enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
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You know, this is what I like.
Little mermaids are all well and good, but I want a mermaid that looks like she’d scare the pants off me, that haunts the depths. Thar surreal blend of beauty and danger, anger and sorrow
Her entire body screams ‘lure’ like you are being hunted by something both beautiful and broken, and it’s that duality that fundamentally appeals to my nature. I think ti’s that tiny flash of the red eye on the tail that gives it that effect.
@driftwoodwolf has a Kickstarter here to bring this mermaid to life, and there’s also some cute pastel things if those sorts of mermaids are more your jam.
But a dangerous mermaid, that’s my cup of tea, right there.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
What I particularly like about these pins, aside from the birdy’s knowing smile and faintly retro feel (Fruit Loops, anyone?) is that as far as pride pins go this one is a lot more subtle or low key than many of the others out there. Great for if you want a vibe that’s more “By the way...” instead of “HEY! GUESS WHAT!”
Having two backing pins if you intend to wear it out and about is a reassuring security and it looks like a comfortable size to wear.
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FROM CONCEPT TO PHYSICAL PIN, MY BIRBIES ARE HERE!!! Thank you everyone who pre-ordered one! Your birby has been set up and will be ready to ship tomorrow once I confirm addresses with you!! Please feel free to DM me here or send 15USD per pin (free shipping within the USA) to my PayPal ( [email protected] )! If you’re buying multiple, let me know and we can strike up a deal!!
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
They are back! Missed out on them last time, but they’ve been re-designed for another shot at Kickstarter.
There’s  been some minor re-designs, which I think are an improvement, and now stickers are available.
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 I particularly like that Cat-thulu looks like a 2/3 normal cat, and at a glance somebody glancing at the pins on your jacket might mistake it for a cute cat with a bow, instead of a cute cat with a tentacle mouth. Five thinner tentacles gets the concept across much better than three thicker ones, and I like the whisker details. 
Cute and creepy.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
I know nothing about the show, but this design is enigmatic, elegant and feels like it should be a watermark on some sort of espionage stationery.
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Just put my first enamel pin up on etsy! Inspired by The Widow’s sigil from Into the Badlands, I decided to make this my first foray into pin making. If you’re familiar with the show or you just dig the design, head on over and check it out in my shop: here.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
I just backed this kickstarter because I don’t have any dangle pins, and they all just have such a lovely style. They’re all so cute, and each eeveelution seems to have it’s own personality, but I can’t pick a favourite eevee. No, it’s the legendary birds that caught my eye.
My first playthrough of the original Pokemon Red, I had no idea at all what I was doing. I would have been about 12 years old and didn’t understand a bout leveling a team or team balance, so I had one chunky venosaur and severely under-leveled everything else.
And then I found Zapdos and I have loved that bird ever since. And while all of these pins are charming and friendly and would probably bake you a cupcake, we have Zapdos...
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... Who looks like it knows it’s been made cute and is unimpressed about it.
And I love the anger birb.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
And oh, this is an impulse buy if ever I saw one.
I’m not usually into the ‘take a concept but make it FOOD’ style of pins. Mostly because the type of food they use just isn’t my thing. Like, sweet pies? I’m Australian, we put meat in our pies, so for you to make eevee into a pie just seems... unfortunate to me. Nope, can’t do it.
But I can support donuts.
And Ivysaur never gets enough love anyway.
These are an excellent mix of being very cute, super nostalgic, kind of clever and also very weird.
I mean, I’m not quite sure how to process these things cognitively. Because the faces have personality. They’re really cute... but they also look delicious. Especially the charmander set.
It’s just a super well executed idea.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
I have never seen pins that were quite so ‘me’ before.
These pins are so far up my alley, they’re practically in my house.
Fantasy animals and veterinary medicine? Oh yes. Oh Dog yes!
They’ve got two backing clasps, which boosts my confidence wearing them in public because I’m afraid of losing the pin if it’s only go tone, and each and every one of these creatures is not only charming, it exudes personality. They’re all completely miffed at their predicament, except for one of the cerberus heads which is clearly the dimmer of the three but probably loves you anyway.
This campaign is having all of my money and I can’t wait to see the end result.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
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Sweet Talk Hare.
Overall score: A
Emotive, refined and classic.
This is such a classy little pin and not mu usual style.
The design really takes advantage of the gold edging, and the recessed gold background is a really nice touch. The whole series is based on legendary and mythological trickster animals, but I chose the hare for myself as it’s my favourite. I gifted the spider to a friend, but it was a delightful little pin as well, and they really shine!
The designs are so elegant and refined that I could probably get away with wearing these to a formal event.
And there’s a whole series to choose from if lapines are not your thing.
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Etsy store.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
Oh my goodness it’sa Noodle Friend. A real Noodle Friend.
The snake’s face looks like it’s completely aware of the joke.
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Guys! I made my first ever enamel pins! I made them for a couple of conventions soI’m not sure if I’ll be selling them online just yet… but if you desperately want one just message me!
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
The 3D effect on the heart is delightful, but I hope the blood vessels aren’t fragile, I’d be afraid of them snapping if I wore it. The eye looked like it’s seen some shit.
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Some of my more medically themed enamel pins… https://www.instagram.com/p/BuulgKrhnUk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hspt5b8pgi1t
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
He’s super cute. Such a simple face, yet manages to convey such enthusiasm and delight.
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I made my first ever enamel pins and they came today! I’m so excited to have these for sale at cons this year (and online if people are interested 👀👀)
I’ve got a bunch more merch in the works and 2019 is looking very exciting :D
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
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Overall score: A++
Creepy, Endearing and Mystical.
Despite appearances, I don’t actually have the whole set of these.
These are a Spirit Animals and Astral Animals set. Spirit Animal as in ghost, not as in anyone’s cultural tradition.
The spirit versions glow in the dark, except for the bones. It’s a large area of glow so they show up very well! The astral versions are rainbow metal and glitter, and I gotta say that glitter gets everywhere when the pin in new.
I like these pins a lot, clearly as I had a hard time picking just one or two. Each of the creatures has a fair amount of personality expressed in the pose, considering it’s just a skull and an outline. The details are really clear and sharp, and having two spikes on the back means I’m much more comfortable wearing these guys in public than if they just had one, less likely to get lost that way.
I think the stag is my favourite, but that could change month to month.
Oh, and the creator has been very helpful to talk to, with excellent customer service.
You can find the artist at @asksweetcream here or on Twitter.
The original Kickstarter here.
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enamel-pin-reviews · 5 years
Seagull Griffin
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Score: A++
Creative, Charismatic, and Converts the Mundane to Fantastic.
I frickin’ love this pin! That’s why its my avatar.
Look at this seagull griffin boi. He’s got such peronality! His whole pose tells a story. He’s got his eyes on the prize, and that prize is a chip, and by damn he’s going for it! He’s got that chip fellas! Such cheek! Such joy.
This seagull griffin could well be my patronus.
My favourite things are those that take something ordinary and every-day, and add a twist to make them magical, letting us appreciate the mundane as something a little more fantastic. And this pin does that amazingly well.
Oh, and it’s part of a set. And the artist does stickers, too!
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The artist’s Etsy store
The original Kickstarter
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