insightfulangel · 5 years
Reflections – Love and let go
Reflections – Love and let go
It’s been a challenging week or two. Seeing to ailing parents has meant trips to the hospital and so last week I decided I needed to exercise some self care and rest. Since then the week has thrown a number of challenges my way one in particular which has been the cause of some insightful learning for me and so, as is my way, I thought I’d share.
We, who operate in spiritual circles, know that…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
5 additional ways to practise self-care
5 additional ways to practise self-care
Last week I promised I’d follow up with and additional list of ways we can look to practise self-care as we enter into this new year as well as a new decade.
Embracing new challenges and not waiting until something goes wrong before you make a shift or try something new: Too often we suffer form imposter syndrome and feel we’ll somehow be exposed as a fraud or ‘not up to snuff. This is just…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
Self Care 2020
Happy New Year Everyone,
I know it may have bee a dinsappointment that I didn’t post last week, especially as it was the first Sunday of the New year and Decade, but I decided to walk the walk and execute some self care and as most of us do at this time of year some reflection.
I pottered around my home, meditated, concocted a delicious smoothie and immersed myself in a loooong bath,…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
'You are your ancestors wildest dreams' & 5 reasons to be grateful
‘You are your ancestors wildest dreams’ & 5 reasons to be grateful
I read a slogan on a T-shirt yesterday. It said:
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“I am my ancestors wildest dreams!”
It was a slogan that seemed to get itself pinned, literally ramming itself in to a crack in the crazy-paving of my mind. I couldn’t shake it; it stayed with me.
Why? and what would it mean if I allowed myself to truly imbibe the meaning of this phrase?
As I navigate my way through this journey we…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
What I love about being a black woman
What I love about being a black woman
Yesterday a man I am acquainted with sent me video. I have to say it was one I was somewhat surprised by as it was a vitriolic critique of the ‘Black Woman’.
The man who created the video, didn’t for one minute mince his words and proceeded to slate us for ‘bitchin,’ bringing up ‘thugs,’ being emotionally immature and demanding and for being the cause of the degeneration of the…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
Monkeys & Mules
Well, I had a peach of a day today!
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Luscious and tasty! – Definitely NOT the kind of day I had
I gotta type fast, as I’m exhausted. It’s 10pm in a blisteringly cold ‘Blighty’ and I’ve challenged myself to get this written and posted in half an hour (unlikely). So, you’ll be getting a rehashed picture and probably typo-city!
Those of you that know me well, know I’m an educator. I know…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
'Black sheep' and 'crabs,'
'Black Sheep' and 'Crabs,' the latest blog from insightful Angel, which examines the pernicious habit black people have of resenting one another. JEALOUSY too common only makes our communities more challengng places to live in.
Examining the ugly truth about Jealousy in the black family. no.1
I went out last night…Whilst I was ‘shacking out’ and truly loving myself and the feeling of freedom I get from dancing, a woman came past me, invading my personal space (like literally inches away!) and shoved her miserable face into mine; threatentingly. She then looked me up and down as if she’d stood in a dog turd and passed…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
Sick of the Hurt! - Sayeth the man
Sick of the Hurt! – Sayeth the man
Sick of the Hurt!
You may remember last week’s blog? The one in which I dared to tell the world that black women have feelings too! You know, the post which exposed the fact that we’re not made of stone (shocker!) And the limited narratives society (and indeed our own communities) offer us as a means to articulate our experiences are not about anger or a martyred single-dom, but are about…
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insightfulangel · 5 years
It's been a while, I swear. It was a shocker to realise that the ast blog I typed was two years ago. Well, I'm back and takinga slightly different direction. This week's "Potential" I'd be interested to know your thoughts. Blissings x
I have been told many times that I have ‘Potential.’
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The Stars… Potential
You can imagine how frustrating it is then to feel that I’ve never quite achieved that so often noted potential. Life seems so have been one, never-ending merry-go-round ride of resistance, under achievement and frustration.
Despite working consistently hard, diligently and at times as if I was the great god…
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insightfulangel · 7 years
Panning - Sifting Sand & Salt
Fed up of always having to 'sort through' the people and situations on your life?
Panning There are times in life when, despite not wanting to and despite having done this several times before we are forced to go ‘panning.’ What I mean by ‘panning’ is that we are forced to do some separating, some sifting of sand and salt to find the gold. When there is a need to go ‘panning ‘it’s because there’s some form of irritation in your life, something gritty, rubs incessantly; just…
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insightfulangel · 7 years
A lesson in Soul Vision and the surprising result
A lesson in Soul Vision and the surprising result
Happy Easter and a Happy Sunday all, I’ve coined the phrase ‘Soul Vision’ after an event which happened recently. All to often we get all bent out of shape, are insulted and upset by the actions or words of others, when if we simply looked ‘below’ the surface water and practised ‘soul vision,’ we might see the ‘truth’ to the clear waters below. It feels good being back here It’s been far too long…
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insightfulangel · 8 years
Everyday Spirit
Happy Sunday all
Well, hello all. It’s been some time hasn’t it since I posted an insight? I’ve been pretty challenged over the last two months or so, as well as extremely busy. In that time many of my thoughts have been on spirit and the nature of spirit’s guidance in my life at this time. I realise, not for the first time that Spirit, does what spirit is want to do, regardless of what WEthink…
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insightfulangel · 8 years
Musing: Love in all it's forms
Musing: Love in all it’s forms
Happy Monday all
Last week, I was musing on love all it’s forms and the following words spewed out.
It was a week when I was shown love in all it’s many wonderful and not so wonderful forms:
Sibling love, romantic love, parental love… the love of friends, children neighbours and pets. I saw it all. The expressions were sometimes beautiful, other times they were less so…
Sadly, I noticed too that…
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insightfulangel · 8 years
The Joy of Oven Cleaning
The Joy of Oven Cleaning
Happy Sunday All,
So there I was… my head in the cavernous, dark recess, whilst my knees chafed against the cold of the vinyl flooring. I was oven cleaning.
Oven cleaning is one of those jobs that we all detest.
As I jiggled and shuffled and ‘humphed’ and ‘hawed’ with tremendous effort, it occurred to me that oven cleaning could easily be used as and analogy for the emotional clearing that we all…
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insightfulangel · 8 years
I am an alien
Happy Friday All
The day the Earth stood still is a film about an alien who lands on earth. It that captivated me as a girl. For over 50 years it has been one of my favourites. When I was younger I didn’t really get why, but  now, I get it!:
The film’s message is one of love. Yes, L.O.V.E. Love. Unconditional acceptance and the freedom to be the way you were made to be.
The Plot: Basically An…
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insightfulangel · 8 years
The Shadow
Happy Sunday All
I discovered something about myself recently that I’m not sure I’m very proud of, But I felt the insight was worthy of sharing. I discovered the shadow in me. It peeked out of my bag and I, though fearful, allowed it out to play.
We all have one or two qualities that we know need some work, however to suddenly discover my shadow, let it out of my bag of ‘secrets’ and REALLY look…
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insightfulangel · 8 years
An Apology
Happy Sunday all, ‘Brexit’ or ‘Were you trippin?’
As a ‘Brit’ I exercised my Franchise on Friday, marked my little ‘X’ and made the choice that I felt was the best on for ALL the people who inhabit this Island Called the United Kingdom.
Yet, the result was one which left me reeling.
I have decided to add my opinion to the mix. It is not my intention to offend, upset or condemn anyone, we are…
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