ghost-is-bae · 1 year
'Dancing in the rain'
His large hands wrapped around her corseted waist as he swayed her back and forth to a rhythm he had magicked up. "Gosh, you are quite the dancer!" She exclaimed as she smiled giddily.
"Thank you m'lady. I've been training for this moment." He chuckled and guided her a tiny bit closer to him, until his lips were millimetres from her's and his forehead was touching hers.
Her eyes closed slowly, awaiting the swift movement of his lips latching onto hers gently. His lips hugged hers, they glided over them like an ice-skater on a frozen lake.
They soon pulled apart and she let out a huff of pure surprise, "I wasn't quite expecting that-" "Did you enjoy it?"
Of course she enjoyed it.
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ghost-is-bae · 1 year
A calming breeze shifted between their lonely bodies, "Do you love me?" she paused. "Even just a little bit?"
"Why would I have stayed for so long if I didn't? Don't you get it?" He huffed impatiently. She wanted to forget this argument and carry on loving him, but the more she thought about their lives and relationship with one another, she understood what was happening.
"You only show up when you need something! Why don't you ever come to me when you want my love? Huh?"
He looked into her crystal eyes, which were foggy with tears, and said, "I do want you- I want all of you and more! I want every atom of your existence!"
"Why won't you ever tell me you love me? After all the times I've said it, why don't you ever acknowledge the fact that I said it?"
She was starting to realise that this wasn't getting anywhere so she just walked away, wiping her fresh tears with the back of her hand.
"Baby, please!- I'm sorry!"
He wanted to go after her, to chase her and embrace her, to kiss her lips and drown in her scent. But he couldn't, he couldn't bear to even think about her as he began to sniffle and cover his leaking eyes with his rough hands.
All of this began because he couldn't say a mere, 'I love you.'
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ghost-is-bae · 1 year
'Those eyes' - Bo Sinclair
summary : Y/n is on a trip around America and she ends up in Ambrose, meeting Bo on her journey through the small town. But things take a turn when she realises what's going on.
Word count :
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Y/n was scared, to say the least. She had wandered into Ambrose somewhere along her journey around America, and she regrets that decision now.
She and Bo, the lovely mechanic that she bumped into, had really started to get along quite well. That was until Y/n stumbled into the House Of Wax and saw her fate flash before her very eyes.
She was about to bolt it straight out of there when Bo crept up behind her and smacked her on the back of her head with something like a baseball bat.
She regained consciousness and was greeted by a pounding headache and sore ankles and wrists from the chains she had been bound by. Bo was pacing back and forth and he didn't realise that she was awake so she coughed slightly to signal her alive-ness to him.
He gazed at her intently- he didn't really know what to do with her. He just knew that she couldn't be made into a wax figure by his brother, Vincent. He moved closer to her and looked into her tear-fogged eyes, "What should I do with you, huh?"
She was shaking slightly, like a scared puppy and it made him chuckle. "P-please don't hurt me…"
His blue orbs pierced into her soul, it freaked her out but she didn't know where else to look. "Oh, Doll. I ain't gon' hurt ya'! I'm gonna have some fun tho. Just wait a lil' while." And with that, he placed a short, chaste kiss on her sweat-stuck forehead and left her alone in the basement of the garage.
It was just a really short one guys! Hope you are all doing well! I'm really obsessed with Bo at the moment and I really enjoy writing speech in a southern accent so I may make this a 2 part series!
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ghost-is-bae · 1 year
Drunkenly Disturbed - Simon Riley 'Ghost'
Summary : When you go out to the pub for what seemed like a quick drink, you return back to base pissed up and completely out of it. You end up knocking on ghost's door at 2 in the morning, which he really isn't happy about.
Warnings : Swearing [obviously] , vomiting, soft!Simon i think?,
Word Count : 603 - sorry it quite a lot shorter than other imagines 😄
Simon Riley Masterlist
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The full glass of whiskey, which was sat on the sticky bartop, stared right at you in hopes of ruining your insides just like the previous 6 you had downed. You had always sworn to never drink alcohol because of your past experiences with dealing with your smashed father throwing empty beer bottles at 14 year-old you.
But here you were. The local pub. It was pretty quiet, the only sounds being the clinking of glasses and small groups of middle-aged men cheering at the football. The thick smell of strong beers filled your mind through your nostrils and It gave your stomach a thump. Bile slowly made it's journey up your oesophagus but you stopped it momentarily by necking your last whiskey.
“No more now,” you drunkenly slurred to yourself as you stood up onto your wobbly legs and staggered your way back to base. The journey back to base was a five minute stroll for sober people but when you’ve been on the piss, it turns into at least fifteen.
you walked into the base and obviously nobody was around as it was in fact 2am. Your room is next to your lieutenant’s, Ghost, but you must have mixed the doors up because you ended up trying to open his door with your key. That obviously didn’t work so you just pulled you hand into a fist and banged it against the hard plastic door.
It quickly swung open and you were met with Ghost, who was sporting grey sweatpants and no shirt but with his skull balaclava securely hiding his identity, “The fuck do you want? It’s 2am, in case you didn’t know.” You were completely oblivious to his deeper copy of your British accent and we’re staring straight at his amazing abs.
“My eyes are up here- now what do you want?” You shifted your eyes up to his and asked, “Why are you in my room?” You could tell that he was confused because his mask crinkled above his eyes: meaning he had furrowed his brows.
“What do you mean? Your room’s next door!” You nodded in drunken understanding but that didn’t sit well with your only alcohol filled body. So, you rushed straight past his large frame and straight to his bathroom. Luckily your rooms were both set out the same. You quickly kneeled on the floor in front of the porcelain toilet and immediately vomit made its way into the toilet.
Your eyes watered from the stinging coming from the back of your throat and what you also didn’t realise was that Ghost was knelt beside you, gently collecting your hair from out of your face and pulling the scrunchy off of your wrist before carefully tying your hair back into a loose ponytail. He then brought his right hand to slowly rub circles on your back, “‘S alright, let it all out. It’ll sober you up a bit.”
He could tell that you were pissed up as soon as he opened the door. Your pupils were blown out and your face was puffy and rosy. The most embarrassing part for you was that your dress was rolled halfway down your torso, revealing your red, lace push-up bra.
You had finished throwing up and Ghost had gone to get you some water so you decided to just sit and sober up a little more. “Drink this and fuck off back home,” ghost joked as he handed you the glass of water. You nodded and quickly drank the water before slowly getting up and handing him the glass, “Sorry..for everything- and thank you.”
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ghost-is-bae · 1 year
Simon Riley Masterlist
Back rubs for days - When your husband Simon returns back to you after rescuing Alejandro, You are 34 weeks pregnant with your first child. You have some Braxton Hicks contractions and back pain so Simon tries to make you feel better with cuddles and back rubs.
Drunkenly Disturbed - When you go out to the pub for what seemed like a quick drink, you return back to base pissed up and completely out of it. You end up knocking on ghost's door at 2 in the morning, which he really isn't happy about.
A Little Rough Around The Edges - (Latest date : 10.01.23) - you go on a mission with ghost and he gets stabbed just under the ribs. You have to stop the bleeding and stitch him up and he gets a little high with blood loss so the conversations are really odd. You also get to see his other scars and his godly abs.
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Head cannon | Simon and body worshipping - (Latest date : 09.01.23)
Ride It All Night - (12.01.23) - When you and Simon both can't sleep, you spend the time doing something that'll be sure to tire you both out.
Want Those Hands Around My Neck - (12.01.23) - During sex with Simon you need that little push before reaching your bliss so you take his large, rough hand and wrap it tightly around your neck. He squeezes slightly and stars blind your vision. Simon mentally notes that you have a thing for his hands- he will surely tease you about it until the end of time.
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ghost-is-bae · 1 year
Back Rubs For Days | Simon Riley
Pairing: Pregnant! Reader x Simon Riley
Summary: When your husband Simon returns back to you after rescuing Alejandro, You are 34 weeks pregnant with your first child. You have some Braxton Hicks contractions and back pain so Simon tries to make you feel better with cuddles and back rubs.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of immense pain and soft!Simon.
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You had received a call from your husband of five years, explaining that he would be returning home in about fifteen minutes. You were unexplainably happy because you were to go into labour soon and you really didn't want to be doing it alone.
"See you soon, Love, " You replied softly, knowing how exhausted Simon must be from the long rescue mission. You waited for Simon to hang up before you waddled over to the kitchen and put the kettle on for a warm cup of tea in the cold December weather.
You bent down slowly to grab your favourite mug from the dishwasher and grabbed onto the kitchen counter to carefully pull yourself back to your sore feet, which were adorned in your new pink, fluffy slippers. The kettle let out a small click ; telling you that it had finished boiling so you grabbed a teabag and dropped it into your cup before pouring the boiling liquid into the cup.
Just as you were about to get the milk out of the fridge, you heard a jingle of metal and the door creaked open. You immediately waddled your way over to your knackered husband who still had his black cotton skull mask on. You brought your right hand to hold your lower back and take some pressure off of your hips from your heavy baby boy.
Simon closed the door behind him and made his way over to you. He wrapped his arms around you gently and leant down, pressing a soft peck onto your hairline through his mask. He then moved his head to rest his chin on top of your head. "I missed you, Si," You said as you gently pulled his mask off, revealing his handsome face that was grime-filled and stubbly.
"I missed you too, Love." His deep voice soothed your mind and made you content that he was really here. You grabbed a hold of his vest's buckle and undid it softly, "Do you want me to run you a bath?" He shook his head slowly, "S'alright, Sweetheart. I'll just have a quick shower."
You were getting your pyjamas on whilst Simon showered and you began to feel some pressure on your lower abdomen, kind of like a really strong period cramp. Your midwife had told you about this, she told you that they were braxton hicks contractions and usually happened at the end of most pregnancies. You tried to ignore them and carried on removing your maternity jeans and sliding on some soft blue pants. You pulled Simon's shirt from over your head and went to undo your bra clasp when a nother contraction hit.
You let out a long breath that you had held in and rubbed your lower bump, "Just come out already, you little shit." Simon then came out of the bathroom with grey joggers on and a towel in his hands. drying his brown mullet. "You alright, Love?" He questioned your figure that was now bent over the end of the bed, with your head resting on the smooth, silky duvet.
"It's just braxton hicks, I'll be a'ight." You stood upright and walked over to him, "Can you undo my bra please?" He nodded before placing his hands on your shoulders, gently turning you around and undoing the prison-like fabric from your swollen breasts. You thanked him quietly while you removed the bra from your front and putting it in your wash basket.
You grabbed a white vest top and sleepily slid it over your head. "C'mon love, let's go to bed," Simon said followed by a yawn. You walked over to the bed and slid under the covers next to Simon. "G'night, Love. Wake me up if you need anything." You nodded before cuddling against his bare built chest.
You woke abruptly with a groan, your back was giving you absolute shit and the braxton hicks were even worse than before. You sighed and looked over at the alarm clock that rested on your bedside table. '2:35' You got up slowly and walked to the bathroom before turning the light on and closing the door slightly.
Simon had woken up quickly because he was freezing and there was an empty space beside him. He guessed that you were at the bathroom because of the small crack of light that was shining on the floor next to the bed. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and waited for you to finish presumably taking a piss.
You did take a surprisingly well-needed piss and took some paracetamol before exiting the bathroom and jumping at the half asleep Simon that looked like the undertaker in the position he was sat in. "Sorry for waking you," You got back in bed with him and grabbed a spare pillow, lightly placing it in between your legs.
"Do you need anything?" You looked at him tiredly before thinking 'I really could do with a back rub'. "Can you rub my back please?" He nodded so You moved to sit in between his thighs and he sat with his back against the headboard. He moved his hands to the curve of your spine and pressed in gently with his thumbs. He then moved his hands further apart and repeated the movement.
You closed your eyes, near enough asleep again. "Are you asleep, Baby?" Si asked in a hushed tone. You shook your head lazily. "Thank you for staying awake with me, You can go back to sleep if you want." "I don't want you to be in pain whilst I'm just sleeping peacefully, though."
In the end, Simon stayed awake with you and rubbed your back for another 10 minutes before you both drifted off to sleep again.
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
The Art Of Life ~ Introduction
The cool winter breeze flew through Miriam's hair at a smooth pace as she sat with her legs dangling over the edge of a fluffy cloud. The sky really was beautiful at night. Her gaze wandered mindlessly over to Grim, who was sat back in his cloud chair, smoking calmly with hooded droopy eyes. His black trouser-clad legs were spread open and his tie had been previously removed; followed by his top button.
Her stomach fluttered gently, although she really didn't know why. She dragged her eyes away from the deathly handsome man and peered down at a newly-born baby in china. It had little chubby cheeks and crescent eyes, which where only just adjusting to the bright hospital lights. Miriam's heart clenched at the adorable baby and she felt her baby fever washing over her again, like a tsunami that just hadn't had enough.
She had always longed for a child, a beautiful baby girl with rosy cheeks and fluffy black hair. She had always dreamt of having children, afterall she was the angel of life. She had to look after the children and elderly and make sure that their births and deaths went smoothly. There was a catch though. Grim would come by and snatch a part of an innocent person's soul whenever he felt convenient and that would give Hara the entrance to take their lives slowly and torturously.
She never got on well with the two. They were twins that had been sent from the Devil as a 'baby shower' gift for her mother. God wasn't very pleased about that but they had some kind of curse that made them immortal in the realms of Heaven. Meaning, they couldn't be killed or removed. They could only return home after having a child each, from the same woman. the woman would birth twins and those twins would have part of both of their essences in their DNA.
Miriam's job was to simply protect the newborns and add more to the Earth, but God felt that she was too distracted so he took her fertility. She was dangerously angry and that's how this whole story came to be. Miriam, the angel of life, and the stealer of children; born and unborn.
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Xavier Plympton Imagine- winter special
Summary : When you catch a chest infection on Christmas eve, your lovely boyfriend has to look after you over the celebrative period but he really doesn't mind :)
Warnings: In detail description of a chest infection, but that's it! Just pure fluff!
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The winter months never seemed to bother Xavier. He would just wrap up in colourful hoodies and jackets, whereas you were just ill every damn day of December. It was like a Christmas curse. The first week you end up with a runny and red nose, the second week you end up with a really sore throat and the week leading up to Christmas. Well, It's a fucker. You end up with clogged ears, a headache, blocked sinuses and a killer chest infection.
Lucky for you, It was the same this year. Apart from the fact that you almost ended up in A&E because of the severity of it. Poor Xavier had to look after you for a whole month! Today started off the same for you. You woke up with a banging headache and you couldn't hear anything. You tried to sigh but ended up in a large, ferocious coughing fit. "Baby, are you okay?" Xavier's muffled voice rang through your ears as his warm hands glided gently over your arms that were caged in your thick, fluffy pyjamas.
"Yeah...I'm okay. It's just the weather." You voice came out very nasally and congested which made Xavier's heart ache. He knew how much this time of year affected you and he knew that he couldn't do anything about it. "Do you want me to book you a doctor's appointment?" you shook your head slowly, "I'll be alright. You need to get ready for your aerobics lesson!" Xavier sighed because of your stubbornness and the fact that you were always right. He had to teach a few Christmas aerobics classes (I don't know what I'm on about! ) so he kissed your red nose and got out of the cosy bed.
You closed your eyes and let out a wheezing breath before curling back into a ball and trying to get more sleep.
Xavier had left 3 hours before you had woken up again so you were all alone for a few more hours. You slowly slid out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen to make some chamomile tea and take some cold and flu pills. You weren't that hungry so you had some porridge and strawberries. You then decided to get dressed and go to the doctors after you almost coughed up a lung and vomited at the same time. Your chest ached every time you took a breath and there was a wall of mucus stuck in your throat that made you feel nauseous every time you swallowed.
You changed into a fluffy red sweater, a pair of soft cotton-lined leggings, black and white stripy fluffy socks and your favourite pair of ugg boots. You then threw on a large puffy black coat, a black beanie and some matching black gloves. You had previously booked your doctor's appointment so you just went straight out. You got into your car and quickly turned the engine and heating on before starting your short journey into town.
When you got there, you entered the doctor's office and signed in. You had to wait about 20 minutes before you were called in to see your usual doctor. "Ah, Y/n! What are you doing here again? Is it the weather?" You nodded as you sat down tiredly. "What's the biggest issue then?" he asked whilst putting a pair of latex gloves on, "It's my chest mostly. It's worse then last year-" You interrupted yourself by a string of mucus-filled, shallow coughs and a lot of chest pain afterwards. "It's sounds like it could be a chest infection so I'll just do a quick assessment and I'll prescribe you some antibiotics."
When you got home you were absolutely knackered (Brits get it:) and you felt even worse than before but when you saw that familiar blonde hair over the top of the couch, you instantly felt better. "I'm home," You murmured as you took your coat and shoes off. "Where'd you go?" Xavier asked after pressing a kiss to your warm forehead and laying your down next to him, with your head on his lap.
"I went to the doctors because I felt like absolute dog shit and turns out I have another chest infection. I can go back to my parents for Christmas if you want, I don't want you to get sick as well." He shook his head adamantly before looking into your eyes lovingly and saying, "I'm not just gonna leave you to suffer over Christmas. That would be an awful thing to do- I'm your boyfriend, Y/n. I have the duty of caring for you y'know?" You smiled and cuddled into his torso whilst you went to wrap your arms around his waist.
"Merry fuckin' Christmas." You said sarcastically. Xavier's loud laugh filled the room but your loud dog bark of a cough overlapped it, "I should probably go and take my meds." What a lovely way to spend Christmas eve, huh?
Sorry for the awful ending. I really can't write for shit! Anyway, I was trying to write using more British dialect because I hate being a Brit and having to write in an American accent. I hope you liked this and I'm sorry that there wasn't much Xavier x reader because I like to describe too much and then it ends up being like 10k words long.
Ava (The author :)
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Falling To Pieces
Summary: When Daniel's contract with McLaren ends quicker then expected, you are chosen as the replacement teammate and as Lando's girlfriend and Daniel's friend, the inner conflict makes you feel ill and gives you so much anxiety.
Pairing: Lando Norris x Driver!GF!Reader
Warnings: A little angsty (i'm sad about this man!) and swearing (I'm also a Brit so this should be interesting! :)
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When you heard the news, you were devastated to say the least. You felt like you were betraying both Lando and Daniel, and ripping their friendship up wasn't what you intended on doing. You were stood behind the camera that was recording Lando's interview and your heart was clenching. The interviewer just kept going on about it and he looked as if he was going to cry, "So Lando, Is it true that your own girlfriend will be replacing Daniel. If so, what are your thoughts and opinions?"
Your bit down onto your bottom lip to stop it from trembling and pouting. You tilted your head upwards to attempt to stop the waterworks that were to soon come rushing out. Lando looked over at you and smiled slightly, although the smile looked foreign compared to the glossiness of his eyes. "I'm pretty conflicted about it all, to be honest. I mean, I don't know whether to be happy for Y/n or sad for Daniel because I love them both with all my heart."
The back of your palm swiped under your nose to catch the running snot and your eyes widened whilst you fanned them to stop the oncoming tears. "That's all the questions so thank you, Lando." The interviewer smiled and the cameraman stopped recording and they both got up to go and interview Daniel. You quickly rushed over to Lando as he stood up and looked into his blurry orbs, "I'm sorry...For everything-" He interrupted you by pulling you towards him and hugging you tightly, "Don't apologise, Love. It's not you fault."
You pushed your head into his chest and let out a shaky sigh. You closed your eyes as the tears finally made their way down your cheeks and hugged his waist harder. Your body shook in his embrace and your sniffles made a few tears glide down his his face, which he swiftly wiped away. "It's alright Y/n, don't cry please because if you cry anymore, I'll be like a bloody leaky tap."
You laughed quietly at his attempt to lighten the mood and he smiled down at you as he pulled away to cup your face and gently wipe your teary cheeks with his thumbs. He pressed a soft kiss to your red nose and you sniffled and tried to calm down a little bit. "I never meant to replace Dan. I never wanted to cause this much trouble-" "I don't need your explanation, Darling. I know you didn't want this to happen, but at least you get to see a lot more of me now on!"
You nodded and wiped your eyes once more before giving Lando a soft peck on his lips. "I'm going to find Daniel." he nodded and you made your way to find Daniel.
"Y/n, please don't be upset. I don't mind! Seriously!" Daniel quickly tried soothing you as your eyes welled up again. You gave him a big bear hug as a silent apology before taking a deep breath, "I've broken the second best friendship that Lando's had with his teammate and I feel like such a twat." Daniel laughed before rubbing your arm sympathetically and saying, "It's not the end of the world, Y/n. I'll find another company to work for and It's not like I'm dying or leaving the planet, so stop blaming yourself and being upset. It's all good!"
You were still really upset about what had happened and you doubted your place in F1 a lot but your spoke to Lando about your struggles and you soon found it a blessing in disguise and you had a lot of fun being Lando's teammate and lover.
I'm sorry that this is really short compared to other fics because I'm tired and it's not going to get any better so here you go! I haven't proofread this either so soz if it's terrible!
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Cody Fern Character Prompt Imagines PART 3
|Prompts Used| ~ Fluff
'[ SCARED ]: sender, in a badly frightened state, finds the receiver and asks to spoon with them for comfort and reassurance.' and 'Jaw kisses'
Credit to these pages:
Part 1 here! | Part 2 here! |
|Character used|
Michael Langdon :)
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"Get out, you Satanist!!!" Your mother yelled as she pushed you harshly onto the cobblestone path. She threw your bags on top of your already rain-soaked body and looked at you with a grimace before slamming the door in your face. Your wide eyes closed and you brought your bloody hands up to your face to cradle it as you sobbed. The rain pattered against your back with violence so you stood up and grabbed your bags before dragging your body down the road.
You shivered heavily and limped towards your best friend's house. You looked down at the large deep wound that spluttered blood onto your thigh and the dislocated knee with blurry irises. Your parents kicked you out after they found out about Michael and his antichrist behaviour. Your parents were Mormons and that didn't sit right with you from the start.
Your battered knuckles knocked against the door as you shifted back and forth in an attempt to ease the immense pain from your left leg. "Answer Damnit!" You cursed just before the door swung open and you were met with a concerned Michael. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" His wide-eyed gaze shifted from your face to your bruised knuckles and then to your popped out kneecap and the deep slice that was still oozing crimson.
"Oh my god, what the hell happened?" He asked as he held onto you and guided you in and over to his couch. "Give me a minute." He said as he went to go and get his first aid kit. He ran back towards you, kit in hand, and kneeled in front of you before opening the red box and taking out antiseptic. He opened the bottle and apologized in advance before he poured the stinging liquid onto your large cut. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration whilst he wrapped a fresh bandage over your thigh.
"You need to go to a hospital! I can't treat this- Y/n, what happened?" You looked away from his icy orbs so the waterworks wouldn't start again. "I...I got kicked out...because my parents don't like you..." Michael felt his heart squeezing inside his chest at the thought that he had caused all of this pain for you. "I'm sorry," he whispered as he pressed his soft lips onto your twisted kneecap tenderly.
Michael had persuaded you into going to A&E because of the amount of pain you were experiencing. Mentally and physically. You had been signed into a room and you were waiting for a doctor to come and access your injuries. You heard the door creak open and a soft voice entered your ears, "Hi there....Y/n. My name is Dr. Edwards and It seems to be my job to pop your knee back into place as it looks. Nurse Lorena is going to give you some morphine to soothe the pain and you are more than welcome to hold your partner's hand here."
You nodded and Michael held out his palm for you to hold onto and you let out a high pitched scream as pain shot up your leg and through your hip. Michael's face scrunched at the sound it made, which made you smile slightly. "Let's send her up for an X-ray once the morphine kicks in." the doctor told the nurse before he left.
You had just come back from the X-ray and were resting your eyes when you felt the bottom of the bed shift. You opened one eye and smiled at the exhausted look on Michael's features. After all, it was only 2am. You shifted to the side carefully to make room for him to slide in next to you. He shuffled in next to you and wrapped his arms around your torso before ducking his head down into the space between your neck and jaw and placed tiny butterfly kisses along your jaw. "Do you feel any better now?" he asked in a hushed tone. You nodded and snuggled closer into him before yawning and saying, "I'm going to sleep, wake me up when the doc comes back."
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Cody Fern Character Prompt Imagines PART 2
|Prompts Used|
'can’t stop yourself from hugging' and 'Small kisses' Credit to these pages:
Part 1 here!
|Character Used|
Xavier Plympton {Again!} :)
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Your whispered yells echoed off the walls of the cafeteria as you ran around looking for your fashionable boyfriend. "Are you in here?" You looked around the corner of the room, under the tables and even in the cupboards. You slowly rounded the corner and held the baseball bat tightly in front of you when the loud banging and whispering continued at a steady rhythm.
"Xav? Is that you?" You asked in a hurry whilst heading towards the source of the noise. "I-I'm in here…" The groggy and scratchy whispering made your heart clench as you quickly opened the oven door, which had held your lover captive for about 10 minutes. You quickly dropped the bat in your hands and grabbed onto his purple jacket flaps. You carefully dragged him out of the fiery hell and sat him on the floor. "Are you okay- well, I know you aren't. You were stuffed in an oven!"
Your anxiety-filled rambling made him want to laugh and smile, but his body hurt too much to do anything. You looked at his burnt face with a tiny pout and glossy eyes and then pulled him into a tight hug, completely forgetting about his injuries. He hugged you back with just as much relief; it was as though neither of you could stop yourselves as you held onto Xavier's blistered face and gave him multiple small and soft pecks to his lips.
"I'm so glad you're alright," You said as your tears pooled over and down your rosy cheeks. "We need to get out of here. Can you stand?"
You and Xavier stumbled to his van, where the others were: they immediately rushed to you when you were in view. Montana shrieked with happiness when she saw you both safe and alive. "OMG! I'm so happy you guys are alive! Now, let's get the fuck out of here-"
You looked up at her face as she stopped speaking and turned around to see what everyone was staring at. Margaret had a large rock in her hands and wore an evil smirk on her face. "Going somewhere? I don't think so!" She then slammed that rock into the back of [an unknowing] Xavier's skull. You let out a distressed screech as you swung the bat and knocked it straight into her head. (Out of self-defence, of course.)
"She's knocked out, guys! Let's go back to a cabin to lay Xavier down," You said with a huff. You slowly picked Xavier up off the floor- and hooked his arm around your tense shoulders. You then began your trek back to the girl's cabin.
You lay Xavier on your bed with a wet towel over his forehead to soothe his burns and help with his oncoming headache. You also grabbed a beer out of the cooler and wrapped it in a towel before lifting Xavier's head and sitting behind him. You then placed his head onto your lap and rested the beer on the back of his head. You knew that he had a concussion. Anybody could tell from just the impact alone that it was a killer.
When Xavier eventually woke up, everyone had fallen asleep apart from you, so you smiled tiredly and smoothed his hair back into its place before you pressed your lips to his forehead. "Is your head sore?" you asked as you ran your thumb over his cheek. He nodded slowly, so you kicked the cooler closer and changed the beer to a fresh one. You held it up to his head and said, "Try to get some more sleep. You're gonna need it." And with that, You pecked his lips and closed your own eyes.
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Cody Fern Character Prompt Imagines PART 1
|Prompts used|
'Forehead kisses' and 'exhausted hug' Credit to these pages :
|Character used|
Xavier Plympton :)
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The cool breeze wafted into your cabin, which brought a chill to your skin. You shivered slightly in your sleepful state as you snuggled deeper into your blanket. You were having a dream about the camp and Xavier- not that you wanted to dream about him. It just kinda happened. The sweet dream quickly turned into a nightmare as Margret Booth came charging at you and your boyfriend with a kitchen knife. A scream caught in your airway as Xavier jumped in front of you in an attempt to save you.
Your muffled cries and shaky breaths could be heard by Montana, and she woke up, confused and angry about her sleep being disrupted, and she tried to shake you awake in a hurry to not wake Brooke. Your thrashing and loud sobbing continued, which caused Montana to end up leaving to get Xavier.
You held Xavier's bloodied and almost lifeless body in your arms as tears rushed down your cheeks in a river-like pattern, "Don't die on me, Xav! Please!" You held your hand over the large stab wound on his torso In hopes of keeping the crimson ocean from escaping as you clung onto him for dear life…
"Y/n! Baby, wake up! It's okay!" Xavier's voice and heavy shaking made you fly into a seated position, your wails filling the cabin. Xavier's arms wrapped around you quickly yet tiredly as you shook and cried into the crook of his neck. "Shh…It's okay, baby. It was just a dream." He softly pressed a kiss to your sweat-beaded forehead and rocked you tiredly back and forth in his embrace.
Your crying slowly calmed; the only sounds that could be heard were your little sniffles and occasional hiccup, which Xavier quietly chuckled at. "I'm okay…I'm fine now." You whispered as your wiped your tears with the back of your hand. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Xavier asked gently, "'Cause you know I'll listen, even if it takes until sunrise."
You nodded and explained the dreadful dream to your lover: It didn't take quite as long as you'd expected, but the reassurance from Xavier meant the world to you. It made you really soft inside. It was as if a world of weight had been lifted off your weary body. "Get some more rest, Babe. You're gonna need it once those little fuckers get here tomorrow."
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Detective Glass | A Stephen Glass AU
Hey everyone! I seemed to notice that there aren't many Hayden Christensen imagines on here or Wattpad at the moment and I just finished watching Shattered Glass and Takers and I thought about combining the scene where A.J. is undercover as a cop with him in shattered glass. So, here is the result!
| Part 2 |
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The cool breeze flew past Blue’s face and into her hair as she rushed down the street to the police station, already 20 minutes late to the meeting that had been scheduled. Her white sneakers squeaked as they rubbed against the pavement in a hurry. She reached work and looked at her watch in misery. “Half a fucking hour late,” she sighed as she walked into the large police station. Her friend, Jemma, was sat at the receptionist desk replying to some emails whilst talking to her the sergeant on the phone. Blue waved at her whilst smiling as she walked past and speed walked to the meeting room. She burst through the door, “Sorry I’m late Sir.” She said as she walked to sit next to her partner, Stephen.
Steve smiled slightly as she plopped herself down tiredly. “Miss your alarm?” He jokingly asked her with a smirk. She smiled at him and shook her head, “you’re such a dick.” Sergeant Hanson began speaking about a murder on the corner of Saint St. and it made Blue sit upright in her chair. He began handing around pictures of the woman and it made people’s eyes widen in shock.
“34 year-old black female with 12 stab wounds in her neck, torso and lower back. She was supposedly walking to her friends house after attending a party when the attacker was hiding in the alleyway she was found in. This attack occurred at around 2am because when someone found her body and called it in at 8:17, she had been dead for around 6 hours. Your mission is to figure out who did this. You have 6 weeks before the case is closed. Good luck.”
~ Blue and Steve were walking to the nearest coffee shop for lunch when he suddenly stopped. Blue noticed that he had stopped so she did as well. “Steve, why’d you s-“ she followed his gaze and gasped loudly. “What is that?” She asked him whilst grasping her gun and pulling it out of the waist of her jeans, “I think it’s another body.”
Steve pulled his gun out and quickly followed behind her as they cautiously walked towards the mystery in front of them. They reached the ‘body’ and Blue checked the area whilst Steve looked for ID on them. He found an ID but it was somebody else’s. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and as he looked up to get Blue’s attention, he heard a loud fear-inducing gunshot.
Blue immediately ran towards him in shock. “Was that you?” Steve asked her very sceptically. She shook her head and gulped in fright. “There’s someone else here.”
~ ”Me and Blue were out getting lunch when we found the body of a 22 year-old white male lying behind a dumpster. Blue was searching the area and I was looking for an ID and I found one but it didn’t match the carrier.” Blue stepped in,” We believe that a serial killer is stealing IDs from their victims and putting them on the bodies of the previous victim because when they found the woman in the alley, the male’s ID was in her purse.”
“So you’re saying that there is a serial killer on the loose as we speak?” The sergeant asked as he paced back and forth. “Basically, yeah.” “Find them then.”
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Short Stories I Wrote When I was Bored ep. 1 ~ The boat
|Intro| Hi I'm Ava and this is just a quick intro to tell you the details of this series. I got bored and decided to write short stories using one word prompts which I found online [the ones i used will be under this text]. There may be some trigger warnings and sexual scenes but apart from that it should be fine. I hope you like it! <3
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Word count: 299
The night was at it's peak and the water had calmed completely. The sky was dark and smoky and there were no birds in sight. The dark murk of the moon snuck through the gaps of the clouds like a mouse hiding from it's predator. Lily sat in the small, wooden boat slightly bobbed up and down with the waves of the supposedly 'calm' ocean.
Something was was coming but it wasn't exactly what she had expected. She flinched at the sound of a thump against the underbelly of the boat. She sat in silence, her breathe not daring to escape the comfort of her lungs, and she waited. The boat began to bob gently up and down again as she let her breath leave her body and become one with the air around her.
She looked out at the land far away from her and tears began to well under her eyelids. "Where am i going?" she whispered to herself with such regret of ever going out onto the black abyss. The boat came to a standstill and she felt her whole body begin to tingle and her hairs prick upright. There she felt another harsher thump against the boat, this time it came from the side.
She sat there fearful and utterly regretful of ever deciding to go out at all. The one place she didn't want to die was summer camp. She felt another thump below the boat and she braced herself for a fright. But none came. Silence. That's the scare that she was not expecting. She found enough courage to look over the boat and her face filled with terror as she screamed as loud as she could.
The thumping of the boat had been from Joe Denver, the boy who went missing 4 summers ago...
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
I’m absolutely infuriated with the Grammy awards and don’t get me wrong, I love doja cat, but for years in a row BTS have not won any Grammys for the hard work they have put in and I personally believe that it is because BTS are from a different country and are Asian. I think that the Grammys are pretty racist and I think that my fellow ARMYs will back me up on this. Thank you,
Ava xx
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Hey guys! Just before this short story begins, I’d like to share my thought process and inspiration with you. I have thought about what drowning or sinking would feel like and I often think of the metaphor or thought of mentally sinking or drifting away and i recently saw a TikTok with BTS’ Jimin in a bathtub, crying, which made me think, what would he be thinking and what would be going through the poor boy’s mind at that heartbreaking and mind-fogging time? So, here is ‘Sinking’. Oh, I’ll add my inspiration for this in gifs under this intro! I also listened to this song whilst writing this because I thought the lyrics fit into the theme :)
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His head hung low into the palm of his hand as he felt defeated. He felt so tired and empty yet his soul was open to all of the deathly sickening thoughts of suicide and just pure life. He felt himself slowly drifting away and that was what worried him most. Not the fact that he was crying at 2am in the dirty bathtub of a random motel along the lonely street.
He felt as though he had played himself and he kept believing the crap that everyone’s dirty mouths were pouring into his open mind.
'She's so out of your league!'
'Go kill yourself'
'Nobody likes you!'
'You're the reason for all of the bad things in this world!'
'Go jump into the Han River'
These thoughts flooded his mind and as Jimin let out a large sob of anger and regret. He felt so guilty. He felt so numb. All of his friends were either dead or arrested or in the hospital. He had broken up with his pride - his love, Y/n. He was setting her free from his suicidal and drugged up brain and emotions so she could be happy.
All of this was for her. Jimin closed his stinging, puffy eyes and held his breath. 'No backing down now' he thought as he prepared himself for death. He tried to block the thoughts of Y/n as he submerged his head into the cloudy water. He opened his eyes and felt the painful sting of the water coming into contact with his eyeballs and that was when his brain block stopped. 'Imagine Y/n's face when she finds out you drowned in a motel bathroom' he thought as he quickly sat up and coughed up the large river that had entered his lungs.
He spluttered and spat the liquid everywhere in hopes to rinse himself entirely of any water even though he was still in the tub, fully clothed. He sluggishly got up and crawled out of the bathtub. He had just chickened out of suicide once, he wasn't going to do it again. He opened the small , wooden cabinet that was placed just above the dirty sink and he searched for the strongest sedative or drug available. 'Doxylamine succinate' the orange pill bottle was labelled. 'Not strong enough' Jimin thought as he put the bottle down in the sink. He searched again but this time it was for pain meds. He had just bought some high-dose codeine from his friend Hoseok and so he grabbed that and put the pill bottle into the sink.
He finally grabbed some 'Fentanyl' that his other friend Jungkook had found him and put that into the sink. He closed the cabinet and decided to phone Y/n to tell her how much he loved her before he ended it all. He walked over to the telephone attached to the wall and picked it up with shaking hands. He dialled Y/n's number, hoping that it was still the same before he let it ring. After about 5 seconds, the phone picked up and Jimin could hear Y/n's angelic voice ring through his ears.
"Yeoboseyo? Who is this?" He let out an uneven breath and answered, "It's me, Jimin." Her eyes widened as she heard his voice, "Jimin? It's 3am! why are you calling me now?" He chuckled and said, "I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much and even if you don't like me anymore, I still love you and I always will" His voice cracked slightly and Y/n's eyes started watering, "Jimin? Where are you?" He smiled slightly. She was always worrying about him and he loved that about her, she was always so caring towards him.
"Nowhere special." She sighed, "Jimin? you're scaring me here" He cleared his throat and said, "I'm at the motel down the road in case you wanna come and save me." He whispered the next line, "Please...Save me." He heard Y/n's sobs through the phone so he cut it short and sweet, "Goodbye, My love." He heard her beg for him to stay on the phone but he just smiled and said, "I love you" before putting the phone back onto the stand. He immediately walked back into the bathroom and took 3 pills out of the sleeping pills bottle, 4 out of the pain meds and he poured 5 pills of fentanyl into the palm of his hand.
"Goodbye dear Y/n, goodbye life" And with that, Jimin swallowed all of the pills without any water. He quickly got into the bath, the water was now freezing cold and so was his heart. Frozen over. The sleeping pills were starting to take affect and he felt his eyes slowly closing. He also felt numb all over which he assumed was the large overdose of codeine that was surging through his veins right that second. He also felt his body begin to convulse and shake violently. He had also overdosed on fentanyl which he knew was gonna be the death of him. There was no going back now.
Y/n however, was already sprinting towards the motel in such a panic that she had to take her inhaler about 5 times on the way to keep herself breathing properly. She got to the motel and immediately asked the receptionist, "Which room is Park Jimin in?" the woman gave her a key which said 'Room 215' and she quickly began running towards that room. These seconds were the most vital of them all because Jimin was dazing in and out of consciousness and that would only last about 10 minutes before his lungs fill with blood and water and he drowns.
Y/n quickly unlocked the door and ran straight to the bathroom. She gasped loudly as she saw her ex-boyfriend, unconscious, in the overflowing bathtub. "No...no...Don't die on me now Park Jimin" she said as she grabbed his limp body out of the tub and started pumping his belly and doing CPR and also doing mouth-to-mouth. She pumped his chest quickly and checked his pulse every 30 seconds. "Come on baby!" she yelled at Jimin in hopes that he would just wake up like he was having a nap.
Her hands were becoming clammy and achy after the 15 minutes of CPR and she was losing hope that her lover would ever wake up again. She let the warm tears streak down her puffy cheeks as she stopped trying to revive her soulmate. "P-please" she sobbed out and she slowly got up to go to phone an ambulance. She dialled quickly. "911, what's your emergency?"
"M-my boyfriend doesn't have a pulse..." she heard the woman on the other end of the phone gasp quietly and said, "We're sending help to your location now! please just hold on for 15 minutes!" Y/n sighed and coughed before murmuring, "Just forget it" and hanging up the phone. She ran back into the bathroom and sat down next to Jimin's lifeless body. She grabbed his cold, limp arm and held onto his hand. "I-it's okay b-baby..."
After about 5 minutes, she felt his finger twitch in her's and immediately got up and felt his pulse.
She cried out in joy and saw his eyes open slightly. She immediately burst into large sobs and cries as she saw those hazel orbs that she loved so much. "Shhh...stop crying baby...."
"Y-you scared m-me so mu-ch. You idiot" She said as she hugged Jimin with all of her entire being and energy. "Don't ever do that to me again you asshole."
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ghost-is-bae · 2 years
Coming Home To ~ Harry Osborn (JF)
{I do not agree with what James Franco has done at all but I just like him in the Spiderman movies so I'm writing a few imagines with him in :)}
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I had just finished my night shift and I was on on the bus back to mine and Harry's shared apartment. I was slowly starting to fall asleep when my phone started buzzing. I got it out of my bag and saw that Peter was calling me. I answered him quickly. "Peter? what's wrong? Why are you calling me now?" I was really confused because Peter wasn't supposed to be calling me at this hour.
"Y/n? where are you?" he asked quickly. "I'm on the bus back home. Why?" he sighed and replied, "Your not gonna believe this are you?" I was even more confused now. "Well. Depends on what your about to say" I said, a bit of uncertainty laced in my voice. "Harry is the Green Goblin..." My eyes widened but I started laughing. "Y-You must be joking! Peter, That's absolutely absurd!" I said joking a little bit.
"Y/n I'm serious you need to stay away from him! He's dangerous!" I sighed and said, "He's my boyfriend Peter! I can't just leave him like that!" "But you can-" I scoffed, "I'm hanging up now" I hung up and put the phone back into my bag angrily. How could he make such a stupid remark about a boy I'd known since middle school!? I sighed as the bus stopped at the stop before mine. I got up and got off the bus anyway thinking that walking home was a better idea to clear my head. All these thoughts were running through my head as I walked along the dimly lit street which was about 5 minutes away from my apartment building.
"Stupid Peter. He really thinks he can pull that sick shit on me? Well I'm not having any of it" I mumbled as I waited for the elevator to get to my floor. The more I thought about it, the more my eyes began to water and the heavier my bag got on my shoulder. My breathing became a little bit sharper as I opened the door to my apartment. It was already open which was strange since Harry usually locks it before he goes to sleep. I stood there in shock as I saw the living room in a mess. There was glass everywhere and everything was trashed. I dropped my bag on the floor in one big thump and looked around through my glossed-over eyes.
I started crying silently as I looked around at the broken apartment. I heard glass shatter and I immediately ran towards the sound. I burst the door open and saw Peter in his Spiderman suit throwing punches at Harry left right and centre. I quickly ran over to him and started begging him to stop but he wasn't listening at all. "Peter!!! You're gonna kill him!!!" I screamed as I choked on my own tears. I tried pulling Harry from under Peter but I got a fist straight into my cheek. Harry's eyes were closed and he had cuts and bruises all across his face. I put my fingers against his neck as I felt for a pulse. There was a slight patter but it was decreasing each second.
I shoved Peter away will all of the anger left in my body and put my ear to Harry's mouth to listen for breaths. Silence. I left out a large sob as I panicked and shouted, "P-PETER! HE'S NOT BREATHING!!" I quickly checked him for a pulse again but this time there was nothing. "Peter....I-He's dead....NO" I quickly started doing CPR on him and blowing down his mouth into his chest and calling an ambulance. Peter, the bastard, was just stood there looking as I tried bringing my own boyfriend back to life again.
"Come on...COME ON!!" I was begging for something to happen and then finally when I checked his pulse again, there was a steady patter against my fingers and I sighed a very unsteady breath. I heard the operator on the other side of the phone ask if he was breathing and I said a quick "Yes" into the phone and she praised me and said, "The ambulance is a block away. Just make sure he's stable"
I checked his pulse and breathing rate every minute before the ambulance came and took him into hospital. I just sat there as they took him away. I didn't go. not yet. I would go when he'd woken up. I lay back against the cold wooden floor boards as I screamed out sobs. I felt so alone. Peter had left long ago and I had to go through that all on my own. I got up slowly and wiped my tear-stained cheeks with the palms of my hands. I went over to my bedroom and went into my bathroom. I sat down on the toilet seat and put a cloth with cold water on my bruised cheek as my brain replayed the traumatic events that just happened.
It had been 5 days since the accident and I was worrying like mad. I'd had 4 panic attacks and I was about to have another one until my phone rang loudly. I rushed over to pick it up off the coffee table and answered quickly. "Hello?" I answered with a shaky voice. "Y/n...Harry's awake if you wanna come and see hi-" I had already hung up the phone and sprinted out of the apartment and down the stairs. I flagged a taxi and told them to take me to the hospital. He drove me there quickly because he figured I was in a rush.
I gave him my 10 dollar bill and slammed the door as I ran to the visitors reception in a hurry. "W-where is Harry Osborn's room?" I asked out of breathe. "Room 219" I didn't even bother saying thanks I just ran there. As the room came into sight I ran even faster and twisted the metal door handle before stumbling into the room. Harry was asleep but the monitors were beeping slowly so I was instantly relieved. I sat down on the chair next to him and wiped the single tear that had fallen out of my eye. I held onto his hands softly and I felt him stir a bit until he sat up and looked over at me.
His eyes widened and he smiled widely, "You're here!" he said happily. I burst into tears and his mood immediately changed. He hugged me quickly and whispered things like "It's ok" and "I'm here" in my ears as he rubbed my back soothingly. "I-I'm so sorry" I said whilst sniffling quietly. "Why are you sorry? You don't need to be sorry about anything love?" he said confused. "I should have come as soon as you were in here. I-I should have been here for you"
He sighed and kissed my forehead whilst mumbling, "You're here now and that's all that matters" I nodded and said, "You really scared me y'know. I had to do CPR on you! I was scared shitless!" He chuckled and said, "Thanks for saving me then..." I looked in to his eyes and pressed a needed chaste kiss onto his lips. "I love you Harry" I mumbled as I kissed him again. "I love you too, Y/n" he said before kissing me again.
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