gamemaster-redrobin93 4 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 5 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 5 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 5 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 5 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 5 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 5 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 8 months
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I have been playing Raid: Shadow Legends quietly for the past year and since getting my 3D printer last year I decided to create myself a Sun Wukong miniature for D&D games.
Here's my install link for Raid: Shadow Legends. Get it through this link and both of us will get some free stuff to boost us along! https://link.plrm.zone/app/lhezp
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gamemaster-redrobin93 8 months
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gamemaster-redrobin93 8 months
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Not as interesting or detailed as the minis themselves, I have also crafted a few game boards to play on. These 20x30 inch foam boards are double sided with a different terrain on each:
Grassland : Green acrylic paint with dill flocking
Water: Toilet paper based with acrylic paint and gloss varnish finish
Wasteland : Acrylic paint with baking soda mixed in for texture
Tiled interior: 1x1 inch squares painted over with acrylic paint
I am extremely happy with my terrains and have already came up ways to improve if needed in future so please let me know
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gamemaster-redrobin93 8 months
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This one is not related to my Yu-Gi-Oh homebrew campaign but instead to my first campaign as a player. A team of 5 dwarves entered the underdark in order to investigate a portal to another realm however a guardian Roper managed to hold off the party from our goals.
In order to honour the moment, I created a few Roper miniatures for our party just before New Year's. While they aren't perfect, these deadly enemies are comprised of just hot glue, cardboard, pipe cleaners and paint. I hope you like them!
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gamemaster-redrobin93 8 months
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I have been doing a lot of crafting lately in preparation for my upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh inspired homebrew. The first area for our heroes is the Creeping Underwood where they will face off against a variety or insects before finally having to deal with the Evolution Cocoons before they are eaten alive.
I used a mix of bought minis and created the cocoons using Kinder Surprise toys and hot glue and have already updated the game board since then. I am hoping to start my campaign next month after returning from the UK.
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For the final subclass of the primary 5e classes (sorry artificer) I decided to mix a classic Yugi card with a legendary D&D race. Introducing the Catapult Tortle, with its signature effect Catapult! the subclass is a fun ranger that harkens back to some iconic Yu-Gi-Oh moments.
Catapult Turtle is a card that shows the stark contrast between Yugi and Atem in the anime only appearing when Atem allows his darkness to overwhelm. Catapult Tortle allows you to hypnotize enemies and fling them either at other enemies or just straight into walls if you would like. Later levels allow for additional strikes and increased battlefield control with spells allowing you to summon a constant supply of munition.
This was one of the more experimental of the subclasses and is definitely more of a fun one considering I've never played in a campaign with a ranger. Once again please let me know what you think and I hope to continue this project with the final 12/24 subclasses
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There were actually very few options for bard like characters from early DM era although this card wasn't played by Seto until Battle City, it was featured earlier in the manga and I believe fits thematically so Lord of D. becomes the first bard of my project.
Like most on these lists, Lord of D. has received a lot of specific support and retrains over the decades so there was a lot of things to choose from that fit well with this idea. As you will see with a few of my dragon related subclasses, the final effects are very similar and are honestly just filler effects during the first draft. When crafting these on paper, my idea was for the players to eventually be able to become the five headed dragon but as this project has become more fleshed out that idea has faded away.
As always please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think!
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So since my Yu-Gi-Oh tin project was so popular on here and some people even mentioned wanting the set I wanted to let you know that I did make extras and have some available on my Etsy store. They are shipping from Canada and are quite large so don't come cheap but I also wanted to show my methods for those with access to tins themselves.
As well as the pictured: paintbrushes (disposable), enamel paints, cotton wool and alcohol (for removal), you will also need PPE such as masks and gloves as enamel paints are highly corrosive. Additionally, I did lose the photo but a good clear metal primer to spray on the tins before painting is very important.
I did freehand the paint mixing but made so many of these that found that the above painting order works best for preserving as much paint as possible. The trick is to paint colours in steps going into the secondary colours and while I either missed some steps or lost some photos hopefully it will be enough to help you.
Some tips:
Keep a small bowl of 100% alcohol around to keep your brushes clean, if the paint is allowed to dry it will destroy the brush.
The paint I bought was enough to do 3-4 minimum and is very expensive so many do a couple at a time if you have no other plans for the paint.
Feel free to message me on here if you need any help when attempting this project
P.S. I was unable to source the inspiration image even with Google Lens reverse search so please let me know who created the initial art if you know so I can credit them.
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The sorcerer subclasses changed the most as I was developing this project and I finally settled on Curse of Dragon as the first one for a few reasons. The majority of my first picks were vanillas and iconic main character cards, additionally there is already basically a cursed dragon subclass in d&d 5e.
Looking at the Curse of Dragon line of cards there are a few effects in common and also the special feature of extraordinarily long and unusual names. Features here include controlling land and poison damage for the green dragon connection, while curse of dragon is canonically yellow in most media it does have a green tinge in most versions and as all of the other chromatic dragon colours were taken this subclass got poison, I think it works perfectly and am happier with this than most other forced coincidences.
Please reblog and comment with your opinions if you have any!
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The subclass that writes itself, Battleguards are actually known as Barbarians in the original Japanese and were only renamed in translation, with TCG support cards such as battleguard rage it was clear which cards would fill out the two barbarian slots (spoilers for part two).
I decided to start with lava as it is just visually more fun than a swamp. Although tying its powers in with the quite rare lava mechanic in D&D was a little complicated, Battleguards also have the unique to early Yu-Gi-Oh ability to support each other in battle.
Also big shout out to all of the amazing artist I have used for this project, I have credited all public art where possible but hope to have some custom made graphics for any final version of the project. For now please enjoy and give these amazing artists their dues!
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