kctiebell · 4 years
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“It doesn’t matter what she looks like, she’s already the most beautiful girl in the world to me”
SPENCER REID | requested by @quaffled
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kctiebell · 4 years
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— cardigan by taylor swift (folklore, 2020)
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kctiebell · 4 years
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favorite people: keira knightley “I don’t think that you can fake warmth. You can fake lust, jealousy, anger; those are all quite easy. But actual, genuine warmth? I don’t think you can fake it.”
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kctiebell · 4 years
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Jen Peters
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kctiebell · 4 years
Why do Spotify friends exist? So they can see my ABHORRENT taste in music at 2am on a Tuesday? So they know I have played Party In The USA on a loop for three weeks? So they know all my faults and weaknesses? Why is this a feature.
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kctiebell · 4 years
Zuko: I think I have an idea.
Aang: A good one?
Zuko: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
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kctiebell · 4 years
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a view that belongs to one of the oldest houses of amsterdam @ 17th century canal ring
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kctiebell · 4 years
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You are my everything
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kctiebell · 4 years
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It’s okay to take a break!
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kctiebell · 4 years
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doodles of the sky, 1 / ? 
↳ the moon. n. /muːn/. 
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kctiebell · 4 years
How to Study Like a Harvard Student
Taken from Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, daughter of the Tiger Mother
Preliminary Steps 1. Choose classes that interest you. That way studying doesn’t feel like slave labor. If you don’t want to learn, then I can’t help you. 2. Make some friends. See steps 12, 13, 23, 24. General Principles 3. Study less, but study better. 4. Avoid Autopilot Brain at all costs. 5. Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time. 6. Write it down. 7. Suck it up, buckle down, get it done. Plan of Attack Phase I: Class 8. Show up. Everything will make a lot more sense that way, and you will save yourself a lot of time in the long run. 9. Take notes by hand. I don’t know the science behind it, but doing anything by hand is a way of carving it into your memory. Also, if you get bored you will doodle, which is still a thousand times better than ending up on stumbleupon or something. Phase II: Study Time 10. Get out of the library. The sheer fact of being in a library doesn’t fill you with knowledge. Eight hours of Facebooking in the library is still eight hours of Facebooking. Also, people who bring food and blankets to the library and just stay there during finals week start to smell weird. Go home and bathe. You can quiz yourself while you wash your hair. 11. Do a little every day, but don’t let it be your whole day. “This afternoon, I will read a chapter of something and do half a problem set. Then, I will watch an episode of South Park and go to the gym” ALWAYS BEATS “Starting right now, I am going to read as much as I possibly can…oh wow, now it’s midnight, I’m on page five, and my room reeks of ramen and dysfunction.” 12. Give yourself incentive. There’s nothing worse than a gaping abyss of study time. If you know you’re going out in six hours, you’re more likely to get something done. 13. Allow friends to confiscate your phone when they catch you playing Angry Birds. Oh and if you think you need a break, you probably don’t. Phase III: Assignments 14. Stop highlighting. Underlining is supposed to keep you focused, but it’s actually a one-way ticket to Autopilot Brain. You zone out, look down, and suddenly you have five pages of neon green that you don’t remember reading. Write notes in the margins instead. 15. Do all your own work. You get nothing out of copying a problem set. It’s also shady. 16. Read as much as you can. No way around it. Stop trying to cheat with Sparknotes. 17. Be a smart reader, not a robot (lol). Ask yourself: What is the author trying to prove? What is the logical progression of the argument? You can usually answer these questions by reading the introduction and conclusion of every chapter. Then, pick any two examples/anecdotes and commit them to memory (write them down). They will help you reconstruct the author’s argument later on. 18. Don’t read everything, but understand everything that you read. Better to have a deep understanding of a limited amount of material, than to have a vague understanding of an entire course. Once again: Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time. 19. Bullet points. For essays, summarizing, everything. Phase IV: Reading Period (Review Week) 20. Once again: do not move into the library. Eat, sleep, and bathe. 21. If you don’t understand it, it will definitely be on the exam. Solution: textbooks; the internet. 22. Do all the practice problems. This one is totally tiger mom. 23. People are often contemptuous of rote learning. Newsflash: even at great intellectual bastions like Harvard, you will be required to memorize formulas, names and dates. To memorize effectively: stop reading your list over and over again. It doesn’t work. Say it out loud, write it down. Remember how you made friends? Have them quiz you, then return the favor. 24. Again with the friends: ask them to listen while you explain a difficult concept to them. This forces you to articulate your understanding. Remember, vague is bad. 25. Go for the big picture. Try to figure out where a specific concept fits into the course as a whole. This will help you tap into Big Themes – every class has Big Themes – which will streamline what you need to know. You can learn a million facts, but until you understand how they fit together, you’re missing the point. Phase V: Exam Day 26. Crush exam. Get A.
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kctiebell · 4 years
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atla drawings [1/?]
a quick sketch for all my suki simps :-)
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kctiebell · 4 years
Actually life is beautiful because the sound I make while trying to breathe around hot food sounds like my dog trying to eat an apple. When I yawn my cat tries to put his face in my mouth like a little dentist man and when he yawns I put my finger in his obligate-carnivore trapzone and we both know he will not hurt me. When I do not fold my clothes, they do not hold it against me.
I am demonstrably sad, and lonely, and full of fear. But there are other people who will hold my hand, who will point out the hawk overhead, who will give you That Look in a public place. The other day at a coffee shop a child said “look! It’s snowing!” so all of us strangers went to go look out the windows. It wasn’t the first snow and it won’t be the last but wasn’t it lovely, like that?
How wonderful to live in a world where birds and frogs both say beep! How wonderful to have an ocean of beautiful sharks with their dinosaur teeth! How wonderful the moon and her changing face, how wonderful the bees and their dancing to communicate, how wonderful shrimp and their forbidden layers of vision! How wonderful, you, and what you will give the world! The way we love things enough to spend entire blogs devoted to them? How people will let me explain my Pokemon team to them? How we will both jump at the scare in the movie, how we laugh so loudly, how it feels to give someone your baking? How wonderful to be alive. I am sorry for forgetting.
This is the process of getting better. With wonderful people and wonderful strangers and wonderful friends: I am getting better, slowly. Thank you, whoever you are. In some way, you’ve been wonderful, and left a wonderful place in the world to ripple out to me. In some small way - isn’t it beautiful - I promise, you’ve been helping.
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kctiebell · 4 years
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Sketchbook Pages, 2017 Ink on paper
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kctiebell · 4 years
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02.07.2020 | A book came in my mail today. I cannot believe I didn’t own a physical copy of Little Women (well, an original English one since I have had a translated one for like… 10 years) so I’m very happy! This book, as well as 2019 movie adaptation, is one of my all time faves. Time to read it in the original version. Man, my English when I was 13 was admittedly horrible. Not that my 23 y/o’s that good… but still.
(Wait, I’m studying English in uni. Can I still use that ‘sorry for my English’ excuse? Anyway. Sorry *bows awkwardly*)
Took some notes for an online course on Coursera this morning. The chicken scratch handwriting game is real here, my dudes.
song of the day: DAY6 - Tick Tock
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kctiebell · 4 years
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kctiebell · 4 years
u are a garden and sadly i’m like 12 gardens or a greenhouse. i’m better
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