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Extra puffy meat ball from all the thanksgiving food. #FilthyPainfulPumps #KillEverything #SlitThroats #StackBodies #Gym #GymGrind #Discipline #Work #WorkOut #Exercise #Goals #Fitness #LifeStyle #GymRat #MeatHead #Training #WorkHarder #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #Hustle #HustleHarder #SecondToNone #EarningIt #BuiltNotGiven #CatchUp #KeepUp #FuckYouPayMe https://www.instagram.com/p/CIMIQTUHQ3v/?igshid=b0umjc25g6ft
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Sometimes I get tired. Sometimes I over analyze. But when ever I do, I promise that I will pause, take a breath, and be kind to myself. I won’t push myself further into burnout. I won’t get angry at myself for needing a rest. I will give myself the time that I need to become whole once again. -n.a
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#SweatyAssedDisaster #GetYouSome #KillEverything https://www.instagram.com/p/CHqYp53HR53/?igshid=m9p36lfqcm6q
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Back Day Finisher to Failure 🤮#KillEverything #FuckYouPayMe #Work #WorkHarderThanMe #HardestWorkerInTheRoom https://www.instagram.com/p/CHVffT_HH6w/?igshid=xyuy1rg8es4r
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This simply needs to be repeated, and Often. “What feeds the Heart from within is Endless, & everything that is living Heals.” “Simply be who you are, and Love what is Before you.” #Spirituality #Growth #SelfLove #SelfCare #Inspirational #InspirationalQuotes #InspartionalThoughts #MotivationalQuotes #Motivation #Poetry #Poems #Words #Emotions #Deep #Thoughts #DeepThoughts #LawOfAttraction #StayPositive #StayStrong #WorkHard #Universe #DailyPoem #Tranquility #Tranquilwords #faith #Dailypoem #Dailyinspiration #Daily #Knowledge #Wisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTK3q-HkA6MFw2-ykZC4LRDEYvw1r2UIqqUwQ0/?igshid=1wx12vzcxxgyq
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Why the law of attraction is not working and how to fix it
First things first, the law of attraction is always working. Whenever you claim that the law of attraction is not working, you’re actually using this very law to convince yourself that indeed – it’s not working for you. And that, my friend, is a vicious cycle. 
However, you have to understand that there’s so much more to the law of attraction than those hyped steps: ask, believe, receive. It took me some time to fully comprehend the crucial principles, and now I’m going to share them with you.
So, why the law of attraction is ‘not working’?
You don’t practice detachment. Pretty often, people become too obsessed with their manifestations. They think about the thing they want to manifest 24/7 and complain about the lack of it. Wrong! Seriously, don’t you have better things to do? Whenever you put something on a high pedestal, you create resistance. Actually, an ocean of resistance. Learn how to detach and trust the Universe.
You don’t do shadow work. Take care of the quality of your canvas before you start painting. Oftentimes all of the past traumas and limiting subconscious beliefs are holding you back. Let go of them. Heal them and then move on. You can’t hold on to this kind of negative energy forever. 
You don’t express gratitude. If you’re not grateful for the things you already have, you’ll never be able to upgrade your life. Lack of gratitude keeps you entangled in the lower vibration. Gratitude is the magical frequency. The more you are thankful, the more you attract things to be thankful for.
You’re not specific. If you change your mind all the time, you send mixed signals and receive mixed results. Maybe for the first time in your life, ask yourself these questions: What do I really want? What does my ideal life look like? Vision boards and scripting can be very beneficial because they show the Universe your perfect blueprint.
You’re not living in the present moment. If you always think of the past or worry about the future, you lose all of the precious possibilities the present moment can offer. Now is the only existing time in this Universe, so learn how to be more conscious.
You don’t work on your vibration. Everything that surrounds you is in the vibrational alignment with your state of being. When your vibration is low, you attract more things vibrating at the same frequency. It’s super important to raise your vibration and to learn how to maintain the higher state of being.
You don’t nurture self-love. If you don’t love yourself, if you’re constantly criticizing yourself, it impacts your energy and your entire belief system. This self-hate is going to manifest in every aspect of your life. It’s almost impossible to create anything if you’re devoid of the most important thing: love. And love starts within you.
I would highly encourage you to try some of these strategies. They’ve had a profound impact on my own reality. One of my current goals is to manifest a book deal for the novel I’m working on, and thanks to these strategies, I’ve noticed a huge positive shift! I’ve started to attract the right people and circumstances into my life. It’s like having a magic wand!
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There is no freedoms until we dance the ghosts from the chambers of our wounds, until we poke our wounds like stones at the moth of our own quarries.
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The truth is no one can avoid personalizing or projecting. There are only those of us who are aware of it, and those of us who are not ; Only those of us who own it when it happens, and those of us who don’t. But this difference is crucial. Not owning these things can end relationships. Owning them can deepen relationships.
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We all lose and we all gain. Dark crowds the light, light fills the pain. Living is a conversation with no end, a dance with no steps, a song with no words, a reason too big for any mind.
No matter how we turn or are tuurned, the Magnificence follows..
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I have no power of miracle
Other then the attainment of quiet happiness.
I have no tact except the expertise of Gentleness.
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When the eyes are tired, they cannot see.
When the mind is tired, we cannot think.
But when the heart is tired, we cannot anything.
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In truth, no amount of thinking about yourself will give you confidence, just as no amount of thinking about the sun will warm you, just as no amount of thinking about love will hold you. Confidence and love and the light of the world wait below all the labors of our mind.
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And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk to bloom.
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“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”
— Lao Tzu (via perfeqt)
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