everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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Good morning!!! I just got my new set of #TaraStiles yoga dvds!!! SO HAPPY! I did morning yoga (even though I did not sleep well :( ) annnnd had a good gluten & dairy free breakfast! Wahoo! Also birds keep trying to fly into my apartment... Silly birds! ❤#whitagram #morning #yoga #routine #day #goodmorning #positive #wakeup #granola #healthy #life #yoga #do
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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Learning about "The Eight Limbs" in Ashtanga Yoga. 🙏Namaste🙏 #yoga #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #yogatheory #health #peace #yama #practice #knowledge #sage #patanjali #sutras
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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I am in loveeeeeeee with this new oil I bought!! ❤✨😍 #oil #perfume #india #natural #naturalperfume #naturaloil #scent #krishna #musk #songofindia
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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My uncle, who was like a big brother to me when he was alive, loved Bob Marley. He had all his records and used to play them as I danced around. My birthday also happens to be 4-20, so everyone just assumes I am this huge pothead. But I'm not haha. I love Bob Marley and I love his music. When I listen to it I always feel like I'm little again and dancing with my uncle.
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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Our early Beltane celebration! It was absolutely wonderful! I am so happy and proud that the little group I helped form has grown so much. <3 #psf #paganstudentfellowship #pagan #mayday #beltane #firefestival #tarot #magic #magick #neopagan #neopaganism #smtx #altar #nature #believe #celebrate #whitagram #wicca #witchcraft
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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If anyone lives in the Austin Texas area, we are having our annual Beltane Festival at the Texas State University Sewel Park (San Marcos city, about 40 minutes from Austin) this Saturday ! It's free and a lot of fun!! I will be bellydancing and leading one of the rituals! :) Hope to see you there! 
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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I keep forgetting to buy makeup remover when I go to the grocery store! GAH! So I remembered reading that you can use olive oil to remove makeup! Why? Because makeup has oil in it!(unless it's specifically oil-free) Use like with like! Make sense? 
"Kandee Johnson (on her vlog) explains the "like dissolves like" theory, meaning using a oil-based product to remove the oils of makeup can work wonders. She suggests using olive oil to clean brushes and to remove makeup directly off your face. "
So I actually used organic Safflower oil (because I'm also out of olive oil...ehe) and voila! Works wonderfully and is free of chemicals! 
PS: I heard that baby oil works too! :)
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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I'm a bellydancer and bellydance instructor. Dancing to me is an incredible spiritual experience.
Something I am constantly trying to help my students achieve is self confidence(I myself have struggled with self image, and still do). As women in today's society, we constantly struggle to find this fake "perfect" weight/image. 
My mother (who taught me the art of bellydance since I was a young girl) always taught me (and I tell this to my students):
*You are a Goddess.
*Love your body. Every single part of it. Every little bump, funky vein, birthmark, lovehandle etc.
*Every woman needs curves- it's sexy!
A good exercise I learned to help boost your self confidence is this:
Every day stand in front of the mirror at the same time, before you put on makeup. Look at yourself (your whole self) and say something like "I love myself. I love who I am and I love my body. Today I especially love __________ ." Every day insert a new word. It could be eyebrows...or the freckle on my back! Anything! It will get harder, but you 'have' to do it! Trust me. It really helps. 
Blessings to you all. 
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
I want a rune tattoo soooooooooo badly! I LOVE the runic compass design...but I want to put together my own rune sigil...I need to study my runes more! 
Great rune book: "Empowering your life with runes" by Jean Marie Stine.
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
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It is important to remind ourselves to live in the moment. That doesn’t mean be foolish, but it means not to think about the bad childhood, or the college weight gain, or even that entire bag of chips you ate. It also means not to freak out about all the stuff you have to do by the end of the day or week…or where you *have* to be two years from now. Just *breathe*.
*Light a candle. Any color. Observe the flame. *Observe its movements. *Begin to sway or sing or smile…whatever feels natural. *Be *in* the moment. *Take a walk. *Notice the birds in the sky (even if it’s just pigeons at a downtown park), the ants by your feet, and the squirrel in the tree. *smile at someone. If they don’t smile back or make a face- it’s ok. *try something new. *work on something old. *and most importantly-> if you *don’t* get to everything: it’s OK!
Blessings, Edana
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
*Fairy Magic*
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Fairy Food  You should leave food out for the fairies as offerings and gifts. In some countries, the local fairies will become angry if food is not left and they will curse the home.  If milk is spilled, you should not worry about it. Just think that it is an offering for the fairies. This connects with the saying "Don't cry over spilled milk". Leave food out for the fairies.  Any food that is left out overnight is often thought to be fairie food and can not be eaten again, as you would be taking it from the fairies! 
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Fairy Rings  Fairy rings are rings of mushrooms surrounding the area where the fairies dance at night. If you are near a ring when the fairies are dancing, you'll be drawn to it. If you enter, you will dance with the fairies, unable to stop. It may feel like only minutes, but it is, in reality, years, around 7. The only way to get out is if someone comes after you and pulls you out, while keeping their foot outside of the circle. 
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Fairy Behavior  Fairies tend to travel in bands, rather than alone. These are called Trouping Fairies and they are the most common. You also have the occasional Solitary faire. They travel alone and tend to be meanspirited, but not all are like that. Fairies can be seen traveling in large bands, playing music and riding their horses. These are called Raids. These usually occur during the holidays and sabbats. All holidays, pagan, christian, etc. are great times to contact the fairies, as they are active then. 
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
Running barefoot through the wheat field behind my house in the Black Forest in Germany. I felt like I was in a maze because the grass was so tall. As I ran, I remember stepping on a snail and being so scared!! Haha!
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
I don't know much about Hellenic paganism, but I saw someone post this the other day, and I thought it was so magical. Blessings to the beautiful couple!
"Hellenismos, or Hellenism, is the Hellenic religion, a traditional polytheistic religion and way of life, revolving around the Greek Gods, primarily focused on the Twelve Olympians, and embracing ancient Hellenic values and virtues."
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
My new video is finally up! Subscribe and enter the BoS CONTEST for a chance to win magical goodies!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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everywitchway-blog · 11 years
Who am I?
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My Magick name: Edana - Gaelic origin meaning “fire”. 
What neo-pagan path do I follow?: None in particular. When I first delved into neo-paganism (in middle school), I followed a solitary Wiccan path. Over the years I have grown and traveled. I have seen many things and places, and met many people and experienced different cultures. Because of this, I have gone from calling myself “wiccan” to just calling myself a witch. It is my own path that I have discovered over the years, influenced by wicca, druidry, asatru, my balkan half etc. 
Patron God/dess: Freyja. The Norse Goddess of love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, norse sorcery, war, and death. I connected with Freyja because she represents so many strong and important aspects of life.
What’s my favorite pagan book ‘right now’? ”Empowering your life with runes” by Jean Marie Stine. I have been working on understanding runes better, and I absolutely love and recommend this book!
Favorite pagan band: Omnia. Neoceltic pagan-folk band 
“I don’t speak Human” - Omnia (Click link below! IT’S AMAZING!)
Hobbies: Bellydancing, yoga, writing, reading, photography, drinking tea (haha), pinterest…(don’t laugh), video games, attending Renaissance Fairs <3
Feel free to copy-paste- fill in with your own info-and then comment below!
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