was in the Christmas spirit.
After that, May tried to give Peter a proper Christmas every year. The weeks leading up to the holidays she would take countless double shifts in the hospital to afford at least a Lego set for her nephew. It was different from what they were used to, but they made it work.
When Peter met Tony Stark, he didn't think anything would change about that.
But after the whole showdown with the vulture, the two of them got a lot closer than either of them originally anticipated. Peter regularly went to the compound for upgrades and after a while, he would spend whole weekends with Tony tinkering in his lab.
They didn't spend Christmas together, but they got each other presents and for New Year's Tony even invited him and May up to the compound.
Barely half a year later, Thanos invaded the earth. Then Titan happened.
When he woke up, five years had passed and Tony almost lost his life defeating Thanos. And now, December 23nd, he is sitting in the Stark's living room, surrounded by fairy lights in each corner of the room when a little thatch of brown hair comes rushing in and barreling into his legs.
"Petey!" Morgan climbs up on the spot next to him with a serious look on her face, skipping the greeting to focus on more serious matters. "Gerald needs a bell."
Peter grins. "Oh yeah and why is that?"
"Because someone's got a little bit too deep into the Christmas spirit while shopping," Tony calls. He enters the living room with a bag so huge he has to use both arms to carry it and drops it onto the dining table with a huff. "Isn't that right, Madam Secretary?"
Morgan just giggles.
Peter picks her up and walks over to Tony, sparing a glance into the overflowing shopping bag. "Jesus, how much did you buy?"
"Don't ask me, I just paid for the stuff. But someone else here was very convinced we could not celebrate Christmas without these," - Tony pulls out a box with obnoxiously white and pink Christmas balls - "very beautiful Hello Kitty decorations."
Morgan hides her face in Peter's neck with a mischievous smile and presses her cold nose against his skin. He wraps his left arm around her waist so he can look through the bag with the other hand, pushing through numerous fairy lights, candles and Christmas balls.
"Well, I don't see a bell," Tony quirks an eyebrow at him and Peter shrugs. "The Chef said Gerald needs a bell and I do agree. He does need a bell."
Tony scoffs. "You're supposed to agree with me here, you know?"
Peter just smiles while Morgan throws her arms around his neck in a strangling hug.
"Unbelievable, betrayed by my own blood. Savages, both of you." Tony says and wraps his arms around his daughter, pulling her away from Peter and tickling her sides.
Morgan squeals loudly and wiggles out of Tony's grasp. She slaps his hands away when he playfully jabs her side again. "Can I go look for Uncle Happy?"
"Sure you can. But don't talk him into Juice Pops before dinner, Mom sees everything, you know that!" Tony calls after her, but Morgan was already dashing out of the living room in search of her uncle.
Peter stifles a laugh and Tony turns to the teenager, clapping a hand down on his shoulder. "Yeah, laugh it up. Don't think I'm letting you off the hook, you'll help me unpack all of that."
Peter whines, but starts to take the decorations out off the shopping bag and throwing them onto the dining table. He's at his fourth packing of fairy lights when he speaks up. "Not to judge but, uh, where do you plan to put all of that?"
"The basement," Tony picks up a ginormous, fluffy elk with a Santa hat and examines it with a skeptical frown. "Pepper is going to have a fit when she sees all of that stuff, so let's pick up the pace, kiddo."
Peter grins, but keeps unpacking silently.
To be honest, Peter enjoys the overbearing Christmas spirit the Stark's have going on. And that does include all the unnecessary Christmas decorations, so he actually doesn't mind helping Tony unpack everything. Peter just hopes that May will think something similar when she joins them on Christmas Eve instead of finding it too overbearing. She was at a staff training in New Jersey over the weekend, which is why Happy had picked Peter up from school and brought him to the lake house to spend the days leading up to Christmas there.
"- Hey, kid, you listening to me?"
Peter jerks up, blinking at Tony. "Sorry, what? I- I didn't catch that."
"Yeah, I noticed," Tony smirks, but his smile is soft and his eyes held a fondness that was reserved only for his kids. "I asked how your Spanish exam went. You tired, kid?"
Now that Tony mentioned it, Peter realizes that he was tired. He had been generally exhausted for the past two weeks, but between finals and patrols he had paid that not a lot of thought. Now that he could relax, the ache in his bones became unpleasantly obvious.
"Worn out from finals, I guess." he admits sheepishly.
Tony nods and walks around the table to Peter. "Yeah, you look it." he mutters, running his flesh hand through the teenager's hair. Peter makes a sound of protest but it quickly dies down when he leans into the comforting touch. He reminds Tony of a kitten. "You wanna catch a quick nap before dinner? I got the rest of this. And
don't worry, I'll cover for you with Madam Secretary."
Peter chuckles quietly, feeling drained all of the sudden. "You sure?"
"100%. Now go before I change my mind." Tony says and gives Peter a gentle push towards the hallway before turning back to the dining table.
Peter just gives him a mock salute in return.
He can hear Morgans‘ enthusiastic chattering outside when he walks down the hallway to his room and closes the door behind him, blocking out the noise. He shuts the window for good measure as well and pulls the curtains closed before crawling under the covers. Peter falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
It’s already dark outside when Pepper comes home from work. Tony had thankfully managed to clear all evidence of their Christmas shopping, stuffing most of it into already overbearing corners in the hope that his wife wouldn’t notice that way.
Morgan had claimed the hideous elk they bought as hers though, dragging both Happy and the stuffed toy into the living room to play while Tony prepared dinner.
After hearing his wife greet Morgan and Happy in the room next door Pepper joins Tony in the kitchen, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Where are you hiding Peter?”
“In his room, catching up on sleep before dinner.”
Pepper hums and leans over her husband’s shoulder to peek into the cooking pot. Tony turns around, putting his hands on Peppers waist and gives her a kiss to greet her properly.
“You’re just trying to keep me away from your chili, aren’t you?” she grins up at him, wrapping her arms around Tony’s neck.
“Well, is it working? It’s the only thing I can cook, you know.”
Pepper just chuckles quietly before going in for another kiss.
Tony breaks the embrace first, picking up the wooden spoon from the counter and holding it out to his wife. “Don’t let the food scorch while I go and wake Peter.
He hands the spoon over to Pepper and sticks his head into the living room to tell Happy and Morgan that dinner’s almost ready before heading down the hallway to
Peter’s room.
Tony stops in front of the door and knocks. “Peter,” he calls out. “Dinner’s ready.”
When he doesn’t receive a response, Tony huffs and opens the door. Unsurprisingly, Peter’s room is immersed into darkness, lights shut off and the curtains drawn. It’s only from the faint light in the hallway that Tony can see the bed and Peter, completely hidden under his comforter.
Tony makes his way over to him and peels the blanket away from the heap that is Peter. Woken up from the sudden movement, the teenager blinks up at him owlishly. “Good morning, sunshine,” Tony says and sits down on the edge of the bed. “Dinner’s ready. You want to try and emerge from your cave?”
Peter groans. He sits up and rubs his eyes, curls falling loosely into his face. “I slept. Why am I still so tired?”
“Burden of being a teenager, huh?”
Peter just glares at him halfheartedly and Tony pats Peter’s calf through the blanket. “C’mon, chop chop. Dinner’s getting cold.”
With a sigh Peter moves to get up from the bed and Tony waits until he’s on his feet before leaving the room.
In the kitchen Pepper was already serving the food while Morgan’s sitting at the table. Morgan beams as Tony enters room and he blows a raspberry on her cheek while passing by her seat. She giggles, but is already distracted when Peter shuffles into the kitchen.
“Petey”, she cheers and Peter tries to smile. “You’re awake!”
If you can call it that, Tony thought. In the bright kitchen light the kid looks the worse for wear, two shades too pale and deep bags under his eyes. But even though the kid’s obviously exhausted, he still tries to keep up his banter with Morgan and sits down beside her.
Tony keeps up conversation with Pepper during dinner, she tells him that Happy had to leave before dinner because he was needed in town, but he can’t help glancing back at Peter every now and then. He’s barely touching his food and when everyone else is already finished, not even half of it is gone.
“Didn’t you like it?” Morgan wonders loudly, suspiciously eyeing Peter’s plate.
Before Peter can response, Tony chimes in. “Morguna, why don’t you go in the living room and pick out a movie we can watch,” he gets up and loops an arm around Morgan’s waist, picking her up. “That sound like a good idea?”
“Yeah!” she cheers and Tony presses a series of kisses onto her cheek before she runs into the living room.
Pepper had already begun to collect the dishes and Tony quickly jumps in to help her with dish washing. Peter now gets up as well, bringing the last bowl over to the sink before asking if he can help out.
“Oh no, sweetie, I’ve got it covered.” Pepper assures him with a smile.
Tony goes to ruffle Peter’s hair, but halts when he comes into contact with his skin. He runs his hand through the kid’s hair until he can cup the back of his head and holds Peter in place to put his lips onto his forehead.
Peter balks, but Tony doesn’t pay that any attention and instead moves back with a frown and replaces his lips with a palm to the cheek. “You’re warm.”
“What’s going on?” Pepper asks over the running water, turning her head over her shoulder.
“Kid’s coming down with something.”
“I’m not,” Peter protests, moving back so he’s out of Tony’s reach. “I’m just tired, okay? Finals were exhausting and- and patrols just take longer now because apparently no one got the memo that you don’t do crimes on Christmas and-”
“Woah kid, hey,” Tony interrupts Peter, putting his hands down on his shoulders. “It’s fine. Let’s just take it easy tonight. C’mon, we’re going to sit down on the couch, I’m sure Morgan needs help picking out a movie.”
He guides one hand down to the small of Peter’s back and steers him towards the living room, but not before throwing a subtle look over his shoulder to Pepper. She looks after Peter concerned before catching Tony’s eye and giving him a meaningful look.
Tony gets Peter settled on the couch and tellingly, Peter lets Tony manhandle him for the most part. He’s just opened out a blanket and places it over Peter when Pepper joins them and sprawls out on the seat next to Tony, pulling Morgan into her lap after she chose Nightmare Before Christmas for them to watch. Tony snorts at the irony of that.
Peter curls up onto the couch, rearranging the blanket until it covered most of Tony’s lap as well before putting his head on Tony’s shoulder. Tony moves his arm around Peter and runs his hand through Peter’s curls, discreetly pulling out his phone to check Peter’s temperature.
He rarely uses FRIDAY these days, but for occasions like this he still had her installed in the lake house. Tony didn’t need her to power the suit anymore, so she was more of a convenience than anything else.
Peter’s temperature sits around 99.8 and while that wasn’t exactly a fever, it was an elevated temperature. Tony frowns as he looks down at Peter, brushing hair away from his forehead.
“What?” Peter suddenly asks, almost slurring with tiredness, and looks up at Tony blearily.
“I can feel you starring at me,” he mumbles quietly to not distract Morgan from her movie, closing his eyes again and cuddling into Tony’s chest. “S’creepy.”
Tony snorts in amusement and lowers his cheek onto Peter’s head. “Go to sleep, kiddo.”
Sometime during the movie Morgan had moved to lay on both Tony and Pepper’s laps, snoring quietly and outstretched like a starfish which, to be honest, was pretty impressive given the little space she had. Pepper was leaning against his metal arm, playing with Morgan’s hair in her lap while Peter was asleep on Tony’s chest
Tony was drifting off himself when Pepper leans in. “I’m going to bring Morgan upstairs and then go to bed,” she whispers. “You want me to wait for you?”
Tony glances at Peter, then shakes his head. “No, it’s okay.”
Pepper gives Tony a goodnight kiss before lifting Morgan up into her arms. She stirs but doesn’t wake and Pepper carries her out of the room, giving him and Peter a
soft smile before closing the door behind her.
When Peter wakes up the next morning it’s to a splitting headache.
He opens his eyes with a low moan, blinking until his vision clears up and realizes that he’s, in fact, not in his bed. He’s sprawled out on the couch, curled up to Tony with his head on the man’s chest.
Tony’s still asleep so Peter tries to sit up without waking him, but as soon as he moves pain shoots through his head and he flinches, letting out an involuntary groan.
“Peter?” Tony asks groggily, propping himself up onto his elbow. But as soon as he sees Peter, grimacing in pain, he sits up abruptly and puts a hand on Peter’s back. “Hey, kid, talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“Headache.” he croaks out and Tony puts the back of his hand to Peter’s forehead.
“Shit. Friday, temperature.”
“102.4° Fahrenheit, boss.” the AI answers and Tony pats Peter’s shoulder in sympathy, the teenager whining quietly.
Tony gets up from the couch. “Sit tight, kid.”
He disappears into the kitchen and Peter falls back onto the couch, curling up around a pillow and squeezing his eyes shut.
He must have dosed off again because he startles at the sound of the curtains being pulled shut. When he opens his eyes again, the room his comfortably dark and he watches Tony sit back down on the couch holding pain killers and a glass of water.
“Here,” Tony hands both over to Peter. “How are you doing? You feel like eating?”
“Not really.”
Peter takes the painkillers and drinks about half the glass of water before he puts it down on the coffee table. Tony’s not taking his eyes off him, face set into a worried frown.
“C’mon, say it.” Peter sighs.
“Say what?”
“That you were right and told me that I was coming down with something beforehand”, Peter settles down against the back off the couch and Tony moves to sit beside him. “I’m ruining Christmas.”
Tony ducks his head to meet Peter’s eyes. “You’re not ruining anything, kiddo, okay? I’ll take care of you and you’ll be fine by tomorrow, just wait. We'll make it work, I promise.”
Tony puts an arm around Peter and pulls him back against his side. Peter cuddles up to him again, resting his head on Tony’s chest while he pulls the blanket back over Peter. “You just rest now. I’m not going anywhere.” At the end of the day, Peter is still sick on Christmas Eve. He's running a decent fever and Tony dotes on him like a mother hen, making him broth and massaging his scalp to try and ease the headache while Morgan brings him Juice Pops he can't eat because he's nauseous. He wouldn't have it any other way.
My very tiny, very cute taglist of very tiny, very cute people (let me know if you want to be tagged for future works): @baloobird @toomuchtoread33 @fourleafchloe @gabesgoldwings @starbirks @yepokokfine ​@thatmarvelstan @autisticbabynurse @crytallized @mysterio-is-a-little-bitch @sbiderman-ironcan @iron-damn
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desirexwolf · 5 years
Summary: There’s no response, not even a faint twinge of muscle. Peter tries to listen for a heartbeat, but he can’t seem to focus enough to pinpoint it. Another bubble of thought starts to rise. This could be the reason his spidey-sense is going haywire. Tony could be—He pushes the bubble down.  OR Peter and Tony find themselves stranded in the woods after an Avengers mission
Hi @desirexwolf !!! I’m your Secret Santa for @irondadsecretsanta (thank you so much for organizing this Essie!)
I had a great time writing this and I really hope that you’ll like it. Happy Holidays!!!
Find it on AO3 or under the cut :)
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desirexwolf · 5 years
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desirexwolf · 5 years
I feel like someone just conveniently forgot the fact that in Infinity War Wanda also single-handedly held off Thanos when he had 4 out of 5 stones.
“Wanda is the strongest avenger she nearly killed Thanos in Endgame!1!1” yeah when he didn’t have any infinity stones, Thor and Carol held him off/nearly killed him with a full gauntlet and Strange fought him nearly to a standstill when he had 4 stones so
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desirexwolf · 5 years
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desirexwolf · 5 years
Do any of you have that one tv show that is just so close to your heart? Like you could watch all these other shows; but when you go back to that one, you just feel like you’ve stumbled your way home after being lost for a little while. Maybe the show ended years ago, maybe the show is still airing or is on hiatus, but no matter what the same holds true; when you see it, or talk about it, it feels like home.
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desirexwolf · 5 years
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Avengers endgame - stony ending
“I DO.”
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desirexwolf · 5 years
This blog is dedicated solely to promoting the lesser-known authors and content creators of the Irondad fandom. Don't get us wrong, we love the popular guys too, but we'd like to shine the light on others who deserve it too.
This is the place to find author recs that might otherwise not be found and to bring just a little joy to those who feel under-recognized. Our goal is to make the fandom more aware of our beautiful content creators!
Each week (maybe even more) we will be posting shout outs and recommendations to authors and tumblrs alike, as well as accepting submissions and asks.
Submissions will be the place where you can submit writers to be recognized (and you can send a request for yourself, too- we don't judge!)
I can't take full credit for this idea, though, and I would like to thank @doctornineandthreequarters for inspiring me to do this! This blog will be run by me ( @unfathomable-universe ).
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
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desirexwolf · 5 years
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The FFH post credit scene we deserved.
Not proud of it, but I spent so much time on this I'm gonna upload it anyway.
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