kearabiloe-blog · 5 years
Entlik, What is happening with Crowdcoin?
Entlik, What is happening with Crowdcoin?
Disclaimer: This is an essay written as part of my Alphacode Explorer entry. From my personal experience, I believe that the only way to change the world is to change myself, trying to manipulate things normally backfires and this reality is a virtual schoolhouse for consciousness to grow towards love in. ———————————————————————–
Virtual reality models everywhere you go.
The idea that…
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kearabiloe-blog · 5 years
Your brain is dead...Start making choices from the heart.
Your brain is dead...Start making choices from the heart. Try something new for a change and think from your heart. Make choices that you know are good and let the chips fall wherever they may.
Freewill does not mean you get to have anything you want when you want it. It is simply the ability to choose between things, given your limitations or constraints.
The first thing a new born baby is expected to do is show sign of life and so, when they don’t, we clinically beat them till they let out that first, beautiful NgWheeh!
Twitter, like most social platforms, welcomes new users with…
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kearabiloe-blog · 7 years
7 quick tips on how we sold a township Start-up  for $10 Billion.
How can we easily build consciousness-driven n teams in f without freaking out people out? I do apologise for the misleading title, The real title is this fantastic question: How could I inspire my team & translate my deepest intentions to them from a bigger picture’s perspective? For over 8 years of entrepreneurship I battled with leadership, likeability and efficient transference of skills. And…
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kearabiloe-blog · 8 years
Finding peace in a time of anger
Finding peace in a time of anger
It was sometime around April/May of 2012. I had written a series of articles on Catholicism but not the friendly ones and the Provost, Fr. Johnny Johnson had received tip-offs from one the fellow collegians [ we were undergoing preparation in Port Elizabeth for the real seminary ]. While reprimanding me on our walk to the Walmer Spar, he led with the etymology of anger, how when we are angry we…
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kearabiloe-blog · 8 years
Free niggers from Funeral Covers
Free niggers from Funeral Covers
Africans- blacks and poor caucasians, have been consuming horse shit for way too long. Who is to blame for the over reliance on funeral cover schemes? Could this be traced back niggers themselves like the purging of Jews to hitler or is it a real need- like the hutus’ viewed their thirst for some tutsi blood? When the colonizers left their homelands they must have been anxious and some must’ve…
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kearabiloe-blog · 8 years
Piss off others and grow some balls
Piss off others and grow some balls
Keep an open mind and the critiquing for the end. We all go through quantifiable changes throughout our mortal lives. It’s an established fact. But why is it that we feel bad when we upset others and mortify ourselves with promises to change and be less mean the next time? I was bullied in high school but that alone is not a token of shit. Infatti, Being bullied is the most celebrated and…
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