dreamgirlbubbles · 2 years
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dreamgirlbubbles · 2 years
guess who i am AHAHA
my mom???
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dreamgirlbubbles · 2 years
boo bitch
Ah! i got scared :((
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dreamgirlbubbles · 2 years
stop playing sims
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dreamgirlbubbles · 2 years
hiii! a detailed post about scripting would absolutely be amazing! but please, please do it when you feel like it! even if you don't feel like it now, or tomorrow but know that, YOU GOT THIS! yes, you do! <3
Hii! I'm gonna start working on the post now! I am so sorry for the late response omg, I forgot I had this account and I've started being obsessed with sims LMAOO, i've played too much sims lately tbh! But Thank you sm for your kind words aaa!
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dreamgirlbubbles · 2 years
*゚:༅ 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ✿⌒*・゚
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commanding your subconscious is so simple and so easy, just like any other manifestation technique. to do it, you don't need to do any specific prep or work, you just need to...
know what you desire and claim it
command your subconscious for your desire
trust, believe, and know that your subconscious will get you your desire
continue on with your day as usual without doubts or worries
and that's it! it's that simple. results can come in an instant if that's what you want and what you assume
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*゚:༅ 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 ✿⌒*・
let's say i want 50 dollars
first, i would know and claim my desire. my desire is 50 dollars.
now, i would command my subconscious for my desire by saying or thinking "subconscious, i command you to get me 50 dollars."
after that, i don't second guess myself or put doubts on my command. i live in the state of knowing that my subconscious is getting me my desire and that i will get my 50 dollars.
i continue on with my day, again, with no doubts or worries
i get my 50 dollars, however it may be, because i trusted my subconscious and knew i would get what i wanted.
( ✿ ) you can command your subconscious for anything, there are no limits. you can command it for instant results, getting into the void, self concept, anything.
don't overcomplicate it!
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
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Before you read, this blog contains brutal honesty, talk about severely bad mental health, Bad self concept + more. I suggest you read otherwise because I wanna be completely honest about everything!
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Hey my loves, it’s your girl Bubbles! (I mean who else would it be considering it’s my own blog LMAO)
Todays post is a bit more negative but I might make another post today about scripting to make up for it! Anywho, let’s get into this one! 
One thing about me and my blog is that I am only gonna post about my own manifestation journey and success stories, i’ll ofc post others peoples successes and journey with their consent but this post is more about me and my own journey!
I wanna be upfront and say that every future post I make about my success stories are completely real, even if they seem small to you guys, it is still a huge thing for me as I have a pretty shitty mental health and mental state at the very moment. Which i am working on. I ask for you guys to be nice to me even though my success stories might not be as impressive as other peoples successes as I struggle a lot with negative self talk and doubts, but I’d rather wanna be completely real and honest with you guys than share fake success stories that I haven’t experienced yet since that’s hurtful for both me and others imo.
My self concept is for the moment pretty bad like very bad as I struggle a lot with my mental health, both which i’m working on as best as I can. I am getting help from my therapist as well as I am manifesting for me to get better. You are ofc free to unfollow me if this makes you sad or disappointed but i’d rather not sit here and lie to you guys or myself that my life is perfect and I have all my manifestations since i’m human and life will not always be perfect, i don’t want it to be honestly. I want my life to be close to be perfect but I still wanna live life?? Does that make sense ?? In my eyes life is both good and bad, mostly good when I look at my desired life but I still wanna experience both sides.
I also wanna try my best to get proof of my success stories as I, myself sometimes doubt the things I manifest since I don’t have any proof and since that may be a case for some of you guys too, then i’ll make sure to do my best to provide proof!
My current goals is to manifest a better self concept, mental health. I am also manifesting moving out which I also put effort into, again because of my bad self concept where I don’t believe I can manifest an entire apartment without putting into a bit of work 😭, I am also manifesting my desired boyfriend who I cannot wait to meet though I do fall a bit back sometimes on manifesting him bc my lack of self-worth and my struggles with guys and getting their validation. and I am manifesting looking like Madison Beer but blonde and green eyes which I also haven’t gotten results from bc of yk.. self concept and reacting to the 3D. I am working on all of these things though so be patient with me <3 I am only human and even though i’m “GOD” of my own reality, i still struggle sometimes.
This is the disclaimer I wanted to put on me and my blog that I will only post real and honest success stories and tips that have personally helped me and can possibly help some of you guys too! Feel free to ask any questions though and i’ll try my best to respond to them!
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
Long Post Ahead
The 4D is the only real reality. The law isn’t hard at all and it’s so insane how it took me about 8 months to understand this this simple rule and to put the pieces together.
If the 4D is the only real reality, and we can see anything we want in our minds eye then that makes anything possible. For then if the 4D is the only real reality then there is no “creating” no “trying” nor “manifesting”. For creation is ALWAYS finished no matter what!
It boggles my mind how this simple concept just sat under my nose for the past 8 months. I’ve been “trying” to manifest and affirm happy good thoughts 24/7 and get into SATS before I sleep and blah blah blah but—
EVERYTHING starts and ends in imagination something that is within us, something that *IS* us.
Also i’ve noticed why a lot of people fail when manifesting is not because they don’t believe in the law but simply because they don’t believe in themselves!
“Man's Faith in God is Measured by His Confidence in Himself” — Neville Goddard
Also the law is always operating, so there’s no such thing as a “failed” manifestation. People seek validation from their 3D reality not knowing (or sometimes knowing) that their 4D is the one and ONLY reality that does the creating
It goes 4D > 3D, not the other way around. Your 3D, those doubts, fears, etc will never have power over you unless you give them that power 🤷🏾‍♀️😵
There’s deadass not a time where you are NEVER creating, manifesting doesn’t stop it’s constant, it’s the way of life. So you can use it however you want the choice is really yours.
Also i’ve seen people struggle with being jealous or insecure (i use these words lightly) of people living their dream lives or having something that they want to manifest/have…erm this is literally YOUR reality not there’s 😵 the same god that’s within them is the same god that’s within YOU! [God = Imagination, Remember everything is created in imagination from beauty to wealth to health…all of it]
Quite literally there is no competition nor do those people hold any power over you! If you do find yourself in this situation then it’s best that you work on your self concept because—
1. you’re subconsciously putting people on a pedestal
2. you’re subconsciously putting the things you *want* on a pedestal
Quite literally nothing is out of reach and you don’t have to do 50 million methods to manifest one pruny thing…because you are the god of your reality so you need to fucking act like it 🐶
Lastly if you need a success story for every single thing that you’re manifesting or you think that some people on here are lying then you need to work on your self concept as well 😊
[ HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, if these people WERE lying then that would NOT take away from your own power to manifest that exact same thing. For quite literally anything is possible so why would you care if they are lying or not 😵‍💫🤷🏾‍♀️]
Anyways love or hate the law but she’s always operating (queenie) which is why it’s good to build up your self belief and confidence when working on self concept. That’s all! Goodbye :3
i highly suggest everyone reading this. this is so true
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
so i ranted about the things i hated in my life (how ugly i was, how stupid i was, how i hated my life in general and how i will nevr be loved)
and then i took a shower meditation. the water removing all my doubts and then i affirmed for the stuff i wanted.
the stuff i wanted included
1. better home situation
2. my parents giving me more money (literally gave me £500 before typing this out)
3. my appearance (i look like a completely different person)
4. better grades moving to classes that have all my friends in
after the shower meditation i just danced to my favourite song like you recommended. danced and danced and danced knowing that my desire was mine. i woke up and getting text messages from friends saying i got moved up, my parents running into my bedroom to tell me my report card results (A+ in everything)
i went into the bathroom and i saw my appearance completely shook. my little sister couldn’t even recognise me
THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! it took just a day. this is so easy and i’ll def be manifesting like this forever :)
THATS AMAZINGGGG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!?? THAT COMPLETE 180 IN A DAY. congratulations, you deserve it.
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
This probably sounds like an exaggeration but i got results for the first time in like 5 years. I joined the sub comm in late 2016 and had sooooo many limiting beliefs. i continues thinking likes that until late 2021 when i discovered the tumblr manifestation hashtag and your blog. i changed my mindset in only a few days and have gotten everything i desired with the help of your posts! ik this probably sounds corny but u quite literally saved my life.
THAT'S SO SWEET :((( i am glad i could help you <33
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
how do you live in the 4d if you’re not good and visualising
If you’re not good at visualizing, then just affirm.
remember, affirming = thinking. repeat the desired, avoid repeating the undesired.
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
I’m trying so hard to manifest appearance changes but I struggle with negative/intrusive thoughts :( any tips?? 🤍
Honestly the best advice I can give is to know that those intrusive and negative thoughts have no power over you or your manifestations! Know that you only get desired results fast / that you already have them!
I also suggest you to work on your self-concept as that’s the key point to manifesting! Self concept is so important, it’s the key to everything!
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
How do u script?? I rlly wanna start but I don’t know where or how, do u have tips or a specific way u do it??
honestly! i just script like i’m building an entire new reality and write in detail! but that’s how i prefer to script since i’m a writer at heart!!
u can script however you’d like though! wether it’s by diary form, journaling, listing or whatever! you decide how you want to do it ❤️
Let me know if you guys want a detailed post about scripting though! i’m gonna make a post about it regardless but it would be nice to see if you guys would be interested in one!
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
AHHHH I thought both of you left. I was so surprised when I found your account out of nowhere. I’m so glad you are doing well!
Your aesthetic will ALWAYS be superrrr cute! 💙
AWW! thank you sm :(( ur such a sweetheart! i love you sm!! ❤️❤️
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
Quick Update
Anon messages have been turned on! I forgot how to do it so I had to search LMAO, but yeah! Feel free to ask questions anonymously now! <3
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
random post but i genuinely love scripting sm! maybe bc i love to write in general but it also allows me to write whatever i want and use my creativity for good! I am currently scripting my ideal bf!! he’s literally so amazing ahhh! 😄😄😄🦋
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dreamgirlbubbles · 3 years
hey! so this will be how i successfully manifested my physical appearance- literally from head to toe in a SHORT MATTER OF TIME, specifically a month (which is perfect since sixth form is soon) :)
now even though my manifestation did appear in a short matter of time, it took me a while to grasp onto manifesting- it took me a while to stay and be confident in manifesting. so ill be going through my trial and errors here- hoping you guys will also see the mistakes ive made.
first things first..i didnt really have the best self concept when it came to my physical appearance now this is because ive been told i was ugly, “weird looking” not to mention im a darkskin woman living in a prominently white area in ENGLAND, yet i was manifesting whilst having all these terrible thoughts about myself so i dont know what on earth i was thinking- luckily, i caught that mistake and i started to ACCEPT THE 3D. now, what i mean when i say “accept the 3D” is i mean know that its okay, the 3D now is changing. I started then to call myself pretty on the daily, randomly compliment myself to the point where me being “ugly” was out of the picture.
another thing i did that did not help me at all is over-consuming content, this is a BIG NO NO. people are gonna have different opinions, people will give you the WRONG INFORMATION..not to mention i wasnt really living in the end, think about it, if you had your manifestation would you be online 24/7 looking up new techniques, new information. OFC NOT because you would’ve already had your manifestation. I deleted instagram and reddit, and became more confident in myself and my manifestations. 
YOUR MIND> TECHNIQUES. okay, i became a little obsessed with techniques, instagram has really good and fun techniques and i got lost up in them- this didnt help me at all. i started RELYING ON THEM. i would put limits on myself..”if i dont do xyz then ‘y manifestation wont come” THIS IS WRONG!! you dont need to xyz all you need to do is align your thoughts with what you want.
worrying about time..i was so worried about the time as if the time mattered in my reality, no tf it does not! stop focusing on the time seriously. i was worrying omg im not gonna get my hot girl summer glow up in time for september BUT GUESS WHAT HERE I AM LOOKING HOT ASF IN MY DESIRED FACE. WHY?? because i persisted and didnt give a fuck about the 3D.
so to keep it straightforward and simple heres a quick rundown:
- I clarified what i wanted to look like
- I affirmed, persisted in that thought that i have my dream face..i would think the thoughts i would have if i already had my manifestation
- I ignored what the 3D was showing me
- I stopped over-consuming creators content.
not alot of people talk about this method of affirming but it works best for me and i will defo work best for the people who like to complain and whine- START COMPLAINING!! i have talked about this before but ill mention it again what i mean by this is:
“omg my manifestation isnt coming wtffff im so annoyed”
“omg my manifestation comes so fast hold tf up this is annoying like how did my manifestation come THAT FRICKING FAST. give me a break”
see how theyre both complaining but one is better than the other?
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