jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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wonho truly loves monbebes, he will forever be thankful to us
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
preach tbh
Things in Kpop That Need to Die
adding “eu” to the end of words (snakeu, speakeu, etc.)
“woozi is yoongi’s son”
“jUnkOoK oPPa”
claiming all girl groups are the same
“when someone says all the members look the same” *inserts picture of angry idol*
“when someone asks why you listen to kpop when you dont speak korean” *inserts picture of angry idol*
“when someone says anything remotely negative about kpop” *inserts picture of angry idol*
we get it, you’re 12.
Fan Wars!! What’s the point???????
leaking private pictures??? it’s gross???
only stanning 1 member of a group 
putting “jagiya” in non korean fan fiction
using korean words in every day life even though you don’t even remotely speak korean (ex: that’s not very daebak you pabo)
yes that is a real sentence someone has said to me
spamming idols posts with “daddy”
“im gonna move to korea i’m just so in love with the culture uwu”
“i wish i was reborn as a korean”
“im not interested in any boys at school because im so in love with my 12 korean exo oppars”
“im gonna audition for bighit because its my dream to make music”
no its not
you probably had no interest in music until you saw taehyungs face
your white koreaboo ass only wants to meet ur BTS oppars and nothing else
you probably dont even know what a fermata is dont come at me saying your dream is to make music when you’ve never put in effort to learn anything about music
“i only stan new groups”
“older groups have no talent”
calling girls group members sluts for wearing a short skirt and a bralette when y’all will faint over jackson ripping his shirt off on stage
calling someone racist for asking a korean how he learned english and then heading over to twitter to defend dreads and blackface on idols.
“kpop is my life”
“i cant wait until *insert underage idol* turns 18! omo im such a pedo noona”
feel free to add more
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
20-Time has finished!
My overall project has been finished and the school year has ended sadly. thus meaning this blog will have to come to an end.. thank you to everyone who came along with me on this journey! This blog will be later revamped to a personal account or possible art blog, so look forward to it please! I'll keep my 20-Time posts here, but I will no longer be doing that project. Nevertheless, thank you to everyone who accompanied me in this process! -Alex p.s. revamping in a week or so!
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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Week 10 - Tenth Update of 20-Time!
NOTE: This is the 2nd to last session of my project, so sad to see this process is almost done...I had a great time seeing my progress!
Actual Status Updates:
What did you do in class today? In class today I finished sketching out the Undertale piece of my masterpiece and completely finished outlining all of the unfinished parts, which is Mulan, Ariel, and Undertale. My schedule is still on track and I’m completely focused on finishing the 3 pieces first before I take on the massive Steven Universe piece from long ago. My biggest obstacle at the moment is finishing the major piece as I failed to actual finish coloring it when I originally planned, causing me to use free time to color it rather than the sessions provided for me. From here, I won’t edit anything from the previous 2 pieces as that would cost me more time to make it look nicer and how I want, and I seriously want this project to be ‘successful’ (as in completely colored). I currently have the materials to color the Ariel and Undertale pieces, but I am unsure if I necessarily have the materials I need for the Mulan piece, so I’m planning on getting it before next Thursday. I tweaked my schedule a little more since I only have 1 more session left to work on this, in which I’m going to mainly focus on finishing the major big piece. Depending on how much I actually colored during my free time, I’ll bring the colors needed and finish it that day. Overall, today was very productive since I basically did 2 sessions of work in one session, although it is messier than it would be if I took my time on each piece. 
On track? Derailed a small bit, but I’m determined to finish Thursday next week!
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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Week 09 - Ninth Update of 20-Time! 
NOTE: There are basically only 4 more sessions left for me to finish this, so I basically changed my schedule entirely to fit the amount of time left, therefore I’ll end my updates by Week 13 :(
Actual Status Updates:
What did you do in class today? In class today I sketched Mulan and partially Ariel as part of my “Disney Princess” section in order to accommodate the 4 sessions left of 20-Time. I completely changed my schedule of working on this and solely focus on finishing all 3 pieces in time of the deadline, resulting in my plan for success to be disregarded and rebuilt, but otherwise I’d say I’m still safe sailing for accomplishing this. The only obstacle I really faced was making sure to make the sketch as nice as possible whilst being as efficient as possible. My Ariel sketch was unfinished as I was unable to complete it during class, but I would say I wouldn’t edit anything, rather I would add onto it. Hopefully by the next session I’ll be able to outline and finish sketching both Mulan and Ariel as well as begin sketching the final middle piece. One probable hindrance is the fact that some materials for coloring the sections is not with me at the moment (i.e. the brush pens - Mulan), but I’ll make sure to buy/get those materials before then. 
On track? Somewhat derailed, but my new schedule will hopefully put me back in the place I want to be! 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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Week 08 - Eighth Update of 20-Time!
NOTE: I’m changing the format of these updates a bit, to describe what exactly I worked on in class, more than the basics of things. 
Actual Status Updates:
What did you do in class today? In class today I finished coloring the Totoro piece on the overall masterpiece. Using crayons, I finished shading in the characters and coloring the scene, although I will make adjustments in my own time to add highlights with white pen to help enhance the scene. Before entering class, I had already colored in Totoro during my freetime to practice coloring with colored pencils, but it did help with the time as I was able to completely finish the piece according to plan.The only obstacle I generally faced today was how the crayons ‘worked’ on coloring the piece, I felt as if a different medium would have suited it better, but it has been already colored so there’s no turning back. 
Next week? Next week I’m planning on sketching the Mulan piece and leaving the Undertale piece last since I consider it the hardest piece out of all of them as there are multiple characters to fit in the space, similar to the SU piece. The Mulan piece will probably end up being the easiest since it’s simply one character which I’m coloring using regular markers I believe, so I hope to continue my progress successfully. 
On track? Still on track! I tweaked my schedule for doing things a little by doing a couple of coloring and sketching beforehand so that I have enough time to do everything, but otherwise I’m still on my way to complete this project. 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 7 years
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Week 07 - Seventh Update of 20-Time!
NOTE: Apologies for being absent for a week or so, there was no time in class that week to work on it, but time will later be “doubled” up. 
Actual Status Updates:
Since it’s the halfway point towards the end goal of this entire project, I’d like to spend this update explaining my successes, failures, and how close I am to the end goal I presented myself. Throughout the entire process I placed for myself, I made multiple changes to adjust to the amount of time provided as well as my free time. I successfully went according to my plans and what I expected from me, being able to make 3 pieces in 6 weeks and making the other 3 pieces within another 6 weeks, along with using the other 2 weeks for planning so that everything runs smoothly. Multiple failures and obstacles showed up, one major failure was the fact that I was unable to completely color the big full piece, meaning it adds on more work onto each week than expected. Along with that, planning out how I’m going to equally divide the large piece along with the other pieces was quite difficult, but I made it work for now. So far, I’d say I’m making significant progress during class, especially since I was able to do the sketch and line-art of the 3rd piece during class, meaning all is left is to actually color it. Overall, I hope the next 6 weeks will continue to be successful and allow me to make progress on this, similarly to how well the first 6 weeks went. 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 8 years
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Week 06 - Sixth Update of 20-Time!
Actual Status Updates:
Progress? Significant progress this week as well! During classI was able to accomplish my previous goal of doing the line art of the Kiki’s Delivery Service piece of the masterpiece! Due to less time during 20-time (30 minutes), I was not able to work on the large piece, but I have an entire day free, therefore I will use my time wisely during that time to complete coloring Kiki as well as color part of the large piece as planned.
Adjustments? Generally, no significant adjustments were made this week, but the only change I did was some slight posing and facial expression Kiki originally had in the drawing. It did somewhat change the emotion the drawing gave, but it represented my visualization of how it would originally look like well. 
Any challenges? No large challenges took place this week, rather the only problem was the slight rush I had when completing the line art as the decrease of time took place, but I was still able to accomplish it in time.
Overall progress: 
Still on track? Of course! I was able to accomplish the goal I set last week and will continue to follow my original schedule I had set out for myself. 
What are you going to do next week? Begin sketching the “My Neighbor Totoro” piece of the masterpiece and hopefully finish it during class in time.
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 8 years
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Week 05 - Fifth Update of 20-Time!
Actual Status Updates:
Progress? Significant progress this week! During class, I was able to completely sketch out 1 out of the 5 remaining pieces, the one piece being the Kiki’s Delivery Service piece. I completed the entire concept and sketch of Kiki, her broom, her pose, etc. during class which was successful. Although my “Steven Universe” part is completely done in the sketching and line art process, I was unable to finish coloring within the free time that I had. As a result, I’ll not only sketch and color the pieces but will also slowly color the huge, massive piece little by little as the weeks go by. 
Adjustments? The only significant adjustment I made was the scheduling I made for the pieces as for now on, I will work on both the little, smaller pieces, as well as the large “Steven Universe” section as the weeks go by. 
Any challenges? One challenge I had was choosing a specific pose for Kiki quickly as the original pose did not quite fit in well with how the overall drawing was going. The easy solution was to change the pose, but due to a time crunch, I had to figure a new position quickly. In the end, I was able to completely finish the concept within the amount of time!
Overall progress:
Still on track? After all of the adjustments and changes, yes! I am back on track on my original plan and schedule I had set out for myself from the beginning :)
What are you going to do next week? Bring my liners and colored pencils, so that I may completely finish Kiki’s piece and work on the “Steven Universe” section as well. The main goal is to completely finish Kiki’s portion. 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 8 years
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Week 04 - Apologies for not posting the Part 2, was unable to do so
Actual Status Updates:
Progress? This week I spent it working on doing the line art and preparing it for coloring (which I am doing over the weekend and finishing a little next week along with starting the next piece). I was unable to finish the line art during class due to me running out of time, but I will finish it along with the coloring in my free time before next week!
Adjustments? Generally, I did not change anything significant both appearance and procedure-wise, but detailing wise I did change the position of some hands, but it isn’t quite noticeable.
Challenges? The less amount of time was a challenge for me as well as the fact that my hand got tired after a while of sketching and using my hand. Though there is a simple solution that I could give my hands a break once in a while to make sure it does not cramp or shake so the finished product would look as good as possible, but that would cause my time to actually work on it to decrease. My time may decrease, but I will still be able to accomplish those things in my free time and will manage it better in the upcoming weeks. This piece specifically will take longer than the other pieces of the masterpiece because it has the most characters in details. In the upcoming weeks, I expect it to use less time since there are fewer characters and details.
Overall Progress:
Still on track? Derailed from the track a little, but I will make my way back on track in the upcoming days I will use out of my free time to finish the big piece and begin working on the small, minimal pieces that will be easier to draw and finish. 
What are you going to do next week? Next week I’m planning on finalizing this big piece and begin the smaller pieces, starting with Mulan and transitioning to the next pieces as the weeks go by. As a reminder, I am only spending 2 weeks on each piece so that I could split the time evenly.   
Announcements and Other:
Apology? My big apologies for forgetting to update the Part 2 out of 2 for Week 03. I completely forgot but as you can tell from this update, there were significant changes. I changed the posing of some characters, removed some characters and added some characters. All in all, I finished the sketch entirely for the biggest piece. Once again, I apologize. 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :) 
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jeonjungkk-blog · 8 years
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Week 03 - Part 1 out of 2
Actual Status Updates:
Progress? This week since there are two days, I decided to make my characters more detailed since there was a small increase of time. Today I was able to draw out two characters (i.e. Amethyst and Pearl) and their poses. Though I had hoped to finish more characters, I realized it takes more time than I thought to draw out each and every character. To solve the “time” problem, I promised to use some time out of my weekend, IF I have free time, to accomplish finishing sketching out this piece of the masterpiece. I am pleased with how the characters turned out, but I may make adjustments to the number of characters and easier poses to help decrease the amount of time it takes to actually draw it out. Since I have tomorrow as well, I will write a Part 2 tomorrow, or soon. 
Adjustments? As I have said before I have decided to adjust not only the amount of characters involved in the big, middle piece I am currently working on, but also to decrease the difficulty of the poses of each character as I realized the harder the poses are to draw, the more time is used to finish drawing out the pose. I will use the time tomorrow to provide more significant improvements. 
Any Challenges? Currently, the shortage of time seems to be a major problem at the moment, but the adjustments I have made may help decrease the amount of time I need. Another problem I had was the lack of references I had prepared to help me draw better. References are used to help me visualize what exactly I want to draw, but the insufficient amount of references made it harder for me to draw out each character. To prevent this problem from happening again, I had premade a separate folder on my phone full of references I may need for future drawing on this masterpiece. 
Overall Progress:
Still on track? Based on the progress I made today, I have derailed myself off the track a little, but with the adjustments and changes I made, I will prevail and get back on track surely. 
What are you going to do next week? Tomorrow is another day for work-time so I’ll use it to continue sketching out the big, middle piece with the most characters and detail. Next week I plan on outlining the entire big piece and begin coloring it more. Including some other days using free time, I will hopefully finish coloring the entire middle piece by the end of next week. As the 20 Time Project goes along, I will include adjustments and add onto the pieces of the masterpiece as well as continue to draw and finish each piece. 
Announcements and Other:
Reminders? As a reminder, just for anyone new and doesn’t want to read my first post, I update weekly with progress and sometimes upload more than once a week. 
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :) 
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jeonjungkk-blog · 8 years
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Week 02 - Second Update of 20-Time
Actual Status Updates:
Progress? Due to the less amount of time I had during class, there was no significant progress, but I was able to reach my goal of assigning the parts their mediums and starting to sketch at least one part during class. In the first picture, it shows which part gets which medium (i.e. Ariel is going to be colored in watercolors), and in the second picture, it shows how far I was in sketching the actual picture. I was only able to get the heads and placement of the characters done and made some adjustments to the poses and amount of characters. 
Why the adjustments? Originally, in the concept sketch, I only had 4 characters in the middle with different poses, but as I began sketching on the actual masterpiece, I realized the poses and placement wouldn’t be artistically pleasing. So I decided to change their poses and add in some more characters to get rid of some of the white space. 
Any challenges? One major challenge I had that I foresaw last week that I had to endure this week was assigning the mediums to the theme of each piece of the masterpiece. The mediums had to relate and suit the overall drawing well, like how Ariel’s story takes place underwater/in the sea, therefore using watercolors would help give a more “water” effect. Other than that, limited time added a small factor on the progress, but this week was meant to assign and begin the first piece since the first piece is the biggest and most extravagant. 
Overall Progress:
Still on track? After adjusting the poses and placement of characters on the big piece, I am currently still on track since I did complete assigning the mediums as well as begin sketching the actual part. 
What are you going to do next week? Next week I’m planning on finishing sketching the middle part and begin outlining it so I would be able to color it the following week. This will follow my original plan of every piece having 2 weeks to work on it so I would be able to use all 14 weeks available. 
Announcements and Other:
What mediums of art are you going to use? The official mediums I am going to use is the following: 
Copic ciao markers
Colored pencils
Brush markers/pens
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :)
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jeonjungkk-blog · 8 years
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Week 01 - First Update of 20-Time Woohoo!
Actual Status Updates:
Progress? So far, I have created the rough draft/overall plan of the masterpiece on a separate sheet of paper so I do not end up freestyling everything in an unorganized manner. The art concept was inspired by my favorite shows, movies, and video games, including Steven Universe, Undertale, Studio Ghibli, and Disney! My original plan before creating this draft was to divide the paper into seven parts and incorporate my interests in each part. As you can see, I decided not to divide it into seven parts, but rather six parts, but I will definitely be able to manage my time along the 14-week time span. 
Why the adjustments? Finding ways to smoothly move each scene on the image is quite hard to do, especially when the scenes seem like polar opposites (i.e. Kiki’s Delivery Service takes place in the sky, whilst The Little Mermaid takes place in the ocean). I found it easier to divide it into six. 
How will you divide your time now? The first two weeks were originally used to work on the seventh piece of the masterpiece, but since I have decided to eliminate it I decided to use the first two weeks in other ways. I have decided to use the first week on planning and dividing the actual page and use the second week to assign the art mediums to each part of the masterpiece. 
Any challenges? Right off the bat, I found it hard to somehow match up all of my interests smoothly like how the Earth was organized (i.e. sky, ground, underground OR sky, ground, sea, etc.). I slowly figured out how to transition well between scenes, but I still find problems on the left side of how it abruptly transitions from Mulan to Ariel. Though I think it looks too abrupt, I believe it’ll turn out okay after finishing. Any other problems I had were pretty minimal, like how I wanted to divide it or what poses I wanted to give each scene. 
Overall Progress:
Still on track? After adjusting my plan a small bit, I am starting this project on a good note by being right on track! I successfully sketched out a plan/draft for me to follow as I continue this project. Having a plan in hand makes actually drawing it easier so that I would refrain from forgetting my ideas. 
What are you going to do next week? Next week I’m planning on actually sketching out the divisions as well as assign the art mediums for each piece. I placed a reminder on all of my electronic devices to bring my large sketchbook so that I will remain on track onwards to the end goal. 
Announcements and Other:
How often will you update your progress? I plan on updating every Friday for fourteen weeks or as soon as possible to show my process and how far I am. These posts keep track of my progress and whether or not I’m staying loyal to my plan. 
What mediums of art are you going to use? I decided to choose the mediums next week, but I will probably use the following:
Copic ciao markers
Colored pencils/Graphite pencils 
Charcoal pencils/materials
Acrylic paints 
Oil Paints
Regular Markers
Pen/Fine Liners (Black&White)
Other Social Media? Other than this tumblr, I do have a paigeeworld linked here.
Thank you so much for following the development of my masterpiece and I hope you’ll continue to view my updates :) 
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