intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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Very simply, very gently, with loads of light and love, wishing you and yours a very sweet Christmas. • If it’s merry, that’s wonderful. If it isn’t, there’s nothing “wrong” with that. • May it be that this Christmas day is exactly what is best for you and yours, however it looks, tastes, sounds, smells, feels… however it is. • Breathe it in, and release it. Allow it to stir you or quiet you. Write it into your present and enter it into your past, all at once. • Blessings be with you. Peace be with you. Light and love be with you. • Sweet Christmas. 💞🎄🕯🌟 • #christmas2018 #sweetchristmas #sacredday #holyday #bepresent #sacredways #thesoulways #intuitiveellen https://www.instagram.com/p/BrzEjGinPMe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7cqew13clm9i
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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#ClosingtheBookOn2018 for December 22 and 25 :: Cards from Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light deck 🔮🌟💞 • December 22: In what ways was I creative? Is there anything still needing creation before the new year? :: Card: Trust Your Path - If you knew you would be supported, what would you do? •• My primary creative focus centered (centers) around writing, be it blog posts, social media posts, energyscopes, stories, the occasional poem or lyric... This year, I started a new book that requires completion early in the new year. And I'm working on a gentle 7-day restoration to start the new year feeling awakened and open to receive 2019's blessings. (It's complimentary. More on this soon.) • December 25: The greatest gift of 2018 for me was... :: Card: You're Already Doing It - Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north. •• The greatest gift of 2018 for me has been the assurance and reassurance, over and over again, that I'm where I'm meant to be, doing what I'm here and meant to do. My ego is far too good at raising self-doubt, and so the support of my spirit team - guides, angels, ancestors, elementals, ascended masters - has been a much-needed and appreciated blessing. 💞🌟🔮 • #trustyourpath #onmypath #thegreatestgift #spiritguides #angels #ancestors #elementals #creativity #writing #Restore2019 #blessings #awakening #sacredwork #sacredsequestering #thesoulways #intuitiveellen #WorkYourLight https://www.instagram.com/p/BrxwQxaHvBb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lgef5k4lysu0
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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🌟🕯💞🔮 Wow… This is the last full week of 2018, love. Next week brings 2019 with all its changes and nuances and energetic potential. Oh, my. (Look for my 2019 energyscope on December 29.) • We entered Winter this past Friday here in the Northern hemisphere. We celebrated the Solstice – Yule – and honored the longest night of the year so that we might invite the light to return. The energy was rich, sumptuous, embracing. There was a sense of preparation and anticipation… Perhaps for what engages us this week. • Our card for this week is "The Age of Light: You’ve been training for this for lifetimes." from Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light oracle deck. Let’s discover what this final week of 2018 means for us. • Our message for this week: “As you reenter the light, there will be a renewal of light. This energy framework supports the engagement of the great remembering with its powerful association with all ways that promote light, healing, love, peace. This foretells of the light times transmuting the dark times, and reconfiguring the framework for the process of ascension.“ • Well, I’m certainly loving that message and its sweet promise. There’s a clear feeling of connection between it and what came through with the Winter energyscope. And while what’s been said here is certainly enough, I want something in the way of purpose for us for this week. That feels important. So, throwing it back to our guides… • “We wish you will allow yourself to draw closer to the light of all, dear one. We wish you will permit yourself to see your own light and its connection to the all, and wish you will harken to the wisdom of that light and allow it to infuse you with refreshment ahead of the portal of 2019.“ • I see an image of someone basking in light. There’s no obvious light source; nothing separate to create light. Instead, the light seems to be generated from everywhere; inside and outside the person. • This call to action would seem to be a call to easefulness and receiving. We're encouraged to open ourselves to be with our light and rest in the light of source, God, the universe - whatever we name it. • Can you do that? Will you? May it be. 🔮💞🕯🌟 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrxilTDnX_f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wo1r3gbyisle
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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Full Cold - or Long Nights - Moon, right ahead! At 12:50 pm Eastern U.S., her energy and illumination are at their peak, and yet, as the song goes, "we've only just begun" to experience her "magic and majesty." • "We see a tipping of the seasons and a tipping of the scales. Ask yourself, What is the sacred power for me? What makes me free from the injustice of the fear? Who am I when there is naught but love? Greet a moon that will answer you that all will be known." • So mote it be, lovelies! Happy full moon! 💞🌕🌟🔮 • #fullmoon #coldmoon #longnightsmoon #magic #majesty #sacredpower #poweroflove #sacredwork #thesoulways #intuitiveellen #channeledmessage https://www.instagram.com/p/Brsq2tCHaM5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=osifkdbu099h
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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🌟🕯💞🌙🔮 Energyscope for Winter 2018-2019 :: There’s something about this particular Solstice this year that has all my Spidey senses super engaged. I have a sense of raising myself up cautiously, like a periscope, and getting a 360-degree lay-of-the-land perspective from the “safety” of my immersion in protected space. • What is it that I’m looking for? What is it that I’m feeling? My hope is that this energyscope for the Winter of 2018-2019 will reveal those things… and perhaps more. Let’s dive in. • This was an interesting draw, since there wasn’t any shuffling involved. I was guided to flip the Work Your Light deck by Rebecca Campbell over, and then to take the bottom card for this energy reading. That’s different. • Our card for this season is Pleiades: Double mission: Channeling and uplifting humanity. Eyebrows up*, right along with the aforementioned Spidey senses. So… What will be helpful for us to know about the energy of Winter 2018-2019? • “The Winter months bring need to change wholeheartedly the ways of being as a human. We prepare for you the utmost information which will support this, and bring it to you as through the channeling of writing and speaking. We ask for you to be in harmony with the information, and to share your changes toward being a better Earth steward with all who may listen. “Understand, there is a great shift with the Winter which will entertain the notion of what it means to be a divine human. The divine human is the enrobed soul; the soul which is encased in the human body and wishes to act in accordance with its wisdom and strength, and with its powerful entreaties to be of heart.” • Oh, wow. Okay. I’m not really surprised by this. I’m feeling that call deeply in my heart, solar plexus, and root chakras. I hear, “Waking up.” (cont. in comments) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brp0RxuH-ao/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12ph0a1c4gwfg
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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#ClosingtheBookOn2018 :: How did I honor fun and play, and how can I honor more if it? :: The card I drew for this prompt is Star Mother: How can you Mother yourself? from the #WorkYourLight Oracle deck. 🌟💞🌙🕯 • I've been avoiding this prompt because 2018 wasn't a fun or playful year for me. Rather, it was extraordinarily serious and deeply introspective. There were pockets of "play," and yet they were few and far between. There was laughter, and yet it was short-lived. • The card draw seems as though it's guiding me to assign compassion to the lack of joy allowed by me in 2018, and urging me to create room to nurture joy in 2019. That's something I freely admit to needing, and I commit to create space for joy - and fun, and play - in the year to come. 🕯🌙💞🌟 • #starmother #motheryourself #compassion #fun #play #2018 #2019 #sacredassignment #sacredwork #thesoulways #wanderer #wonderer #intuitiveellen https://www.instagram.com/p/BroDiV4HN1F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f95f8dcweo7q
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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The New Year Theme reading is a two-card intuitive energy reading intended to provide you with your theme, your thread – your through-line, if you will – for the new year. • How is that helpful? Because it offers you a synopsis of your main current of energy for 2019, and offers you the opportunity to amplify it – or, if you wish, minimize it – through your choices and actions. • Your New Year Theme reading includes: ✔ An oracle or a Tarot card to reveal your theme itself. ✔ A Spirit Messenger card to reveal the animal spirit that will be most supportive of your treatment of the theme, and for ✔ 2019 as a whole. Channeled and intuited messages to go along with each of the cards. • New Year Theme readings will be completed, and sent via email, from December 26 2018 through January 4 2019. Once you make your purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation from me with an ETA for your reading. • The fair energy exchange is $18.00. • Does this sound appealing? If “yes"... On Instagram, just click/tap through to my profile and click/tap the "More" link there. Elsewhere, click or copy-paste: goo.gl/AWvg81 💞💫🔮🕯🌙 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrkwftanD-Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f6csi7chh2mo
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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Energyscope for Week of 17 December 2018 :: There’s a lot-a lot of energy swirling around these days. More so than normal, it seems. I needed to shake out and blow off the energy from my cards before sourcing them, yet again. That’s unusual for me, because I keep things really, really clean and clear in these parts. Just mentioning it in case you’ve noticed similar in your neck of the woods. Stuff’s afoot. • Anyway… When I finally asked what we needed to know this week, the card presented itself toot suite. It’s a good one. • Our card for this week is Trust the Niggle The subtext is a question: “What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you?” Let’s find out what’s what. • “The sensitivity is sharply increased as we proceed closer to the Solstice, and to the end of the year. Therefore, the intuition is powerfully supporting you to be attentive to the happenings and currents around you. Be as a child with your curiosity, asking why and what and how and who and when and where. Be open to the energetic feelings and impressions and expressions and visions you will receive. Receive them as gifts and receive them as wisdom to help you navigate the week ahead.” • Forgive our guides, please, because they’ve hijacked the song “You’ve Got That Loving Feeling” and replaced “loving” with “niggling.” Pretty clever, though. Right? • I encourage you to exercise some self-assessment around this, as I did after channeling that message. Through that exercise, I realize I’ve been feeling a lot more than usual through my energetic body. While I’m used to that aspect of #clairsentience (clear feeling), it’s definitely gone up several notches. That, and I feel as though I’m seeing (#clairvoyance) and hearing (#clairaudience) a bit more, too. • So… What are you noticing? And not only what – why are you noticing, and when, where and how? There’s a purpose to this amplified call-to-attention. What’s the purpose for you? How can it support you in this week that ends with the Solstice? • Blessings be, love. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfjoUBHd3v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fgd0xe4jc23c
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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#ClosingtheBookOn2018 :: December 13 and 16 prompts. Working with Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light deck. 💞💫🕯 • December 13: In what ways did I promote well-being, and what was most impactful? ~ The card I drew is Lemuria: Creating heaven on Earth. It's happening. ~ In a tiny nutshell, I needed to let go of restrictions and expectations I set upon myself which were meant to help and yet ended up hurting. I had a sort of comeuppance with myself over the Summer, and changed some behaviors and beliefs that were creating depression, anxiety and stress. I've come a way, since then. The outlook is rosier, in a Lemurian way, and I can see it growing rosier into the new year. • December 16: Who or what needs my forgiveness? Do I need to forgive myself? ~ The card I drew is Protection: Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval. ~ This draw and response is very much in accordance with the previous one. They're braided together, my guides show me. The assignment of forgiveness goes to myself. I must and choose to forgive myself for allowing drama and dogma to impede me and create disharmony. I must and choose to forgive myself for allowing falsehoods to mislead me, and for failing to see them sooner. I must and choose to forgive myself for doubting my intuitive knowing, and assigning blame to myself when there was no call to lay blame anywhere or on anyone. Ho'oponopono. • #ascension #wellbeing #forgiveness #lemuria #protection #hooponopono #depression #anxiety #awakening #sacredwork #WorkYourLight #thesoulways #intuitiveellen https://www.instagram.com/p/BraP539neoQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jbmzat2mkdk2
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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An olive branch... A dove... Angel wings... A rainbow... Each symbolizes something we may all intrinsically, inexplicably (and yet understandably) want and/or need in our lives: Forgiveness, peace, guidance and support, and hope and belief in something better. Sharing this to remind myself, and you too, perhaps, that all those qualities and more are ours for the accepting. 💞 • #olivebranch #forgiveness #dove #peace #angelwings #guudance #support #rainbow #hope #belief #acceptance #sacredrights #thesoulways https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYRBoNH8xg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u7g68cb7jfqp
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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#ClosingtheBookOn2018 :: December 10: Who/what engaged my heart the most, and how did I - or can I now - wholly welcome them/that? :: Yes (Just say yes.) from the #WorkYourLight Oracle deck. 🕯 • What most engaged my ego ( December 7 prompt) is what also most engaged my heart. At least, it is now - and how. The moment I surrendered and "set up shop for the unique quality of the sequestering," information - ideas, downloads, frequencies, chakra upgrades, etc. - flooded in. • The ideas are most intriguing to me, currently, because of their assignment to 2019. Fascinating stuff to consider and implement. 😊💞🕯 • #awakening #ideas #inspiration #downloads #frequencies #chakras #upgrades #ease #justsayyes #heartchakra #sacredwork #sacredplan #thesoulways #intuitiveellen https://www.instagram.com/p/BrOSCgoF5JB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2ny47bwocr4w
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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💞🕯🔮 Welcome to our weekly energyscope. 😊 We’re back to our “usual” question: What do we need to know about this week? I shuffled, and shuffled, and shuffled. No answer. Huh. Odd. Gave the cards a good knock on my desk to shake off any unnecessary energy, shuffled again and at last received the answer. • Our guiding card for this week’s energy is: Boundaries from the Work Your Light oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell. Its subtext is, “Where do you need to establish better boundaries?” That’s a powerful question. And that’s also a powerful stone beside the card. It’s black tourmaline, which is excellent for clearing “bad juju” and also excellent for – you guessed it – setting boundaries. • When I turned our card over, I heard the word “growth.” So, boundaries and growth… or boundaries for growth? Let’s find out what the connection – and context – is. • Our message for this week is: “The boundaries are a call to action, that you may be aware where you are allowing others to sap your energy or overtake you. The boundaries, when set, preserve your energetic framework and support your sacred work. They inhibit and prohibit others from tapping into your energy without your permission. They also establish a foundation for how you will approach the new year as it arrives. “Understand, the boundaries also support the energetic growth which enters with the Solstice and engages with the new year. The energy body and field will coordinate with the boundaries to achieve the new frequency and engage the chakra system in a complete change. This will prepare you for all that enters with the new year.“ • Well that’s interesting… and unsurprising given some of the energy work that’s been showing up in my client sessions. I’m supporting people through what I’d term a total overhaul of their energy grid and chakra system. It’s really cool, actually. (cont. in comment) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrNXCw2lIBS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xonehmv603xt
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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#ClosingtheBookOn2018 :: December 7: Who/what challenged my ego the most, and how did I - or can I now - find resolution with them/that? ... Awakening from the #workyourlightoracle is the guiding card for my response, and it fits. • Notice how the figure in the card image has seemingly surrendered to the awakening process and its "energetic upgrades"? That's the point I've finally reached at the ending of this calendar year. While I've knowingly received, and willingly surrendered to, upgrades - some very extreme - for years, this year took it to a new level through what I'm being told was a "sequestering." • Basically, for the better part of 2018 I've been sequestered, rarely going out and yet staying connected to the outer world through social media, phone, email, etc. It's been very odd for me, and very challenging for my ego - especially when there were things I thought I should, or wanted to, do and people I wanted to see. You could say I embodied The Hermit during this year of The High Priestess. • Now, as the year's end approaches, I've finally surrendered to it. I've stopped wondering at it and fighting it. And having surrendered to it, I notice stronger currents of energy running through me, and deeper intuitive resources available to me. Funny how that works. 😊💞🔮🕯 • #awakening #ascensioncodes #energyupgrades #downloads #ego #surrendering #sacredwork #thesoulways #intuitiveellen #sacredenergy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrHR9WAHVGR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5km0qh5qduhv
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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🌙🔮 Can you feel that new moon vibe? The new moon peaks at 2:21 am EST here in the U.S. and the energy is unctious, a.k.a. delicious. The reverie of this new moon is golden with hope, and enlivened with truth. There's a polarity to those descriptives, and that may be a portion of her potency, her allure, her siren-like call to order. • It's fascinating and exhilarating and very active in its way. "Reason with farewell to uncertainty. Reason with farewell to secrecy. Reason with untold clarity and opportunity for pure revelation." So mote it be, lovelies. 🔮🌙💞 • #newmoon #newmooninsagittarius #hope #truth #uncertainty #secrecy #clarity #revelation #sacredwork #intuitiveellen #thesoulways #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrEjzbRnYL5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6d3kxrfn1m5f
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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#ClosingtheBookOn2018 :: December 4: What guidance did I follow that moved me forward the most? 🔮 Take a Break from the Work Your Light deck has me remembering the guidance that I don't have to be "on" all the time. That's been huge for this year. • My guides expended a fair amount of energy getting me to understand and accept that I need to take breaks from everything work-related. (Except intuitive processes, obviously, because they're who I am.) • Some of those breaks might be longer than I'm comfortable with. Some of them might fall during what I perceive as "normal" work hours, raising a feeling of guilt or unease that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. • Ha! Heard someone say, "Hogwash." Yes, that. Hogwash to those ego- and society-driven thoughts and feelings. I don't have it totally down, and yet I continue to practice taking - and giving myself - a break. 🕯💞🌙🔮 • #takeabreak #worklifebalance #allintuitionallthetime #hogwash #awakening #ascension #intuition #intuitiveellen #sacredwork #thesoulways #workyourlightoracle https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-EZNonug5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bgn7h1fsx996
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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🕯🔮 What’s Up Energetically: Week of 3 December 2018 :: The question I typically ask when shuffling the cards, and then drawing the one that lights up my intuitive yes, was replaced for this week’s reading. The question I was guided to ask was: What do we need to do this week? • Our answer, in card form from the Work Your Light oracle deck, is Break the Chain. • We need to Break the Chain. Notice the subtext: “Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future.” Do any of those stand out for you or resonate with you? (For myself, the stand-outs are healing and rewriting the future.) • I’m seeing this to-do walking arm-in-arm with the call-to-action that came through our December energy reading. Imagine that. 😉 Let’s hear from our spirit teams. • Our message for this week: “Now comes the time to change the present and the future. Now comes the time to create an evolution of old patterns, both personal and ancestral. The energy for this week urges a final, thorough reflection upon that which is ingrained and yet has no service upon your life. How will you shift this? What will it take for you to make this a priority and a blessing? “The nature of the energy for this week is fraught with a residual tension that holds no merit in the weeks to come. The changes you engage with during this week will have a momentous effect upon you moving forward into the weeks to come. “Position yourself in the way of a gatekeeper. The way of this will engage you to prohibit the passage of any tendencies, behaviors and habits from echoing any further. This is the work for this week. May it bring you peace.“ • Talk about perfect timing. It occurs to me that we’re in Mercury retrograde through the 6th, and then it moves forward, as do we. (After that, there’s a shadow period lasting seven to ten days.) And that’s why this is perfect timing. We’re still in the throes of that reflective, reflexive energy which supports this form of work. Let’s make good use of it. Blessings be. 🔮🕯💞 • #ascension #breakthechain #ancestralkarma #workyourlight #behaviors #habits #mercuryretrograde #energyreading #intuitiveellen #intuitivereading #sacredwork #thesoulways https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq7u8mzHlbT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r6zpz349u5n1
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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🔮 I looked at the calendar more than once before realizing – really understanding – it was month’s end. Once that sank in, it was swiftly followed by the realization that it was time to look at the energy for December. • It felt from the outset that we were standing on the cusp – precipice – of something rather momentous. It was more validation than surprise, then, when when the Centennial Edition of the Smith-Waite Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle deck offered up the following cards to our service. • Two of Wands (fire energy) and The Initiation (more fire energy) represent the guiding energy for the month ahead. (She wrote at 11:11 am. 💞) • The December 2018 Message “The month of December invokes a passage through the final portal of 2018, and engages with the need to be in vision of clarity for 2019. This engagement will encourage the clarification of what was and what is for what will be. “To better understand the nature of this engagement, consider that you are as the figure in the first card, overlooking your land, your world. Through this consideration, there is a better understanding of what has been and what is now, and then what must be and will be. The consideration is a form of reverie which will cast light on the areas that need releasing and healing before 2018 suspends and 2019 enters. “The Initiation wakens you. The Initiation is the point at which you relinquish the past and embrace the present, and the promise of the future. The Initiation is the point of potential, potent and engaged with the higher self and the calling for which you are here now. To enter the initiation energy is to accept that you are ready to wholly welcome your truest self to the table of your life.” • Whew. That’s a big message for this final month of the calendar year, which isn’t surprising. I appreciate the metaphor of our as a table to which we invite who and what we choose. • In feeling into the two cards’ energy, here’s what I notice: (cont. in comment) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq0A8ZFn5R1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8hxx4o5v9mci
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