ineed-internet-therapy · 10 months
My birthday reminds me of my mother.
I'd like to know
how the winter air feels
as it burns her lips,
if it makes her think of me,
if she remembers
the color of my eyes.
I imagine the cold summons
her habitually unattainable memory of I
; a seasonal salting of an incorrigible wound.
In cold moon lit rooms
through blood shot eyes
I can see her face in my reflection,
if I look hard enough.
Sometimes if I squint,
just so
I think maybe she can see me too
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ineed-internet-therapy · 11 months
I feel so disconnected from everyone and everything. How am I supposed to be happy in a place I so clearly don't belong
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I called the suicide hotline
Its a bot.
The online chat for the national suicide hotline is a bot.
If this is the help
there is no help.
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I'm sorry.
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Pov you want help - you are afraid of help.
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I have not self harmed since my 21st birthday, in 2018
But I have been surviving off of only coffee and pop corner sea salt chips for the last 3 months.
I have not self harmed since my 21st birthday
But I stopped reaching out to friends and family and blocked everyone who tried reaching out to me
I have not self harmed
But my shower water is scalding hot and I sit and wait to see how long I can withstand the burning because I can FEEL that.
I have not harmed
But I didn't eat yesterday, and I don't think I need to eat today
Because I don't think
I deserve anything
I have
Because one of my scars
Should have been the end
A long time ago
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If I'm still doing it
At 25
In the home I own.
Maybe it was never really
Just for
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I can't call her anymore
I put my son first,
which meant to her
that I put her behind -
I put my son first
because he needs me
more than
she ever did.
I put my son first
because when
she put him in harms way
I chose his safety
over our friendship,
and I don't feel bad
because I would do it again
any damn day.
I put my son first.
but my god, I miss her.
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I am not her mother.
We wipe their tears,
and answer the phone at 2am.
We brush mattes of out of hair,
and hold hands at dentist appointments.
She spews toxic waste from her mouth
filling their heads with insecurities
and doubt
that they can ever amount to more
than the shell of what she is.
On Mother's day I bought you flowers,
while your kids
bought some
for me.
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He didn't ask to be here
Was motherhood a selfish choice?
He never asked to be born,
born into this world
that is full of everything I hate.
Maybe he will find the joy,
find the good that is left here.
If there is any left to be found.
Maybe he is the joy,
maybe he is the good.
I believe he is better than I
better than his father
better than this society
in which he will be forced to conform.
I'm afraid of what this world will do to him
My job is to provide and protect,
but how do I protect him from the world
who wants to send him to a school
where the children are used as target practice
as the police stand back
and watch
and wait
and arrest
the mothers
running into the gun shots
to save
their child.
Because a mother's job is to protect
how do I protect him from society
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Shoutout to the adults out there that still struggle with self harm and get criticized because "that's a teenager thing" and you should "be past that once you get to this age"
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I still want to die
I still want to die,
but the want is no longer a call to action
but more an ominous predator
stalking its prey.
I still want to die,
but I can't stomach the idea of my baby
in his elementary class
having to tell his friends,
"My Mama killed herself"
I still want to die
but I can't let my baby know.
He can't grow if that weight is on his shoulders.
I still want to die,
but it's not pushing it off until next week
or next month
I no longer get to choose
It won't be by my hand anymore.
I let go
control of my time
I die everyday
I am killing the old me
every day
I become
and more
like someone I don't know
I just hope
she can love me
as much as I want to love her.
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I'm back
I abandoned this page at the start of the pandemic. When I started I was 23, newly wed and struggling. I was starving myself and my biggest fear was gaining weight. Now I can't help but to roll my eyes at that.
how trivial
how childish
almost laughable considering where we are now
it is as if we derailed from the life that was written for us.
But he is wonderful and kind his blue eyes make the entire world
But that wasn't the plan, there was no time to think about it, but the timing was just so perfectly that we didn't even have to
He couldn't wait.
6 weeks too early
he was 6 pounds
he had blonde hair and tiny IV tubes
10 fingers 10 toes and just a little bit yellow
I remember bringing him home just to bring him back
back to the hospital where he was just born,
just until we could go home for good
he was perfect,
When I got home I noticed
I don't know who that is in the mirror
I see myself in him but I don't see my self in me.
Who Am I ?
Is this body even mine anymore?
Am I even mine anymore. Wait ...
My days are spent blowing bubbles and having cuddles on the couch,
walks in the woods picking out cool rocks
I can name all the character from Cars
and memorized the Wiggles choreography.
I brought him to dine in castles and soar on dinosaurs.
We adventure, he and I.
I am pursuing his happiness,
because I can't find mine
in any place
but in his.
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I binged again
But I couldn't purge, because I was too drunk by the point I realized
My calorie intake skyrocketed past 2000
I got drunk
I got high
And I ate
I just went grocery shopping so there wasn't many unhealthy options but oh I found some.
I hate myself
I feel disgusting.
I let my body down.
I feel disgusting
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Had to make dinner for my husband and sister, was basically torture. I make mad good chicken but this is what I left over and estimated calories. I didnt get exact measurements. But fuck. I feel GROSS.
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I ate over 1000 calories on high binge last night. Super disappointed.
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🌿💙 Reblog for good luck 💙🌿
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