just-call-me-miles · 4 years
I send that in, omg i didn’t think it would make it on here. If yall have questions or hate, give it to me lmao
Btw, idk why i want that, i cant control my feelings
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Sent by anonymous
‘Very unpopular opinion: I want Tanner Sterling from VOS as an LI’
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
Am I really the only one that would have payed 30D to save him?
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Sent by anonymous
‘I kinda wish the veil of secrets writers allowed Tanner Sterling to be a diamond option. For 12-15 we can save him from being killed or let him die for free.’
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
i never see enough tips for trans women/transfem people so. here’s a video that came up about tucking :] (don’t worry she doesn’t use tape at all despite the thumbnail)
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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candy puppet
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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i drew my mans
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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lucifer way back.
I‘m really proud of the outfit design and i looked up a lot of christian signs to include in his outfit. Now it’s a mixture between his usual style as a demon, somewhat simoens outfit and my interpertation. Also white hair because I‘ve seen a post talking about how his hair slowly turned black as he started to disobey his father. Six wings because they mention that a lot in the game and probably scars on his back are the reason why he‘d never show his back.
Hope yall like it too uwu
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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I also don‘t know what‘s wrong with me uwu
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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I... erm...
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
my MC: I will give you a gay answer.
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*sweats gayly*
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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lucy as cruela de vil uwu
idk how to write her name
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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my obey me mc demon form
( I know the human can‘t turn into a demon but... I had some fun :))
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
The newest event in Obey Me is horribly unfair to F2P players
Hello, I absolutely love this game and want it to grow and last a long time, I’ve been playing since day 1 and love it to bits. But, in the most recent events I’ve noticed a terrible trend, the events are slowly getting increasingly impossible for F2P players. 
Back in the earlier events a player only needed about 60,000 points to get past pg.1, but in the most recent event you need 95,000 to get past page 1.
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This is not good and, as a game designer,  I feel I should express my concern and explain why I feel this. Under the cut you will see my reasoning and thought process. 
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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lucy tho
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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my obey me mc uwu
I played through the whole story in 2 weeks and I love the brothers!!
Thier uniform is so complex tho T.T
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
I normally don’t like alpha/omega fanfics but I fucking love this, especially the all the logic behind it and the open end👏👏👏
Just a heads up for this chapter, major spoilers for the game story (normal mode) ahead! Read at your own risk if you haven't completed the story! Also, I explain about of a/b/o for this story and my hot take on it.
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Chapter 5
After about 20 minutes, the side door opened. You couldn't help but jump. Looking through stuff on your phone had sucked you into your own little world.
The prince, followed by Barbatos, entered and Diavolo quickly seated himself. Barbatos standing next to him behind the desk.
Adjusting yourself quickly you spotted the nose plug on Diavolo. "I thought you said I didn't stink?" Confusion in your voice as you looked to Barbatos. You couldn't stop from trying to smell yourself. If the prince of the Devildom was going as far as a nose plug in your presence, you had to reek!
"Mc..." Diavolo cleared his throat, voice a bit deeper from wearing the nose plug. "You smell fine."
Eyes drifting to Barbatos, you gave him a pleading look. If it was terrible they should just tell you. "What my Lord means, is that you smell...very...pleasent."
"So great the guy needs a nose plug?" You couldn't help but ask sarcastically.
"Mc, do you happen to remember your class about Alpha and Omega dynamics?" Diavolo asked ad he folded his hands on his lap. Barbatos had moved to a small side table and began to pour some water.
Alpha and Omega dynamics? What the fuck was that? A physics class or something? "Uh, no. I had the simple math and science stuff last year. So I would be ready for the Devildom type stuff that involves the harder stuff. And the beginner's class on language. Oh! Also the starter potions and beginner magic classes."
"Oh my fuck." Diavolo muttered under his breathe. Dragging a hand down his face for what felt like the millionth time today.
You couldn't help but begin to get nervous. That was obviously the wrong response. But you honestly didn't know how else to answer. You hadn't taken that class, and if you had, it wasn't memorable in the least.
"Perhaps I should grab Mcs transcripts?" The shorter male inquired.
Diavolo stood up quickly. Slamming his pelvis into his desk. "Fucking shit!" He hissed. After taking a deep breath and bracing himself on his desk, he looked to Barbatos. "I'll get the file. Just...stay here with Mc." And with that he basically threw himself out the door.
That was odd, to say the least. What the shit had Diavolo on edge? And you had to remember to get your eyes checked, because it totally looked like Lord Diavolo was hard as a rock...even after slamming what you were pretty sure was his cock into the desk.
You could only feel the anxiousness rise in your chest. Turning to meet Barbatos as he handed you a glass if water you couldn't help but let your eyes trail after him "Barbatos ... what's really going on? I feel like I did something wrong and no one wants to tell me..."
Oh God. Had Lucifer told Diavolo about you accidentally walking in on him? Surely that wouldn't warrent anything terrible to happen to you? Right? It was the only thing you could think of. All your previous shenanigans with the brothers were well known. Forgiven or already paid for. You hadn't gotten in any trouble lately, well, that you were aware of...
Did Diavolo finally think you weren't a good canidate for the program? Granted, your magic abilities were atrocious...but would that be enough for him to tell you to leave?
"You are panicking for no reason, Mc." The males voice cutting through the silence. "I believe that we will find that there was an error made in your schedule for classes. That said, you will be receiving a crash course, so to say, about the following topics."
Oh thank shit for that! You let out a breathe you didn't know you were holding and relaxed back into the chair. "I thought you guys were gonna throw me out..." you whispered, looking to the glass in your hand.
"Hardly. I believe the brothers and maybe even my Lord himself would raise a bit of their own Hell, so to say, if you were to leave without intent to return. They have taken to you well. With current events as they are, it would be even harder for you to leave the Devildom. The break you took after last years course really did bring out the melancholy in them all."
You couldn't help but smile a bit. You knew they had missed you. Even if most of them wouldn't admit it out right. But it felt nice to know you were wanted.
"Mc, do the terms Alpha and Omega mean anything to you?" Barbatos asked, taking the liberty to sit on Diavolos desk in front of you. Seeing him so relaxed and soft towards you was heartwarming and scary all at once. He was usually a very stoic man. Although it was wonderful to see Barbatos more himself around you without public image to maintain, it also made you wonder what brought it on.
Leaning forward a bit, you rested your elbows on your kness while keeping a solid grip on your glass. You shook your head. "I mean, I've heard the terms...but what they mean and the context to the Devildom, no."
"As I suspected. Mc, I assume human schooling taught you of puberty and the changes one goes through?"
"I mean, yeah. But public schooling from area to area... its nowhere near as open about sexuality and stuff as the Devildom is. In certain areas, all you get is a video of old men and woman telling you, 'sex is bad and you're gonna die if you do it before you get married.'" You mocked in a silly voice. "Some places explain everything. Most of us as kids just learn off the playground to be honest. Or when human kids get older they find porn and figure it out that way. If you're lucky, your parents might sit you down and explain stuff. Its...awkward..." you couldn't help but cringe.
Barbatos looked you up and down, "I am assuming you found out in your own way about sex and puberty then?"
A quick nod from you was all that was needed. The internet existed. There wasn't a question you couldn't ask and find an answer too.
"The Devildom, and even the Celestial Realm have their own ways of teaching. Demons and Angels, while very different in mind sets of certain things...there is one thing that can't be denied. We share the same sort of 'puberty'. It is different in the sense that there is more to it than what humans experience."
"Is this the equivalent of public school Demon and Angel puberty talk?" You leaned back in your chair, looking at Barbatos with confused eyes.
"You're catching on quickly, Mc." Barbatos smile almost seemed sinister. "As to avoid any social mix ups or mistakes, we were requiring all humans to take a special course."
"The class I apparently never took."
"Exactly. In this class it would explain Alpha and Omega dynamics. Social graces and the like. Having missed that, and current affairs as they are, you will be taught today."
"So your gonna cram a whole class of knowledge about Demon puberty into my brain before dinner time?" You asked, making sure you followed.
"We will hit the main points, the rest you will learn as you go and be taught to you at a later time, after certain events have passed."
What kind of events would have to pass for you to get the rest of the class? And what current affairs were happening that you were getting a private crash course? Had you fucked up a social grace really bad and committed some terrible taboo?
Barbatos could see your curiosity. Crossing one leg over the other a serious look crossed his face. "You are not in trouble. You do however need to be informed. You remember your heritage, yes?"
How could you forget. A long lost descendant of some of your best friends. Although it happened thousands of years ago. You were basically not even related in any way other than a small branch on a huge family tree. Even then, the only brothers that were blood related...or created together, were Beelzebub and Belphegor, and Lucifer and Satan. While everyone else were brothers, it was kind of like a big step family, adopted in, and spawned type family.
Sighing you looked up to Barbatos. "I remember. For a while, I thought the only reason Belphie and the others wanted anything to do with me was because I was a remnant of what was lost."
"And have they accepted you since then?"
"Yeah. We got all that cleared up. They like me, for me. It was nice to hear the words from someone like Belphie himself." You smiled warmly at him. It truly made you feel like they were looking at you, and not a ghost.
It was his turn to nod. "I'm glad that it was cleared up. Liliths rebirth as a human, and subsequent generations may have something very special about them. If you are anything to go by, it holds to the theroy."
"You mean being absolutely worthless with magic?" You deadpanned.
"On the contrary, Mc. It seems that either you are a bit of a late bloomer, or something has awoken inside of you."
Well that wasn't foreboding or scary shit to hear! "You know I've gone through puberty....right? Like public schools are terrible at that thing, but you don't have‐"
"From all the signs, you are an Omega, Mc. The signs are not hard to see. Although I will admit, your condition did surprise a few."
Omega? "But isnt that-"
"An Angel and Demon trait?" Barbatos finished your sentence. A sly smile on his lips. "Yes. It is, Mc. It seems while Lord Diavolo brought Lilith back and gave her human life, a small piece of her angel lineage may have continued in the family line. Just enough for it to trigger Omega traits in you. As I said, after the coming days, it can be looked into more. I plan to look through more records myself later tonight."
A part of Liliths angel energy resided inside of you? You had a grasp of basic genetics, but is that something that could be passed on? "So your saying..." you leaned forward again, looking at Barbatos in disbelief, "that I have angel stuff going on in here?" You motioned quickly and jerkily to the rest of your body.
"Or perhaps even demon energy from when Lord Diavolo resurrected Lilith. Although with how bright your soul is, I do believe it to be the former, rather than the latter."
You could feel the confusion swirling inside of you. Barbatos was many things, but he wasn't a liar. Something like this...this was far beyond a reasonable prank. After Belphies release from the attic and finding out why Lucifer pledged himself to Diavolo, why he had locked Belphie away...the story checked out. It would explain why Diavolo was so on edge. You hadn't noticed anything different about yourself, although all of the boys had made a remark at one time or another about how 'shiny' your soul was compared to others.
"I know this is quite a lot to grasp, Mc. I wish you had more time to take in what you have found out already, but unfortunately time is not on your side."
Looking up to Barbatos you saw his features soften. "Being of Angel descent, you fall into one of two categories. Humans are betas. Exempt from what will happen and is currently happening to you and your body. Either Alpha, or Omega. You are an Omega."
All you could do was nod. This was so much odd information getting thrown at you, and you had a time limit on top of it. "So what does that mean for me?"
"Many things. The most important one would be the chemical changes. Puberty in the human realm is hormones going through your body, growth and such. It is the same for us. While it is associated with sexuality it does not completely define it. We have termed it a 'second gender'."
"So one top of what I identify as, I have like....a second layer?"
"So to say. And this second gender impacts basic instincts. While it is not the end all be all, it plays heavily. Flight or fight. Dominance or submission. Alphas are commonly the dominant of the two. Think...caveman brains." Barbatos let out a small snicker. "They are said to be ruled by their other brains." Barbatos pointed to his lap.
Oh. They think with what's in their pants...
"Their brain is bombarded with thoughts and feelings to protect. Claim. Fight and hunt. That type of thing. While being a dominant trait among them, it can come and go with what is known as Rut. In Rut, basic instincts are to sexually claim a partner. To further the species so to say. Being demons, we don't much care about that part. Its more...sinning to fulfill your primal need."
You could feel your face redden. So they got super horny? Was this the take away?
"On top of the sex drive going into overload, the need to claim Omegas or be with a partner is at its peak. Most of the year, it is normal. Much like regular humans. Like you have seen here in the Devildom. I suppose the brothers kept their...'adventures' from you."
Your mind was reeling, sneaking out to get some, you could understand. Asmodeus did that all the time. But knowing that they were falling to base instincts to essentially breed someone was a bit much to handle. Oh sweet christ, this was almost as awkward as public schooling.
Barbatos continued, "Omegas enter what is called a Heat. Where we are driven to be taken. The lust will build as your Heat gets closer. By the time it hits, Omegas are unfortunately at a disadvantage. Our base instinct is to submit to strong Alphas. To be claimed. To potentially rear offspring. Male or Female, it does not matter. The brain will tell the flesh to submit for an Alpha."
This was it. You wanted to crawl into a fucking hole and hide. This embarrassment wouldn't leave you for the rest of your life. "So when I get this 'Heat', I'm gonna be a mess of horny and just let Alphas fuck me?!" You wanted to cry.
"Quite the contrary, Mc. Your body and emotions may be lost to lust, but you can still think. Still choose. But Omegahood comes with a warning. During your heats, you are especially vulnerable. You will be weaker. You will be at the mercy of your chosen Alpha, if you decide to be with one before hand. Your body will scream at you to submit. While being in a weekend state, it means that other Alphas could do what they want with you of they managed to get you in their grasp. You're unclaimed, so any Alpha would could try to lay claim to you. Once you are scent marked, not claimed, you should be out of the woods for most things. It acts as a warning that there would be a fight for you. A claim is like...marriage. Often the ring is a mark from the other. Bites of the 'Winning Alpha that laid claim'. Usually on the neck, so everyone can see it. Messing with claimed Omegas often leads to fights to the death." His demeanor serious once again. "You have no Alpha family to scent mark and help protect you. Most Omegas do. Alphas and Omega experience higher senses. Smell for example. You give off scent signals. All Alphas and Omegas do. During a Rut, Alphas put off a scent that warns others to stay away. That they are ready to fight. Think of it as a defense, and as a primal indicator if an Alpha may be in your interest, as they will smell wonderful. Or terrible, its your brain signally they aren't a good match. As humans are attracted to different scents, so are we. Omegas give off the opposite. Its seductive to a point. Almost flawed. You can use it to lure who you choose in. But it also sends signals to others that you are sexually mature and your body is ready. A double edged sword."
You suddenly felt very small in the world at large. Sometime you would go into a Heat. You didn't know when. But you didn't have anyone to protect you. No magic to call upon. What if you were outside...or at R.A.D.? Would an Alpha... would an Alpha try to take advantage of you? You didn't have anyone that would be willing to claim you, and that was besides the point. You weren't ready for that. And even if you were, the one that you did think would be a decent pick... well he had tried to scare you off from a previous engagement with another. Even barred his fangs as if indicating that ripping your throat out would be ideal if you didn't leave. Did that mean Lucifer was claiming the other woman? Was it just sex? Was that woman an Omega? Or was it casual sex? You hadn't been looking at her neck. You didn't know to. Was she marked, or claimed by Lucifer? Barbatos had explained so much to you, but you still felt like you had more questions now than answers.
Barbatos moved off of the desk and knelt down in front of you. Hand moving up to your face, he wiped away tears you hadn't known were falling. "I know this is a lot to take in. It will work out though. You will adjust."
So many questions burning a hole away in your brain, you needed some answers. "What do I do? I don't have anyone to make sure I'm safe. What if someone takes me on my way home from here? How do I know when it's gonna happen?" The words spilled out of you.
Before you knew it, Barbatos had embraced you. Like a small child you cried into his shoulder. Knowing that you were potentially going to be in a dangerous situation where you would be all but helpless, scared you. You didn't have an Alpha protector. You didn't even know any Alphas! And if you did, would they protect you? Or just use your vulnerable state to hurt you, overcome by their own lust? And on top of it all, you were part Angel, part human in the Devildom. It would just paint a bigger target on you.
Feeling Barbatos run his fingers through your hair you almost cried harder. So much tension from this, and so many other things working their way out of you as well. "I remember my first Heat. I was absolutely terrified. Much as you are now." His voice was soft. "But you are not in this alone, Mc. I will be there to help you. As an exchange student, I am sure Lord Diavolo will also do what is necessary to help you feel safe. You will be well cared for. Even the Avatars would completely end the existence of those that wished to harm you."
You let out a deep sigh, trying to stop the tears. "I'll just burden them. Even if they are Alphas, if anyone did challenge, I don't know why they would, but if they did...its just gonna causes problems for them. I'll be like a puppy they have to look after."
Mammon would tease you to no end. Leviathan would call you a pleb and a normie. Asmo would be annoyed with having to watch over you instead of going out on nightly excursions. Belphie would sleep through a zombie apocalypse. It would be awkward as fuck around Lucifer. Maybe Beel and Satan wouldn't mind you so much.
Beel could, and probably would, just eat anyone or anything that tried to challenge. Satan was the Avatar of Wrath. One wrong move and he would be ready and willing to kick anyone's ass.
But it didnt seem fair. To push the burden of yourself and your protection onto them.
The sound of a throat clearing brought you from your thoughts. Diavolo stood by the side door. When he had entered, you weren't sure.
"You wouldn't be, Mc." He gave a small smile, moving to stand next to Barbatos, who was still knelt down next to you. "Being given the rights to protect an Omega is a great honor among Alphas. It signifies that you, as an Omega, think them strong and capable enough to protect. Even at your worst or most vulnerable moments. It's a job any self respecting Alpha would be proud of. The fact that you don't have family to give you away or to extend the invitation in your honor, means it's your choice. Not a family choice. It means more coming from the Omega themselves."
"Perhaps we ask them before dinner." Barbatos suggested. "If they decline, or you are too uncomfortable in their presence, I will make you up a room here in the palace. We can test your scent around them and see how they behave."
"If you choose to stay here, Barbatos or I would be here. Along with the guard. We could even make sure we have Omega wait staff for you, if it would help." Lord Diavolo nodded. "It would be your choice, Mc."
"I shall get the carriage ready for departure, and call Lucifer right away to organize a meeting with all of his brothers."
You felt you stomach sink. This whole evening was either going to go really well, or very, very, terrible.
Shout out to @ruionizuka for being a bomb bitch and reading all my errors and making everything readable. UwU
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So how do you guys think that is gonna go?
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just-call-me-miles · 4 years
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sniky pic of our daddy
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