enby-goop · 1 month
Hey everyone, the web version of the film is UP. Please go check it out! Thank you all for joining me on this journey and I hope you can love Mimi as much as I do!
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enby-goop · 1 year
Shout out to my disabled transmascs who can't bind even if you want to. Who want to, maybe even used to, but who's bodies won't let them. For those where it will cause pain, it will cause breathing issues, it will trigger sensory issues, it will be unbearable. Toughest dudes out there.
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enby-goop · 2 years
🚨ppl on T plz read!!🚨
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hey friends, please check your 1ml vials of testosterone! there’s been a recall of a Sun Pharm batch because of bacterial contamination. i just checked and i had several from the contaminated lot i had to throw away.
the contaminated batch info is:
EXP: 8/2023
manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals
and the number for Sun’s Customer Service Department is 1-800-818-4555
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enby-goop · 2 years
People who are Bi or Pan and Trans, a question for yall.
Did the way your attraction works/feels change after you figured out you were trans?
Like did you become more comfortable with parts of it, or did your attraction to certain genders/presentations shift at all, as just two examples.
(Please spread this around if you can, especially if you know people who would have interesting answers for this)
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enby-goop · 2 years
"secondhand dysphoria" is literally just transphobia. like, oh i'm SOOO sorry that you can't handle seeing a pregnant man or a nonbinary person with a beard or a woman with a bulge because you like to present yourself differently??? work on yourself and stop policing others or asking people to put content warnings on trans bodies i swear to god
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enby-goop · 2 years
happy trans day of visibility i love all of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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enby-goop · 2 years
My phone auto corrected to "trans day of vibing" and that also works. I hope the vibes are whatever you need them to be - relaxing, celebration, pride, or giving you the energy to take on and destroy the cis. Live your best life.
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enby-goop · 2 years
[ (stitch with @/sorrel.hartley) What’s the most like “chronically online” take you’ve ever seen on the internet?
I have recieved a comment telling me that it was transphobic to be comfortable with my masculine body as a nonbinary person. Like, (frustrated noise). there is so much to unpack with that take but I’m gonna focus on tiktok and tumblr’s perception of nonbinary people and how damaging that is to the community.
This idea that all nonbinary people must, like you know be fucking mullet, big eyeliner, fucking skinny, white, afab. Do you like frogs, do you like mushrooms? Shut the fuck up. I sometimes feel like my pronouns are rarely accepted because its like if you don’t look in my bio you hear my voice and it’s like, oh- Makes me so angry.
Tiktok and tumblr basically set themselves up for failure when they created this perfect perception of what a nonbinary person looks like. And god forbid if you don’t fit into that box, guess you’re not valid. Me being amab does not make me any less nonbinary and you’d think thats a given but for some people its just, you know- Do you like frogs or mushrooms? I’ll kill you, what the fuck.]
Note: The issue isn’t the people who fit the stereotypes, its the stereotypes being used to determine who’s “actually” nonbinary.
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enby-goop · 2 years
boys are real btw i met one once
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enby-goop · 2 years
The reason vaginal atrophy in HRT is rarely discussed isn't because some nefarious boogeyman wants to transgenderficate all your pretty lesbian crushes into chronic pelvic pain it's because people don't give a shit about transmasculine reproductive health and you hijacking the topic for your detransition propaganda will only make things worse as you discourage transmascs from researching the subject and learning that it's treatable
"You'll live with chronic pain for the rest of your life is it worth it" casual ableism aside you're saying that as if vaginal atrophy doesn't happen to half of all postmenopausal people, what makes you think you're immune
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enby-goop · 2 years
Realization that I need to completely redo how I tag things because of the iOS ban.
Untill then um.
Guess I won’t be able too see any of the things I’ve reblogged. Untill now.
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enby-goop · 2 years
Actually I wasn't born in the wrong body I was just born in my body and then it was up to me to decide what I want to do with that
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enby-goop · 2 years
i want every single amab nonbinary lesbian to know that u belong in lesbian spaces, especially nonbinary lesbian spaces, just as much as any other lesbian, and you not being a binary woman doesn’t mean you can’t identify as a lesbian. the nonbinary lesbian label includes you just as much as it includes every other nonbinary lesbian
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enby-goop · 3 years
I love being trans in fact I am going to do it again tomorrow
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enby-goop · 3 years
White LGBT goyim want to claim the pink triangles but don’t want to claim the intergenerational trauma from the holocaust most Jewish people live with or make any spaces for LGBT Jews
White LGBT goyim want to derail discussions of the holocaust to talk about how much LGBT people were affected too and you’re a homophobe for not being inclusive enough or making things comfortable enough for them while talking about your peoples oppression, but they don’t want the intergenerational trauma from the holocaust most Jewish people live with or make any spaces for LGBT Jews
White LGBT goyim want Anne Frank to be their bicon but can’t fathom what it’s like to be a Jewish kid and to be compared to her in the nastiest ways and later learn about her and realize she wasn’t a bad person, they were just insulting you for being Jewish. LGBT goyim need a reason to care about a murdered Jewish girl because antisemitism isn’t enough. They want to see themselves in her, they can’t fathom what it’s like to have no choice to
White LGBT goyim love LGBT history but only when it’s through a white, goyische lense. They want Oscar Wilde but don’t want Magnus Hirschfeld, Faygele Ben Miriam, Leslie Feinberg
White LGBT goyim love Jews except for when we are open about it, except for when we’re proud, except for when we’re religious, except for when we see our Jewishness and our gayness and our transness as inseparable, except for when we identify with Jewish cultural genders, except for when we want to be visibly Jewish at pride parades and marches, except for when we refuse to assimilate. Except for when we’re Jewish. Except for when we call out their antisemitism
Goyim can reblog but don’t add anything, unless if you have a *respectful* question. If you’re just going to “not all goyim” in my notes then don’t bother I’ll block you love and light. Also before anyone calls me a transphobe/homophobe I’m trans and bi I’m just tired of not feeling safe or welcome in the lgbt community for being Jewish lol
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enby-goop · 3 years
Here’s a chance to change some black trans lives
Saw this on facebook and am keeping the momentum going. I’ve copied all the fundraiser links below, and here’s the link to the original post in case you’d prefer to look at the list that way.
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Help me get home, please! deactivated
Gender Fluid Human In Need Of Help $3,500/3,500 FUNDED!
Adopted Trans Woman seeking safety & medical help $19,740/29,000
Shane’s Top Surgery $4,890/7,750 《《 this one has been up for over a year and he’s still waiting
Help J Remove Themselves from Toxic Household deactivated
Grace Mwangi’s Gender Confirmation Surgery $7,322/38,000 《《 needs more contributions
Nyne’s top surgery $3,839/6,000
Help Grayson start transition $2,075/5,000
Skyler’s Transition Fund deactivated
Londynn’s New Life $14,159/14,000 FUNDED!
Zoeys transition fund £11,323/13,500
Supporting Black Trans Elders cashapp $fakerapper $25,309 – donations have been disabled for now
Top Surgery For Yadriel Acazio $2,207/11,000
Coco’s Medical Transition Fund $4,918/15,000
Maya’s Transition & Recovery Fund $18,455/35,744
Help Create Corbyn $4,018/4,000 FUNDED!
Flora’s Transition Fund $35/5,000 goal progress reset by organizer
Amina Transition And Rent Fund €4,095 deactivated
Help Guilly Get Top Surgery!! $6,135/7,500
Atticus’ homeless fund $7,345/10,000
Ahren’s Top Surgery $4,245/7,500
Malakai’s Top Surgery $3,137/10,000
Top Surgery $8,000/8,000 FUNDED!
Help Me Secure Safe Housing $2,337/18,000
Kiana’s Gender Transition $2,740/35,000 《《 needs a boost
Jacobs top surgery $8,021/8,000 FUNDED!
Skye’s Top Surgery $2,860/8,500
Hunter’s Top Surgery $7,110/12,000
Help Me Pay My Medical Bills and Transition $4,075/45,000 《《 NEEDS A BOOST bc of an emergency room visit
Myles’s Tracheal Shave Procedure $3,946/30,000
Zeke’s Top Surgery Fund $5,449/9,000
help mimi get top surgery $1,836/10,000
Landon’s Top Surgery! $1,310 deactivated
Donate to Myla’s Breast Augmentation $2,725 deactivated
Vanessa L. Naisha needs support to seek justice! $15,000/15,000 FUNDED!
Debbie’s Transition Fund $47,390/75,000
Disabled Enby Needing Help For Top Surgery! $5,758/8,000
Tyler’s Transition Fund $20,831 deactivated
Clarabelle’s Bottom Surgery Fund $12,820 deactivated
help deluca get top surgery ! $5,460/7,000
Help Black Trans Woman Transition $25,729/30,000
Wriply’s surgery/ continued living fund $13,514/26,520 《《 this one has been up since 2018. I found Wriply’s socials and she’s still active, still waiting. Let’s get this fulfilled
Help a black trans woman w/ advanced cancer in ATL $23,680/25,000 《《 needs rent and grocery money
Help Harmony, a Black Trans Woman Survive $8,605/20,000
Help a black trans-man get FTM top surgery! $6,964/15,000
Malikais Top Surgery $4,773/7,500
Finn’s Therapy & Wellness Fund $3,389/7,000
Kyo’s (aka Key) Transition Fund $14,650/25,000
safety & transition funds for dallas! $15,410/45,000
Help a Black Trans Woman from homelessness $10,299 deactivated
Bottom Surgery and Electrolysis $8,162/40,000
Noelle’s Breast Augmentation $13,995/24,000
Aeri’s Moving Out & Transition Fund $16,063/25,000
SAVE A TEENAGE TRANSMAN’S LIFE $7,606/15,000 《《 needs more
Cody’s Top Surgery $5,558/7,000
Help Kit get Top Surgery $3,815/6,000 《《 now had surgery; still needs to pay off debt
Help Erika Begin Her Transition $14,207/20,000
Dan’s Top Surgery and Hysterectomy $325/24,000
I will periodically update the progress amounts. As the goals are met, I’ll mark them as funded and change the colors from green to pink to make it clear. I’m also tagging the ones that could use more attention with red.
Been hearing a lot about “reparations” lately? Well, this is one way to start working towards that, since those in power certainly won’t.
Last updated January 18th, 2021
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enby-goop · 3 years
We talk a lot about lesbians and gay men who are t4t but not as much about t4t bisexuals. So shout out to the t4t bisexuals, your attraction is warm and loving and radical and worthy of respect
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