hotheadedheroprimary · 7 months
I don't think I'd end up making Hazbin content but the show has invaded every cell of my being
And I just had a thought that won't leave me
You know how people say "oh my god"? Well, I wonder if Adam would start a movement where instead they say "oh my adam"
That's it, I just needed to get it out there
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hotheadedheroprimary · 9 months
Celebrate - In More Ways Than One
Another oneshot based on one of my dreams and one that took waaaaay longer to write than I would have liked but here we are I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy!!
(Kirishima x Fem!Reader) ((and slight Bakugo x Reader))
As far as parties go, this one was going to be big. No one could have anticipated it being this lively but that's what happens when you make a lot of friends. In the beginning, anyone would have assumed that your graduation party would be segregated into each class of UA.
Once the rivalry with class 1-B (and grievances with the other courses) had been diminished, there was no doubt that everyone would want to be a part of this together. It has been an arduous journey for you all but you've made it. You all made it. Now, everyone can enjoy the spoils of a well-deserved celebration. A big thanks has to go to Yaoyorozu and her family for lending her homestead for the afterparty. This should have been expected. Who else would have the space for this many people?
Nerves are becoming an undesirable companion for your poor self. The torrent of people is neither a problem nor the concept of mingling - that is all fine. No, the issue lies with you sticking out like a sore thumb. You assumed that there would be at least one other girl who would opt for trousers but they're all either in dresses or skirts. God knows you would have done the same but that sort of style has never been your thing aside from the compulsory uniform. It took trying on a full store's worth of fancy garments to realise that you best just wear what's comfortable. You're rocking a blazer jacket with matching smart trousers, the ensemble especially pops with the bright (f/c), laced camisole finishing the look. It’s a little snug in your opinion but a certain pink-haired friend of yours insisted that it shapes you perfectly. The blazer shall remain fixed on your shoulders, you think. Mina spent all of the previous day boosting your confidence and psyching you up like the queen she is but you can’t shake off those last remnants of worry. You're having a conversation with her when you notice Kirishima out of the corner of your eye and the skip of your heart isn’t something to ignore. Even you couldn't have predicted him looking as dashing as he does in that suit.
Mina leans over and whispers in your ear excitedly, "Now’s your chance! You gotta get over Bakugo, anyways."
Ah, yes. That whole situation. Over the years, you silently admired the explosive student and awkwardly pined for his attention. You had even attempted to make subtle advances on the guy but he just never took the bait. After so many missed shots, you eventually decided that it would be best to reserve your ammo lest you risk depleting your aching heart. It was only a matter of time before you ended up hanging out with his best friend more and, like some sick twisted fate, found yourself falling victim to those wretched butterflies again. If you had any doubts about having a type before, you don't now. Unwavering resolve, irrefutable strength, and a powerful dedication to becoming a hero? It doesn't seem to get much more attractive than that. 
"I dunno, Mina. 'You sure I'm not too... masculine in energy? I know Kirishima admires manly things but..."
Sighing, she just rolls her eyes and pushes you into him before darting off, giggling like a troublesome child. Cheeky bitch. You love the girl and understand that she's trying to help but her methods aren't always appreciated. Before you fall, Kirishima catches you and that jump of your stomach evolves into a stuttered sprinting when you gaze up at him shyly. Part of you wishes you had landed on the ground just to be saved from this embarrassment. Being met with the cold floor has never sounded more inviting. It's hard to tell in the lighting but it looks as though his cheeks are reddening as he's holding you. Dear God, you've made a fool of yourself, haven’t you? Scratch that. There’s only one person to blame in this and she’s run free from the scene like a coward. 
Kirishima eases you back up onto your feet and smiles, albeit a little teasingly. "What happened there, twinkle-toes? 'You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry,” laughing bashfully, you dust yourself off. “I must've just tripped on something."
Your attention darts around to get a clue onto Mina so you can send her a silent scream of aggravation for what she just did. However, it would appear that she has disappeared among the sea of students and you instead catch a glimpse of Bakugo, who has had his attention on you for a while now. When your eyes meet, he's quick to turn away, the expression on his face unreadable. That's happened a handful of times recently and you can't figure out why. Admittedly, you don't spend as much time together as you used to but that doesn't mean you've entirely withdrawn yourself from him. He is still a friend. Even with the unrequited crush in mind, you would never blank him. The last few months have been a different story but hitting the books has been everyone's priority in the lead-up to finals. 
A soft nudge to your side pulls you out of your contemplation and you are greeted with another one of those heart-melting smiles. "Good thing I was here to catch you, huh?"
You resist the urge to look away and giggle, "I guess it was pretty lucky."
Lucky your ass. A certain pink rascal will be paying dearly for this later.
"I love the outfit, by the way."
Thoughts of revenge slip away like a sinking ship and you slowly gawk down at yourself. It’s a lovely apparel, even you won’t deny that, but it hardly feels worth complimenting when one considers the array of frilly fabrics flaunting around your person. The flattering remark is meant in earnest and you try to keep that in mind, especially with him. He always means what he says, anyone knows that. As stated before: insecurity is an undesirable companion that lingers at your side, practically sewn to your hip. If only you could cut the tie and be rid of it. All you want to do is enjoy your graduation. Is that too much to ask?
You harbour enough strength to look back up sheepishly. "Really?"
"Of course!” His eyes widen with a confused smile. He can’t believe you wouldn’t think the same. “It really suits you!"
"Thanks." You manage to push past your nerves at least a little and grin. "Wanted to make sure I could dance, you know? S'not easy to bust out the full calibre of my moves in a skirt and heels." Oh yeah. You opted for flat shoes just so you wouldn’t risk stumbling over yourself like some schmuck. 
The two of you share a fond laugh and he holds a hand to the back of his neck. An unspoken tension writhes between you both when his gaze drops to the floor. Confidence is a fickle thing, fleeting away as fast as it had been regained. Those nerves prickle against your shoulders once more and you fear you may have sullied your image with the poor attempt at a joke. Taking compliments isn't exactly a strength of yours, so you're quick to deflect with silly responses.
"Well, seeing as you mentioned it, do you... wanna dance? I mean, I'm not very good but..."
Maybe you didn't come across as lame as you had initially thought. Luckily, at his time of asking, a particularly catchy tune is playing; one with a beat you are sure you can get into if you really want to. Might as well. Already making your way to the appointed dance floor, you gesture for him to follow. 
"Come on, then."
It takes a while but eventually, the two of you are dancing with no shame. At one point, you even slip off your blazer and unceremoniously throw it into the crowd, earning many cheers and calls of excitement from your peers. Any doubts about the mildly flashy top beneath your jacket have quickly faded, getting lost in the wildness of your beaming soul along with the music. There's that crazy energy he's fallen in love with. Watching you light up with such conviction is a sight that he relishes any time he is lucky enough to witness it. Whether it’s on the battlefield, during training sessions, or you passionately speaking about something you love, he lives for it. Amidst his fawning, everything around him blurs and soon vanishes. All of his focus is on you and how you manage to effortlessly succumb to having a good time. He tries his best to keep up but he would much rather admire you. Were it possible, he’d watch you for hours on end. The shine of your smile, the gleaming sparkle your eyes hold, how your hair bops side to side with every movement - the guy is unequivocally transfixed and hypnotised by the allure of your enjoyment.
Gradually, the fast pace siezes with a slow song and, unable to look at Kirishima, your eyes wander. Oh, this fucking girl. You can see Mina standing by the speaker, holding her thumbs up at you with a grin that would be contagious were you not writhing in loathing. She must think she's the hottest wing-woman on the block with these unwelcomed antics. Perhaps it’s high time you surrender to her shenanigans and let bygones be bygones. Besides, you can hardly pay much attention to her with your current circumstances. It’s time to face your fears and face the man beside you. When you turn to meet him, equally wondering how he feels about the situation, his hand is already outstretched towards you. As curious as you are, you won’t question how long he’s been waiting for you. Best not to test his patience either. It’s time to get your head in the game. Don’t mess this up.
No pressure. 
With a steadying breath, you oblige and take the offer, fingers gently landing in his palm. His clasp shut around yours and he takes a step forward. Given how resolute his bravery typically is, this moment would be considered comedic were you not just as terrified yourself. Now is the perfect opportunity for Mina to run in and push the two of you into each other. Thankfully, such a dreaded imagining of events doesn’t appear to come to fruition. Although, it’s as if she’s working some strange voodoo magic because you step closer and place a hand on his shoulder. This sudden daring threatens to recoil in fear of coming across brash but Kirishima’s hand on your hip stops that from happening. Those bright, red eyes shimmer with a determination you’ve only ever seen during your sparring sessions. The two of you share a shy smile before you allow yourself to rest your head on his chest. Content, you hum into the fabric of his tux, only hoping that the music is loud enough to drown it out.
Whilst swaying gently side to side in each other’s embrace, your pupils flick around, gazing over the beautiful twirls of elegant cloth that surround you. They’re gorgeous. Every one of them might as well be a princess suspended in iridescent clouding whilst you weep into the muddy ground like a peasant. With how glorious this longed-for moment is, you scold yourself for getting distracted by the heavy tug in your chest. Pulling away only slightly, your shoulders slump against the crux of your fragility. 
Kirishima is unfortunately very good at picking up on these things. "Something on your mind?"
"Huh? Oh. Yeah… it’s just..." You contemplate throwing out some last-ditch excuse but decide against it and sigh. "It's gonna sound stupid but it just feels like this moment would look better if I was wearing a beautiful dress like all the other girls," laughing sadly, your gaze drops to your feet. "It'd probably be nicer for you, too."
A gentle pressure hugs your cheek and the warm hand guides your attention back to him. Eyes wide with worry, his brows turn up and his face is brought forward, foreheads almost touching. These actions alone draw out whatever breath you have left in your lungs and, with that soft stare of his, you forget how to breathe completely.
"You crazy or somethin'? I don't care about any of that. Sure, I bet you'd look amazing in a dress but this is you. It's about what you're comfortable in and I love that you can do that." The concern in his expression subsides, being replaced with a sheepish grin. "Besides, I reckon you're the most beautiful girl in this room."
The evidence is undeniable and, yet, your mind makes haste in excusing it for his kind nature. He’s likely just saying all of this to calm your anxiety. That isn’t Kirishima’s style but why else would he feed you such lovely words like this? Nagging, your inner voice piles lie upon lie to keep you from believing what’s right in front of you. You shake your head and prep your own voice for defiance but nothing comes out. By now, his forehead is pressed firm into yours and you pray that he can’t feel the flush of your suddenly fevered skin.
“Please, believe me,” he whispers and it’s as if the music aids his words, uplifting like a crescendo despite how quiet they are. “You’re stunning. Even if you don’t think it, I… I always have. I do.” His mouth clamps shut for a moment whilst he collects himself, negotiating his options, and then he speaks again, “You really are beautiful and I don’t know how else to say…”
He trails off with the piano’s cadence and this entire time you are starstruck. The raw emotion is palpable even in its softness. Kirishima edges ever closer to you, that shimmering grit blazing his crimson eyes like before. He’s usually strong with his words, having bellowed many motivational speeches for the benefit of his comrades but, at his core, he is a man of action. Hesitant breaths exchange with one another, blowing into one betwixt the little space between your lips. Your temptation to feel them pressed on yours urges you forward and is the clear sign that coerces him into making the jump. Violins sing, percussions crash, and then all fades into a multi-colour visage as you melt into each other. 
He took it. 
He took his chance and is soaring on cloud nine. 
In reality, the dream was much, much shorter but I just couldn't stop writing once I started. So many ideas kept coming to me. Speaking of...
Bakugo's eyes have been on you and his friend like a hawk for quite some time now. He's taken note of the awkward glances, your touch on Kirishma's shoulder when he makes you laugh, the way he smiles bashfully at you. This is hardly anything new. The two of you have been like this for the last couple of months now and it's almost enough to make him sick. Hell, you're even slow dancing with one another. 
"They're like a couple of love-sick puppies," he huffs to himself and leans back against the wall. "It's obvious they like each other. Just say something already."
"That's a little rich coming from you."
Of all the people to come and bug him, why did it have to be that dunceface? He's become more tolerable over the years but there's still a pinch of irritation whenever he has something dimwitted to say. The smug demeanour of Kaminari is almost enough to coax out a bark but, instead, there's a short moment of silence. 
Bakugo's glare narrows more so than before. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Come on! You mean to tell me you didn't know?" When that blazing scowl deepens, he continues, "Dude! (Y/n) had the biggest crush on you for, like, the first two years of U.A. I'm surprised our ever-observant Kacchan didn't pick up on it."
Kaminari is quick to make an escape when a threatening hand rises towards him. What does that sorry excuse for a spark plug know? He falls for any woman stupid enough to say hello to him. Bakugo's clenched fist slowly drops to his side and he goes back to watching you and the redhead. There's no way you had a crush on him. He would have noticed.
He would have acted on it. 
The majority of Class 1-A are good at picking up on when a fellow classmate is bewitched and hopelessly smitten: Midoriya and Uraraka are prime examples. It took those two idiots way too long to finally nip it in the bud and admit their feelings for one another. On the other hand, figuring out if Bakugo has ever become prey to such romantic infatuations remains a mystery to his peers. Eventually, everyone came to the assumption that he was too targeted on his goal of becoming the greatest hero to get distracted by such things. 
That couldn't be further from the truth. 
It started as a high level of respect, shifted into trust, maybe even adoration for a while, and then a strange sensation of euphoria when he'd see you. The whole "realising crush" period didn't hit him until you spent less time together. It dawned on him that he missed your company. How does that mushy saying go? Distance makes the heart grow fonder? Ah, whatever. Bad feelings weren't harboured. He had just put it down to you wanting to knuckle down for the third and final year of school. Then, about halfway through the year, you got closer to his friend. Kirishima has had it bad for you for a while now and it looked as though you'd fallen hard for him as well. A sharp disdain manifested when this turn of events materialised. Had you acted towards Bakugo the way you have been with Kirishima these last two months, he would have made no hesitation in asking you out. 
He's about to put it out of his mind, deciding it's not worth the trouble at this point, but those cogs start turning against his will. You did always put in the effort to make sure he was included, more than anyone else. Not to mention, your fingers used to fiddle with your hair a lot whenever you two hung out. Then there's taking into account the times he caught you and Mina whispering amongst each other, your face growing red when you'd catch his eye. A tightness burdens his chest as the memories start flooding. All of those little instances: the way you'd glance at him in moments of silence, how you'd always ask to be his study partner, the way your voice rose in pitch when he'd enter the room - it all comes crashing down on him like an ocean wave laced with shards of glass. How did he not see this sooner? Was he so insecure about his feelings not being reciprocated that he just subconsciously ignored you? At the very moment of realisation, his eyes re-focus, land on your figure once more and... you and Kirishima are kissing - a beautiful tragedy that burns a hole in his heart. Any opportunity he had of asking you out is long gone and out the window now. 
He lost it.
He lost his chance and is seething in a fiery inferno.
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hotheadedheroprimary · 9 months
The X-Reader Master List
(Which is a little underwhelming currently but I'm a very slow writer)
WSA (When Stars Align) Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 (TBD)
Emotion Chapter 1 (TBD)
Feels Pretty Good (TBD)
Graduation Celebration
Legends Never Die (TBD)
Met Your Match? (TBD)
Imagines, Headcanons and Dumb Stuff
Diamonds (Kirishima)
Dance and Jive (Kiribaku)
Electric Shock (Kaminari)
HxH Leorio
My Diagnosis, My Prescription
Violet (TBD)
Not only do I hope that this makes things easier to navigate but I like to include some little teasers for what there is to expect as well ;)
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hotheadedheroprimary · 9 months
Just brainstorming a little because I have writer's block. Anyway, @angelshimaa you are my Krishima content tester. Do you like it? Would you add smth?
Knight! Kirishima who became a knight because he used to hear stories as a child about these men and their bravado; he grew up wishing to be as manly and heroic as them, following the example of his favorite knight "Crimson Riot". His closest friend, a maiden from the kingdom called Mina, had encouraged him to follow his dream, and so he ended up serving the king.
Knight! Kirishima who liked to train until late, and was too focused on his sword practice to notice your curious eyes watching from afar. You were a maiden from the castle, serving the royalty was your job, but whenever you saw Kirishima swinging his heavy weapon, you wished your simple boring life cleaning bedrooms and tending petty errands could change.
Knight! Kirishima who has to endure long nights guarding the castle's gates no matter the weather. He would stand there facing the unbending nature of the environment: wind, coldness, storm! And you? You couldn't help but admire him, sneaking out of your humble chambers to leave a basket of bread, meat, and milk for him to eat while he was on duty. Kirishima could never see your face due to the lack of light the night would bring, but the sound of your voice was enough to keep him awake during the rare moments he could rest.
Knight! Kirishima whose heavy armor clinks and clanks when he enters the castle's kitchen in search for the maiden that has been taking care of him every night for months now. His rough but kind face makes all the women and men in the room weak on their knees, but none of them was the person he was looking. They didn't have your voice at all!
Knight! Kirishima who, even after years of training and facing fearsome battles and enemies, is scared that he might not find you around the castle. Specially after your little nightly deliveries stopped arriving. He wonders if you were caught and reprimanded for giving him extra food, or worse, what if you were seeing a knight that wasn't him!
Knight! Kirishima who feels excited after he hears your voice during one of his patrols around the kingdom's market. His ruby eyes dart in every direction until he finally finds you talking with no other than his best friend, Mina. He buys some flowers from a little boy and rushes by your side, startling you. Mina looks at him and then to you, and with a knowing smile excuses herself and leaves.
Knight! Kirishima who makes your cheeks warm when he let's you hold his helmet during his breaks and even teaches you a thing or two about sword fighting! He even buys you fancy clothing to attend to ball dances with you, or at least, pretend to attend since only royalty was allowed inside.
Knight! Kirishima that wants a lucky kiss before he heads on a mission, because that way he knows your heart is waiting for him. He is so enamored that, he makes you promise that if he comes back victorius, he could have your hand in marriage.
Knight! Kirishima that asks the King to bless his union with you, and is allowed to do so in the castle's garden with his peers. He can't hold back the tears when he sees your modest white dress and your pretty face behind that thin veil. He does feel like he is in a fairy tale.
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hotheadedheroprimary · 10 months
Bakugo: I was pretty sure you'd sleep in and forget to meet me this morning Kirishima: 'Wouldn't have forgotten if I was sleeping with you Bakugo: But look at this- Bakugo: Jesus... Bakugo: Hey, look at this... *loses his train of thought in gay panic*
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hotheadedheroprimary · 10 months
Bakugo: I like your new outfit Kirishima: Thanks! It was 50% off Bakugo: *Cups Kirishima's cheek* I'd like it better 100% off Kirishima: The store can't just give away clothes for free Bakugo: That's not what I meant- Kirishima: *Laughs* That's a terrible way to run a business
Original post!
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hotheadedheroprimary · 10 months
Bakugo: Kirishima! It's too damn cold outside! Put a shirt on! (Y/n): Why are you trying to ruin the view?
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hotheadedheroprimary · 10 months
(Y/n): Alright, everyone, it's officially the festive month!! You know what that means~ Kaminari: Presents! Kirishima: Food! Ashido: Christmas music! Sero: Seeing family! Bakugo: Cold. (Y/n): Glad to see our resident Scrooge is playing his part.
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hotheadedheroprimary · 11 months
I’m so jealous of your recent dreams (even if one of them was super angsty)! I want my nights be full of KiriBaku too!
Loved your recent posts! And I chuckled when you mentioned you thought of Heartbreak when Kiri goes in for the hug. I love CB, I love that song. I can see how the chorus might fit the scene, but it’s kinda funny when you think about the rest of the lyrics. Completely the opposite of a sweet reunion!
Anyway, hope you have many more happy BNHA dreams ahead!
Thank you! I'm so glad you've been enjoying it as much as I have. Honestly, it almost feels like I'm cheating with these dreams and using them for my writing but who am I to complain?
Thinking about the rest of the song and its... content certainly had me in fits, I completely understand the humour aha! The brain works in mysterious ways. (CB is amazing, it's always nice to hear of a fellow fan.)
Funny you should hope for some more of these dreams because I actually had another one last night - just in the process of writing it ;)
I shan't divulge too much but I will say that this one is a little more Kirishima-focused~
Until it is fully written, I wish you well dreams and hope for you to get as lucky as myself!
0 notes
hotheadedheroprimary · 11 months
Apparently my mind is deciding to bless me with more BNHA related dreams
(Written in x reader because I found this cute and want to turn all of you suckers to mush as well :3)
For some reason, you are tasked with a cooking challenge. One in which you must split off into small groups. To no surprise, you group up with Bakugo and Kirishima. This is the dream team, especially seeing as the firecracker of the group is crazy good in the kitchen.
However, there is a catch to this challenge: you can only use a specific set of ingredients; potatoes, cheese, cream, and some other bits and pieces that have otherwise evaded your memory. As soon as those first three items were called out, you already had a plan.
What delightful delicacy can you concoct with such a limited variation of flavour?
Unsurprisingly, Bakugo takes the helm on this operation, already directing you and Kirishima in what you need to do before you've even reached the kitchen. Your favourite redhead tries his best to soak up all of the information like a sponge but, like a sponge, some of the directions seep out and get lost to him. Unless there's a joint of beef or a pork belly involved, he's just a touch out of his depth. The "appointed leader" picks up on how uncharacteristically quiet you are and nudges you out of your daydream.
"Are you even listening?" he barks.
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you loud and clear."
He is otherwise displeased with the way you shrug him off, the teasing flick to his cheek does not help. Wagging the finger you had just poked him with, you brandish that annoyingly adorable grin of yours now that you have his and Kirishima's attention.
"There's only one thing we can make and, trust me, it's perfect." Like a magician unveiling a fantastical trick, you clap your hands together and hold them out. "Dauphinoise potatoes!"
Silence follows. Bakugo narrows his eyes at you whilst Kirishima seems gloriously intrigued by this idea.
With no questions from either party, you continue. "It's a French side dish, comprising of potato, cream, cheese, and freshly ground black pepper."
Kirishima hangs on to your every word as you describe the process of making this alien dish, eyes wide with wonder. On the other hand, Bakugo's mouth scrunches up at how ridiculously easy it sounds to put together. His soundless scowling remains and he looks away whilst listening to your jabbering. The words roll off your tongue so effortlessly. Neither of them knew you had such a passion for cuisine outside of their culture.
The blonde slowly finds himself glancing over at you once more and his expression softens, a ghost of a smile threatening to tug at his lips. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't such a terrible idea.
As if he'd ever say that, though.
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hotheadedheroprimary · 11 months
I had the craziest angst dream last night
It was based on an RP my bestie and I had been working on but, man, my brain knows how to toy with my feelings. Words cannot express how I felt after having this dream, my heart was racing. (Will do this in the form of x reader coz damn)
That day was a tragedy, a devastation to yourself and everyone who knew you. No one could have foreseen such a thing and, yet, a heavy blame was taken upon the two men who had cared for you most. You were all fresh into beginning your careers as heroes, barely a year out of graduation, and it didn't last long for you. Somehow, a group of especially dangerous villains had managed to get the jump on you. They beat you to a pulp and took you into capture, falling out of the radar and becoming completely invisible to anyone who may have had a chance to save you.
You were held in captivity for almost two years. Two years. They tormented and verbally degraded you to no end. To say it was torture was an understatement. You may as well have been crucified and left to hang amongst the vultures awaiting the sweet, bitter end to life. Unfortunately, these monsters were not merciful creatures. At first, they attempted to coax information out of you, seeing if they could unlock all of the inner workings of the pro heroes and utilise this for their nefarious deeds. When it became clear that you weren't so easily broken, they decided that you would make a decent venting dolly. You sought to escape once.
"That was a big mistake... hero."
Due to your weakened state, they quite easily recaptured you and they were not happy. They could have just killed you. Part of you wishes they did. No. Instead, they opted for a more fitting punishment: they took away your quirk. More ridicule and abuse is all that followed, is all you had to keep your wavering sanity occupied.
You felt close to your end.
An eventual rescue tore you away from your imprisonment but at what cost? You couldn't even discern the reality from a nightmare at that point. Your saviours, some heroes on the other side of the country, made sure that you were immediately admitted to a hospital. The physical wounds were in need of major attention but the mental scars ran so much deeper.
It probably would have been easy enough to call all of your friends, to ask for help from a familiar face, but a chain would heavy your hand any time you'd reach for the phone. You couldn't even bring yourself to call your two favourite boys.
With months of gruelling therapy out of the way, you now have a home - a new home - that you can call yours and a typical civilian job to keep the money coming in. You may be somewhat established back into society but you are merely a shell of what once was, a sauntering after image of the person you used to be. It had taken countless sessions just to counter your agoraphobia but a slithery vine is quick to entangle your spine any time you choose to leave your home. The darned thing clenches and digs its thorns in, threatening to jolt your head into a spasm but you always fight the urge.
That day wasn't much different. To begin with, at least.
After your usual mental prepping and throwing your cap on, you take the leap of faith from your doorstep and trudge along for your weekly grocery run. All in all, it seemed it was going to be fairly standard; weave in and out of people, make no eye contact, get the goods, and go home. It wasn't like it was late on your way back either but, with the winter season, that night was soon rolling in. You notice another set of footsteps trailing behind you, which certainly isn't helping. It could just be that pesky paranoia settling in but this person has been hot on your tail for a few minutes now. Still having some streets to go, you curse your blunder in not choosing a location more in-city. In an attempt to get home faster without displaying your fear, you ever so slightly pick up the pace. The individual appears to do the same and you are ready to run. The muscles in your calves tighten in anticipation of a quick escape.
That's when it happened: a chance encounter that reduced you to tears.
"Hey!" an all-too-familiar voice beckons from behind you.
Anxiety prickles your skin for different reasons than before. There's no way it's him. Surely not.
Oh, but it is.
The great hero Dynamight had been making his rounds in the city, keeping an astute eye out for anything amiss but also for you. It may seem outlandish for him to still be looking for you after almost three years but this is Bakugo. He's not one to give up. That's probably why he's grown more calloused in this time. He hasn’t been able to heal. To move on. The night still haunts him though he never lets that show. His cold heart had grown even heavier and colder since that day. He barely says a word - more so than usual. The man eats at himself over the whole situation. What could he have done differently? Is there actually anything he could have actually done? If he can’t even save a comrade, a person he cares so deeply about, is he even worthy of the title of hero? Perhaps that is another driving force to keep searching for you. It may seem crazy but at least he hasn't lost his hope. Not like they did. How could they all just assume you dead like that? How could they give up on a friend? A fellow pro hero? Not him. Not ever and nor Kirishima. That redhead, as much of an idiot as he may be, is the only one who stuck by Bakugo's headstrong tenacity over the years. He shakes the thoughts from his head for about the umpteenth time just that day alone.
It seemed as though it would be another afternoon of quiet. One might say that's a nice change of pace but some individuals like to be kept busy. Bakugo stopped for one of his annoying fans when he caught a flash from the corner of his eye. It almost looked like... no. It couldn't be. Wait... is it? His gaze has never once failed him before. The calls of the young boy were lost to him, his feet moved without his consent. He'd recognise that stupid hat anywhere. It wasn't even a matter of questioning the legitimacy before he was practically tailgating the unsuspecting individual. It didn't take long until it was just the two of them walking along the darkening street. His heart hasn’t beat this hard since that terrible day. He shakes his head, almost grows angry. What if it is you? What will he do? A deep breath. Just keep focusing on the task at hand - one that seems to be slipping from him the longer this cat-and-mouse chase drags out. His tracks aren't exactly subtle given how the freshly falling snow crunches and groans beneath his weight. The speed picks up and he knows he has to say something before his "prey" runs off. He has opened and closed his mouth several times to speak up to her but he backs out every time. Goddamnit Bakugo just say something. He growls to himself and closes his eyes. His fists clench beneath his gauntlets. He can’t believe he is about to do this. He must be crazy.
Finally, somehow managing to find his own voice, he calls out. "Hey!"
He didn't know what else to say. He didn't want to call out that name in case his assumption was wrong. The figure stops and slowly turns around to face him. Bakugo stares a moment longer before slowly walking over to get a closer look. His heart punches against his ribcage when he's no more than a meter in front of that familiar face. There have been some changes, of course, but he would recognise those eyes anywhere - your eyes. He looks back and forth between them before letting out a deep sigh and shaking his head. He closes his eyes and rests a hand on her shoulder, an action that is hesitant but proves the reality of your existence at this moment. All he can do is keep his eyes closed as everything tries to catch up to him. Eventually, he takes in a deep sigh and slowly looks up at you. His expression holds a mixture of sad and relived and some exhaustion like he just got done with a war.
"How long, (Y/n)?"
At first, you haven't a clue what he's talking about until it hits you like a steel pipe to the cheek. You had gotten so caught up in the situation, Katsuki Bakugo slowly trailing towards you with an unease you had never witnessed in him before. Not like this. A million and one thoughts spurry around your head but, at the same time, you are also completely blank. Crimson eyes pierce right into your soul, attempting to coerce your tongue for the words but still nothing. You can't help the nausea in your stomach when it dawns on you just how mad he may get. You already envision the blade of his teeth slicing through you.
"They... I was discharged from a hospital in Hachinohe almost... almost four months ago."
It all comes down on him like a sack of bricks. Understandably, he is pissed - unequivocally burning in damnation of the truth that you are alive and have been roaming the streets for so many months and against his knowledge no less. It doesn't matter if he had been in the middle of a battle; he would have been there for you in a heartbeat. Growing more painful, he rubs at the migraine pounding against his temples. He wipes his forehead as if making up for the fact that there are no tears to dry. He doesn't know how to cry right now. The pressure and strain amidst his palms shake his nerves to no end.
"And you didn't call?!" he screams over his crackling throat. "I would have come for you! We would have come for you!"
How could you call? You were so sure that everyone was better off without you, that you weren't needed in their lives. By the time you had been freed, everyone had become more well-established heroes in society. They don't need you. They moved on. That's how you thought of it, at least. Your attempted explanation of this only angers him further but he breathes past the frustration when he realises how worked up you're getting. What happened to you for you to think such awful things?
"I'm not sure where you got this narrative of not being needed," he sighs and looks away. "Do you have any idea what it has been like without you, dumbass?"
The old nickname slips off his tongue so naturally. He'd always call everyone an idiot, stupid, nerd ironically enough, but dumbass? That was reserved for you and for you only, so for it to be said - to be heard - after two years breaks you.
It had been quite a sight, watching you crumble down to the snow-covered floor. He had knelt down, waiting for you to calm down enough to form coherent sentences again. As cohesive as you could against the waves of rainfall spilling from your face, anyway. When things had eventually calmed, he took you back to your apartment and gave you the chance to speak. You managed to tell him little about what you had been through. Each sentence dwindled beneath the weighing sickness that bubbled in your throat any time you tried to get into detail. One thing really stood out to Bakugo, however. He envisioned the mass murder of those bastards for having done this to you, for rendering you quirkless and making you believe such self-deprecating lies.
That was two days ago. Bakugo insisted on you staying around his just to keep an eye on you. You know better than to refuse his help and it's for his own piece of mind as well as yours. He even took the liberty of calling off work for the rest of the week just to make sure you're okay. He never does that, which is probably why a certain redhead is standing at his door, wide-eyed, gawking at you. Once he had caught wind of Bakugo's absence at the agency, he raced over to make sure everything was okay. He could have never anticipated seeing you. The two of you stare at one another, unable to say anything. You take a stand and open your mouth to say something, anything, but the wind is pushed from your lungs when Kirishima gulps you up into his arms. He cries. God, this man cries and sobs with no yield as he just holds you. Restraints don't appear to exist anymore and you spill again, clutching onto him with unceremonious content. He doesn't ask any questions and just weeps into your shoulder, fearing the worst if he were to let go.
Everyone else had assumed you were dead. Why wouldn't they? After two, almost three, years, why would you believe a person to still be alive? Not them. They kept looking, searching, and scouring every last mineral in this damn country to try and find you. Now they have you back in their lives? They swear by All-Might that you will be waited on, pampered, loved, and cared for until they see the remnants of your old self again. It will take time but they waited this long for you, right?
No time in the world is more worth it.
It's probably worth mentioning that I could very clearly hear the chorus to Childish Gambino's song 'Heartbeat' when Kirishima went in for the hug and now it's stuck in my head.
I should also probably work more on WSA but I think I need to do a few one-shots just to get me back in the groove. I hope you enjoyed and sorry if it feels a bit rushed in some areas :')
Did I proof read it? Unfortunately not.
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hotheadedheroprimary · 11 months
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Kiri: What are you talking about?! Of course, you guys deserve me!! Don't downplay yourselves like that, okay?
I was meant to post this yesterday but stuff happens.
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Midoriya's Meeting of Himselfs
Midoriya: *sat in the lounge, hands to his mouth as his elbows rest on his knees* Todoroki: *walks in* Todoroki: Midoriya? Are you alri- Midoriya: Sorry, do you mind? We're in a conference. Todoroki: ... *the room is empty*
This is based on a super dumb skit I did about talking to my multiple personalities and it made me think, I wonder if this is what it's like for Midoriya talking to the past users.
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Am currently obsessed with the idea that you and Kirishima are equally as guilty for hyping Bakugo up for anything and everything because why wouldn't you?
Going in to take down a villain? Hype him up.
Making a speech for the pro-hero leagues? Hype him up!
Signing autographs for adoring fans? Hype that man up!
Cooking the two of you an amazing dinner as always? Hype him up as frickin always!!
Doing a gym workout? You best believe that's as good a time as any to hype him the fuck up!!!
(Y/n): Yeah!! You show those dumbbells who's boss!! Kirishima: Don't forget your leg workout!! Bakugo: You idiots! Go focus on your own regime!!
In truth, you know that he loves it when the two of you bump up his ego like so.
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Texting Todoroki
(Y/n): I just wanted to thank you again for helping me study today. Todoroki: I'm glad you found it beneficial. It's also worth mentioning that you left your hair tie here. (Y/n): Heh, that just means I have a reason to come back ;) Todoroki: You wish to come and get it now? It's a little late don't you think?
(Y/n): Not right now, silly. Todoroki: Sorry, I misunderstood. Todoroki: Would you like me to "accidentally" forget to bring it to school tomorrow? (Y/n): *laughing because bless this guy for trying to flirt* Sure, whatever you want. Todoroki: *feeling rather proud of himself.*
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I've seen a couple of those memes about characters and pride month with the whole thing of "priDEMONth" and "pridEMOnth"
This fed into a dumb, super dumb, idea
Dear users, I present to you:
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did I do it right?
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When Stars Align
(A Kiribaku x F!Reader fic)
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
(Chapter 2) First Day Jitters
The day is finally here. You have quite literally been counting down the days awaiting this moment. Sleep wasn't exactly a commodity the previous night but that fatigue is hardly on your mind. The best hero school in all of Japan, possibly the world, is standing in front of you in all of its magnificent glory. Nature must be mirroring you because you swear the sun just got a little bit brighter. This is such a tremendous occasion, a three-year-long dream finally coming to fruition, so why can't you move? Your feet have opted to remain firmly in place, settling into the concrete beneath you as though freshly poured and drying around your shoes. The longer you stare at the gates, the deeper you sink.
"Hey," a grainy, yet soft and excitable, call bellows from behind you. "Congrats on making it in!"
Lifting away from the invisible chain and ball, you turn on your heel to greet the familiar voice. Despite recognising the voice, the face of this teenager is one that you are presumedly unacquainted with. His bright, red hair is the first notable feature, almost perfectly matching his eyes. He must use a lot of products to keep his hair in place like that. Your whole face crumples into a scrunch as you try to figure out who it is you're looking at. Names are something you have never been good with but you never usually forget a face, especially one that seems to beam like the sun itself. With a note made of your confusion, he takes a step closer and smiles sheepishly.
"Sorry, I forgot about the whole 'blindness' situation," he admits whilst extending a hand out to you. "I'm the guy from the practical exam."
Of course, that's where you know that voice from! Although, from what little you were able to see, you could have sworn his hair was black. Never the matter. It actually looks really cool, reminiscent of a certain Red Riot what with the way it's been styled. So, this is the student that oh-so-selflessly stuck by your side during your starry-eyed endeavour. It doesn't appear to you as much of a shock, he has that kindness behind his eyes: the kind of sweet nature one finds supporting a puppy's grin. If it weren't for this, you would be a sweltering, blabbered mess. Despite the red-head also passing the exam, you can't rid of the stone in your stomach, as much as it may have eroded by now. He doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge or harbour any mallice but that isn't entirely the point. You were still reckless and someone could have gotten hurt by your hand. Speaking of hands, you should really shake his. You do just that and wave the other dismissively.
"Hey, s'all good! Glad I have a face to put to the voice now," you laugh in the hopes of easing some tension; there isn't any, it's purely your own anxieties you're attempting to whither. "Just need the name now."
He bares a bright grin as your hands clasp together. "Eijiro Kirishima."
"(Y/n) (L/n)."
Greetings set aside, your fingers return to the sanctuary of your rucksack straps. That's one name down, only 18 more to go. With both parties eager to start, you make haste in beginning your journey to becoming a hero and that starts with walking to class. The occasional conversation regarding favourite heroes and such ensue before a burning question takes the spotlight.
"I hope this doesn't come across rude," Kirishima starts, almost hesitant to ask, "but where are you from?"
"Guessing the accent is noticeable, huh?"
"You could say that," he concurs, rubbing the back of his neck. "That and you kinda blurted something out during the exam that I couldn't understand."
Initially, you're stumped, struggling to pick your brain for the aforementioned occurrence. It takes a second to rake over the memory and that pit deepens upon remembering why it was that happened in the first place. Yet again, if his focus is on what you said at the time rather than the event itself then that must mean things are all good. Yeah! The only one mulling over this seems to be you. That thought alone is enough encouragement to shine over the deep, blue cascade sunken into your chest. No more guilt. Not until you engage in purposeful wrong-doings, anyway.
"Well, to answer your question, I'm from England," you finally disclose, reassuring his apparent rudeness as a mere interest with a grin.
"That's so cool! Okay, another question then: why move to Japan?"
"I first heard about U.A. when I was 12, I think, and it just seemed like the right fit." You shrug and readjust your bag against your back. "I knew what I wanted more than anything in that moment. I've always wanted to be a hero ever since I got my quirk and U.A. is said to be the best, so I thought aim high, y'know? It took a lot of work but my parents and I moved over here a couple years back and here we are. Luckily, my Paps was raised In Japan, so we had that working in our favour."
That's an attitude Kirishima can get behind. Such devotion is something to be admired. It goes without saying that he was already impressed with you back at the practical exam. The fact that you were persistent in continuing despite your lack of vision made an impact on him. You won't know it but he was over the moon when he found out that you'd be a classmate of his.
"Your parents sound amazing!" he beams, in turn making you smile. "Not only that but to move to the other side of the world to become a hero? That's aspirational!"
"Hey, dream big, right?"
The two of you share a chortle before you're diverted to your destination. Upon entering the classroom, the abundance of colourful personalities is immediately obvious. A fair few seats are still awaiting to be filled but you may as well get acquainted with the current rabble. Kirishima takes the first leap in making his presence known with exuberant confidence. He introduces himself to an already established group, seemingly familiar with a pink-haired girl based on how they are talking with one another. The corners of your lips turn up with the girl's volume, seemingly ecstatic about Kirishima's hair change. So, it was different from before. You had a hunch.
Peering around, you can't say there are any identifiable faces on your end. You've been living in Japan for a few years now, which is plenty of time to establish bonds, but your background is, unfortunately, the reason you never made any real close friends. It must have been a stroke of bad luck but most of the students in your middle school didn't look favourably towards foreigners. Some managed to dismount from their high horses in giving you a chance but there was still an air of awkward tension with every conversation and encounter. Thinking about it, you recall a few students mentioning that they would be trying out for U.A. You would never wish bad luck on anyone but there is certainly a wave of relief at the fact that no one from your old school is here. Does that make you a bad person?
You don't get a chance to answer your own question, having been disrupted by a ruckus between two students. One appears to be scolding the other for resting his feet upon his desk, spouting something about being disrespectful to past generations of school attendees, you think. You didn't start listening to the dispute until halfway through the lecture, so you're a little confused. Part of you wishes you hadn't tuned in.
"Like I care," the blonde declares smugly, turning an eye up at the other. "What school are you from, you extra?"
Extra? Who does this guy think he is? This sounds like a classic case of main character syndrome if ever you've seen it. You try your best not to judge so quickly but this guy has a sinister energy to him that is hard to ignore. It isn't unheard of for heroes to don a more intimidating approach - Endeavour and King Orca come to mind - but this student seems like he's in a different league. The longer you stare at him, the more you feel like you've seen him somewhere before. Did he attend your middle school? Nah. With an attitude as rotten as his, you'd recognise him immediately. Was he in the same testing location as you for the practical exam? Not likely. You can't think of a quirk to associate with him and you always remember a person's quirk. Perhaps he's a member of your weekend roller disco. Doubtful. Something tells you that isn't his thing. On the news? Yes! That's it! He was the kid that got attacked by that sludge monster last year. A pride settles into your belly with your deduction.
"Hey! What are you looking at?"
Nevermind. Like a deflated balloon left out in the snow, that warmth in your stomach shrivels up. Eyes of crimson stare you down with an eclipsed annoyance and your spine stiffens. If it hadn't been for the fact that he's a fellow classmate of a highly esteemed hero school, you'd think he was a villain. Making enemies on the first day is a no-go. Making any enemies at all in this school isn't on your agenda, actually.
"Sorry." In the hopes of reconciling, you stand up straight. "The commotion just caught my attention."
"You should mind your damn business, foreigner," he sneers.
Your body tenses in tandem with your newly clenched fists, unable to withhold the bitterness burning in the back of your throat. "If you weren't so loud, maybe I would."
A curly plume of green shakes vigorously in the corner of your eye and voiceless sirens blare from the freckled face sat below. This might be one of those situations in which you should have kept your mouth shut. You don't typically like to sharpen your tongue, especially on strangers, but the unsavoury name spat in your direction hit a nerve. Too many times have you had to endure such name-calling, and too many times have you let it run over you like scolding, hot water. A new school means a fresh start and the opportunity to quit being a pushover. It's just a shame that this first test of courage is in the face of assumingly the most aggressive student in the classroom. He takes a step up from his seat, palms crackling like embers to damp wood. A fire quirk of some description? They aren't entirely uncommon. Guess this guy is a firecracker figuratively and literally. That's good to know. Looking as though he's ready for a fight, you prepare to stand your ground - not exactly how you envisioned your first day of school going but you never back down. Never.
"If you're here to cause a disruption, then get out."
Everyone's attention is tugged away from you to the outside of the classroom where a sleeping bag lays. At first, it appears to be just that until you see a haggard face poking from the opening. That certainly isn't something you see every day. The overgrown caterpillar lifts up from the ground, unzipping and a man who looks as though he's seen better days emerges. You're sure there are worse-looking butterflies out there. Alongside his rough appearance, dark clothing hangs from his hunched, lanky body with a thin, white scarf wrapped around his shoulders like messy buttercream atop a cupcake. He saunters to the front of the classroom, now holding all of your watchful eyes. You're glad that the fire between yourself and 'hedgehog hair' has dispursed - though he still looks ready for battle - but you are just too focused on trying to figure out who this strange man is. He can't possibly be a teacher. The teachers here are all pro heroes and he doesn't look like one you've ever seen before.
"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down," he continues. "Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?" The question is rhetorical, of course, and he continues, "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you."
You are now truly realising that you need to stop making assumptions in this new school. Clearly, everything isn't what it seems. You're only glad that everyone else is as surprised as you are, the whole class practically screaming with shock upon this revelation. One query in particular stokes at your brain: If this man is your teacher then what is his pro-hero name? A puzzle that will have to remain unsolved for now as he quickly beckons you all to get changed into your gym uniform and re-assemble out onto the school grounds. A dubious request but you suppose you have no choice.
Once changed, everyone is quick to meet outside, each student being perceivably confused. There's something rather comforting about them all being in the same boat as you, otherwise, you'd assume yourself an idiot. The situation doesn't become any clearer when your teacher admits to this circumstance being a test of your quirks.
"What about the entrance ceremony?!" one girl raises hastily, ultimately expressing everyone's thoughts on the matter. "The guidance sessions?!"
"No time to waste on stuff like that if you want to become heroes," he retorts blandly. "U.A. is known for its 'freestyle' educational system. That applies to us teachers, as well."
He lists off a series of rudimentary fitness tests you all would have engaged in during your time in school. It takes a second but you have a hunch that you know where this is going.
"You did all of these in middle school, yes?" Once again, he doesn't wait for an answer. "Your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests. The country still insists on prohibiting quirks when calculating the average of those records. It's not rational. The Department of Education is just procrastinating."
If it isn't obvious enough what's happening by now, you feel sorry for any of the students who are still in the dark. Tempted by curiosity, you take a quick glance and want to take pity on some of the bewildered faces. Everything will be revealed in good time, you are sure.
Your teacher turns towards that blonde-haired punk from earlier and asks, "Bakugo, how far could you throw in middle school?"
"Sixty-seven meters."
"Great. Now try it with your quirk." Aizawa throws a ball over to the student. "Do whatever you need to do. Just don't leave the circle."
Bakugo - a name that you shan't soon forget given what's about to happen. Why bother even feigning shock at this point? This is the best hero school in Japan, after all, and that only means that it's going to house the best students.
"Give it all you've got."
Bakugo grins darkly with the baseball in hand and takes a stand within the appointed circle. "Awesome."
I had the intention of getting this out a lot sooner but procrastination and writer's block are quite the combo. Not to mention, I had written so much that this ended up being split into two chapters. One might think that means you won't have to wait as long for Chapter three but this is me we're talking about :') @sky-angel101
Also, also, if anyone wants to be part of this tag list, lemme know!
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