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i wanted to draw batman's fresh as fuck look, but robin totally stole the show.
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this post is about him now
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okay we all know the justice lords ep in justice league 2001 but can we talk about how their suits literally match... like... they are so fucking cute oh my god. evil boyfriends.
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the fucking part where lord!bruce shows everyone the dimensional portal and clark tells him "you've been a busy little bat" WHAT THE FUCK DUDE HOW IS THAT NOT HOMOEROTIC? like he said in such a TONE too dude wants to get in bruce's pants so BAD
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i wanted to draw batman's fresh as fuck look, but robin totally stole the show.
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this post is about him now
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okay but brucie wayne IS a single mom WHO DOES work two jobs who LOVES his kids and never stops!!! he has gentle hands AND a heart of a fighter!!! HE’S A SURVIVOR!!!
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i love that superman literally photosynthesizes like he needs the earth's yellow sun to make how powers stronger and that's why red sun affects him so much. bitch is literally a glorified plant. i want to kiss him
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yeah pretty much 😭
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what i love about superbat or superwonderbat is that bruce so actively avoids having any kind of romantic connection bcuz he worries what his enemies might do to any of his romantic partners and like. what the fuck is the joker gonna do to superman or wonder woman? like. bruce doesn't have to worry about the penguin taking them hostage for ransom bcuz they are literal super human, one of which is invulnerable and other is mostly invulnerable. like. being with clark and/or diana gives him a freedom to actually love them without worrying that they could get killed simply for knowing him.
(now, whether he'd recognize this is a different question but i like to think that the joker or someone actually tries to kidnap clark kent and diana prince for ransom from bruce wayne and is in for a shock when he has to meta humans on his hands. like. they literally laugh in his face when he says he'll shoot clark and then bruce kinda realizes that the rogues in gotham are nothing to what clark and diana have faced and just. not stops worrying but it lessens.)
idk all i know is that he's a little baby and deserves the best and clark/diana can give him the best (also the batfam loves them so much especially batcow who is now getting regular milkings)
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The holy trinity in WFA #42
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literal besties
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literal besties
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love this interaction between young Bruce and Clark (+young Alfred)
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Batman/Superman 03 (2013)
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What's everyone's favorite Bat carrying position?
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For Old Time’s Sake
“Ladies and Gentleman, I think Batman might be down for the count.” Clark was pretending to hold a microphone up to his mouth and speaking into it like he was an announcer. “Ohhhh! Nope! He’s up! That is going to hurt tomorrow.”
The corner of Bruce’s mouth pulls up into a smile at Clark’s antics as he circles Diana on the sparring mat. He dodges left as she makes a grab for him, grabbing her arm and using her own momentum to flip her over his back.
“And down goes Wonder Woman!”
Bruce drapes his body over Diana’s to try and pin her down, but she quickly reverses their positions and has Bruce in an armbar before he can even blink.
“I thought we said no powers.” Bruce grunts, trying to free his arm to no avail.
“I can’t help that I’m stronger than you.” 
Bruce lets out a growl, but he doesn’t deny it. Instead, he uses every bit of training he can remember and slips out of Diana’s hold. He springs to his feet and is about to execute a flying kick when a voice catches him off guard and has him freezing in his tracks.
“You’re getting slow, old man.”
Bruce whirls around to see his second oldest son standing at the edge of the mat, arms folded across his chest as he watches the match.
“Jason?” Bruce asks before a strong pair of thighs wrap around his neck and slam him down onto the mat. Bruce wheezes as the wind is knocked out of him and doesn’t bother fighting the hold. He merely taps Diana’s thigh twice in quick succession and she releases him.
“Wonder Woman wins again! And the crowd goes wild! Ahhhhhhh!”
Keep reading
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Getting Together
Bruce noticed the change almost immediately, it was hard to get anything past him and they weren’t being very subtle about it. The hand holding and public groping was a dead giveaway, he can’t say he was surprised though, Diana had never been shy and Clark had always been easily turned into putty by her.
 Still, though not surprising, the change was very different. The once inseparable trio was now damaged. It wasn’t really their fault; they still made an effort to be around him. It was him who had done the damage. He was happy that they had finally gotten together, but something inside him was tearing him apart. He felt too many things when he saw them together now; anger, envy, sadness, it hurt, so he did the thing he was best at and started tearing himself away from the source of the pain.
 It was easier said than done to pull away from his two best friends. It’s hard to avoid someone when you work with them almost everyday. Needless to say, they took notice. He knew it was only a matter of time before they began questioning his odd behavior, and he was right.
Bruce sat at the computer in the watchtower, he was going over some files, nothing super important, he had really just been trying to look busy. He tensed up slightly as he heard a familiar set of heels heading in his direction. Of course, Diana would be the first to approach him. 
He felt her presence beside him as he kept his gaze on the computer in front of him. She was quiet for a moment before her hand made its way onto his shoulder, “Bruce,” she said calmly, “why don’t you take a break? Me and Clark were thinking we could all grab dinner together.”
He huffed, “I can’t Diana, there’s too much to do,” he lied. He knew that was a dangerous game, lying to both Diana and Clark was an almost impossible task, still he did.
He heard her sigh beside him, “Bruce, there is no work to do. You’ve been avoiding us for weeks,” she stated. It wasn’t a question, it was an observation, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“There’s always work to do Diana,” he stated simply, “and I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve just been busy.” Against his better judgment he continued, “you two seem to be getting on just fine without me anyway.”
Silence filled the room, he internally cursed himself for putting it out there, he should have just let it be. He felt her grip tighten on his shoulder and for a second he prided himself for rendering Wonder Woman speechless.
That silence was soon filled with the sound of wind coursing through and suddenly Clark was there. A flash of anger crossed Bruce’s eyes, not that they could see it with his cowl still on, Clark could probably sense it through his heartbeat though.
He kept his gaze forward, avoiding them, hoping they’d just leave him be. No such luck. “Bruce,” Diana tried again, “please,” she turned his chair, forcing him to face them, “we miss you.”
He jolted at the sudden change of position, glaring at the two of them, but staying silent.
“Come on Bats,” Clark chimed in, “I know you have to be missing us too,” he teased. Those words stirred something within Bruce. He did miss them, he missed them so much it hurt, but it hurt worse to be with them and see what he could never have.
He huffed pulling himself up from the chair, “I’m taking my leave,” he stated, “you’re right Diana, work here is done for now. I’ll be heading home to check on Gotham then.”
“Let us come with you,” Clark chimed in, “it’s been a while since we’ve come to visit Gotham.” Bruce shot a glare in his direction, why wouldn’t they just leave him alone?
“Do what you want,” he said simply, making his way towards the zeta tube.
There was no surprise when he found both of them following him, and soon they were standing in the Batcave. Bruce immediately made his way towards the large computer to scan for surveillance, ignoring them as they followed.
He took a seat and started clicking through the cameras he had placed through Gotham. It seemed like it was pretty quiet tonight, just his luck. “Bruce, can we talk?” Diana asked after a while of silence.
“Talk about what?” he growled out.
He felt a soft hand reach out to caress his face, “I think you know,” she stated.
He heart stilled at the touch before quickly speeding up, he kept his words level though, “what is there to talk about? If you are referring to the nature of your developing relationship, I am well aware of it and it does not need to be discussed further,” he stated.
She hummed, softly stroking his face, “Clark, I think we might have given him the wrong idea,” she said sadly.
“It appears that way,” Clark agreed, inching closer to the two of them.
“You can’t think we’d want to have a relationship without you, can you?” she asked Bruce. He stilled, did he hear her right?
“What?” he asked dumbly.
He saw both their mouths start to turn slightly upward into the shape of a smile, “We love you Bruce, both of us,” she smiled. Clark nodding shyly beside her.
He felt her hands move to remove his cowl, reaching a hand out to stop her. If they removed his cowl his emotions would be on full display, he wasn’t sure if he could handle that right now.
“It’s okay Bruce,” she said calmly, “it’s just us, let us see how you’re feeling.”
He slowly dropped his hand away, allowing her to remove his cowl. He saw their faces drop when they saw his. He knew he didn’t look great right now, but their expressions only solidified that.
“We’re sorry Bruce,” Clark stated, “we didn’t mean to do this to you,” he started.
“Do what to me?” Bruce demanded, anger flaring up again.
“Hurt you,” Diana ran her hand through his hair softly massaging his scalp. He found himself leaning into the touch, he’d missed them. He felt tears threaten to prick at the corners of his eyes.
Diana slid onto his lap easily, pressing soft kiss to his temple, “shh,” she hushed, as she continued petting his hair. His eyes widened in alarm when he felt himself be lifted in the air, Clark had scooped them both up in his strong arms and was carrying them up to the manor. Bruce stilled, allowing them to do as they pleased. He was still confused, but he figured he’d enjoy the moment while it lasted.
It wasn’t long before the reached Bruce’s bedroom and Clark deposited them both onto the bed before climbing on himself. Bruce found himself stuck in the middle, between his two best friends. His two best friends that he was in love with. There, he’d said it, to himself at least. It felt good to admit, even if he knew it couldn’t be. He was sure this was all out of pity. They had seen the affect their relationship had on him and were feeling guilty, this was all this was. Even so, he was going to soak it in while he could as greedy as that might be.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew he woke up to the sound of the soft murmurs of conversation around him. In his comfortable, sleep-dazed, state he couldn’t quite decipher what they were talking about, but he was certain of one thing; it was about him.
He sighed, pressing his face against something warm and firm. He felt hands softly massaging his back, “go back to sleep darling,” he heard a voice whisper in his ear, “we’ll be here when you wake up, we promise,” and then he did.
When Bruce woke the second time, he was much more coherent. His eyes widened as he realized the position he was in. He had thought it was all a dream, but the proof lay right before him as he found himself still sandwiched between the two. His face had been pressed up against Clark’s chest and he felt Diana pressed close against his back.
He moved to try and pull away, but he found himself trapped under the weight of their strong arms as they each had one arm wrapped around him.
He looked up as he felt a sleepy kiss be pressed against his forehead, Clark’s sleep riddled eyes looking down at him, “good morning,” he smiled, and Bruce felt his heartbeat speed up. He felt the vibrations of Clark’s soft chuckle as he was still pressed against his chest and suddenly felt another set of lips on the back of his neck, “good morning,” Diana smiled, wrapping her arm around him more securely as if he might try and run away.
“Good morning,” Bruce grumbled out, his tone exposing his confusion.
“Did you sleep well?” Diana asked. He could practically hear her grin.
He made an affirmative sound, “Better than I have in a long time,” he found himself admitting.
He heard them both hum happily in response, “I’m glad,” she purred into his ear as she leaned over to give Clark a kiss.
Something stirred in him at the sight, want. He felt her hand start to trail up his chest, trailing over his muscles, all the way until her hand rested at his chin. She cupped it in her hand, encouraging him to turn towards her. He allowed it, looking into her eyes, “can I kiss you, Bruce?” she asked softly.
“Yes,” the words left his mouth before he could even second guess himself and she acted quickly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips as well.
She pulled away far too quickly in his opinion, but he found himself being pulled back in the direction of Clark, “me too,” he asked, “can I kiss you too?”
“Yes,” he found himself answering on instinct, once again being pulled into a chaste kiss before he could back out.
Clark pulled away and Bruce found himself blinking confusedly at what had just happened. Diana hushed him, “I can tell that brain of your is running a mile a minute,” she chuckled into his ear, “you don’t need to think about it, this is real, we promise,” she smiled, “we love you.”
“We love you,” Clark reaffirmed, kissing his forehead once again.
Bruce felt the tension leave his body at their words, a soft smile forming on his face, “I love you too,” he said. 
They held him tighter, pressing soft kisses against his skin and he let them. He didn’t know how long this happiness would last, but he decided he’d embrace it while he could.
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These spot the difference games getting hard
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Batman sounding the most normal about falling to his death, like it’s an expected thing by now for Superman to catch him
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