emkspoems · 2 years
i’m eight years old. i tilt my book toward the window of my mom’s car, thin strips of streetlight filtering through the window. i catch glimpses of words as my head vibrates on the glass. my eyes drift shut, and i wake to my dad’s arms tucking me into my bed. i go to sleep, stories filling my dreams. i’m eight years old. this moment is fleeting.
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emkspoems · 4 years
the marauders but during corona
mcgonagall: james, sirius, what have i told you two about safety during this-
sirius, interrupting: no, minnie, we were social distancing! you see, atoms don’t technically touch. so i wasn’t technically touching anyone. technically.
james, holding his mask to his chin in the mirror: i think id look good with a beard. i can kinda see it.
lily: james, put your bloody mask on.
someone in the great hall: *sneezes*
peter: *transforms into a rat and runs away*
snape: this mask thing is bullshit
lily, to james: i think it’s so nice when people properly wear their masks
snape: i love masks they’re amazing like so cool
james sick in the hospital wing with covid: hey, lily?
lily, groaning: yes?
james: i think i heard that there’s a possible cure for covid
lily: really, i haven’t heard that
james: yeah, apparently a kiss from a pretty redhead can actually heal me completely
lily: *walks out*
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emkspoems · 4 years
james, running into the great hall: sirius, did you hear about that new shovel!
sirius: yeah, it’s ground breaking!
lily, rolling her eyes: do you two plan this out ahead of time or something?
james: haha no what pshhh never
the night before at 3 am-
james, sitting on sirius’s bed: so i’m gonna run in and be like “the new shovel!” and you’ll say “it’s ground breaking” cuz it’s a shovel! get it!
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emkspoems · 4 years
honestly my favorite headcanon is that even in the middle of the war, the marauders era teens still acted like teens. like mulciber being dared to ask out a gryffindor and rolling his eyes but doing it anyway. or james being dragged to a slytherin party and only pretending to not want to go (cuz we know they throw the best parties). or a game of spin the bottle with the whole year group where avery has to kiss mary macdonald and pretends he hasn’t been crushing on her for a year. sirius reluctantly smoking in the astronomy tower with severus at 12 am. remus making some sarcastic comment and some slytherins coughing to hide their laughs. peter feeling bad for regulus and secretly playing quidditch with him without sirius knowing. i feel like we forget that these kids are still teens. and that just makes it so much worse that they had to fight and kill each other.
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emkspoems · 4 years
sirius: the funniest thing happened today
james: well i spent it in the hospital wing
sirius: wait why
james: someone hit me in the head with a bludger
sirius: oh
sirius: i was gonna tell u i hit some idiot on the head with a bludger
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emkspoems · 4 years
draco as a therapist
client: my husband passed away
draco: *coughs*
draco: uh, i think you mean ex husband
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emkspoems · 4 years
james: so like i’m thinking a spring wedding. fall might be chilly, and winter would be cold, summer’s too hot and-
lily: james, we’re not even engaged
james, whispering: so that’s what i forgot to do last night
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emkspoems · 4 years
flitwick: come on minerva, i’m still down with the kids
flitwick: *clears throat* what’s on fleek today, homies and sisters? we finna finesse these grades, am i right!
minerva: *shakes her head* rowena ravenclaw would be ashamed
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emkspoems · 4 years
harry potter/tattoos
harry: J+L written on his inner ankle. he touches it a lot out of habit when he’s nervous or sad.
hermione: small wand that occasionally shoots “spells” out of it on her waist. she likes to see it as a reminder that she is just as worthy of a witch as the purebloods
ron: has a big lion across his back. he’s a gryffindor through and through and likes having a permanent reminder of it.
ginny: 9 3/4 on her wrist. it reminds her of the first time she met harry.
draco: a small snake that travels across his body. it helps him learn from his past but still embrace who he is.
neville: has the sword of gryffindor vertically on his spine. he likes to remember when he truly embraced who he was.
luna: has a ton of little tattoos scattered across her body. clouds, flowers, radishes, crescents, and more. it teaches her to embrace that she’s different and use it to her advantage.
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emkspoems · 4 years
ginny: wow, harry, can i see your forehead?
harry, thinking: i only have one head- shes gonna be so disappointed
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emkspoems · 4 years
harry potter characters on coronacation
hermione: uses the chance to read as many books as she can, which is a LOT. sometimes write essays for fun
harry: decides to become a pro in everything on wii sports. by the third day he’s so sore he can barely move.
ginny: laughs at harry. bakes to get rid of her stress.
ron: sits in bed all day. eats potato chips.
neville: plants a ton of things in his garden. knits sweaters and plays video games.
dumbledore: probably started the coronavirus.
draco: moans about how he can’t go make fun of potter. works on makeup looks when he’s bored
lucius: fed up with draco’s shit. if he hears potter one more time, draco’s gonna be dead before corona even reaches them.
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emkspoems · 4 years
ron: sometimes when i’m home alone i like to bury myself in dirt and pretend i’m a carrot
hermione: what
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emkspoems · 4 years
remus: what would you say is the height of stupidity?
lily: hey, james, how tall are you?
james: you know what? fuck you
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emkspoems · 4 years
Our Society
TW: rape, mental illness, depression, self harm, abuse
Our society is fucked up, and there’s so many reasons why.
Rape. It’s become so normalized by society that hearing about some stranger being raped barely makes anyone blink. But when it’s someone close to you, it becomes real. Yet no one seems to care. 
My friend, raped when she was nine years old by a 40-year-old man. She didn’t tell her parents. She was scared she wouldn’t be believed, and who could blame her, considering the way our society treats rape victims?
Another friend, groped by her own brother. When she told her parents, they blamed her. Why would she tell another adult after being turned away by them?
RAPE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. No means no. it’s time for people to learn that.
Mental illness. Jokes about depression and anxiety are commonplace. It’s all fun and games until you see the scars on his arm and find the suicide note she wrote. Then it becomes real. 
One of my close friends attempted suicide 7 times in one summer. She felt like no one cared. She felt overshadowed by her family and friends. And she thought feeling nothing would be better than feeling pain.
And me. Scars and fresh cuts line my right calf and left arm. It’s a way to cope. Better to feel pain than to feel numb, right?  
On the day I’m writing this, there’ve been approximately 2513 suicides. It sounds like just a number until a loved one becomes part of that statistic. That is two thousand, five hundred and thirteen people whose loved ones are now in mourning. Two thousand, five hundred and thirteen people who took their own lives because the pain became too much. Mental illness is a serious issue, yet adults turn a blind eye to the deteriorating state of mental health in our generation.
Abuse. Child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, neglect. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds. 20 people per MINUTE are physically abused by their partner. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced physical violence by their partner.
One of my favorite celebrities recently shared how she was physically abused by her now-divorced husband. I almost threw up upon hearing her describe her injuries. How could anyone raise a hand against another person, especially the person they love?  
These aren’t the only issues our society has. Far from it. Poverty, body shaming, perverse beauty standards, student debt, unrealistic expectations. I will repeat: our society is fucked up. 
I’m not claiming to have a solution to any of these issues. But I am 14. I am young. I am too young. No teen, especially not a 14 year old, should have experienced ANY of these issues. But I have. We have. And it’s painfully obvious older generations aren’t helping us, despite the fact that almost every word we utter is a silent plea for help. Do we want future generations living in this world? Of course not, but what can I do? According to my elders, I’m “too innocent”, “too naive” to help. Is that what they told themselves to excuse their behavior?
I am NOT innocent. I am NOT naive. The generations before us failed us. They don’t know how broken I am. I will heal myself, piece by piece, and once I’m done, I will stand upon the smoldering ruins of the broken society our elders left for us, and I will rebuild, even if I have to do it alone.
started at 8:16 PM
finished at 9:32 PM
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emkspoems · 4 years
harry, staring at ginny: she could kill me anytime and i’d thank her
draco: i’d thank her too
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emkspoems · 4 years
this could be true, except the main issue most people have with it isn’t about the points. it’s about the timing. dumbledore didn’t have to wait until the feast, where slytherin students already thought they’d won. he forced the slytherins to suffer unnecessary humiliation and sadness because he waited. if he had just given the points while harry was in the infirmary with him, it would’ve evened out the houses and given both a chance to win. taking away this chance was clear bias toward gryffindor.
The reason Dumbledore counts in about 100 more points to Gryffindor at the end of term because he knows Snape takes about 100 points from Gryffindor for no reason during the whole year.
Bash! Mystery solved. You're welcome.
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emkspoems · 4 years
ron, to a gryffindor: friend!
ron, to a muggle: friend!
ron, to a dog: friend!
ron, to an owl: friend!
ron, to a bug: friend!
ron, to a leaf: friend!
hermione: you can’t just call anything that moves a friend, ron
ron, making direct eye contact: girlfriend.
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